Newspaper Page Text
Oolitmbun, Ga M December 21,1886.
Ntw York % off, Eastern off’, Boston slight %
•D, Savannah ^ off; Bank checking on New York
War the counter % premium and on Savannah
it par.
Market to-day very dull; Inferior 0; ordi ’%ry
*ood ordinary— cs low middling 8J^c;
Middling 601£. good middling f%r<48%|0.
To-day. To Date
Dr Bond.western railroad hh
By Mobile and Olrard railroad 90
By Oolnmhu* and western road... 0
Colmrbn** and Borne railroad.. 25
By Georgia Midland 0
By the river 0
By wagons 366
Southwestern railroad
By OolnmbiiN and Weatom rood... 0
By the river 0
token by Columbus factories 181
To-day. To Pat.
■hipped to-day,
•• nwvlnr
Block on hand August 31, 1885 1,079
Boceived to-day 569
“ previously 58,442—59.011
previously 45,790- 46,017
Blocks on hand 14,073
Stock August 31, 1885, 350; received same date,
YM; total receipts 68,393; shipped same day 284;
total shipments 46,375; stock 20,368, sales 369;
Middling, 8%c.
Horse for Sale-J. A. Walker.
New Goods -T. H. Spear, Agent.
Notice to the Creditors of D. E. Wade, deceased.
Btlll in the Lead—Adams & Bowers.
Good Things for Christmas—II. IT. Daniel.
Land for Sale—Hatcher & Peabody.
Lift* Insurance—John F. Iverson.
Fat Turkeys and Chickens Salisbury & Crow.
Caution to the Public—8. W. Ford.
The Card Club.
The “Eight O’clock Card Club” hold its first
regular meeting at the residence of Miss Bailie
Hull, on Third avenue, last night. The attend
ance was good, and the members spent a most
wnjoyablc evening.
Din House ami Mill Burned.
The gin house and mill on the plantation of
Judge J. J. W. Diggers, in the Lower Nineteenth
district, Harris county, were destroyed by fire
about 10 o’clock Monday night, together with
one bale of cotton. The loss is estimated at $500.
There was no insurance.
A Watch Thief Arrested.
Bob Thomas, a negro boy, was arrested yester
day, charged with stealing a gold watch from
Mrs. J. J. Patterson. He at first denied his guilt,
but after being locked up, lie confessed that lie
stole the watch and said lie sold it to an un
known negro for 75 cents. The officers do not
believe his story about selling the watch, but
think that he knows where it cvn be found. lie
Is still in the guard lionse and will be turned
over to the tender mercy of the courts.
The Bible Thief Bound Over for Burglary.
L. J. Bunnell, the young white man who is
charged with stealing the Bible from the Girard
Methodist church, had a preliminary trial yester
day before Justice Tucker. The prisoner denied
breaking into the church, and nays he entered by
the door, which was ajar. Witnesses testified con
tradicting him as to the door being open, and the
court bound the prisoner over in a $300 bond to
appear at the next circuit court. He was unable
to make the bond and was sent to jail at Beale.
In Demand as an Orator.
Mr. H. D. Ilowren was notified yesterday of
his election by the faculty fo deliver the literary
•ddroKs at Andrew female college commence- j
ment, at Cuthbert, Ga., nex summer. Mr. How-|
Ten has been invited also to deliver the literary j
address at LaGrange female college, presided ■
over by President Rufus Smith, who is an old |
preceptor of Mr. Howren. Mr. Ilowren has ae- \
oeptod both invitations, and will deliver the ad
dress at both commencements.
The ('iitliollc Bazaar.
The Catholic bazaar was well attended again
last night. It is being held at the convent and
by'attonding one can pass a very enjoyable even- \
ing and at the same time assist in a worthy
cause. There arc many fancy articles yet unsold,
which will be disposed ot to-night and Thursday
night. The music furnished by the young peo
ple of the conaregatiou is fine and should of itself
draw largo crowds the remaining two nights.
The object of the fair is to raise funds to put a
new roof on tho convent. Numerous valuable
articles are to be raffled to-morrow night.
St. Paul (JLurch.
There will be a prayer meeting ut St. Paul
church to-night. To-morrow (Thursday) tho
ladies will meet at 10 a. in., to arrange for decora
ting the church lor the coming Sabbath. Itcv.
I)r. Harrison will preach the sermon, and the
choir will dispense some of the finest music
heard in Columbus for a long time. The public
are cordially invited to meet with the members
tu a Christmas Sunday service of thank striving.
Next Tuesday the Juveniles give an entertain,
ment ut Hotel Riddle for benevolent purposes.
The Japanese costume will be worn by the young
ladies tuking active parts in the entertainment.
Does to the Widow and Orphans.
On yesterday Colonel John F. Iverson, agent
for the Manhattan Life Insurance company paid
over to Mrs Mary B. Slade $2030 in payment of
the policy held by her husband, Mr. J. B. Blade,
iu that company at the time of Lis death. Tho
policy was issued to Mr. Blade last July and only
one premium uas due and had been paid on it.
