Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, October 15, 1886, Image 8
I [ DAILY ENQUIRER - SUN: COLUMBUS GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 15, 1886. a DAILY (OTTON STATEMENT. Columbus, Ga., October 14, 1886. COTTON BILLS—SIOIlT. New York off, Eastern % off, Boston slight }' 9 off, Savannah L, off; Bank checkingonNew York over the counter premium and on Savannah at par. Cotton. Market to-day quiet; inferior 0; ordi nary 6c; good ordinary 6 7 hC; low middling 8 3-16@8>. 1 n; middling 8 7-16@8>£c. good middling 8 9*Uk^8 r> K o; R1SCHIPTB. To-day. To Date. By South western railroad 71 2,235 By Mobile and Girard railroad Il l 2,240 By Columbus and western rood... H ill By Columbus and Rome railroad.. 161 3,8K0 By the river n ^2,122 By wagons 640 10.3.46 Totals 21 » 28 *’ fill IBM UNI'S. To-day. To Date By Southwestern railroad 388 11,880 Bv Columbus and Western road... 0 0 By the river 0 0 Taken by Columbus factories <2 1,083 ’Totals 410 12,968 Bales H87 16,829 8TATBMKNT. Stock on band August 31, 1885 1.070 Received to-day 930 “ previously 20,337—21,26/ 22,346 bhipped to-day 410 previously 12,663—12,963 Stocks on hand 9,383 Stock August 31,1885, 360; received same day, 719, total receipts 22,367, shipped same day 558, total shipments 16,892, stock 6,926, sales 414, mid dling. 9c. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTI8E3IENTS. .Apples— W. S. Freeman. Read John Blackmar’s Real Estate Notices. Hawk’s Crystalized Lenses—Brannon As Carson. Springer Opera House—Lillian Lewis. Steamer Aid leaves this morning. Organist Wanted by Hebrew Congregation. Cut On (lie Temple. Mr. Eli Riley, an employe of the Eagle and Phenix mill, was painfully cut on the temple by a piece of machinery yesterday afternoon. His wound was dressed by Dr. Seth N. Jordan, and is not considered dangerous. hr. R. IT. Palmer Killed in Texas. We learn that private information was re ceived in Brownevillc yesterday that Dr. R. 1J. I’aJmer, formerly of that place, was killed in a difficulty in Texas on t he 9th of this month. No particulars of the difficulty arc known to us. Dentil of n Young Man. Mr. Torbett Jones died at the home of his mother near Crawford, Ala., yesterday morning at 8 o’clock. lie was a son of the late Mr. An derson Jones, and was about 22 years of age. He was a worthy young man and lmd many friends, who will be pained by the* announcement of his death. The Athletic Club. Invitations are out for a dance to be given by the Columbus Athletic Club at Villa Reich on next Thursday night. Messrs. Georgo Tutwiler, R. E. Kavanagh and John B. Lee compose the committee on invitation. No doubt the enter tainment will be an enjoyable one. Death of a Little ltoy. Little Ernest Howard, the three-year-old son of Mrs. Ellen Howard, died at 1 p. m. Wednesday of bilious fever, after an illness of five months. The Amoral took place at 9 o’clock yesterday, and was conducted by Rev. W. A. Huckabee. The grief-stricken mother has the sympathy of many friends in her sad bereavement. Happily Mated. At the home of the bride, on Ninth street, be tween Second and Third avenues, last night at 9 o’clock, Mr. Elbert Skinnor and Miss Watkins were united in marriage. The groom is con nected with the Singer Sewing Machine Compa ny, and is an energetic and deserving gentleman, while the bride is an accomplished and most ex cellent young lady. They have the best wishes of a host of friends. Married lit Kllerslh*. Mr. A. H. Hammond and Miss Beatrice Strip ling were married at the residence of the bride’s Hither at Ellerslie, Harris county, on Sunday The ceremony was performed by Judge S. IV1 ’ Brannon in the presence of a number of friends. The groom is an overseer of the track laying force on the Georgia Midland, and is ah excellent gentleman, while the bride is one of Harris county’s most charming duugliteis. Death of ail Aged Lady. Mrs. Elizabeth Little, aged 81, died at her home in Girard' - at 3 p. m. Wednesday, after a protracted illness. She leaves one daughter, Mrs. Martha llawcs. She was a member of the Free Will Baptist church and was a noble, Chris tian woman. She was one of the very first set tler* of Girard, and nil who knew her well loved her. Her Amend took plaoe at 3:30 o’clock yes terday afternoon. Rev. John Fuller conducted the services. Married Last Night. At the residence of Mrs. Do Loach, on upper Broad street, last night, Mr. Jack Hancock and Miss Georgia Ann Allen were united in marriage. Rev. John Briton performed the cere mony. The groom is a boss in the Muscogee Mills, and is an industrious young man. The bride is the daughter of Mr. George Allen, and is a most excellent young lady. The young couple begin married life with the best wishes of numer ous friends. .S’-N.OOO for a llorae. Pancoast, the celebrated trotting