Newspaper Page Text
To s;rlevo < im?rt4fi°J„ ll ^||® tl j' thlsater/told
ar P a&€S”~“f..'
Demanded the truth, and I sawffilh^^! 110 ’
“ad gome to destJoy-ti^tt,^ up-
PerP ‘crieV nd distre88ed ’ “Why, mammal" he
Like 8 a 0 b 3 ,“ ngel accu slnu—h Is voice failed in
BUt toirs,° h0ld b “ Ck “ nd 8urve J«<l me through
< COm eti darlinS ’” 1 coaxed hlm ' but no > he ^ood
4111 kneef° U| '" y dear ’ if you ’ n alt on '»y
Whatmy iwn dear mother-yourgrandma-told
But f never n in is .,“° t A or lu ^ d sadly been shaken,
4, Mv dear littin u raudma ' an d so he was won.
wML U “°, fV ! ry may ninv Understand,
WU l brain ld httve P llzz >ed his small baby
The truth now, the wliole truth, I’ll try to make
At eaen Christmas tide,
feince the first Christmas dawn,
lhere s a spirit abroad, which stirs in our heart3
Ina fttr liH, m 1 k M lKlppJ ' the htrthdayof Christ?
Ana lor little children to hll the day full
surprises, of gifts and delights,
jo help them remember the bes> gilt of all
lheir Saviour, who once was a babe in a stall,
lilts spirit of giving we call •,Santa Claus,’
And lancy the reindeer, the sleigh and its bells,
Wlth dji^oad of good things for good girls ami
The wonderful journey, from nightfall to morn,
Between earth and heaven.” "Oh, mamma! 1
How foolish that story was you told lo me.
I like this one better; X know this is true,
T or grandma is older and knows more than you.
t II go and tell cook I’m sorry I said
That she told a wrong story ’bout Santa being
dead, B
She’ll think I’m pretending,
But when Christmas comes
I’ll show her my presents,
And I’ll give her some.”
HARBUsr Newei.l Swanwiok.
Free Trade.
The reduction of internal revenue and
the taking otf of revenue stamps from Pro
prietary Medicines, no doubt has largely
benefited the consumers,as well as relieving
the burden of home manufacturers. Es
pecially is this the case with Green’s Au
gust Flower and Boschee’s German Syrup,
as the reduotiou of thirty-six cents pur
dozen, has been added to increase the size
■of the bottles containing these remedies,
thereby giving one-fifth more medicine in
the 75 cents size. The August Flower for
Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, and the
German Syrup for Cough and Lung trou
bles, have perhaps, the largest sale of auy
medicines in the world. The advantage of
Increased size of the bottles will be greatly
Appreciated by the sick and afflicted, in
every town and village in civilized coun
tries. Sample bottles for 10 cents remain
the same size. octl'Z d&wl.v
fluke n him;er of llim.
A well-known lawyer of Galesville, Wis.,
■was going down to his office. As he was
passing the residence of Mrs. P , her
little boy, about 18 months old, was run
ning away across the street, ami his sister
was after him to bring him back. The
lawyer said to the girl, “ I’d lot him go: he
is hardly worth tho bringing back.” The
mother of the child, who bad not been
seen, was standing near the door, and
heard the remark: as quick as a flash she
spoke to the girl and said : “Yes, you had
better bring him back, as we intend to
make a lawyer of him.”
“Coi.sunlli.ion Cun Re (Tired.”
Dr. J. S. Combs, Owensville, Ohio, says:
“I have given Scott’s Emulsion of Cud
Liver Oil with to four pa
tients with better resvlts than seemed pos
sible with any remedy. All were heredi
tary cases of lung disease, and advanced to
that stage when Goughs, pain in the chest,
frequent breathing, frequent pulse, fever
And emaciation. All these cases have in
creased in weight from 10 to 08 lbs., and
are not now needing any medicine.”
dec21 tu th sat w&w 4w
The Mutual 1 mat Fund l.ife AsHueiHliou.