We insure our lives that in case of death those
who are dependent upon us should not be left
helpless; therefore, nothing connected with life
insurance does more to inspire confidence in a
company than the prompt payment of its death
Election ut Ufttecra.
Columbian Lodge F. A. M. held its annual
election last night. The following officers were
elected for the ensiling year aud iustailed last
W. M.-W. W. Bussey.
S. W.-8. N. Jordan.
J. W.-D. A. Joseph
Treasurer - W. T Robi nson.
Secretary-H. H. Hunter.
8. U.-R J. Iiuuter.
J. D.-E. F. Co/zey.
First Steward M. Kaufman.
Second Steward—J. B. Mayes.
Marshal—J. W. Johnson.
Tyler —J. D. McJunkiu.
—Mrs. M. Reeves died at her home near Green
ville, Sunday night, after a brief illness.
—The Second Baptist church Sunday school
will have a Christmas tree on Saturday night.
—Advertisers are requested to send their
changes for Sunday’s issue to the office not later
than to-morrow afternoon.
—There was a delightf 1 social gathering at the
residence of B. H. Crawford, Esq., last night.
There were eight or ten couples.
—The Presbyterian Mission Sunday school will
have Christmas services Friday afternoon at 4
o’clock. Rev. W. A. Carter will deliver an ad
—The stock of confectioneries purchased by J.
T. Kavnnagh was from Mrs. B. Kunsberge in
stead of from R. Kunsberge as published yester
day. The error in the initials was made by us.
—In a negro row last night, in the alley back of
Newman’s ice and fish depot, Mattie Wright
struck her sister a terrible blow on tho head, cut-
tirg an ugly gash. The police pulled the gang.
—A negro man named Anthony Harris knocked
another negro in the head with an ax at Green
ville Monday night. The wounded man was re
ported to bo in a very critical condition yester
—The annual election of officers of Lodge No.
633, Knights of Honor, will take place Monday
night. A full attendance of the members is de
sired. After tho election there will be an oyster
—The Bible stolen from St. Paul’s church re
cently was recovered yesterday morning. It was
found in the possession of a negro man, who says
he bought it from the same young man that
stole tho Bible in Girard.
—While a gang of hands were at work on tho
roads a few miles east of the city on Monday one
of them named Frank Peterman boil ono of bis
heels nearly severed from the foot by another
negro, who accidentally cut him with an ax.
A llnppy Mii’Tlntre.
At Mt. Lebanon church, in Russell county, Ala
bama, at 8 o’clock lost night, Mr. D. Brady Mit
chell and Miss Jimmie B. Thomas were united in
marriage. Dr. J P. Cheney performed the cere
mony in the presence of a large number of
friends and invited guests. The following were
the attendants:
E. W. McClendon with Miss Minnie Howard, of
TL E. Owens with Mias Nannie Thompson, of
O. L. Balias with Miss Annie Thomas.
J. M. Vann with Miss Emmie Lou Thomas.
J. N. Owens with Miss Lizzie Hunter, of Colum
Howard Mitchell with Miss Annie Howard.
Woodie Ho vard with Miss Birdie Thomas.
Tho groom is a worthy and energetic young
farmer, while the bride is the lovely and accom-
pli-lied daughter of Mr. Berego Thomas. The
young couple have many friends in this city who
wish them a long and prosperous life.
Deputy Sheriff J. M. Bishop, of Beale, come up
on the 11 o’clock freight, train last night and will
carry back Bunnell, the Bible thief, with him
this morning.
Dr. Charles L. Williams, of in the city,
e will move his family to-morrow.
Judge Simeon O’Neal, of Seale, was in the city
Yesterday interviewing Santa. Claus.
iss Floride Abercrombie is visiting friends
and relatives in the city.
Col. W. H. Wallace and A. A. Carson, Esq., of
Butler, are in the city.
The Brand Rinsing Out Raffles and Auction to
Take Place To-Night.
Another large crowd attended the Jewish fair
last night, and tho ladies in charge were kept,
busy until nearly 12 o’clock.
’he refreshment tables were well patronized,
and a largo number of lunches were served,
business men are urged to order their dinners j
from tho fair to-day.
This will ho the last day of the fair. The raf
fling will take place early to-night, after which
all articles remaining will be sold at auction by
Sheriff Burrus. A nice lino of Christmas goods,
Mitcheline quilts, curtains, lace goods, and many
articles too numerous to mention will be sold.
Miss Ball, of Fort Meade, Fla., hai sent the
fair several valuable contributions.
Bargains will be offered in fine cigars in boxes
of twenty-live and fifty each to-night.
Don’t fail to go to the fair to-night. It will be
your last opportunity to aid tho ladies in their
noble work.
Tho remarkable success of the fair thus far has
been very gratifying to the managers.
Mrs. S. A. Hunt, of Stinson, is visiting relatives
In the city.
Mr. Wilmer Waddell, of the Rusaell Rogister,
is in the city.