stallion and sire of trotters, purchased by Mr. J( hn Il.Shutts of Brooklyn, N. Y., for $28,000 at the McFerran sale near Louisville, Ky., on the 12th inst., is the sire of Mr. J. F. Flournoy’s 4-year-old filly, Bessie Pancoast. As Bessie’s dam is by Daniel Lambert and has a record of 2:26, she ought to be a good one when handled for speed. VIr. B. T. Hatcher owns a 3-year-old stallion, same dam, and by Dr. Herr’s celebrated stallion Membrina Patchen, and he is a good one. Arrival nf the Steamer Aid. The steamer Aid arrived last night at 6:30 o’clock, bringing 107 bales of cotton and miscel laneous freight conrigned us follows : Blanchard, Burrus & Co., 67 bales cotton, Swift & Son, 13; H. L. Woodruff, 9; Jenkins & Co., 1; Carter & Bradley, 1; M. T. Bergan, 16; L. F. Humber, 1 bucket butter, 1 bundle hides; E. M. Walsh & Co., 1 case eiApty bottles. Following is a list of her passengers : Col. W. S. Shepherd, Florence; Mrs. E. S. Blackstock, E. W. McLendon, Jeruigau; 6 on deck. She will leave for Florence this morning at 8 o’clock. LOCAL LACONICS. —Last night someone attempted to burglarize the residence of Mr. M. M. Hirsch, but Mrs. Hirsch heard the noise at the window and fright ened the burglUr away. He bad already opened the blind. —A negro woman named Emma Brooks got belligerent last night and went to the house of a neigabor, and drove her from the house with an axe. She also cut a mattress to pieces and raised Cain generally. She is now in lhe guard h.ui <•. —Jti making the notice of a fight between George Adams and Lindsay Upshaw, colored, we stated that it took place at Tom Coleman’s bar room. We should have said Tom Alexander, as Coleman has retired from the business. A light shower fell yesterday morning. It was sufficient to lay the dust for two or three hours, • -We learn that Mr. A. Slaughter, of Nance’s district, is quite ill of typhoid fever. —Invitations are out to the marriage of Mr. Polk Harris, of this city, and Miss Carrie Wel don, of Harris county, on Tuesday afternoon, October 21. Personal. Mr. W. L. Tillman returned from Mississippi yesterday. He reports that, only about half of a full crop of cotton will be made in that section. Judge S. M. Brannon, of Mt. Airy, was in the city yesterday. Mr. T. S. Chancellor, representing the firm of Kinsley, Todd & Co., of New York, is in the city. Mr. J. W. Jackson, of Upatoie, is in the city. Mr. J. M. Lowe, of Box Spring, is in the city. Mr. E. M. Freeman, of New York, is in the city. Mr. George Cranberry, of Texas, is in the city. Mr. P. L. Mattox, advance agent for the Lillian Lewis company, was in the city last night. Mrs. E. C. Perry, of Glenn ville, Ala., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Walker, on Second avenue. TIIE DIXON <'INK. The Testimony Concluded and the Argument Be gun—To be Given to the Jury To-Day. Special to Enquirer-Sun. Hamilton, Ga., October 14- In Harris superior court this morning the trial of the case of the State vs. S. M. Dixon, charged with the killing of J. O. Christian, was resumed and tie testimony for the state completed. The defense introduced no testimony except the statement of the de fendant, after which court took a recess for din ner. The evening session was devoted to argument of the case. It was agreed between counsel to have two speeches on each side. W. A. Little opened for the defense in a speech of one hour and a half,which was an able and exhaustive argu ment. He dove-tailed the evidence to show that there was no malice or anger, implied or express ed. II. C. Ca meron spoke two hours for the state. It was probably the finest argument he has ever made, which is saying a great deal. Court adjourned till 8 a. m. to-morrow, when Major Parks, of Greenville, will resume argument for the state, and Gov. Smith will close for the defense. The friends of the prisoner are confi dent of an acquittal. He is » Southern Man. Recently some complaint has been made that the superintendent of the Young Men’s Christian Association building in this city was from the north. He was not objected to merely because he was thought to be from the north, but because it was thought that there were plenty of south ern men that might have been appointed. Mr. C. T. Walters, the superintendent, is a southern man, he having been born and reared in Balti more. He came to Atlanta from Columbus, and was for a while assistant superintendent of the new cupitol. He was highly recommended as a man suited to hold the position of superintend ent, and he is giving entire satisfaction.