The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 24, 1865, Image 1
THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH. OLD SERIES, NO. 1397.1 MACON. GEORGIA, SUNDAY. DECEMBER 24, 1865. I NEW SERIES, NO. 194. Ck Baito Cdqrallll^ErSk * I ..hi, gatior. will be subject to the same destruction >roduct» 1 this we discover, evidently, the secret . thought which inspired the Mexican expedi- _ ! tion, an expedition which bears flic appear- SL'XRDAT MORNING, DECEMBER 9*. lSta, ance 0 f a temerity withont compensation.and wwswwww^a ) i- "i 1 .»» | which I alone in France Imre seen LAM ARTTSE OX THE I’NITED STATES; the general utility. • wi wnn France ha, not comprehended this expe- AMJMRMru. dition. Why i I trill venture to reply: lie- / cause in the commencement it was neither Knnnsais^nrtmnswaJSSlEl S’&SF&JS.’SSSS MEXICAN POLICA. against the United State, was not to b. ex- , clnivcly French, but European; It wa3 ncc- T1IE SLCHET THOUGHT WHICH consult together, to organize, to agree frankly on a common basis before act- SPHtED THE MEXICAN and tbi / wa3 not dont .. France, accused EXPEDmOX. i of secret intentions, was suspected by Eng- i land and Spain. They believed that she j simply desired to draw her two allies into a “1 am not afraid to say it bohlly. liotwith-1 war of intervention for purely French and stsi.diuff-thr natural opposition which may! interests, instead of .combining slid between the diphaimey of the repnlilie) vrith London and Madrid an armed, dixin- and that of the empire: sgaind interests so ! terestcil and European. policy; and for French, so elevated, *o European, as tlroee we ; this reason they suspected and at last defend in Mexico, there hnn patriotic op- • abandoned France. Bat one of two things (Motion possible. The conception of the . was trno: cither France was sincere and policy in Mexico is a sublime conception, r. i wished to act in the common interest, conception misunderstood. (I shall explain: a nd in this case there ought to have lartheron why,) a conception as just as ne-: | iecn frank explanations in advance, and no realty, as vast si the ocean, as new ss nil I action but alter a diplomatic and military that which is apropos, u conception of n 1 European agreement on an equal footing of statesman, trciunl as the future, a conception , force, which would thus give no motive for •>f safety for America and for the world. complaints of rcticcnco or want of frankness' We most here raise ourselves to a great j against the intervention; or France acting height in order to comprehend the full force I alone, ought to have acted with a force «.f tills policy. The first empire, a purely . worthy of herself, and not commence by military empire, and which sold Louisiana ' planting her protecting flag in Mexico with for apiece of bread to feed its armies, was I a handful of heroic men abandoned by their nevcv capable of a conception which equaled ' anxilarie, and insufficient for theaccomplisli- this. _ ' _ ment of the original conception. The idea of a bold and efficacious position • Io these facta lie the vico of tho enterprise to be taken in Mexico against the usurpation . and the reasons why the people in Franco f the United Stales of America is a now have not comprehended it, why Spain lias suspicions of it, and why England lias aban doned it. France, when her loyalty in the matter is better understood will bring back England and Spain to it, or she will act alone with preponderating forces. Spanish-Ameri ca will thus be protected, the United States will be repressed, Spain and England brought back, and this grand enterprise will turn out the honor of this century io Europe and the honor of France in Spanish-Americn. Official Announcement. THE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT DULY II AT iriEU. Wasotsotox, Dee. 18.—The following of ficial announcement has been promulgated from the State Department: To all to whom these presents may come Greeting: Know ye, that whereas the Con gress of the United States on the first of Feb ruary last, passed a resolution which is in the wordsfollowing, namely: • A resolution submitting to the legislature of the several States a proposition to amend the Constitution of the United States Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep resentatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, two-thirds of both Houses concurring, that the following article be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which, when ratified by tbree-fourtlis of said Legislatures, shall be valid to- all intents and purposes as a part of said Constitution, namely: Article IS, Section 1. Neither slavery nor inrolunrarv servitude, except as punishment lb, OMIWI.I ... irnicmi. mil nnlj llif ... pW7nhj« t I, .' jun.Uc but just idea. Europe haa the right to takn this position; Fnutc* take* the