Newspaper Page Text
The Secrets of the Sea, as Seen Throug'
an Air-Tight Helmet.
Hanning tnpxpcttfcllj A if ii 1 n st Corpxi-x am,
Othrrwlxi- 11 mint lit Kart' to Faro With Death
The Dili lllvor Now Anxious to Desoeml mi.
See What Sunk the Omrnn.
New York Herald.
“Life on the ocean wave” was well
enough in its day, but the descriptions 01
its perils have grown tame in the long
course of years, and nowadays when pet -
pie want to hear of thrilling adventures
and hairbreadth escapes connected with
the sea they turn to those who have e.xpr
rieneed life under the ocean wave and sur
vived its dangers. There, is a fascination
and an excitement about the work of sub
marine divers which seldom fail to attract
a landsman’s interest. The strange re
gions into which the divers explore, their
unknown and often ghastly inhabitants,
the unexpected obstacles which may in a
moment set at naught the best precautions
of science—all these surround the profes
sion with mystery and its followers with
awe, not unmixed with admiration foi
their bravery.
Sitting in his little otiice on South street
a veteran diver who has been in the busi
ness twenty-two years, and whose father
followed it before him, told a Herald re
porter the other day about sonic of the
jobs he had done and of the dangers to
which divere are exposed.
‘'You want to know something about a
diver’s experience,” he continued after a
pause. ‘‘Well, I will tell you. It was about
five years ago next July that I was work
ing off Cable Island, on the New England
coast, for the underwriters of a schooner
that went ashore on the island, and then
came off and sank with her cargo of rail
road car wheels. To recover this I went
down in 126 feet of water. It was a fine
day, and I could see objects near me very
distinctly. I went inside the schooner s
hold to make an examination, when sud
denly the blowing noise which goes
through the helmet when the air enters
censed, and I knew that something had
happened to the air pump at the surface.
I didn’t dare give the signal to be pulled
up by the tender until I got hold of this
other line, because I was afraid of the
effect on the blood circulation of being
pulled up too quickly. As it was my blood
seemed to fly out in every direc
tion. But with the other line I
hoped to hold on, then give the signal
and make my ascent slowly. In the mean
time the tender suspected something
wrong and began to haul me up. At the
first pull my eyes seemed to shoot out of
my head, and then I lost consciousness and
remember nothing more. That job laid
me up a good many weeks, which I spent
in the Massachusetts hospital in Boston.”
“Did you ever come ucross any dead
bodies in the water ? ” asked the reporter.
“Oh, yes, often;” was the reply. “1 have
been sent to search for them, and I have
run against them unexpectedly. There
are some of these things that I would rath
er not talk about, but there are some in
stances of finding corpses that I can recall
and don’t mind mentioning. When I was
in the Irish service I went down in eighty-
five feet of water to look for the body of a
young gentleman who was drowned when
out gunning in a boat with his sweetheart.
The first day I went down I found his gun,
and after that I walked about the bottom
for five days without coming upon the
body. At last I discovered it held tightly
in between two rocks with the game bag
lying beside it.
“Another time, when I was diving oft
the pier at Dungeness, England, when I
reached the bottom I noticed an object
leaning against one of the dock piles,
which 1 took to be a bag of coal, like one
of those used on British steamers. I went
up to it and took hold of it, when the tide
loosed it fvom its mooring and the ghastly
face of a dead man bobbed up close to my
•own. I recovered from my horror in a
moment, and took the body in my arms
and brought it to the surface. It proved
i-o be the tiody of a man who had disap
peared some time before.
“In how deep water have you worked,
captain ?”
“The deepest work I ever did was in
136 feet of water. That was on the wreck
of the British ironclad Vanguard, which
was run into and sunk by the Iron Duke,
eight and a half miles southeast of the
Kish lightship, in St. George’s channel. I
was in the government service then, and
was sent down to recover the anchors of
the corvette Petrel, which was going to
be made into a lightship, and also to in
spect the Vanguard’s wreck.