Mr. ,J. C. Alexander, of Oswichee, was in the
city yesterday.
Mr. Z. T. Hudson, of Waverly Hall, was in the
city yesterday.
FI. Ben Ferrell, Esq., ex-sheriff of Russell
county, is in the city.
Mr Frank Golden left yesterday to spend the
holidays in Savannah.
Mr. and Mrs. S It. Murphey, of Hamilton, wo re
in the city yesterday.
Mrs. M. E. Bellamy and Miss Ellen Bryant, of
Fort Mitchell, spout yesterday in the city shop-
ChrlHtmAM Decorations.
Very pretty decorations can be made forChrist-
maa by using heads of wheat and oats. They
can be mixed with evergreen with good effect.
Dried grasses can be made useful in working out
some of the smaller designs. Mountain ash and
bittersweet berries are charming when used in
evergreen wreathing. If they are not to be ob
tained, the 3eed cluster of the sumach make
good substitutes. If you have autumn leaves in
considerable quantities, they will work in charm
ingly with whatever may be used as the founda
tion of your t ecorative work. To use nothing
but evergreens gives the place you see them in a
somewhat sober look, and touches of bright color
are needed to produce a more cheerful tone, and
ono more fitting to the season. If clusters of
leaves or berries are placed wherever festoons of
evergreens arc fastened against the wall, the
general effect would be vastly more pleasing
than it would be if they were not used,
For the altar nothing is prettier, especially by
lamplight, than crystalized grasses used liberally
against a background of evergreen. They sparkle
like gems, and suggest natural frostwo’k. A
most beautiful effect can be produced by making
the words, “A Merry Christmas,” with letters
formed of these grasses against evergreen. The
background can he made on a strip of cloth of
whatever width is thought desirable, covered
with ground pine or hemlock. These are better
for such purposes than ordinary' pine or cedar.
This cloth cm be suspended back of the pulpit,
or Rtage, and when the light falls on the letters'
they will seem to be formed from bits of icicles.
As the grasses are brittle and easily broken after
being crystalized it is well to make each letter
on a foundation of pnsteboard and put it in place
after the evergreen background has been hung
Notice to tbe Creditor* of D. E. Wade,
I hereby request the creditors of my late hus
band, D. E. Wade, to meet my agent at the
council chamber in Browneville, Ala., at 2
o’clock p in, on Thursday, tbe 23d inst., at which
time and place I propose to surrender to them
the entire stock of gooes on hand, on conditions
there to be made known to them.
December 23d, 1888. Mrs. D. E. Wade.
8. M. Inqersoll, Agent. dec22 2t
llonrstv Exemplified.
Now and then in the dealings of men with one
anot her will ( ccur an incident illustrative of the
existence in the human breast of such a thing as
perfect honesty, and at once puts to blush the
flippant assertion sometimes heard that honesty
is only a name. An incident of this character oc
curred many years ago in Harris county. A cit
izen of that county, whose name the writer can
not now c.ill to memory, found a roll of money,
which, in value, approximated $1500. He adver
tised for the owner in the public gazettes in his
own and adjoining counties, at intervals
along, for quite a period. Alibis efforts to find
the owner proved unavailing. At length,hecarried
the money to the ordinary of the county and re
quested that the sum be placed to the credit of
the county, for the benefit of the owner, whoever
he might be, and to be so kept from one adminis
tration to another until the true owner should
appear. When be made known his purpose to
dispose of the treesure in that way, some of his
neighbors and Friends tried to persuade him,that,
having made an honest effort to find the owner,
nnd having failed, tho money then rightfully be
longed to him. But lie said: “No, I didn’t work
for it, and it is not mine—I don’t want it.” So,
resisting all persuasion, he disposed of it as
above stated. Some years after that, when the
circumstances of the finding hid cessed to be
considered or to excite any attention, a citizen
of Tennessee, who in former years had been a
hog drover through that section, was again visit
ing this market; and in the course of conversa
tion incidentally remarked that, he had on the
last of his former trips lost a smart sum of money.
His remark reviver! in the mind of a by-stander
a recollection of the money which had been
found and disposed of by the finder in such
a peculia r manner.
This led to an investigation, which resulted in
tho comoleto Idontncatiou and recovery by the
loser of his longloij. treasure.
While this incident established the existence of
perfect honesty in the breast of tho finder, it also
goes to show the great folly and false economy
on the part of tho same men. For, had the loser
of that in raey given notice of it3 loss through
the press in the community where it occurred, he
would speedily have regained its possession. As
it was, lie was saved from its ultimate loss only
by the merest accident.
A Grand Dali at Gussota.
Cusseta, Ga., December 20.—The usual annual
ball will take place at tbe Cusseta academy on
Friday night, the 24th inst. We anticipate great
pleasure in meeting Chattahoochee friends. Ev
erybody earnestly and respec fully invited to at
tend. We will employ the best string band of
your city.
There will also be a county Christmas tree at
the court house of Curseta on the night of the
27th inst. Even ting will be provided for the
comfort and pleasure of all our friends.