initiative. Let us examine tho right from thia elevated point of view, from whence we distinguish the legitimacy of things, and let ns start from this true but not radical position: The Globe it the property of Man; the new continent, America, is the property of Eu- J-ope. In starting from this principle, which has ; become at this moment a fact, that the Amer ican Continent has become the collective property of mankind, and not the disrupted Union of a single race, without title and without right, at least over Spanish Ameri ca, ami over the Latin race, mother of all rivilization, the principle of the protection of Europe, and of its independence, at least of ths seventeen Republican States of South America, belongs evidently to us and all the powers of tho,old world. Wc must be pre pared for events; wc must protect the Latin race; wo must in the first place, take posi tion at the point menaced by the United , States. Wc must do this, or else wc inu-t declare that the new continent, the property of Eu rope, is to belong entirely in 25 years, per haps. to the armed pioneers who recognize no other titlo for their usurpation than their convenience, and who permit their citizens, like Walker, to raise individually fleets and armies against Cuba,while their Federal gen eral enters in Jibe name of the Union Into .Mexico, and frmi there into all the civilwril capitals of South America 1 • * AVEt, ilicrefon*. should Europe or tli»* Ohl. \T*i/K! rccojjni/i* right* «»f pincy N —A fine statue of the Emperor Trajan is . CONSTITUTION said to have been found while.excavating! T r T? T? a *V" P TT P ucartheVillaLivinia inRomc. . ^ X ^ * —The mamage of theFiTncessAljaandm IODIDE OF POTASSIUM. 1 ' VITH COMPOUND CONCENTRATED buyg was to be celebrated on tho 2d of De- FLUID EXTRACT OF VALUABLE cember at Berlin. 1 MEDICINAL ROOTS AND —M. Renan 3 book on the history of the KERBS. Apostles is to appear in Paris in the middle • PREPARED BY ot January. WILLIAM H. GREGG, M, D. —A Paris letter says that upwards of 20.- j Graduate of the College of Physicians and 000 persons hare left the French capital for Surgeons, Now York | formorly Assist- Vcrsailes, on account of the cholera. antPhysician in the Blackwell’s —The population of Sweden, by the last Island Hospitals, census, was 4,070,061, and that of Stockholm j CONSTITUTION LIFE SVRUP 128,576. has raoDcceo a revolution in medicine. -It uaaid that the Archbishop of Paris j what may •semalmosT^iM. is, that many dis- has become seriously ill inconsequence of lus j mcI hitherto considered hopelessly incureblo are fre- visit to the hospitals. . qurnUy const in a tow day. or ndn; and wo chc.r- ... r , , ,, - , fully invito tho invest ralmas of the ibonl minded and —It IS proposed to organize a lottery lor j scwntillc to cures which have no paralM at lh.prmnt the relief of tho families of those who have i ***1- . i; I r , , . ,j • .pi , i During tha post file years wo hovo-cootondod with died from cholera in Parts. The capita] is to | obotoo e“ and overcome oppooltlon as herculean a. be 4 006,000 francs. were ever encountered by any reformers. S3SB - > RAPiBi rr of cure . " ’* IT" • - , ftamo lay, “Tonrcnreo are too qatelt,* whitea other SIGNIFICANT QUESTION.—The New iovk . doubt tholr ptnuOTc., and thick that dlsooan can Daily New. discusses tho probabilities ot a ! ****** ^ war with France over Mexico, concluding at j hawed JSTb”u io'a.WM o'r%mUbriu£. 1 ‘l“at‘‘.hS follows • ■ from »»y ““sc, down goes one side of the scale, wc have the effects of disease. 'What is requisite, is to re ‘The territory usurped by Maximilian bor j store the normal balance of the scale, deraupon the frontier of the South. The tug CONSTITUTION UFE SYRUP of war would be there. Giving credit to the j I» « positive end specific remedy tor all diseases crigi- Soutliem people for a disposition to sustain | the Government upon any foreign issue, even i <'oiui. then can we expect, can wc demand from; PARALYSIS, them alacrity and earnestness of action while we deDy them the right of representation and briou* toims <1? toSfysis, ”Md™no°Vi wreto make them political outcasts and pariahs, ”■ Ira whom not even the impulse of good inten tions can awaken from the apathy natural to their condition ? Can wo look for good ser vice at arms from a people whom we wilfully wrong, humiliate, degrade and pcraecutoI— j »r«r>»,«*»’• sva,ouiiannuuuo, vanintas. rt. It is not in human nature, and certainly not Thjj t-rainov, «Atr anren, unto able. RHEUMATISM. lauamiK,] tetoaeo, ncsauta, iciitiu, oacr. nraoie- KKaez. tf there is any discas. in wliich Uic Cennnmon Uvi Svacr is * sovereign, It Is in Kl:vuni»:,-.;:i and its kin- drid affections. Th. most intense puns areelcio-t in stantly allcTisted—enormous swa lings arc reduced an attribute of American character, to fight under