•Vendition of I'rops anil I’lospoot for lluxha-Nx.
Los Angeles, Cal., July 7.—The crops
in the county of Los Angeles, taken as a
whole, were perhaps never better. The
unusual rain ol'lust winter wet the ground
thoroughly aud insured for one season at
least good crops. The acreage of wheat
rather exceeds that of any former year,
and the yield is fully up to the average
per acre and all harvested and
threshed in tip-top shape without
a drop of rain. Barley also was
more than an average crop both ill acreage
and yield. The hay crop was never so
good, and we are now cutting the third
crop of Alfalfa for the season, and will get
seven to eight cuttings this year of perhaps
two to two and one-half tons per acre to
the cutting, making it safe to say an aver
age yield of fifteen tons to the acre for the
season. This Alfalfa hay is worth *5 per
ton ill the field where it is cut, and about
$S per ton baled and delivered in Los An
geles. The fruit crop is abundant, all vari
eties grown in this country yield
ing a full crop this year, except
the apricot, which may be reckoned at one-
fourth a crop. The grape crop never
looked more promising at this season, and
the chances are 5S in 100 that we shall
have the largest and finest grape crop ever
produced in California. Oranges and
lemons look finely, and bid fair to surpass
the large yield of last year, and tile east
ern visitors to this areadian winter resort ;
will be more charmed in the quality of our ,
•.Inn Di'i.'itiit.** FIimIiM
eloquent, and In the labor of her many
conflicts he has worked with a zeal uutir-
mg. With such a record he deserves sup
port. Therefore, be it
Resolved, That the delegates selected bv
this convention be instructed to vote foi
the nomination of A. D. Freeman, and eni
ploy all honorable means to secure his
The following named gentlemen were
then elected delegates : J. E. Dent, J. r.
Simms, W. B. Berry, W. F. Sibley. S. L.
Whatley, L. T. Moser, J. N. Sewell and
John B. Willcoxon. The convention meets
in LaGrange, July 20th.
The gubernatorial delegation were next
elected by acclamation on motion of a
Bneon delegate.
The Hon. J. S. James has been with us
several days awaiting the action of the
Coweta convention. He was doubtless
much chagrined to know that, not with
standing He is the choice of his own cou: y
(Douglass; the delegation yesterday eleo.-
ed goes up instructed against him and the
rotation system. This is a death blow
to Douglass and Janies. Meriwether a. d
Coweta have sufficient number of dei
egates to nominate aud can run this ser.. -
torial district regardless of the claims o*
Campbell slid Douglass. Ciider the rot -
tion system Douglass claims the senator
and recommended to the other counties of
• he district the Hon. J. S. James, bv tlw
1 irge majority of three to one. Her ch •
should be recognized, and the convention
nominating him should abolisli the (rota
tion system, but not without due notice
should a convention sentence, execute and
attend the funeral of an able man.
Chill a ml FVvrr Coni|in*ri»il.
Another guardian of health proclaims :
Pleasant Mount P. O., Laurens Co., £.
C.,—Messrs. Westmoreland Bros.—Gentle
men : You gave me a bottle of your Cali-
saya Tonic, which I administered to my
son, who was suffering at that time with
chills and fever, and I must say for the
benefit of the public, that it gave him en
tire satisfaction and relieved the ease, and
that the chills have not returned. I have
examined your formula for making the
Tonic, and believe it to be a superior pre
paration, and if used as directed think it au
invaluable remedy iu our southern malari
al districts. Very respectfully,
M. C. Cox, M. D.
Westmoreland’s Calisaya Tonic is per
fectly harmless and faultless. Can be used
by the infant, aged or infirm. The best
tonic and appetizer in the world. Try it.
Sold by all druggists at $1 per bottle.
Brannon & Carson, Wholesale Agents,
Columbus, Ga. jy9 dlw
Slu* Wax Ciiiixoled.
From the Wall Street News.
