Newspaper Page Text
Mf.Xi<0 UBER HAtmlim.
3flRHpHB£*yutai*af friabood \r jfblA
*M*gb port** attki Niwllart |nuM
Knt eTerytliiag connected with tbe present
condition ol" t3i' Kczinn Government And
p^ .pV, makes it oecenry that 'the Mods of
wifaiwaac—>n» itniiMaw. iiwcwia
really acera V«-« —rac '^£MnKI|
iuto>a<l*rijt«uj|e»j^ri« to- jlijJ country
■lie on all topics
pire with tltat
!»^~v r a WT«>—a*. w- u i
j— § i H i
rl.COSD DA\,
M axEixu •• oi i.. ■tllgUtd
After reading of theHoumfi. the Senaie.
on mo4ir^conetrred ibt> Hon-e re^atidD
and Surveyor General, and firing the aala-^-^~~
* Sure Hoote officer M $JOOO etteh, M innt» of yrateretoy read and approved.
w^sssr--"”' 353
making an advance to officers and
■ j" “
|. rt -*- . _ -
body assembled at 9, nL, afid was
After half hoar spent in devotional ear
in order to effect a promp t and effidtot *
borsandw of the fund- entrusted to ecr
hand?, to appoint enc or :noto brethren, as
yea! Gomcrich of your Pres-
HPhfty shall be to_corrop<mcl
wire this85*1x1.andimheate foualowhonT
f the I^^Ateemb^VKa.-^ ^
tmo ten<: i-. th<gr long for „ war with Maxi- an 1 the Fr<sctu or rather with the
ato^ifijmaogh to liellere
rt demon-trition of American
an will prudently withdraw
ion with the goTCmtacnt that
by-Ms wisdom and ikill. A
ale i* what they are after.
k*d enoagh fo.plnoge the
• open a lie. j i.
mr rraden may have a proper
e rrU condition of affairs in
.elsewhere a letter from a
onrremi disatof.the Cincinnati Bnguirer, a
p<;-'of lil gh character and unflinching ra-
:-ar■! f.Mffc ft 1> written fronttha Capita]
- M-ilout Entpirf, tie focus of nil relia
ble iciilligepce. and we bare reaeon to be
ll ve,eotn frptaa gentleman of. ondoabted
Mkadty. Wo!hope all who fee! an intereat
In the uretion—end every citizen of the
Unit* 1 St ■ -* ibuiifd, and he witl aoon aee the
reaaapi why—W^Igive if a careful pernaa],
and then decide ft himaelf wbat tithe present
condition of Xaxiro—whether the be still in
the threes of toijetrnggte for liberty, with
lh« project*'offariy fhdcptndenc*, or a na-
of well go-sepal and contented people—
Uc» iq charge of
ly arcotmiuxltte
ountelve* more
strength of their
( had Our gas fix-
* light U often
edlngly difficult
work. We hope,
attended to.
Darts. .
in Washington manifest
art faff. Bwh, accusing
tae iif the ruin of the Onn-
■edleaely pritlAuging the
> in a Ncw—York paper,
ith »H theeMcnnery and
EuricwU. They think that'
Mr. Davis, r.iay I* on
I sinply of the North, I ait
-*renp to all
erring of biirmdmiration fortlicir wise
- - piie-. eLce in wholesome institutions, or
Tceonrianriing oor jdfy fortheir snffrihigs and
I their Wrong*.
We .think no titan can rise from a perusal of
the facto therein detailed . without the firm
conviction that France has done the very
best pAjl.Ic for Mexico; that she has given
that uijgpi alrfaerl and even victimized people
a govern™r-njfthat is best suited to their con
dition.-mdpn;Ht prombtivc of their progress
in all that concern* the i r welfare as a nation.
of tu tty*. .'The I propriitragsajoon to thaDanatic Asylum for
year 18«', was concurred in. ‘ '
fr. OiiEix moved an additional ainend-
to the read utioo, appropriating $25,000
laths Blind AsylumMacon. Adapted.
The resolution aa amended was passed.
Moose naototion, takragaveeefefirom 15th
**^a till January Hft, 1980. was concurred
in. ;
Bowse hill, authorizing the Governor ‘to
borrow flOOjOpd. coacarred in. *
On the call of the list of members Mr. Bar-
wick introduced atoll to amhorize tolas
Ralla, at the county of Emanuel, to peddle
wifhoota license. ', '
Mr: Bnowu, of the 19th District, a bill to
prevent penons of African descent from com
ing to this State.
Mr. FneiarAX, a bill to authorize Justices
of the Interior Courts of the several counties
of the St^te, to Iwridw money.
Mr- McDawret, a bill to prohibit itiner
ant trade !in ground peas, butter, eggs; Ac.,
without a- license from the Inferior Court
Mr. J. Mr. Bxll, a bill to give Jostioeo of
Courts jurisdiction of'all fine awarding in
damages, where the amount claimed does not
Bill to Repeal the Act extending the Char-
ofthis fsA no di-<i>a9aonateinqninr can have
a doubt It ; " d y ■-ir that the opposi-
ticn to thej^i n . t i islicen so thorough
ly crnAel iiubt! it then- i t to-day no organ
ized armyiiu thq field »l tinst It \few ma
rauded Who have paste I their flight into the
mountain jfaatnaniaai of aonn- of the northera-
nu»t yrovioces, are all that arc left to dispute
the IwoefleentVulc of. tb. ir Austrian‘ friend.
These willioon 'dbapprar '.will the rest, when
poor down-trmUei).Mexico will stand forth a
regenerated and redeemed nation, claiming,
and entitled to, a pbiefanumg tin- kingdoms
of the earth. '* ‘.i
Tlichtnd that would disturb that harmo
ny, that would for selfish en|Mr upon tli
terof fhel Union Bank df Augusta. Passed.
Bin to extend the powers of the Commis-
1 sioners of Ldnui-iDe. . Passed.
Bill to pertnit certain persons to build
stock gaps on the Western and Atlantic K. R.
The Si-hale, took arecesaof twenty minutes,
after which it resumed business and on mo
tion at the hour of 12 m. repaired to the Ball
of tlm House of Representatives to inaugurate
the Governor. The ceremonies being over,
the Senate returned to their chamber, and bn
motion adjourned till 10 o'clock to-morrow
morning. '* ' ’
On account of putting the hall in order for
the purpose of accommodating those in at
tendance on the Inauguration, nothing was
done in theHooe, beyond the usual motions
assembling of the two Houses in joint session
to inaugurate the Governor elect
toe iSAroritATiox.
—At 15 o’clock, the hour appointed in‘ “the
joint resolution, the members of the Senate
appeared in the Hall for the purpose of as
sisting in inaugurating tlie Governor elect-
beliefs If silly political dogmas, break ; General Assembly having been organ-
op this long sought quiet, and plunge that dr I President Gibson, of the Senate, in the
Toted peopla again into sccnes-of anarchy and chair,-.Jtfi 8-Tenkins, arm inarm with Provis-
jbloodshe.1. Ismrtitleiltohe regarded as „„ • ipnal^^Governor Johnson, and followeil, in
I snemy of the’human race. Heaven grant tli.-it procession, by the joint committee of ar-
jron Would I that unenviable notoriety may not l*e ours!
I-. delicious | tlihngli it is difficult otherwise to interpret
the middle [ l! ‘<' prtsa and-Othcrrepresentatives of public
ictliing ex- I sentiment at tlie.North.