the rod, to swell with martial enthu3- iasm tinder the frown of oppression. The Republic may shortly need the mailed hand of the South, nerved to nil its strength by a heart eager and devoted in the cause. Let us clasp it now that we may be sure of its will- ing service then.” • that it is emphatically tho Great Life-giving l’n DYSPEPSIA, mnctsrioy, wnoer at STonacn, narcusce, uvra . n.tLvr. wtsr or aVKmr, stnsauTn, rssasi. liTios, aiiLiov-M-r. SCROFULA. sis taint (hereditary end acquired,) ailing lito with s d misery, is, by all luual medical remedies, incur- ATTEXTIOX. COnOX. PLAKTEliS! I OFFER FOR RENT MY PLANTATION, on Hog Creek, th Houston county, containing about MO Acres Good I.iitic LtlltU. About Twelve Handled acres of which D cleared and under good feqee. .- ■ On the Plantation is a good framed DWELLING HOUSE, comfortable framed houses for laborers, two Gin Houses and Screws, and alt otbstr bnild- iuas neceasary for a Plantation. I Win sell on said Plantation to the highest bid der, on WEDNESDAY, THE (SOTp) TWENTIETH ixsv: 20 good Mules, . 70 or 80 head Stock Cattle, 900 or mere Stock Hogs* ISO Meat Hogs, 3000 Bushels Corn, 1000 # * Cotton Sued, for planting, 100 “ Castor Beans, Peas, Rye, Rice, etc., ete. A good sett Smith’s Tools, Plantation Tools of every description. Several good .Wagons, Oco large Syrup Mill, i And every other article usually fixed Plantation, My Agent, Mr. Marshall, on the Plantation, will take pleasnre In showing It. _,ii ■ Perry, Dec. 14. SAMUEL FELDER. dcclS-lOt PAINTING. House, Sign & Ornamental Painting right of protecting aaeh property aa is useful to all, bnl further; the right to expropriate with in.linniiv the right of nil States and individuals In things useful to all 1 Thia principle i>f the protection of interests useful to all which applies to a commune, does it apply with less right to a continent entire t Evidently not We do not say:— Expropriate the United States of Spanish America: their proper organic anarchy will lit.n. Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legisla tion. And whereas it appears from olllcial docu ments, on file in this Department, that the amendment to the Constitution of the United States, proposed as aforesaid, has been ratified by the legislatures of the States of Illinois, Rhode Island, Michigan, Maryland, New expropriate them -i.fficie.iliy 1 M»jr j y ^ Wert Virginia, Maine, Kansas,'.Massa- Europ. has the right, ^[ ctwetta, Pennsylvania, Vi^inia, Ohio. Mis- gation. ol not gitint. v .r i souri, Nevada, Indiana. I.oni-iana, Minnesota, raceM-nni-h«w d» MM*bwhst.U wta ^,i v ’ crmont . Tennessee Arkansas r arc ‘{?. wMh nnd ° f i ttn “ ^ m * n \»S«rc tWrttteslitr. ramd possessions, And - wher,>as ,he whoI *‘ »" mUr of St «jg Cases, chronic, or *ica lou-, of tirent j^or forty vein’ ?t;inuing, i.avc been rnred by or. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP j Fury tho «yWBtn^entirc^,^from all tho cril eflecta of C«lomel is suro to prodaco It hardens SponryOumV, anf» recures tho Teeth as firmly as ever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Eradicates root and branch, nli Eruptiro Diies«es ot tho Skin, like \ ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, And nil other difficulties of thia kind, which so much disfigure tho outward appearance of both males and females,often making them a dugusting object to them- se ves and their friends. FOR ALL FORMS OF ULCERATIVE DISEASES ' Either of tha Nose, Throat, Tongue, Spine, Forehead ; or fccaljvno remedy has ever provodita equa. Moth Patches upon tho female face, depending upen • a dueased action of the LIrer, aro very unp earant to the young wife and mother. A far bottlea of Coxstitc- j ttox Lux Steot trill correct the accretion and remove t tho deposit, which is directly nndor tho skin. Diseases of the Liver, Klvfng riso to Languor, Diui- ; ness, Indigestion, Weak Stomach, or an u ceratod or | cancerous condition of that organ, accompanied with burning or other unpleasant symptoms, will be relieved j by the use of CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. * As a General Blood-Purifying Agent, tho Lire Sraur stands unrivalled by my preparation in the world. THE RICH AND POOR notice Tt^iwsaawiJaasss: :^a»tf..aaaa dred (2300) aerre—fourteen hundred (1400) clear ed—will bring trout 1000 to 1200 lb>. Seed Cotton per acre. Two Settlements on the place—well improved; two Gin Houses; two Cotton Screws; with Grain Thrash and Fans; eight good Negro Houses on one place, nud lire ou the other. Una hundred acres small grain sowed. The Plantation well watered and In n healthy locality. There is to sell on the setlletaeut, If rented— 21 head Mulea and Horsts, 5 fine Milch Cows, . . 