Newspaper Page Text
jfcvr ftetict—Vo\. V1L
THE ■ '
By G. $ W. Robertson,
4X UMt UOIUB* »■ AH*D«.
UHHt » »»»*«••
;§* $§*#$*#
IS Dubliibed to meet the arrangement oi
th . Sail, three ttmee ■ week, JTUejday,
Thunder end Saturday) at the Office of the
Dailv Georgian, «n<l oontaina ell the intelli
gence, Commetoivl, Political tad Jlilccllan-
eoul, including adrertliemenU. publiihed in
^TbeCountry Piperia aer.tto all ptrtauf
the State (uid Union, or delivered in the city,
at fire dollar, per annum, payable in tdranct.
Advert-wmeV atelmjetUdin brth p» «v.
at 75 centa per equate, of whnee, for he firai
insertion, and 37i for every aucceeding pub-
1,1 Communication!J>y Mail, *t
Salee '.fiend and nr g ro C r byA<».,».
noon and three in ‘" e .,7„«rnnertv is
Hnuee of the county in which theyroperty is
eituete.—Notice of the.* eelee must be given,
in a public gazette sixty daya previoue to the
d *Notic«^»fthe sale of personal property must
be"Rive in like manner. Party day* previous
°Ntitice , fe the debtor* and creditor! of eit
estate murt be publiihed for /• p 4|f dtyi*
Notice th»t apptterttan will be made to the.
Court of Ordinary fur leave to aell land, mum
be published Nine IMwIbf
N INE months after date application will
be made to the Honorable the Jus-
ticeB of the Inferior' Court of Chatham
County, for leave to sell a tract of land,
known as number eight, 8th District, Pike
(formerly Munroc) County, for the benefit
ofthe heirs and creditors of the estate ot
of N. 8. Bayard.
Administrator estato N. 8. Baya™
Jan 5
ramus drum,
B Y.the ajtip Emperor, the subscribers
have received thirty-fivo packages of
Genuine Drugs % Medicines,Per
fumery, Fancy Articles, be
carefully selected by one of the partners
now at the north, which added to their for
mer stock on hand, comprises an assortment
very extensive, and particularly suited for
'this market, and well worthy the attention
of dealers. Merchants, Physicians, Plan
ters and Families, would do well to forward
thoir orders, as they will be sold at ou{
usual low rates.
Druggists, Shad’s Buildings.
July 16 ,
Consumptions, roughs, cjc.
N INE MONTHS after date of this notice,
application will be made to the Doners,
ble the Court of Ordinary of Chatham Coun
ty, fer permission to sell all the real estate of
John Wakerlv, dec. for the benefit of tht
heirs and orediton of said deceased-
BOB tf d r HOY, Executor.
Pch 94 57
INE MONTHS alter date, application will
be made to the Honorable Inferior Court
of Chatham county, for leave to sell the real
anJ personal estate of the late Mrs. Ann Ham
iiinn, deceased, for the benefit of the heir’
and cred'ton of said estate,
*!..•! Jf. Op*.
N INE months uft. r date, application will bp
made to the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, sitting for ordinary purpose! for an
order, s'.anlute, to sell lota Noa- four an. five,
(4 and 5) in Carpenter’s Bow, and lot No.
one, (I) Green Ward, in tht city of Savannah,
being the real estate of Francis Jalineau, dec
for the benefit of the heir* an'’ creditor* of
•aideitate WILLIAM GASTON.
Qualified Executor
jjJDrJFj months sfier date, application will He
m4 nade to the Honorable tb^ Inferior Coun
of uHmden County, when Mtl'ngfor ordinary
purposes, for leave to sell 260 acres of land
bcloiigi.ig to the estate of John Browns de
ceased. for the benefit of the heirs and credi
tors of aai i estate.
S Alt AH BROWN, Admistratrix
Jefferson, 18ih June, 1°2S.
Jane 2'’ 78
tSD'E months after date, application viT
.'j be made to the Honorable the court of
Ordinary of Camden Couuty, for leave to >eh
all the real es'ste of the late Randolph M Gil
lie, deceased, for the benefit ef the heir* and
creditor. »fsaid estate,
HANNAH M’GILLH, Administratis,
G M'DONALD, Administrator
fit- Marys, June 18th, 1825.
