Newspaper Page Text
• 1
rvBi.iniiKas or tub of thb union.
Savannah, Junk 1,111*5,
No deaths have occurred during tho
week ending 31st ult. Three interments
are reported by the Sexton for tho month
By order of the Chairman,
I. K. TEFFT, Secretary.
(on, JVY3I.—By tho brig Pomona, Cat.
Hatch, arrived here yesterday in five dap
from Havana, we havo received Havau
papers to tho 23d inst,
By the new tariif, Flour imported int) oottnnsold that month was *5,000 bags.—
Havana from Key West in Spanish, pay) i In tho beginning of February the prico ot
the same duty as when imported in foreigi; the same was 11 Jd. to 14.; tho quantity sold
bottoms, via. $7 374 per barrol. An adaip 1*3,000 bags. At the beginning of thii
tional duty of l per cent on tho amount ol month the prico of Boweds was 14d to 17d ;
Liberal Donation—VVe understand
that the Greene and Pulaski Monument
Committee have received a donotion of Five
Hundred Dollars, to be appropriated to
the erection of the monuments in this city,
from Mrs. Shaw, of Cumberland. Mrs.
Shaw, it will be recolleoted, is the daugh
ter of the former of these revolutionary lie
In the Colombian frigate Venezuela,
Which arrived at New-York on the 19th
ult. came passeger Dr. Francisco Lute/.,
bearer of a treaty of commerce and an ur-
tangement for the suppression of the slave
trade. The frigate in coming into the har
bor' fired a salute, which wus answered by
the Fort at Governor’s Island. She is Eng
lish built, and carries 32 guns, aud 213 men.
Accident to Latavette.—VVe are sor
ry to learn that the General has met with
an accident, by which, whilst it endanger
ed his life, and those accompanying him. he
hae lost his carriuge, baggage and papers.
The account is given in a letter from the
]f>ost Mas’er at Wheeling, to the editors of
r the National Intelligencer, dated 19th May
and iB as follows
“Gentlemen—Believing you to feel in
ion will soon be
ie obsolete. A great chango lias taken
place in the opinion of tho world within a
few years. There is something of interest
too, in tho efforts made in England, at the
present time on this subject. If tho Quar
antine Laws are once abolished, the trade
to Egypt will lose one-half of its embarrass
ments. An eminent physician, I)r. M’Lcan
lias boon delivering Lectures in Liverpool,
on this subject.
cor says, that he has distinguished himself informs us, that at the time lie left Ifey
by perseverance, courage, and humanity, West, tho West-India squadron woi in
-»- r—. .*•
contagion, having exposed himself in van* between Havana and Mntanzn, were
ous climates, to all sorts of losses and penis captured on tho 22d inst, by a Cilombian
and Spanish passengers; it was .reported
more they would be sent to Laguira. 'Tho U.
, „ „„ • . • 8. steam-galliot Sea-Gull, Lieut. Com. M’-
and more satisfies us that he is right in Ins , Koovori b ,, ariu( , th( , flag of Com. Varring-
opinion, that the received doctrine respect-1 ton, was at Key Wust on the 20th\ inst
ing contagion iB altogether erroneous; and 1 Tho ship Balloon, ol Baltimore, wasjoading
., . .. .. , - .. ... 'for a port in Europe, and a brig iron Bal-
that the entire system of quarantine, ™>th t im„re. name not recniincted. Thi onlv
pondenta, the mcrchonta found the stock of be siltfracd if in tho enurae of? few yeara, I bacco, windward Hf i n . n,
cotton in the eountry much smaller than a petition should bo sunt to the British I 14 a 4a 15. * ’
had been believed.