The Mutual Trust Fund Life Association
has hauled down its flag.
It was organized five years ago, W. J.
Walker being president. For a time ev
erything ran smoothly. Then hard luck
struck the concern and continued to gain
the ascendancy, until in the early part ot
the present month the board ol directors
held a meeting and decided that the busi
ness of the association being unsatisfactory
they had better suspend.
A circular was prepared, addressed to the
members of the fund who had paid m their
About December 10 this circular was
mailed to members outside of New York.
Such members as are residents of the city
are not yet aware of the intention to sus
pend, as the directors decided it best to give
them the benefit of a persoual explanation.
—New York Herald.
Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kid
ney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. $1
At druggists.
Small granules, small dose, big results,
pleasant in operation, don t disturb the
stomach. 10c and 25c.
Ask for “Rough on Dirt- A .
washing powder found at last! A harm
E extra fine A 1 article, pure and clean;
sweetens, freshens, bleaches and whiter
without slightest injury to finest taoric.
ITneoualed for fine linens and laces, gen
eral household, kitchen and laundry use.
Softens water, saves ' abor ,,‘ r 8 ° r, .'
Added to starch prevents y ellowl ?|’ t f c ’
10o, 25c. at Oroceiu < ? &wtt
Saving and Spending.
The curiosities of Gotham
rrETaS,' j r
Em. d *;“S,“7 E TtS:r°»™ m
sip at the clubs. ^ m ——-
Of all the popular favorites, the genuine
article is Dr. Bull’s Coug t ■ vrujn <]iwlw
Like nn Anvid. , .
Impecunious lover-Bo mine, Amanda,
and you will be treated like an an -l. ^
Wealthy maiden-Yes i supp j
Nothing to eat nnd Uesto wear.
-Texas bluings.
riey’to spender horses,
s, late dinners and tiic-ik'--
nn ves but you forgot tnai
more aristocratic family than
fe. *
A Noble Lad.
h„re?lf.?a l8t ? ne ’ a I’^'U clerk in a Pitts-
iii"f?n C t? m ' V r oru ’ we ”t to Cleveland at the
‘'Ration of a gambler of that city. Her
his oUnA. a f- mer A billowed, hunted up
I, *ster, iound that she was in a house of
si?ee,i C T l i' ltl011 ’ Invoked police aid, and
K'l ed } n Setting the girl out and taking
Yotks'un t0 tbe r widowed mother.—New
Yours truly,
W. II. Shaw & Co.
a b'wmty-flve hundred dozen bottles
Ague Conqueror ordered in one month
posit vely eradicates all Malaria, Fever
aim Ague, Bilious and Intermittent Fevers
testimonials!^ 16 ' ° Ur b °° k ° f 1000
Dub West 8, c.. March 12,1883.-G. G.
Urten, Dear Sir—We will soon need more
Ague Conqueror. It is taking like “hot
cakes and giving satisfaction.
Y ours, Ellis Bros.
Fairfield, Mo., August 29, 188(3.—G. G.
Ureen, Dear Sir—Your Ague Conqttcroi
knocks the Chills and Dumb Ague every
Jr 1 ? 6, I warrant every bottle and it never
jails. I nave cured cases where quinine
had no effect whatever.
actl2 d&wly
I’ah'N Out of School.
“Sister Sue and John Henry won’t have
to spend much money for furniture when
they get married,” remarked Johnny at
the tea table the other evening when sister
young man was an honored guest.
‘Think not. Johnny?” said the fond
paternal relative, beaming on the young
“I guess they won’t,” said Johnny, glanc
ing at the blushing couple with nn air of
superior wisdom. “Any how, one chair’s
all they need in the parlor now.”
The (Question Settled.
Omaha Man—I see the women of Boston
have started a new domestic question.
Missouri Man—What’s that?
“Ought a woman to black her own
‘•Of course not.”
“Well, you Mis isourians are more gallant
than I supposed. You say no to that
“Certainly, Don’t matter whether her
boots are blacked or not: a woman has
enough to do if she blacks lier husband’s.”