—Atlanta Constitution. The friends of Mr. Walters in this city, where he lived several years, can testify that he is a thorough southern gentleman and fhlly compe tent to perform the work that has been entrusted to him, A Burglar Arrested. On Tuesday the Enquirer-Sun mentioned the fact that the residences of Mr. E. W. Joiues and Coleman Davis, colored, on Rose Hill, had beeu burglarized Sunday night. Among the articles stolen from Mr. Joines’ residence was nearly 200 nickels. On Wednesday the police heard that a negro named Willis McAffee was spending nickels freely, and yesterday they succeeded in capturing him. He denied his guilt, but articles were found in his possession which were identi fied by Mr. Joiues and Davis. Davis also testi fied that McAfee looked very much like the negro who jumped from his window on the night of the burglary. After hearing the case CoLWilkiiiB sent the prisoner tqifM- 1 in delimit LILLIAN LEWIS. A Brief Sketch of a New and BcnutiPul Star. The stage of Springer’s opera house will be graced Tuetdiy and Wednesday evenings with,if reports do not lie, a very beautiful and talented actress. Miss Lillian Lewis comes to Columbus a comparative stranger to our theatre-goers, yet those who have read the dramatic columns of the daily press the past few months cannot help but have noticed reports of the very great success of this young and talented actress. Miss Lewis lias been scarcely flveyears uponjthe stage,yet durin;, that time has made a very flattering reputation. ■ first work of note was in the support of Jas. O’Neill, of Monte Cristo fame. She afterwards supported in loading roles Edwin Booth and the ln.e John McCullough, and for a season was the star of “Only a Farmet ’3 Daughter” company. Last season she became an independent star, and with the double advantage of beauty and talent became an instant success. She made the role of “ Cora” in “ The Creole” a version of “Ar ticle 47” her leading feature, and so pronounced a success was she in New York and Chicago that the press of that city pronounced her America only rival of Clara Morris. During last season Miss Lewis played the role Jive cousecuti weeks in Chicago, three in New York, two in Boston, two in Louisville, and a week each in Cincinnati, Buffalo, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Pittsburg, besides all the principal cities. She should certainly draw a Urn* house here, as she is considered b> Manager Foley one of the best attractions he has booked this season She i supported by a company said to be above th mge. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Death in Stewart County. Mr. Jones Broach, a valuable citizen and a well-to-do farmer, who resided near Green Hill, Stewart county, died the first of this week after a brief illness of malarial fever. I'otton Exports for September. Washington, October 14.—The chief of the bu reau of statistics reports the exports of cotton from the United States during the month of Sep tember as compared with the coresponding period of the preceding year, as follows : customs district. Bales., Pounds. I Dollars. New York Boston & Charlestown.. Philadelphia Baltimore Now Orleans Charleston Detroit Galveston Huron, Mich Passamoquaddy, Me... .Savannah RANKIN HOUSE. J. L. Wallace, Butler; P. II. Smith, New York; five members of Doris’ advance guard; P. E. Collins, Pittsburg; J. M. Batterton, New York; Geo. Coone, Philadelphia; Josh Mayer, O. H. Hannah, New York; F. llanaw, New Orleans; R. K. Waring, Baltimore; H. E. Rees, Atlanta; P. L. Mattox, agent Lillian Lewis Co.; E. A. Freeman, T. S. Chancellor, New York; J. M. Brooks, Jen- kinsville; J. A. Wliituer, A. F. Moreland, Atlanta; E. M. Kelly, Nashville; U. N. Pitts. Seale; T. H. Ingram. . central hotel. J. Stuart, New York; .1. I.. Steele, Atlanta; Stephen Neal, Talbotton; S. O’Neal, Seale; T. II. Ingram. Murvyn; S. T. Partgidge, Baltimore; G. W. Beverly, Thomasville; G. IV. Watts. Atlanta; W. E. Taylor, Savannah: Edgar Stewart. Butler; R. A. Miller, Cincinnati: A. F. Andrews, Ala bama:.). L. Lawrence, Alabama; E. E. Byiugtou, Fort Valley; M. Reeves. Greenville; W. P. Thompson, Opelika; P. O. Stevens, Alexander City; Niek Smith, Chattahoochee county; E. W. McClendon. Jernigan. DOTS FROM DON. Marriage of Mr. Jacob Land and Miss Tilda Brown—Personal Mention, Etc. Don, Ga., October 14.—Enquirer-Sun: The monotony of our little town was broken latt Sun day by the marriage of Mr. Jacob Land, who re cently celebrated his eightieth anniversary. On the 10th inst. he led Miss Tilda Brown to hymen’s altar and there they were united in holv bonds of wedlock, George W. Gordon, Esq., officiating. Fortunately the old gentleman did not have to leave his own roof to find his bride. We predict that his life will be happy and agreeable, as he raised up his bride from childhood after his own way. Miss Mattie Taylor, of Beallwood, who has been spending some time with relatives at this place, has returned home, much to the regret of those who had tne pleasure of her society while here. Miss Taylor unade several “mashes” on the boys while here, your correspondent not ex- 75,505,31,177.512 3,291,077 7.266 3,51 1,075 .368.150 1,265 631,687' 63.168 3,031 J 1,753,315 170.113 27,970 13)691,107 1,310,119 3,050 1,80,575; 182,000 781! 