Newspaper Page Text
"IYHI3 mediciDi'ia offered** * ecimdy lot
1. Scrofula, King’* Kvil, Ulcerated Sure
I'broit. long it*, ding Rheumatic Affec
tion*, Outaneoue Dtatisea, White Swellm,,
end Dieeuee of the B me», *d ill tun
generally of an ulcerous character, amt
•’hronic diattaaea, arming in debilitated conati
ititioni, but more eapecially for Syphilis, o
(F.ctioni ariaing therefrom, Ulcere of the
I Larynx, Node*, etc., and that d'radful dia
| cue occasioned by a long a d eiceaaive u»e
twoJaekw'i. wardOrleanssquare levird on a. b#en iou, ' d
the property of Bteax. Early under a fi la. in j Bi | duordera ariaing from an Impure or
fjV *i r | 0 ,hI| l ri^ > ht Iota and intereat ol Andrew contaminated at ate of the Blond, it will be
All tMi right title and intereat ol Andrew I fmnJ t poW(;rfut , ndin effcotlu i remedy.-
| The discovery of thia med cine haa been the
Sheriff’s Sale.
Ol Hot first Tuesday in September next,
W I..L hr void icfo.e the iluurt Houae in
the City <f Savannah, between the
boura of 10 and 4 o'clock,
All thoae two lota and improvement! in the
eity of Savannah known in plan of aaid city aa
numhera (21) twenty one and (22) twenty
Knox in Ricefa wharf being one undivided
eighth of two undivided thirds and one un
divided aeventn of one undivided eighth of
two undivided third a, levied on aa the pro*
party of At d ew K iox tn aa' nfy an execution
In favor of W lliamann and De Villen.
Anut d ridedmoiety ola portion or part of
ill that I i of land in the city of Savannah
known by the number! (7) aeven Carpentcta
Lm I "*» •/«/“' ■» the viry diaeiae. for which
part contain K y Hemli bounded north I lb *v tre considered specifics j but if the useol
EJ 1 "" 1 ^Uwrence * be P* severedin,it will rsdically remove.1*
Mm^hv BrvKn Street Hid west bv lot no six I mo#t ever y csuse|of the disorders apcctfLd.
fleet of long and attentiye atudy, and it is
I now made public from the moat decided eon.
I viction, founded o.i ample experience, of its
I power in era li ating thoae diaeuet,after every
I other medicine hue failed.
l It ca mot. however, be auppoaed, that thia
| Paxacaa will invariably cure—the moat ea-
'eemen medicines, employed by the Faculty,
Cummu!iic«tiima,pint paid, and orderi (rum 1
any part of the world, will receive immediate
* ffjr- Printed directiona accompany the Me-
No 13, South Ninth Street, opposite th
U’livereity of Pennsylvania. •
Philadelphia. February, 1825.
The subscribers have just recoived a freh-lt
supply of the abovo VALUABLE MEDI
CINE, and have made such arrangements
with the inveutor,Mr. Win. Swaiin, as will
enable them to offer to the public a pure
and unadulterated article. Druggists and
ethers who purchase to sell again, can have
it at the original price established by the
Chemists and Druggists, Shad's Buildings.
A Treatise on Stvaim's Panacea, with
cases illustrating its success, will be loaned
to those interested, by applying as above.
Juno 28 —
Vegetable Catholicon.
fDHE subarriber rea >■ etfully aolmita the at
IT tenlion of every friend of Buffering hu
nunity, to to the above new and invaluable
via' under an execution in favour of Mark
iDf that garden lot, no. one (1) Liberty
■treet being the half of lot no- (5'j fifty eoveti
bounded wet, by lot no. (58) fitly eigb. and
on the east by the other half of laid lot levied
on aa the property i-f Lam >ut Williama under
an exeentinn in favor ol Dreaier and Larne •
Fort' five aharea of Hearn boat atock, levied
on u the property of Thomas Wright under
two execution! in favor of Jobnaton, Hills
fa co. and Sami. Hale.
I. D’LYON s. c. r.
Aug 8 93
City Sheriff’s Sale.
On thejirst Taeiday in September next,
(IVihh oo and at tnc Lou t Houae i. the
citv of Savannah, between the hours
•f 10 and 4 o'clock*
All the lot of land situated, lying and being
(n the city of Savannah, kn w i in the plan ol
•aid city aa 1 it No. two 2, Liberty Ward con.
taming <0 f jot front and 90 feel deep, togeth
er with all tba buildings and improvements
thereon, bounded east by lut No.oue 1, west y
lot No. three 3, north by Broughton-at. Si south
by a lane, laved on as the property of ; ea
tate of Thomas Lucent, dec. to aatisfy so ex*
edition from tue Court of Common Pleat an d
Oyer and Terminer Tor the city of Savannas.
Wm. H Wall and E iztbcih Ilia wife vs. 8. M
Bond administrator, C. T A, of Thumat Lu
pent. ‘ A. 1 D’LY.iN, c.s
Ang 8. 98
Sheriff’s sale.
