Newspaper Page Text
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WHEREAS hit Excellency the Governor
bath Appointed the fubferiiter C'erk of
the Market in the (own of Savannah; And
whxrbai the-several ads of Affembiy for regu
lating the said market, amongst other things,
eaeft, * That if any person or persons Hull
•• buy or fell, or caofe to be bought or folJ,
any me*t, poultry, fifh, fruit, herbage, or
“ other visuals, Chat ball be btought to the
*’ fafd marktt, before the bell (hall have been
*’ rung the Sated time in the said ad mention.
•* ed, as well the buyer ns feller (hall forfeit
*’ five (hillings sterling for every offence, to be
* r recovered and applied in manner therein
tl direded.”
“ >nd, |hat no retailer, trader, or other
person, (hall buy, or cause to be bought, at
“ the said market, any vs the articles above
** enumerated, or other vi&uals or provinces,
■‘ with intent to fell the fame again, either in
■* the said market or elsewhere, until the hour.
• 4 of niaein the foremen ftjrthU town clock,
*’ under the penalty of ten (hillings for every
offence, to be recovered and applied in man
-4t aer thrrrtn direfted.**
f And that no person (hall boy or fell, or
*’ contras- for the haying or felling of any beef,
•* mutton, veal, pork, or other meat, that
•*. (hall H* killed in the said town, nr within ,
** one mile thereof for sale, before the fame
* (hall be brought to market, and expsfed to
** sale there, onder the penalty, for every futjh
•* effrace, as well by the buyer as feller, of
■’ ten {hilling* llerlirg, and the value of the
“ meat so bought, fold, and contraded for, to
** be recovered, levied, and applied, ns therein
•* direded.”
And whirias many persons do daily offend
. again ft the said ads of Affembiy. in the parti.
Calara above mentioned, and do aifo profane the
Sabbath, by felliig meat at market on the
Lord** Day, contrary to all law, decency, and
good order, I do therefore hereby give notice,
that if, after twenty day* from the date hereof,
any person Stall offend in the particulars above
mentioned, or ia any other refped infringe the
laid ads of Affembiy far regulating the market
ia Savannah, they will beprof*cuted according
to law by
RICHARD DAVIS, Clerk of the Marked
Savannah, January 24., 1780. i
By his Majesty’s Court of Seflions of
Oyer and Terminer, and General
Gaol Delivery, holden at Savanaah
the 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, iSchj
find 20th days of December last pall,
and afterwards adjourned to the nth
of this prefeut month of January,
when the lame continued to be hol
den on the said 11 th, the nth, 13th*
14th, 15th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th,
and 21 ft days of said month. 1
WHKASAS James W*Uace, ofSavanpab,
John fr ono. of :avini>ah, merchant;
Phiiip Delega'i of Skidaufar, plantar ;
William Brown, of Savannah, merchant;
And fame* Parker, of Ob rift-Church pariih,
Were severally drawn by ballot, and fumnf oned
to appear as Grand Jurors t this Court,. (at it
is said) but they tee said James Wallace, John
Turno Philip Delegal, William Brown, and
James Yarke , did refpeftively negleft to ap
)*®a~ nt this Coart; It is thEftEFoii Oh-
OEki That the (aid James Wallace, John:
Tunno, Philip Delegal, William Brown, and
James Parker, be feverajly fined in a sum not
txceeding eight pounds sterling, and that a
capiat do issue cot again ft each of them for f,eh
sum as they (hall be federally fined in, unlefa
each of them do (hew good and fuficieat We
of excuse to the Judges of this Court, or one of
then at hit Chambers, fuels excuse to be made
upon oath, before one of the Justices ®F the
Feace of this province, within thirty days ftom
the date hereof, exclufivs es this day. Ago
IT 11 for The a Orders f>, That • copy hereof
be inserted in the pnblick Gazette of thil pro
" Vince. Dated in Court, the ait day of Janu-
A|y>, ;a the year of ear Und pyfte*
By the Ccu/t,, ■
CiPwoOßtt, lit Jratlrj, 17#®. -
■Nk If *’ ■BBr- ttf 2r/\ a’* VkAftTiM^’
M If Jof jar
V . * > . •’ * V * f ‘* ** %
By his Majefty’i Court of Seftions of
Oyer and Terminer, and General
Gaol Delivery, holdgn a| Savannah
the 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18 th,
and loch days of December last past,
and afterwards adjourned to the nth
of this prrfeat mopth of January,
when the fame continued to be hol
den on the said nth, the nth, 13th,
14th, 15th, 17th, 18th, i 9 rh; soth,
and 21 ft days of said month.
