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■m. t Wr ms ‘d&a v i * ■ “V. . • t’ * * ■*,£•. ,
m *:it •*•• tVy
a4 V% *Wm m -A, —a ft, _ ft*V ■ mF^f Ov
* be*tt*ck^TiSa?th<ymff’
UP• N tho fappofitioa that u aliath .
*•* yoor‘province tad capita! miy
*• rtMwtd, tod in fb* fate! tstcertaiuty
whta this may happen, I like th h
be*ty !• submit • fr* Hiatt to jrwr fe
tit** couGdoratiou. It it af na manner of coafe.
pataca by vlaa they art green, aor from wbat
taativt) aatHiag Hat tbeir iutciufick value (if aay
tfcty have) Hat • right to year at nation. Tfc# writer
prefefetb a ftocer* regard far tha profjperity af yoor
vHai country, aod an auxitut centra far aambera
•f its lekabuants; wbateva t conftiuftvona may Hs
y*t oa or whatever retort he may attt
with,'be hopes it will act meet him tltagether un
acquainted with retrying evil fo* goad, aor a total
•ranger ta tha defc* af rswarding gaad for avil. I
mtaa to sty nothing bat what (halt flaw fram sincere
fcisadfrip, and Have uoriofi til hope that retfothhie
■* mill par da a wh* t hat aa other drfcgn thta ta
guaid tga.oft dangers, ror that he wh* hat all htarte
is hit kaads will caul* right words ta be forcible,
sad give saargy to what it intended t* fhsrtsn the
pvfcnet af war, tad kaftan ths b'rtfi-.ft af peace,
and~Ths publick tad privet* aappums af tvery indi
vidual. : *
Did I tbiak year cafirpsft Kapa, sr your dangenL
at aa ead, prudme# a* ghr dire Si mt te bs Altai, d0
faeck ia diffor%s( dramt; bat I eerily beiiere y*CTr
dsgne a>e only coming *n, and, though f am nans
•f ycur watchmen, I (hetiid be fairy aujr of yea
iha'iid oat take warning, or bring your aw* bleed
#a year heads. A faithful fr-end will give
fetch fat warniag, but the prf,pW#t which provh'tUth
•f wfaea the ward *f the pmphet frail eoaee
th pale, rhea frail the *rcpU*t be kowo tint the
t#td i; r ttiy fiat him, Jer. x*ix. y V3 hav* hero
ath*nta*ivfty told by Caugrefs, above a year ago,
that “ P evidence had brought you t* th- tbrtfliJJ
*f ptact and independency.” Tb? alliance with
Frasce had put the matter *U <l*ubt, and the
ha* p*|ftbt|ty *vf aa army's ccihig and
marching threugh ysur ctuntry was treated with a
dg r re of ridicule ihd 1 conttnapt *f all tb*f* tint
fseke moderation wb<cW can hardly be paralleled,
by th time you msv be Setter judges what grounds
tbs fa< guise had f*r .heir ho ; ei aid tiie cautious
f*T th/ir fears, hew wuch hav ber- gained by tba
*al es the vi*le*f, nnd what haiei wuuld haVe ac
cjtd fieaa picctution.
rtctainly, oir fnsads, rcu met wiih a ie u f
cri-wnts, hut teat af you dancel in y*ur tuiojC
a ad. itdalgtd mrth while lay ia sflite. Never
wr rtl gian at U Ivw an ehb, aer prsfa'eaafi,
tr,*r#j.ince, aad luxury, at a greater be ghth, than
at a inj whet , by tb* wraih of tha Lard,
SI darlctned, and the pao! are at fuel te ths fi e.
