Newspaper Page Text
*—c~h wnrmrrr o wWTjtFtfXiur'm ‘
HTS Excellency ?be Governor has been pleafcd to appoint Rowland
RtTgcley, Esq to b Register of Mefne Conveyance*, and fcfr.
lamo Johnston to be Notary Publick. ,
1 Feb. *7. Atl onr advice* from London, by the last veffela, promise a
fpredy andfcnppy termination of thf differences between Great-Britain
at and her Colonies. •
In the St. James's Chronicle of December 10th, 1768, appeared a copy
6f a letter add refled to Daniel Ponton, Est). Chairman of the Quarter Sef
f.ons at Lambeth, dated WhifeetiVll, 17th April, 1768. to which was pre
£sed, a (hart introduction, of which Mr. Wilkes was found to be the au*
thor, and the fame was voted by the House of Lords “an insolent, fcan-*
<• dalooe andfeditioos Libel, tending to inflame and (lir up the minds of
’ his Majesty’s fubjelts to*fedition, and to a total subversion of all pood
<• order and legal government.” After coming to the said refoluiion,
their Lttfdfliijps lent a message to the Commons,.defiring a conference
touching the fame as “a matter highly concerning the peace and good
< order, as well as the dignity, of his Majesty’s government.” The
House of Commons agreed readily to the proposed conference, and order,
ed the printers and publilhers to attend them, and would it was not doubted
entirely with the Lords.
Mertb 6. To-morrow and Wednesday are the days for ele&ing mem*
bers of the Commons House of Aflembly of this province.
On Wednesday lift, Lieutenant Hepburn, with a party of the Royal
Scots Fufileers, arrived here from St. Aagultinfe.
March 7. Last Saturday rflght, between- seven and eight
as Captain George Higgins, of the snow Portland, in the London
trade, with Mr. fnhn Hill, Mr. Thomas Coleman, Dr. Edward Gunter,
a young lad bgjoneing to the snow, amd two negroe men, were com.
ing to towu from Hobcaw, in afaJJjng boat, (he wasoverfet by a sudden
iquall of wind, ard funk nearly Mrs. Wragg's wharf; by
which melancholy accideot Captain Higgins, Mr. Hill, Mr Coleman,
fnd one of the negroes, were unfortunately drowned ; their bodies are
not yet found.—Dr. Gunter, the young lad, and the other negroe, were
iappily fared. .
o r gT A.
By bis Excellency JAMES WRIGHT*, Esquire , Captain-Gene
ral. Governor , and Commander, in Chief , of bis Majejlfs said
Province, Chancellor'and Vice-Admiral of the fame.
WHBREAS it hath been leprefented unto me, that the snow Britan
nia, Stephen Deane mailer, who arrived at Tybee on Saturday
laft* with negroes from the Coast of Africa, is infefted with the fi allpox,
THRREFORE, in order as much as may be to prevent the spreading of
the fame in this province, I DO, by and with the advice and confentof
Ail Majesty’s Honourable Council, think lit to iflue this my proclamation.
ordering nidi requiring, that the said vessel be immediately carried into
and moored in Tybee Creek, and (hat the f.tmc, together with the Haves
and perions therein, do remain there at lead forty days after the last person
in felted (hall have recovered rand the (laves and perions who may be put
on Ihore there arc hereby prohibited’and restrained from going beyond the
marih on Tybee which divides the pnbtick land from theother cart ofthe
island; and the mailer or commander of the faic veflel is hereby ftri&ly
enjoined,(that all fucb (laves or persons who may die on board, or on
ftiore# during thequarantain hereby ordered, be buried in fome conveni
ent place <A the publick land at least five feet beneath the furface ; and
all person and persons whomsoever are hereby prohibited and foibid to go
on board the said vessel, or to the Lazaretto or keeper’s house, or to land
within the space or limits afdrefaid, without leave firft had and obtained
from me, under the pdtn of being obliged to remain there and perform
the fame quarantain as the said veflVl. (laves and persons, are hereby o
bligid to perform, and also being subj -fled 10 the penalties iofliAed by
law in such cases. And it is hereby further ordered, that all provisions