At the beginning of January the prico of
Boweds was 9j[d. to lOjd ; the quantity of
Throne soliciting that the whole of this I Exchanges.—On London n,, ,
country might resume their original condi-Ipre. sites ; United States l' a J
turn and become provinces of England, anil I freight—To Great-Britam e
enjoy once more tho benefits of her wisdomMJ per ton ; U. States, *4
and Tier laws. What will ,1. I„ J, a ’u? *"- r W.'
duties, and not on the value of importej
1 called “ Balauza duty,” has also been im-
, posed. i ■
Tho Boston Intclligcn- Liout. Slidell, ofthe United States Navy,
8 wlm came passenger in the brig Pomona,
‘ Every thing that we have heard.
its enormous cost and highly injurious con-
timore, name not recollected.” Th| only
other vessels left at Key West, wric the
sequences to trade, ought to he wholly (schr. Lnfnyette. fur New-Orleans. in a few
days, and the schr. Caravan, for Mohile,
abandoned. Sooner or later, the whole
system will fall before Dr. M’Loan’s well
directed battery."
That “time chango manners,” is an
adage, the truth of which appears every day
of our lives. Who would believe that the
following language of the Courier applied
to the Holly Alliance, is tbut of tho same
Courier, which at the time of the French
invasion of Spnin, and on every previous
occasion was the supple and ohscquiuiis
apologist of that association, for the sup
pression offree principles ?
“ The idea of these Royal and Imperial
conservatorsof European tranquillity, elect
ing themselves into such an ofiico (suppos
ing so absurd an intention to exist) with a
perfect disregard of what England may ap
prove or disapprove, would bo like school
boys giving themselves a holiday without
the consent of their master. ■ They might
have their day ; hut tho rmiBter would be
sure to have hie also.”
The revolution ofthe last year or two, in
terested in the welfare of the “ Nation’s P ublic Grerft Dri ‘» in ’ is ^
great—the good consequences of which,havo
been already felt in her present unexampled
Guest,” I hasten to inform you of a serious
miafortune which befel him on his passage .
„ „ , . prosperity. Wo trust the principles or u-
from Nashville to Louisville. The steam [ 1 ,
. ... ,. , , . . . , berahty and justice which are now adopted,
boat Mechanic, which had been chartered .
to convey him to Nashville, and thence to
Louisville, ran on a snag, about 150 miles
below, Louisville, and sunk in a few minutes.
The General and all the passengers got safe
on shore; but, I am sorry to inform yon,
that his carriage, baggage, and papers, as
wifi be a guide to all nations, as they must
be a benefit to all.
I In the British House of Commons, on the
15th April, Mr. Horton proposed a resolu
tion for granting a sum of money to pro-
' mote the emigration to Canada. Mr. Fitz-
Well as that of tho other passengers, were tod ^ be)ievin£r it
lost, with the exception of five trunk*. Tb. wo|) , d bo bcneficia , both t0 lreland and
steamboat Paragon, with full freight for Or- , ,, „ . ,. ...
B Canada. Mr. Bright approved of tho prtn-
' i ciplo, but thought £30,000 sterling too large
a sum. Mr. Hume said, that he had been
informed that eighteen of twenty emigrants
to Upper Canada, passed over to the Uni
ted States. If this wus the case they were
encouraging emigration to the United States
at the expenso of the British Government.
The resolution was finally agreed to. The
“By the arrival, thismorning,ofthe steam- , . , „ ........
. ’ , „ observation of Mr. Iiuinc is justihed by
boat General Pike, in three days from Cin
cinnati, information was obtained that the
General had left Louisville to visit Frank- j
fort, Lexington. &c. and is expected to be
leans passing down shortly after the acci
dent, was hailed by her owner, Mr. Neilson,'
of Louisville, who happened to be a passen
ger in the Mechanic, when she struck.— ‘
The Paragon rounded to, and brought the
General and all the passengers to Louis
ville, where he arrived sate, on the 11th
The following are extracts of letters with
which we have been favored:—
“ nl antis, 'ay 19—Flour ? t ^14;—
Rice {(5 i Lard 151 Hams 13 to 15 i Mus
covado Sugar fl to 1 ’), very scarce ; Cofee.
interior, a to 12 ; prime, none in market.”
“ Havana, .Hay 21.—Sugar indemnnd, 9
a 13 to 11 a 15. Coffee also in demand
from II to 13}. Muscovado Sugars much
inquired after—we can make no further pur
chases at furtner prices. Rice, several par
cels have arrived—sales dull."
