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Mhkb paioled*
a * ' ** ; * *
nwr? «ibe Mow. Pn-
9 u « cipfUlilh*,
.todtHMS d* 4OC9MMB «f Bic*H»Olld |
M ., ««r anay suffered trom j
TttSWM Mhf*, *ba «*> soreij op* |
muk4 by ■■■wtofftmag odd*, b«£ atoll I
aea^bt- suitor j
XHM7. April >O—A bright, dear,
ra.mri 4ay» lat * gkoocailj
..-!• .tatmy reaeAed Appomattox
’ **„ t .. 4".« ms~l K» Lyuvii-i
, A TWmas with M army had ar
nvfej btfcwc «- afc< effected a juocuoa
v;,iG»k Cavalry. inta try aa»l artU
<xwi’. Rir sarrmraded our iitlie
- mawd, u e had from sto 800 prißO
vt > aad <«.y SoOO rfievuve men with
WB&m. att ML The supply of am*
vtonto <w ws* nearly exhausted. In this
Gee. Lee determined to cat
* *ay thmegft. Orders were given tot
a £tw 4 chsr<et and our troops massed
Oeau Grime's Au idon led the charge,
■o■ :o ■•■rea by two others
Ttee ongagwweM commenced shortly al
ter *and was continued until our
toe* had broken through the Federal
.. os. difoaf them nearly a mile and a
&&.: ami captured several pieces of anil*
y aahi >ome hundreds of prisoners.
Tm oKi si mt o< tight was unsubdued.
Ueinwtd.e a heavy force of cavalry i
CnaUmed vur har ks. For some time
Ge>, Lee issued orders to the troops to
owe inland withdraw.
an officer, said to be
Custar of the Yankee cavalry,
<::;e:vd our hue with a dag of truce.
V et er his appearance was in re*
to a request from Gen. Lee, or
re was the bearer of a formal demand
r die surrender initiated by (ven.
Grant, we are not informed. At this
in our army was in line of battle on
. near the Appomattox road, the akir*
u Users thrown ouL while 250 yards
iu front ot these, on an eminence, was
a body Ls Federal cavalry. The
coup dceil is described as magnificent.
Soon site the return of Gen. Cus
tar to his lines, Gen. Grant, accompa
n.ed by his stall*, rode to the head
quarters of Gen. Lee, which were un-.
oer an apple-tree near the road. The
interview is described as exceedingly
zxpressive. After salutary formali-
MACOX OA.. 'I’UE!«X>JIIY, APHIL 25. 19435.
des. whssh doewtkm aL
Geaa, f> e t e
tword to Ges. GtwbC tb
reedtar. ofiee*, w<tFa
- eootoo wbi«L w* met aceora b
j Aae rapeet, deeiined to reeebe M, b
J em teecmag* deriiwi to wtam ii, a*
aeeoEEpOßied ste rerwm—with enhOf-
the lemsdta: ;; Gm.
Leu keep that Yc« 'hwea w- >
it W yowr gellsotry. You tere
been whipped, bet sal
' I : receive it as a tote. << -r.?*
. reader fro* so brave a «mb- w Tberw
piyofGew. Lee we <to w£ hwow, Mra
, Grant and are said t *
S Inm deeply sffiseted by the er»le
of the occaaioD, and to here
tears. The aee®e occurred between
and 11 o’clock A. If.
When the sad evend became Iqb
to the army, officer* and men ga
way to their emotions, sad *>».-
amoagthe veterans wept lit
A considerable number swore th r
they never would surrender, and made I
their wav to the woods. Gens.
of this State, and Rosser, of Virginia.