and neceflhries that may beevanted in the said veflel, or by the (laves and
persons thereio, or on (here,” be landed at the Oyster Bank before the La
caretto, and that when any boat thall be sent down the ewith, the person
having the direction of such boat do acquaint the olficer commanding at
Fort George therewith, who is hereby di e&ed to fend a proper person to
prevent any person from going further on Ihore than the said Oyster Bank,
or having any intercourse with tbefe on Ihore. All which matters and
things are hereby notified agreeable to the dire&ion of the*Qjarantain
Law, And it is hereby further notified, that the commanding officer at
Fort George, the commander of the scout-boat, and the keeper ofthe
Lazaretto, are appointed to enforce tbefe orders; wherefore they, and
alt other person and persons whatsoever, are hereby ftriAly charged and
required to pay full obedience to this proclamation as they will leverally
answer the contrary at their peril. AMft MfrHERE AS application hath
been made in behaf of the said CaptnfMfljpien Dean*, for leave to ino
culate all such (laves or other persons on board the said veflel, or belong,
ing thereto, as he-(hall thinh neceftary, 1 HAVE THEREFORE, by
•nd with the advice aforefaid, thought fit. pursuant to the power and au
thority contained in the aftpf the General Artembly of this province in
that case made and provided, to give liberty to the said Stephen Deane to
inoculate, or cause to be inoculated, all such flares and other perions on
board the said veflel, or belonging thereto, as he (hall think necefTarv,
cither on board the said veflel, or at the Lazaretto, observing nevertheless
the several order; and redactions aforementioned, which are hereby no
tified agreeable to the directions of the aforefaid law. # *
Given under my hand and the great seal of his Majesty's
said province of Georgia, at theCouncil-Cbemoer in Sa
vannah, the sixth day of March, in the year of our Lord
one thousand (even hundred and sixty-nine, and in the
ninth year of hit Majesty’s reign.
Bv His Excellency's Command, JA. WRIGHT.
Thos. Moodib, Dep. Seer. •
AN I ED, An honett, sober, and industrious LAD, as an AP
PRR>TnCE to the PRINTING BUSINESS. Such a one will
meet with good encouragement bv applying to the printer of this paper.
I MPERmL, Medium, FofiTanci'Qusrto Pofl, gilt edged and plain,
black edged Quarto Poll, poaMcape. Pot. Marbled, and Cartridge
Paper, to be fold at the Pripting-Omce forcafli. |
to Be SOID.Z vw/i* lie 30,1 h, C f 4r.-w, ~*t
\f” reajy money,
etchkiin k *’*'paiflh, cootainirij As acre,
I on otecheo ‘'T.””’"* 100 ic T’ fonth-weft
fide, on vacant hZ/T* °\ 1 f‘ ,na ! Mattßws, and on all other
xlth day of Ma!S a nd,“ s ftf t,me ‘ l6 furVC >’ cd J lhe * rant da “ d
infhXa?i£ l of\ ri M r i >F | con,ainin F 200 acr . fituste’
and Mall other hy Savannah Rit*,,
the gra t dated th OfloKcf"!-: ** W * S furvc y cd J
In WftriSo?^ C ;y T LAND. cOntaioing 350 acre,,
land and oart £ r ?? ccfc . ee - B b ? und,r >P rart on Helvinilon’s
land at the (imr rli C|,ee ,ver * *f"d all oilier (ides on vacant
ONE rr WM f n?* C .v a# / U,V<yed 5 the BMOt8 Mot da,ed 2d *759-
AnVon’s wIT” , 01 - IN Savannah: No. , in ,u third Ty^iVg
Anion sV, ard, containing 60 feet in front and feet in depth mu which
A PARM°LOT d . wcll,n ß* l J®“ fe and other improvements : Together with
‘• r adjo '” ,ne
wtl * C ;.°^ 4S ’ No ‘ s ’ i0 P'-n.i
The said lands farm and town lots, fold under executions, by
—S^v, r n a h, ~-th Feb. 1760. MATT. ROCHE. Prov Mar.
L 1 ytU OR STOLEN, Irom the piantatjon ol tJenrv Yongc, Mqi
P De l • b ) f va ll*}’ A B LACK HORSE, about 13 hands high, with\
flar on ht, forehhad, hi. brand 1, forgot, but supposed to be an O an o„ .
of his buttocks; he had on when he went away two (hoes on his fore seer.
Whoever will (ecure and bring h.rti to Mr. Yonge at his said plantation,
or to ih. Surveyor-General’s Office in S-vann.h, (hall have twenty (hfl.
lings fg*ard —He has been miffing ever the 23d of last morth.