he moral ebusaer it rru* I- *f a prujili',
H ia aio do they plead of tnerr wavs and uoder
takingt bci-g appiived by Provtdepcs wbtl# rsl.giow
\t oc the Oec.eai *, land c.*iels tecunty gaiat daily
jriycil amergft lh|m. Whta wir breaks out in any
couatry Gc and IS said to csll Ibe ‘Void upoo it. hluw
•*sr , .It drd acceffary mr maybe, it aVa\s is a
very io.s jtitfgrHentj .and i| behjvcsa people tTiusvi
£ ad to tiacc ih:ir cslamiu s U* the pvki,‘ and to
kssw ths day -• t rheir vifitatirc. wc* parties in
aims call each other enemies. Iw coin.itou life it is
Gni..:imfS difficult to know who art fi'b*ndß aid who
art car fuss ; but I kftow sst huw to citl t'.s-1< bitter
totf#r, in the mid ft of war, ta pnr t on
s hrtttr feotirg thzn wa were, craven c a -ed to he
before it began, v and •afat lewd ly prapt proteflmn to
all theft Who arr ccaMi't to e- j y >h- f,wie law?, |j
be: ves. and c r rn.t’,tLy. . with hewfeivis. laipar
, lint nice will Lu km u t> >? very u eomrn** rne
m its who arVuidy to hy d’- n ih>tr arms as soon
si wecoi sent toxc'tpl ihr.t, the der.ial of wbicli
rife to war, a cl l.ave r > qu.rrei with or but that wo
w.ll a*t paitike.with ti<c;r c i the fsme pTtvi
leg.t. hftdf con#iWtienr, wUich a e cor.f. B*4&f ii j
equju!<U by tt.‘? c.* j they *Miort,.. Wlin m. ft
f rrigrcrs'a\d what w 1, p tfc f y'thick, bat whr is
Jcepi up ar etry h#*W, is her than cim i<ceptcd
t.pon etrinas thst unit- u ti*e and happy as ihufe ifer thm.
I remember wherLoJiyof thaskfgivirg was ap..
fointfd for the last peace fame said they eanld not io
rtotifneaca be thanafn’ far n, *#r attend puhlick (er
t;<* upon that oocaiitni ihry were told they might
. . SiVt U • - ‘
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Sffi jflnnll _wijm£L /BWm mdMH
I i AgSOjOlil ll
-V- • •
Published by Authority.
M t J o — ojw | - go f _
tit prtfror war* tatrtr
•dvinragaeae peace tha sttita ffruU j we Hava
bad nothieg bat trouhltt tvar fiace anaang omtfdrtt,
Wrt America hat thr wn he< fitlf into tbs htndt of
that vti j power from which Orial-Brttait frvod her
• in the lad war.
Fast hm>t ns%m keen mttmekei ; tha K.iog't Iroopa
•oattc oed lour aauoiht io Georgia, aod yoo hid
fafßcirnr time to make trery preparation, aod call io
affitinea from av*ry quarter, after tha poople bad
daily amused with totebtioat to evacoatt Ooor •
git, or retgk rg Savaaaah, the Kiog*s fortes N tn •
feted Snutb-Cmrelina tke jo tb es April UJI\ by m rapid
march,- the uffiflante e/ Ibe heji guide*, aJeafeu uncem
menly favourable, and taking rentes that eenid net be
fufpeSed, Tl ij refpeSable body Arrived be/tre tbe town
quite nnexpetted. ‘.Jf'hrs is yuor own accunotf now,
if you will cenfider what hath happeaad, ft will point
oat to you what,may.
After yor amy, onder four or more Gentralf,
guarded th* paflsg* over Savttuiih liver ab ut soar
. months, it retreated without waiting an attack ; the
lLi*g'a troopa croffod uniaterrupted and made their
way for soma miles through a dismal fwi*p. np to
their waists in water, withoot any oppe fitivn. At
Cuofawhatchie not abave fevea or eight Atacricaat
fall ia the (ltirmilh before the re# gave way; the
•rang poll of Chilyfiayoat not defeadtd, and ia tha
fpacc of ten days, tskmg BUck Swampaod iicaufurt
in ihe wi|, the traeps crutTrd (even or sight oavi
gabteriverv, mvched ab'.ut too wllet, aoJ ariivtd
before Charlettown rt unexpefltu “ It it ridiceleua
te fay tby took rontes which cuid oet be ful.-eflad,
when it is known they followed the main high road.
Did they render themfeives invifiblt, rid* on tho
clouds, or ms;<rh ucdci > Tit rruloval of
. the iobab tarts, their plat# ad caPritge*, is a fur*
proof what tl|jjr ex >e(\d IA j n.*t impute it te any
thing and fhoaourablt in afficrr* or men that th*ymjde
ao fim’d bv che way, aor faHy out of-the tow.i, or rut
eff the (mail pa t of a Irnall rnv before it: lam
warranted lo fapfe that hd a diflikt to tha
cauft, and would have
•ft they ltd aga nft French and Spaniards. Tha
inhabitants of Ch.iriedawiv m if!„be tfts be# judgtt
whither they th ught tba plac* or whether
they Were ready tofu trait *pan *ri\nt.
x -There ore Lai* Gets which adorn no ambigtity.