“ Havana, M iy 23 —The last Rales of
Rico have been effeetnd at 10 realB. On
Saturday, the schr. Superior came in with
a fresh supply of the article. Cofloe and
Sugar remain firm without alteration in pri
Fnow Cadiz—The schr Sally Ann, at
Hiis port left Cadiz on tho 14th of April, and
we are favored with pupers to that day, a
Madrid paper of the 7th, and Gibraltar
Chronicles of the 5tli, 6th and 7th, which
contain no intelligence of the least inter
est. Cnpt Vnn Seliaicli informs that the
report received by way of England of the
opening of the Spanish ports to the impor
tation of flour &c. and ofthe purchase of all
the wheat at Gibraltar, was correct; but
the French commander at Cadiz, early in
April, issued an order under pretence of
guarding against the introduction of conta
gious disease, forbidding the entry at that
port of any vosschifrom North or South A-
inerica, from the first of June to the 1st of
Decemher next. There was no scarcity of
Flour at Cadiz, which was well supplied by
French vessels—the pri e was about, 7 dol
lars per barrel, but there was a great want
of salt provisions, and none to be had at the
time except at exorbitant prices.
Mercantile Advertiser.
From Havana,—By the brig Pomona,
we have-received our files of Havana Pa
pers to thc23d inst. They contain nothing
of interest. Our Correspondent writes us
that it was remarkably healthy at Havana,
very few eases of fever existing and those
of a mild character.
A letter from Havana, dated 21st inst.
* Muscovadoes are still much inquired
for and scarce—and at tho rate at which wo
got yours we should not be able to purchase
at present. They are held at 9-13 a 11-15
per arobe. Coffee is selling at 11 a 1J j as
to quantity. Rice dull, 4 a 5. The sale of
Bills is extremely difficult at present. A
good many are actuully selling at par."
S. Patriot.
and the prie.e of yesterday is I4jd to 19 jd.
The entire quantity sold thus far in the
month is 200,000 bags, of which, SB wo said
before, 101,500 bags are the salo of the last
week alone : thus since January the pricie
haa doubled. On the first perception ofthe
state ofthe stock, several houses msde ef
forts to convey their orders tho speediest to
America to purchase ; and those who suc
ceeded in conveying their orders the first to
the several markets of America, have made
speculations enormously profitable. Sums
of probable gain in this way are currently
named, which almost pasB belief.—These
purchases are now dropping into nur port.
and the large quantities arriving and expec
ted have a little depressed the market for
the last day or two. Half a million of mo
ney is loosely stated at the probable gain
to the merchants of Liverpool by the rise in
tliiB one article of merchandize, within the
last four months. In consequence of the
advanced price of the raw material, the
manufacturers are bethinking themselves
of curtailing their operations.
aud Tier laws. What Englund will then do 4i 6 per box, 4 ct. per llj!
for her repentant children, I cannot say,
but compassionate and magnanimous as
she is, I have no doubt, and having no
doubt, I have ventured to assure many o .
the principal men whom I have conversed* -
with, that when she sees the contrition and
humility of her untoward children, she will,
as a good mother, receive them again to
her maternal arms and protection.
They have invariably appeared much
gratified with such assurances, and the
strong desire which exists for a government
that is s’rung in itself, nnd that is free from
any intermeddling of tho sovereign people,
will show itself by and by, in a revolution
that wifi astonish the world.
