Newspaper Page Text
a—** -Ln >4. J*- ~ESL. Jhl. JL .v. J
V 3 ii«
jvew KriiorA, r ; i; t1 9 w
i * *
\t :->2 50 if paid in advance, '3 in <i\
montli , or t3 50 if paid at the end ol' il *
'Pci subscribers who can rea l only th~
Cherokee language th ‘ price will he 2.00
in a Uancegor ^2,50 to he yak! with.n tie-
Kver\ subscription wdl he eons, lered a><
continued iinl ss subscribers give notice to
th * contrary before the cumin ncement ol a
new year.
\nv person procuring six subscribers,
an i Incoming res »oncb!o. for the prayutent,
ihali receive a seventh gratw.
Advertisement* will he ins* rle ! at seven-
tv-iive cent - per Mpiai e for the tn*<t inser
tion, and thirtv-sevea and a hall cents tor
each cor.;.-p.uanee; longer ones in propor
r'pj 5 * \\\ tetters addressed to the L he r,
po.-t pie:, Will receiv- due attention.
q tv y <t e J9 u o- 9 ad Ti *?; t r. <\ a.
V>0A I-Xoy.t 1* A .9 U4** Uufi'-A.I O 4 M-
B©.1F. wHtC^h.lAy KT.l D31- O-GAC.I
*-4 c.I, 7GTZ TIAf-P m>K*K-iOot.l.
T!rZ PIP TcfiO-A TP De-IAA • L
D;4 frOH’.I 043K I I'UAaKZ T! 3'
1)0 Ai 'l vC 1- Oy*TT Dot* C o.l T .? I'-4 ' ■ ’
g vyz u\n vihC5iivi v y- w ^ i
o O.] M I-Ki.I fc-V.l P T . To Z Ti'Jtt- ' I' o
A P-oKI. KT.l Z I>31* y»V <LIi O i. v I'.-i
’C.ili D6.Ii5c<I v otsl.
I I labiihilCii ill CUCil iilbli It l i ji' L»it* j ti t -
pose ol t.whiiiii j. u iis (» a.lnn iisi ,
justice in all causes a.,d i » m « iu s
| that mv be brought fore ..».i it,, .
i and tlieiesiiall ije one j.,d_w ,i ; c .
marshal in eui b dis., i» 1, and « .it- t u
cuit Judge. to have jut,sunni«_u vw t
j two districts, tu associate w th Ili«
district judges in dele, mahug «.ji » ;• .*■
es ugr eubie to tiie Nation. i la s. . *i
the marshals to c\v* uli t.n « • . is . s
ol the judges in their re-.j>t ti > < ti s-
tnets, and file lKsiii l * oun iis to . »
lieiti i.i the spring an i kail sv s< I s - ; n.i
one evuapany ol h^ht-hoi s \ » . * tun
puny eaeh cir; un judgi on i ts ois".*. 1 1
duties, ui his respe. ti «• tii^-'n. *s
! to execute su. h < dune o.» ?!:i \ . -
; as tile juii_a s a i-u v o: , *l s . 1. e,* i
j; !;ly u 1. ; and ,t s i JI be lie
| duly ok ill in.i s h i-* to • olio i '« 11
; lieu 1 s. aU i s ii ! < 1,1 »• i < i O e i..h
per < cut ko • tin s me: uia li t* N. tit*n
to dcii*. y ti e e n, t *. ui t ... h » i--
l: l i r^o hi li, are I in use oi «y < s. i i
to the in t'i«* e'.»*t uio i* * i
iiu ir »h;ls t in \ sli . 11 i t* it^»t ai !t■ in
pro,e- ti* ; I ht'ir j v s ?.s i’l ein le<i ! a «
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\czd 2'ua'iiy C/ierokcc*S\ ^ vhe. J, »^lo,
Ji€Sulti\l (fj LiLt %\uli^tUii lisOiUiiitiiCL
l.t.L IsOllMai) i ilul t.ili »v lllte Uiall V% ii\J
•.•. it tiL‘i i.tiiiCi Lake ti o ig. o,.i. c s»u-
li a . o wile be i eijUi. Cvi lOiiiui.y iCi
\ _ .!.j v «i Ul.iii&tOl oi t.4-■ 15
>. one.f .iuttun ,/.ed poison, aiu-i p»o-
' i.i. Ii. « UliO 1 i Olii i ill.’ t. i t *. i.
