Newspaper Page Text
u edited a»» published
I* TH* .
By G. $ W. Robertson,
*i mout aoiiUN ft*
1* ll'VASM.
aiAUkfcWwr* OTSBOTmaa,
Thursday *od Saturday) *f the Office of l«
Daily Georgian, end contzine *1' the .lo #%
aence, Commercial, Political amt His vllam
Sons, ncluding adrettUemcnt* pub idled ir.
the Daily Paper. . .. „
The Country Paper i* ae-tto all parts ol
the State anti Union, or d livered in tilt city,
at five dollars per annum, payable in dvanct
Advertisements are inverted in both pa err
at 75 cents per aqtiare, df 14 lines, for o firs
insertion, and 37} tor every succeeding pub
'"communications by Mail, must be-Pollpaiil
fcH 4' linil and negroes try .\d;mi,sltn
tors, Ex cutort or guardians, are required
by law, to be held on the firs Tuesday in the
month, between the hours often in he Tore
noon and three in the afternoon, at ill" Cnuri
H nise of the county in which the property is
eituste.—Noiice.f Ihesesalea mutt be Riven
in a public gazette eixty days previous to th.
dev of sale.
Notice oftlie sale of persons! property must
be Rive in I'ke manner. Fr.iy days previour
o ilie ,ay »f ssle-
N'llioe to th ’ debtor* and creditors of ar
estsie must be published for Forty days.
Nut'Ce tb»t applicstion will be made to the
Court d Ordinary for 'e ve to sell land, mus
be o'lli hod Vtne Month.-
HOGSHEADS prftna end second
UV quality St. Croix Sugar.
50 barrels do do do sugar
10 bags prime green coTee
3g cratos blue and green edged plates
10 tons iron, assorted
5 pipes cognac brandy
6 do Holland gin ~
8 hogsheads Jamaica rum '
halfpipes, quarter casks, and halt
quarter casks wine
30 barrel* loaf sugar
30 coils bale, rope
400 grind stones
*000 bushels Maryland corn
800 do Long Island white, equal to
nnv 53 “
N INE months after date application will
be made to the Honorable the Jus
tices of the Inferior Court of Clintharn
County, for leave to sell a tract of land,
known as number eight, 8th District, Pike
(formerly Munroe) County, for the benefit
ol tlie heirs and creditors of the estate of
of N. 3. Bayard.
Administrator estate N. 8. Bayard,
■law 5 ' , 3-lnf
* irrrcivo.
P ERSONS having demands against the
estate ofThomas Johnston, will please
presout them, properly attested, at the
Counting-Room of R. At J. Habersham.
Executrix of the estate ofThomas Johnston,
dec 111 2lti.
T ’JK fnhfocHten H«ln& >»bo»it to bu
«in»m in 'hi 0 piace, r^qurst persons I*r j
in.i demands agingt them, to present thtir.
for payment
or 1 5
Adiumisti'dtor’s ftotice.
N N iiiO * iHSfrom ih idslt we ahull op
ply to the Honorable the 1 tfcnov Lour
Chatham county, when sitting l»r mslitiiir)
purposes, to sett the real estate of VVil iau'
•uirmt 12 45
rttEBU garden seeds
TtaYbtma TLvwcx Hoots*
J UST rece ved by the rubsenber, and w» •
ranted of the hit acsson's growth, 54
bni *a Gordon Seed*. put iioHv A. M* Mahon S
.•ip, Philiidelphia, i ipr 'rsly for this market
and containing the f« Ivvinfj aasortm; nts, vie.
