Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, May 16, 1886, Image 2
!;A WHO Mil mi * the M * What i What ore tlu* gift “ <>f .M:i> The odor* iVom cedar gro\ (*. The scent nfip'u mown hay;* Sweet-williams. junks and pnivien Pair That deck the garden pirn And mingled w ;h pi rluim d uii .. ri.e lirinruuent of t n* mgat .red fluids. called NTjI'IIIKK.- sry : n.|.r>nitN. r.F. -SUNCiViAN’S Wi ' aA ece rijriA. «ryj>AY MfillXIXfi MAY 10. h-0. ij’jffgigs and wagin DO REMEDIES Till* Tin An.l i that climb tin ,1 the* Mtll.p elb* Or creep •* e With ail t The lilnes <•' That noil A till she.l \\ Tlu* mvci t To cedar pol Where ehi I :u FOR CASH OULT. e i! : enlili mi 's down. end I have u heavy shirk. in 'lie. L<»i)!; ,il I his ] is! : ip find i.’ipi' ohl I • ee'l. Drily i*iI j JJ( j u i ile.-: ‘*Otn <i. i i t v vtis* l-keol.tjiimi.^^A | Luul , u ]> J k 1 , Hart o.iu, Kai. luipli U a delightfuI tingleto the ( wa ,s t Jong .hiIHtit witii CoitMtmj lie id ti»e«, make tlit* heart i wtfs givtdt tip to cli.. by Ik i jdi.Vs ust ami e\cu warm-upthestomach when | Slit* iicard of Dr. King s NcW ids tten, if lead utter the flame which in- i ini' Consumption, Haul luul died. possiMsc-K all the tin'ness,‘da Ills «.f till tinge iii Himonths’ time she walked t>. , thi.ii itv a ilisliiiiru iit'mx mili.-n, ami im« II",I mins, ■liiaiily.lhal nn;.,„ a i „„ ln . )u Il iui|,i'm,:(l slie lint i;*;..* it Imiih thul has A, I 1 n Ilia refriif'trat ir tim-e ' rfJ|e kx .| s „|„. ow ,. s | U! , life to li. ■flay. S "U|| lias Mils Hilvaiitugii_ it enu lie j Kr*:<J T.-iul UutUcs al Uruimun .t < >rs.ii 1 m il over, while Jove fetters cannot. -Lewis- Drug Store. » k.AW MU IK l.s. The first strike that a boy experiences is guicr %T\ from his moth* r’s slipper.; Igu.'&ah Pig strikes arc- arc always applauded In league S.-Kgr. lies. The I'hu ksmith has to strike for a living. ‘'Strikes” are in every dav occurrence in hall • strikes twice in the samcplae A tin-iit l’lillosM|dii r In Itisa’ids.-. Carlyle prayed fora man who wouid '-du work. If the man had sung within the ii of Thomas he would ver\ speedily have he* piaying for. The Judge. fin- > o • i i tic in' 1 :» j : t : i i i ■ IICM l., til.. ."TK..C > r i A •>' *, I. ■ li J •r * tehii ^ P I* U, - in „ , iii * - - C I* !' : DIE CL!fiiG?«'JA f « TCSAt::-; dAK' * \ ,r \'LM \ i : ! ' *i . t • . , T€ CIJNDf.UH TCAi.C:.a PUR'-ER i par . d i.eiMii * •; 'ii* :».ost ► ••• 'UNGIViAri TOSACCG WCG O li« M /; M. \. r. u s f CLli KIC'LOEY .i H03S£ WAGONS AT '47 63 OLD HICKORY 4 HORST? WAGONS AT 62 50 COil v-VIl' US CAIv AlJGGiI.3 AT 85 00 CO: G'MP'tTS OiTO TCP iSUGCTES AT 115 00 :: NC?Y TOP 4 BOATED SUNDOWN AT 125 00 AMuS...U.P.Y 14ASS PHAErCNS AT ISO 00 AAY0J: J?.y MASS K : r ..r:n7, AT TEE S0.ME Yi XT'}I LEATHER TOP AT A GOOD OPEN BilG'a-Y A GOOD TOP B0 DC Y A i AT a 5 00 ISO 00 45 00 55 00 ii .c*...:. i ■! z * to 10 00 AND 15 00 RE' ULAR PRICE * 65 00 REGULAR PRICE 65 00 REGULAR PRICE 11500 REGULAR PRICE 140 00 REGULAR PRICE 150 00 REGULAR PRICE 135 00 REGULAR PRICE 110 60 REGULAR PRICE 140 00 REGULAR PRICE 65 00 REGULAR PRICE 75 00 li A 3 CO to >:■ 1 1 1 deduction. llAvt- a Lout 10-J J