Uai puip : use, .itaorc lie Siiaii he
ti.Lio * auu adiu.Lteti to tiie pnt ilege
. i. /.cnsaip, an i m oitUtrf^to avoid
idio | act ui i.ny v\iiit.e
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Sew i:u.s it,( tv^.
V. hi AviV, Sc* ui ti. C unci!.
ii? I <(u, ()ci-ili' 2a+ l*SdO.
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sal es 1 u eonij t
i t in sin It t;.i c
t a ii « hii-
die.i lo i cl J i il to s iiot-1. l hf \ si .di ij
(tin \ <4’i’iat ;• iouger shall b,
Jlpolii ed til l lull d.Stlic t, w bos*- dutv
li s idii I), to n\ eivt.* j i s! and aiiver-
.11^• t-*s;1.1oil e.i
necked) That any white man who
diaii marry a v^iu-i^..^o woman, the
p; o iciny oi the w uiuau so married,
>haii not be subjeot lo lue disposal
ri‘ her tins :;aau, coiiiiary to her
Coilsv-at, and any while so nun -
ried and pm iuut iroin lus wiicwiihoitl
|usi pr.e* ocuiioii, shaii lorit it and pay
to Ins wile sik ii s in or sums, as may
be adjudged to her by llie-N. i oimmL-
tco cv. Count-li tors.iid bie.-eu t/i lAiar-
r. ,ti, undue tie-.-ii\eu ol - iiiziusliip. it is also ivsoivml, t' al il sinu. not
be lawiui iur auv while man to have
more than one wile, ami it s aisu rt-
commended that ail oihersk.u *.d ;:1s.,
have but one vviio hereal’ier.
By orile r. ,
J.vO. KOSS, Br< >d Cena
ii. s
Ai proveil.-PA'i ii r*: KH>LEB,
PUi: .
CIIAkLES iiiCkev
e ::'C0\, etc-..-.
■ .St*, ; il s i av ’>o si's ihai mav In* iound
in .in is it spec live dist; ii Is. : i\ iug I he
age, liti.. lit, i oioi:r, k maidvs, as ph in
as possible, ami should the proper
owner no! reclaim his hoist or horses
in tw o months adK-r posting such horse
or horses, they shall he s* id at public
sale, on six months credit, and the
pm chaser keeping or hois
t's six midiilis and should the proper
owner not reclaim his hoise or hoist s
in that lime, such horse or hoist s" to
he tiie rightful propertv cd the }in-
cliaser; the money arising from tin
sides, to he paid into tiie National
Treasury; and the ranger si;; il i t < n-
ttilt'd lo one dollar for every htese so
posted; and it shall fm thr-r be the duty
,id lo ; ,*.\
ii -
. it |,M S ill. II .
i c 1» • S
: S G t y
1 S.
i i v 1
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As ol Such i
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.11 DHW
of the ran or. to endeavour to place
«ioiw * anu int i her,
Th:'.t the superiutcudauts
ol the niissjonai v stations st all l ave
privilege to t.tke out oi their sc 1 aids
such s< iioluiSt S tlicv s'ladi dernn pio])-
cr, with llie consent of their parents
or guardians, ami bind them out to
learn sin ii meehanh al trades as may
be attaeheil to their respe« tire estab-
lislimr-nts, to the best interest of the
apprentices sc hound; and in case of
elopement of s;n h apprentices, the
s. nic rolt s ai d regulations provided
for in the foregoing leselutim shall
be observed, and that the nation shall
procure, at the public expense, a set
of tods for every such apprentice 1 !
who shall have f willfully served his
time and shall have learned a trade.
15 v ojiloi of' tic' N at tonal Conn itt-c,
.)\0. ROSS, I’n'-s’t; N. L'c-m.
eh. y n.i- */ fill-1 y, i-c* aic.i c;
f i (). t!. .1 F <\ M ' t.l«W 04 .1 .If
i*. Z wi* r'..9 RcnSI. 1)»1.9 UiUth; lM(i .i.i
,-4- a.r. nuKy <-.; -..i ik-i.i av-
WcK y,? I?.lZ.9r t.I I)C T OJIZ.9: .^.1 I.-r,
ouy/j nui.T, r.,>yz i \w.>i.c
• <i»m.iz, c«-r.v c ei eu '.i I'-i.tM, .iua"
.i.• y iMVti; m y.: TC'or.i-ii.9
i ojr.i k4.a.i .) . y tv n -i.9. ini? .kt-/
T I- i'.fi.-i.i 1'i.i lf» \.l 1-43.1 i- h. 'Vi' I'R
C-h.K--.9 I- T I « 1 {- l y.
fill JO.-x.ifi. .1X1 .TOT CIT.T.
