Newspaper Page Text
*Ddke of Rutland to mliS; Duke of Marlborough, Master
loffte horfc; Marquis of Captain-General of his
Majesty's forces:—That William Bridgen, Esq; cutler, is
chosen Lord Mayor of London That the great exporta
tion Os bullion fe ceased, jawing to the difference of ex
change :—That an iafurregion had happened at the Ma-
owing to the inhabitants refufmg to pay the subsidy
agreed on to the English, winch brought on an engagemennt,
in which riie Spaniards and natives loft 2500 men before it
was quelled:—That it is laid the sovereignty of a certain
iflana id the Med!tefftis£hn has been offered to one of our
Princes of the bloqd, and it is thought the fleet lately put
to sea vfill touch there in its way up me Straits: —That Dr.
Spry, ode of the Civilians at Doflors Commons, is ap
pointed his Majesty to be Chief Judge of Canada, and
the iflail3is and territories thereunto belonging:—That a
printed memorial,‘relative to the proceedings of the Dutch
49 the Eaft* Indies* was to be delivered to the Principal
’ Ministers of Staftt, and it was said, that, in consequence
thereof, a categorical answer would be demanded as to the
rtafon of the present armaments in Holland.
Same day a fubfeription purse of 201. Sterling was run for
at Sunbury, and won by Mr. Joseph Gray.
The Hon. Lieut. Col. Montague Wilmot, appointed
Governor and commander in chief of Nova Scotia, in the
room of Henry Ellis, Esq; who requested leave to resign
that government, arrived at Halifax from Quebeck the
25 th of September last.
On Friday three men were committed to prison on suspi
cion of horse-stealing.
* We hear from Beaufort, that (ome days ago part of a
wreck was seen floating near St. Helena, thought to be a
schooner from Charleftown, having on board the family of
Mr. Duval, who lately fettled as a pilot at Port-Royal.
Monday arrived at Tybee his Majesty’s Ihip Speedwell,
Robert Fanftiaw, Esq; and the Trial, James Wallace, Esq;
from Charleftown.
Custom-House, Entered Inwards* From
Dec. 2, Brigt. Fanny, John Stark, London
8, Brigt. Fanny, James Bevin, . Jamaica
Outwards. For
Dec. 5, Sloop Georgia Packet, Preferred Alger, Antigua
Sailed. For
Dec. 1, Ship Sea Nymph, John Grant, Squth-CpjroUna
- Brigt. Margaret, Andrew Elton Wells, A&tfgua
Sloop Charming Kitty, J6hn Earle, Tortola
4, Snow Augusta, James Bailey, London
Has imported in the Polly, Capt. Quince,
Afresh assortment of medicines ; ai&
lancets, surgeons inflruments, Sec. Sec . which he
will fell reasonably. He will fit up boxes of medicines for
plantation use, with dirc&ions. • •
Imported in the Polly, Quince, and the Fanny, Stark,
from London, ,
An assortment of European aniE^SEuN
DIA GOODS, to be fold for cafti, ot a flioit®edit,
at a low “dvance, at the store 6f Meflrs. Jobg'and James
Graham and company at Yamacraw, by J*
To be fold at Savannah, by. DAYJD ZUBLY.
WTTERTEA^b^ubfcriEeniasc&iie His ntmoft tocora
pleat his drawing the money and plate formerly ad
vertised, and having AH! a few tickets unfold, gives this
notice, that he wHI peremptorily begin to draw the said
chances to-morrow,, at three o’clock in the afternoon.
JuJ! imported, in the Jlop Rachel, Cep. John Bolitho, fonm
Philadelphia, and t be fold on very reafenabk terms if
Christopher Pechin, at bisftere on Mr. Whitefield’r
* nubarff, the following %oods, vix.
T?LOUR, ship, middling, milk and butter bread, Ma-
JP drfra wine in half pipes and quarter calks, Jamaica
Spirits, common rum by tne hoglheaa, barrel, half barrel, ,
and ten gallon kegs, checfe, batter, gammons, double beer,
loaf sugar, almonds, candles, soap, chocolate, white wine
vinegar, onions, bar iron# tod earthen ware.