—Omaha World.
cum? s
TT U In vigor at- ^ ]T give* NEW
Ing and Do- __V\— 1 LIFE to tha
lightful to take, IhW whole SYSTEM
and of great value Pfe iCVV by Strengthening
as a Medicine for IVSa \| the Muscles, Ton-
weak and Ailing \| ing the NERVES,
Women and Chil- BA”® 1 and completelyCi-
dren. HL' 1 * M gesting the food.
no hurtfi
Minerals, la com- |
posed of carefully
selected Vegeta
ble Medicines,
combined skill- |
fully, making
Safe nnd Pleasant
For mhIo by all nragglMt* uin
TOU liot keep >OU.\ 1 I UM>
bottlHWlU b0 ■(.’lit, I’llUlKCM p .
by 1 e a d I n g
how to treat dis-
canes at HOME,
mailed, together
with a set of hand
some cards by new
Heliotype process,
on receipt of xo c.
S'mtiM the dealer iw %»
it $4.00, «ud a lull b.o)
M other’s
Not only shortens the time
of labor and lessens the in
tensity of pain, but it great
ly diminishes the danger to
life of both mother and child
and leaves the mother m a
condition highly favorable
to speedy recovery, and far
less liable to Hooding, Con
vulsions, and other alarming
symptoms incident to slow
or painful labor. Its wonder
ful elflcacy in this respect
entitles it to be called Thu
Mothkk’s Frifnd and to be
ranked as one of the life-
saving remedies of the nine
teenth century.
We cannot publish certifi
cates concerning this reme
dy without wounding the
Send for our book, “To Mothers,” mailed free
Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
jy21 eod&w nrm (2)
Volina Drury ant! Chemical Company,
lm.Tt .:mir, am., i*. s. a.
Up to a leiv weeks ago I considered my
self the champion Dyspeptic of America.
During the years that 1 have been afflicted
I have tried almost everything claimed to
be a specific for Dyspepsia in the hope of
finding something that would afford per
manent relief. I had about made up my
mind to abandon all medicines when I no
ticed an endorsement of Simmons Lived
i Regulator by a prominent Georgian, a
jurist whom I knew, and concluded to try
its effects in iny case. 1 have used bul
two bottles, and am satisfied that 1 have
struck the right thing at last. I felt its
beneficial effects almost Immediately.
Unlike all other preparations of a similar
kind, no special 'instructions are required
as to what one shall or shall not eat. This
fact alone ought to commend it to all
troubled with Dyspepsia.
Vineland, N. J.
To Bpchi-o a Kcgular llnhtt of Boilj
without (-Imaging llic Diet or Dis
organizing the SjHfem, take
JilO IjIIIjII llliUl
Only (JENUINK Manufactured by
J.II.Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia.
eod se&w fol rd mt
lives Relief at Once
and Cures
“old in Head,
Not a Liquid, Snuff or
’owder. Free from
HAY-FEVER •tensive odors.
A particle is applied into each nostril and is
agreeable. Price 50 cents at Druggists; by mail,
registered 50 els. Circulars free. ELY BROS.,
Druggists.Owego. N. Y *ug3 end*wtf nrm
It can lie given in a cup of coffee or tea
without Hie knowledge of the pornon tnk-
Ing it; is abHolutely hnrnile.K, and will ef.
fecta perinaiientanil Rpeedycure, wlietliei
the patient is a moderate drinker or an al
coholic wreck, it hits been given ill thou-
sands of cases, and in every instance a per-
feet cure lias followed. It nrvvr fails. The
system once impregnated with the Speciljc,
it becomes an utter impossibility for the
liquor appetite to exist. l*’or Sulo by
Call or write for circular & full particular*.
The Original and Only Genuine.