On the first Tuesday in September next,
TfffaflLL oc soul in front ot tue court-n me
W in Bryao County, between the usual
faoura ol sale,
A tract of Land in laid county, known by
the name of ‘Pulergio,’ containing eight hun
dred acres, more or less, bou ided N B by
Sweat's lands, S W by a Salt marsh, other
boundaries not known—levied upon ai the
property of it* T K'ating, to aatisfy an ese
cution in avor of tuc administrators of Buij
fatilea, deceased-
TH03. HAHN, ■- a.o.
August 3 9J
Administratrix Sale.
O Monday the eighth day o August nex'
will be sold at the uouae of Mrs. B 'With,
in Brvan County, between the Iroiire of ten
end four o'clock, Si a head of Stock Cattle
end one old Cart, b ing the reminding perm-
gal estate of Matthew Cirier, dee. C mdi-
lions, cash.
June 291 h, 132J
Julv 2 8:H
i' A >
Chatham C'ouniy j
In the Court of Ordinary July Term '895,
In the matter of tue Endue of El.zibetb
Bnurke, Lunztic—Arclnbaid Smith, Guar,
O S the petition of A ehibald Smith guar
dian of Blizabeth Bnurke, stating that
Thousands are lingering under those cum
plaints, in tome form, sinking to the grave,
without a remedy, whom thia medicine would
certainly restore to perfect health and vigour.
Its safety and innocence have been fully tee - •
ed, to that it may be administered to the ten-
dereat infer t The meat distinguish! d pliyti.
•iana in the United States recommend it, and
dmit, that z more iniporiaut discovery in me
dical science has not been made i and to use
the language of <m ■ of the most Mfner.t Pm*
etlors 'if the age, it it a l< iump’iWthe healing
art. To the present and rising gonera, mis,
the benefit mua* prove incalculable, not only
oy saving many many valuable lives, but im
parling strength and soundness 'a debilitaed
and corrupted constitutions, — thereby preecrv
ing their e ftpring from hereditary discaoci. -
These tacts, logo • ; i with the numerous cures
made, form irres.ible preqf of the high value
n thia remedy. No onu, however, is.d.iicd
io take it, without first fully convincing tvm-
lelf of the truth of what it here atttea, and
the rectitude of the P. p-ietoria intentions.
The cures performed in this city none, ea
tabliah its superior virtue oo e basis too toiid
to be affected by the malignity of the envious.
I ts worthy of remark, that the greater part
of the patients who have been permanently
cured, had, pievious to the nroprietor’a un
dertaking them, received the ablest a-sistanxe
and several were abandoned by the r Phyti
clans, aa being beyond the reach nf human
skill. Such io the f cl and io extraordinary
urn many of he c net. that an exhibition -toot
made of them in the Univerel.y tf Penney v in
io. hy the P r ofcolor of Surgen, before a ci olod
ed audience of Studento who pronounced .them
wonden m the healing art. It ..aa been intro-
ucei into the Philadelphia Alma Hons.’ at d
Pennsylvania and New-Yrk Hospital, and
such were ite surprising effect*—its success
afier ail other medicines hid faded, that tiie
Surgeon of the PennsylvaniqHopital, Dr. Wm
Price, was induced to abandon hit highly
respectable nffic , from the laudable dedgn
of benefitling u.c fellow creatures, by carry
mg the Panacea to England i where it haa al
ready superseded the use of ( the genuine
French Rob of Lafacteur in a number of in
stances, n diaeuet for which that ia intended,
and itt virtues are publiely acknowledge by
tome el the molt eminent surgeons there.
It all complicated cases of Scefulu and Sy
philio, and where the Syphilitic Virus of the
parent causes a developement of Scrofula in
the child, thii ia the only remedy upon which
a aingie ho .e of recovery can be reasonab : y
founded i there bu been no instance of its
failure, where prope'ly used It impa-ts vi
gour to the wh ile system while the cure ia
going on—an operation re long looked for in
vain by the medical wo ld; at me an time
the pattern is enuttled to tsse nourishing food
which under the common modes of practic.,
a usually w ithheld from the sufferer. In ma
uy instances where the horrible ravages of u
ceralion had laid bare ligament and bone, and
where, to all appearance, no human means bu.
amputation could have saved life : io cases
estieme even aa here described, have pa.
tiunta been analchnd from Pie grave zn<l re
stored to good health, and the devouring dis
ease completely eradicated The doecove.y of
a remedy like thii now offe ed for tale, hue
been a deoideratumfrum unit immemorial,
The Proprietoi doe. no: uppoae hiabare
assertion will convince: tie wid therefore give
references to such as have been cured, and
A certain East India Curefor the Rheu-
matiem, King's Evil, Sec.