»t care and I Wcorrolicivstiaif nf this article copied from
them to us fhc Cinfhwrii JRiyi/fr/r, We find a long and
er, a quart I ‘"^resting letter In theSavannah'SqiuUitan,
I dated at Mexico as late as the }9th ultimo.—
; ill is most We giva a short extract aa a: specimen of
£mre inho- 'I 11 ' "V’lj, f«» wliiqh it will be Seen that
exprewing tbo Mexicans lmTe only to be let alone in or-'
I der to settli- down Into a quiet, orderly and
nee, whose I r n ’g rti y' T e people. ’ The writer says:
pr- -ent tltcrc is no appearance of any
./*" 11- < f liberals in,any jisrt of tlie em-
.. “ IbN- MWyjf tliem. as you will see, by the
f„ a Ijtivzls iftl {in;-iri'>, which publishes their
, . fnamrs, arc laying down their armband taking
•r- < -n- 1 ‘J|,. armistice bath proclaimed in the decree
■ • ■ of the -Id of Dcceralier. If yon take the trdu-
n 11 ■*'? *° look at that paper, you will notice
Bn ovrr one hundred names belonging to the
i \ru, ) I I'isdors of the liberals kho have sworn allcgi-
a, ’ faaee to the empire.” ' ' 1
' In addition, we toy it stated in thorion An-
t , lioiilo ir^raiil, of the 18th alt,. that large
bed 8jj-le-'j num-K-ri of Liberal -ofileera, who stuck to
Ities, hare abandoned his
^ hopeless, and crossed
justice of interfertnev in
i Ti.; ) : of siieb a coarse
lliscu-ecd at length in tliese
4ayb ago, and it Is uiuieces-ary
r.r-ht'Vbcm gument by which
• h its wirkednesi and its ilan-
-■ -
the Ladies of Mncon
he following short note publicity
r request those kind hearted la
ity, whose labors of love’ art no
the call of Mrs. Hughes and aid
i-staking rfie has on baud. The
buttle satisfaction arising
tncy n» it will far more than com-
rangements, State IIoum officers, judges,
ex-members of Congress and other distin
guished visitors, entered the Hall and was
conducted to the Speaker’s chair. After a
pause of a few montents, Mr. Jenkins arose,
and -with more emotion than I have ever seen
him evince on any public occasion, delivered
to his breathless audience the admiral In
augural Address, n cqpy of which was for-
■warded to you this morning. I liazzard little
In soying- that no similar speech in the histo
ry of our Ktate. commanded so much of at
tention and elicited so much of Sympathy.
The condition of the country, the surrounding
Circumstances, tliq speaker himself and his
grave, solemn delivery, seemed to impress ev
ery heart. Every word found a lodgement,
and every sentiment was echoed back to the
noble patriot who uttered it. At the con
clusion, Mr. Jenkins took the usual oath of
office, and was proclaimed Governor o^
Georgia for the ensuing term hythe President
of the Senate.
The Senate then -retired, oody on mo
tion, the House adjourned till to-morrow
morning 10 o'clock.
TIip short notice, combined with the ex
cessively inclement weather, prevented the
usual attendance on these interesting eeremo-
niesfrom abroad;,still, the floor and gallery
were well filled, and a largo number of la-
Biiitani Otertara—Revs. E. T.
D.J.D.Mitd ¥ tt»P-,|^R
art Mcllwaine, 1 James. H.
Chaa. Phillips, and H. T. Bartlett.
JFatiaal—Revs. R. Hair. D. D., H.C. Walk
er, Jaa. McQueen ; "Elders- 1 A. Walker; -and
J«L Miller. s w
Theological ScminarUt—-Revf.' C. A. Still
man, D.D.LII. Blanton, J. K. Hiley, Philip
n. Thompson, Donald McQueen; Elders—W.
S. Kto-hell and A. G. Mathewa
DomatieMueim*—Revs. J. L. Kirkpatrick,
F. A. Boss, D. IX, A. W. Ctisby, J. H. Gil
lespie, T. W. Hooper j Elders—Jesse IL Lind
say, N. S. Graham.
Foreign iliuione.—Revs. Bobl T. Berry,
F. II. Bowman, Geo. A. Calwdl; Elders—
A. J. McQueen and IL II. Jones.
PeMieatim ,Revs J. L. Wilson, William
Brown, D. D., O. F. Rogers; Elders—W. B.
Whitman and A. Baker.
. , JSf aeotkae—Revs. J. M. Sherwood, B. L.
Beall, 3. C. Grillard; Elders—Chaa. Phillips
and Jas. Miller,
The Sitrratite.—Rera. Wm. H. Mitchell, D.
D., Roht. Bell; Elders—II. L. Bartlett
Foreign Cerretpondence.—Revs. Jacob D.
Mitchell, A. Mct'allum; Elders A. Baker and
A. Walker. i l' -
leateaf Altenee.—Revs Donald McQueen,
Jas.K. Ilazen; Elder II. H. Jones.
Systematic, /Sow retrace.—Rev. J. C. Patter
son, D. D., J. C. Brown, Jaa Parker.
Deeotimol Exercises.—Revs. David Wills,
J. H. Riley; Elder Jesse H. Lindsay.
Records of Synod of Alabama.—Rev. E. P-
Palmer, J. R. Riley; Elder A. G. Mathews.
Record* of Synod of Arkansas.—Revs. Jas.
McQueen, L. H. Blanton; Elder N. S. Gra
ham. i > 1
Records of Synod <f Georgia.—Ren. Rich
ard Mcllwainc, Philip II. Thompson; Elder
A. J. McQueen.
Record* of Synod of Memphir.—Revs. R. E.
Walker, R. II. Berry; Elder H. H. Jones.
Record* of Synod of Jliuittippi.—Revs. G.
a Gaillard, T. W. Hooper; Elder W. L. Whit
Record* of Synod of Katbtitte.—Revs. Don
ald McQueen, F. H. Bowman; Elder Chaa.
Phillips. , 1 . r t ■;! .
Records.of Synod <f North Carolina,—Revs.
A. W. Clisby, Geo. A. Caldwell; Elder Jas.
Miller. , , i
Records of Synod cf South Carolina.—Revs.
David Wills, O. F. Rogers; Elder A. G. Mat
thews: ' '
Record* of Synod of Texas.—Revs. Rob’t
Bell, B. L. Beall; Elder Jesse IL Lindsay.
Records of Synod of Virginia.—Revs. Phil
ip IL Thompson, J M- Sherwood; Elder N.
9. Graham.
Special Committee on P.atoral Letter to
Cit urcbcs.—Rors. Wm. Brown, D. D., C. L.
Stillman, D. D., J. H. Gillespie, F. A. Ross
D. D., J. L. Kirkpatrick, D.D., J. L. Wilson,
D. D.; Elders W. L. Mitchell and II. T. Bart
lett ha I, ,, i;
The order of the day being the election of
a Stated Clerk, Ret. Jas. R. Wilson, D. D.,
late Permanent Clerk, was elected “Stated”
Clerk; and Dr. Wm. Brown, of Va., Perma
nent Clerk.
Reports were read from the Union Theolog-
ocal Seminary, of Virginia, anil the Columbia
(S. C.) Seminary, which were referred to the
appropriate committees.
The committitee on 'elections reported
the presence of RevsL J. H. Caldwell, ofNorth
Mississippi, and B. H. Craig, ot South Ala
bama, and recommended they be admitted to
scats on the floor, which was done. .