Malaga Grapes at wholesale at
dtf Adams & Bowers.
NilII In tlie Load.
Santa Claus has decided to stay with Adams &
Bowers until after the holidays, because they
have the largest and most complete stock of
Toys in the city. Their already immense stock
was replenished yesterday by the arrival of
another shipment from New York. Don’t fail to
visit them; if you do you will be badly left.
Dou’t forget the place.
Adams & Bowers,
dtf 1144 Broad St., Strupper’s Old Stand.
A. F. Gibson & Co. has a large and select stock
of Furniture to be sold as lew as the lowest.
decl4 dtf
Oranges, Apples and Malaga Grapes at
dft R. Justice, Agt.
Baker’s Chocolate and Jelatine at
d tf R- Justice, Agt.
Removal Notice.
We have removed to No. 1022 Broad street, be
low the Central Hotel, where we will continue to
keep the choicest «line of Cigars, Tobacco and
We call especial attention to our celebrated
Imperial Wedding Whisky and fine brands of
Key West and Havana Cigars, and kindly ask
our friends to favor us with their orders.
Louis Buhler & Co.
Sole Agents for the Celebrated Auheuser and
and Budvveiser Bottled Beer.
sepl9 tf
D. F. WEIJaOa r
Insurance Agency, HI 15 Broad Street,
Accessible at all hours. Office telephone, No. 7.
Residence tele pone, No. 49. All calls promptly
answered. D. F. Willcox.
God Bless* the Children.
Nothing has been so productive of health ant*
diminished so much the suffering and mortality
anion? children as Tekthina {Teething Pcnoders).
Teethina allays Irritation, aids Digestion,
Regulates the Bowels, Strengthens the child,
Cures Eruptions and Sores and makess Teething
All Druggists and country stores keep Teeth-
ina. Brannon & Carson. Columbus. Ga.,
Wholesale Agents, supply the trade at manu
facturer’s prices. (v4 d&wlv
Choice Flub am! Oysters
Always on hand at Jno. W. Miller’s. dec21 lm
Where Bid I Nee Those Beautiful
Goods ?
Why, at Chancellor’s. He carries the prettiest
and cheapest stock of Christmas presents to be
found in Columbus. d&w-tf
returned last night from
to sho lias been visiting her
liicks ami Sawyer's Minstrel*.
The Pittsburg Dispatch has the following to
J»y of Hicks and Sawyer’s minstrels which will
Appear at Springer opeia house Friday night:
The Hicks-Sawyer colored minstrels made
a very attractive display on the streets yesterday,
aud from the pleased expression of those who
witnessed the performance, they must have made
a good display there also. They gi\c a very nice
enterainment, their singing being pccially
good, while their duncing, fancy milita. v drills
and funny business are equal to anything of the
kin i ever seen here. For so in • reason there
seem* to be a special charm about their work
which is not possessed by white minstrel\ Al
ready there is a large advance sale for the week.
Larit night the house was packed.
Mrs. Jno. II. Ba
Charlotte, N. C., \v
daughter, Mrs. Brown.
Messrs. M. E. O’Neal and Cloud Heard, of
Hatchochubbce, were in tho city yesterday eu-
routo to Greenville, Ga.
Mis. A. B. Diniel left for Inverness, Alabama,
yesterday, to be pre cut at the marriage of her
niece, Miss Jodie Sellers.
G. N. Herndon. Opelika; P. S. Planter, Cincin
nati; O. Schimd, Milwaukee; II M. Hollis. Louis
ville; J. W. Little, Nashville; C. Fruhauf, Louis
ville: B. Hutchinson, LaGrange; H. S Trawick,
Butler; H. G. Adams, Salem; B. F. Hal let. New
York; F. Alsfelder, Cincinnati; W. B. Smith,
Barnesville: J. J. Goody, Green Hill; A. S. and K.
W. Waddell, Seale; A. S Saycr, Montgomery;
W. T. Wallace, Butler; G. W. Campbell, St.
Louis; M. Wiseberg, Atlanta; T. S. Chancellor,
New York; C. L. Williams, Seale; D. W. Ne
wtek i, Boston.
Death of Mrs. Phipps.
Mrs. Louisa Phipps, wife of Mr. Joseph Phipps,
died at her homo on upper First avenue yester
day afternoon of typhoid fever. She was 53 years
old, and leaves nine children. She was a con
sist* nt member of the Baptist church aud was
much beloved by all who knew her. Her re
mains will be intersed to-dn; -.t Mechauicsville,
Lee county, Ala.
Fine Rum, Whiskies, Wines, etc., for Christ
mas nogs at H. H. Daniel’s.
Malaga Grapes by tbe ban el at
dtf Adams & Bowers.
folumhus Lodge No. 07, ff. O. D. F.,
Will meet at their Lodge Room, corner Broad
and Twelfth streots, over R. S. Crane’s, this
(Wednesday) evening at 8 o’clock.
All Odd Follows in good standing are fraternal
ly invited to meet with us.