C* Jaa* u*. .1 MO, CZU L.i.
G I*
a. \ U'i- t y.
m .r, 18.0.
.\ a. iv f :
1 T £ s A-, \\ W W9.1 •?
cMr.ty i> ;p e-Gtc^i . y,
GrW y.'i l'.i.W v.K T. .W i y I 4 ,.i. V
i> o i 11.1. -t.i i via' s■ c».;i-. —
: gcz n.woi' v.i i.s.Ke iuc*p l.
1- A
in good hands, ail woi j; }t»' si s for kecj<-
ing on account of tht*ir labor, o” other-
w so: one dollar per week »diril 1 e al-
fo- kec.kuig a h- *•
| Approve*!,
I?y ovdrr o:‘ 1 ! t *- N
JNO. hM>
A V-roved—p
C < i i. i »’
. V -v v.
* i u rage.
Comm it e.
1*. I ! . t 4
t i i 11
i lid* A 11.4_,.
A. M’COV', Ci
mar .
M’( U\ , Cier.v N. Con.,
«M ic To :vn, (A to it: r 2 3, 1820.
lies-oirtd b-i /.-.c ,\lnti nai ( • hnuitltr.
.A-.*:- 7 Wn, (,'ctoUr 25. 1820.
tic iot l by tin .\Uuuui ( omnuttct
| a i.i CbOi.cit, Thai cm h head of a fa-
• imiy s^mii j>ay a poll tax ok iik:y cents,
■ aim eu ii si ._ie man un-xer tlit? age of
.Mur r<‘,eu. A'-tc,titer 2, Is2<).
iko'' , ’ii , i l ify t*i€ t Vu/iOfiii/ Ct-i*.’4/4-i/tCC
u'.id t oiraLil. 1 hut cacii Disirict shall
Lh* entitled to four members to repre-
s 'Ut tin m iii the national council, and
that vii h member shall l;c allow ed one
dollar per day lor his services, during
tin'sitting of the, councils, and licit a
Speaker lo the conn:. I be appointed
cm/ Council, That single wh.u men
aiv. hereby c.dnmted io ,*e rm, R;\d as
clerks to any ol the stores,
to natives, w hich may in.* esKdn s , V vi
in this Nation, on condition, that uu*
employer obtains a peiimt and hc-
com* s ia sponiibie for the good la kes-
i >u, of such clerks, and it is also i e-
f ! b ed, that any person or persons,
whatsoever, who shall bring into Hie
• hcrokee Nation, without pci mission
fi"m t 1 e National ( ommittee
i iei.1, a white family* & rent lands
to the same, and precis Lt i >s auiiitn-
ticated before aiw* cf the judges iuthe
c.isiri t Coun i)s, for sm h oi'em i*s
th* y shall forfeit and ray the sum of
*-'>0 dollars, and oue hundied sh ij-cs
on the hare back.
Bv orslrr,—.1NO. ROSS. P:r-M. N. Com.
Approved.-PXl H X KILL! It,
A. APCOV, Clerk.
.’six-! v vruis sli Si ii 1 ^ pav i k v ct uts
and allow ed one dollar an t lifty cents
})er day for h;s sei necs, and the clerk
per, to be cm ih elt d by the
in.!is.,, is lneav !i i)is i u t, and paid in
i' the .Nation i ir< asmy, to he appli-
j cd Lost! li purpi scs as tiie national
• cumiuii tt e and Council shall deem
J\r?r 7c7pj?, (‘drier 20, 1820.
Mdntved by the JS'cturned » Committee
*bd ( omiciL That the ('herokee Na
il n sli II he laid cjl intoeight districts,
’wd that a council house shall be es-
pf per.
1>j ai der oi the National C<^nmnil tof»,
JNO. BOsS, ibps’t N. Cuin.