12 head’Dry Cattle, 100 " Stock "Hogs, 35 *• Fork “ 1,000 bushels Corn, 1,200 “ Cotton Seed, 10,000 lbs. Fodder, 1 set Blacksmith Tools, Plows and Plow Gear, 1 Six-Horse TYagon and Harness, 1 yoke large Oxen and Wagon. There are twelve grown Negroes on the place that can be employed—ouir a No. 1 Blacksmith. '■JPJEBC.lWHiifi Will he on the market until the tirst of January, 15C4, it not disposed of before that time. For information address - — w,. I.^JARREEL: . . Lumpkin, Stcwart«o.,Ga. 1 toUoawhesieetedln'roathrcxTsSij^'ndo'Ir'y'dMlV ■li'cO taant (care Chambevlin & Boynton.) tho re»« t. Dn not delay n hen the means are s« ne r . -— — (at band* and within tijo reach of a!!. E. M. BROWN, of nil l’URE blood lAaduaksinahhy nteUaad wunen; uitl tf «!•■» cbujia in the Unitetl States is thirty-six: and, where as the before specially named Btatec whose legislatures bare ratified tho said proposed amendment constitute three fourths of the the necessities of mankind at large that tile (Kilicy of the Old World cannot and ought not to Is- delivered up to the tnerey of the United States of Englidi Atncriea These world, sUte Ol nTiiUMiuii um* iu out nvmciii u» ca- i , c*-*^a ka, ' j • rhangewliichrenilere to all mo^yedlpdd j JSS Stion of the act of Congress, ap “ ^”7° ' T f ^ | proved the 20th of April, 1818, entitled ”an are turn. ' act to provide for the publication ol the laws in tfra aeeond |dwe, the f<»d of tbe OM ofthe United States, aid for other purposes,” n grid—the wheat, flour, corn potatoes <(n <]o _ ccrtif thM the amTOd ^ en t aforc- whtclt people sub#* and of which the priya- ^ h ccome % aUd toaU intent3 an d pur- t.onintheyearsoffam.u-.. might proiluee tn a part c f the Constitution of the Europe incucnUhle calamities and states tionsof (Hqiuiations. ,. , Intestimonv, whereof, I have herewith set In the third place the Marfricawbjch m , land and - caused tb ' c reaI of thc Dopart . have hcOMMMl tne last tew years cspecially.l.) . ^ of State to bcaffixed. U,e salaries they assure to at least forty mil- Done Rt , he cit ot WasllinRtOD . t hi, cigh- hoos of workmen cotton, the v^table and : teenthd fDec - em , in ^ vc „ of » ur mdtspennhlc of wages and of «oi»d dgi horatad andMxty- '“ IP - ■ five; and of thc Independence ot the United Inline, commerce, which compels ns to I States of America, the ninetieth, maimain a navy and sailors, a floating (>opu-1 Wn. H. SfiwABD, lation, incalculahle as a number of men led , Sec’ry of State. under sails, still more incalculable as a ele-l **- »-. ment of our national power. To permit the Foreign Gossip. United States to_ renew the folly ot the first —Details relative t>,- /explosion of tho empire, to establish an anti-European block-. powder magazine of Fou.ncax, at Mount Ce- ade, no longer on their ports alone, but on n ( 5 tunnel, ,/av that the supply was kept it) a the world, as they have just proclaimed it, is large building where mining "cartridjreG.Were no longer a poltroonery, itis to accept what. made _ Not less than 6730 lbiof such prepa- Ncw York offers is to abdicate naviga- _ ra tior,s existed on the premises at thc time, tion, commerce, cotton, tree trade, the marine j a3 well as 5500 lbs. of gunpowder in barrels, of the Old Wool, is not to live but on thc j Nothing is known, or probably ever can be death ot life. i known, of the cause of the accident. Besides Thus who does cot Know that the grain of. the four men blown to pieces, a workman America, of the valley of thc Mississippi es-: who happened to be in the neighborhood pcciailv, does not constitute thc world’s gran- was killed instantaneously, and another was ary in case of famine, as Sicily was the gran-; so terrified that he sank down on the railway aryofthe Romans tYho doer- not know constructed for the use of the tannel, and was that the monetary capital of the universe is run over by a wagon filled with rubbish, in the immense mines of Mexico, antf Peru, Many persons were also injured by the frag- and Sonora, and that these mines, given up menu blown about, but net dangerously, to their natural productiveness by a good The noise of the explosion wa3 dearly heard system of drainage, will place all tli» capital at St. Michael, a distance of ten miles, in gold and silver of the universe in the —The Pa trie says that the occupation of hands of the United States, masters of the Rome hv France since 1849 ha? cost the two America? i YTho does not know that tha • country 5*6,600,OOOf. tnsster of capital is the master of interest, —A priest named Watsel expired sudden- and that Europe, delivered up to this conn- lT ia lht pu j pit at Krtii> in Bohemia, while wyo: mccopoues W1.1 -a lorevti subject to: • eajjjjtg He had just uttered the words, •• : derpc’UK:. " hod-wsnot know that.mas *T Ttv thereisa hell when he fell down tv :.ra ot pnee of gold and silver, they will and all efforts to restore animation e c-t=tcrr also rt our most nta! industries. wert ucarUing and that tteir