June Tt T8
T HREE MONTHS from this date I shall
nuke application to the Bauk of the State
Georgia, for pavment in full fer the half of a
ten dollar bill of taid Bank, Letter D, No.2i7,
signed A. Porter, Cashier, the left hand half
being in my posaetaion—the right hand half
signed by Wm. B Bulloch, President, being
* 0,t - AH peraona interested will
therefore ,ake due notice of this intention,
and fee their nhj-otiona at uid Bank, within
the time mentioned,
June 2 jof {
,_INB Month, after date, »|ip!ie«tinn will
CaoM 1° tbe uf ,h ': Inferior
orZ.,„ Ch “ t,, * in County, when fitting for
aflM ni yP “/« 0, * ,,for ,e * ve 10 ,el1 that'.art
ftecn^raf* T ’ thi "*’ I»«yn-Id- -A™rd, in
tate dnl ? ,v *” n "k, whiou helonga fn the e*.
he?ra^^fJ. bBn ®!' Pnr H ’ e benefit *f (lie
neira and creditors of said e state
F OR h r cure «fCoi f !a, Coughs, Conaump-
tions, Spitting of Blood, Asthmas, and
useasea ofthe breast and Innga.
There i* perhaps no medical observation
better esiabiiahed, none more generally con
firmed by the experience of the beat physici
ans of all age* and countries, and none ol
more importance to the human tamily, than
die fact that many Of the moat diffieult and in-
nimble consumption, originate in neglectoti
colda. In aelimateaovariableuoufa, where
he change* of the weather are freqnentlj
rndden and unexpected, it require, more care
and attention to guard against this dangerou
enemy of life, than moat people imagine or
ire able and willing to bestow. The bills ol
mortality exhibit tbe melancholy fact that the
proportion of death, by this disease may bt-
uonaidered as about five to one. Inasmuch
then as thia fatal disease frequently bj.ia defi
anoeto the skill ofthe most learned phyaici
sofbkda a gratification to the proorietor tiiai
.MMnqjpabled to offer to those afflicted witt
.^iffiBWlly prospect of relief, in that fiigbl)
vfilMWnemedy, the Vegetable Indian Sped-
'fie. The Indians are happy in their know,
lodge Of taedictl plant, ^governed wholly b-,
experience, they are certain as to their effeev
rnd itlaaaid by an author of great character,
that a true consumption is a disease never
known among them.
Thia Specifiers obtained by extraction from
herbs, roots flowers, plant', Ac. when in per.
fectinn. In oonsequence of a happy combina
lion of the most valuable herbs, Ac. it becomes
;■ balaam of a superior value. It heals the in.
ju-ed parts, opens the pores, and composes
'he disturbed nerves, after tbe mxnner nf in
anodyne* consequently the obstruction oi
the ohest and the lungs which constitute tins
disease, particularly need ita use. It promotes
expectoration, which is constantly culled for,
and whilst it cleanse! and heals, it also give,
.".rengih to the tender lungs In this manner
it remove! the hectic fever, improves diges
tion, gives strength to the nerves, repairs the
-ppetite and improves the spirits. This spcci
lie mav always be given in safety it is mild,
pleasant to the taste, and may sufely be given
o infants, for winch Ids ot inestimable value
It affords relief in bowel cuiuplai uts, teething,
whooping coughs, Cfe. and it found particu-
f r.‘y useful in hypockondri msl, nervous and
fitstevical dieenses. Each bill of direction
contains a detailed account of this disease in
ail its different stages, and will be aceomps
nfed with the signature of the proprietor in
Bed Ink. It is offered for sale by GEO. RY
ERoO ’,; only (my sole ageot) Druggist, cor
nerBay and Whittaker-atreets, Savannah, at
one dollar per* bottle.
•tee 30 30
TkvYbous TIovjct "Roots-
J UST received by the rubseriber, and wa--
ranted of the lust season’s growth, 2
boxes Garden Seeds, put up by A. M’Huhon A
o. Philadelphia, expressly for thia market,
nd containing the following sasorimt nts, viz.