1. Drumhead Cabbage >4. Karl; curled Let
\ Cong 'led Beet tune
;| I.OHfrO.'ange Carrot 15. It'iyil Cabbage do
4 Parsing Ifi. Nutmeg Mel.m
5. Leek IT. Spin-ch
6. Onion : H. iumm+’r Savoy
Salmon Radish '9. 8w*et B -ail
H. Early Pii-ple do. ?0 Sujp.*
9. Hmtnd lt»°ved *1. Na lurtium
Early Turnips 2i. Celery
II. Late do ‘?3 Burly Pp*S
12 St'stfy 4. Late do
t3* Asparagus 25 Barlv honebbeana
~6 Rud French do
20 Faekages eon?a’"» ng the following Bui
cub Filowor vix.
Dtmb'e Hyacinths | 4.M^icnn« : ge* flower
. F *»e t ulips I t D ubln Tuheros®
1 Nafciasus |6 $\»r ot Bethlehem
For m* by P. M*DR v .MO IT
9 tfl
T UB subscriber intending to close W»
business in this city* offer* his stc :k
at reduced prices, for CASH, consisting >f
Sideboards of various patterns, Secretly
and Book Cases. Wardrobes, French Prei
es, Bureaus, Ladies' Dressing Tables,Col
modes, Pillar and Claw Work' Tabh
Card Tables, Toa Tables, Dining Tabli
BrtakfasIbTables,Gentlemen's Writing T
filrs and Book Cases, Inclosed Basin Stand:
Wash Stands, Candle Stands, Work Standi
Mahogany Cribbs, Cradles, Mahogany hig
nest Bodstonds, Field do. Maple do. llapl'
Field do. Wiro Safes. Cotts, Mattresses!
Looking-Glasses, Fancy & WindsorChhirs.
4,c. at the Ware-House, comer of Wiuttu-
kcr-Styoct and Bay Lane. 1
. Tjtf . rv r J.~~uu.j U1 ta that those who me /
innontorl, will please to nWlu, p^uwentwltb- V
out delay, ami those having any demands
present their accounts for settlement.
J. II. oldersHaw,
J::n g.~, 1 51||
Jiy tile Freoident ttf the United. Slilttt.
I N pnnmonee of Isw, I,3a**s Mosnos, Pies-
rdeut <i the t'tii ed Stile., do hereby de
•lire snd make known, tbit s public itle wi
e held «t the l-snt Office it t allabasse, r
Klorids, on the third Monday of Mev next, fn
Ire dhrutsid o' the fnllnwing lards, v a :—
Township 1, south of Range 1, west of the
Meridian line.
1 and 4 north of Range 1, do do
Fractional 3 do do do do
I.:.. 4- A1% -I .0- 31.At aact
1 & l i,nnrih 1,2, 3,4, rt &•
Fractional township 3 1,2,3, 4, & 5.
Th« auk* will co ntncnce with the low*
uimbpr of section, townahip, mid range, ar*
roCeed in regular tUim.-ru-al order I I •
nda reaftfvpd by law for the uw ofsch iols
r other purposei, will be-excludid from th*
G ven under mv hand, at ihe City nf ’*VaNh-
ington, .llii* 26i'.i day of January, 18-5
Hv the President.
GKO ohahaw.
Oommisaiuner of the General Land OfRo
(fTPrimers of ihu Law? of the Unre..
.Pa*vs, in the* Territory ot Flori;!*, and in tli>-
5ta»**g of % lab ma, Louisians, Peuesa« e. Mi -
°sippi» Georgia, and 8outh-C«rolin«, are au
^hoiirdto publidi the f ire?o<ng Prociauu-
ion once « Wi:tk "mil th div ot sale
v.h 7 • fi f
O^QBUe tVifc Academy /
3V\U^. REH,
R ESPECTFULLY informs her friends
and the public, that her setroor, rs sotv
ot’Ks, opposite the Chatham Academy! for
'he Rccf.prros op poeti.s. Assistei bj
her daughter Miss E. A, Hinnisox sht
oilers her serviees in teaching the following
useful nnd ornamental branches of educa
tion. Whilst she returns sincere thanks for
the patronnge hitherto extended, she
hopes, from the reduced rates of tuition and
her. increased exertions to further the pro
gress of her Pupils, to deserve p still fur
ther extension of public favor. The course
of tuition, and the terms on which scholars
are received, are—
1st Class—Spelling, Reading, Sewing nnd
Marking, per quarter, : £ l 00
2d. Class—With Writing, Grammar,
Geography and Arithme
tic, 8 00
The French or Spanish Languages,
including elegant embroidery, on
lace or muslin, to any pattern,
per quarter, : . : : : : 10 00
Painting on velvet, per quarter,: : 8 On
ID” The most careful attention will be
paid by Mrs. Ker, to the deportment ant!