It is true that these people still celebratetlna
day that declared them a nation, but there is
no sincerity in it—they do this and msny
other similar things, in the vain hope that,
our government will not perceive the fal
lacy of it, and that iiy keeping up a shuw
of independence, they will be better able
Petersburgh, May *7.—Cstfo, ,,,
sorry to state that Cottou is not
it was sumo days since. Purch 'I
less anxious to buy at tho „ ,s 'll
rates, and holders generally toL'i' 111 "'11*1
guine and not quite so firm, w* 9il >'|
hoard of no actual sales at s v,;., “U'l
than 28 Gents, although 30 Cnnu • ^’1
for picked prcels, particularly throne"11*^1
prune lots I rum the banks of'Chiri.lyl
Piracy By a late act of the French
Chamber of Deputies, the want of papers
on board, or the fact of bearing commissions
from two or more powers, costitutcs piracy ;
and every Frenchman, who, without au
thority from the king, takes a commission
from a foreign power to cmninand a vessel
in Cincinnati this day (19th) He intends
coming to this place by water, where we
expect him on Tuesday or Wednesday
The loss of his papers, we apprehend, the
General will seriously feel. We join with 1 .. ... ,
; , , . , armed for cruizing, is declared a pirate
the Intelligencer in the hopp that it will be
the last loss he will sustain wliile on our
At the supper at Nashville in reply to a
complimentary Toast frmn the Ladies, the
venerable Chevalier, gave the following ;
“Tennessee Beauty—equal to Tennes
see valor." i
Westerly Current or the Atlantic.
—Extract of a letter trom the Agent to
Lloyd’s at Stornaway, dated March 17
“A buttle was found on the 12th inst. on
the Sands of Dell, near the Butt of the
Lewis, with a card in it, of which the fol
lowing is a copy :—
“ English brig Ardent, from Hamburgh
to Newfoundland, Sept. *2, 1024, 1st. 56
5R N. long. 24 3n W.—Whatever hands
this may fall into, I will thank them to give
it publicity, to ascertain, if possible, the di
rection of the prevailing current in this pari
of the Atlantic. (Signed)
The direction in which this bottle has
come, confirms the general opinion of a
westerly current, which, with the heave of
the sea from the same point, accounts for
the many fntnl accidents that happen to
our shipping crossing the Atlantic in the
lull of the year, by running aiiead of their
Accounts from the interior in relation to
the present Colton crop continue very bad
In tho seed has refused to grow,
and in some it sells as high as five dollars a
bushel A letter from Laurens to a friend
of ours, with which we have been favored,
says that the crop in that and the neighbor
ing districts has suffered very severely, and
that in a great many instances the farmers
have ploughed up their cotton fields and
plantod^corn Should the deficiency of the
harvest really correspond with tho genera)
apprehension entertained upon the subject,
who can prescribe a limit to the price of our
great staple, already at a height far surpass
ing the most sanguine day dream, which, a
few months sgo, the most visionary specu
lator would have ventured to indulge ?
Charleston Mercury.
the more speedily to effect such a change
of affection in their old father John Bull,
Probably more than to any other
present depression is owing to
""it I
discouraging quotations from \ r ' v ;■
where it is stated money lias hecom.
and a very large stock liavum acn^, i CU '*
tho highest rates of fair Uplands l
day was 27 Cents. F‘>*ug s on Saiu,.
At Baiboursville, in the State of Vi,« l
on the 16th ult. Col. Thomas I),,,? 1, 1
(father ofthe present Secret arTof W l'
tho 90th year of his age. He was in, f 1 1
whig of the Revel,,li„„, aild ( , xoppth " * I
erable cotemporary Ju.eksov, w„ 8 ,|,JZ1
survivor ot the members ofthe
Burgesses ofV,rgi„i a , which, j„ ros.nll
‘hj.firot PWest against the Stamp A« ,1
Gentlemen—The room in which I lodge
was formerly occupied by a dapper little
gentleman, who is described by the land
lord to have been a most inquisitive char
acter, and withal much addicted to scrib
bling, assuming great airs and talking much
to himself of “ blowing h-up the Jonathans
sky ’igh when he returned to Brummagem!"
This little gentleman, who always appear
ed to look round him with suspicion on
every one born on this side the water, it ap
pears had made his exit, modestly and dis
creetly, without paying his hoard, and has
not since been seen—anil it was much feared,
Mexico.—It is confidently believed in
London, by those interested in Mexican
speculations, that notwithstanding tho late
tariff proposed by the minister of that coun
try, no duty on gold and silver will be im- had boon either devoured by an Alligator or
posed by the government of Mexico, and a j kicked to death by moschetoes. Be that as
that lie wifi take them into his family and
rive them a seat at his table again, with i
ifcltur grace than he would do, if they ac
tualiy solicited him for a dinner to keep
them from actual hunger.
