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Mr. Jroftnftoo, S*ct. * l7 | #
filitCE Ijem yen my lafi member, dated tept. ~,
. ?*JV M k * l * m PM**d, *ahuh, mj tt mui defeat
**SeU, ought &jiU tier- fahjedt
**££ 22? f z iY *'** ** d wr,i > *
* but made the tk/trsements if tbetr deft at, and 1
£*** trm *l* Uljt J’ Olid mum them
?'*•**** ym from ping st a plate, and l /halt at
mmjt* kappfie he that agreeably pre tented, hat mi A
jtm may bait it tn jour pinner to nfbri it ii jour next
as jim rnetted it hetir, mt hear/if the e
tJHtendi and ****£ **d difg rare. Jfi per fix ex*
■ irg fi* ( ‘ rt b lament the fan if that galiang ninth ,
Cnft. Jobnfon, hat he dudgbrnmtlj /* hu tun mad
Unity's eamfe, and US has lived ti a mbit pur pile
nvbi /tied and dud fbr the gnJ of his cemutri, and
Jemres an mmmtal name a/mo/9 as fma as be appeal -
fd-on tbs J9age tj aSten. Year's;
i/j rati mo* fttketb m!f rebellion , there sere a cruel
fxefteper/hall be feat again// him. fun. **y.%..
IN nry i ■>timer t uotber* I hire tr.h ‘uaitd tit,t
rcfijhrtce to lawful |(iitr*'nnrt it
* .i that as ati war it unjust tfwt
bat not i.jud ctuie ind obf'A, (e a tivd war
must besu r ertativcly so, when grievance*,
reil r pcatanded, ten aAuatly removed, and men
pevettbcleft ftdt pretind io levy or continue war a*
gninft their foverciga, or the body of which they
have batn member*. Cool and impartial man of all
juti iia will not bsfiiat* to admit (he trait # f my
#rcrl vropelMect, and allow that ie them tyranny
it **t flattered, and tan liberty not opposed, tlia*
liefott ‘ulnefi allf*jm>4iJmp©li bn to in*,,
*nd gt veinmer.% are net a*c< waged. I hive alto
predated a case from holy w.m, fev whtrh wh-sr *
deemei t.e!>ci un ia feripture i* moft clea ly deitr-
Bjina,', Jtui Item vrbt-h all the If thnt-prtrHe regard
sand to the fiHyturt? mvy lea r n under
nhat fpecicu* pretence aud a >pe*r*rce men m y
rfveriheltlt incur the greauft gu-’i, and involve
t* rnfc• r , Ihft cea.itry dJ polterity, irto rim,
enm tb y think every th ng plri.J* iqf.v.u; cf
t i.rpi acceding*. I hive been \,y f„*im K . i *-y.
I |!, f rithei ihi fibi, nr thv nax-mf Imd
t viaced, to the yiefeftt wnon y tiu:* r -bcau'|V
with ‘•*<{••* th it hvt been ]<.* , ‘ t ,y ir v> e
ard mrftak% :arrrr than hy in ioe “,
a i.i m att ft a,H* efe td m y cauie c,; i;:t, i, (
mi -n it it a forlorn h ’"Tbcnir to’* , f -r
the rn .aiming if lu Hasi , n icei tj, nutin_j_g
bi* thru iwn r3gr ard delniiee, and a-petr ey .