Extrset oT s let'er from the Rev. James B
lish, dated at Bengal, to Dr. F- Bedwe
Daan Sim :
A GREEABLY tn y ur request, I have with
difH ultv procured and now lend you by
tiie ship Jas m. Capt Robinson, a few pounds
of the Pol: dclnhia, or whit generally goes
by the name of India Extract, a Medicine un.
iverstlly esteemed among the people of Indian
is • certain cure for the Rheumatism. Was
I to inform you of the number of people wh
are daily relieved amheured by this valuible
M>d cine, it wou'd require more piper thin
I am Sole to purchase and more lime thar. I
am able to bestow. Indeed, the t fleet of this
Medicine is 11 immediate, thst in fiheumutiiin
vou would suppose it acted as a cha:m ingiv-
ing relief and removing that painful disease-
in the King'i Evil it has been used with great
success, and whe e Mercury hu been given
or uted Io elects, this Medicine baa proved s
perfect cure. The grcatdiffi .ulty, however,
ol procuring the Extract, will for many years
tn come, prevent its general circulation, it be.
ing obtained from a Shrub growing on tht
mountain* of Thibet, in the Berman Empire
of India, and held to asered by the native.,
that to part with it is like parting with their
existence.” ,
Letter tn Dr- Bedwell, dated Jan. 7, >8 !3.
Dear Doctor—l have heen v olei.t y affected
vith > R ' UTiatic complain' fjr many years
evei. mv finger* were an contracted that I
rmud neiihc dress or undrcaa myaclf, or
the least assistance to m* fa nily—I have used
only one l ux of the Lid a Extract, a"d 1 am
perfectly restored. Your’a truly,
Letter from Tobias Jennings, Stow* d of St
Thomsv’ Hosptal London, Feb. I, 1823
Dear Sir -1 think it my duty to inform you,
that after trying every thing that could be
pointed out by the moat respectable physi
cian* and surgeons for the relief of my ton,
without any success, who you know, haa for
many years been laboring under severe Rheu
matism, I Was induced to try the Poladelphis,
with a g immering hope, that it might g ve
him tome relief from the excessive pain he
endure 1, which rendered hi.n « useless mem
ber of society, and a burthen to hi ntc-lf. To
my utter utonishment the relief was instan
taneoua, nd by persevering in the use of the
ExkracL his joints have returned to their pro-
per nlacea, and he is in per ect health. Up
wards i.f sixty respectable persons have cal
led tn ice my son, as all who knew him though
it i-u.oei'hle that he r --. 1 recover
» st, where additional certificates of
cacyoi'the above mediciue may be
May 20
Treasury Departtifont,)
March, 14, 1825 5
W HBliE AS On the 3J of Wireh, 1875. a
law was pissed by the Congress of the
Un ted States,of which the 3d. 4ih, t"d Silt
sections are in the words f, vis t
'• Sac. 3, And be U further enacted, Thst •
subscription ') the amount of twelve milluns _
of dollsri, of the six per cent, atock of the remedy, whose unequal powers in eliminating
year eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, and j fr om the system the very teed* of diteste,
the lame ia hereby proposed i for which pur-1 and in restoring the deranged and morbid
poae books shall he opened et the Treasury of I condition of the organa nf life to a free and
the United States, and at th' several loan olfi I healthy esereiae oftheir fiinet'ona, baa exci
eel, on the first day of April next, to continue I ted the artmiahment, and completely ailcn
open until the first day of October thereafter,! ced the objections of the moat in-rt dulous —
for auch parti of the above mentioned de-1 Facts art the best argument!. In order to pul
acription of atoek sa ahall, on the day of aub I the virtue! of tne (iatholicon to aa severe s
aeription, stand on the hooka of the Treasury, I lemtiny u possible, it was offered by adver-
andon thoae of the aeveral loan offices, re I tisement, together with the attendance ofu
apeetively t which aubv-ription ahall be effect . ..
ed by a transfer to the United States, in tiie
manner provided by law for auch tran-fera, ol
the credit or credit! Handing on the aaid
books, and by a surrender of the certificates
of the atock an aubaeribed : Provided, That
all subscription by auoh transfer of stock thill
be considered ss part of the laid twelve mil
lions of dnllara authorized to be borrowed by
the first section of his set.
>' Sec. 4, And be It further enacted, Thst for
the whole or any part of any sum which shall
be thus tiibicribed, ereditt shall be entered to
the respective subscribers, who shall be enti
tled to a certificate or certificates purporting ]
that the United States owe to the holder or
holder! thereof, hie, her, or their assigns, a
aura to be expressed therein, equal to the j
amount of the principal slock thus subscribed,
physician, gratuitously to any -erann *b
would apply for it, and whose cause might
seem t' come within the range of ita healing
power—numbers of severe cases of long alt d.
ing, and same of them seemingly detpi-rMe
ones, pre ented themselves, all of which have
been cured, or so much relieved tut to warrant
the assertion that a little perseverance will do
so. In fact, auch ia the confidence ofihephyai
cian under whose care these patients were
f diced, in thia remedy, a confidence resu.t
ng from the irresistible conviction that haa
been forced upon hit mind by ocular demon-
■iiivuuv vi me pruicipii siwfa luiisiui'MinuLUi ■ cues riiu a
bearing an intereat not eicccding four and I owing;—
alration, and s personal trial nf it on turnsell
that he permits me to declare li aa bia deci
ded opinion thi-t 'lie Catholicon is not only a
perfectly asfc and innocent, but a most pow
erful and invaluable remedy in certain dis
eases and atatca of the system, auch u the ful
one half per centum per annum, payable
quarterly, from the thirty-fi st day of Decem
ber, one thousand eight hundred and twenty
five / transferable in the lame manner aa i-
provided hy law fur the transfer of the stock
aubaeribed, and subject to redemption at the
pleasure of the United States, as follows: one
half at any timeaf-er the tlurty-firat day of plaints.