For these same reasons, they do much j wbichthe revohnbTb'e vi
as h semblam o honor to the men who fa
uidr-d in separating them from England, to
whose memories they tender tho show of
S ratitude, whilst they curse them in their
earts. For to such men is to be attributed
till the distresses they now experience. Out
of such mere policy they are going to erect
a monuincut which will cost a million of
dollars, to the memory of General Wash
ington, who was buried at his country sen:,
called Bunker’s Hill, which is situated in
Charleston, the capital of the adjoining of North Carolina. It is quite a ro
mantic spot, aud in ardor to save myself
the trouble of a description, I will refer you
to a better one, which you will find in Dr.
Bon Johnson’s Dictionary—article Moun
ThiR city soon caught the mania for rmfn-
ument-buiiding—and there is no doubt in a
year or two, the whole of this country will
exhibit the appearance of one vast gruve-
yard. By a subscription of two guineas to
each subscriber, they have been enabled to
erect in one of the public squares, a monu
ment to the rebel general ureene; and an
other of marble to the memory of the pat
riot, Benedict Arnold.
General Lafayette, a mason of some dis
tinction in Erance, has been imported ex
pressly for the purpose of laying corner
stones. He was induced to come to this
country, in order to realize enough from
such jobs, to pay himself the money he lent
this country when it was struggling with
ours. On his arrival, the government felt
some compunctious vi kings, for having let
his demand remain so long unpaid, and they
endeavored to mnke up for it, by treating
him civilly, and feasting him by fine speech
es and poor dinners—at the same time, they
were practising upon him the most obomin
able deception. They caused to be pub
lished in the newspapers, that he was re-1
ccived with acclamation, and passed thro* j
the country in trinmph. Thinking that as f or N e W-Yoi'k Of, PlOViJeilCC.
he did nut understand English, he would — ’
not know any thing of the matter, and that
all tlicso fine things would pass with
the world, as substantial matters of fact—
But it would not du—some good nutured
friend translated the whole for him, and he
gave the government managers a blow up.
}n order to hush the matter, they gave him
a farm, somewhere in Florida, of about
twenty acres; lie lately passed through
here to go and see it; and, I am informed,
that he found it to bo good for nothing—
Mark the chicanery of the Americans. He
went on to the land, and it proved to be a
meresvvampj as he was turningfrom it—and 1 Slock dtc. and solicits the patronage ofthe
very high authority is given for this opinion.
It is said, that a popular individual, who has
joined tho ministry there, Inis, in a report
to the Congress,stated that if such a measure
was resorted to,it would destroy the resour
ces o! the country, and prevunt the introduc
tion of foreign capital
it may, however, he left behind him several
scraps of paper, which I rescued from the
besom of destruction, which was employed in
routing them from the corners of tho room
in which they had sheltered themselves.—
Something new yet We had thought
that every demonstration of affection to the
Guest of our country had been exhausted,
but we perceive that in Cincinnati the la
dies have formed a company to meet him
on horseback—for which purposo they have
been drilling with great industry.
The amazing progress which Colombia These I found to bo tbo observations of a
has made in everv kind of improvement nf-! travnl | er , and b( , ar 80 great u similarity in
style to the letter published by you a few
days since, and to the works of one John
It is said, sayi tho National Journal, that
Alexander C. Everett, our Envoy Extra
ordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to
Spain, who is now in Boston, will embark
at New-York, for Havre, early in June, to
proceod directly for Madrid.
Africa—Accounts have reached Eng
land of the death of Capt. N. J. Gordon
who had undertaken to penetrate into the
interior of Africa by way of the Nile.