392.000! 39,200 14,383 , 7,564,839 ! 710.353 508 236,6671 23,557 313! 131,100! 13,110 21,606 10,606,128 ! 909,426 Total, 1886 ' 156,78-1 74,780,395 7,190,903 Totnl endiiig Septein-; | ber 30, 1885 123,881 61,082,291 6,268.537 ABOITT THE WEATHER. Report of the Aiultinnn Weather Service at Au burn. The report of the Alabama Weather Service at Auburn has been issued. From it we get the fol lowing summary of the weather in September: Mean temperature, 76°. Highest temperature, 95° at Marion on the 12th. Lowest temperature, 42° at Gadsden on the 30th. Range of temperature, 53°. Greatest monthly range of temperature, 52° at Gadsden. Least monthly range of temperature, 26° at Selma. Mean daily range, 16 Greatest daily range of temperature, 36 5 at Gadsden on the 30th. Least daily range of temperature, 1° at Eufaula ou the 30th and Florence on the 16th. Mean depth of rainfall, 1.46 inches. Mean dally rainfall,* 0.052 Greatest depth of monthly rainfall, 6.90 inches at Tuscumbia. Least depth of monthly rainfall, 0.30 inches at Marion and Selma Greatest daily rainfall, average for state, 0.68 inches on the 14th. Greatest daily local rainfall, 5.16 inches at Tus- cumbia on the 14th. Average number of days on which rain fell, 5. Average number of cloudy days, 6. Average number of fair days, 13 Average number of clear days, 11. Warmest days, 11th, 12th and 17tli. Coldest day, 30th. Prevailing direction of wind, east and south east. Chattanooga reports that i he greatest velocity of wind was 17 miles per hour from the north- ust, Mobile 21 miles from the east, and Mont gomery 20 miles from the east. Extra Large t'lioiec Apples At W. S. Freeman’s. De-lee-ia-lnve. A bottle of Delectalave may save you a month's suffering. If your gums are sore, heal them with Delectalave. Use Delectalave on your tooth-brush, and rinse out your mouth and be- your teeth with it, to remove the food particles and prevent fermentation, which causes a fetid breath. For sale by all Druggists. Nollco to NhippcrN. The Steamer Aid leaves this morning at 8 o’clock for Florence. T. D. Huff, Agent. The Hebrew congregation desires to engage the services of an Organist. Applicants will please address M. Kaufman, Sec’y. Cooked Feed tor Cows, composed of barley, bran and cotton seed, Poultry Feed, composed of corn barley and rye, at Crane’s. dtf Crane will sell three cakes best Toilet Soap foi 25c, one dozen Honey and Glycerine Bouquet foi •30c.; also, Laundry and Washing Crystals, Pear line, etc. dtf I give the largest piece of Lorillard’s Climax To bacco in town for 10 cents. Lorillard’s Fine Cut Tobacco, at Crane’s Cash Store. dtf Bring the children to Alpha A. Williams, where you are sure to get Pictures nicely finished and of the very latest styles. I have also in stock fancy Frames, Mats and Albums, which were purchased direct fr om manufacturers, en abling me to offer them at very reasonable prices. I would like to have you call and see them. Cab inet photographs $1.00 per dozen. Cards $1.50 per dozen, d-tf. Notice to Slock Invaders. Mobile and Girard Railroad, Office Sec retary, Columbus, Ga., September 11, 1886.—By direction of the Board of Directors, Stockholders are hereby notified that the property and fran chises of this Company have, in pursuance of a resolution passed at the Annual Convention of Stockholders, held July 7, 1886, been leased to the Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia. By the terms of the lease each Stockholder is to receive One Dollar and Fifty Cents on each Whole Share of the Capital Stock (common) held by them, on the first day of June in every year, which will bo paid by the Lessee at their office in Columbus, Georgia, as soon after each first day of June as the stock- list can be prepared. No dividend will be paid ou Preferred Stock, Pike County Stock, or on Fractional Shares. Preferred Stock will be converted into Capital Stock, two shares of Common for oneofPre- ferred, and Pike County Stock will be converted into Capital Stock, share for share, on presenta tion at this office with proper -authority for transfer. Fractional shares will be transferred for pur pose of consolidation. J. M. Frazer, octl2 3taw 6w Secretary. Bright new stock Lemons by the box at R. Justice’s, agent. oc5 tf IIol Parched Peanuts at Justice’s Cash Store. sep’28 dtf CITY hUIfi STORE. Drugs. I’am*y Articles ami Drug- Sun* tlricw. We are now receiving a new supply of all Fancy Goods and Staples in our line. An endless variety of Bristle Goods, Tooth Brushes, Hair Brushes, Nail Brushes, Baby Brushes, Shaving Brushes, Blacking and Cloth