J s in Ftock at Saddit A\, ysilianr vrtu “WALKESR. Wlinl **l iu'Ii' .Suin’ llimlo Sn.v. Timt Calisayn Tonic Is just wlmt it pur ports to a tonic, a medicinai prejntra- tion of real merit, and not a compound f impure and adultered distilled spirits art- lightning (Hirers from prize I tuily (iistfuisted as hitters, which poihon ! the blood and lead to the formation of en appetite for- strong drink, the following decision of the commissioner ofinternai revenue will show: Tkkabury I)Ki»AI t.mi:nt. Okjtck of ]NTkUNALKkVENi'E. \VAsHiNOTON, Janu ary I'titli, 1883.—Messrs. Westmoreland ]5rns.. (liwin ilk , S. Uentlemen: Your formula for nicking your “Calisaya Ton ic,” certitieil t" m;dci' oath on the 22d insta: t, has been examined. Mv (incision is that, for purposes of tax ation under the internal revenue laws, this made, may he classed as a )■)»••#• Alleys.' Lightning -and there’ Jlghtcrs. The gold miner is happy when he strikes “pay dirt.” Tile heaviei the strike the liappier the xniner. Disease •-•trikes hard, luit death is the boss striker. D'’t the liih'i* f-nconrage -trikes where it ja.\ifa man •'fril l thee on the right cheek, tun- • ') in tin ntiiei al-o." i lie- liteial mean ing "I .. Inch is. "give him a chance for another sttiki ." d’lu !">< t ILuleck inn-; have been in sympathy • loliit itnuiMnuty. J:L* UllhlJ HEAR HE WITNESSES, Id In wittc r i! tlu ii d foe - of Vi Hriki for FD'.ke for the gr. e A It >-toil artist i- painting a life•■.i/.ed portrait L'.-ei' isullium in ring costume. It will no ii. i t»* In a striking likeness. lioxie strikes hard in showing whin* Jay f vas untruthful. Striking »!ie golden liar. If it ere not for strikes there would Or in» a.v »».uh ; (I tiattery cu-e.- in the courts. If horses eoul.l only Mi ike hue); at L. ti.a! dri- '"■-fs winuit times strike them so ti rc ", ndd b<- fewi v -v king dvivt pri< t: ry niedi'diud t-mii, M-'.jviT tax, and that sales thmvof ’vi'i re suhj( ( to the provisions ot’ sections Tik'l, l . : Revisca Statutes. Riapectfudy. i.ukkn h. U.v M, t unimis'-inncr. Sold Ly druinD v '-s at Sid**) per buttle. Rkannon C.u:».i;., W'l.oicbflic Agent Columbus, (Ja. Kii -f-Hatc Pli;h.soph.). Wise.3’ but cot too well I love her because si kmmm < ifully ( ha l ily Till MAM v|bK. first me it gage on * ve ■ tile -iI\ vridfs I'li.ii shut r.f I ii:. t • ■ t I i%. r *>’I. With I’ypop.bosj )dti.s. in Cnn.sumpti< and v isting disc;, cs. J 'r. C. V’. ila-:y;ig» r Rilt.sLurg, Pa., bays: ■ I think you;' Rul'd sin. i of Cod Liver * >il n- v. r\ ilnc p^cpai'. < very Muninu ue- {j ( ,n, and tills a itih want, it is vt r\ 1 iis. !ul in cuii-u:. p:ib.. a.»u wnwCng dis lining t.' t he dm k ca- s."’ he sun i- sinning | Itv :if. 111TOII - 11,1 1 1 'll' vomuii Him V..1 ill V. |,irile: 1 .-| a.Oil 'I expense. Inis oihv : give the sun-11 boy -r-tand tin- soi i-m*ain- ti e bis' :‘..-h hn.t i» m, ami they art w »leou.e tall they wi n-ir l.ord ha*-written tl-j promife v-f tin re.sui- 1 dn er Jotumi). ^ ^ cu'f/on, not in the books ,i|. m.-. but i n spring-time. Mailm f.tnl>«.r. There in nothing so sweet us a duty, ain! nil tin hv t pleasures of i.ti ci n . ,n the wake of Gutii- ! M*/9t**f the di^ea^.