The presence of the Her. R. Morrison, of
the Paasbjrtcry of Louisville, was annonm
and the object iif liis mission, 1 U the
of a letter from the Kentucky Board of Aid
for Southern Pastors* stated. It was moved
that the Reverend gentlemen lie heard by the
General Assembly after the reports of Execu
tive committees were submitted. Adopted.
An overture from the Synod of Alabama,
was referred to the Committee on Bills and
portance to us, as it will insure a speedy and
Jaitliful discharge of .cur dotyrin;
aa stewards of the Lord. We trust, there;
fore, that you will not deny oor request, and
ing us with the names of the brethren yon
will appoint agreeably thereto.
Beloved brethren, hope in the Lord, and
remember His words unto HU servants—upon
which he has caused aa to hope—wherein He
“ , iwwiuurreu uj me x.uuiuuucc un diiis ana
d.ea added interest to the occasmn by thetr | overtop. Also a communication from the
presence. Among them, it may not be amiss j gyBod of NasllTille , wWcIl waa xcfcrrc a t0
to state, that, besides the local attractions, ; the colnmit ,„.
the city of Macon and Augusta, were charm
ingly represented.
I am happy to say that no conflict or incon.
venienee Is likely to arise from the existence
of a dual Executive. It is understood. that.
the same committee.
'-'pie report of the committee appointed to
xcyfsa tjje JUwm.-Bgok, was received and
read. The report was made by Rev. B. IL
Palmer, D. D., chairman of the committee.
After stating that the committee bad done
bciore consenting to his inauguration at the | notIlbls in the premises from their appoint-
prraenttiiya. GotentM -toddna^jtrirad n ment m 1865, to the present time, in coW
ia l— , qncnce of the troublous limes; and that tbe
distinct nledgo that there would lie no inter-
Me is klrt^MKIfdftbe satisfaction arising f-rcn.-c aita the regnlar «HaA«jire ofhisof-
sny agency fn it will far more than com- fitial duties! Thera is also reason to believe
j that a few day* wifi, terminate provisional
many ladies • of our rule in our State!
| A Pi.KASAjrr Case :
t '!
xt ns see now lior
f :Tv. '".I iT! rtTo^l rr ""ve j ^^«^5vsrr Case ifhCorBT.—A pleasant
.d‘.-'"t children of our brave soldiers. , case incourt at Hartford: Timothy E. (Jood-
1 n* see how many hearts are feeling for j rich, of Farrington, some
* hcriess boy and girl who lias few or no
, little food and is unable toafford an
oq; all -arli Mrs. II.. agret-s to teach.
>n tad do something to help pay the
liable expenses of the school 1
editor :— The ladies who are interested
. hrLttna* Festivities, for the benefit of
hills, who leloug to my school, are
invited to meet at my house to-day.
o'’ lock., tilth inst I hoped fo tie
1^- a large at ten deuce, as it is very
prac:•_ to decide the matters concerning
u:-.:. It.thing. '•y cAii'iiItntion of
AfK. C ncoints.
ripal City Orphan SchooL
vspondrnt of the Pxinlsrille
from Bardstown, Ky.. saya
> dull, and buyertare only
nts. Scuie ,sates haTe been
leiivercd at ten cents.
i.—Geh. Howard, chief of the
ra*,i!; again on a visit South,
aah on Satonlay. He left on
>r*->rity fotgoyenior of
*of an i arthqnake wal. felt;
on Friday la-t. .*;»! It..
forty-nine, counterfeiters at
in-jail in Cincinnatti.
y was elected United Stales
misiana legislature,
land eighty prisoners arc
mt at the Dry Tortugas. i
1 that the government lias i
if the Mobile and Ohio rail-!
revised copy of the work had been destroyed
at Charlotte, X. C., in May last, he recom
mends the appointment of two committees—
' the first a local one, which shall prepare the
work—and a second, to which it shall be
submitted for criticism and amendment.
-X „r 'anted to! After considerable discussion, tbe report
getndof lit* wife, and hm.-u .i I • ow to - , . „
make insulting pr.-positions to her. She re- to to thc commiHee on pnblica-
sented thein-ul: and threatened to kill him ■ 1 ‘ 0n -
if he repeated the insult, whereupon he had j Narratives were received from saveral Pres-
liar amsted on a citarge <>i thn itcning his ; byteries and appropriately referred.
Shsw SIS,« S5t?«5 1 Sz f »•
was gotten out by the State sttom. y utter j or ; !or “flhe<hiy-therep.irtsofeiccutviecom-
itcr health lad wen mined. Goodrich re-' mittecs-was taken up, and those of Foreign,-
fused to take dueofher. Mr. Uom-s Me- aud Dotm -;i.-Mid.. !.
a^K^c^i5Ln»“4; r D ””- *•
vbile refusing to do :tn\ thing at all f >r her. l “ e . tt
Now McGoc sues Goodrich for lit-r boaril arul *P°^ e of. tlic desolations of thc coon-
foncra! cxpcnseH.—8pri*gJUld 11*publicx t. try-^mucJi of which he had seeen, and of
.V * • .. \ vMcb be had bjcsid more. Many of our
A convention^jf the as^sorTand colli—' nail beaut!fo1 Uol, ^' of "ere burned and
brethren of your Assembly be joined together Com»ponden« Cinclmmui Enquirer.
ocr Warts in thi'work. Wc a=k of JCJO, from Tke flir »l »•>
is tote Cot by Bar.
times entire fabrications, and constantly per-
Wreed; that one would be sorely. panM. to
will comtoi
will make her wildemesf like Eden, and her
draert like the garden of the Lord ; joy' aa
gUdnraa shall be tound therein, thanksgiving
and the voice of melody.'’
“Brethren, pray for us. Now thc God of
Peace, that brought again from the dead our
Lord Jesus, that Great Shepherd of the sheep,
through fherMood ofthe everlasting cove
nant, be with von, and make yon perfect in
every good work to do Hi* will, and working *■
in you tl|at which is we! f plcasing'in'ini
sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory
forever and ever. Amen!_ - 1 A
“Peace be to the brethren, and love with
faith fron^ God the Father, find the Lord Jeans
Christ Grace lie with all them'that love our
Lord Jest* Christ in sincerity. Amen!';,, ,
Writteu from Louisville, Ky., December
12th, 180^. in behalf of the Board, by your
servant ail hrothcr. for ChristVsake,
I- James H. Hubeb,
Secretary and Treasurer.
At thc Conclusion of the reading, Mr. 3Ior-
rison gave a history of the society, and urged
know it lit in 111 lrtgln III alia^hlau H——lj
if what was Or what was not sufficient
mportance with yon to notice. It is.’, too,
almost as dangerous to reputation to tell thc
troth as it is used to be m the United States
tho war or the war policy of the
■ation. To speak of peace was sure to
denunciation of “disunibnist,” -se
cessionist,” etc. So It strikes me now, that.
> crammed are your paper-; with interested
^representations of thipgs here,
to give even the briefest history of progress,
my statements will be sinned as emanations
from on “Imperialist,” For, be lt noticed,
that I seldom or never see anything written
from the city of' Mexico, or any other city or
point in this country, giving any kind of ac
count of the “Republic of Mexico,” of repub
lican progress, or of republican hopes jibr sc
ions. These appear to bo exdhafvi
Imr Orleans, Cairo or W:
what you may hare published, and see if i
not so- And it is necessarily so, because
have bat one government in Mexico, and that
happens tc be Imperial, under which any
thing is done, any .progress made.: And fur
ther. nowhere in Mexico isthere any organized
army, or even band, contending for a repub
lic, or attempting to overthrow thc Empire.