«. f0 . n ,« >iwrtb Ki’lioM". ncwurcof worthICMI !mlf*tion«.
iu.55Ii.2ihi! to ladies., A-k
(Numlfs)*1*0^8* , fiir" ,l imriTcul»V'i'in & letter by return nialL
name p*5j/h,sjft:Vi5 , il3; , iR!aSi£rhh
ploitrot scouts
\r brnrerv, imf
••}iAnd utruffirJe
ipicn. fbrl'Tn hopc^.hcro-
l-H b/ ld deeds ON |U)TU H1HF.H during I ho Great t
7,;‘- h fin brink like t. P^FUSELY I^IUSTRATCB^O'**" *
. St. Louis or Philadelphia
r, V AND
•u »»; ifh preferred
i#»14 wlv
D r a ru TOC ! Its cause-, and a new
LAFNLOO ! and successful (’llUK al
v«.ur own home, by one who was deaf
twenty-eight wars. Treated by the most
m.iprt BDCQiahsts without benefit. Cured kimsetj
te three months, and sin e then hundreds of
others Fail nartiodirs -ent ■ n applioation.
T S PAOIi No. 11 West 3ist st., New York City.
I. n. Paul, no. „,.54s tu Ih sat*w6m
iling | *i-oii taiileem ploy*
... nttorepreacn 1 nn in every county. Salary
# 5xuJLitn.y & expeiiHG-, cu •'« comuiiKS-
. - ion en sa ■<ii preferred, (inerts staphv
worvimebuys. Outfit-arid munnilnr.s I rev.
iTAlNDABD SILVER W Alt 15 CO., XiuEtou. Maas.
'" tn S,, -’ -..
^mar when tin.:re.. 1. dad nnd price.
u'iv Xlnfll...«■»-»*• !*"»»•!
if the mouthT ouzo'*- ■
d beuutifler « d t
lew If
r tha
t. every i-r.siicrt, nnd its price refunded by wsii*
- k rrjt^tions. J> : -.*ue genuine witho’»* Aiau"*
*• 'j I St., Mew York
* '• vi '’hintirxi ifkt
Electric Belt Free
To iutroduco it and obtain agents wo will for tho nor.t
sixty days give away, free of c harge, in each count)
in tho U. S. a limited number ot our C.'criiinn
Ulcctro Gnlvatiir MtmpcnNrtry Bclrs, Price
a positive and unfailing cure for Nervous idebilitv
Varicocele, Emissions, Ir»potency Arc. $600.00 Howard
paid if every Belt we manufacture docs not grncratt
W ILL be sold, agreeable to an order from the
Coin of Ordinary of Muscogee county, on
the first Tuesday in February next, at the auc
tion house of F. M. Knowles & Co., Broad street,
Columbus. Ga., within the legal hours of sale, the
following lands, as the properly of the estate of
Win. D. Lynch deceased, to-wit: All of lot27 and
parts of lots Nos. 28, 07, 89, 26 and 25. the whole
aggregating 640 acres, more or less, and lying and
being in the 9th district of said county of Musco
gee, and i old as the property of the estate of said
Win. D. Lynch, deceased. Terms made known
on the day of sale.
This December 7th, 1886. A. B. LYNCH
dec27 wld
l! m. lynch,
Administratrix Sale.
I )URSUANT to an order of the Court of Ordin
ary of Clarke county, Ga., will be sold before
the courthouse door of said county, on the first
Tuesday in February next, during the legal hours
of sale, seventeen (17) shares of the capital stock
of the Eagle and Phenix Manufacturing Com
pany, of Columbus, Ga. To be sold as the prop
erty of F. A. Lipscomb, deceased, for the benefit
of hit heirs. Terms cash.
De-. 7, 1886. MAH Y A. LIPSCOMB. Admrx.
dec 20-w tds of F. A. Lipscomb, dec.
By F. M. KNOWLES A CO., Aurt’rs.