morals of those entrusted to her charge,
nov 2 nii
jut Deceived,
By (A< brig Pheiuant, firm Philadelphia,
to gt HHDB and .100 bblt* Philsdclpbia
BO RveW'Lbey
1 JO Dutch Devniohns
10 keg,,.
50 whole arid 100 half bhls. fresh Flour
5000 busbe's Liverpool grout d Salt
5 blu.i. tc fO bhlt.'prime St. Cr iix Sugar
3 pipes aid 35 demijohna best Holland
5 nipee tad 30 demijohns beat Cognac
10 hhda. And ?5 hble. superior Northern
Hum /
75 bbls Northern Gin
5" bn*yG r ecn Ccffie.
* easlrt superior old I.n'on Wine
25 fibs Dimp and 72 •’hK » osf Sugar
5 b.ges white and 7 do brown Have:;*
S-igar- ... - —
9* t»gS black Pepper
5 pip .« Imitailliin Gin
2 hile. Begging Twine
25 qr buXfH Hyson Tea
50 earns Wrapping Paper
15 box a Pipes
* cases Wool Hats
10 bales best Os a inrgs
5 bales unbleached llumespun
4 eases colored ditro
ft kegs Dupont's Gun Powder
10011 bushels Table Sait
"5 kegs manufactured Tobacco
25 tons assorted (Cam n) Castings
5 large Smith Bellows
5 kega r,sturt. d Cut Nails
100 bags BMorti d Shot—also sn
assortment of Cedar Ware, Market snd
Clothes Baskets
All of which w’ll be told low for coah, or
good tow n acceptances.
march 14
Consumptions, ( oughs, iSjc,
Damascus Stud Razors,
F UST rceoivctl, n supply oftlie above ar
ts tide, which will bo warranted good.—
For sale by W. B. WEED.
nov 24
Cognac i randy.
G PIPES“Spignntte’a Brand,” just rc
xeived per Louiha Matilda, for sale by
50 Tierces new Rico
ID PipcH Holland Gin 1
Id Ilogtdieods Jamaica Run)
50 Barrels Flour
30 Barrchi Hams
75 Barrels Gin
5D Crates Crockery
2D Kegs Butter
60 Barrels Maekard, No. S
2U Cases Port Wine
Goshen, Lai d 6 c.
F UST RECEIVED byahip Corsair, und
other late arrivals
12 lirkius Goshen Butter, let quality
25 kega leaf Lard
H bbls Blitter Crackers
20 half and quarter bbis Buck Wheat
t and Rye Flour
VO bbls Pilot Broad, for family use
For dale by
feb 1* No ' l * Mon 4P* n V New Buildings
Share Mou’ds, P rk, Gin, &c
C/ ciin» ! |' S ' V r f ‘ I) ° fl ' (;rs fur “* le ' lan '
dln ? fre nt ship Corsair
4 tuna Share Moulds
... In Store,
“ b »" el “ Northern Gin
do Mess Pork, New-York
' «ta» y B ,: e r l,on
™ ^8* White Lead
8 X B “ Ck P “'"‘
? " u Vcrdig r i B
» “o epnnisl, Brown '
ftb] 10 barrels Whiting*"
hrcKivF.n tkr nnin ukorde washikoton.