e tinder the pw{r_,f % re. i_j?* n er the
w ? ui.happy de ulion. P.fy mar be dun, hut : ,,|
t't-y t* loft upen thwlc v ho wtli have no pity for
trrmitrlve*. . y
A r-• olt Ir 1 vppy war ftWl between fove
'.-r .s'idJ^ip^J^etween-.tVifftrfSfc and hreHirer.,
and y m*n WlieT* aim i* ncihmg itf* than the good
ltd interrft nf either hat been fpuo out ro an unex
l&r < ier-.gth. rheuf* live p/rlWti by the
:#< ■. many Vs hunger nnd wart* f mi fink with
• ‘a rr*.rn heart under mjurie* ‘try cculd not f..(tan ,
1 rgirat a number have fuller: ?. f.criftce to the
4 £:c-d'< f.Vy and ciuelry r f tit fe who we e not
( ■< tt-d ti. f,'orr away the lvej if ,hcir felidw crca
leivice, brt wouM alio C( |oy the
i mph of wickedr in crcfigmitg bcttei men (ban
Itvfu.fcleet to an igrpn i tom death. The infamy
red* rot upon the martyr, but upon the utirighte*
cut jjdg’. Thire ia *t a province in America,
tor riifiiiA wi htn the drfuritrd rtaie*. which it not
•etc w Jr ft fttmeJwith the b I corf, tViff*nng, end
nelcDce, of in ohabitantt, nor a spot of tbt* ome
tj'hghiful pa t nf The gl bt that bear* not vifib'e
maik* of the emfe ar.d mifeiy inticduceJ by tlieir
y-e ert or I t* f fli mu ei. The patent date Ina
I hid out ftieodfy tftcii alter every vtiflery, and
Car fi ati a. and Hu-et are p<owu m re epprefiivc ir.d
eot age/'til nfter irerv def Jit. K’ wreeoirr| me
It nit ■, (PLry r e< *r) ut no
jiitlgiuentof tiurl, nor cibiairy t f
rin bring on ihrm!eive<, fna hithertw proved
fi sh. icni to cauie t.i mk- oau!e and th*• k.
Thry iee ihfej country reined, all na tery produ cd
hy their fyarj.ijjr, and IrfT* • the meie ff ft* r f folly
Ifarc ihcm .vHywh:i ibe face , out
/a 4. i ..... •■HFr-.- T ... T .. • >■
yeti my a* we|! r*-eft to find bowel* in a floor, *r
feitle in an oyftcr it il, at pity, (bought, o* imi
<y, tr> ibo lead*, g uta •< tint genera.ton. After
betag io entry rlf kSk Ta!fn thadtlefvea, their lift
“••ttfbt !• to involve cthert i.i guilt, and, ll
poftblt, to fubftitjate tht nt to their room • the day
of ytinifliment. Tidy hate hrtgiioed tad fold their
eeootry aad dupee 10 France, tad wife oow, with
the illroci 0/ that arbitrary perftiiou* power, to
feitt, deliver, and make good tbt bargata. They
koaw what they drf-rve, and what the pe Witte,
f* r rhe mete fufpuioo us fumeihing hmila r , met
with | end it i* naw eteu raturj for them to wiA
that F tnce, the Fape, or any ane, Atould he the
pofftfrr v^A•'*• rather than they fltmid meet
with their dtierta. The independency of a count, y
mertgagetf to a farogn power, and stupidly invit
ing that very power to fortciofie every method *f
redemption, i now cut of all rftiedton. This it
•of a ten deuied, hot wltytter may, ha the pmtence,
while.the alrtady totally dr,>enfi v oq
WrtdwrTOi-ytufr-M’ gHdTo -<Pt any’ they are
C-mmandod, th*i it ail the (Jungreft can conterd
*hd Amevrcanl hope for, aad it there no mar, or
body yf m on, within ail four Aatra, that Jarea al
ien yoar natural righij and re-rs red peivtleg** a
gainst those that betrayed you t 0* A wciica. a 1 i*
you not vbt fetl the or.worthinefa aod vanity cf
y*ur putf* * and h.w b>ng will yu be pade tools
•f to make war again ft your own bowelsrather thaa
return to a conrexiun in which even your heftayyra
canovt de .y yw have been always and fuperlattvely
happy tY o that have rofttted every offer of poaco,
and madr* ofe of every arrhea to continue the War,
“ you are chatgeable with ajl the evila, all die
“ harroit of war, all of blood, tk*da-’
** fwlatiow of fa atilt*#, tbt vepiiP, the vikitoers,
“ the ravsgei, the burniigi, are your woika and
4 * ernnev Y u .r* g!ty towj f ,t| those you call
” rnemiea of
** thrm, without ci ii . V u are guilty ToWards
“.yir vn pe>jr|f rs dr 1 wing them into aftt rs
“ laj'ifti.’f, ,-ex* -h g their live* wtiknut neerfti v,
“ wiikput ifaf-n ; tioa dt. t.iat-part of.youi fpb
** *li jin the ■* > 1 111* . uu.eif, or who ire great
•’ Uifte.c, by it, i4 J frog their lives, their fer
• m ei, or rh u ; e :r . Y>u tre gui;ty towarda
** ail ma’ k tW9 vs dirturbing th*ir quret and fettmg
“ a p-rn.-io >1 rxt-ii,,if.-’ A 1 this coin plication us.