Macon O. Berry, N. G.
Gno. O. Berry, Soo’y. je2 wedly
Full line knick-knacks of all kinds for Christ
mas. H. H. Daniel.
Roundtree’s Imported, Muillard and Whit
man’s fine Candies iu any quantity and prices to
suit the most fastidious, ut
dtf Adams & Bowers.
A good farm Horse. Will soil on credit or ex
change for a good mule.
dec22 jt J. A. Walker.
Nuts, Rais'ns. Candy, Citron, Prunes, Cur
rants, Apples, Oranges, etc. II. II. Daniel.
New Ciotwls.
I have just received a very line line of goods—
Gold Headed Canes, Cuff and Collar Buttons,
Lace Pins, Eat Rings, Ladies’ Watches and
Queen Chains. Very fine line of Silver Plated
J. B. Gni land, New York; A. J. Brainer, Haiti- I *Vare. Call and examine the goods before buy-
(’liancellor’s Special Order Suite
are acknowled; ed to be unsurpassed. To have
him make you one guarantees for the house a per
manent customer. d&w-tf
Yon will be cure to purchase a handsome present
at a low price, if you call at Gilbert & Blanchard’s
drug store. I*ow prices guaranteed. d tf
3030 pounds fine Stick Candy at 12V£o per
pound; 2000 pounds Fancy Mixed Candy at 25c
per pound; choice Mixed Nuts 20c per pound;
finest French Prunes, choice London Layer Figs,
choice Persian Dates at Crane’s.
Best 3 for 25c. Cigar in Georgia at Central
Drug Store. d-tf
Whitman’s Boa-Bons and Crystalized fruits in
one pound packages. Cull and see them at J. T.
Kavanaugh’s. decl9-lw
Tho best and cheapest line of Holiday Goods
in Coiu-ibus at Gilbert & Blanchard’s drug
store. We mean what we say. d tf
Fresh Celery’ at J. T. Kavanagh’s.
Fresh Celery at J. T. Kavauagh’s.
Fresh Celery at J. T. Kavanagh’s. de!6 lw
A. F. Gibson & Co. will astonish you iu low
prices of Furniture. 1222 Bread street.
decl4 dtf
A New Let of Holiday Uomte.
Our new holiday goods have arrived and are
pretty. Different from anything yet, and cheap
as it is possible for them to be sold. Call early
aud select what you want before the assortment
hns been too badly broken. New styles shaving
cases, manicures, odor baskets, fine cut pungents,
albums, work boxes and all other fine
plush, leather and cut-glass goods.
Collar and cuff' boxes nt 50 cents.
Comb and brush sets with mirror at $1.35, and a
great uiauy cheap as well as fine presents that
you will tun o to visit our store to get even an
idea of. A bsautiftil Christmas cigar, put up 25 in
a handsome box, expressly for tho ladies to pre
sent gentlemen.
The finest selection of cigars to be had in the
city can be bad of us. Cigarettes of all kinds.
Telephone No. 5. Hall & Wheat,
Druggists and Pharmacists,
dtf 101ft Broad Street.
Sertei 2, Chnltahooehee RuiikHng- aiut
Leau ANMoeintimi.
Books of subscription for above series now open
at. office of Youge & Grimes.
Cliff B Grimes. Sec’v and Treaa
Fire Crackers, ull sizes, at J. T. Kavanagh’s.
Fire Crackers, all sizes, at J. T. Kavanagh’s.
Fire Crackers, all sizes, at J. T. Kavanagh's.
declfi lw
more; J. C. Jordan, Columbia, S. C; G. W,
Roberts, S. W. R. R.; Charles Smith, Rome, Ga.;
J. M. Neal, Stephens Neal, M. D., Waverly Hah;
D. L. Barber, Philadelphia; C. H. Trammell, Har
ris county; A. A. Smith, Waterford, N. Y.; John
Stephens. Cusseta, Ga ; L. J. Patterson, Jackson
ville; S. D. Zuber, St. Louis.
A Merry ( hristmas to All.
This is the cheering greeting to-day of Messrs
Colgate & Co., as it is seen, in a handsome
electrotype, to be found on our second page. It
comes from one of the oldest, if not tho oldest
manufacturing firms in the United States. Their
name and the soaps manufactured by them are
familliar >o every houshold in this country.
With a hard-turned repet ition to maintain, they
would baldly hazard it by putting an in erior
article on the market. A popular brand manu
factured by them is “C ilgates New Soup,” which
is not only a general favorite, but has the merit
of so worming itself into the good graces of those
who use it once that they will want it again.
This accounts for the brand being extensively
counterfeited, un i to be sure you got the genuine
Udk f. r “Fugates New Soup.”
[<lec22 it]
T. S. Spear, Agent.
New lot Wilson’s Fancy Sweet and Plain Crack
ers for the holiday trade received yesterday, at
H. H. Daniel’s.
Fine Confectioneries, fine Fruits and Nuts, at
dtf Adams & Bowers
The I.uek of a S’ortu^aosn* from Faynl.