-g AAKKIlSNetv Leaf Lard
IVU '150 llarns
3 Rarrela Castor Oil
6 Pipes H. Gin, Swan Brans
30 Barreta Mess Pork
For sale by J. B. HERBERT 4. CO.
Jan 14
‘ grade’s t onipany’ t o s.
r\ j\ CASKS Brade’s Patent Hnen, for
ieale by N. B. WEED.
dee ID
Georgia— vumdon U. urn y
i 4 ' t,ie hisl T ieii.1 »y in ad^rch ne*l, 1 *.l
* * *•» “ a 'D cuimtv...* .ncer*
.mu, I'Hmed Darnel, the property of tne es
ite ot 44io<jdi Crews, dc*eftst*d, pursuant t
Uruve. gruiiltd bv the Court »»f Ordinary.
MU Y CHEWS, Executrix*
.1^14 At
^.dminisuator’s notice.
N INE UOhTHS after date, I shall apply
to the Honorable the Inferior Court u
.cutham, (when sitting for ordinary
mrp.'Sei) fiir leave to sell the real es'nte «
Isaac II. Robins, to utiafy the hoira and crerl
'>or«. C- H HAYDEN,
Ad: ' '
august 12
Bunch Muscatel itaisins.
J UST received |rer ship Win. Penn, di
rect from Gibraltar,
140 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins
For sale by
Fob it Aneie'.v . \\ r t
t'rtsli teas, dams, Flout, c.
QA CHESTS Hyson Teas
mill/ 33 Koffs No. 1, Tobacco
1 Hhd Richmond Cut Glass Ware
Received per ship Savannah.
20 Barrels Baltimore Hams, receiv
ed per Laura Jane, for sale by
F OH the cure f Coughs, Consump
lions, Spili-ng of Blood, Asthmas, snd
’.iseo.sen oftue b-'east and lungs.
There i* perhaps no mrdicsl observatior
cutter estsi- isii d, none more generally con
rmed by the cxyerience of the best pbysir.v
ins of h(I s.*es and cnunui s. and none o
on iinjjorUnce to tne hummi funnily, thui
.c fuci that many of the most difll ;ult an<) in
'tmbie consumptions origiratr in neglect ;
colds.. In u chir-Aie uo variable as outh, where
he chsngeo of the weather are trqm ntl
mdden an 1 unexpected .t leq iire*inure osrr
n ! al-entionto gur.d againsi this danger: u
jn^my ot life, than most pe ople imagine in
are able and williiigto bes o v. T he bids o
ii*ortalily esh bit ilie melancholy fact that th
:>r iportun of deadis by tins disesHC may b
r Oiv»idercd as about five to ont. 1 asm id
then as ibis f .(a; di>eHse f - queutly t.i .s d’.fi
iiipu to the ahill oftlie iho6i it a* ned pin, • c»
ufl, it »s a gratification to the pro rietor th» ;
o ih emhied to oiler to those bffl .:»ed Wit■
\'t a good y prospect < f relief, in t 1 ignl.
valuable remedy, th^ Vegetable Indian Sp ci
fic. The Indians ate hnpp> in ihoir anoa
•Ige of m difal plan'*; gi v. rned wholly
•xperience, they a»o certain as totneir eff c'
• nd it is snid by an author of great character
hat a true consumption is a oiseaue neve
known among them.
I his Specific <s obi. iuedby extrsetion fror?
«erb», ro d;, fl iw . rs, pi »nt , Bsc when in pev
ec-ion. In conaequcnce "f a happy ci»m v .inn.
ion ot the mout valuable her s, ic it becomes
; balsam of a mperi^r value, it Urals tiif:
ju ed parts, opens th ft . pores, and cnmpo.-t
ie dis'turbed nerv'-a, alter the manner rf s»
oiodync / consvq evtly the uhstmctiou of
bcches and ti e iungs'whioh constitute th
disease, particularly need its u««^ Itpromoti
xpectoration, which is constantly c.dlcd for.