“ Butter is only thirteen cents to-day,
mn’am !” he said, as he brought the jar
from the wagon to be weighed. “ Laud’s
sake! but what has dropped butter two
cents?” “ Blaine’s speech on the fishery
question, ma’am.” “And how’s clothes
lines?” she anxiously asked. “ Advanced
two cents, ma’am.” “Great stars! What’s
that for?” “ Drought in Texas.” “Well,
i swan! but it does seem queer how one
tiling bobs up as another bobs down, and
it’s alius agin farmer folks. Is Tilden
dead?” “I guess not.” “Thank heaven
for that! You liain’t got no excuse to
junipsaleratus on me.”
Hirni-iiloiix Fm'iiik*.
W. W. Keed, druggist, of Winchester,
Ind., writes: “One of my customers, Mrs.
Louisa Pike, Bartouia, Randolph couuty,
Ind., was a long sufferer with consump
tion, and was given up to die by her physi
cians. She heard of Dr. King’s New Dis
covery for consumption, and began buying
it of me. In six months’ time she walked
to this city, a distance of six miles, and is
now so much improved she has quit using
it. She feels she owes her life to it."
Free Trial a bottle at Brannon & Car
son’s drug Store. eod&w
Anil Vox I'iiiiiiII lx Vox Del.
Joaquin Miller says: “This year, God
willing, I shall stop writing." The people
are not only willing, but would be de
lighted.—Philadelphia Record.
A Southernized Yankee
Has Eight Pounds and a Half
Alien Flesh.
Simmons’ Iron Cordial renovates and en
riches the Blood, and accelerates its ac
tion. eod&w
Laying III* Ini'inlty on a Door Fly.
The ravages of what was supposed to be
fly iu the Maryland wheat fields are now
found to be due to English sparrows.
J. L. Norton Carroll, residing at Far
Rockaway, Queens Co., N. V., was so crip
pled with inflammatory rheumatism, of
ten years’ standing, that he had to use
crutches. He was completely cured by
taking two Brandreth’s Pills every niglit
for thirty nights, and will answer any writ
ten or personal inquiries. eod&w
A Very Lllnriil Tlnu-Tnlilt*.
Harper’s Bazar.
Traveller—“ Mister, what times does that
’commodation git in that’s goin’ down ter
Smiks Clearin ?”
Ticket agent—(within.l “From half-past
one to bout three in the afternoon.”
Traveller—“ Is she ginerally outline?”
Ticket agent—“ Ginerally.”
Saved lib Life.
Mr. D. I. Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky.,
says he was, for many years, badly aifiicted
with Phthisic, also Diabetes; the pains
were almost unendurable and would some-
limes almost throw him into convulsions.
He tried Electric Bitters and got relief
from first bottle and after taking six bot
tles, was entirely cured, and had gained in
flesh eighteen pounds. Says he positively
believes he would have died, had it not
been for the relief afforded by Electric Bit
ters. Sold at 50c. a bottle by Brannon &
Carson. ♦ eod&w
»f '* I'*""" 1 I
Newnan, July 7. -Yesterday the county
convention met tortile purpose of electing j
delegates to the gubernatorial, emigres- j
sional and senatorial conventions, respect- I
ivcly. I
Hon. P. If Brewster introduced the fol
lowing resolution:
Whereas, lion. A. I). Freeman is a can- |
didate for the nomination to represent the .
fourth district in tiic national congress. ,
Coweta, in convention assembled, desires j
to assure the democracy of the district that i
lie is one of our most distinguished soils,
pre-eminently fitted to represent them in
the high office to which lie aspires. In
war, as a soldier, lie distinguished himself
for gallantry; in peace, as a citizen,
for unity and virtue; in the church,
as a Christian, for devotion and
piety. A character thus established is a
guaranty that in his hands no public trust
will be betrayed and no interest of the peo
ple will be * neglected. The democratic
party bus had uo truer supporter in her
councils. He has been wise, on the stump
Do you want a pure, bloom
ing Complexion $ If so, a
few applications of Hagan's
MAGNOLIA HALM w ill grat
ify you lo your heart’s con
tent. It (loos away with Sal-
lowness, Redness, Pimples.