‘ W’th ft terr £<vlh->.«»rei>wa
out and escaped. But the balk <4 ‘he I
army —the men who, for tour yoaru*
have done battle so nobly for the I
cause —together with leaders like)
Longstreet, Gordon, Kershaw, and oth
ers, whose names are forever distin
guished, were obliged to accept the
proftered terms
‘ These were, capitulation with ailj
the honors of war—officers to retain
their side arms and personal property,
and the men their baggage. Each one
was thereupon paroled and a lowed to
go his way
During Sunday and Monday large
numbers of Federal officers and sok
diery and officers visited our camps,
and leoke*.! curiously on our commands;
but there was nothing like exultation,
no shouting for joy, and no word ti
tered that could add to the mortifica
tion already sustained. Ou the c.»n-
• , j
trary, every symptom ot respect was <
manifested, and the Southern army ■
was praised for the brave and noble|
manner in which it had defended ouH
The force ot the Yankee army is estimated
at 200,000 men. Oni own, at the time ot sur
render, embraced not more than B,O<K) effective
infantry and 2,09) cavalry; but it is said that
the total number parole ! was about 2y003
men, ot all arms and conditions All the Fed,
ersls spoke ot General Lee in term s ; ot un
bounded praise. The remark was frequently
made that he would receive as many cheers in
going down our lines as Gen. Grant himself.
It is understood that Generals Lee and Long
street, and other odicers, are now on parole iu !
the city of Richmond.
The following is ihe copy of trenerai
Lee’s address to his army, issued after itsj
surrender toGeneral Grant at
Court House on Sunday, the 9th of April
z April 10th, 1865. j
Geneal Orders, No. 9.
Afcr </ aMMB Mrvici
MHlflMMgr i»Brow|iiiMitiii — twimw* awi
wwy ar ▼wgtoto
-A ?&'«! M to
orwtaert rwwrrm ,
I set Lae a
Maqr kanba, wfca hawe to
ereatoaaK to »*m. titot 1 S»*r<
thrh *& Atfto
rA Bto |«t rAr tow *to
wtor aaoto M&aig fhiMF atof!<
totofrwwto fe* tto ioaa wtoAi tom
as*«4r4 dto <—ftoffluMiir as We esrtoat.
f Oneitoitolito toe ttorluto wtor&i
?.< ttose wtoto pa 4
tor* to thtor ©aaatryitoto,
By toe tonat* the
| me® earn totoirs to their hy» as-d
t reeisto o*rU "Tec will toto
| with yec toe aatodaetiec toM fiottowh
i thft certotircMtoea* ©/ dtf y, htobtolif
arid I wiD *<roe»<iy pr»y thai
la merritol Gwd wtH extoed to yew Ml
auad giftoictiac.
Witoaw torftcaatog adxirafi jaol tear
i wsaUocy and dev.jtici. t& yau*'
jh»da faitftol mm-mferance of your tied
; »nd g>n*:rmw consideration i>r myseli,
... _ d
[Sigurd] R. E- LEE.
* Bcia««- *3 a specaad order ei»bracing
I Gen. Grant’s order for passing paroled
laoMivr* to their homes, and ahothe form
I of p-iss given them :
Hdq’bs Ariiy Northern Va.
April 10, 1865.
Special Order No. :
Ail officers and men of the Confeder
ate service pare 1 ed st Appimattox C.
IL, Va , who, to reaab their homes, are
I compelled to pass through the lines ot
the Union armies, will lie allowed to do
so, and to pas? tree on all Government
Lranspprts and military railroads.
By cowmandof Lieut. Gex. Grant.
Lt. CoL A A. A. G.
By command ot K. E. Lee,
C. L. Vknablr, A. A. G
Aboa c*’
Appomattox. C. H , Va.,
April 10, 1265.
The bearer, , of Company ,
•regiment . of , s paroled prisoner
the army of Northern \ irginia, has
to k*’ and there
pgerrain undisturbed.
* La<ih , is a touu of the parofo, ?rgned
y commanding officers of divisions, Ac.,
n behali of the men of their commands.
Th»s is taken from a copy of the one
dgned by Gen. Fi zhugh L-e.
I, the undersigned, comm mding officer
4 du, for the with named prisoners of
var, belonging to the army ot Northern
Virginia, "-ho have been this day surren
dered by Gen. R. E. Lee, C 9. A., com
land ng said aunies of the United Slates,
I iereby give my solemn parole of honor
I : at the within named shall not hereafter
j ve in the armies of the Confederate
I States, or in any military capacity what
; ever against the I’oited Swes of Ameri
j ca, or render aid to the enemies of the lat
ter until proppeHv exchanged, in such
manner as shall be mutuilly approved by
the respective authorities.