WHERyAJ John Storr, of Savannah,
mtrehant; ‘ •
James Graham, of Suranpah, merchant
Adrian Loyer, of Savannah, ganfpmh V
Thomas Polhill, of St. Matthew** parish,
planter; /’ jS
Joseph Raynes, of Chrsfi-Chiirch parish,
planter t
Thonla* Wilson, of Chrift-Charch parish,
And James George, of Savannah, (hipwright;
, Were refpedirely drawn by ballet, and (urn*
muaed to appear as Petit Jurars at this Court,
(•* it is said) but they the said several persons
did refpedively negled to appear at this Court;
And whereas .1
Jfaac Bailieu, of Ckrift-Glilurcb parish, plan.
Nathaniel Polhill, of St. Matthew's parish,
planter ;
Philip Yonpe, of Skidaway, planter;
James Heriiot, of Savannah, merchant;
And David Johnston, of Ckrift-Chorth pa.
ri/h. tanner;
Wert also drawn by ballot, and summoned to
appear as Petit Jurors at thb Coart, aad did
accordingly appear, bat afterwards abfrnted
themselves without le ive if the Court tlt ll
therefore Ordered, That they be severally
fiaed in a sum not exceeding soar pounds ster
ling, and that a capias do issue against each of
them for such sum as they (hall be rafpedively
fined in. unlsfi each if (Uch defaulters do (hew
good and fufficrent cause of excuse to the Jad>
ges of this Court, or t ne of them at his Cham
bers, such excuft to be made on oath before one
of the Judies aof the Peace of this province,
within thirty day* from the date hreof, exclu
sive of this day. And it is On-
Diahn, That a copy hereof be inserted ia ;ka
Gazette of thii province Dated in Court, the
aift day of January, 1780.
By the Court,
CroWn Office, lift January, 1780.
WANTED, a person acquainted with
Such , one, if properly qielifiel, will meet
with good encouragement, by applying at Ver*
nunburgh to DAVID JOHNSTON:
■■ * , ■— -
THB fuhfcriber begs leaver to inform hit
friends in particular, and the publick
in general, That he has removed from the
house he formerly occupied to the hoefe be.
longing to Mrs. Eppinger, opposite the Bury
iqg Ground, where he #jfl carry cn
with the utmost punAnality and di(patch.
Savannah, Jai. 24, 1780.
‘ “ 1 —"■ I” ■ .....rrf Ah 1 1 -w^,
SOME time ia the month of Augoff lath
containing his Majefiy’s protedion to the fub
feriber, and an order from the Cammiffary-
General to drive in cattle to Savaqanb. Who.
ever fins found the fame, Aid will deliver it to
David Mariner in Savannah, (hall have area
fonable reward. WILLIAM THOMSON.
* *
FRANCES, the Wife of the fabferiber, kav.
iag fomedays ago eloped from her hoa r e
in Savannah,, and ince that time totally difap.
peared aad jsegledcd the car* of her koafe aad
fapily, Notice is tkerefeta gitee, to ell per.
fobs WkMfoevm, not to aey credit to
tho faidi Fraaads, oa accoaat of theftbfcrrber,
ks be is fully detqrmiecd to diftkirge no debt!
of her coatrading after this t6th,day of Jsm.
•*/ ■ PMmsmtSmr
** “ * -no
R Ct V A L
\ -C* f. ■’ •; . ‘
t—*—. it ■-* ■ x. J
A PLACE abDUt four miles out qf
*X town, with a good dwellag-boufe ani
oauhoofes on it. Eaquiro of the printer.
SAVANNAH, January iy t
WE hear that the Rtbal A%mb(y whmh irct ■
f Aogufta on Tuelday the 4th iift. have chefMi
the noted Hvwlty Gove nur of Hu State es Georgia}
the very identical fjt*tUm*n who four years sg*
made so obliging a tender es hie fervkei in faronr
of Government le Lieutenant Governor Bell of
South-Carolio*, hot which the lattaTy not having a
prener sense of hie . great merit, mod tiaprudentiw
declined. Mr. H ‘wley** fkUieifiirit, nj'trtiu, *4-
* tritti/m, vAJ’fitttnfitdiufr, aieeely to be parti,
leledby thole o t bit- predcceffu* Walton. *
Ia perfeA conformity to (he above.choice, we am
teld, the truly virtuous end patriotick Cftrti ITtUn
Eft is chosen PiefiJent of the Council.
The following Gentlemen are eieAed Dslrpitet in
Congref* for the present year, vil. SdxunrdTtlf*ir\
Gsrg JTatfrty Mfnjmmim MnJriw, Lyman NmH, and
Wdli*mFs’w jun. Kfqra.
Wiliam Sitphtnt, Esq; is chefea Chief fuficri
Jtha MilUdgf, Esq; Attorney General; Col. Jtbi
Stirk sud Capt. Hardy, Trcafurers.