Evacuating f*rts tftongly impliit a want of mea, tad
a iking far terms a difp©fiti*n to ftirreadcr> The
pr*poiM ms nautrality, and *f fubmittiag t* the *-
vtst swat WilhoHt takiag any further part ta it,
wrfl alwat sbe considered ass very fotf-/
dent in tht'l’tVefk'sf independeaey. It nuft mtka
deep imfrcfiioof on the Congref*, th* cawotry at
lar g'* pttyj 6t||tr 4ate, the French, aod th* Ame
rican army. It may have been di&atcd by great
prudenc#, but <s>ve infttf that autbiag hot the appre*
henbao *f the grtatelt dang*r can poffiMy eacuft it.
In n* other war so in ,ny thingt hive hapocoad us
accountable upon c >rr.m jn psiirctplea. How often
might'it have been ended if euhrr party had tneva
•r improved fame critical aumentt. lgujraact rs
the true htuatron of oppohie plana and aimiss hat
often pr*vcd their Lf*ty. Aliawmg the tgr S four
houis t me ta coahder it what fame ether Gsaaraia
,ght ■jt have duce isl the fern* cir.umfiin*
ces, ayd as proof ih<l Gee. Pr#**t, any m ve than
“ Col. bfiurtaaJ, 2 ’ “ coni it ehve/ltJof pokte
nrp and b*m*nity and th iugh tb*exviefii •, that
the “ R> itijb treops la-ve fi*ct keen JteaUng frtm ijbind
te iJly.%J t ‘ is om very p*l • I ,t i cei taiafy mji t* •
Icrabls ihsn the afltrti.*n, “ that the expedition ijmow
dtfgi icetully at an rr.d,” which, while f* targeted
important a put of the province ia ia tha (mg*s
hands, ia mft glrtcg!y fstfe.
Y- a cumplsin “ that women, children,, hod the
very negruts, were ft ipt of all fheir clothing; y*ur
fcathci beds cut up, that ycur petals frauid hav*
none to lie *n ; h ti. ken carried cf; all the plato
and rO-ipty that could be fau*d i*ubhd; papers of all
kinds deprived; ufafot furritu*-e cut up aod dfrrd
to pi*ct,” U . All tbefe are bird things; hut a'at t
they aic nothing hut whpt it common ia war. Hap
pily yol had no idea of fucb thiagi before, tnd if
you will ietd the history of the la't war in Geimaey
yen will lad that vou know nothing of hardfript y*r.
All this you (hohLbrre©oafidered before you ratf*d
troops, or rafufed peace wheo it waa offored. Ua
happily wt did not kaow |#w to valve pcate aid ouc
‘-■nmKv * ‘ mrzmmm
f ir* - ‘ ‘ t , <
Cottata Wefrogtj potbap* tho wad* of them ms
t U ft t*|ra
*o*oMi^rgtSßrSßSiiSttPj^hSr3*P3^ ¥
pop that wore foood pcaeoohly.oo thosr plsnfatiooe | ‘
btf c old yoo nCfWA to draw arms again and othr,
and that they would not make uf* of their Alisii a
gaiaft you? After tha moft vilifying laegoag* ofed
agaiaft the Eng and hit army upon w*ry octafiooa
aftor ref*fiag peace aod pcotcAfon, could yau txpeft
to he treated like friend* aod was not prottAioti and
fafery granted to *ll tbit chef* or thought
proper to accept it > If noy ffek have mat with ill
ufago in tho confofeo, •• might be unavoidable) and
they wilt be redrtflVd; but it it 00 feertt that f*mo
****** or parents, have taken protection, while Huf
baodt or foot Continntd in armt) and that feoto
pretended to fubosit only with a view to taka arms a •
gain the |rft opportunity. Tha farcing pnfopers of
war, or theft who bad fabmitted, to tekt ormi a
gin, and puttiag thafe ia durfa that refufad, Tcoif •
ectre to be et moch agaioft equity, had tht Jaws oft
war, t to oblige an oftetr or ga'rrifoo that furran- .
dered to aA contrary to their parole} bat I know
ofiicort, and no atu ones, who made mao turn out
•ttboor paying thejfgaft regard to their coaditi oo.