Done at Appomattox Court House, Va.,
this 9th day of April,
[Signed] .
•I a?""*;
>wrtor totor ftototfto e< flto to|r, Mto to
x I to* totomr
jflto M toe Fm j
t, | *-«-*—*.
i BL F-stovto vitotosp '
'■MMi jwto toot toe Ftovm tow-
121 BgbMtoMMi*ac-*B itoto* w* am Wf*T'
» w to e»jr Wu toww to*
1 atol wie» toowl
I aM «a *»& b#*-
VWtoftß *f fb*'
* ChMbjt toMgto
t IV. ffrtoud wto* wiH teientoHtai
k toe stoma after T*ito» t «t t|# F eMefc r F. M ,
<ad ail *egtoo*Mf**iwia*< foeod
r o* toe oeeto after wffl ft* arteaicto Aft
store* wifTbe ctowft ax Re*n»- 7* B.
’ cstoKsis wi»i sot be pers-Kled ox. ‘be .
J streets UaI hoar.
, V. i.'4w R«*»<»4s fre-r. fke
mme *|tor«£'cw! «®ff tw
tju* of w**’ Otffar
e*x-g wM pFseure .-;©□& the P.jw Prawoftt
E» r tMUMUNI of
1 Co'onei wxi'xaiiii? g Peat
OscabF. tovz C«j>r. »nIA A A G.
Wacox, Ga , Aari! 22, ld&s. y
Gtan*Ai Okd<»- \
No. 1 >
T. e ciiix- ji ot direct* d to op u their
VAriods pAceoof bosiretae aad re«vma rrad\ •».!
, the ptopk as the coontry hi th? viemif it a lo
riled to bring toesr Prodac* here to rusrset. 33
tbcT will bs protected ia pen*<>u and prt»rertT.
* raujcbe? may b. opened for [uhi c worship,*. .
I benevolent ruble h £ ti?u ion? rp*»ned. ard Mte
EHixn?.ie bos* ess re*cieed, wkhctrt fear of e.o!*»-
WtiOG or inierrwption. $
Pisses will aot bo req a r d rent citisen? pas
wg thrGuab the citv. A’ < .wudrrate offiesra mo
parol? ia Use city -ra required to report to iNt.-c
H-acqc triers to reguser their o&nm -ad procare
Bv can>mai.J o.
Col CjxmaaliLg Part.
OaCAB F. Baaa, A A. G.
HsaEmi abtirs Cavalbt l>oafß M D. ft.,
Macoa Ap.ii 22, 1263
Srxciat Flaw Obdxbs, Nc 22 :
’ It w hereov uiuoeuesd to th/‘Ci»airjr Coroe of
• toe Military IXvr-iAn of th « M taas au
Ar are ice hwe been agree i upon b-'tween Lieut
[ Gen. J. E. Jahns‘oa and M»jor G?n. W. T. Sher
ttaa, with a view to a haai pea« •. Tao troops of
tie Cavalry Corps ar«s ordered to t train from
kirther acU of has j!i y aud deprcdtiiana.
“ Supplier of ail tind? arc r o be cGotraated for,
oni foraging upon the corny wii oe discontin-
• u»d.
p Tse officers of th‘> Civalry Corps will enforce
the strictest d scip iae 1a their commands. Guards
•ill be esub*ished, private aud pabhc property
respee'ed, and every-hiug daua to “ectre good
or dei*.
Tnc B.ivet General Onminaodiox, again
tekrs <reat pleasu e in votnlanding tbe cdLers
anl men of ilw C*»ps or their gallantry, cieadt
neas and endurance in battle and du. ing tbear
duous inarches to this p! ve. Se enjoins them to
remember that the people in Yrbo?e midst they
are now stationed a-e their coat cry men, and
should bd treated with mayruniniity and to- beag
ance, in the hope chat aitboaga the war which has
ju»t ended has be*n long aud bloody, it may secure
a lasting aad happy pe c * to oftr beloved country.
By command of Brevet M&j. Gen. Wiisob.
Major and A. A, G.