And still further, there is not a tingle honest,
intelligent man in all Mexico, who believes
that Jlexico is fit for a republican govern
ment, or who believes otherwise than that a
nsongaie a iistorj o t le socu y, “ r r- e cjiyngeback again from the present rule to
tile acceptta$e pf the aid in the fraternal , m gV stcm Cor, rather, want of svstem) at nil
—,.—• * -.7 ...... ... . - - -
10'clock to-morrow.
Rev. Dr. Ross indulged in a few remarks
on amusements and dancing, and introduced
papers on discipline, \yhich he wished refer
red to a special committee. They were re
ferred to the Committee on Bills and Over
tures,with instructions to report at 11* o’clock
Rev. Geo. A Caldwell was added to the
. above committee.
The Assembly then adjourned to 9 o’clock
to-morrow morning.
—Jackson Haines bos skated a waltz with
aprincess at St. I’etersburg.^jj
—Grisi and Mario will sing together in ope
ra in London next year.
—Peter and Caroline Ritcliin3 are singing
in Philadelphia, having returned from a suc
cessful tour in CulafornTsl
—Rumor assertsthat Jenny Lind’s health is
so precarious and delicate, as to require a
winter's residence in Southern Europe for its
.—Two years ago the Now York niuticians
who now strike ftp- twenty -slollars a week,
were quite content with nia | |
' — Ullmann Snnmmcerf 'iilaVthird AkfrP last
European tour with, Carlotta* Patti. It com
mences at Berlin, and ends atPraguc.^^HM
—Piccnlomini lately appeared in opera at
the Drury Lanc'afheatrc, for Lumlcy’s benefit.
—The boy-choir system is to be introduced
into tbe Church of the Holy Communion,
Chicago, in which edifice a new orgin 1 has
recently tieen erected.^^^^^^^^^^^g
—^Vienna lately-held a great Orplieonist con
cert display in the Prater Saloon, and thirty
thousand persons enjoyed that performance,
if wc may credit local report.
—The new Opera House in Dayton, Ohio,
ill he completrl about t he middle of next
month, and will be equal to anything of the
same extent in tile country. The size of thc
building is 100 by 120 feet. The audience
room is about 9Q feet square, and will seat
7—Eichbern'g diarming little dpeta, “The
Doctor of Alcantra,” will shortly he produced
in New York, under the direction of. Prof.
John Undernes0g)tfH^^^H^^^HH
—During the past season, such has been thc
demand for thc American Organ, manufactur
ed by Messrs. S. D. & H. W. Smith, of Boston,
that in their extensive warcrooins nflt^an' in
strument could he found by the purchaser,
notwithstanding their facilities for finishing
one hundred per week.
—Our youngs friend Cliariie LNVard; of D.
P. Fanld’s music store, on Monday last, com
menced a journey Southward. It is whisper
ed among bis friends that Mississippi is his
destination and his object matrimonial. We
waft him tile best of w’isbes.—Louiscille Jour-
” ai .tnsH .liwfejftB -ioi i
ITEMS- ■ ' ..
General Wade Hampton was:in Montgom
ery on Tuesday last, says the Mail. -
Maxamilian of Mexico, has written to Paris,
requesting that the statues of. the Theatre.
Franeais mar be forwarded- to him, with a
view to applying them to thc organization of
a great theatre St his capital.
that a wealthy^young
Citt or Mexico, Nor. 2.1885.
h> -read- the
based upon, in the first place, some very in
definite dispatch,and that gets amplified’into
letteraiand articles from these or other,points
in the UnitedStatea. Look beck and.-recall Ax Honorable Vote.—Oor young fj-iend,
3f. if. Moore, City Clerk, has cause to he proud
9 if it is
similar to that or those which existed before
the intervention, would not he greatly for the
worse—would not fill, in fact, the heart of ev
ery well-wisher of Mexico, and every intelli
gent business man with heaviness and dismay.
an “Imperialist ?” “What is writ is writ,” nev
ertheless, and is altogether and completely tiic
truth likewise. What you'Tead of skirinishcs,of
attacks' upon this or that place, or this
spirit in whieli it was offered.
After Mr. Morrison's address Dr. Baird
presented the following paper which was
adopted: - v m ojm t
1. Retolced, That this Assembly express
their great gratification in meeting with Rev.
Robt. Morrison, as Representative of tlic Ken
tucky Board of Aid for Southern Pastors,
organized at Lquiaville and return sincere
thunks for his able and interesting address
2. Retolced, That the letter from said asso
ciation and the subject matter of Mr. Morri
son's address he referred to thc Standing
Committee on Domestic Missions, to prepare
a suitable minute for their adoption.
Rev. Robt.'JjMcIlwaine moved that when
the Assembly adjourn to-day, it be to 7
o'clock P. JL, and urged the importance to
night sessions to get through with business.
Much discussion arose omtliis point, and the
subject was finally tabled.
The appointment of a special corami:
was moved, to-give a name to this Asscmbl;
but the matter was referrce to the Committee
onNareatives, with instructions to report at .f^ auTa^Lfyeara
m clock tn-mnn-ow an d no chieftain above the character of a
guerrillas, who arc no more Republicans than
they are Imperialists. They are the same,
and no other; and no better than those who
have infested Mexico and prevented its set!
tlement ever since its history was born.—
They are the same who have been heretofore
turned aside ever and anon from mere robbing
clans, and combined into the support of this or
that chieftain to change a government, to be
bought in turn by another, for; tho overthrow
of that they had just previously helped to
power. And whenever any government has
been more than a few months in place.
bandit lias yet appeard; none of sufficient
character or weight has yet, to any. extent ii
the least dangeroiis, attempted W gather tin
elans in thc wars of Republicanism, for him
self, or to overrun the empire. Not a signifi
cant move, not a single one, has as yet been
made in that direction, or under any of these
pretenses; nor will there be while a 'foreign
army of the present size stays in the country.
Heretofore the armies of thc ins and the” outs
have been composed of tbe same purchasable
material. The last shade of armed organiza
tion against the gavernment-went down with
the surrender of Oaxaca last February. No at
tack has been made since upon troops or
towns, in Alie name of liberty, republicanism,
or anything else but booty. The -late attack
on JIatamoras looks more like it than anything
tlxat lias occurred, nndyettbatwgp headed by
Cortinas, who has been denounced by both
Juarez and his generals, and by the‘United
States, as nothing more than a common out
law and robber; and the greater part of his
soldiers appear to have been refugees froi
both-of tlio late Americam‘armies? And n
Bowdr ^ Anderson,
r-.n.l denounced in the United States. It ia
for further rnmmert.
*.-i0h';! lip iV re jonstiidatingiu*if amfeu- Grocers and tamissien Merchants
lajv.' »<*‘“’5of tie- people I T*
■ ” * 1 N, O A.
Gy Prompt atteatiA
submitted. That which has noT y >7^ S
; fi msJiTi
more territory today aok
Country ami eueonraging A7- -“-
■ peace and husbandry more than lies
qaDn ihall the past history of Mexico. JGP
J«tsome of our-people, moatlv, I suppose,
turbulent New Englanders, and men wnosa
occupation is gone with the me)ling awav of
Mto “Mi armies, talk of »driving Maximilian
—John Slidell is still living quietly in Paris.
His family goes very little into society: Mr.
Mason ia in London. Jacob Thompson and
J.P. Benjamin are also there, and John C.