Debility reaulting from intemperance and
dissipation t Old and inveterat * Ulcers. Pains
in the bones attended with. swellings uf the
jointsi Indigestion, Blot.lies on the face,
pimple., tsc. i All complaints of the Liver i
Tetter; Yaws; Syphilis.- Cutaneous diseases
generally i Mercurial and scrofulous com
December, one thousand eight hundred end
twenty-eight.- and the remainder at any time
after the thirty.first day uf December, one
thouaand eight hundred and twenty-nine i
Provided, That no reimbursement ahall be
made except for the whole amount of such
new certifi:ate; nor until after at Icaat aiz
montha public notice nf auch intended reim
buraement. And it shall be the duty of the
Secretary of the Treasury tn cause tu be Irani-
ferred to the respective subscribers the sever
al sums by them subscribed beyond the amount
of the certificates uf four and one haif per
cent, atock isiu-d to them respectively
" Sec. 5. And be it further enuctrd, Thai
he same finds which have heielolo.e been,
and now are pledged by law for the paymem
of the interest, and for the redemption and
reimbursement of the atoek which may be re
deemed or reimbursed by virtue uf the pro
visions of this act, shall remain pledged in like
manner fur the pavment ol the ietereat accru
ing on the atock crested hy reason of su-'h
subserip ion, and fnr the redemption or reim-
huraenient of the prinnip-l uf th j aame. And
it ahall be the duty of tiie c .u nnsiioner, of the
sinking fund to eauae to be epplied and paid
out or the said fund, yearly and ccy year,
auch sum and sums as may be annually requir
ed to discharge the interest accruing on the
stock which may be created hy virtue of this
art The said commissioners are, tlso, here
by authorized to apply, from'time to timr,
such aum and suraa out of the uid fund, as
they may think proper, towaids redeeming
by purchase, or oy reimbursement, in con
formity with the proyiaions of thia act, the, __ , _ „ . ...
principal of the said atock: and auch part ot rival at Ciiarieitun, S. C. it wu treated as
the annual aum often millions ufdollan, vert- Typhus. The skill of my Physician aubdued
ed by lew in the Mid commiMionera, at may I the fever, but Phanix-like, the termination
be neeesaary and required for the above pur-1 of thia gave rue to a disease equally distress
the iollnwiog named negroes, via. Sukey and | (h Me Ul d tins care among whom are many
her child, Anderion,Daphne and her children, (uglily rcpi-c ac;e eitizes, that aball astisfi the
Andrew and Bose, from a long leaidence iu I most incredulous of its superior efficacy m the
town and great indulgence have acq tired auch I (jjgorjiiia for which i- is here recommen Vd
b'bi ■ of dle ieil and vicious practices, thst j gy er y member ot soc e y should aid in diftilv
they cannot be made st all profitable to the
•aid Lunatic and praying leave of this court
to sell the laid negroes, and that the proceeds
of the tele be invested iu Bank Stock, or any
ether ftindi that n ay best promote the inte
lest of the Uid Ehnbtth Rourke, It is
hereby ordered, that all persons interested iu
the welfare of the uid Elizabeth do file their
objections if any they have, in the n erk’a of
U . _ n..,.a «.. knfstea ike A -oil Unit.
mg ml'.rmjtion of this discovery—humane
ity alone maket it a du y
"I have Within the last two yean had an op
portunity of seeing aeveral cases ul very mve
terate ulcers, which having previoualy reaiat
id the regular modes of treatment, were
healed by the uae of Mr, Swrim’a Panacea
Georgia—Hamden County.
YFD.IBURAS Alexander Atkinson, Ad
'JA iitiatur on the Estate <,f John Atkm-
oh, deceased, aop'.ies to the Court ol Ordin
ary of said County, for letters dismissory on
s id estate : TW s - are, ther. f ire, to e tc n d
d.nonish all ai d singular, the heirs and cred
tors of mid decened, to fi e 'heir obj^i n ns
(if sny they hsve) In myi ffije, on o, uefore
the 6m Siondsy in January next, or letter
will he granted to the applicant.
1 Witness ’iie Hon Willitm Gibson,
L S {I one nf the Juatier • of laid Court,
mJ this 25 h June, 1825.
JOHN BAILEY, e. e. o. e. e
June 30 82
g ;e of this Court on or before the fi at Mon. I and I do believe, from what I have seen,
day in August neat, otherwise, the uid ne-1 that it will prove an important remedy in aero,
groea will be told for the benefit of the aaid I fuloul, venereal and mercurial diseases.