14. Early curled Let.
15 Royal Cabbage do
16. Nutmeg Melon
17. Spiiiach
15, Summer Savoy
IP. Sweet Basil
20. Sage
21. Na-.lurtium
22. CeUry
23 Bsrly Peas
n 4. Late do
25 Early bunch beans
26. Bed French do
A L 6 0,
20 Package, containing the following Bui
bou* Blower Root,, vix.
I.DoubleHyieinths I-4.Mexiexntigerfiowei
15 Double Tuberose
I 6 Star of Bethlehem
1. Drumhead Cabbage
2 Long Red Beet
3. Long Orange Carrot
4. Parsley
5. Leek
6. Onion
7. Salmon Radich
8. Early Purple do.
9. Round leaved
<0. Early Turnips
i 1. Late do
:2. Saisafy
13- Asparagus
o Find Tulip*
6. Narcissus
Por sale by
Pcb «!
Essentijl Oil of Spruce,
J UST received from the Patentee, and
neatly put up in phials, and for sale by
May 25 Shad’s Buildings.
E mpty wine bottles. Apply to
A N egi'o Man,
A PRIME Negro Man, about 35 ye*r* of
age, a goad held hand. For sale by
use 24f 19
wmBjfio 1
H ESPECTFULLV jnforma his friend*
and the public, that he has purchased
the establishment in tho above business, be
longing to Dr. A. Delaroche, opposite the
Exchange, where he offers for sale at low
prices, a large assortment of’
FteaR Drugs, Ale&icinea,
and Cheuvicala,
Aqua Fortis, Alum, Antimony
Arrow Root, Borax, Bergamot
Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, do
Peru, do Fola
Camphor, ContharideB, Cinnamon
American best and common Castor Oil
Cream of Tartar, Calomel, CopperaB
Columbo, Fmery, Gum Assafmtida
'Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal
Gum Guiacum, Gum Opium
Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice
Magnesia, Manna,Chamomile Flowers
Sulphur, Sehna, Nutmegs
Nux Vomica, Oxvd of Bizmutb
Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves
Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil
Pearlash, Ipecacuanha, Jalap
Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar ,■
Glauber, Epsom and Rochelle Salts
Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine
Paints Rt'3 and in Oil. i
White, Red and Blaick Lead
Prussion Blue, Verdigris
Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow
Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts ,
Japan and Copal Varnish. *•
Perf inner's. ~
Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil
Best English Shaving Soap
Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water
Otto of Roses
Surgical Instruments and Patent Mod
iejnes of every kind, the whole of
warranted quality.
Jail 20 - 47
Piano Fortes, Curled Hair Ma
trasses, Feather Beds,
- ' - e. *1
T HE subscriber offers for sale the follow
ing articles, warranted to be of the*
best quality:—
Sideboards, Sets' of Dining Tables
. Single do do Softs, Tea Tables
Breakfast do. Dressing Tables
Do. with Glasses, Card Tables
Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do
Secretaries, Bureaus
Double and single Work Stands
Ward Robes, Piano Stools
Mahogany Chairs, Curled Maple do
Rosewood do
High Post Mahogany Bedsteads
Do do Curled Maple do
Mahogany Field Bedsteads
Curleu Maple do
Mantle and Pier Glasses
Cribs, Cradles, Easy Chairs
Candle Stands, Window Blinds
Hall Lamps, Brass Fenders, Wire do
Andirons, Tongs and Shovels -
Dressing Glasses of every description
Piano Fortes
Double and Single Hair Mattrasseg
Do do Moss do
Feather Beds, Bolsters aad Pillows
Children’s Chairs of all kinds
Windsor Chairs of every description
Cots and Matrasses to fit.
Also, a large assortment of Brussels and
Ingrain Carpeting and Rugs to match
The above articles can be examined at
the store iu Whittaker-Street, opposite Col.
Shellman. I. W. MORRELL.
March 15 93
Patent PamiVjf Medicines.