Breckcnridgo is shortly expected from. Cana
da with his family. Major Huse, formerly
agent fqr the purchase of arms for the Confed
eracy, Js i* Paris,'as is also Judge Ross', of
Louisiana. Mrs. Gwin and her dspghter are
now residing in London. ■ . ........
—General S. B. Buckner is a partner in the
house of Harlow J. Phelps & Go, 144 Qtaiiar,
street. New Orleans.
Agent- W»ntc«l In CTcrj Teas
of thc vote cast for him on Saturday. The
whole number ef rotes cast ftoVayor wa*488,
for Marshal 437; for Deputy Marshal 4S8, and
for Sexton 42G. For all these offices "there
was s w arm and sharp contest The vote for
Mr. Moore, who had no opposition for Clerk,
was 437. It thus appears that every voter
who went to the polls, save one, voted for Hr.
Moore. This ran xcoannuiler a most .honor
able acknowledgement of his efficiency an'tflte
delity as an officer and his popularity as a
matt.—(jolumbnt Enquirer.
A Swarm of Bees.
B patient, B prayerful, B humble, B mild,
B wise as a.Solon, B meek as a child;
B studious, B thoughtful, B loving, B kind,
B sure you make matter subservient to mind;
SO'TICE. -nett
B ibb COUNTY;: GEORGIA—The Grand and
Petit Jurors of Panel Ves t, who were wm-
moned to amn arat thc Superior Court on tlie Third
Monety of November hut, are, by order of Coart,
All parties at Interest will take notice.
... !..,.(■» 1 . u.-a.McManus, ■
declO-codit *mti Deputy Clerkl
T HE firm of A. M. Rowland A Co. Is this dsy
dissolved by mutual consent. . t... -
i. ft. Walker. Esq., (lata of Taylor Co., Ga.)
haring purchased.thc Interest of C. L. Greeno, thc
business will licmiter be eonducted under the
name and style of ROWLAND A WALKER. -
MacoB, Ga., Dec. 15, 1885. decldlt*
B courteous to all men, B friendly Wil
B temperate in argument, pleasure and w>nc,
B,careful of conduct, of money;of rime 8
B cheerful, B grateful, be hopeful, B firm,
or that detachment, consists entirely, of brig- ?ourteou« ^"entle^B^Iiberal ’
atufaps-—the dashing in and out It robbed ^^^hu® ” ’ " ’
Giiprn Inn wnn nni rd morfl Konnhliponc thon « 1 . ’
B penitent, circumspect, sound in the faith,
B active, devoted, B faithful till death.
t! 7/ ya
Jg?” It is currently reported at Washing
ton that President Jolmson will withdraw the
Provisional Governors, thc military force, and
thc agents of the Freedmcn’s Bureau from all
thc Southern States as soon Its they have
Look to tke Interest of
j 4 'Til a
Your Families,
,.00<t iR3iUP3 .YJ3
i JV.Ai.Wiyr,A'
Associated Press Dispatches.]
Acocsta;* Dec!' 14.—The Constitutionalist
has thc following, dispatch:
New York, Dec. 13.—Tlie cotton market
Mi dull to-day. The sales were 1,400 bales,
at 47 to 48 cents. Naval stores dulL Gold
44,7-8. . - Stockton.
both ofthe late Americam armies? jAhd air Montazuma, Ga"
.-w cimvenuoa oi lue assessors ana coiieoiore f ^ .. . - * A
of the Internal revenue for thc State of Gcor-! our P Iea *“T now wasted. There was
gis. South Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Mis- j lamentation and woe throughout thc land;
siasippi aad Louisiana, was -ome time ago i yet was he glad to find that we were cast Wc understand
Artwrta . < ^ 1 ^ i *5 JgS ,!>wn ' bot * ot destroyed—pdraecnted, bht; who l3lJ? HHBBHHBI
tadtolto,a^d to ,‘uci not '■ v akaL W. will thank Godandtake 1Myear, tol^^mtlraWnn,
-de^nfo/th;. 2% ; courage; we wil, notuepond. but trust in aKXUL
Wc tMVb > l*€»felM>wg.A dispatch from D. C. oar own i Thcsarhail proved the I oy |TrTf ^ rTr ^'^”^*^. l * - ^ * * •
Whitman, deputy commissions of Internal manhood of &• voiin- nun ofthe Booths! p’
rercnac at Wadiir • ton. to Mr a . t*. -L A t T French Government 15reported to hare
jw—t • ^itruct'l 1 10 * n -* ted ,h " , «“** tun< - -’'rough which we a 1 irgc sum "1 money in T..'tinulon City lor
ing thc lattcrto ]-r.!jku.. the c :Mratirai'- ha,! wouM dcvdqpo the Christian | lohbyingjmrposcs connected.with Jlcrican
til each tixno a- oia ^ent from Washington
can meet the collectors and^sor* thus am-
scrailled, of which the due . notice will Ik;
given. Cd. Bnpirmf : Dr. Ross, of Alabama, and Rev. R. T. Berry,
Importation '<-s Cattle.—In’Conercss. on pf Virginia, ramie feeling addresses, urging
the 12th. Vr. Wdtvcorth'a bill wa^p—cd. ^
It provides that tlic importation of cmltle }
sliall l>e prohibited. The Secretary ot the
Trcas irv is to make 3Qch regulati-'n^* as wDl w> « Li * . ,
give titf. law full aud immJdiate effect, aud 1 The Rcr - Robt ' Mnrr,fo:i P ,acc ‘ l ,he fo1 '
to Si-ni! the copies thereof to tbe proper 1 letter in the itands of the Clerk, with
officers in this country and foreign ports.; a request that it be read:
en the Presi.lent shall have given thirty
though thoy, in your papers, boast of having
four thousand men, and reduced the Mexi
can defender’s, Mejia, to fifteen hundred, yet
it scorns they havo concluded to retire. Thc
“captorc” of Monterey has no doubt been
heralded. Wliy, it was not defended. They
“captured” both Monterey and Saltillo last
spring—that is, went in and went out; so
could a hundred, or twenty men at any time.
That i* all there is of that matter. I have, as
yousee.been unwittingly led into speaking
of the military situation first, and have done
so bluntly and so confidently that how do
I know hut even you may have been so sat
urated with the conflicting accounts' as to
think me exaggerating on my side! Well,
bo it so. It is true, however, that lam not
Conscious of having any side except that of
law, order, peace and the truth.
- But there are many other matters bf inter
ert interceding for mention. If you will look
back over Mexican history you will see that,
at no time, has so much interest been token
in its affairs as at present. ’ I don’t. mean on
ly an idle interest, ora mischievous interest.
But at no time before has there ever appeared
an opportunity for regeneration—at no time
have , persons, and enterprise, and capital felt
like flocking to Mexico. They are doing so
now. Ought they not all, persons, enterprise
and capital, to be suspected of “ Imperialism?”
Their acts and deeds agpv; in fnwqrfAhp
’Empire, whether they'mean it or not. The
establishment of the Empire must certainly
'have wrought a favorable change in Mexico,
or these.things would not be so. If any igrs-
tem of govamawnt produsra -stiehri-iatilL il
is absurd to haggle about the name. Your
own government has the name of—but-no
matter. Enterprises of all kinds arc spring
ing up and being fostered—something. that
hever happened before in the life of Mexico.
May I not mention a few examples which
look like substantial progress—if they have
but got into existence under the Empire.