coalition already organized Clp!aLa H «strout. a Swede, has in- our industry m «lks, vh:cL nnU 1 - f - - - - O FPO SITE THE L .1XIE t! UO USE, VTTOULD Invite tS.c attention of his customers ; Y t and the public generally, to hi« iarife aud tvril (‘t-leclnl stock of Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods, j Which he offers at very small Advance on Cost. i TJIE HTOCi: CONSISTS IX PART OF i Bieadied Domestic^. Drown Domestics, Prints, j Ginghams, French and English Merinoa, Alpacas, Mohair, Poplins. Thvbets, < >pem un<l Fancy Flannels. De laines, Silks in great varie ty, Linens of all grades. ll'Wski rU of all 3izt$ and Tialmnral Skirtt | Superior male andjinish. Your special attention U called to luv j CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT, warns roit mu. rise xnn lxtzst sttu:*. As also the NOVYBAXTE LADIES' DATS, j A BEAtJTXFCL AUTICLC. \ Splendid assortment of Dress Trimmings, j Perfumery, Soaps and other Toilet ! Articles, Veils. White and Fancy Goods, Gloves. * &C-, Ac., Ac. Grmlemea will Sml a good assort meat of GEN TLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, a large lotot Pocket Knives, tho hfehionablc Rug or.Fancy Blanket Satchels, and < verythingelse belonging to this line. To those who haven - ” traded with me In former days I can only say, gtv i.s a trial, while I nm •atlsfled that my old customer* have hut to. read this totnssre me theirrenewed visits. Respectfully, E. M. BROWN, nov15-3m Opposite the I-anier House. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP POOR HAN’S FRIEND. AND TR] MAN’S BLESSING. WILLIAM H. GREGG, M. Sole Proprietor, Now York. MORGAN & ALLEN, -» Wholesale Drngxists. A as lit*. OOTZbSm 40 C;il! street, New York. crTffTn & CO., 5S & 60 Courtland Street, NEW YORK. Manufacturer* of AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS, anil MACHINES. DEALERS IN SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS. jsgT Tkjldb Srpplied. Send lor circular. novlA-Sra Law Cai'd. THOMAS C. JOHNSON, LAfE OP ST. LOUIS, M890URL Attorney at Law. Claim'and Real Estate Agent So. W Market et.,(upstairs.) — with three roller.-. iUoffy (bund ooaxrell GRAINING, MARBLING, GILDING, GLAZING, , ■ PAPER HANGING AC. I luting on hand all the necessary material to carry on the hu^aess, we are prepared to give sat isfaction, both In execution aud prioes, to all who may lavor ua with their orders. tt c will also keep on hand and for sale, mixed Paints of every description. VARNISII, OIL, « SP3. TURPENTINE, BROWN JAPAN, PUTTY, SANDPAPER. , , , BRUSHES, Ac., Ac. Orders from the country promptly attended to. DRURY & TRIPOP, '•for Roberts, Dunlap A Co.,Cherry at, aug 12-12m* Macon, Ga. KErEHEXCES: W. B. Johnston, N. IL Beal, J. II. Zellln & Co., B. A. Wise, OlaylondA Dumblc, Leroy Napier, W. A Hu8. llEN'nV YONOE. JAMES TONGS. (From Georpra.) HENRY YONGE & CO., I C O JfMI SSI-OW HER CHA. .Y TA So. 11, Broad Street, Xoxv York, QOLIC1T consignments of Cotton an other O articles, and orders for purchase of Good A REFERENCES: Charles Day, Esq., T. R. Bloom, Esq., -I. C. Plant, Esq., Macon, Georgia; Messrs. Phinizy' Jc Clayton, Augusta. They have liad large expericuco in pur chasing Railroad Scprues of all descrip tions aud solicit orders from Railroad Com panies. navll-fim- For Sale. A RESIDENCE with a lot of three (3) or more acres, in a choice part ot tho town of Fort Valley. With it are all the necessary outbuildings. I will sell the entire property for Two Thoumud (3,000) dollars—mneh Teas than Its value. Apply to M. L. GREEN In my absence. ; 3-AaCH A. IV. PERSONS., Christmas! Christmas! Christmas FOR THE LADIES. j Another lot of FINE. FURS-!! Just received. Alto _ , WATER FALL HOODS! T ADIES, wc Invite you to call at T. W. Iraa- l i man’s and examine oar stock or fttrs. We will take great pleasure to allowing them. We also invite an examination of the Water Fall Hood. —the matt comfortable had dtess for winter. : dec!5-2w. P- 8UAW A CO. Journal A Messenger copy. Boyd & Gordon, WUOLESALF.AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, CIIEBIIY 8T., TWO DOORS DI5I.OW TKI.RORAF1I BUILDING. H AVE constantly on hind for Mle « fintrcl«a» stock of PURE DRUGS. ‘ MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, LIQUORS. GLASSWARE, WINES, FANCY ARTICLES, ETC. MIX & KIRTLAND NO. S COTTON AVENUE. WHOLESALE .f RET All DEALERS TK BOOTS, and- SHOES, GfcBTLUUESS', Boys*'and Cim.cnunr’ Boots and 6Boe«, of thr beet 4r.scri|-tton *nd the Ietei\ *tylot, irhitfi they offer as cheap m thfiy can be bco-jlit hi tL tntrket. Tho attention or MERCHANTS !i i inwlilli culled,to their JOBBING DEPARTMENT. , * Thanking tlielrfrieudn for put luxors, thcr re spectfully solicit m continuance of tlie f-ame. dec 17-lmd-4tw* EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMEHTS. Plantation for *Rent, 1,250 _A.c?res. 1 1 A A ACRES cleared land, which will pro- ,AVV/ duce Five Hundred Bales of Cot ton with ordinary cultivation. There will also be sold fo the party who rents tho place: SO First-class Mnles, ' ' * 5,000 bushels Corn, 4,000 “ Cotton Seed, 11 Mares and Colts, 50 head Cattle, . 