A. AI’COV, Cieri;.
,M/r 'T ;c:i. October 25, 18 20. r e l by the A\rfii iial ( oinni>ttcc
and Council, That i national turnpike
gate shall he erected on the Federal
toad, near Captain David M’Aair’s,
and the wit* s of toll shall be equal lo
that of the iunipike on the Nicokjaek
road, at 1 licks 1 , and the rates of the
turnpike-toll at Coosawatee shall be
ivdtK ed so as In make it. also equal to
the one on the Nickojack road; and it
is also resolved, that those persons
who have entered info contract for the
re 'airing a, the Federal road, sh* II be
bound in the penally oi‘ the turn con*
of t lie council be allow ed iwo dollars
.m l uki v cents per d. v, and that tfie
nvi) prin ipal ( !ii«* s. viz. Tin: Fail
tvii.i.lit. shall be allowed oiie hun
dred ami lifty doll trs per annum, and
Chaktks it [Hex-* two imudi4 cl tlol-
lars per, coiiside. ing t!u-. bur
den of wriEng and interpreting wlku*h
devolves on him entitles him to this
difference; and.
He it resol red, (it'd, That each coin-
initiee in-a be alia.ved two dollars
por duv, an i the IVesi lo it o: t.Iie com*
niit.t -e be allotved thiM'i' dollars and
lifty cents pes* day, and their clerk
two dollars and filfy cents per d.»y,
during the si ting of the national cou i-
cil;and a member of the committee
shall he chosen as an Inierprcier. and
be allowe i fifty cents per day in audi-
tion I') his pav.
B. ordi r t!i*ihe Nai ion a’ C in.
JNO ROSS, P e ’i X. Coni.
S »eaker oi’Council
j i io
A. M’CO 1, CieiM, A-«.,
J., lid*f.^ihsu4.c laz d;iI3. -..i - c \l'
. 11 i.i. V'-V** .1 i 1,1-4’ ‘ t \.l l tV*’ £ v i/ i J*
t r. a n y .i hh< K y . i.i -. i i«,' 5 «: - a . ir
.MA.!«y Wi- !i£ A t.K l i ■ 4“
(t .I. <14»« y / 1-01 iv f - !• r'i 1 (i A ;;.*>
.HA.i«y. iisMcrz ! *i- r r.-.w- c y
i'Kt iM.i u-c'or Lat.iKJ 'i . '] .r .:
on \ y .ioi.f.c,.iy vsc,.ii: .i . \ k
cW f. MAW O* Gciy t.I. G~
• t y v S' W. i K t,! i V * ,*• 4.1 ’ l' X. {v* \V A V “
c..iz. wi-tyz Dn.irr.w* 0.1:4:.!. o;*
L S^ilaUA \\ I* !;S:*-A- 'A. I y. C.oty*
z De.iCT.\.9 fci,<4!u44.1 nr: y y. .r
akv* ist co.iotive.r .ciA.iay k <y n.t : -5
Ol-.'IC-T. Ti TZ Dli\y .leiki.a.v
(r sottsr.T lotnnv o t.i O KVTiVz nrr
.9 Demurs i.uv o?-a.4 cm s ; -
k.i. ogi-z 104^.1 t~
IiWkft. Tir i)(f ti *v oit.xy .itHK.c.ty
Tivirh.aAt.nfvt.r Mi-.n -m* j-xmom i.ia- -
T, I,*. I OGKMM.f C OK I’-.IA
D !i« Ti* cv C. T, (j.^y.t'C Ogi- i v ii*. iT-i.9 l>6"
.lfTA.9 Ax tCi.1.
Dhay 03u.i kt.
Oh J ti (t J o, .IT.LJTJT rn.T.
Ui Ij (7 s ’ o’* ,A .1 J -^1 e. C~ 7 r A~ l.g i»y £&Ci".).
ik .iaat ,;y.
tt s a*, a ;y;;.u .1 i s sf-.z.r, 1820.
.Mi-.iy 1 > 31- r f*- L ot y i • o' a ir »*«»;;
oai-r oat- .i*?4 y iKA.i 1;i,i-o
It li. (fa yZ (.. CI u t O .A?. I il JiITi* FiT_
1.. 1: 4\ . K *■( S wXfSJ i i h v.l \A1- I. l.ICT 0--01-*
T° -i'T 1- (A r (-W S V G 0.11 t.I. A A 1 A b t. i 7.