Brushes. The best 25c Tooth Brush ever sold in this market. A beautiful Child’s Crush for 15c. Combs of any kind and style. All makes of Face Powders. A beautiful assort ment of Puff Boxes, Putts and Sachet Powders. A large line of Colognes and Extracts from every maker of prominence. Our White Rose Cologne cannot be surpassed in the United States. We carry the largest and most varied assort ment of soaps of any house iivthe city, from 6c to 75c a cake. A special bargain at 50c per dozen. Our drug department is kept supplied with the best and purest drugs. Our motto being the best only. We have secured the services of Mr. Wm. McLendon, jr., of Thomasville, a graduate in phar macy, and in every way qualified to fill prescrip tions, to which work we give special and earefkl attention. We have a full line of Teas and Spices, which we guarantee pure. Large lot of Slate Sponges. Give us a call. Polite attention given all. CITY DRUG STORE, dtf Geo. A. Bradford, Manager. The City Registry List Is now open for registry of all citizens desiring to vote in the approaching municipal election. Those who are liable to a street tax and have not previously paid it, are required to pay at time of registering. M. M. Moose, Lout. A Black and Tan Gordon Setter, about 3 years old. A reward will be paid for his return to ocl2 tf W. W. Bussey. Best Cabinet Photographs $4.00 per dozen— Alpha A. Williams. d&weow Your attention is called to a handsome line of Frames I now have in stock, and as they were purchased direct from manufacturers I am able to give you a low price. Would be glad to have you look at these Frames. Cabinet Photographs $1.00 per dozen. Alpha A. Williams. d&weow For Stile. The desirable Residence of Mr. O. C. Bullock, on Fourth avenue; also a desirable Residence on Second avenue. Soule Redd & Co.. ocl2 6t Real Estate Agents. Best Card Photographs $1.50 per dozen—Alpha A. Williams. d&weow French .Millinery Opening- On Monday, 18th ; Tuesday, 19th, and Wednes day, 20th. Mrs. L. Lequin. ocl2 5t Marshal** Kale. One black and white spotted boar and one red bull, marked swallow fork in right ear and two splits in left ear, very short horns, and one white and brown cow marked swallow fork in left ear and smooth crop off right ear, will be sold at the public pound on Thursdav, unless claimed by owner and expenses paid before that time. octl2 3t J. H. Palmer, Marshal. For Sale. My place on Talbotton road, about two miles from city, on line of Georgia Midland. Has a new five room House, all necessary out-house*, in excellent repair; splendid spring. The place contains 142% acres, about 25 acres of which are heavily* wooded. Terms easy. For particulars apply to me on the place, or to T. M. Foley, opera house. C. P. Springer. ocl2 tf F. O. WILKINS, General Auctioneer. Real Estate, Stock anil Rom! Agent. Special attention given administrators’, execu tors’ and assignees’ sales, selling and renting Real Estate at public or private sale. Office over Abbott & Newsom’s corner. For Sale—My Residence on Broad street, jell tf F. G. Wilkins. I>. F. WIUJ OX'S Insurance Agency. 11-15 ltroad Street, Accessible at all hours. Office telephone, No. 7. Residence telepone, No. 49. All culls promptly answered. D. F. Wjllcox. oct8dtf For ’Tax Receiver. I announce myself a candidate for election to he office of Tax Receiver, and respectfully solicit the votes of the citizens of Muscogee county. Election Wednesday, January 5th, 1887. sep23 tf Woolfolk Walker. Removal Notice ! We are now engaged in removing our Stock of Drugs and Medicines to our New Store, under the Rankin House, next door to W. J. Watt. Will be open in a day or two. Gilbert & Blanchard. sept‘29-tf Kennedy’s Graham Wafers, flesh. dtf Adams & Bowers. Removal Notice. We have removed to No. 1022 Broad street, be low the Central Hotel, where we will continue to keep the choicest line of Cigars, Tobacco and Liquors. We call especial attention to our celebrated Imperial Wedding Whisky and fine brands of Key West and Havana Cigars, and kindly ask our friends to favor ua with their orders. Louis Buhler & Co. Sole Agents for the Celebrated Anheuser and and Budweiser Bottled Beer. sepl9 tf Stolen. On September 18tli or 19tli, a Parker breech loading gun No. 46,216, from the residence of Mrs. E. Howard in Russell county, Ala. Parties are cautioned not to purchase same, and any one returning the gun with evidence to convict the thief will receive a reward of $20. oclO-dlw R. O. Howard. Kennedy’s Vanilla Wafers, fresh. dtj Adams & Bowers. Kennedy’s New England Ginger Snaps, fresh, dtf Adams & Bowers. Go«l BIcr* (lie 4'liil«lre». Nothing has been so productive of health and diminished so much the suffering and mortality among children as Tekthina (Teething Powders). Teethina allays Irritation, aids Digestion. Regulates