*- whi^h ftffhet ainnkir.d are origin 1 nll^un isodbykdiv-rvioredeonlttionof *h.* LIVER. »■ AgWlts I I’or all ooinpl&intH of this kind. Hach m Torpidity of , vrV-tolw the Liver. Bilioosness. Nervous Dyspepsia, ladneis* ’ J tion, Ir.egularity of the Bowela. Constipation. Flatu lency, Eructutieoh and Burning of tho Stomach (i iraetimes called Heartljurn) Miasma. Malaria, | I JJh/oily Flux. Chills anc Fever. Breakbone Fever. i | Exhaustion before or after Fe7**r*. Chronic Diar* I rhnpa Loss of Appetite, Headache F -ul Breath, I i Irreg-ilaritios incidental to Females. Bearing-down SYwIIGEB’S 8URAWTH is InvrluaDle. It isnotapanacea for alldiseaaes, Eeh.iwer» The resumeti. c 1 u.l of death, and v o ; i bey. lid. J. Walton. Vile most cross-gra ir ed * • -i l wt mankind, • a lni li -t polished in feel ng in 4 tntr• leal fills W. Ill < K 1.1 > bat i wiU VtWJQJgi STOMACHandBOWELS. It. changes the complexion from a waxy, yellow tinge, to a ruddy, healthy color. It entirely removee low. frloomy spirits. It iu one of the BEST AL* TERATIVES and ^UMFIERS OF THE BLOOD, and Is A VALUABLE v ONIC, STADICER’S AUR ANTI I Fu* sa1« by til Druggift*. Price SIeOO per bottle C. F. ST A.D:C£R, Proprietor, MO SO. FRONT ST.. Phllad.lohlH, Pa. Mr. A. H. char :ciTV .i svFFm.Ea fhu.m GAIA RRH Wonderful to Relate Doctor's Certificate---Case of Blood Poison. I li.-ye i„6d I'.riXN S PIONEER BLOOD RE- NE vVLk .i several cak.-s of cutHiieous diseases of Jang standing with me n.ost satisiaci. -ry re suit?. Have seen the hojipiest results follow its in -vpluli> .;f tiie woi -t form, and believe it to be the Meat alterative ir. use. J. T. LLLIS, M. D., Griffin, Ga. Frt Forty Yu Aits I ha r JP:CcH—tbvee-fourths lATINO PAINS AC- MY N.j.sTRir.S. The d’sCtl: that T hesitate to rnentio beer, a victim to C'A- e time a saiffier from ? mv fori:hj:\d and cs were so oliensive Br.smbiett. Hardware Mer- i of Forsyth, Ga., Says: • Vt.N K. Let I Ingelow. imd I'lKdni Jturii *'f thy affect inn will i.:t\c ah uni, wnui w'i! Due . irtuc will ulw.l TJie warm suiiHhine : t he glaciers whid 4i* tempest; sn • tvu »• f: «• heart wliicli -Ilcuh . . Show mu a lalhcr wit a i; i ! ii .i's ouminainltn j!; !;• -t. comfort.*' an Hi'.iiM f 'o his home, at .f .•straint t v in. Tlif best Snlvc in the world for Cuts ir tis -y, Sores, Clears, .•milt Klieuin. Few. Sores. Tetter. Chopped Hu: I*' 1 ' "• !• »th . ; ii is fouin l.ydeii Corns and nil Skin Kruptions. and positive ly cuics iMic.-. or money .leiiDKted. Free ‘Joe. per box. For-ai • ;*y Mraiiuon Car- son. ji»2-t codA:\vly i*. may do -ome other suiter er. I have spent a young fortune from my hard earnings during my fi.rty years of suffering to obtain relief fYom the doctors. 1 have tried patent medicines—-every one I could ieani of—from.the four comers of the earth, vitli no relief. And at just 57 years of age have met with a remedy that, has ctired me eiruv!y—- made me a new man. I weighed 128 pounds and now'weigh 115. I inert thirteen bot tles of the medicine, an 1 the mly regret I have is that, being in t-'.e humVde walk of life. 1 may not hav-tlie influence, to prevail on ai. catarrh !s u.