New Bedford, November 15—[Special].—A
Portuguese from Fayal bought a ticket of The
Louisiana State Lot«ery, and after carrying it in
his pocket for fourteen months gave it to a fel
low-countryman who has been in America only a
few weeks. The latter investigated, and found
that the ticket had drawn $15,000, The money
arrived in this city to day, and the Portuguese
will sail in a few days for Fayal.—2Jew York
Tribune’s special, Nov. 16th.
Two-pouml Fruit Cake in fancy boxes 75 cents.
II H. Daniel.
Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans, Brazil Nuts and
Oocoanuts, wholesale and retail, at Pollard’s.
1224 Broad street. dtf
Free of fliargo.
We will send you a sample of our improved
Cabinet Photographs that we are producing at
$1 a dozen free of charge, so that you may see
j them and be convinced of their superior quality.
I If you never had your phiz photographed by us
give us a trial and compare results We can as
sure you sincerely that you never have invested
$4 with as much satisfaction as iu having your
phiz photographed at such small cost as is offer
ed now. Remember your money will bo refund
ed if we can’t please you.
dec 19 d&weow Alpha A. Williams
Chairs of all Rorta; also Bureaus, Bedsteads,
etc., at A. F. Gibson & Co.’s. decl4 dtf
The Ohl Rethible
Are still in the field. Gilbert & Blanchard, the
Druggists, offer a flill line of pure Drugs, fine
Perfomery, Soaps, Brushes, etc., and a well as
sorted stock of Holiday Goods. d tf
Attorney <at~ Law. Columbus, Ga.
Prompt attention given to all business. Office
over R. S. Crane. sept dly
Dr. S< ili N. .Iordan,
Operating Surgeon and Physician, Residence.
Ksinmis Rouse, cast side front street, opposite
Lowell Warehouse. Telephone No. 2; Office,
Carter’s drug store. tf
Holiday Oooda! Holiday Good#
We have received and displayed our Holiday
Goods, and can promise our patrons and friends
an unusually large and pleasing assortment at
very low prices, our object being more to make a
reputation than a profit on this line of goods.
We have Toilet and Jewel Cases in convenient
combinations, Odor Cases, Majolica Ware, Bisque
and Bronze Figures, Mirrors, Ornaments, Sets
of any description; in fact can please anyone.
Cut Glass Goods, and something entirely new
and u*efril in Writing Tablets.
Don’t forget us when you want to buy or look;
*tis a pleasure for us to show goods.
We are honest in our belief that we have the
prettiest and most complete assortment of
Bristle Goods ever offered in Columbus. We
have Brushes of every shadow, shape and price,
and for any uses to which a brush can bo put.
The Best 25 cents Tooth Brush sold in the state.
A beautiful brush for 15 cents.
Face Powder, Puff Boxes, Puffs and Satchet
Powders. A large line of Colognes from every
maker of prominence. We distil seven Colognes,
and our White Rose Cologne is unequalled.
Our drug department is kept supplied with the
best and purest drugs. Our motto being the best
only. Special and careful attention given all pre
scription work by qualified and competent pre-
scriptioniats. Remember us. Always pleased to
see you.
dtf Geo. A. Bradford, Manager.
If Yon Desire to See
the most attractive line of Christmas presents
ever show in Columbus examine A. C. Chancel
lor’s silk umbrellas, scarfs, handkerchiefs, muff
lers and cuff buttons. d&w-tf
Texas Polished Pecans at J. T. Kavanaugh’s.
Lamps worth 75c. $1 and $1.50, for 60c., 76c. and
$1., at Evans & Howard’s. d-tf
Tliird Shipment
of beautiful mufflers will be shown at Chancel
lor’s this week. d& w-tf
What Next?
When you want a true likeness—one that your
friends will recognize—Cabinet $4, Card $1.50-
call on Alpha A. Williams. d&weod
A Fine Diamond Ring for only One Dollar a
chance to be raffled off at Bramhall’s, 1117 Broad
in season for a Christmas present. d-tf
Latent Novell Acs In Ki» Gloves
just received at A. C. Chancellor’s. They are
beauties and “just the thing for Christmas pres
ents.” d&w-tf
Texas Polished Pecans at J. T. Kavanaugh’s.
Handsome Plush Work Boxes, worth $3, $3.25
and $5, at $2.50, $2.60 and $4, at Evans & How
ard’s. d-tl
You can get the best Cabinet Photograph—$4 a
dozen—from Alpha A. Williams. d&weod
,40 {Per Cent Cheaper*
My second shipment of fine gold, bronze and
plush frames for Christmas have arrived. I offer
them 40 per cent under former prices to close
them out this week. Alpha H. Williams,
d&w eow The Photographer.
Leave Your Meamare at Chancellor's
if you desire a perfect fitting garment gotten up
in elegant style without delay. d&w-tf
Roundtree’s imported Candies in 3Vi aud one
pound packages. The finest on tho market at J.