W* aw Informed that a B II for taking pefltffion
•sand fettling (he lands belonging io the Creek I
dians open the Ocenee aad Ocmalgee rivers wag
brought ia by Govtraor Wilton; hat, notwitb
ftandmg it was fapported by all the force of hit a.
ftonilhing eloquence; a msjerity thought fit to ped.
pone the matter to a more convenient period.
It is reported the Congrtfs lately that too,oo* f
dollars to << the Coniituiiooal Legißatureot Geor
g<, if *ay exiting;*’ and that ht moaey was re
ceived by J: C. their Payaufter, who ia return
might properly enough give a receipt! ReceiVeA
from Coagrcfs, if any ra ting.” Thie meaty, no
Negroes now fell; (* dallars) would par
ebafe $a Negroes, tad as a bufhsl of ielt fetches joO
dollars, it may he celcalated hew mack it will cost
to tod (hit to tketr hominy.
From good autkatiiy we learn; that Jet* Williamt
and James Jarvie, both formerly iahabitants sfAi*
guta; being taken prifjners by feme of Twiggs’*
nien on the tad es December iat, warn committed
to Col* Parker’s main goerd; nod tho following
nig h, about nine o’clock, they were turned out by
the Gaard, and repeatedly urged to he gone; which
they did with feme rcluAance, fttfpefting fsul play*
After they had preceedcd shoot tod yards they were
fired upea by e party of foldiars picked oat aad placed
on pUrpoft, (although it was pretended that they
Were there by accident) whe did the butneli so es.
fe&ually as to pat five bullet! into the one, end
into the other. The unhappy mea however, coo
trery to theexptfthtioae of thafe concerned, lived
long enough to alert the truth qf the above witk
tbeir dyiog breath.
The Carolioa Pt in lira have givea their cafiemeri
Warning that they caa no laager print unlefi thsir
fuhfcriber* will fubokit to new terms* Timothy’O
ere, in dollar* a quarter; to ha paid ia advance;
Taia ia at the rate of above a dollar aad no half each
paper. In King’s times his paper ttfcd to be hi, p of
annum; at present il is to dollars; or fcjoli i.e. a-*
hove 49 times a* much. Ia tbit a proof of tho plenty
or badneft of their'moncy, or is it not father n proof
of both? That it is will irrefilibly appear; if, in
three months til*-, the price ia raiftd ftltt higher,
which, nailers picvented otherwift; will undoubtedly
be the cafe*
Last Saturday night a eerflderahlt number of
Negroes were carried off, by a party of Rebel bah.
dim; from the elantation of the Hon. Joko Graham,
&sq called Moateith; aboUt 14 mile* from town.
The following latter, dricAed 0* the hack;
“ CtioatU Bull at Sbtldtu,” was foaod At that
tieman's house lad fommer* The writer was Major
of the lyk regiment es foot, is no# a Recegado
••d impudent Rebel, aad deeply ccecetaed ie ibd
Kira deal bufinefs* It ia tUr# than probabla that
* waa jhe author of that rafealfy piece ia Mrs*
Crouch’s paper rcfpeftiag a late mofi worthy Colo-*
utl* on accoaat of thA just treailUent ha met with
from bite oa tho glorious morning of the y h Oft.
. her last. ’ ‘
„ btUr Sid • ‘ *
l rttßrn l*SO*f ibdoluftr Tear tbliriog
fanout */ Ytftrdar, iod tkt very Ugrttabl* Mruii
tint in Cntaimtd --I rtjtiet t Lord Bmmmnt't dt
ftat, aad dooify ol tit fate tftit Snitb hbutins t
eaa'tfay I Jbtui be ft ftmd at tie Virginia*! •,win ts
taking Sint i*vet trait gnedtyt r/v or family- -flip
have out noitb moth bttttr trtaltumt than tbty dtfemi
---/ rtrntmbn U iaoit nut unlit a* Aceti to Uijttrj
(the farticulttri ( ton not mSitdianh rectßtO-) tfa
Gtnl. uiiht Cut iff tit right hands ts the VrfStntrs Hi
Uok after a very ebpimatt engagement andtSent tbenk
hack It tbtir tuun Amj\ - fie JS dpptari Cruel- --
it untold certainlp be ourt jujUjtablt in U/ utntb rtJbeH
to tbtjk Scotch Veiamlbri, fir tbty Came uitUb a fro -
.§ It ie to be hoped; if-hlr. Rosier oft failsiat*
tho haqde of Sootfiaeo, they drill aot be at dm
. gjWwf %g thactmaaooyof catting effhil r%M
• f **
[N*-. 48.}