Andcreon’s do do
Coit's do do
Anderson’s Cough
American do do
Church’s do do
Essence Mustard
Worm Lozenges
Black Drop
Henry’s True Cal
cined Magnesia
Audler’sAsiatic Len
Roger’s Pulmonic
Dalby’s Carminative
A constant sui
Turlington’s Balsam
of Life
Opial for thocleans-
iug ofthe teeth So
Do Botanical Drops
Austen’s Remedy for
the Piles
Hinckley’s do da
Thompson’s celebra
ted Eye Water
Thompson’s Teeth
Squire’s Grand Elix
Jesuits Drops ■
Tooth Ache do. &c.
of the above useful
Patent Family Medicines, together with a
general assortment of' Drugs, Chemicals,
Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Dye Stuffs,
Cut Glass Lamps, Lamp Glasses, Lamp
Oil, &c. Ac. can be obtained at the store
May 26 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings.
Notice to
tree persons to
t HE Free Persons of Color residing m
Chatham Country, are hereby notifi-
fied to appear and register their names in tbe
Clerk’s Office ofthe Inferior Court of said
County, agreeable to law, on or before the
first Mondty in July next.
A. B. FANNIN, Clerk.
May 16 45
M&rtetag Brushes,
O F a superior quality, just received and
for sale by GEO. RYERSON.
nov *0
--.Camden Cdinity.
rrAur lo&teV,
r*. A-hfewshplfeatoihie
pburt qf Ctdlnary of the arid tounw,:
Itgrs of. administration, m s ih the wit) am
i ‘--.the e*t«te of Blizabeth:VlUwiaaon.
id county, deocaaefi: Thtis ere
to cite and admorsiah all anil ring (
’a’-,, tbe Kindred and creditors of said deceased
to fifeVhkir objection, (if env they have) in
my office on or before lb* first Monday in
September neat, otherwise Letter* will be
granted the application.
Witness the Hon. William Cibao'n. one o '
the J a’icei of raid Court, this 23d Ju
ly, 1825. • „ .
JOHN BAILEY, c.e. o.e e.
4*0 Witt Bg srxtDHiv FUBLIlBXjh ' ' :
Georgia—Camden County.
\\4fHB8EAS M H. Hebbard spplies to the
\*/ Court of Ordinary of said county, for
Letter* of Adminiitratijn on the eaute oi
Uept. James Vincent, late of uid[ county, de
ceased: These are therefore to cite and
admonish, all and lingular, the heirs and cred
itora of said deceased, to file their objections,
if any they have, in the Clerk’s Office off said
Court, on or before the third Monday in Oc-
toper next, otherwise letters will be granted
the applicant
Witness the Honorable William Gibson, one
[L.S.] of the Justices of said Court, thia I8tli
' September 1825
i»s«tn t4
Georgia—Camden Coiinty.
1ETHERE AS Belton At Copp applies to the
tv Court of Ordinary of said County fur
Letter! of Administration, with the will an.
nexed, on the estate of Joseph Bixby, Ute uf
said county, deceased i These are therefore
to cite and admonish all and singular, the
heir, and creditor, of atid deceased’ to fife
their objection* (if any they have) in my of
fice, on or before tbe firai Monday in Septem,
her next, otherwise Letters will be granted
tbe applicant.
Witness the Hon. William Gibson,one of
the Justices of said Court, tbis 23d Ju
ly, 1825.
JOHN BAILY.e. o.o. e.c
July 30 193
Georgia—Camden County.
HERE AS William W- Seals, applies to
>he Court of Ordinary of uid county,for
I ettera of Administration on, the estate of Eve
Wi ght, late of raid county, deceased i rheae
are t erefore to cite and admonish, all and sin
gular, the heirs and creditors of raid deceased,
to file their objections,'if any they have, in
the Clerk's Office of raid Court, on or before
the third Mondty in October next, others'lie
Letter, will be granted tbe applicant.
Witness tbe Honorable Samuel Clarke, one
L.S.] of the Justice* nf said Court, thia 18th
Sepember, 1825
Sent 15 14
Georgia, Chatham County.
By the H’.norebie tbe Justice, of the Inferior
Court of Chatham County, sitting for or-
d narv pu-p’ i ’S
TfWHRKRAS Jonathan Meigs, adminiatra
VMf tor of tbe estate of Samuel Haughton,
deceased, has petitioned the Court of Ordine
ry, to be dismissed from hia uid ndnflhistra*
ion: Now these are therefore, to eite nod
idmoniahall persons interested in the raid es
tate to file their objections, if any they have,
to the granting ofthe prayer of the-petitioner
in the Clerk’* Office of the raid Court, on or
befupe the tenth duy of March next, other,
wjae Lettera Dismisaory will be granted tbe
Witnesa the Honorable Anthony Porter, one
of the said Justice*, this tenth day of
September, eighteen hundred ard twen
tj-five. SAMUEL M. B«Nt),
Clerk Court Ordinary.
c.-of'S - "I
xS otiee.