T. Kavanaugh’s. decl9-lw
Cut Glass Bottles reduced to $1.75, $3, $3.25, $4
aud $G a pair, by Evans & Howard. d-tf
For tlie Prettiest,
most useful and ornamental Xmas presents go to
Chancellor’s—cuff buttons, scarf pins, umbrellas,
mulfiers, handkerchiefs, satchels, trunks, hats,
children’s caps, etc. d&w-tf
A job lot of prize goods for sale by J. T. Kava-
nagh. decl9 3t
You can get the best Cabinet Photograph—$4 a
dozen —from Alpha A. Williams. d&weod
Roundtree’s imported Candies in % and one
pound packages. The finest on the market at J.
T. Kavanaugli’s declfl-lw
Furniture arriving daily ftt A. F. Gibson &Co’s,
1222 Broad street. decl4 dtf
Latest designs in Covering Bottles at Evans &
Howard’s. dtf
Do You Know
why Chancellor sells so many goods and his
house is continually crowded with buyers? Ho
handles large lots of fine goods, makes close
prices and gives a valuable guarantee, d&w-tf
Remnant of prize packages for sale cheap at J.
T. Kavanagh’s. decl9 df»t
You can get the best Card Photograph from
$1.50 to $2.50 a dozen from Alpha A Williams.
Remnant of prize packages for sale cheap at J.
T. Kavanagh’s. declfl d5t
Call and get your Holiday Goods frem Kuns-
berg. You can buy them cheaper of him than
elsewhere. decl9 dlw
The Lest Cologne in Columbus for $1.50, full
pint bottles, at Evans & Howard’s. d-tf
You can get tho best Card Photograph from
$1.60 to $2.50 a dozen from Alpha A. Williams.
A job lot of prize goods for sale by J. T. Kava-
nagh. deel9 3t
Call and get your Fruits, Nuts, Roisins, Can
dies of all kinds from Kunsberg, the cheapest
place in the city. decl9 dlw
Whitman’s Bon-Bons anrl Crystalized fruits in
one pound packages. Call and see them at J. T.
Kavanaugh’s. ' decl9-lw
A job lot of prize goods for sale by J. T. Kava-
nagh. declfl 3t
Toys! Toy* ! Toys ! Toys!
To? s for every cne at Kunsberg’s the cheapest
place in the city. You will do well by calling be
fore buying elsewhere. decl9 dlw
A job lot of prize goods for sale by J. T. Kava-
nagh. declfl 3t
For Christmas E^g-KTogs,
Celebrated No. 5 whisky, 75 cents per quart.
Old Virginia rye, $L per quart.
For the very best get Old Mill, $1 per bottle.
Rum 75 cents per quart.
1219 lw T. M. FOLEY.
Citron, Dates, Prunes, Glaze Pine Apples, Rasins
and Currants at Robert Justice, Agt.
dtf 6
Another lot of those choice Virginia Peanuts at
Pollard’s, 1221 Broad street. dtf
Oranges, Apples, Cabbag
tatoes arriving daily at
Turnips and Po-
1224 Broad St.
For ih nfi
My new House on Thirteenth street, between
Second and Third av&iues. Six rooms and
Kitchen attached, waterworks, etc. Apply to
A. L. Crawford,
dec!2 tf Georgia Warehouse.
Ntlll In the Rlnr,
With Toys, Wagons and Dolls, large and small;
Fireworks of all kind, Nuts, Figs, Raisins,
Dates and Cranberries, Oranges and Apples,
Plain aud French Candies. Goods of all kinds in
the Confectionery line will be found at 918 Broad
Now, fathers and mothers, bear in mind you
were children once in time. For goodies and
notions by the ton go to
deci4 lot W. T. Robinson.
I ajn receiving a largo and complete assort
ment of fine Wines and Whiskies. The cele
brated Shield Perfection Whisky at $1 per quart.
Will equal any goods usually sold at $1.60 per
quart. I have a fow packages of very superior
Brandies for cooking purposes at 653 per quart;
for medicinal use, a very old Brandy from $1 to $2
per quart; pure Maryland Apple and Peach
Brandy, Ginger Brandy, Golden Sherry Wine,
Port Wine (pure juice): superior old Jaimaca
Rum for egg nog; Rye and Rock, every syrup.
dtf Robert S. Crane.
A new lot Gilt Framed Pictures, cheaper than
ever, at A. F. Gibson’s, 1222 Broad street.
decl4 dtf
For Sole.
A splendid young combination Saddle and
Buggy Horse, Buggy Harness, &c. Sold sepa
rately or together. Apply to
dec2l tf John P. Turner.
Santa finite’ Headquarters.
This Christmas is at Adams & Bowers, Stru-
per’s old stand. The store is open day and night,
and where the largest and most complete assort
ment of Christmas goods in the city can be found.
Fireworks sold cheaper than anybody.
Candies/rom 9 cents to $2.50 per pound.
Raisins in % boxes, $1.00 each.
Malaga grapes 23 cents per pound.
Oranges, apples, lemons.
Toys from one cent to $25.
Dolls from one cent to $10.