‘- ferc-rs t me whit has cured me-GL’INN> LIO NEL A BLuOD KEN EWER HENRY CHEVER. ; A Voice from the Lone Star State. ! r;riN’N"S PIONEER 3L00D RE NEWER has 'cured one of my children of the worst cases of ftCiofula I evei saw. Her skin is as clear as mine, alia the doctors say it is a perfeect cure in their opinion. I am thankful for having tried the remedy. \VM. L. PARKS, Dallas, Texas. Savannah. Ga.. January 20 i«86. GUINN’S I’IGNEEK BLOOD REN EWER has made several cures* of blood poison and rheuma tism among my customers. I most heartily recommend it to sutferer*- from these afflict:--ns. C. H. HILLMAN, Druggist. ul the gcntli .'. pi 1.<‘t Hit't In I lire ii Hen I < we take care of tin- o' :!1 .tv to tin* inlt -"• will tin In rg Nall.* "1 >«*w*.|»tt|M*rs. Ir".i the nun at »*...«•*. v. Lain be: spirit. Tin* N. v s„r **wcet Mav hath conn . ! lowers. fluir hi*. Ami through lb- V' •• The ver cloud .. siiw.l Him eho has Gil.*,! tin- WEPT’JBiAN THEOnv OF GENESIS. I!) rrufr'v r >V»io.iiiin;, nf « iilifnn, i. K.\v. p .•ialli.n- h -t.n Slip, Scalp and Blood C e.ins d, Purified and Biiautitled by the Cuticiira Remedies. 1 "r cl. .msh:,; th S'.m .m l Fc.i’p - •»’ !>i>!iguring Ihiuui's for .ilii.'ing Itching. I’.iniing and lu ll;. ii'nation. fur cimu„ tin- tirst symptoms >f ! «•- m ,i, psoria.-i.s. Milk ( 'ni-i. ScaKl II Vail. S .toIu- inli. rit. skm am! hlo.»d Dis.-ast* ■*kin THII OLD RELIABLE. ,• i, > .i , i ai . ... _ ! ■ *• . v • / .!••- k it . 0.” ' a*- . i •■-•hvc. Flint a. !•*;. II-pc: l.mvi oio.M per h ».*.• < »• >1* r f i-igi-t j• ••n >r:i m. I - - igc tV • t . Ap t.a . points :* r.i- ... xaiad i'rid r V i. ,y : I' *;I Y .;. V ;’ niiig at V*. ’ i turning \ a li.i, Above r.nie...:.e w. i he r.m. river, etc . ting-. SI ippet wi.. }/!e:i e : a ■ :.. r frc.gii: ccivc.' af\ H-*ut ve.- *rv. - th• •* of Ian lin.' p.*int win n i .n-.-U*. 1 ,crou- by ti It ; t wi. t -t ;» at i • in: n : :.a Nr. W. F. Jones. Maccn, Says: ■ v.'f: ha- hr. strengti * in 1 in- 1 l’> po ind.' in weight. We .-ecommend NN’s UI'i’NEER as the he.--, tonic. W. F. J.'.b'ES. V.r. Henry Chever. writer of the a'oove. is the confidence < f ai 1 intere^tf-t in catavrh. W. a. HUFF, Ex-Mayor of -Macon. New Orleans, La.. Jan. 16. 1.^6. I have been cured sound and well of a bad case of hiood poison bv the use of fifteen bottles of f.FINN’S PIONEER BLOOD RENEWER. I will ftonnd its praise forever. JACOB KRFTE. I am acquainted with the* above case, and mos heartUv attest it. 1 EUGENE MAY. Druggist. Cana! .'street. Guinn’s Pioneer Blood Renewer Ciu'os al! Blood uial Skin Disease*, Rlioumatisin. Scrofula. Old Sores. A i'EKFECT .-I'l'JXD MEDICINE. =RICE PER BOTTLE $ ,oo. LARGE S!ZE ; $1.75. ESS A V ON BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES MAILED FREE, !i\- IL'.aii; m A 1 arson and Citv Dniy Siore. Be.nit i tie 1 ■ \ t. rillv. \ ( 011 vi.r. 11: u iti:. -nil' a 1 1 1.1 \ .if m '.t h Skin IK- kin*Is. .1 ml b;,\c m v t r found « l until. R flu* advice a ..idv ! I valuaide ('nuri; . K. Mrm-x Diunuigh trial. u>i::r. i;\ l» - \ R!>.u.\ i-:\t. two b..\cs «»f Ci II ak. - of 1 he < '• to ' i: \ S*. \i>. ; - in .t a h it 1 luul i.