N INE MONTHS afterthe date hereof, ap
plication will be made to the Honorable
the Coart of Ordinary for tbe County of Chat
ham, for leave to sell the whole or e part, or
parti of a tract of land, lying and being in
the co inty of Effingham, containing by re
cent survey, nine hundred and c
aerea, and known by the name of the Tuck-
iweekmg Tract, formerly the property of
K-ng and Hotchkiss, now belonging to the
eatate of Alexander S. Roe’s orphans, for tbe
benefit of uid orphans.
Guardian A- S. Roe's Orphans.
Julv ’4 87
4 GBEEABIE to leave obtained fr, m the
Honorable tbe Ioferinr Court, lilting for
ordinary purposes, for pamden'' County, I
■hall on the first Monday in December next,
expose to nubile aale, at the Court-House at
Jefferson, in ssid county, a let of land in the
Teoth District of Monroe County, No. 91, for
the benefit of the orphans of Levi Johns dec
jOHN LEE, Guardian.
Sept 15 .14
On the firai Tuesday in October next,
W ILL be sold at tho Court-House at
Riceborough, Liberty County, be
tween the usual hours of sale, four Negroes,
a woman by tho name of Mary, her son
Joe, daughter Louisa, and an infant. Sold
as the property of John Stewart, deceased.
Terms of sale made known on the day.
D. STEWART, Adm’r.
August 27 06
A LL those having demands against the
estate of Peter Timothy, late of Chat
ham County, Planter, deceased, are hereby
required to render them in, duly authenti
cated, within the time prescribed by law,
and thoss indebted to make payment to
Qualified Adm’r,
August 9 98
ftieein^iatdail 37f Ceqts,'
Religious Cases of Conscience,
Answered man Evangelical Man
ner, nt the Caeuiilical Lecture,
in Little St Helen's, Bith-
• v opgate-Street,
Uhrtititn, who esni or hm. any ueular
^rrriuYWAMiT * Gcd *“ ,i tu
■ Vn® touchstone of raving faith , or a plain
?foo^ > f ef * n,1 ** , “ ****! *»vwfog qwhM ,
'•vto .
tv ■.
The Spmtuar'CompitW[6n x or:
the Professing Christian,
Tried at the Bar (if God’a Word;, and some
free thoughts on the character of
T HE following Answers were, amongst a-
tliera, delivered in a weekly Lecture, du
"‘a vie
ring the last winter, with n view to remove
the doubt* of ’be timorous chrirtian, quicken
him in 'he way to Z >n, to guard against pre
sumptuous hopes, and promote tbe life of reli
gion in tbe soul. That theta important end*
might be answered, the auditory were dvaired
to supply ua with aerioua Ctsra of Coniciener
arriaiog from the difficulties they met with in
the eourae of their experience, and tot&tcea)
their names, that ao they might, With th
greater freedom, propose their respective
Caeca, and that we, in our solution of them
might bn kept from the leut degree of fear or
Through the repeated importunities of oui
frienda, and from sctiiftctory evidence, of use
fulneaa, we have been prevailed upon to com
mit to public view a select number of tbeai
answers, tffiiugh somewhat con racted. Am
we hope, that tbnae, into whole hand* the\
may eome, will read them with ( hriatien cap
dour.—.And may the Spirit of God, without
whore peculiar bleating all attempt, will bn
ineffectual to anawer any raving purpose*,
make there • oowetful means of bringing then,
nearer to Christ, and of making them morr
lively and active in bis service! If thiahapp,
end is hut in the feast anawerul, we shall ” -
juice, and give G -d ail tbe glory, diaregardi g
all the little contempt that may be cast upcu
ua and our imperfect labours.