Doll carriages from 50 cents to $5.
Tool chests, doll furniture, house swings, etc.
They sell cheap, and you can get any sort of a
Christmas present there you want. 12-19tf
The Choicest Cigars
In the market at Gilbert & Blanchard’s drug
store. d tf
Extra fine Sweet Oranges 2>£c each at
dtf R. S. Crane’s.
Cheapest line of Cut Glass Bottles ever offeredi
in Columbus at Evans & Howard’s. dtf
Barrel Pickles, plain and sweet spiced, at lOo
per dozen. Robert S. Crane.
Almonds. Pecans, Brazil Walnuts, Filberts and
Raisins at J. T. Kavanagh’s.
Almonds, Pecans, Brazil Walnuts, Filberts and
Raisins at J. T. Kavanagh's.
Almonds, Pecaus, Brazil Walnuts, Filbe ts nnd
Raisins at J. T. Kavanagh’s. dce!6 lw
6000 Sweet Florida Oraugcs at 30c per dozen,
dtf Robert S. Crane.
50.000 Choice Florida Oranges at
J. T. Kavanagh’s.
50.000 Choice Florida Oranges at
J. T. Kavanagh’s.
5°,000 Choice Florida Oranges at
declG lw ' J. T. Kavanagh’s.
A complete stock of pure and fresh Staple and
Fancy Groceries, Candies Fruits Etc., at
d tf R. Justice, Agt.
Bed Room Suits cheaper than ever at A. F„
Gibson & Co.’s, 1222 Broad street. decl4 dtf
More Diamonds received at Bramhall’s for
Christmas, choice and cheap. dec21 tf
Pure Vermont Maple Sugar in cans, gallons-
and halves, at Pollard’s, 1224 Broad street, dtf
General AiieSiouccr. lieal Estate,
8teck ami fiuml Anent.
Special attention given administrators’, execu
tors’ and assignees’ sales, selling and renting?
Real Estate at public or private sale. Office over
Abbott & Newsom’s corner.
For Sale—My Residence on Broad street,
fell tf F. G. Wilkins
Best 3 for 2, c Cigar at Evans & Howard’s, tf
The Best
Cabinet Photographs $4 a dozen till January 10^
Cabinet Photographs $4 a dozen till January 10.
Cabinet Photographs $4 a dozen till January 10*
Cabinet Photographs $4 a dozen till January 10.
Cabinet Photographs $4 a dozen till January 10.
Alpha A. Williams.
Stuffed Mangoes, Barrel Pickles and Olive , by
the gallon and in jars, at Pollard’s, 1221 Broad
street. dtf
What You C’aui Buy of Lovelace A Do.
for XniftK.
Dunlap or Stetson Hat at $5 00.
Underwear at $1 50 to $18 00 a suit.
Handsomest Trunks or Satchels to be found in
the south.
Silk Umbrellas from $3 00 to $15 00.
An elegant Suit made to fit from $30 to $C6.
Call early aud leave your orders with
dec!*, lw C. A. Lovelace & Co.
liinmondH for 4 liri^CnDiis PrcHents
Just received and for sale cheap nt
decl2 tf J. H. Buamuall’s.
Roman Caudles and Sky Rockets at
J. T. Kavanagh’s.
Roman Candles and Sky Rockets at
J. T. Kavanagh’s.
Roman Candles and Sky Rockets at
decia lw J. T. Kavanagh’s.
3000 Cocoanuts at J. T. Kavanagh’s.
3000 Cocoanuts at J. T. Kavanagh’s.
3UC0 Cocoanuts at J. T. Kavanagh’s. dcl6 lw
Just received a fresh shipment of Raisins, very
line, at Pollard’s 1224 Broad street. dtf
Mince Meat, Apple Butter and Pure Jellies at
d tf R. Justice, Agt.
Wood and Coni.
First-class Oak and Pine wood in stock, block
and split. Jelico Coal, prime lump, for sale by
T. S Fontaine &Co.
Telephone No. 80. nov7tf
Send to the Furniture Store of A. F. Gibson &
Co. for Christmas presents. 1222 Broad street.
fre3h lot of Stick Gandy by the barrel, at
Pollard’s, 1224 Broad street. dtf
Fancy Candies, wholesale and retail, at Pol
lard’s, 1224 Broad street. dtf
The largest lot of Boys* Wagons and Doll Car
riages in this city. They must be sold. Also,
Wheelbarrows, Chairs, Hobby Horses, Small
Carts and everything you want in that line at
Kunsberg’3. declOdlw
Collar and Cuff Boxes. 63c. and 75c. a set, at
Evans & Howard’s. d tf
$2.50 Hair Brush at $1.75, something nice, at
Evans & Howard’3. d-lf
Choice Extracts for Christmas, at Evans &
Howard’s. d- f
Elegant Toilet Sets with Celluloid Comb Brush
and Mirror, for only $ J, at Evans & Howard’s dtf
Large Plush Mirrors at $1.25 at Evans & How
ard’s. d-tf