•ind whilst it c<esns a a ,- d heals, it also giv* : »
J rangih to the tender lungs In ibis lam.t
tiemovestbe hectic fever, improves ,iig«.i
t‘«n, gives l ength to the neives, repairs du
pp. tite and improves the si ints. This spec,
fi*' muv always be givi n in safety it is m u
oiehsant to the taste, and may snfely be give
o nfan% for which it is ufinesihnab.'e valu*
!• affords relief in b.iwel complaints, Let *mg
•vhooping coughs, tfc. and is found particu
r y useful in hypochondri cnl, nervous am
stericvl dise^es. Each bill 01 direetio
I'Uin* a detailed account of in
its differ* m stag* *, and will b3 accompa
•i d v. i*»i the signature ot the prnpiietor ir
Red Ink. It is ff.TC-d f ir tale by GEO. HT
R O only (my so»e agent) D uggiat, ocr
'd ’• y «>nd Whit laker-streets, Savannah, at
jne dollar per bottle*
dee TO 30
Vs. tales £ lank .V ote a ,
Jan 20
N INE MONTHS alter date, npplreetion wilt
be merle to the Honoranie inf, nor Court
ifii.tlitm county., for leers to cell the reel
mi persunal rotate of the late Mrs Anti Ham
ilton, deceased, for the benefit of the tier's
and ered tore yf e-rid e.,.te,
Mirth 10
i. idcr, Porter, tVine, iSc.
K BOXES lir-t quality Cider
o CubIch do do London Porter
30 Boxes Claret Wine
10 do Madeira do
120 BuXcs Bunch Raisins
10 Barrels Soft Shell Almonds
For sale wholesale and retail by
Anciaux’s Wharf.
Feb 18
TONS carrot! castings, just receiv
'&QQ# cd from Greenock, via. Charleston
con istinp of the following assortment, viz
2600 pots from £ to 30 gallons
200 American spiders, from 9 to 13 inches
50 set flat metal weights, from 1 oz. to
■■ i ru uuii^ilfe* WriKtu, ricrm-» w ^arrAww -
1300 camp ovens, from 9 to 18 inches
130 untiimcd tea kettles, from one to 5
For sale by P. M’DERMOTT.
J a n
Verdict MarchTerm,
Camden o ipenor Court.
Hr,mi v Hrfurd,
Thomas Kino.
O N motion oftlie Attorney of the Plain
tiff, in the above case, it is ordered
that the defendant do shew cause, on or be
fore the first day of the next term, why a
final judgment should not be entered in
the above case, as of March Term, 1808-;
and that made of this rule,
once a month, for four months, in one of
the Gazettes of this District, or that a copy
he served on the defendant, sixty days be
fore tiro next term.
Eitraelfrom the Minutct,
dec 23 25(it
liYfriruiaU n VVauWd\
I F G ;0'‘G W » ILl hR, other.vis, DAN-
iRL OLAND MILLER, who in the t
815. *»rr vc' in Savannah, in the Abed eo
r wspnrt, belonging to Messrs. D« wson &
8 >ns, of Lundon is living, and will apply to
iis f iends in England, he wJl hea ot
< metNng much to his advantage* He lef
he Aberdeen while she Ly al Savann *h, an 1 '
»• n i been lievd f by his f iend« sine
I at period. Ht had been maov years a t-a:-
n:, and while on Iniard the shove vess l.
Wi.8 employed us •) carpenter. If he left 81 - at that time, it is probable that h
nt red some vessel going fn the Brazil I*;
as in h s l.’St letter, he sta'ed that'll
h - ins intention to do s~>* Should he hav*
i d at toy plane a he x s legister or certifi
rate of his burial car- be obtained, it would b<
dian^rul y received snd si! expen attending
•t, psid by
Savannah, or
w.w kT.L. Chester.