-i-n ... • it w< te c ure. LKLI.i : \VA!t Rii hi.ion :*iv, « W. I .at' ”i« r. li Will :’i-> IDE. W:im>H>E. I" u if r 1 on'? dm ia yeDosiu ai ! n TOO LATE TO HOLD! Ik Chance of a Lifetime—A Golden Opportunity ! ‘ ‘ J -* . IE„L THOMAS, S t l. I fti ?i !: t '*! ? r<milled w !• h s.i't Kb Huoml, V; i kci:s>. ’'Ti iV , 1 D\v> ... - 1. Ii.,!IA!|uI".i!Ll . lUuoa L had it .•pert in March. ?‘.:ii Du' oiYu'Lur Nurti: 1 n mng. st tK.Y, ul taking Ccti lU.iv'y - ur. d. 1-. T. DARK I !{ >i''v.'ir \ \-;i i - iftt :?a tfp j : . . mm St ' - V »j $. " .. TILL, li itei Ste • , !».' I Jifil t A I: • ■■ li Di.-’.VI'S .li). tirer. M **'. .-k- s** a.-. vji* «»*.-•?* Sit.-Uistele uiieil !J«n -Isi. t *J ; J 1 ft Jj •• r li - A 1 ■« l v ife'-ai $ $5 JT • r • I !>y**pi»pfc‘a, SRk Bi.< hi*. 1 6 aS ‘w! 1 »i*\5 ;* <id I \ viii $ W <'ontii**iaii**ik. I ; . * vo .. ''iR:A'' i$m A s.c%» H j ^^bammm±!£ U p h 01ste r y GOODS. W.& J. Sloan e In-. .. '.en.; r. In lilt- ntu'.i'>1. |.ric.--i.t i liidi ir e:,*;iv Meek ~ Im iu.l ..IIVil*. 1. VKi.VKTs. I'l'Uli ! r. p.-r :■ lU'.i '.ii.'i'i.'i It: 'llBia'.sslil.-i. i" 1 ;-i.-w-jr.* V •,!•!> mv. IV.'IU r ," 1-i-r var.| iip'.-ard \ I N IV'.m ;i.‘ ; y ir.l m;. ". l.t.l CHINA M..TT1NGS. iron :0 per yard upward sw: - - l.AUi-: ( UKT.MNS. frcin '0 p i pair tipward MADRAS LACE CURTAIN*'. id A At l'H ELK: Send for “How to Cure Skin Diseases.” / ; 1 > J | 1 hnphs. Skin Blemi.-lu-. and < i I l t l O, Bab' H .:i:. ir- . d l.v - V i o r- •«1 upward poet prophet, a.* O af fut had PENNYROYAL PILLS "CHiCHESTCR'S ENGLISH.” The* Oi lginnl iui<] Only Benulnei NAiSIfc PAPER. 4 l..chi»t 0'Jt 3 .\lud**oii ^ [* i I ? r ujf y;' ■. *,. c hiit'' A " i * nU guuns i'liUtti'd. . !*%. •'o- ‘i hli Vr'ynnlon Restcioncc and 25 Acres. J \NLY ..i) y -m- *.\\n te r.i-. On thi- place \ ) in N Ke-i Am- e * f live r.»..i. -. excvLeut well. Wili i.v.'liiiiip- to: city^va: c-tatc. I will be point* ■ time. JOHN Li.a- IC.'IAR. I lime Hail l’iacd ia )l\ ll;inT MOTTSY TO LO-A.iT Du Cit> Real Estate, stocks and Bond?, ui count u-t v.a^‘ ‘joll X * HI .ACKMAR. A I n i ., erne:-. Eo-a.aria- • »nd qe: •'< .*urea. Trial t&ok- • j. • v .'.Wv. a: .1 by ira FREE, a iirei* Or. WAitO cG CO., _J. F COl FMAN Ir u oobk Stun 9 V is i mi Vi y ^ l at) UNDERTAKER AND DEALER IN Wood Cases k Caskets, Patent Metalic C op Ldiildren*-? Glu.-s Wliiie Cases and Ca.-ket.-?, Ciiiidreu’s Gloss White Motalic Ca.-kots. Burial Robes, all prices from si.>50 up. Personal attention given all orders. Twelfth Street, four doors west of Thos. Gilbert’s Printing Office. ocl3!v an", ;• <;-1; mi; iar ii i.a> . • N- *TTINCH.'»M LACE I URfALN TUIU.’ 'MAX CURTAIN^, with I.a IV. )|,l S'. ..HI p TAPE-TRY< •) VER CRE i - >SNL f • IVEl WINDOW -H \HE- made ,,.i «ilidrt i,.aur al- iVirrii-»yir*.l. i (iRR['sp()M>KNCE s'U If ITE!> lilmMll ,\\'li fill! MltEEl Now York Cilv. WANTED ... i ml >un« nun l; . an.l IAl-kt N.-veia fc.. -.. to,.'! i .J - .. •. i < • • e !:i | • i • •yillcli: '• . N -a , • in; a! 1 w-■ i ! ■ full !lf T.l R • »n :t tdr 1-ative Art Works. 7 Exchange Ma-s. P. O. Box 5!l ; . PTUZE.r^’ g i- which, he.'i m ae imuie-y right a nplu Ul til -at l.t for postal!