Lunatic, and the proceeds of such sale be in
rested in Bank atock, or other funds that mav
beat promote the intereat of the uid Eliaa-
l> e,h .
And it is further ordered, that thia rule be
published io a public Gazette of Savannah, at
lealt unoe a weal! for thirty days.
Extract from the minutes 7 th July I8"*S.
Julv o M >4 of.
Georgia—-Camden County.
to alL to who.«i it may confer.-i.
W HEREAS Belton A. Copp applies to the
Court of Ordinary of uid County for
Letter* of iJj" 1 !!,*''» I " l have' rep’ea edly uted Swaim’a, Panaera,
uid'e'unty^decealed 0 ! 'Theae «e ^lerefor/ * in the Hospital and private practice
to eit: and admoni h all and lingular, th
heirs a-d creditor* of aaid deceased to fi
Professor of tne Inatitutea and practice
of Phyaic, in the University of Penn
ayivania CJa to.
" Philadelphia, February 16,1823.”
"luave employed the Panacea of Mr.Swaim.
in numeroua instances, within the last three
years, and have alwaya found it extremely
efficacious, eapecially in sec-ondary syphilis
and mercurial diseases. I have no lieiititio
in pronouncing it a medicine of inestimable
value. «W. GIBSON, 14 D.
Profcsaor of 8urgery in the Uni’ty of Pent.
Surgeon and Clinical Lecturer to the
Alma House Infirmity, »e-
“ Febn ary 17, 1823."
tl eir objections (if any they hue) in my of
firo, on or before the firat Monday in Septeu -
her next, otherwise Letter* will be granted
the applicant;
Witness the Hon. William "I
the J-icticea of uid Court, thii 23d Ju
ly, >8 i5
JO IN BAILY.e. e. 0.0. e
July 10 193
Georgia—Camden < ou uy
VO ALL 10 WHOM ll'Mtr CO VC Eli. V
TaOiIEREAB Whipple A Id ric applies to the
w Court of Ordinary of Hie Mid ooun j
for Lettera of adminutration, wHU the will an-
neaed, on the estate of Elisabeth WiUiymson
late of aaid enqnty, deceased i These s-i
therefore to cite and admonish all and aingf
la., the kindred andereditors of uid deceased
to file '' eir objections (if any they have) in
By office oh or before the fi at Monday in
September nest, otherwise Letters will be
{Tinted the application
Witness'he Hon, William Gihion, one of
the j's'ices of uid Court, this 23d Ju
:• JOUN ^AIUY, e.o.e.e c
Tr »»
Hospital and in private practice
and have found it to be a valuable medicine in
eh onic, syphilitic snd scrofulous complaints,
and in obstinate cutanenua affectiona.
Profess sir -f Surgery in the Uuiveraity nf
New York, Surgesn of the New-Yor*
ll-iiuitai, s-.c,
"JV-w To k lit mo 5iA, 1824.”
Caution to Puxchaaera.
The great demand and wonderful auceeu
of thia medicine, h >ve induced a number ol
persons tu imitate it in various waya—Some
are selling Ssmptrillk and other ayrupa, im*
puling them on th" ignoraut for the Panacea i
others are mixing the genuine medicine with
moluaei, lie,, making three battles out of one,
thus retailing t ime uf in virtues. Thi'ie im,
itations and andadultentoina have in many in-
lane a. protracted 'he s iffrriuga nf patient!
in caeea where the genuine medicine would
have proved instantly efficacious. 1 therefore
d iem it a duty I owe the the public, to ac
quaint them, that it ia impossible, from the
very nature of its constituent!, to be discover
ed by chemical analysis i and consequent!),
hit all other n ixturea represented to be mine
und sold aa such, are fraudulent and bate im
position!, calculated to deceive the ignorant
■mil unwary.—The genuine medicine hu mv
signature of a label representing Ueraolee and
the HydrafVtd name oo the eeel.
Georgia— atnden County.
W HEREAS Louie Dufour, Administrator
of the Eetate of Bsaile Pelletier, decM
applies to ihe Court of Ordinary of aaid coun-
y, for letiera diamiaao y on uid estate:—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
•rid singular, the heirs and creditor! of an d
deceased to file their ohjec’iona (if any they
rave) in my office, on or before 'he lint Mon
lay in January next, or letter* will be granted
nt'e applicant,
Witnera the Hon. William Gibao
one of the Justices of said Cou
thia 25 h lime, 18 5.
JO IN BAlLY, 0* c. o. e. c.
June 30 • 82
Georgia—Chatham County.
In the Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1825
O N the pe'ition of Henry Champion, admin
iitrator of John Street, dee-rased, praying
in order JVisi ■ o be made absolute on his com
plying witn '.he law, lor lie "»le of a Lot ol
Ground, number four, [4] second Tything
Reynold! Ward—Alao, p^rt - f a Lot, number
ala. Tower Tything, Decker Ward being tht
real estate of the uid arc. lot the benefit of
the heiraand creditor* i—It is ordered, that a
notice be pubhihcd nine months, in one oi
the Public Gaietts of the City of Sarannab,
requiring all peisons interested, to ahow cause
if auy they have, why the prayer of the peti
tloner should not be granted.