Many fell in battle VgAMift the K'lg at Brvorcrfrk
•itb hit proteAioo ia their pbekatt. Americans,
this can do you no honour among luropoan nations.
Whatever cauft there may be far cemplaiot,—-
u Lorenc o, to mcriosioat* if ;*.** ftmember
what hat boeo done by Cel. Vakrr’t party iw P ori
dt--Tbiok on Governor H m.itoua's proclamation,
that all that would far** uaitrhim (hould btrt free
plunder--•X.*coil*A Wiliiamfea’t bell peas, and
hew fume were ufied io the back (etrltmeots, oaf for
taking up arms against you, but f*r a*t taktag op
with y*u agaioft their own eorfoeoee tad bins
if their Ignds, and to whom they
and yto bid (Wort tllsgianct; b*w miftyhovt been
farced into the fervict, low many have fptit thir
blood and expofbd tktir lives ion etaft which, how
ever ;aft it may bt in your eyes, was not so in the t
‘-•-Reftefr on af danger, irTn’t, • j
iadignity, every maa wat axpofed to that did nut
like independency, oe which tba pooplt was never
coafultod, sad who thought the s”*ict of Franco
would rather be tba rain than tb* fiv, gas America,
whieh would hove exposed all thafa wba dovft Hava
mentioned it four yent ago to pablick abharrtaca -
Caahdar what, abevt all things, datrvat your feri
ot ersafidtrstiua, tbxi soma parfaos have botn exe
cutad, aider pr*tsaso *f reb*liiao tr*af*a a
gamif yeui ftstt. It isya oocoa'-fe* .tx'm to tho
■4* that, m • civ oar, “ tliecommui
ULVJ af zvar u abfilute and iudij pen fable to *O/6 far*
tie;, and the fame it which the } •+, of i atari obl-ge
aL nations to okferve ket mten Jtatc and Jfalef ‘ Vattel
>wl. 1. p. 1 io, in. Hits yo %bfrvtd tb;l? If
not, ypcvnot claita it. Djii any aatioa ha*g
ihoie wba ara at wgr agiiafi them* D* yoor allies
the Freach bang tha English, or tba tag l ifh tho
French, when taktu t toay bsth ohitrve the
lwt of war. Has tba King extent*! a mao
f.<r being io rebellion against i a> Have net tho
States feverai under aa other prairies? Will you
cooopiain that a licentious foiJter cots ap ao ebon-
t*athar-bed sad cairiet t~ff tha tickaa‘, whildr
yoo hang up tha King's loyal fubjeUi without u<r
cv, aad bring op*n yoor ceuatry tba blood o 4 ibft
iauocent, and tba tea a of their widows and orphan >
Whl yc* thiak it a hard tiiig that yfuf “ ofvftvf’
boulei ild furai.u ais dalhad to pieces,’ * while you
would allow aciahtr btuie, air, fafoty, ot abode, to
a*y that would aav givta yyu avciy Ocorityaot to
aft agai&ft you, tha.ogh tbev not take as aft.vo
put ia they thought fi.ifol tod luinooi? Hava
you not now hm refprei ikde pt 1 vnt in ycur prtfoot
for reaUn but bsteufa they'u s e takco by
the Ktrg't troops,, or will aot aft contra.y to tU*
renewed oath of aliegiaooe after their pan es the
ci uitry OMt absr.daoed by ysur arts -if. Tba Oovre
nor’a proclamation again it ttoot him honour*
but will gioa th* fufaicrt na le.Jiefe. Will ypu eom
plain tha t your negroes run avr, ©r uif c. 41 oed of,
thbila f.roc cf thJr poor erttvipt* have beta hanged,
it ialaid, without soy tiiil, batauf* Uiey retied them-
Lives Kiaft’s man * Alts 1 vbat noimoftaiqa has this
unhappy war rai&d batwaan frigode, what |aocr*oa
priaeiplea ha* it axtioguifrad. What hurt has it dona
to virtue aid religion, aad fa*w much prejudice to
the manoera of the riiog game ratios, and wkwo will
be tha end, (The remainder tn our next.J
IN*. 3 d.}