‘A* ‘There if the gr^at “MexicaqImperipl BtiU
road,” tile most gigantic work of thc kind
of the age, which has its trains now running
for sixty miles, and will Bare over sixfjr more
by JimejieXt—almost half-way between Vera ;
Cruz and the city ofMexico—toco right in
from there to the Pacific. One Ime of tele
graph is at work between Vera Cruf -and tl
capital, and another, a splendid,Tn
^2T- List of Consignees per Southwestern
Rail Road, December fifteenth, 1S65: J. .11.
Stone, T. J, Flint, Jaincs Jackson, Sirs S. Hol
den, Swindlehurst, R.' Raiford, Collins and
Foster, F. II. Alley, A. L. Maxwell, Jas. Sey
mour, J. H. Seymour, Knott and Howes.
M JaiS ""
List of Arrivals at Brown’s Hotel.
Decimreii 15, 1865.
GWSaulpaw, Decatur co, Tenn; D C Moore,
Columbia co, Ga; B FVorrell, Decntnr co -Ga; A
J Rosser, NaaawUle, Teen; Lt S E Emmons, 147
III In; BF Duffev, Ga'; Jas E Trlppc Sen; NY-w
Tork; ,J B Fate, Ga; V Y l.awshe and tidy, rtrif.
fin, Ga; A IVicland, Selma, Ala; A Dunn, Forsytli,
Ga; G W Yarbrough, Millodzcvnie, Gs; J \V Sib-
botcm.Ga: RWIrwln, Franklin, Aa; JohnCamp-
1 m ! 1, Fort Valley, Oa ; .Juo PSwitt, Upson co, Ga ;
Miss Swift, Upson co, Ga; Miss Backus, Upson to,
Ga; L C.
.fioiiui^oui., vj—; „ ncojiuvy, Milledgcvillc, Gat
W J Hudson, Hirria co, Ga; T W Newsome ana
tidy, Tatbotton, Ga; Mrs S E Wiley, Hucok eo,
Ga; T M Robinson, Thomasville, Ga; Miss Robin
son, TbomasvUIe, Gs; II W Lathron, Savmmmti,
Ga; J C Slappy, Fort Valley, Ga; C A McAu-
tlior, Crawford Co, Ga; John Lowli, Ga. D M
Surles, Ga; Miss Guttles, Ga; A H Perry, Iowa;
I John A Speights, Milledgcvillc; Titos J Dragton,
8 C;' H CHarris ud lady, Fort Vslley, Gs; V G
Noble, Athens, Ga; CRHopkins, New York; Miss
L R Halstead, Griffin, G»; Robt C Odum, Ga; Lt
John Ebbftter, Gs; M Grant, Art N & C R.Il; T
T T Gibson, Crawford co, G»; H Rilcr, Taylor co,
Ga; G W Ashburn, Columbus, Ga; J Fllall, Butts
co, Ga; L J Gartrell, * *’ ‘ ‘ "
Frisbee & Roberts,
40 Murray St., New York.
CJ 0LIC1T consignments of Cotton and other pro-
ij dnee, upon which cosh advances will be made.
They are also prepared to fid orders fortbc pur
chase or "all kinds of Merchandize,'ihatcilals, etc.,
Having bad li
and at the 8ottth, in Georgia
able to give entire aatlsfsctlc
patrons. JonN fris beE, of New fork.
K. A ROBERTS, ot Georgia.
RzrritEXCE*—J W'Lathrop & Co, Savannah. Ga;
S Merritt, Hawkinsville, Ga; Joa Tooke. Houston
Co, Ga; JIV Fears & Co, Macon, Ga; IC Plant,
Macon, Ga: M G Dobbins, WM Markham, Ailan-
DH Arnold, Pres’t Mercantile National
' HA Smytbe, Pres’t Central Na-
York; J Preeland, Pres’t Lefty-
ta, Ga; DI
t Bank, New York; H A Smytbe,
fc tionai Beak,. New York; J Free
■i ette Ina Co, X Y.
Young America Fire Co. No. 3.
Y OU are hereby ordered to meet at your Coun
cil Hall, on Monday 18th, at 7 P. M. Every
member Is earnestly requested to be present, as
” lness of great Importance will c
ntlon. By order
iportance will occupy yonr
L. C. RICKS, Pot
1 woultl ^
manhood of tlie Church; that we should, in I 'The members of thc lower hoti-e are
the words of Francis L, declato-though all fnuffingtiuraxiwtant^lsalreadymtdmak-
, _ , 6 1 mg grander arrangements than ever before.
Were lost, onr honor still remained to us. . . .a., vr:. :
The report was referred to appropriate
! committee.
SRiSMni)], WU:
’ptctuMc |
lulr ; • -M
l r * i. Ms;: :
I) - a; apimnlccti-t
at Gro\ •
V.T-iaf'^iskt w
->fr. \V. Gi nn.
ifcj.iT ! as Uc i.
,1< peSssek-^tftr.t
external p<
tatioo. that no further EOiBB OF - uo .socmens
prelii -tded, this law shall be bf i pastoes.
* ' ‘ tle . wi11 ‘“ported in the ] Tothe .u-cnUy^thc Presbyterian
Church, Zlacon. ffa.—“Brethren, beloved in
nan named Thomas Cook, living | the Lord, grae :ie to you: and peace from
It-. Iml.. I ia- (stublished a newstv i God, your Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Blessed 1« God. i ven the Father of our Lord
Jesu3 Christ, flu- Father of Mercies and the
God of ail comfort: who comforteth us in all
our tribulation-, that we may be able to com
fort them whkh are in trouble by the com
fort where with tre ourselves are com-
same wav as heretofore.
community at
The lirkpemltn
ideut 'n.-: and YT
A biU has been introduced in the Missouri
Legislature 1; a penal offeune for a
pvaon-to apeak'oiuiofficer connected with
the Coafirligate army and give his tit!ewith
out prefixing^rehel’’ thereto. 're-
Gex. Saxta Axsa.—A correspondent of
the New York'Journal of Commerce, writing
on board thc U. S. ‘steataer Powhattan, St.
Thomas^West Indies. Nqv. ID, 18C5, says of
the cx-Presideut of Mexico:
“La«t night we went to
Gen. Santo Anna's. He Is a very fine look
ing c-bl man of 70 years, .mil talks very much
like Daniel Webster. On leaving his house,
he gave us aU a present, aa a memento of our
les, the whole distance of cyiindrical iroh
posts, all already on thc ground’from England.
Tills is being built by English capital, and so
the English Government will be committed
to maintain the present governmental status
—a hint to yours. And so, too, English
capitol has been invested to light the city of
Mexico with gas, as also the cities of Puebla,
Oriziba and Cordova. It will next supply
water works, and go into -that stupendous
undertaking of draining the lakes and Valley
of Mexico, by canals and tunnels, through
the mountains to lower altitudes. French
capital lias sought Government loans, two
immense banks, a “cralit mbhilierand colo
nics iu Tarious parts of tlie Empire. Ameri
can capital has secured three lines of steam
ships, on the Atlantic, Gulf, aud Pacific—a
telegraph radiating to Western cities and
extending to San Francisco, and another
extending from the capital to Guanajuato
and tb Monterey and Matamoras, which
grand ball at the company states, will place Mexico
in connection with Nc-w York by July
next! A violent revolution would paralyze,
indefinitely, all these improvements, perliaps
kill them. A National Academy of Science
and an Observatory have been established.
HH etc.
Arithm-' 1 W'
HHind Modern LanmmtH
Particular Attention given to. Elementary Xnglbb
Boys prepared for College, or for Business.
Studies at the parent's choice; all included within
one charge, 810 00 per month, in advance.
Retehexces: TothepresentpatronsoftlieBetmol.