How many enlightened men and enterpri
zing travellers, have been sacrificed in the
deadly climate of Africa, for the “ acqui
sition,” as it is calk'd, of “ Geographical
Science; " and what has been attained ?—
It may be justly doubted, whether the ob
jects expected to be achieved by the at
tempts to penetrate into the interior of this
hot rid country, are of sufficient magnitude
if ever attained, to repay the sacrifices
The National Intelligencer, contains
favorable notice of tho plan of the Post
Alaster General to establish express mails
, for the conveyance of commercial nows for
the benefit of tho public. The only dillicul
ty ii how to got tho intelligence—tho plan
reminds us altogether of Mrs. Glass's oft
repeated receipt—" To cook a Dolphin—
first catch a Dolphin.”
fords the st ongest ground lor expecting
the most important advantages from the
freedom of Mexico nnd Peru. Colombia,
eontnininga population of four millions, pub
lishes eighteen newspapers; has formed for
ty S"hooTa, on the plan of Boll and Lancas
ter, during the last year ; has established
ten colleges and three universities, where |. „ ,. , , r .
every branch of knowledge, except political m ,h,s col,ntr >' rrom Ra,llcale ond Go "» ,-rs '
economy and the mechanical urts is taught;' and little Frenchmen, it is known made bis
The measles are quite fatal in Boston—
In the week ending on the 13th ult. there
were six deaths by that disease,
A French wit agreeably ridicules the
rage for diamond editors of standard works
at tho present day—it is said that in Paris,
Voltaire’s works, which fill fifty volumes
at least, are to be printed by moanB of small
type all in one, at the price of 140 francs.—
The following calculation haB been made of
tho whole expense ot the volume to rea-
ders :—
First prico
140 francs.
Two pair of spectacles
Oculist’s feus
Eye water
Two artificial eyes
Putting them in place
Bull lately published, as I think to identify
the authors ns the same. The last unfor
tunate gentleman, after all sorts nftormonts
and the library of Bogotn consists of I4,i)ii0
volumes. Such results have followed the I
establishment of freedom in a country j
where the force of despotism hail pent up!
all the energies ofthe mind for more than
iliree hundred years. The effects that may
flow from such nn activity can scarcely be
imagined They will be vast i but they
must be greater or less according to the
freedom of intercourse established between
it and Eurupo.—Scotch paper.
Speculation in Cotton.—From the Liv
erpool Advertiser of April 22.—We believe
the sales of cotton of no single week within
the recollection of our merchants, equals, in
amount, the salo ofthe week ending with
last night.—No less than 101,500 bags have
changed hands in the course ofthe six days
from Saturday last, of this quantity 60,001)
bagachanged handsin thncourseoftlie three
days, Saturday Monday and Tuesday.—A
number of anecdotes arc currant .f the sud
den woalth gained by many individuals in
the course of this eager speculation. Ev
ery vessej that arrives now in our Dirt with
cotton brings a positive fortune ofcle&r pro
fit upon the invoice to the owners. We
ssw a letter the day before yesterday from
The fraud of altering Bank Notes from i Pernambuco, advising tho shipment of a
one denomination to a higher, is becoming few hundred bales, for which it was hoped,
so common, as to render it necessary again'said the letter of the shipping parlies ti the
to caution the public to be on their guard. 1 consignees, 13d, might be obtained. The
A gentleman called at our office yesterday,' article wifi leave almost a new price equal
and showed us a five dollar Bill of the State to this, after realising the hope ofllio sliip-
Uank, which had been altered to a ten, and pars—bo it is with ail that now arrives—
was so well executed as to completely de- Every body speculates, and as yet every bn-
ceive him, although a very competentjudge dy gains. This extraordinary rise is, we
of bank. It is not long since that we sta- believe, in the short period from January
ted a simildfr fraud on uno ofthe other bankB. last, when, on taking the amount of stock in
in this city, in bills of a lowor denomiua- the country, for tho purpose of composing
tion.-^'A. Courier. j their annual circular letters to their corres-
Ship Augusta, White, New-York,
'lull & lint
Schr. Laurel Packet, Elilridm. Boston. I
15 days, to R. S. Goff. 0. Johnson. J Jp. 1
Nish, O. Taft, W. Scarbrough, S. 1), hit.
limn, L. Baldwin &, cn. G Nnwliiil, 8, e
& J. Schenk, H. Lord & cn. A. &
W. T. Williams, W. Robinson. A. B, p,,,! A. E. Holmes. Pasmgin, II,
Ilohnes, and A. E. Holmes.