Will be sold the first Tuesday in January next,
in front of the auction house of F. M. Knowles (fe
Co., Broad street, city of Columbus, Muscogee
counts, Ga.. the following property, to-wit: Thir
ty bushels of corn, more or less, two hundred
bundles of fodder, more or less. Levied on as the
property of W. T. Pope, to satisfy a mortgage
li fa in my hands in favor of Geo. P. Swift & Son
vh. W. T. Pope. Said property will be sold as
stored, ai d it is stored in a bui ding on place
rented by W. T. Pope from C. J. Thornton, about
two and one half mile s east of city ol Columbus,
dec? oaw4w J. G. BLJUIiUS, Sheriff.
To introduce the great household remedy, GOK
DON’S KING OF PAIN, into every family, 1
will send a sample free to any one sending ad-
d r ess. Address E. G. RICHARDS, sole propne-
for.Toledo. Ohio w nmeowlv
8V|ANH00Di,^?TORED. iir A., : ^
I V I causing Premature Decay, Ncrvmm iJcbility,
Lout M null .Hie], etc., having tried in vain every
known remedy, has (Uncovered a simple rdf-rure,
wh.*h he will Rend TREE to hi** fellow Mifferera.
Addrees, C. J. MASON, P. O. Box 11179, New York City.
8c2oeod&w lv
AGENTS la J rKc' , a?lstyiM.^icmresg 1 |J l ^**n l wb s r*- cU
AGElM I ® BpVciALTIKi*»”I"'-^V r «• N {
•non.7 united tu liuv ifooda. Write for - epecial
uffes. The ( Ueser Mlc. ('«.. llluiusll ClmlonsU, 0
mb inn
Invite Your Attention to Their Long List of
Useful, Inexpensive & Appropriate Holiday Gifts.
Cussimere and Cashmere Shawls, double and single, black
and colors, A splendid line of Ladies’Traveling and Shop
ping Bags. Kid and Fabric Gloves of every description.
Silk Handkerchiefs and Silk Mufflers; Ladies’ and Gentle
men’s Hemmed and Corded and Hemstitched Handkerchiefs,
plain and colored borders—a splendid line. The largest line
of Embroidered Handkerchiefs it lias ever been our pleasure
to show.
Some very choice Wraps left to he sold very cheap.
Handsome Blankets.
Could a more common sense present he made?
You can buy such useful presents in our Dress Goods de
partment. Black Silks, Colored Silks, Black Cashmeres,
Black Dress Goods of every description.
A splendid line of Ladies’ Silk Umbrellas with gold and
silver heads, good ipialilies and cheap.
Rich and elegant Table Linens and Napkins, by the yard
and in sets. A large variety of Brussels and Nottingham
Lace Curtains; they are not expensive; they are cheap.
Table Covers and Table Scarfs. High Novelties in La
dies’ and Children’s Hosiery, lovely goods. We are showing
fresh goods in every department in the house.
A beautiful line of Ginghams just received. A beautiful
line of Prints just received.
We are displaying the following new Bustles : Lucca,
Lolta, Patti and Fedora. Novelties in Ladies’ Gossamers.
Gossamers ol every description for Ladies and children, and a
great many other things which we haven't room to mention
here. We are offering bargains all through our house.
Come and try us.
Constructed With Our Own
“Patent Eyelet Batteries,”
Surpass in power and permanency nil and every
other device to apply magnetism to the human
system. Our record stands ut 85 percent of all
curable cases cured. Throat, Lung, Stomach,
Kidney, Liver and almost every other trouble
yields lo the mild yet persistent currents of ma
netism, hs applied by our methods. T*
und Invigorator impart great strength,
and com toil, and the Dyspeptic, Nerve
and desponding, become hopeful and i
enjoy lite again.
The Most Popular Fertilizers in use
In the Front Rank for Twenty-two Years.
Augusta, Ga., and Mobile, Ala,
General Agents for the StatcB of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Missis
sippi, Tennessee and Kentucky. novl wiim
Cotton Seed Meal.
The best Fertilizer and the richest and most nourishing Food fo
Stock. For sale by
M. T. Bergan,
T. M. Foley,
D. R. Bi/.e,
M. Simons.
williams & POU,
Successors to J. A. WALKER.