HlSis to give ootice, rjiat Dr. John Reinicr being rcfolved either
Jl to depart quite out of this pro inee, or at the lealt to remove far
oat ofrhM town, WILL SELL HIS HOUSE AND LOT upon very rea.
fooable terms. And herewith do warn all them which arc to him indebted
to come and pay him at ©r before the firft day of May next, or else they
may depend upon being compelled thereunto according to law. And any
one having a just and mand against him is desired to bring in his refpeAiv
account, and may depend upon being immediately paid off bv the fubferi.
TO BE dOED At PUBLICK VENDUE, on briday the iytb
A SLOOP that will carry about 70 barrels of rice,, belonging to the
Etlate of the late Michael Germain, deceased. *
Also TO BE LET by the Sub [crib er*
A FIVE ACRE LO T near the Spring, at proient occupied by Mr. Je
remiah Slitcraaan. Any person inclinable to purchafc tbe fame may treat
Just imported from Liverpool , anfto be jotd by
At his STORE on the Bay, the House lately occupied by Mr. Wylfy,
IRISH linens, dowlas, oznafoigs, Iheeting, Inggins, lifcfias, diap. r,
10 and 11. nail and 3-4ths cliques and ftrijpes, 7-Bths and yard wide
cheqoes; 3-4tlbs, 7-fthj, 3. Bths, and yard wide cotton cheques; ftiipcd
; cotton, cotton hollands, cotton plod, blue finens, bed bunts, ticks,
I dyed pillow, counterpanes, dimities, jennets, jeans, tablecloths, chintz,
I calicoes, hamhums, perfian*, 1 taffetas, demy cambricks, demy clear
• lawns, patterns silk and cotton gowns, damafeufet, ftarrau, moseens,
; burden, flondas, velvets, silk handkerchiefs, silk aod common laces,
. th ead, fuperfine broad cloths and trimmings, so per fine plains wirh trim
mings, cloth coats and breeches, Tailors watch coats, jackets, t/owfen,
and (hirtnj camblets, calimancocs, fwanflctns, baize, linfies, blankets,
rugs, sailcloth; mens, womens, and childrens worsted and tbrqgdhcfe;
(ilk hole, womens (ilk milts, silk cloaks and hats, mens and childrens
(hoes, womens leather and calimanco fboes, cordage, twindß earthen
ware, wine glades, decanters and tumblers, pewter pistes and diffies,
pewter bafons and spoons, teakettles, sauce pans, frying pans, iron pou,
copper gunter feales and weights, sugar boxes, lanthorns, wine mealures,
carpenters, cotopers, and joiners tools ; nails of all ferts, cindlefticks,
fnufleri, and extinguilhers, knives and forks, penknives, butchers
knives, razors, feiflars, fpedtacles and cases, (hoe and ft'nee buckles,
fnulF and tobacco boxes, locks of different kinds, hinges, spring bolts*
brushes of all forts, sewing needles, palms, box and fad irons, grind
(tones, spades, powder, (hot, tea, butter, cheese, tobacco pipes, coals,
and fait.
N. B. The above goods will be fold miith lower than what is cufto*
marv for Caftv. Rice, &c. .. . ‘
MaN ot good charaller, with or without a family, who is qua i
fied to take the charge of qne or two saw mills at Rbenezer, may
meet with good encouragement, by applying to Francis Arthur, John ’
Mollrvne. or |ofih Tattnell. •
| HAVE enquired into the Price of Flour, which I find to be hi follows,
I viz. gelt, 18s. 6d. Second, 16s. and Settlement, 15s. per 100 lb. the*
ad. Loaf (hould therefore weigh;
lb. ez. dr.
BEST, - - 1 B. 10
SECOND, . - - - * • •
SETTLEMENT, - - -* J 9 •
TO BE SOLD, M Tutjauy th* 41b / Bfril Htxt, by publick vttultu, at th* £*•
thanyt yi Sa-v*n*ah,Jmr rtady money,
A PARCEL OF ELEGANT JEWELER Y, confining ofmany articles
in that way; afo. A FEW CHOICE BOOKS, and SUNDRY
ANDERSON, deceased. ANDREW DARLING, Admimttraior,
Who desires all persons having demands on the above tftnsa te make
(hem knoWn forthwith*