Sloop Union. Sallowich, Sunbury, 5 dm.
in ballast to the master.
Steam Boat Samuel Howard, Dubois, 311
hours from Augusta, with bouts Nos. 154 I
11 in tow—1100 bales Colton nnd other mer
chandise, to G. B. Lamar. E. Thomai, J-
P. Williamson. A. Si E. Wood, uml to„r.
der. Passengers, Mrs. Henry tod ehiii I
Mrs. Gregory, Miss Baldwin, Mr. Thome,
lady 2 children nnd servant. Mr. Mills, h. |
dy snd 2 children, Mr. Yeomans and lady,
Mr. Keller and lady, Mr. Manlon, Itiv, |
child anil scrvnnt, Messm. L. Perkins, ft
Root, E. R. Candy, J. Glezon, W. Whitt,
Codwise, Preston, A. Cook, and Kennii.- I
The Snniuel Howard, leaves this morning
for Augusta, with Nos. 7 and 17 ia to*.
The schr. Rebecca, Granger, from St,
Marys, 8 dy’s, arrived at New-York, 21st
The sloop Herald, Heath, for Charleston
anil Savannah, was up at Providence, on
the 18th ult. to sail in a week.
The sloop
Allen Chase,Mmtpr.
For freight or passage, apply
to the muster on board, or to
June 2 59a
T HE subscriber, has opened an office for
the sale of Negroes, Loir* Lands. Bank
coming away in disgust, he wus assailed by
a Ireniendous alligator, whose opened jaws
threatened him with immediate destruction
With that presence of mind, for which the
General is remarkable, he said to the alliga
tor—“ My friend, as you uppear to he an
old settler on mv land, I shall not interrupt
your possession, and as yon are the resident
proprietor, allow me to present you the ti
tles”—so saying, the General thusrl the ti
tle, engrossed on birch bark, and attached
thereto a Beal, consisting of a pine knot,
down his threat, and made good his retreat.
public. Advances will be made nn proper
ty confided to him for sale if desired.
Wanted to purchase Planters’ and United
States Bank Stock.
June 2 59|!/«t/ii
exit from Washington in much the the same
manner as our Brummngem friend eva
porated from this city, and I should not
be surprised to find him again appearing in
tlie public prints, like the. itiost of his
travelled countrymen, with a budget full of
wonders—and blunders—for the amuse
ment of his gullible neighbours and friends.
As these papers are of infinitely too great
value to be permitted to slumber in oblivi
on. I solicit leave to immortalize them in
the Georgian. Tiius saith our traveller—
In travelling through this country, I could
not hut remark the contrast between the
manners and dispositions of the people,
from llioso of our own country, and of our
neighbors the French—instead of the en-, , „ , . , , - - „ r ,. ,
terprising and active qualities of English ; shall have been had thureon,’’ [which can
men* anil the lively gaiety of the French, n°t be longer'than[ months,) more es
, • t ft, , 1 I nclDln I I IT mu into ICiallll no Ilf a!1 an nt naen i.
The following letter has hedn hauden to 1
ns for publication by the Collector of this]
Consulate of the U. Stales of America, I
Antigau, 17th April, 1825. (
“ A question bus arisen very recently
here, as to the legality of importing shook’d
staves and heading in American bottoms,
under the act 3d Geo. 4th,” (although ad-
milted heretofore) But,” in consequence of
a representation having been made by a
number of the most respectable merchants
to the collector of the port," “ that the col
ony would * * * materially sufl'or by the
prohibition of these articles, he lias con
sented to admit them to an entry on the
same terms as staves, until the pleasure of
of the honorable commissioners of the cus
toms shall bo known,” “ hut not as a right
growing out of the art above-mentioned
Conceiving it to be iny duty to make litis
communication, for the information of the
“citizens of the United States engaged in
the lumber trade, it remains for them to
decide, whether under such cirrumstaucps,
it would not be proper to refrain from the
shipment of those articles altogether, until
the opinion of his majesty’s government
Ice-House Notice.