Blotches, and all diseases and
im perfect ions of the skin, it
overcomesthefliashed appear
ance of heat, fatigue and ex
citement. it makes a lady of
THIRTY - appear but TWEN
TY ; and so natural, gradual,
and perfect are its etlects,
that it is impossible to detect
its application.
ofMUSIC Boston, Mass.
u/qdiD- 1"*) Instructors, 3Htt Students last year. Thor-
TTgh Instruction in Vocal an l Instrumental Music. I’iano and
OrS.n Tuning, Fine Arts. Oratory, Literature, french. Ijcr-
nmu mid Italian Languages, English DnnehM,OynmMtici.
etc. Tuition, $5 to $ Jll; board and room noth Steam Heat and
Electric Llftlit. itst-erx per term. Pull TATtfi b f' K iE.,V5'
lember 9.1&1. for Illustrated Calendar, with full information,
tidre.7.’E. TOUIUEE. Dir.. Franklin Sq., BOSTO.N, Un»
to wy25tl2m weowlt
Tills gentleman, tin* senior member i,
the linn of Sheridan Bros., iresen artisi
anil deeorattirs, of Atlanta, (hi., is a gen
nine ynnkee by birth, but a southerner In
choice and adoption. Born in the puri
tan eitv of Providence, K. I.,Ill years age
at an early age lie turned bis attention b
art. lie is by nature an artist, and lii.-
vears of study and tuition in eastern cities
nave developed him info one of the fore
most young decorators of his time. Some
years ago lie came south to decorate the
interior of the Church of tile Iniaeiflate
Conception, at Atlanta, and, liking tin-
people and climate, determined to locate
south of Mason and Dixon's line. Since
then lie has been joined by his brothers,
F. R. and George, and elnirclies and fine
dwellings in every principal city of the
south attest their ability,energy and en
“My system," said Mr. Sheridan during
a recent conversation, “had been for some
“1 was not sit-k. in a general sense ol
the word, but my physical strength was
feeling the severe strain I bad been for
years putting upon it in the active men
tal labor necessary in tin* pursuit of my
avocation. While I have not wlmt is
termed a delicate constitution, I am by
no means a robust fellow, and have what
might be called the‘.New England mold,’
physically. For some time past I had
been losing vigor, when my attention
was called tn JIiTnnicutt’s Rheumatic Cure
as a tonic and strengthener of the sys
tem. I began using it about four weeks
ago and since that time have gained eight
and a half pounds in weight. My blood
is as pure as spring water and my entire
system revitalized. I have no hesitancy
in saying that it is tin* lies! general tonic
upon" the market to-day."
now in bis three score and ten years, and
one of the most prominent men in Geor
gia, born and raised near Union Springs,
Ala., where he amassed quite a fortune
by strict integrity and honesty, and in
later years connected with the wholesale
drug house of Pemberton, Pullum & Co.,
of Atlanta, Ga., and now a citizen of that
city, said a few days ago in the presence
of a reporter:
“My wife had been for many years a
constant sufferer from rheumatism. Her
joints were swollen and distorted, great
knots had formed upon her hand. She
could only with great difficulty and pain
manage to walk, and was a constant suf
ferer from this dreadful disease. We
tried everything we could read or beat
of, and took advice of eminent practi
tioners without any benefit in the way ol
permanent relief. 1 was induced to try
Hnnnicutt’s Rheumatic Cure a short tinu
in all patent medicines and nostrums and
considered her ease incurable.
"The effect was magical;the pains have
entirely vanished; the swelling and dis
tortion of her joints lias disappeared, and
the disease lias been, I verily believe,
eradicated from her system. She is still
using the medicine as a precautionary
measure, and her general good health’is
being restored by it. 1 can honestly and
fearlessly recommend Ilunnii-ntt’s Rheu
matic Cure as the best medicine for rheu
matism and the blood upon Du-market.”