I NFORMS his friends and the public gen-
erslly, that he has received by recent
arrivals, a large and extensive assortment of
Groceries, Hardware and Dry
which will be disposed of wholesale and re
tail, on the most reasonable terms. TV.
following articles comprise a part of his
present stock, viz.—
10 Hugslie. is prime 8, Croix ^ugsr
10 Buxri White and) m,„„
0 Boxes Brown ( H ‘ v,n ‘ do
60 Barrel! Loaf 4nd I .ump 4o
50 Bags Havana Green Coffee
6 TV oa superior 4th nroot Brandy
f Pipea do Hrlland G n ■
5 Pined Imitation Brandv, 4th proef
I Di do Gin
3 Pipea very, superior old ’’each Brand;
_. o Mi—Hrmfir ' ou mvttHn '
rit gah adt and 7 Wril.d Ipltis Hyr
10v irrele $ VVh.tkey
100 Barrel, Northern Gin
2 Fines superiir old Madeira Wine
5 Half Pipes superior old Liabun d*
10 Quarter Casks Teneriffe do
Very superior old Madeira Wire end
Cognac Brandy in demijohns
150 Whole and} Barrels aupiiffucfreol.
100 Half J FI ur
100 OjiYeia No- 3, New Mscksrel
50 Barrels No. 3, do do
1500 Baskets Table Salt
SO Cuka Goshen Cheeie
20 Barrel! Copper!!
20Q tl-ama Wrapning Piper
50 Bags Black Pepper
10 B.ixe* Chocolate
20 Five Gallon Deniiiohns
5 llarrela Glue
100 Kega HE und IIF Dupunr’a Gunpowder
5' Pound Caniite aofsuperiur do
100 Piecead'J inch Cullun Bagging
2 Hales Bugging Twine
10 Who! • and } Boxes S. Whiltimore’i.
4 Half 5 genuine Cords
10 Boxea Wool Hats
5 B.itea Straw Bonnet*
10 Cuils Bale Hope
5 Doieu Bed Cords
50 Du Plough Lines
lOO.Pnunda 8a,It Cords
J hales Point, Loudon Duffle
10 Caves colored and bleached and uv
bleached Hoinespuoe
70 Cross Iron Table Spoons
15 Do do Tea do
'0 Do Truisms Table do
Plated Table and Tea do
Copper,Cast, Wrought and Compoi
tion Tea Kettle, of all sizes
Bias. Kettles for mtkiug preserves
20 Sets of Dhh Covers
20 Tons Slit ar Muuldt
1 D : S.'.d lr..„e
1 U ■ Bar Lead
100 (Dab* snorted Cut Nails
Mill, i roas Cut and Whip Saw, mad:
expieisiy for this market
20 D-zen Handsaws, Woodeswa and Ten
■rant Saws
Blacksmith Siedges and Handhammen
Anvils, from 1 to SOOlba. real mouar
B1'ckainith’a Bellows,from 24 to 34
Single and Double Screw Plate*
Corn M:IL,l' om No. 1 to 5
2 Tuns Hooka and Hinges
Brass Andirons, front g'.t 50 to S3
B. a-a a ol Wire Verde, a, with ahuVell
and tonga to match
5 Casks Braid’s Patent Hoei
100 D Zen Pudloeka
fcteclya da to weigh from 200 to 500lb>
2 Ton. r.fV'eel,diluting of Shear,Eng
lid), Blue ed and Cast
Stove! with Tip •
1000 Pound, Waggon Bella, uaaorted
Fancy Curtain Pina
5 Ohtnr.a
2 l)nz :n Currying Knives
20U Dos n Curry Cutnba
6 Seta White handle Kn’vei snd Forks
consisting of 50 p ece. each
10 8ets Britannia Teaputa.