pit It b .pj I • Vff ’ e li* rl’ .f t‘.e ) at- *.I 1 ret. tt go
vrra-ri >* ayes the fta’ct *vef 4ftce they iej:rted
B ifri T~I . f. vm’ *le ffu;, rv ■ y cou 1le! ji sT;nb!yar, ey; ypyrrml 4 and vy t.rtter, is
m lied m tm nn g*. it f 4 ii ii-.v,
til It Woift let cf bjd Uic. ( 1 1 rg y pi hit) w h
b*en thr principal authert and famer.ter*, wh.fc
bileft wjrk to their conflituenti, bus happiest to
li it *in and Amer ct, wi* the r'jrieion of pro,)Tils
of feroit which wojl i ftij! have left power and a de
pr-e rs irriekMa; cr in hd 0i i jiivlm.h, deft tut*
of all m rn bu’ whit they \ u! \ icnjetrsm a lx*J
tef lutioo t > est bltfh theni elves upon the ruin* of
either or both pat nei. T uefe are the grids which
have hr ught you tbui fa>, and thet'e are ih- wo.ka
which chartftvnae then adminiftratioa. “ Shotk
’ 1 g fttali gu* f t tr.tff let and crime* I dteadfui
“ account 1 1 be giv* i1 s the Kne< f K -*•, to the
“ cimrnon . father fm L See ravel, lib. tn.
cap. 11. 114. .If <ay petfon tlm.ks the propoh
iiw i, tiui • entt"tr ce a on war againtt~ a
lawful f ver*:gn, when **e*v grirvinre ha* netort
ovfly been removed, is rebel ion,
hi* ohjr.Tlti**.a candidly propolVd !h'l be fairly coo
hdered j at to whu deny what the feripturrs
paCtiyely atT.rt, whilf they reyeft the authority rs
the Uihle, it i* nut woith while U pipad.wiih tkc.n
in fuppOrt of any au.hVnity.
Exctufiv# of CongiH*, eercr<l* and the leading
men of the faftsor, :ar i. intended to he kept up by
a.I that eh >ofc to b* eithei pHloair* if wai or u;ss
t-a 1 ule, when thev had hr *ff.r if being admit ed
B iltfh tu )}?a*. Th * t?r itfrlf, and we m..y
with g eat pi,9p'iety look u,x>n the genera||ty~of
Inch men living among'~mTin this char*A C r f ar ,d
olifei virg rui Utuaticn, as more ready to pin ortreo
tmies, fhrfuld it be in their rower, thib to approve
thernfe.'vj* cur frieo.|? a* and fellow ertia rs>while it
mi£bt be attended with f o , B e danger. Those that
Jibrated u.Uo their i.arole itill more fully dis-
Vuvsicii ilicu real tu.lia*tiyn ; and it has been rt-
R o. Y A L
• ■’ -T-V ’ • ;
-‘“•nM SMWIMinWW- l
. - ■ ■■ .
frtved, that, at the late approach of tha America*
•rmy, *f which they ha# (indoubt*4 Mtt|Wtay
Ac vary apptaraaes af what ftlatrad amaag all mea
became £a buithewfeme * th*4 tbit Uray could not
help hetiayteg tkeis real dafpoß in, owd by • pre
matura rejoicing ia what they ought ta hafaßawft.
td fhewfd tbffvf*ea unworthy ta bt tfuAad ao4
met Italy detttabl*.
Thera art peifeas among aa whose delicacy and
tandovaefs doas mat permit them ta call thoft who
have overturned oar government, abdto the utmost
of their oowci fought tha lives aad dcArußiagi of
til its Irtends, by tha adiovt oatas of Behais.
DouWtlef* they have these reafoas for th i civility,
tha* theft reafoa* may not be totrer&lly known j
it remains however In indisputable msatm, N J ata
eso few# two ataflers, aad he that >s aat for. os ia*
agtinft us | aor can be t>c fitd for us who is aot a
gainst those whv are againk u.. I would aot wiA
to afea cattiag any set of men by odious names,
ho We vat they may defeive it, but while any are
■ft r-aU fhem msdared ,
fa’eall things by their4-ur oaru% H?y win.ft admit ‘
that their negative 16yaiiy cannot entitle them to ba
thought and treated at hearty friends and*cealoaa
fu * j •As of the governairnt which in nany ia dances
at least paff.d over their frail;ies and J thiia
It it ihs nature of (base men when they fuff r to
be angry far their fuff-:-tag* wi h ihfe b m they
it juted, or who have farawemed them, rather ihaa
.with tb:mfilers who are the fvUcsufs of H*c>r fuf.