It must be acknowledged to be a very difli
cult and critical work to distribute to evert
one their proper portion, and ao to divide th'
word of truth, aa to give suitable encourag- .
meat to those to whom it belongs, and yeti
leave the hypocrite or presumptuous unn
no room to hope. It is equally difficult to at.
tempt to'destroy the vein confd.-nee of tbr
sinner, without disturbing the peace, and dir
epurigiogthe gfintii of ftoae who are the rev
followers of Jeauii Whoa'aufloientlorthm
things!' We readily confeaa our inenfficienc-,-
but yet hope, that the Lord baa enabltd ua t
be in some measure ftithtiil, a» for as our apir
tual knowledge extend, ■ and may he enable
you who retd, to deal foithfolly with your owi
anula that so neither our labour*, nor your por
ural, may be in vain I S. PIKE.
Loiraon, May 30,1755.
Aa the Case* of Conscience have already
been well received by the religious diapnte,
part of t’ankind, the Editor thought that ad-
’itional Questions of the same nature, selected
from the Pious Thoughts publiihed in the
Spiritual Magazine, which breathed the tame
evangelical spirit, would be acceptable to se
rious persona, and doubt, not, but such as have
* regard for gospel-doctrine, will find the
same ureful instruction and enmforl from per-
using the Questions that are now added.
caaz i.
How shall we distinguish between the work’
mgs of natural affection, and the real exercise
. f grace in religious duties / S. P(KE.
cats H
Whet method* muat a Christian, in d.'cli
ning circumstances, take to recover e health
ful vigorous frame of aoul, ao a* to be able tu
maintain real and elme communion with
G< d amidst the hurries and business of this
world! S.HAYWARD,
oaas in.
A serious peraou, who scruple* to comply
with tbe usual practices of playing at cards
dcairea to know whether these scruple* arise
from* neediest tenderness of conscience, or
from. the faithful monitions of tbe Spirit ol
God!—S, PIKE,
era* iv.
How may a person judge when a promise or
threatening cornea from G’>d or is brought by-
Satin to the aoul! S KAY WARD,
case v.
How far may a person judge ofthestrengt’
' weakness of his faith by the brightnes s o
darkneaa of hia frame, ! S- PIKE’
caaz vt.
Whether a person,, who bu been n grer
sinner, bu any ground to expect pardon, am
the comforts of tbe Holy Ghoat! and whetbc
he may partake of all the ordinances of God!
* eras vii.
What judgement should that person pur
upon himself who know, himself to be in •-
dark and corrupt frame, but find, himselt
greatly unaffected with it, and atnpid under it!
-8. PIKE,
eras mi.
How may tbe times of family and eloaetduty
behest regulated to the glory of God, ou
own comfort, and the Advantage of those abou
* era* it
la it not preaumptioo* for a person to hop.
he hau n interest in Christ when he tees lit
tieor nothing in himarlf, but reason to doubt
and question it! 8. PIKE.
eras x.
Is going to plays and other theatrical per
formance, consistent with the profession »r
practice of Christianity ! 8. HAYWARD
call xi.
How may e person, who is desirous of.fol
lowing the dictate* of providence in ever
eapect, know the mind and will of God in an
tarticufor circumstance, whether temporal o.
spiritual! 8. PIKE.
oraa xi>.
Should not a person who ia not oomfortably
re winded of bis beings real Christian, abstsir
ram the ordinance ofthe Lord’* supper, Mat
•ie should eat and drink damnation to himself!
and what method omit that person take to aw
iafy, • church ef Christ of hit being n ine»
I. How far may a person’* heart and wav*
wSriSfeiftair be 4wi \
H,,w * h ;‘ U "® k ’ ow whether opr faith i,
string amjdat el! t . weaVn.naet and doubt,
'" ’ m^^d|tl 8. 1’IKE.
_ hrthei z h--i»
- - -n me Messed Spit t, or und-r the
t? 'l** ” h * nw,, •PiriVot imagine.
iQurei.J How far a child of G.d may foil.
_ y t h»ve rue g'are in h a font > *
Q uit 6. Wh|t is tb- esamtial I ’ffreenee
ne'ween’s naturalmd amirttual frith »
Q at 7. Howmay. peraon dianrgtiitb he.