Sugar and Cream do
6 Doaen Patent Shot Bella
Dozen Game Bag*
2 D z -n Powder Horn* anil F'.vskt
1 t ae double and single barrel Guns
10 D zen Wire end 20 dnt Hair Sifters
2 D, z n Fancy H.ll Mata and 50 lets
Table Mata
A general anortmei t of Curoenter’a Planet
BrufTiee, and Fancy Bellows, with many othr
articles in the above iimytoo tedious to enu
20 Tons of Canon Castings, which will hi
9 ' ■ low from the wharf
. iVh Claw—New Sinks. ,". ’
W ILL bd drawn oh th* llth
1825, and finished .in n fow minutes.
Sixty Numbers—Eight Ballot* to h* Drawn'
B- ftcUftiuitt..
ffi} H»0Ti«km.. \
34,210 Ticketi at J58, ^273,760
In thla Scheme with right drawn ballotn
theie will he 56 priaeawith three nttmbeiaoa
■hem. ,456 with two humhera on them and
10,608. with one number on them. Thun*
"cketi hiving none of the dvavn ballun on
them being blanks.
To drteim'ne the fkte of all the tickets In
ie above lottery 60 numb* a, Itern one to
«ixty incluHtvt, will aeverally be placed in a
wheel on the day of drawing, and eight at
Urem will be drawn, and that ticket having on
t aa a combination, the 1st, 2d end third num
bers drawn,'vrill he entitled tr *50,000.
That having on it the 6th, 7th and 8th', will
be entitled to g fiPi,
That having on it the 4th 5th ti.d6.h,win
be entitled to * tO 000.
These haviug n them the Id, 4 h and 5th'
and 3d, 7th*nd8tli i each *5,000
Tiat having on it (lie 2d, 3d and 4th will
be entitled 10 4,720, - - • • • ,-r
Those 20 hiving on them the
Administrator’s tale. .
0 \ the 6. si tuur, a, af e> ht fi »i Tuea
day in May mat, between the hour, of
. and four o'clock, will he aold at tbe mar-
.tdi use in tee O wn of fit. Marys, pursuant
;) an order of the H. r rab e the Court ot Or-
finery lor the cnurly of C-milen. a nrgto wo-
man ranted Jenny, b • longing to the estate nf
D.v d >> Jonci. decroa d for the benefit of
■.he credit )' ^ - famd caiate.
' HN H tPD"V,. Sdm’r
i; I L p rgons h vi i a imntls against thf
S c tat* of **'e M** Jol n Waketly, (pUm-
if) d< c. ar* reqi* a ed to < ender them, prop'
trly fttfuBted, inim'id ««elv » and all persoi >■
,debttf*d. to rvi;.k*' immedute pavmrnlto
ROBERT HOY. Executor.
V U *7
-IS otice.
N INE MOn I HSaf.■ r date of thia notice,
application wil be made to the Honors,.
file Lite C- urt ofOrrti iary nf Chatham Conn
ty. for permiaa.en to aellell the real estate of
luhu Wekerlv, dee. for the benefit of the
heire add oroditors f oaid dereoaed-
BOB BUT HOY, Executor.
Fob 24 ■ -■ V
iiiils on Ncw-York,
F or sale by
Pub 24
F or sale by
Feb 23
W hiskey,
I’acon and Lard.
“xU 50 firkina Lard—Landing I
sclir. Barracua, from Baltimore. For sale
March 8 87
Gin and Butter.
Received per thip Cortair,
WA BARRELS GIN, and by Thomas
• U Hall, 34 Kega Butter
For sale b
4. CO.
Butter and Uamf.
R ECEIVED by ship Emperor, to firkins
first quality Goshen Butter
6 Barrela Burlington Ham*
jor sale by A. BASSETT, i
March 31
Door Mats.
J UST received by the William Wallace
three dozen beat quality India Doot
| Mata, for sale by I. W. MORRELL.
^ _ 11 n oaI. i C
March 15
l Priie of
51) 000 Dulbrah*59000.