Private Lessons given, In tbe town, tt tbe usual
rate*. R. M, MCCLELLAN,
Macon. Dec-15,1565. 1 • Principal.
decl6-4t*J ’>* ‘ - j •
The Largest Stock
,u ’ | i
W E kavc now in store* and dally adding to,
one of the largest; stock* of Boots, Shoes
and Hats, ever brought South. Comprising tl-
most every variety and fctrlc of workmanship, to
gether with a large lot of ehoe findings, ehocr
etc.; to which we invite the attention of
merchant*, feeling Mtared wc ran offer them
ter inducements than ran be had anywhere in the
that place. It i>
Order of Free and •
>uun,*‘an l declare
as )iun; i
The anxiety of. persons holding U. S. cou- } But above all, and more important than all, a
pon bonds tb'find safe places for concealing ^ an # fl liberal system of immigration, with
their treasures, sometimes overreaches itself. liberal concessions, has been inauira-
Mr. John North, of Citv. had $12,- rate ; 1 - and without an infusion of new' peoples.
150 of the bonds, which he sealed up in a Mexico will forever be stsirnant and undevel-
i far as
i to b«
tlic risrht to
, Nashville CnniR.—On Thnrsday Henry
Uidiuc , Oabome stabbed Wm. Anderson. On Fri-
icey by • day a t . 1 iniont was found in tae rear of
Mm. Potk's nstideocc. Mury O'Neil was se-
du~e* 1 «-• 1 ki'letl her-'l* m Fri^Liv. Orf
Thursday night John Ore n w.if kiUe’i aud
thrown on ti o CUat;u:.*»0'_ra railroad ir£ k.
harcrtd , affcerwar is j-: ven d ' v
Tbe5e present- are to tell you that out of
; tWiove we bear for you in oor Lord Jesus
Christ, and from the belief that if we were
any trouble you wouldtiy to comfort us ;
and. above,all, from tbe knowledge that oar
Haste r's t au3e demands that His pastors with-
: in your l*ounds, sliould be speedily relieved
from prising freed fr >m worldly cares
an.l av-ikations. to the eril that they may de-
rotc th*ir who" "
;lass jar, and removing a brick from his cel
lar wall, pnt the jar in the cavity. A few
days since some workmen Were called in ts
repair a Irak in the water pipe! One of them
soon discovered the jar, and rejoiced lit his
good luck. Mr. North, however, was fortu
nate enough, to learn the facts, proved prop
erty, and recovered his bfinas. “ J wn
JSf* Rev. N. X. Crawford, D, D.. of Geor
gia. has accepted the Presidency of George
town. (Ky..) College, and will soon enter on
the duties of his office
oped. A new people is absolutely necessary
to kill off the population which won't let any
thing be settled—that very population' that
sonie ofyour.papcrs now call “Liberals,” “Jua-
rists,” etc., into whose hands many of your
people would rush to war for the purpose
of,dcliTering-the Mexican Government f It
would l>e a sweeter government than ever
before if those only now causing disturbance
in Mexico should get hold of it! And this
leads to a word about the -black flag” busi
ness. I see that your papers try to raise a
great outcry abont tbis, and pr@end tabe-
State. Onr Lou*e Is exclusively a Shoe and Hat
House, and ourstock Iresh from the Manuftstories
in the East—therefore are enabled to sell cheap-
er than anybody. Those in want of Brogans, we
specially mrite to call, to ..::i',ae onr Stock: and
hear our prices. Hyou try fas once, you will be
sure to cal] co .tin.
dccl4-3t SINGLETON, HUNT & CO.
TO R —' ”
One of the
Most Valuable
Vaccine Virus.
Fresh anil reliable SCABS from '
Healthy Young- Children, u
For sale by iVI A.l MASSENBt'RG A SON.
) dec 16-Ut
The Place to Buy Tobacco
J. H. Seymour’s Store, Cherry st.
Thoroughly Eevirad By General 8Wn »c
And PnhlisM under hi* Smrtion.
60,000 Copies Already Sold !
, t . •- AND
li u fifyk Sea; nn%ia. ClMh. IA Ml
With Splendid Steel Portraits
TTE keeps all
JlI rale. ‘ Call
suited in price and quality.
if ,
grades, and bis prices insure the
and you will find that you cut be
' ' tin dec 18-UT
■ 1STational Life
• 1 t'iaa. and.'..' itt* ‘ Z
Of oSTew York, .»i
XNSiniES against death by accident Also guar-
X antccs a weekly cgmpeaaatlon from any injury
received. ...... K h;. ft >cm
Persons ftlay insure against accident or death,
Aho orhotli, us he may desire. .. mu .. i'.
Every man who travels or tits himself 1 table to
any accident, uud in view or their daily occurrence,
ought tn take outa policy to cover both death and
weekly comfitnsutiou to help - Ufa wtutt, If disa-
..The Agent is
Tlila work—writteu by CoL &• *mar*, ittiUKl
SlK-rmau'a personal friend, and I.t.-C<4 Irain,
of our ablest military writer*—ta tbe only con*
plete oflicinl history of thU gtand army as
whole, aud iu all its detail*—for no other irtmi
have access to the private and official paj -'r* of
t’i«- M'V'.Tdl tt>nmwnd«K All
furnished for thU work, rrrtusire/y.
TLc following letter from (leu. >hennan ?ho»«
the official and authentic character of the w< rk. a
Lancaj-ti:k, Ohio, July SI,
C. B. RicnAunaox, Esq.,
•*S'*‘r—CoL 8. .M. 1 Bowman, asa arquiXntaMV of
mine since 1853, and more recently ta tha ranim
of the United State*, ha* bad '•tom to my rakr
and tetter books, eiu bracing copies of all astireo
made aad letter, written by me •larathe wffiterol
1801-3, with I view to publiah a nunolr of ay Ms
and scrvfeea, and no other psnoo has hoi Sul m
7 Opportunity to read my secret tboapWs aodacta.
X hdleve him to bain possession of all snllmle
facts that can Interest tbe general reader.
• t. I atn, die.,
! steftaflsTWMtno
The Preas everywhere pronounce this the
Macon, Ga.
Base Ball—A Call.
rpHE members- bf the Base Ball Chtb trtfe-
JL quested to appear on thc ground promptly at
3 o’clock this afternoon, for exercise.
By orderof thC President.
declO-U ■> - W. LeCONTE, Clerk.
r PIIE SUBSCRIBER, who hoa experience aa a
»•!' HOXDAY lu January, 1SGG,
'for Boys and Glrisjtn which the orual branches of
tlic English language will be taught, together with
Latin and the lifclicr mathematic*.
A session of five month* #Ul£o tautrht 't» i
Tuition: Seven dollars per month, payable
monthly ia advance. , ,, u
As*oon a* a snltaltle house rah be obtained,
notice will he given.
JWfiigni Merarw. LAP. Whittle, Maton, Ga.,
at whose office subscribers can leave their names
FORSYTH, 0A.;186B.
rpnis excellent institution lias entered upon its
tepair; - Ererytiiing neeeMSry tar the comfort and
reestti MprnMBMHMaVWntWMS i
ly furulijjjpfl. All wc aak ta.a lair trial* /
: j^PFICEM, . Aa.
Rot. A llcl Sherwood, D. D.; Fr
» n. J. T, Crowder, Vice Pit*.
J. J. J. Stephens, Secretary
G. A. CTbahUa, Treasurer. ..
Only Real History
of these
Great Campaigns!