■ een the genuine consolations of iho go*,
pel wreught in the heart by the Spirit o God,
and tbnae comforts'ha sprlrg from our own
imagination, or a delusive spirit* ■
Quest 8 Why ahould the king of Moth, by
•he advice nf his priay council, i - » time uf
innt ment danger and three anting <i -re.-”, »p.
ply for relief to a prophet ofthe G d of Israel
s Balaam certainly wa*,V;'d not to Baal-poor,
• • God of be Moabite ! *
Quest 9 How far should tbe muter of
.‘■ concern himself about th- eieinal aal.
v »tioftarfhis childt n, i’-rvants, Ur., is it hi,
duty tuaead a portion ofthe scripture to them
m°rn«and evening, and pray with them a
oftenTE should he not cat chise, or-sk them
oer'inent nutations, ttprn-ei ses-rn. !
Quest. 10. Ia it posaible h>r a per- n to b«
regenerateil, or b-ro again, and yet fi r many
1 >’»r« after fear he is not! Am may a person
•o wsy doubt of his regeneration, and at the
rame time, be an unconverted perron !
Q ieat. 11 _ What advice can he given Inn
- rson grieviouily distressed with fears,doubtl
Quest. 12 la the death and ttifferinga q
' •"'i'. or “a passive nhedie'ree, all that ia ra*
.Hired for the aalvst'nn and justifiratii n of (
ir ner! Hath hia active righteonsneu no
. nt in the work, or most it be imputed I —
1“ 'he imputation of f hi isi’a active right,ouy.
teas an essential point of doctrine, on may 4
ms’ he safe without it.
Qneit. 13 Is it pnaibfe fer a person, who it
ubled to bewa'I h's own vlleneu. to be aa.
ted nfao imereat in Ch’iat with etornaljoy,
’d yet not have an astonishing view nr thg
lory, fulneaa, and anitablenesa of the Med|.
■ or, engaging and concerting him to love
Itib Saviour, and delight in his ways ! And tl
t poiaible to have such an affecting view of
th-ilt before reg -neratinn !
G test. 14. At I apprehend that the prao.'
- e o('amily praver ia unfoahinnable in bu*
'rya, ia it beeauap thia age ia ao much v iaea
’ban theta, or is it bec.usc we are lets so'
quainted with the life, power, and comfort of
hat religion which ia pure and undefiled be
fore God!
Persons wishing the above above work will
please to leave their numes at the Bookstore
‘ the Publishers - where the Subscription ia
w opened.
..fll 200
liYeosurs i
April 29, 1828
T HAT, on the fitst day of October next,
the principal ofthe six per cent, stock
of the United States, created under the au
thority of an Act of Congress, entitled “An
Act authorising a loan for a sum not exceed,
ing eleven millions of dollars,” approved an
the fourteenth day of March, one thousand
eight hundred and twelve, together with
the interest then duo thereon, will be paid
to the proprietors of said stock, or to their
attorneys duly authorized, at the Treasury
of the United States, in Washington, ana
at the several Loan Offices, on the books of
which any portion of said stock may stand,
A surrender of the Certificates of sai
Stock, will be required at the time of pay
ment, and the interest on said Stock will
cease, from and after the thirtieth day gf
September next.
Acting Secretary of the Treasury.
May 12 42}ht
Georgia, Chathi m County.
W HEREAS Jane M. Russell, has ap
plied to the Honorabls the Court o*
Ordinary of Chatham County, for letters of
administration, on the estate and effects of
John M- Russell, late'of Savannah, deceas
ed, as widow : These are therefore to cite
and admonish, all and singular, the kindred
and creditors of the said deceased, to file
their objections, if any they have, to tht
granting of the administration of the estate
of the said deceased, to the applicant, in
the Clerk’s Office of the ssid Court, on or
before tbe sixth day of October next, other*
wise letters of administration will be grant*
Witness the Honorable Elias Fort, one of
the Justices ofthe said Court, the sixth
day of September, A. D. one thousand
eight hundred and twenty-five.
Sept 6 10
’Y\ie, tnibscribex
Dust Pans and Spit-Boxen
Hair and Wist Brooms
Club and Brand Axes
Scrubbing, Cloth and Hair Brushes,
A few dozen Focketiights
July 23 - , 91a
100 r B0S PRIME LARD ’ feeding
from ship Savannah, and for safi
August a