S M. BOND, c e. o.
May 14 44*
Georgia—Chatham County.
!;. the Court of Ordinary—May Term, 1825.
O N tb« petition of Robert Hoy, Executor
of John Wackerlv, dee. praying an order
JVisi to be made absolute, on hia complying
witn the law, to sell Two Tract! of Land in
Laurens County, being the real eatite of the
aaid deceaaed, for the benefit of the heira and
creditors: It is ordered, that • notice be
published, nine months in one of the Ga
zette! of the city of Sevenneb, requiring ell
pereone interested, to allow eauae, it any they
ean, why the prayer of the petitioner ahould
not be granted. K. M.BOND, c.e. o.
j Mey*« <7
The Catholicon (which the proprieter sol
emnly pledges h s word consists exclusive!;
nf vegetable matter) with the exception of a
alight determi ration to the bowelt„ which n
preserves in a soluble Hate, act" insensibly, ia
pleasant tn the taste, snd requires n - particu
lar regimen, (abstinence from spirluous li
quors always excepted,) or confinement. A.
a gentle, ufe and agreeable cathartic mod
cine, improving the appetite anil reatur'ug the
general tone of the system, it is confidently
vi commended to iadies in a delicate situa
tion. W W. POTTER,
66 Ches.iui-sueet.
Philadelphia, May 31, 1824.
At the request of Mr. W. W Putter, l luv.
lately exhibited, in aeveral initances, a medi
cated sirup, sailed Potter’s Vegetable Catho
licon, with the most decided adrantage. 1;
haa, aa t et, never failed effecting a cure in]
every caae in which I have thought proper 1
employ it. II. M'MUR TRIE, M U
Phi'adelphia, July 28th, 1824.
Mr. W W. Potter,
Dear Sir—You expressed a wish that I
would give a concise statement of \iy auff .r-
ings. from' the nopelen commencement, to
the present propitious stage of my diaeoie'
About five years ago, on my passage from
Bordeaux, during the month of January, from
imprudent exposure on deck, I wa* seized
with a violent fever. Having no medical at
tendants on board, I wu compelled to bear
it, ai I might for two weeka, when on my ar-
coutd with lobe. With my thanks, am vam
-bilged bumble servant, Ua
G!o' i;c-Kine, of the District of Sou'b.
-ark, personally appemed, and, being dul,
worn, d >th declare and aay that the abore
a at- mrnt ia in all respects correct and tr U(
id that the signa'ure to It U in the bani'
vnling of tbit deponent.
J ill" BIRRS, Aldermu
Philadelphia, Hay 2% 1824-
The Vegetable Catholicon ia peculirlv
adar-ted to thuae diaeuet which are previlr t
among the coloured population of tiie loufa.
Li that disease which ia called yaws, it
aureremehy i a lingle trial of it, avill convince
p'antera of ita superior efficacy tn any ren t
dyof a aimilar nature in the United States-
NO riCR,
The advantages of thia medicine are, nr
confining the pa'ient unnecessarily to the
houae, or keeping him from hu boainesi.—
With one solitary exception, that of snirim.
oil! liquors, it does not lay any restriction! us,a
hie appetite It isco gentle in us operaiion
tnat the patient findsbimseli pelting well he
cannot tell how. Aj it ia not the wish o'the
proprietor to take any thing lor which he
cannot give a consideration equal in valet
persons at a distance who may to try
ids medicine, but who are not certain if it
be ipplicoble to their complaint, arc regrat
ed to describe 'heir case and symptom in
a letter,post-paid, and directed to tun-tha
letter will be immedia tely ; laced io ban*
fully competent to dend • the q-ievtion.—
Should ihc remedy not sc m ,o suit the du-
cue, they will be frankly told so.
TO prevent d sappoi.itm nt it is well tc
atnte that it takes in ordinary cases from 3 to
5 bottles to effect a cure so that pe.ions .vVj
are labouring under any ser>oos inornniy,-
must make up their mind to pe; severe ti. H at
eaten! at least—if they do run, they n ijtht as
well a tvetlieinselvea the trouble and ex, rare
f using a smaller qumtiu.
All o 'de i p ul-paid and enclosing the wr-ney,
i mmedrauly atiended to, anu I hi- rm-di.ine
packed aid delivered with direclicira for use,
1 <> any place in the city, and forwarded as di
re' ted
N. B To prevent the possibility of all iir-
n"sition, it ni l be sol- 1 in the eity orPiiiiade'-
phia. at the office in Filth near Hacc-£ir et,
or at the dwelling of the propri tor, N 65
themu' s rect, only, an i abroad by his iu*
-burbled agents. W. IV HOT! ER,
66 Che. nut Street, Philade pfilc. 1
I hare appointed GSOIIGF, RYE -SON,
Druggi-t. of Savannah, m sole agent. Diog-
,*is!s wanting the above valuable medicine,
will be supplied by him for cash, at the same
rate, as if ordered direct from me—via. fcfO
per dozen, or three dollar- a s ngie bo.iie.