For sale by wholesale and retail drug
gists everywhere. Price, £1 a bottle.
Send to us or your druggist fur treatise
ami history oftlie While Tiger. J. M
linniiientt & Co., proprietors, Atlanta.
Ga. je-tdw
’ nii.K!.' 1 -' ! fw'Tim■inl! l “ IM
This willsixv
WV2, :11111 is cl
the product of
GRAY’S ! Melting Weather
Inventory Sale
The Thunderbolt will Be Kept up
vt’i'list*s only wlial llit’V can show.
Look at the prices- 300 pieces fine White Lawn, good goods...
What prices! ‘200 pieces fine White Lawn,40 inches wide
Laiu! oil, oh, Sparticns! 5 new eases Kobe Colored Lawns,
handsome styles
Read on! Read on! 2 new cases Pacific and Manchester 4 4
Colored Lawn
Now we have it! 6 eases Dress Ginghams, just opened
Keep on reading. All our 40 cents all-wool Dress Goods, 200
Behold! 30 pieces Lupin’s Black Wool Cashmeres, 40 inches
wide, new goods
Well, I declare! 16 pieces heavy Black, all silk. Lyons make...
On to Gray's!all the ladieslsay. 600 pieces all silk Ribbons,new
Did you ever! All 25 and 40e. Laces, to close
I will see myself! 6 cases nice Satteens
Follow the crowds to Gray’s—you will see Remnants, best
Keep on reading! 5 eases 36-inch Bleaching, no dressing,
equal to any
See for yourself! 5 cases extra wide Sheeting, heavy, equal to
Once more! See our Big Strive on Sea Islands
On again! Ye Gods of War appear. Mosquito Nets
Such prices never dreamed of. Our Ladies’ line Lisle Summer
Are not these figures astonishing? Ask to see our Gents’ l T n-
laundried Shirts
The Index Finger points to 6 eases of Mole Skin for Pants and
What constitutes a bargain? All our Fredericksburg Cotton-
Our success: We never advertise only what we can show.
12 4 fine Spreads
Remember, the Goods are new, first-class and fashionable.
Parasols below coet I
The best Misses’ Hose in the market; Colored Imported Goods
We eclipse every house south on fine Dotted Swisses
General closing out of our Kid Cambrics j
Ladies will find this sale remarkable value. British Hose
All say our Goods are choice, new and stylish. Linen small]
Plaids j
Do not stop until you come to the Trade Palace. Choice styles]
in Linen Lawns -
Competition will fiule under this sale,
Like the restless Gossamer that sleeps on the moveless air.
CLIMAX—All purchases over |o() during this sale, we
will allow a discount of 2 per cent. off.
Xo Bombast or Fly Traps to catch the unwary, (living
goods away for nothing. Remember the place.
at never
x i
/ fa
■- s
_ “
i /
- i
s f
- 12Jc
IS fa'
' 5 p
22 if
30 c
10 i
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25 fa-
8 fa-
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30 e
15 p
20 c
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25 c
30 c
10 p
Opposite Rankin House, Columbus, Ga.
Come early and avoid the rush.
Ten light weight and col
ored Suitings just received.
Suits made to measure at
closer prices than ever before.
In thirty days they must he
sold. Pauls lo measure at a
reduced price.
Bargains iu every line.
Bring the cash and you can
gel I he goods.
Merchant Tailor and Clothier,
For *5 years nt 37 Court Place, now at
A roeularlv educated and loyally qualltlcd physician and tM
□J'i.i sunaaiiful, a. Ills praoUi-a will fun.