20 WW
10 000
3,' 50 Prl.aa,
>2,100- -
2d, 5th and 8tl>
21,6th and 7th
3J, 5th and 6th
"d, 6th and fith 3d, 5th and 8:fi
3d, 5thand7th 4th 6th sail 8th
< til, 6th and 7th:
lit 6th and 7th -
5ti:.0thand 8th
5th,7lli am ,8th
each gtOOO.
2:1.7lhi'id8tl 3:1, ffihand7ll:
3d, 4th an.* fill, T', 6tIr an< 8th
3.l, 4tlrand7ti 4tl,5 hand Mi
3d,4tii and 8lh 4tfi,5th and Blti
All Others, (being 30 tiekela) having three
of the d awn numfiei’i on them will each be
entitled to *500.
The Si tickets having oti 'hem two of th*
drawn number* and those two, tbe 3d and
4tlt, will each be entitled to *!00.
The 155 tickets having an them the 4*
nd 5th or4.h and 6t t, (ft 4th end 7th draws
(umbers only. Will each be entitled to *50.
All others (6eing 1248 ticket*) having (wo
>f the drawn numbera on (hem, will each b*
J’mhrmg nn rnem any one or tn*
1 uwn numbera, (boreg 10,608 tickets, or 13 6
'or each drawn number) will each bo enti-
tied to *10. .
No Ticket which ahull have drawn a priie
of a superior denomination can be entitled to
an inferior piias. Prizes payable thirty dayl
after the drawing, and subject, as uaual, to a
deduction of 15 per cent*
A considerable portion cf thia lottery it peg
up in ptrceL of 20 ticket!, embracing all tb*
.ombinalton numbers, from one to eUty,
wh'oh parcels are warranted to leaat
8 '0. leu h: deduction of 15 per cent, with
au many cbat'C n f' f )- the lanital prisei. .
J. B. YATES, > „
A. M’INTYRE, f Malm * er *'
Philadelphia, Marct. 9, ‘825-
Orders received and forwarded at the above
price at
March 31
J. fell inn’s Panacea.
r llE subaehb. r having discovered thi earn.
PAXACEA, hu now a supply on hsnu for
,:de i he hu reduced the price from *3 58, to
*2 SO, or by the dozen *24.
All charitable institutions in the D. State*
ind the poor will be supplied gratia. .
If the citizens of the principal cities end
o.wni, will appoint an agent to order end
liilribute this medicine to the poor, it will be
Tina medicine is celebrated for th* cure of
the following diseurir—"wrofuls or king's
evif, ulcerated or putrid sore throat,, long
standing rheumatic affections, cutaneoul dim
eases, white twclliog .nd disease of tho bone*,
and all cues generally of the ulcenmvchvraa-
ter, end chronic diseases, generally a iaing is
debilitated conatitutioni, out more especially
from aypbilii or affection! arising therefrom i
ulcers in the larynv nodes, Ue. end that
dreadful disease occasioned by a long and
excessive use of mercury, tie. It is also use
ful in the dilutee of the liver.”
I hero within the lastTWo yearrhed in op.
portunity of seeing several cases of very into-
ojf the . s .-r «/v -, v
and I dv believe, from what I have seen,
that it will prove an important remedy in acre-
foloua, venereal and mereu'laldiaestea.
Profeaaur of Ur* Institutes and practice
of Fliysic, In the University of P*nn>
I have etr.ployed IK* Panacea o( Mr. 8waim,
in numeroua instances, Within the lair thro*
years, and have always found it extremely
efficacious, especially in aec-ondary sypliilif
and mercurial dlseaeet, 1 bake iso hetltatio
in pronouncing lie medici. e of in*atitr.*bl
value, W. GIBSON, H D. ^
Profesaor of Surgery in the Uriifry'
Philadelphia, Februan-17.1823.
Philadelphia 'f. ’
SHINN. Chrmlat.
» a
'»>" 1 "
Socket fpeides
CASK Socket Spade*, just receive
ami for oaalf by N fi. WEED.
Jan 4