Thcywiadnofet only their neighbors
how fa 00 h e, but theirs a'f * caught, aadaow the#
ars vexed that hey fho aid hs fc irehed a by ihs
* fJ *•-*=> at lh. br..J
thstthry ferme fv eat, and now they are out ace
oas agataff htm whose hi aad they diduas and f.> U B i
fveet, tha’ tbemfelves trampled bath th bread
and the giver. Poor creatuiei, it t sow ha with
♦hem, bat they choose rather td tjuaMef with and
shnfe shear former friends snd beoefaftort than ac
knowledge they liv/e been fa foolifh a, t 0 quamf
with their own Urea l and bu ter.
Y yuLtbat flill arr, have been,*- or w k tt be ia
smtis in fu: * nefsnoni c use. 1 never wet a per
f*nal enemy to *hr.) of y CU , tho’ no'rmn h*s a
gftrier abhorrence cf your proceeding!. J r ,otr
sttem/ted to destroy, hut run ve.y great 1 Ac *,
fuffeevd -host heavy l.dfrs, to prevent your iHtfrnZ
.1 n. | ngver lift-d arutragawi you, un’ ptfo\ r
! t’fs-te I 1 in you foul*. Yuu fj fully , a .
I° k# ; vv “ c * * er ,hat r* cvtftfr thought O* 1 A'-
m t hry Wtrc at :o*ie, or r.ti it wou j beXScafr
■*\y y.l° bar.iffi and aJTjud.ce, honelt., and
teligior , cut of the world, a* it wa t A banifii 1 1,
few; wh s wuu'd *.ct urairlfi'p jbg
and ffirmm* they k ew he • ‘•mph ©/ tdi.
W: i ket * WiJ ~n> ,f honst;-, and
jj(tier, will at (aft p. re bencr .mj mans rciblc
Un i I yoar * capons of wu. It „ s itri | for m|p
ever. Upon thf m ft imyH.bie *VMlencf, v 0 . wivT agau ft h.mfelf, kut .he justice cf G and and
hi* IT] Icd country will do it for him aid l**vc hiwr
11 9 attrr incapacity to-v ij the CJ rfequeote. If
in ibuugh ~ word, or deed, y.. u with wejh’to a
cauie, of the d*l r est. of which yau hi,ti
wi. el. in fjur .wn bwfom, and it,* deftn *ft r?g
wtckedntU of win-,h you cannit but behold *her*.
V’ yuu !*’” >’ u ‘ <,c * ,Ueu ,h,t you m*y fuller
d oe ti obft.nate relHllrori m lbt , , lfe
a tnH. „ ,0 u metut.ncd wah.whtt y f u muftex
reft hen all the ghost s of t h fl„r, every drop of
tnnvcrnt blood you fpilt, esery aa of v.oftnc/anJ
tnpiftict which yen concuned in or c ,U
the eoefedirate* cf y ur crime wh -m ycu hive f,A
and or fedueeb eve y n jured w.d^’ s and
ewe.y 'han* tear, ycu h#ve rui „ (l (h#
Tv.l. of tha hon-b *,,4 ,r.ucei t whom you have
every fiteidly W.romg wh ch youni Bed
7’ ‘ 1 OUit ar r '! ,r * i u
dfr yi uft com,, e.tty m.frr:bl c .a y u have render
jsd ynu lelve* t,i.f* gu fb.ngly wicked. •
B so e it C’ met to this moft dreadful extremity,
how dreadful ,* th- case u ary p*fon or .*„ r | e u t i. rnty hcfaidi “ They h-veryes to fee and
If C, they h.vt .e,,* to hear an hear aot, f or
r hev , rebell.uur'houlV.** II * little re.fon 1, to hope tha** by a v? and repent
ance aod ir; they mi t h‘ mitigtta at. P r>.
v (Sec tbt fourth Page.)
(N°. 8,.)