T IIR public arc respectfully inforuvn!
that the Ice-House is open every ifov
in the week, Sundays excepted, fromtite
8 o’clock, A. M.—from 10, A. ■M. to2. P M.
and from 4 o’clock, until half-past 6 in the
evening ; and on Sundays from 6 to 8 uV!k.
A. M.
N. R.—Credit, will not. be given in
case, either for ice or cooling.
.Tune 2 ^
pecially, as this island, as well as others, l
at present compkUly overstocked with all
kinds of lumber.
With great respect, 1 havo the honor to
be, Sir, your obedient serv’t,
Havana, .Why, 21.—Prices.—Beef, cargo,
No. 1,7 a 8 4 ; Bread, Navy, 4 a 4 4; But-
T HRF.Fs MONTHS from thir
te I ski’l
. make apphentinn to the Bmkof the Snte
G orfcia, for pa. m *nt in full for th*» haif «*f»
,en dollar hill of auid Hank. Letter T). V.-l-’i
■j gned A. Porter, Cashier, the left h*nd ^
•>eing in mv poaoeaaion—the right hand h!> 1 '
signed by Wfl. H Bulloch, President, bei r ;K
the buff lost. All peiSona interested wm
herefi. e ake due notice of this intention,
nnd file «heir'.hjectionaat said Bank, within
the time mentioned
June 2 5 f t l
the Ameriuuns have an inclination Lo mel
ancholy and dejection.
I have been at a kiss to know the reason
of this gloomy character. It surely caunut
arise from the eft’ects of climate, for here it
ib cold enough, even in midsummer, to brace
the most relaxed nerves—but I have lately
discovered what I believe to be the true
cause : Mon of intelligence and veracity,
whom I have met with, inform me that it is iter, American'yeilnw,' 15 a ID; Candles,
altogether owing to tho separation of this mould tallow, 14 a 15 ; do. sperm. 38 a 39 ;
country from Great Britain. The people Rice , mid Si cl. r grain, 4 4 a 5; Soap,
ure incapable of governing, themaelves, and 8 4 a 9 , Tobacco, Kentucky, 7 a D 4 ; Cof-
the fine theory ot a republican form of gov- fee, Ist'qunl. 13 a 14 ; 2il& 3d do. 9 4 a 12;
eminent, turns out to bo but mere theory, triage, 6,34; Molasses, keg, of 5i gals.
Anarchy and distraction prevail; snpura- 4 a 4'.; ° rgars. ass. 3-Sths white *-5th«
lion of the states, ts often talked of; tho brow. • v 13 a iOfi & 14} : white alone. 3
want of British protection, Br'tish gold, nnd n 15 ; brown alone, 9 a 9j; Muscovado, f •
British Governors, ib felt; ana I should not 10 ; Sogars, B4 i 15. Hido», * * a 3; To-
,N the fi 'it Saturday after tlie fi "t Tucl *
day in August uexS will be sold at toe
Market-House in the town i f St. Marys,
tween the hours of ten and four o’clock «
* hat day, a negro man nam 'd John Snaill*
levied on aa the property of James Willi* 1 "*
r n, to satisfy an exccutiou on the foreclosure
of a mortgage, in fwor of Edward F. Tkttnslfc
adminiatiator of John Hamilton, rfeceawo.
St. Ifarys, 5th May, 1825. .
Ju e 2 ”
M rs. limbert's seminary*"”
moved lo State-Street, between fi«r-
uard and Jefferson-Strcets, and opp,«|'
the residence of A. Telfair, Esq-
remain open during the summer season.»
tho following bromhes ot education taug b
viz: Rending, Writing, Grammar, Geog
raphy, Embroidery, Plain Sewing. «
Marking. Terms of tuition, which
been rXced, mav be known on
to Mrs. L. who pledges herself thlt no £
eriion shall bo spared to merit a contiusr
ance of public putronagq. ....
, May 18