ALL ptrfons who are any way, inj.btej ,0 the tiuc
eduefteft’ n J H°f\ M 1° f “” ° f Darien > leafed!
;;r ;A““f and l f ,fcl,ar ?. e the f ? m ’ loon a, poffiblc, and
all those who have any demands on the said eihte, are de
sired to fend in their accompu, properly attested, to
GEORGE M-INTUSH, Adminiftratnr.
T. be fold at vendue, a, ,b, IVatch-bouft t n Savar.„ab, enTeZ?-
FouRTMACT^tTiV^* 1 ’ r,ady m *v-
UR TRACTS of LAND, containing 1000 acres, all
contiguous to each other, lying upon the river Savan
nan, in St. Matthew’s and St. George’s parities viz.
300 acres or upwards, of river fvvamp, with* nlentv nf
cypress arid oak ; 300 acres or upwards, of high land with
P s“
r* a 1 LO rin Savannah, containing 60 by ISo
feet, known by the letter Q, in Heathcoat ward, not con
tiguous to any other lot, and lies between two squares near
to the intended new church. n
ho use ° * WHARFF LOT °PP°ljtc to Mr. Jones’s new
Any person inclining to purchase the above lands or lots
at private fale* before the above day, may apply to
u ot the - Wn of , 6avannah ’ in the parilh of
Chnfl-Church, penwig-maker, and late constable for
the town and panlh aforefaid, do hereby acknowledge to have
greatly abused, highly insulted, and ill-treated Joseph Ot
toknghe, of the aforefaid town and parilh, Esq; both as a
magistrate and as a private person, without any just cause
or provocation: And Ido further declare, that whereas I
gave out that the said gentleman hath threatened to ruin me
I do now freely own to have been a iniflake of mine,
fuchexpreffions, or any thing tending todt, were uttered by
Mr. Ottolenghe. For all which offences Ido in this public*
manner heartily and sincerely beg his pardon, and will by
my fnttire behaviour convince him how much I abhor my
past unwarrantable conduft towards him. In confirmation
of the above declaration I have hereunto signed my name.
~ , ■ * JOHN BOWLES.
STRAYED or STOLEN from Mrs. Ktnnan’s plantati
on, strong grey HORSE, 14 hands high, branded on
the near Ihoulder WV with a fleur-de-luce a-top, and on the
off Ihoulder IP.—Whoever takes up fiud horse, and deliver*
him tp Lieut. Grant in Savannah, /hall be handsomely re
wardld. *T‘
T O B E S 6 L D,
A PLANTATION, containing 1237 acres of good rice,
com, and indico land, pleasantly situated about leven
miles weft from Savannah, joins on lands of Meflrs. Gib
bon* and Benjamin Farley, on which there is a good dwel
ling-house, a barn with two floors, and a rice machine, ft
great quantity of and apple trees, Sec .
160 acres are already cleared, and under proper fences.
For further particulars enquire of
to k fold, the ixtb day y uettmber at jhe
Waub-beufo in Savannah, for ready monrf ,
ONE TRACT of LAND ia£t. parilh, contain
ing iotaacres, adjoining Hum! of Mr. John Rivers.—
Also 100 acres of llkd, adjoiaiag Mr. William Graves’s
plantation in St. Johrrs parilh ; and also 20 acfosof land,
on which is a good dwelling-fioufe, on Newport landing ;
the property ofßff. Andrew Way, and seized on execution by
Nov. fi ‘ MATT. ROCHE, Pniv. Majr f
By order outlie Honourable Commons Mouse of AfiemblyT
hereby given, * to all persons haviag de
mands qn publick, not provided for in the tail
year’s estimate, that they bring in their accompts, duly
attested, to the dWk of the house, on or before the 15 th
day of December instant, after which day no actompts will
be received. THQMAS BURRINGTON, Clerk.
WmUd at the Printing-Office,
\ MAP M SQjBH-CAROLIN A and part of C EOR
wjiole sea coast, all the i Hands, •
inlets, rivers^r|®p4rtihes, townlhips, boroughs, roads,
and bridges; almMeral plantations, with their proper
boundary lines, |nd the names of their pro
prietors : by the Hon. William
Bats, ‘Efq; Capt. Gafcoign, Hugh
Bryan, Esq; and D’Brahm.