W. W. PO ITER, Fiuiadetpbia.
Any person on application to the suhscil'rt
will be furnished with certificates of the -fli-
cacy of the above medicine, sufficient to com
vince the mind of the most sceptical, although
too numerous an 1 Png'hy for newspaper, n-
aortion. GEO. UYEItbON, Drupg at,
Corner of Bay and Wtiitaker-Sireeu.
dec 13
Between W. Dunes, Administrator, Complain
ant, and John (An naeAun Administrator, de
bonis no ; with the will annexed of George
Richardson and, Defendants In
equity, Chatham Superior Court- Chancery,
idlh Ai[gust, 1824.
I T appearing that John Murray Carnochan,
one of the defendant* in the said bill of
I losas, aball be and continue appropriated to I ln 8> anj wnico. tin now, i nan luoogni mcoi-. i cultl ,,|,i n t named, resides without the slate if
i he payment of intereat and redemption o:j*bte. Various ahieeiacs made their newel-1 Georgia, in that part of the United Kingdom
the public debt, until the whole of the atock
which may be created under the provisions of
thia act, aball have been redeemed or reim
bursed. ”
Now, therefore, notice ia hereby given, that
books will be opened at the Treasury of the
United Statea, and at the several loan offices,
on the first day of April neat, and cuntinue
open until the first da - of October, thereaf-
'er, for receiving subscriptions in conformity
with the provisions of the said law.
The subscriptions may be made by the pro
prietors of the stock, either in person or by
their attorney! duly authorize ! to subacrib*-
and transfer it to the Uniter! Statea.
Should subscription! of laid stock be made
to an amount exceeding twelve million* of
dtllara, a distribution of the said aum of twelve
millions of dollar! will be made among the
subscribers, in proportion to the sums aubscri
bed by them respectively.
Acting Secretary of the 1'rrasurv*
M,„i. 76 i(l
come appearance, particularly on the joints,
which were BWe led to an enormous sixe.—
These gradually subsided into hard tumors,
one of which on my left knee affected the
bone—an incision was now made and a large
evacuation of pua, mixed with pieeea of bone
took place. In addition to this, I suffered the
most escrucialing paint in my joints that man
ever experienced. Every thing that was
administered either gave me no relief ur ser
ved to aggravate the disease, the severity of
which incruased with every succeeding year.
Such ivaa my painful ai.ustion that 1 despaired
ofe —icing restored to my heal hi I bad
not o..,y tried the regular means of relief,
but uted, though in va'm, every popular rem
edy I could hear of- It was in thia awful and
deapond'ng condition,that I was persusded to
..ommence a course of your Yegetible Oaib I
icon, and the happy result is, “/ era the use
of the two bottles, my whole lyo'tin has under
ol Great Britain and Ireland, called Scolltri! i
It is ordered that the said John Murray Usr*
nochan, du appear and answer to the com
plainant’s laid bill, witiiin nine mouths from
the date of thia order, otherwise that the
said bill, as to him, be taken pro coidt ss'j i
and it is further orderuil, that a copy nf this
order be publiahi ri once a week, in one of
the public G-.ssltes of thia state, until ihe ex
piration of the time within which the lai.-Hc-
fondant it required to appear aud answer at
True copy from the Minutes, this 21st rluj
August, 1824. A. B.FANNIN, Clc.k.
aiigtiw 54 St't
I'uEiiEAS Sarah Brown. Junior, wHoa,
i- , . -. i . , r i r r aDoiieu to the Court of Ordinary of raid
Bounty,?or Letters of.Adminirira.ioo on
Cuinden County.
to diminish, and aoon ceased altogether, the
ulcer from v hence it proceeded being com
pletely healed. The tumors, for the removal
of which I have tried in vain more remedies
^ rr than 1 ean name, are rapidly decreasing i roy
will be made to the Inferior Court of I appetite, which waa gone, has returned—lan.
N INE MONTHS after date, application
will be made to the Inferior Court of
Ohatham County, lilting for ordinary purpo
ses, for leave *o sell all the real estate of the
late Thomas Savage, of B> yan County, via:
Point Flirtation, consisting of two hundred I
and eighty acres Rice Land, "n the Ogeechee
River, four miles below the F .rry, tdj -ining
'he plantation i-f Joseph Habersham and Ste
phen EMntt Also, two hundred and fifty
acres, more or less, of Pine Land, appertain
ing thereto. Also a Traet of fraud called |
halina, omitai ling fif y acrcr, on Medway Riv
r, (ujuioing the lan la of J J. Maxwell.
MARY SAV-t GE, Adm'rx.
June '5 71
in fact, nearly well, and feol confid.-nt that a
few bottles more of your, (to me) invaluable
mediciue, will make me perfectly io.