Carriages, Buggies, Road Carts, Wagons,
Plow Gear, Lap Robes, Etc.
ure in shewing any one through our stock. It costs nothing to look. Cull and see those
For which we are Sole Agents.
orJ wflm '
1*-A H i Ison in Mnunollc I’ouvr I.tidies'
AI»domiiinI .SiipimHer
Gives great support nnd comfort and In
creased strength to the walls of the abdomen in
cases of abdominal enlargement without any
particular disease. Tends also to decrease and
prevent excessive accumulation of fat.
The NngiiHic 'IVcfliiMp,- Ncchhicc
soothes and <| nets the Teething Baby and pre
vents convulsions.
’Hie full power Kyelel Unit cry In so Ion
not only warm the feet, but prevent cramps in
legs so prevalent in advancing years. No Ii.valid
should despair because cheaper or inferior good*
have failed, until they have tried our methods.
Pamphlet, letters of instruction and testimonials
mailed to any address. Advice and counsel free
to all patients.
oclfi dtjeld
fa., Agent
Printing, Book-Binding
Paper Boxes
A LARGE STOCK of all kinds of PAPER, in
eluding Letter, Packet and Note Heudn, Hll
Heads, statements, always on hand. Also Nn-
velopes, Cards, (fee., printed at short nolle*
Paper Boxes of any size or description not kep*
in stock made at snort notice.
tf 42 Randolph Street, opposite Post OfDno,
bh d me
For is years nt 37 Court Place, now at
■12‘f Market.Street, Tm%: : jb T fit
Met. Third and Kour.h. ’ LUllhU'iiiil, Ajf
A rraiiliiiiy cdumuod ami h’Kinl.v quiiHlkd plosJowi . A mi
oni-nuccoHaftil, a** hi* nriioii o will mo\»\
Car mi all forms ’'V
and SjEXiUa..L .
JqloiiiHitorrhca and Imynl -r,
of Mim
in yoi
ii.d I’nulu ii r • o' 1..
low, : >•-. i'oii«0(v-, Muilnnl I n.;• •
hi • • 1 *;y droHinn). l>imn»-i of P- ltcUv >. ■ •
hi -illl-YKiy, l*liH|>l«(»on Kai’o, Avmion ft* -
0 - ifn-i'ffi of Mon*, l.fHh Of Hexual V Mt r n -
is «?..
G.LL'KT,"‘hK.r3° oi'chiili, n-S
I’lk.n o-iJ oUiht privato ’Jlion 1 *'’'* quickly cuivl.
Itki^ir-nvidimt. Ihntnphy • Irimn*!.'- |m>' -
to a o* n«lB elnurt nf fiiM»avn, on<l trwtli.^ -•
ally, acquires gr at «klll. lMiyaictnna Lm*n ii.y m
roco-onicii’l to my onre. When ii i ln< •
visit (he city for trculinout. mudlolncn enu bo wM . <
kal :*!ifcly by mail or exprona aiivwlu m.
Cures Oufirantcud in all Y,,.,
p hj letter
ShtuIS "hi) y i"«.. r 'hy Yll.' 1 " AMI 1 '
tmBKXButt aama ■.. . j
Can learn the exact c::t
of an7 proposed Hlo cf
advertising in Anc:' *
Papers by ad Ire:.
Geo. P. Powell &
Newspapor Advertis 1 13 T- - .
to Spruce St., No r Yi
Send IO ms for lOO-na i P»-i.
OLD MILL 1 . ..
1853, Mi.d is.-... - in:iy in- .1.
tl.u proihiL-r. (if ihu inonupiirii".', I run. (11rnt .1l’ v -•■. ■ .1
furnily in vvil .. ..:J , .
Justly 1 fur i . •
mid -nifur.u quaiit .-. !■'.> . :l .
by tluj U'Cm. T II. i.
Cor Hull Sfruu--iu*. ip
A MONTH. Agonis
'\S(uh» I * v HRH'