the Bowels, Strengthens the child. Cures Eruptions and Sores and makess Teething easy. All Druggists and couhtry stores keep Teeth- ina. Brannon & Carson. Columbus. Ga.. Wholesale Agents, supply the trade at manu facturer’s prices. . iv4 fl&wlv Our Fifty Font Shirt Reduced to Tlilry- Fi vo rents. Pure linen bosom and band, fair quality of musl n and perfect fitting. Chancellor under stands buying and is not afraid to sell goods close. d&w tf Flub ltnfe*. One dozen Cabinet Photographs, from two subjects, $6. Only one sitting made to each sub ject. Extra sittings 50c each. No proofs shown. All work at the club rates will have to be paid for at time of sitting. No deviation from this rule. Auy one getting up a club often sittings at the above rates will receive six Cabinet Photo graph! or $3 in money free. d&weow Alpha A. Williams. Best Cabinet Photographs $4.00 per dozen— Alpha A. Williams. d&weow HorscN! Horses! We will have at our Stables on next Thursday, October 14th, a car load of fine Saddle and Har ness Horses—for sale at low figures for such horses. J. M. Fletcher & Son. ocl2 d3t&wlt They Have Arrived. Sixty beautiful Suits, $2.50 to $12 each for child ren. Parents daily remark they have never seen such an assortment in Columbus. A. C. Chan cellor takes care to provide for the boys. d&wtf Best Panel Photographs $6.00 per dozen— Alpha A. Williams. d&weow While Looking* at Hoys’ Suits, Remember Chancellor’s Hat Department is com plete. Prices the lowest. d&wtf Best Cabinet Photographs $4.00 per dozen— Alpha A. Williams. d&weow lSoyM* Suits and Moil’s Sit iris A specialty this week at Chancellor’s. Now is the time to buy. d&wtf For Tax Collector. I announce myself as a candidate for Tax Collector of Muscogee county (election January next), and respect fully solicit the sup port of the voters of said county. aug29 dtf wlm Oliver P. Poe. Go to Alpha A. Williams for the best Cabinet Photographs at $4.00 per dozen. d&weow Nice 8x10 Gold Frame 75c—Alpha A. Williams. d&weow Wanted—A ye nuts. To sell Christmas Books in every town and county in the south. Thousands of copies were sold last year, and the demand is greater than ever this season. We issue a new set every year. One lady last year sold 457 and several sold over 300 copies. For circurars, terms and territory apply to D. E. Luther, Southern Manager for Cassell & Co., sepl3 weow4t 68Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga 30 Shares Merchants and Mechanics’ Bank Stock for sale. Soule Redd & Co. ocl3 eod3t A C’ard. For the benefit of those who owe me. I can be found during the fall months at the office of Williams & Pou, my successors in the carriage business. Please remember when your note or account is due and let me have it that day. I need and will expect it. Messrs. Williams & Pou have moved into their new quarters, next door north of Webster warehouse. sep26-lm. J. A. Walker. Kennedy’s French Roll Wafers, fresh. dtf Adams & Bowers, Tick cl Tor Aldermen. At the election on Saturday, the 11th of December next for one alderman from each ward, friends of the present membersofthe board will support them for re-election. First Ward — J. S. Garrett. Second Ward—A. M. Elledge. Third Ward—D. P. Dozier. Fourth Ward—Tlieo M. Foley. Fifth Ward—N. N. Curtis. Sixth Ward—George W. Dillingham. oct5 td 'I’lic Slripinu House* Having been re-rented under the present man- j agemeut, rooms can now he secured for the en suing year. sept) dtf The largest and prettiest stock of Pattern Hats and Bonnets ever shown in this city will be open to-day at Lee’s! ocl4 3t Texas Foil ion. More Texas Ponies at Munday & Robinson’s Stables. Come everybody and rfee them. 0014 3t Ladies, it will repay you for your time and trouble to attend Lee’s opening to-day, to-mor row and Saturday. ocl4 3t Don’t forget to see Lee’? 28th Annual Grand Opening of Millinery to-day. ocl4 3t Kennedy’s thin Wafer Biscuits, fr esh. dtf Adams & Bowers. Kennedy’s Cream Wafers in one pound tins, fresh. [dtfj Adams & Bowers. Without CIoIiik Into Detaita A. C. Chancellor desires to state that 200 dozen Shirts have been shipped to him by mistake for twenty dozen. Chancellor will sell these goods without profit and at a loss, for the cash, rather than return them. d&w tf For County Treasurer. I announce myself a candidate for County Treasurer, and respectfully ask the voters of Muscogee county for their suffrage. sep24d&w td John C. Cook. For Tax Collector. I announce myself a candidate for Tax Col- ledtor of Muscogee County. Election in Jan uary next. [ocl2 tdj N, G. Oattis. Fresh Fall Goods. New Barrel Pickles, Oatmeal, Sour Krout, English Peas and Yankee Beans. Also a fine as sortment of Kennedy’s Fancy Cakes and Crack ers, at Justice’s Cash Store. eodtf Go to Alpha A. Williams for the best Card Photographs at $1.50 per dozen. d&weow ' Compare Our Nliirl With the dollar Shirts sold in Columbus and you will buy the same thing from us at 50 cents. Chancellor’s is lieadquartees—and not for Shirts only. d&w tf For Tax Collector. Announcing myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Collector of Muscogee county, I respectfully solicit the votes of its citizens, and will endeavor to deserve their support by faithfrilly discharging the duties of this office in the future as in i he past. Election first Wednes day in January next. sep21 eodtd Davis A. Andrews. Hr. Seth N. Jordan, Operating Surgeon and Physician. Residence, Sammis House, east side front street, opposite Lowell Warehouse. Telephone No. 2; Office. Carter’s drug store. tf Series 2, Chattahoochee RiGEdiug am) Loan Association. Books of subscription for above series now oper at office of Yonge & Grimes. Cliff B. Grimes, Sec’v and Treas. vm9t: The celebrated Shield Bourbon is a very fine Whisky blended from the best grades of Ken tucky, six years old, put up in honest quart bot tles at one dollar per bottle or four dollars per gallon. dtf Robert S. Crane. To the Voters of Muscogee County. I announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, and respectfully solicit your support for i he same. Election January next. G. E. Gager. Columbus, Gft., September 22,1886. sep23 tf Watch Making. J. H. Bramhall, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, makes a specialty of repairing fine and complicated watches that have been in jured by accident or otherwise, at moderate charge. dtf ‘Baker’s Premium Chocolate, Cox’s and Coop er’s Gelatine, Farina Topioca, Sago, Duffy’s Pure Malt Whisky for medicinal use, McEwan’a Edin burgh Ale, and Guinness’ Extra Stout, at Crane’s Cash Store. dtf For Tax Collector. I announce myself a fc candidate for Tax Col lector of Muscogee coun’y (election January next), and aslc for the support of the voters of said c .unty. J. C. Woolfolk. sep7 dtf Hr. Scliley Removed. Dr. P. T. Schley has removed his residence to 1520 Second avenue or Jackson street), where he can be found at night. oct6 eod2w Arbuckle’s Ariosa Coffee is self-settling, always frill weight, and six pounds for one dollar. dtf R. S. Crane. Choice Goshen Rutter, Extra Cream Cheese, Chipped Dried Beef, Boneless Pig’s Feet and Choice Tripe in 3 lb. tins, Boston Baked Beans, Cooked Corn Beef in 1 and 2 lb boxes, Imported and American Sardines, Spanish Queen Olives, Finest Olive Oil, Stove Polish, Bath Brick, Sapo- lio for house cleaning, at Cran e’s. dtf Boys* and Children** Suita Can be seen in large variety and at close prices New Good*, Bottom Prices. Fair and square dealing, coupled with courte ous and prompt attention, promised to every in habitant of Columbus and surrounding country that fhvor the Central Drug Store, Evans & Howard, proprietors, with their patronage. \y 0 are never too busy to give information or show our goods, whether you buy or not. In the last few days we have received a lot of the prettiest and best made Tooth Brushes to be obtained specially imported for our trade. So much trouble is experienced from the bristles coming out of brushes. In the one we are offering tlnV. objection is obviated. We are now headquarters for the Oakley Soap and Perfumery Company, and have on display a magnificent line of their goods we are selling at living prices. Our stock of Hair, Tocth, Nail and Scrubbing Brushes, Ivory, Celluloid, Rubber and Horn Combs, Whisp Brooms, Clothes and Black ing Brushes and Polishers is very complete— every style, make and price always on hand. We stock every new preparation in the Drug, Chemi cal, Patent Medicine, Perftime, Soap or Toilet line as soon as brought to notice. Many articles can be found in our varied stock that cannot be obtained from other sources. To the smoking public let us say we have re cently received large additions to this depart ment, and we think there is no stock of Cigars in this section equal in quality to ours. Recent heavy additions to our Toilet Goods line now gives us the largest, most meritorious and prettiest line in Columbus. We shall con tinue to dispense Soda water for sometime yet. Give us a call, let us price you our goods, and we feel confident we will share your patronage. Evans & Howard, aug8 3in 1309 and 1132 Broad street. TOWN LOTS For Kale at W’averly Hall, Georgia. We will offer for sale on November 1st, 188P, at* the above mentioned place, immediately on the line of the Georgia Midland and Gulf railroad (a new road that is being built from Columbus to Athens, Ga., connecting with the Central, East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia, Richmond and Danville railroads). Lots suitable for building residences, stores, etc. Waverly Hall is situated in the “garden spot” of