Tbe book Is written In a most flawlac Mi
graphic style, and is gotten up In the finest mranrar
in every respect The Portrait lagd Maps are un
equalled. »
No other Work kaa any Claim to Official Ac*
SjT Agents wanted in e*ery tsiRn. ALsrlsrivi
territory given, uud liberal in.!>.< • raeutu sfli-rrd.
! »r full j arlimlar*. Htldrr*-
CB. KK nASDSo^rulfUsir*
110 Broadway, X Y.
elect School for Boys, * ,M ,BeT ' Wn pr^^^8tMorali>^HMi»ralHrt»»ra
BZTO^. A**,,. |
Aelex Df Cakdler, A. M.,
Professor of Ancient Languages.
J. M. FABK*n.M. Dll’ A ' U * fiWTOSlWl
Professor of Modern Languages and, Chemistry.
Mrs. E. A. Lamer.
i la alii
lira. Lost imB^wEI^Roll malde tide,
will bare charge of thc Boarding Department.
The S)
of Janturv,
July lSUi.
I wDl begin on Monday the 15th
d edd on Commencement Day,
EXPENSES. .Ate tel
aadPoel, per tehb..fttO 00
Prtu^iXB^tivfcr ltaiianleti*'.:!.!!! U-89
Pupil* will faroWf their own tbmdkMbd towel*.
W#forfl80, on agold basis, wu will famirii board,
washfug; randies.„ran«ic, ancient find‘rhotlern lan-
“ a ”■
For further infcffiulion address any member of
J Bc Faculty, os Board of Truster*.
Forsyth, Ga., Dec, 15,1805. . ? decIG-lmJ
Sight Exchange on
1 1 ’ BY HENRY COFKK, .C M .
Editor of tba “ Called States Service M.r e
With Splendid Steel Portrait*
Lieut. G, it. U.K. GRaVt, Maj. <lrs snr.KM.tV.
“ “ meade, •• » she::;:ian,
“ H -j ORR, W - RAWLMB,
I VoL Se«; rets Pt-e., ttJO.
We are glad to record that a gentleman of *! eTC - or to ma ^ e J° ur readers, b
i r - tic. i. _.®!.*: : hmDerorwrs latft ■nroclamat
. rote tb^Tr whole labor to His haancsi your
' brethren in this city C^i:;ionweMt*
'jf rfKikc this overtnre.
^XLQy-i Uy-I oi IS‘24.—Louisville Courier.
iv again to ,-:-come a citizen of our State. Dr. ! r “ tei1 "Liberal- or “Repu
Crawford is a son of that eminent Southerner?, mtes ant soldiers. I expect you bn
Willi:;'. II. Crawford, who was Secretarv of co f.'" a of ^ ^ directed sole.v a^a nsf
War under Pretident Monroe, aud a c£ntii-‘ robbers and bmdits ; men who stop rstlroU ^
late for the Presideitcv in the memorable ton-1 f*™ » 5 thlt foj
Bepnoucan pnnctples or against the Imperiti
, -j r.J government j): men who drive off mul.
up tae into houses, robi defeaueieaa-
our r-iT A Hichmond paper says: , highway -.
,d, hhd About one hundred aad seventeen cords j t, 0 otjrs. ir. short, »
of w<M>.l/fr in the celebrated Appomattox up- j. t h e > vitals out of
pie tree, uc ter whieh-Geoerul -Lee surrender- 0 f .0. class as those
e.1, lta-rc been distrilrated ovenrthe United
in tht«hupe of titpff boxes, cares, etc.
Complete Stock, Fruit,
<;• a:
In Georgia, with Elegant Improvements,
, tfciat r PHE undersigned offer forsole their beautifully
.vs di- t J- Improved Farm, ol 145 Acres, more or less,
lone tb!rd heavily timbered, eitusted & half mile !
jjfrom the Railroad Depot, in the village of Forsyth, ]
fcionroe county, Georgia.
• THE DWELLING HOUSE » of briek, twosts- j
r safe 1
Auction Sale To-Day.ll
a E at E M B on are
we will* sell this day-—One City Lot, below the
I till a '
; late day,-who
i Italy. It is
ith eight large roome, well liniftieJ, wt j,
' itk D -' pot - stso
'star? form peculiarly T fcl®»hle to ary one ; ^ large lot of Drees Good* by tbe piece,
raise traiua^ve^aw.., ^ 1 ^ : Atio, HamlketeM. f,, Towels,
The Ullage afSards two of the bzst Schools 15 Pins, Buttons, Hoeieffy, Netts,
^ BfsTt, and the society is everything that in- , Belts, Port Monies, and numerous articles not
C *"&e d v^thS12and > flve*hnua r ed doftars. * A: '” f " in F-**mvwly be sold.
... _.■« hundred dollars Cash. Balaare pay*r Merchants wul d- j * .1 to attend the sale, as wc
one and two years, with Interest, nndmort- will- wholesale the articles to lie sold.
•n the property „ . Tenns Cash.
farther«s^ddr», R. B CLAYTON.
Swraanab, Georgia. 1 ieclC It Auctioneer.
Thl* *rork wUI be la every particular treat,
worthy and accurate—writtea by tbs * ‘—1111
General’* lifelong friend, from official dors meats
put exelwleely Into U- Uural-,it ron,»t tan to
meet evary requirement of the pnblic expectation.
The following extracts front the
Prafaratory Latter from tha Author
folly explain the character ud scope of tba woafc:
Lvjiy'l’ UmTzaarrr orPxxrti HUM
I fiiitI 1 Pbiuseltbu, July 1, 18<«. .
Mr Dca r Sir It Is with peculiar plesaurc that
I have undertaken to write the military l>k»^n>^ T
of Lieutenant-Gf utrai Grant, U cauac, isxttig
known him from K bav- bed u.< >»«
ceraive stt’I * and ^ymroetrieal den lf.jre-m**r.* ? Ut*
character, uud linti in bid c »mrdf ; »yd r.-ur^.-d
life not a single point which will n ^airt im to
trim my pen for the purpose of chsrapiooclrip,
extenuation or palliation. Wc were cadets ? >grtto
er, and I now set: lu>w tbe cadet of lvW ctiiiUM
qualities, which only needed fosteriS*; and
tunity to make him the guncrwlL-d.-.o vf Iwid.
T hive great pride in knowing that I uod* rul»
the work, not only with Gen. Grant's ranction,
but with his exclusive promise of every nrirtsw.
j He has directed material and n» .p* to be pa: :ay
hands which cannot otherwise to obtained, and
J he and tbe gentlemen of h:» staff L-t «. offered U>
| an*u cr all questions, an J .supply all I stol!
| moke the work a faithfu historic record,
i - I think I :nay *afrly promioc tbe pnbHc that a!-
I thougli tlic work might baee been better - * y
other liands, they will find, in this vohm.'v »i*e
truth, carefully sifted from tbegrr*? inm* of ma
terial »ystcmatlcally digt-sted. • a ntifically pr*-
Mnied iu a mllitmry point of Tirw, and
od by prejudice of any kh»d whatever-^
“ Ti»e etory of his life
From year to year, the battle*. *legra, fortunra
That he had parsed. *’
which interlink iu iron chain-work the pewr.-fni
i youth with thc stormy, aucccaful, iiiuatrioub maa-
j hood of our “great captain."
j I ain, very aincerely, youra.
j C. B. Ricrardook, E*q.
This .Work it SoM only by Subscription.
- Ex c i waive
docfni etnis offered.
hRDSOJ*. Pab’r.
M0 Browlway, Jk T.