31 “ Sheep, SO MUch Cows, 225 head Hogs, 100 of which *r« ready for killing*- 25,000 lbs. Fodder, i,«W1ds. Iron, — :i v-_ *<. , 28 acres Sugar Cane, whlchwlll produce 123 barrels of caoo ayrnp, 3 Iroa Sugar Mills, and 0 Boiler;, Iran Gin and Gin Belting, Plantation Tools, Plongbs, Axes, Hoes, Plough Stocks, Four Wagons. 900 bushels 8weet Potatoes, and- 1000 “ Ground Peas In lbs ground, from which at least 1500 dollare can be realized, will be given to the renter. The above described stock wIU bo sold to ibe lessee at sneh low rates, tlfat tho eels »f tho half of it will pay the rent of the farm and- the whole amonnt of the purchase ot tho stock. The plantation Is situated lire miles fnom Albany, Donghcrtycoanty, on Newton Road; has a good D wellingHonsc, with tlx rooms, vegetable garden, good stables, houses enough for workorson plan tation. The.plantatlon 1* complete lu every re spect, and has abont 100 freedmen on it. who wlil ptobtbly be willing to remain and work it. For price and further partlcnlare appiv to E. G. WILLINGHAM, ojtheplantatlon, cr NEWTON A LAWTON, Third st, Macon, Ga., next door to Hardeman A Sparks’ Warehouse. de«2®-tJanl Merchants, Physicians and Citizens, Arc rcspectlully solicited to rail and examine our stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere, at tee art ddermhud not loin unilertold. N. B. Special attention paid to Vmtaommox* and OltDEUS. BOYD A GORDON, dec 16-lm FOR SALE. One of the Most Valuable Complete Stock, Fruit, AND GARDEN FARMS, In Georgia, with Elegant Improvements. T HE undersigned offer for sale their Ixumtlfully Improved Farm, ot 145 Acres, more or leas, one third heavily timbered, situated a half mile from the Railroad Depot, In the Tillage of Fonyth, Monroe county, Georgia. THE DWELLING HOUSE D of hrlek, two sto ries, with eight largo rooms, well finished, and lronta on tho Railroad. Its proximity to the vil lage offers the very best facilities for school-and church privileges, whilstthc distance from Macon, renders the farm peculiarly valuable to any ono who would wish to do business In that city; »r raise traits and vegetables for t hat market. The village affords two of thc bzst Schools IX tuk Stxte, and the society is everything that In telligence and refinement could ask, PBict—Seven thousand fire hundred dollar*. Twenty-five hundred dollars Cash. Balance paya ble in one end two year;, with interest, and mort gage on For farther partlenhirs address, ERWIN & HARDEE, dccl5-lm Savannah, Georgia. Mcdlcul Notice. H AVING permanently located tn the dty of Macon, I offer my profesalonal service, to th* citizen. In the practice of Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics; having had eighteen (IS) Tear* expert cnee In thc treatment of disease* peculiar to the Sontli. Office In Balaton's bnitdlng on Third street, over Newton A Lawton’s, next to Hardeman .Y Spirit’. d«cl2-lm» C. B. I.EtTNER. M. 1> RIDGUI.Y, SQI’IER At <X>„ .toms Frill octK-S ' Montgomerr. Ala. Office or Emi-ijik Ikon AC'oxl Miximo Co.,) Macon, Ga., 2Sttt Nov. 1SC5. f Stockholders whoso Shares are not fall paid, are hereby notified to pay an Installment of Thirty per cent on their Shares on or before 1st January next, and afurther Installment of Thirty per cent on or before 1st April, 1866. By order of thc Board of Directors. ED. L. STROHECKER, nov29-dlw-lawtlstapril President. THE GEM. W. THOMAS A CO. -n vented a new sort of needle-gun, which is to mnuiir, Tt their industry in cotton.. will rein Lyous. tLe the Praiiian n^dle altogether. It! mil ropttal.i Gasan, and second eapitsl of ... in B minate . an .l dScs not eet ** T HE. MAMMOTH i)RY GOODS STORE! Latest Arrivals from the East. rtpUE andertlgurd, old cUinma of Macon, beg X leave, la inianaing our old Southern lifted* cl thi. city acd vicinity,, that, having received a very large lot of DRY GOODS—consisting in La dle*’ Fancy Dress Goads of nil descriptious, Black and Fancy Silks, a large asiortmcut ot Notions and Ladies’ Dress cad Cioak Trimmings la geuerul; Cue White Linen in huge quantities; a good line ol fine French aud English Siawir; foe latest style ol Plain and Fancyikilmorui Skirts; Ladies’ Traveling Bags, all styles aud sizes; Ladies’ and Muses’ Vests and Pants; and a fail lice cl Ladies’ Shoes—huger than any other house la Macon. Wc are also iu receipt of a very huge and. well selected stock of Gents’ Ready-made Clothing, such as f ne black Broadcloth Coils, black Doeskin Pants, Pitta nadrancy-Silk Vests, CauimcruSaits, coarse Satinet Salts, sad a regular line of Gents' Fcrniiidnz Goods no: tarpaste'.tc tn New York Ci-V. We are offering to the public to sell ail goods with a very small advance, and, In But, lower than any hocse in Macon. . — htanainz in connection with a Urge wholesale Jobbing house in the Eait, we can, therefore, give th# Abore We weald. In conclusion, farther call attention ; nsairxs 1 ! SADDLES AND HARNESS. our long experience in this mrrkrthas qualified ua to judge as to the wants of the purchasing cons- " The polroncxc cf ril our o’.d friends, at E. Hste fitted tip the GEM la elegant style with new furniture. They have a splendid BAR, well stocked with the best Llqacrs, Cigar*, Tobacco, Ac. Tbclr fine stock or Wines, in bottles, will he aold at thu most reasonable pricee tn the market ' THE EAT LEG DEPARTMENT Offers to tho public the finest Bill of Fare In the market. Thc belt York river Oysters are always kept on hand, Ireeh, and can be had in any quantity, at the lowest market rates. Families can be anpnllcd In any quantity and without delay. 2. W. THOMAS A Co., Gem Saloon, under Floyd House, aovSFSm Macon, Georgia. Saddles and Harness. Little, Smith & Co., Cherry tL, between Cottcn Arctiae end Second ft Mesos, Gi UQ *hot3 in a ruinate, and doc? cot get ion! after a hundred shot?. It k&3 been ac- Who do«a uot jll./w that in dcprWog u\ cepted by the Swedish Govemmeiit, and isto or in depriving themselves, hy thc extinction be introduced into the army. »>f the South, ot the element of this industrs - —•j^ ie Government ha5 lorbiddeL : *:i cotton, they will continue to fitarvu t ^ e in Ru»ia of the tov called -Pha t- they Lave already starved, eigl.’. m.llione Serpent*- by any pereons but those ; workmen of France, m *re than that J» * 4 ho are atuborized to sell poisons, on tho wwrtMlyiMlc- .»srchasera sUouId be particular to find our place—Dinar's Block, Second street, three door* trom Boardnun’s Book Store. P. 3.—Country merchsnu will find it to their sdvacue* to rive ns a calL : CtS-5 m GLASER A ROSIN SADDLE AND HARNESS HARDWARE, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, LEATHER OF ALL KINDS, SHOE FINDINGS, CALF SKINS. Havneta mannfiintnred to order. decl-Lm •la Wjsrzex Omen. I Maccx, Go., Dec. J, 1865. f i-nglanJ. live million* in Au-tri*. an.l ihui oround iat the gases produced ca liehtinit ''pHE ANNUAL etethen icr Preaidcnt and DI-, A lake Europe r.y Umine at .very caprioj ot i f he itlmt U, the vapor of quick- A “ ♦heir arMimry interest* t VS h.. does do* w «ninhorir *tia- carbonic arid • *' ~ ** * e rtirfinv u*i ... , , , stiver, sulphuric acid gas, carbonic acid cat j snow in une. that ear commerce and navi- nitric Acid gas) in poteouotn. miLo S. FREEMAN*. Sacretary andTrataorol 3,000 GALLONS ^'oARTED WhNky, Just received and for ail. T la. W. Hasdai, Whclesel’j Retell 6roc»r, Third ttrset, nad Balstoa?* H*Ji, Mccen, 61- i:©v*jc-d I rc fc CARHART, WHITFORI> Sc €0. f MANUFATUHEH3 AND WHOLESALE BOUT.BUS IN READY-MADB CTOTHE3TG, 331 A 833 Broadway, Corner Worth St, N. Y. T. r. OARHAST, HENKT S HATE It, war. h. whUttoio), j. b. van wAaryES, A. T. HAMI1HON. 3T Office of Payta & Gerhart in liquidation. POTl4-eodCpi For Sale—A House and Lot. A ROUSE and Lot on the. Houston road for sale, consisting of a Cottcge with aix rooms, 29 acres of land and necessary out buildings near the city limits. Apply to me. dec9 „ A. A. LOCHRANE. T. O. RIDOELT. . U. L. SQCISR. H. T. WABBEX. RIDGELY, SQUIER & GO., COTTON FACTORS,GENERALPRODUCE AND COMMISSION 3IERCHANT3. Lanier House Building, MACON, GEORGIA . BETEBENCE3: T. R. Bloom, E. WCcox, Gen. J. T. Croxtom Maco% Ga. Ilolmee & Patterson, 1 Hopkir s & Bfo. New York. C. W. Bruner. Savannah. Tucker Sc Co., Louisville. oct27-Sm. ’ - DODDS, MACNKALS & DR BAN’S, # CELEBRATED Fire iimi Burglar Proof ■ Safes. Bank Locks, &c. rpiIEsE SAFES AND LOCKS have been Ui»r- JL onghlT tested and their reputation D ta<-h that the Tuasctiv Dimrsisr at Washitgton and New York city use them In preference to any other. They are Made ezelativc’.T ot Iren and steel, thus rendering them entirety FIRE AND DAMP PROOF. Tint Eureka and Excelsior Earn. Locks, For Vaults, Express Boxes, Ba'.kersdh.welters, and Merchant*, ere unrivalled, and reofie* derivtng Bach articles will find it greatly to the» Interest So purchase from ns, a* we can sell at manalactann’ prices, freight only added, nov ll-Sm RIDGELY,f-.. UIERdtCO. Public Sale of "Valuable COTTON LANDS. WILL BE SOLD, BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER from tho Court of Ordinary, of Dougherty County, and nnder an agreement of ell the lioira at Law, of the estate of THOS. H. MOUGHON, deceased, ou the 1st Tnesday In January next, (the Sdinst,) be fore the Coart House door In Albany, Ga, alt the ng to the estate ot Thus. H. as follows: Real Estate, beloi Monghon, THE HOME PLACE, About one thousand (1000) acres, well Improved, about aix hundred (OCO) acres in cultivation. All Oak and Hickory land. LEE PLACE, About twelve hundred and filly (1250) acres.