Spermatorrhea and Iinpotency,
•s the result of self-abuse In youth, sexual excesses in m%*
lurer years, or other ex«i«os, and producing homo of the foi*
lowing (‘fleet*: .Nervousness, Seminal F.ndssions. (night smi»*
Mom by dreams). Dimness or Sight, Defective M< mory. Tby-
h *1 l).vay, Pimples 011 Tnce. Aversion to Society of Females,
CmifuMon of Ideas, boss of Sexual Power. Ac., rendering
It is self-e
Preparatory to their annual stock-taking I here will he a
marked redaction in Ihc prices of all Black Goods. Coiirl-
a 11 Id’s English Crapes, from the cheapest lo a s 111 Veiling.
The same reduction will he made in these.| ...B
500 Pis Missespl Regular Made Fancy Hose,
N.W.AYER Si $m
Cor. CbrHtnut and Eighth .Sts.
Receive Advertisement* for this Paper.
Taxes! Taxes! Taxes!
,1 you give in? July 1st will be
you don't.
J. C. REEDY, R. T. R. M. C.
■ WANTED -Ladies ana young men to decorate
Birthday and Easter Novelties. Easily learned ;
good prospects of steady employment and fair
wages. Material furnished and all work mailed
post-paid. For full information address Deco
rative Art Works. 7 Exchange Place. Boston,
Mass. P. O. Box 5148. aplO tu th sat lit
Worth all Ihc way from‘Mo h
I he uniform price
Brown l)n*ss Linens, :
I’laid .Mnib. : : :
Plaid Linen Crashes. : :
Col lonadcs, :
Bmwu Linen Drills, :
Another shipment of Prinled
To ceiils, will he closed out at
if 1<) cents per pair. v ^ A
: 10 cm il>
: : : I! nml-
Si cell 1s
: 121 cel 11 -
Lawns at : : 1 and ends
eliy Mciun who jmyintpocl&l attention
10 11 certain clas* of diieaaca, »nd treating thousand* aut.u.
ally, tac'iuirc* grout skill. Physicians knowiuglhi* fuct of tea
recommend pewo* to my cam. When it is Inconveubrnt to
visit the city for treatment, medicines onu he sent privately
eni s:tr*ly by mail or express anywhere.
Cures Guaranteed iu all Cun
( onsnltetioiH pergonnllr or by letter free tin-l lnvn*<l.
Charge reasonable and correspondence utrletly cunliasaUAh
Of psnrs, sent to any addrrss, securely ecr I. d, for thirty
CO) rents. Should bn rend by all. Address (is above.
UOice hours from s A. M. to 9 P- U. Buudaye, i to 4 P. M.
Printing, Book-Binding
Paper Boxes
4 LARCE STOCK of all kinds of PAPER, in*
;\ eluding Letter, Packet and Note Heads, Bill
Heads. Statements, always on hand. Also En
velopes, Cards, &o., printed at short notice.
Paper Boxes of anv size or description not kept
ock made at snort notice.
Til OS. <■ I i.iti; ItT,
•12 Randolph Street, opposite Post office.
Can learn the exact cost
of any proposed line cf
advertising in American
Papers by addressing
Geo. P. Rowell A Co.,
Wu have replenished our Bemnmil Counters amiin. amt j
limy will he filled with bargains. Remnants Lawns. Bern-)
nants Calicoes, Remnants Cheek Nainsooks. Remnants Dress
Goods, in fad Remnants from every deparlmen!.'
Blanchard, Booth & Huff.
- —i
^ tV tfouse
tlm we itheih-.mdiug ewd ff ■ . ■*. V arm ID
Against vermin of every kind. tusC nearly
only at^ut ninety rents a rn.mi. Ask h alers fur litc
CHAFJ.ES W. CONNER. Manufacturer v' !
* «tvtb
... ... of the Code,
ml 1 will, after the
days from the publication
mg the Ordinal
-it of the - to k law
and if 11 co mu i j-.
expiration oft went. - . - .
of this n i e. order an electiou to be held ui said
county for fence or no fence. . .
Givcntnicr my official signature thus June
llth. lnsu. F. M. BROOK-s.
jel'J td Ordinary.