'nrooir r MiT, da i»icj»t, dj* 'ioaj' ! T,
Ac TAkSr; 'll taf'GZ IiSCl.IcS.I, I'C
Trr OTi-, Ac- .no ibiy pyp *ieoa-uo,
Od* FiSCfr-Ir-lO Thi I.I, WO TecOA TOO"
Vt.l. r-T', DJI ‘VZ .1 Oh O. I o.l 0 4 t.I.
VTi- TicOV Ab'.l ce,TK4/ Od* H*.IKO C.~
r-.y it: TT!- TAOA (• luff-Aid,'
r.-T-h 0T1Z, Dd* J TP (My 'I-TO 'iCi'FIiM-
O, Od* II'C5l-Mi-.ilUA'» TIt-4'i.I, riil j TAC'A
Ti l t r.l.i OA.I r««sy G TI-, Od* JTi-
F,S Fik.i.-t b i.i f”(‘, 0.9, I><T T(*, K.-3. ,TOK"
WW0.9Z Gcay O^T 030 (Vh.lA“*TinAloiO-~
4.1 .i. D t T-Z ,l4 0*y. LJii-ii IiLJi -v.i fc4*’
: T n ( ,y:.*.! a t« ‘T.z.t, 18?0.
c !p * 1 * v T) --- fJ - ct o t a y AC a lav C;: rr
( : n ' hSO»i Of, ^ 0! rnC if,.?. I>-
1' C’C’Tr Jr:*CK.T.9Z F.ii'MV
i.-tT .T.t • (* AT ? ATI O <-jy
' v^4*>:' o.a a -t; .i.s ni,uvr i i..j-
'hw< GiT y c.ny r o t< c. a it
.).' Z ns cT t.'Ay, C‘ 7..T0 9 O-' 1 M i.i A
. I « ‘ v*T 1- ft ( T- l . T ipZ (f y iff: r\ -j ,o Ij
• 04 .7 0 '..TC=T, A V " C/TKi-MA 07.5,
• 3 'i 7 »v» 'K.n'TMA DA‘ 'f ,* fvf.i / i
-L T'S c 4i r*4,A.i i-imruA i-ut.
C 1 TCv.4 I) 30 (f«7V( i.
C ■ Jf-.LJfi. .ITT.'I AT 0.9 0 f II.T.
**' ‘^ '*-13-1(1, f- Ziri.L i.yi:ecv.9
IK ‘T$'& 7 J.Uil c- y J» ?r fJKT.
TT f A 2d • I Z.T 1 8 ?4*5.
T.f.Crn-* (VOW frfil \ T .1 ]) d*
0 ’K.1'4 -0 .IdVKlt. y, J IU I LA .11,1,0 s*
i'.lfiA -ALT. 1-cZ r;iGrl’l-iv hWiC-Siw.Idli:*
<tV ’ ' r ‘ ‘ vv * * A J ti; O' T.I - .1,’, J.l It ; Oca y
z Tcrjt.i.
Wir. A* 031 0(.'T(4;,y r>d* AL-W>
.9. Mc'.iHh.uI. V" I.-/:I- Dd* .IfiM A.9
u-i Tv I 5 1 C‘ v.-i >Vi F L ; O
v'. J,' Mi. >? on oivy ; \ (’ir c-*cA. «y*
41 -"4 v .4 -4 t. I f;»S: 1 1*, Di' vir.-ALS.T^i
1 - ' K'6lL,nKL : ,r «:-,y .11.1,1 (.f, t,-
* r ,« !> (, .,3 ;r .9 f.on©
• I ! (KT AnJ’, Dd' 1 f 44-v* 4 AliSL- A OS?.I iV
a I* i.k r Jiiff-i h Dii re.iisrr.-^
. .ia !iw»io'tOf .i. .ie,hvCt-t3^
■ ,i c k. .(■ ak ,.hho, o-oi-nz ;.wi. ;..y
• r y ‘ f Dhsrr jv od* .:r s/tas f./ik
c-iMOoi.i.r, Od- CK rr-4Amo c 4.i rar-o-
.i '-.iKA iO.lOc-t.K5 JO-HCXiot.1,5 J Oil- .l* v -
!. i .
t o.i! .ToiA ?i iv4,v.i Fi®.rrr- jovff.? c cs
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