— Eight hundred acres lu cultivation. Welt improv ed. All Oak and Hickory Land. BYRON PLACE, About twenty-five haDdred acres. Well Improv ed. Fanrtecn hundred acres in cultivation. All Oak and Hickory Land. ROYSTON PLACE, Abont twenty-two hundred acre*. Well Improv ed. Twelve hundred and fifty acres to cultivation. All Oak and Hickory Land. Txaxs—One-half Cash. Balance in one and two years, with interest and Mortgage on Land to as cii rc Notes. Also, commencing ou the third (3) of January, will be told on each place, an ample amonnt of Peritbahla Property, constating ol 'Mules, Corn, Fodder, Hog*, Cattle, Plantation Tools, etc., etc. The terms of sale of Perishable Property, CASH, and tuc aale to continue from daV to day until all is sold. JOSEPH A. DAVIS, Adra’ r. Albany, Ga., Dec. 10—2w. Tnos. It. Mocoaox. Houses for Sale Lumpkin, Ciforgln, / ONOCMY.J (3ECCRIT Y Insurance, T M. BOARDMANla Agent forth* fallowing t) • reliable Inusanca Cexrtnu. T1IE LOR1LLARDFIRE INSURANCE CO, or ran CTVT or n> TOOK. Cs*b Capital *1.008,00; Assets a, -nov ProflU annually divided, 75 per c'.. to th* dealers ThJ* Company dDWaa thre* quartos of tha MS fcoeutqMmpoacykrij.nihl aerip. Ua.Ag ire ttrest, wiuout «oy liability to lb« lUAored. CfiRLIBLE NORWOOD. Flea. Jornt C. Man, 8k NORTH AMERICA FIRE INSURANCE CO., or nm cttt or in Iona. Caah Aaaeta t7Z1.0*S M Policy Holden participate la the Profita. R. W. Barren COMMONWEALTH FIRE INSURANCE CO. or Ton crt or nw tons. Caah Capital J. IIOXIE, 1 Gio. T. Haws, See. SOUTHERN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO or atuxxa, csonata. This old and Bgacgrun.r *TniifnTm with iU Captul la Ueqeontlpatca to take Ab« tha same liberal tanas as herc'nfur-. AEBuitY HALL, Pros. AuowCaaax, See. THE GEORGIA HOMEfTeE INSURANCE CO, Capital... „ " „ J AS. i\ BOZtMAN, h* D. F. Wiloox, Sec. Risks on Cotton. Merchandise FtrnRare or BaUdlnga, taken in either of the afeov* Coasuir* at tho most liberal rats*. Lccw prorapfiy ad oetaxam - J. MJKMRDIU. - .’, Agra:. «. W. tock, I a. a. una Cliri-tlar, Co. I ijtewitbPbeln Tuck, U tvi. , Wholesale tl furor- ■|j^» im 522 Main Vpttluchlcula, E’lovidit. /T Kmtb B EING dtslrou* of chac^iag tay l-.-atiea and , businese, 1 offer for tale la Lumpkin, Ga, a lot oft ucref, on which there la firat rite dwel ling bout;, containing 7 room., and aR the aecea- cary outbuildings, which are in good repair. The' property will bo soldfor Greenback*,orexchargtd SOUttH’-PH lihb’.’Ktr ■ |t,l, - 1r.1ri.1H lor Cotton at iha market price on tlae car o! -ala. j I will into veil two lots la Apalachxols, on .... . . . whica there are good dwelling b..‘t, an! tub- ' ontbulldiDgr, and a* Apalachicola will certiinly rank as oua of the drit s--apor*‘ hreupb. 1 In tar’ Lunqaest’s New PhotogTapbic GALLERY. jKiSW, ftom New Ycrt. I ^ ’ three mocth'. . > r _mtmeralo tbccx in the future. Am • r: • working fin tiM best Gailerlc-i la Brooldva end Tbose dcfrlrou-; to purcliai«« the proptrt. .o latest improve-^. Aia«Reblcoli, ^111 t<2d:u*s E. M. Bruce, Morgan A xnentaBndfitjles in FbotogrApby, I now tODsi'ler oftbit fiUcc. fc”i for the Lumpkin prop :rfr ru} self ompetent to compete Bitb tbc best Gal icr/ ' to F B Serinour, tt thkt -kortL Tuose litfiisr pictures -with artUtij C B SEYMOLK merit-will do Trell to call aud examine specimen*. ? decl ^ 3w of my work before Laving pictures taken elsewhere I will be assisted by my father, JoLn M. Ltnqacsi Superior work doue snd as <keap as any other Caller, In tbe city. Entrance on Cotton Avenue, next toE. P. John ston & Co’s Jewelry store. dec!9-lw* ' M. J. LUKQUEST. The Boston Post, for 1866, ;ESTABLISHED NEARLY FOETY YEARS, j Alb- . .. Cut:.’.crt it.. tCnfacla at... Tat i'.o.: goods COC.C ’ t 0. H ASttlwayi been cun oi tneieoailng newspaptr% j of New England and oua of the »*• r xi^:C3<s f COMMIS3JCT liy Increased enterprise In fcnjiahlag a ji'.c and readAble-aVrics-paper, and by the regent red at.Uon in price, tbe circulation ot tbc Boston Post ha* beeu largely incrcaacJ. ToAdvenisera ft* papers can off^r etjnal advar BLACK CLOTH & CASSIHBKB CLOAKS. surpassing in style any yet offered j PLAID POPLINS, _ BLACK REP SILKS, ] #f Si j Btuiness Cards asd 31 erotalUe Advert COLORED REP SILKS 1 ,sl '- ;t<d r ’ om 3011111 ‘ r,d " ' 1 ' SJncrlctt-jn Terns: BOMBAZINES AND ALPACAS, FIGURED DELAINES, w SEA ISLA27D H03IESPUN, Ac. * To be brief; my stock Is now complete, and 1 lu •. tie tbe public to come and inspect- No boa* c can or shall aadereeU me. So. reader, think of that ! before yon make yoar purchases. decO S. T. COLEMAN'. Boston Port, Daily.WO perc r-mi-Weekly.... 4 Weekly 3 - 2ST"t>pectrs«n copies Sent on applicati BEATS. GUKEHI & CO., PublL * * 40 and 43 Congraireei, Besto d *012-20