Georgia, farming lands yielding above an average. The best school and church advantages already established. Society is as good as any city in Georgia or elsewhere. People are alive to anything progressive, and willing to lend a helping hand to any who may locate in our midst. It is one of the best trade points in Harris county, being thickly populated already, and only needs the new railroad now being builtto make it the nicest town in the state. Healthfullness of the place is unexcelled. Water the best. Between 2500 and 5000 bales of cotton will be. shipped from this point coming season. This alone will “be worth the consideration of thoughtful business men who wish to do a good business without having any heavy expense. Td • those who wish to give their children the very best educational advantages, our people especial ly ask them to come and locate among us. All parents are well aware of the advantage of edu cating their children in the country than in the cities in a moral point of view. Lots will bo sold without reserve or limit to the highest bid der. Any further information or inquiries will be cheerfully answered by applying to I. H. Pitts & Son, sepldwed,se,td or W. I. H. Pitts, P. M. S. P. GILBERT, Attorney-At-Law, Columbus, Ga. Prompt attention given to all business. Office over R. S. Crane. sep4 dly For Tax Receiver. I announce myself a candidate for Tax Re ceiver of Muscogee county, and respectfully ask the support of the voters. RUNNING OF TRAINS. Arrival ami Departure of All Train* at Columbus Carryii« jg l*a-sengc»rs. In Eireot October 3, 1886. ARRIVALS. COLUMBUS AND ROME RAILWAY. Mail train from Greenville 10:21 a. m Accommodation from Greenville 2:11 p. in. southwestern railroad. Mail train from Macon 2:25 p. in. Accommodation from Macon 6:20 a. m. COLUMBUS AND WESTERN RAILWAY. Mail train from Montgomery Jl:20 a. m. Mail train from Atlanta 6:43 p. in. MOBILE AND GIRARD RAILROAD. Mail train from Troy and Eufaula 12:45 p. on Accommodation from Troy, Eufaula and Montgomery 10:49 p. m Accommodation from Union Springs... 10:19 a. m,. DEPARTURES. COLUMBUS AND ROME RAILWAY. Mail train for Greenville 2:29 p. in Accommodation lor Greenville 6 00 a. w. SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD. Mail train for Macon 12:00 in. Accommodation for Macon 8:t0 p. in COLUMBUS AND WESTERN RAILWAY. Mail train for Atlanta 8:22 a. m. Mail train for Montgomery 2:28 p. m. MOBILE AND GIRARD RAILROAD. Mail train for Troy 2:30 p. m. Accommodation lor Troy and Eufaula.. 6:20 a. m. Accommodation for Union Springs and Montgomery 10:25 d *•* GEORGIA SECURITIES. Corrected by Joint Blaelciuar, Colitio* bus, Ga. STOCK AND BOND BROKER. RAILROAD BONDS. Americus, Preston and Lumpkin 1st mortgage 7s 100 @101 Atlantic and G ull' 7s 117 (ail 19 Central con mortgage 7s 113 ©114 Columbus and Rome 1st 6s, endorsed Central R. R 104 @106 Columbus and Western 1st mortgage 6s, endorsed by Central R. R 103 @105 Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta 1st mortgage 114 @115 Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta 4a 2d mortgage 110 @112 Georgia Railroad 6s 106 ©109 Mobile and Girard 2d mortgage en-. dorsed by Central Railroad 106)/J@107 Montgomery and Eufaula 1st mort gage 6s and Centra Railroad 108 @109 South Georgia and Florida 1st, en dorsed by state of Georgia, 7 per cent 118 @119 South Georgia and Florida 2d, 7 per cent Ill @113 Western R. R. Alabama 1st mortgage, endorsed by Central Railroad 110 @111 Western Alabama 2d mortgage, en dorsed * 113?/6@U6 RAILROAD STOCKS. Atlanta and West Point ;.1G1 @103 Atlanta and West Point 6 per cent. scrip 103 @101 Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent 127 @130 Central common 95 (a 96 Central railroad 6 per cent, scrip 102 ‘n 103 Georgia 11 per cent 192 @193 Southwestern 7 per cent, guaranteed.. 126 @pj> CITY BONDS. Atlanta 6s 105 @107 Atlanta 7s 112 @118 Augusta 7s 109 @112 Augusta 6s 103 @105 Columbus 7s 112 @113 Columbus 5s 100 @102 LaGrange 7s 100 @101 Macon 6s 110 @111 Savannah 5s.. STATE BONDS. H 102 1890 @112 FACTORY STOCKS. Eagle and Phenix 95 @ 96 Muscogee 96 @ 99 . Georgia Home*Insurance Company 135 @140 BANK STOCKS. Chattahoochee National 10 per cent...175 @200 Merchants' & Mechanics’ 10 per cent..l25 @130 MISCELLANEOUS. Confederate Coupon Bonds 1 @ 2 FOR SALE. $5000 Americus, Preston and Lumpkin Rail road 7 per cent Bonds. 15 Shares Southwestern Railroad guaranteed 7 per cent Stock. $25,000 Georgia new 4% per dent. 30 year Bonds. $5,000 Mississippi State new 6s. 59 Shares Mobile and Girard Railroad Stock. WANTED. 30 Shares Eagle and Phenix Factory Stock. Georgia Railroad Stock. Merchants and Mechanics’ Bank Stock. Georgia Home Insurance Co. Stock. See me before you buy or sell. I can always do as well, and often several points better, than any