Your obliged friend,
N INE month! alter date, application will be |
made to the lion, the Judges of the Court
oi Ordinary of Chatham county, for leave to
sell all the real eatate of the late William Craig,
deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and cied-
itora of aaid eatate.
JOHN M’NISH, Executor,
or" 1? 7"
Philadelphia, July "fi, 1824.
My confidence in the vegetable catholicon I
ia undiminiihiid, and aa fresh instances of ita
powers arc daily occurring, in my own prac-1
lice. I have no hesitation in recommending ii,
in the peculiar diaeaieato which it ia applica
ble, aa superior to any remedy I am acquaint
ed with. M. M'MUHTRlE, M. D.
Philadelphia, May 28,18'4
Six—In consequence of imprudent expoa
ure four veara ago. I bad the misfortune *o be
come afflicted with a diseaae, the painful re
sulti of which Induced me to apply in suc
cession to several respectable physicians oi
thia city, from whom, however, I received
either no relief, or from whose remedies I re
ceived another complaint quite as diatieating
aa the former. My whole system became a'-
feeted. 1 could get no rest at night on ac-
I felt '
\ estate of John Brown, late uf said county, de
ceased, as next of kin: These ate, therefore,
in cite and admonish, all and singular, the
kindred and creditors of aaid deceaood, to file
their objections, if any they lure, in tn of
fice, on or before the first Uoodiy in June
next,otherwise Letters will be granted thr ap
WitneSa the Honorable British R. Bunk-
ley, one of the Justices of aaiu Court,
this sixteentti day of April, eiglncee
hundred and twenty -five.
[1. S. JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0 C. C.
April 21 24
JN otice.
A LL peraona having demand, against the | ^giint of the violent pain that I felt in every
A estaleof Constant Freeman, Eaq . late of I rt 0 j. m y bod y ( the weakness and enacia
the city Washington, deceased, are re I tion of which waa auch that 1 could acarcel;
qttired to hand them in, legally attested, J
within the time prescribed by law : and those I '
indebted to laid rstate, ere required to make |
immediate payment, to
Jen 14 43pi
In this atate I fortunately heard of
your vegetable catholicon- four bottlea of
which, has completely reatored me, I have
now no pain i my appetite ie good i end my
•trength reatored With many thanks for
the relief your medicine haa given me, I am
your obliged friend, kc.
Sworn tad eubeenbed to before me, May 38,
1834 JOHN B1NNS, Alderman,
Phi'adelphia, May 28,1854.
Sir—I am now, thanks to your medicioe, a
hearty mar. For nearly six years I have been
• martyr to a diseaae, whose ravage! threat-
r ened, if oot aoon stopped, to put a period to
their objection! (if any they have) in my of-1 my existence. Having had no regular medi-
fice, on or before the first Monday in January cal advice from the commencement, my
next, or letter! will be granted to the appli-1 complaint at last got to such a height that I
cant, I could not awallow without great pain and
*-i!M Witnnei the Hon, William Gibeon, I difficulty. Tumors formed in different parti one of the Justices of wid Court, I of my body, and I began to think my situation
,S£I tliii25ih June, 1855. almost desperate. The five bottlea of the
JOHN BAILEY, c- o. 0. c. e I Catholicon which I have taken have com-
JiwefiQ M [ pletely cured me* tod I em oow •• welleal
Georgia—Camden Coumy.
W HEREAS J. B ichlot! Jun. administrator
on the estates of DavidTucker and Davidi|
M'Uredie, applies to the Court of Ordinary
of and County, for Letters diamissary on the
r atatca of raid deceased peraona; These ore,
therefore, to cite and admonish the heirs and
oreditors of said deceaaed peraona, to file
Georgia—Camden County.
W HEREAS 'obn Chevalier, bu applied
to said Court, for Lettera Diurrinnry
>n the estates of Samuel Goaena and Evan E.
Hock, deceased. Thoae are, therefore, te
me and admonish, all and singular, the kin
dred and creditors ot the laid deceased per,
tons, tn file their objections, if any they have,
in my office, on or before the first Ronds; ie
January next, or Letters will be granted the
Witnesi the Honorable J imea Scott, era
of the Justices of taid Court, this ns- day of April, eighteen hundred
and twenty-five.
Anr lit 24
Georgia—Camden County.
(TOHEREAS Lewis Bachlott, applies to tM
\Mr Court of Ordinary of aaid Countyt fix
Letters Diamiisory on the estate of Fr races
Rjiolupe i Theae are, therefore, to cite V*
admonish, all pud lingular, the kindred and
creditor* of laid deceased, to fi'e their objec
tion*, if any lh»y have, in my office, on or be
fore the fi'*t Monday in January neat, otbw*
wtae Lettera Diamtaiory will be granted the
applicant- , .
Witness the Honorable 8*mud Clarke,
one of the Juaticea of wid Court, the
Sixteenth day of April, eighteen Iran’
dred and twenty-five. ,
April 21
OU I root Brig Pheeerant, for ealebv
April 18 C. C. GRISWOLD,