Newspaper Page Text
Beware! —Notes of the Bank of Hunts
ville, of the denomination of three dol
lars, of the new issue, dated 19th Jul\
last, Le Roy Pope, Pres. Win. G. Hill,
Cash’r, favor of S. D. Morgan, have been
discovered within a few days, altered f
fifty dollars —they are well executed. The
public would do well to look sharp,
[Alabama Repub.
Savannah, March 10.
The pirates who have been confined in
Chatham County Jail since the summer of
1821, viz, :—Pierro Morraux, Thomas Hal
son, John Lloyd, Robt.Vassels, John White,
Solomon Ludowick, and George Tucker,
have received a pardon from the President
of the United States which arrived on Tues
day evening. There were originally eight
of these men, on hoard the smack Hiram,
which put into this port in 1821, under the
character of a wrecker ; but on board of
which were found sundry articles,which led
to their arrest and subsequent conviction.
They were sentenced to be hung in April
1822, but were respited during the pleasure
* One of them John Mar
toce die, in prison. Some of them we
mb stood at the time of their trial, were
men d'fa.mily They are to leave the Uni
ted States to ife.
- oCEQ ~~
f xh'act 0/ a letter received at N.Y. dated ;
■ St. IPulhjbmews, Feb. Bth. —l pre
ss jou have heard that the French gov
, .cut V s made a demand on the Vene
vi !au g< eminent at Puerto Cabello, for
jropeity captured and carried into that
;iud coiideinaed under their flag, and
licit the said place is declared by them in a
• rate of blockade, (until it is given up)
by a frigate, 2 brigs and a schooner. A74
is waiting the result at St. Pierres, Mar
' li. jue, ready to go, in case the demand
shall not be complied with, and detain all
Colombian property until full satisfaction is
obtained. We have a Colombian vessel or
privateer which arrived here on the 6th inst.
from Laguna, and brings news for your gov
ernment. I understand they permit neu
tral vessels to come out, but not to go in.”
Bogota, Sept. 18, 1824.
Sir—The prohibitory laws and decrees of
Colombia, against the importation of certain
articles into this country appearing to be im
perfectly understood, and some British mer
chants having recently fallen into a miscon
ception of the one relative to sugar, from
its not being sufficiently explicit, I beg to
transmit to you a list of the articles prohib
ited, with the respective penalties attached
to the violation of the laws, for the guidance
of merchants embarking in the trade of Co
lombia, and for the purpose of obviating the
recurrence of a misunderstanding, out of
which, under the most favorable circum
stances, it is difficult for persons to disem
barrass themselves, without considerable de
lay and inconvenience.
11. B. M. Consul-General.
John Bennett, Esq. Sec’ry at Lloyd’s
Articles Prohibited,
..By law of the Congress of Sept. 27, 1821
—Coffee, Cocoa, Indigo, Sugars,* MoLses
.—under the penalty of the confiscation of
the vessel and cargo.
By decree of the executive of January 20,
1823—A1l productions and manufactures
of Spain, or her dependencies, after being
warned oft’, under the penalty of the con
demnation of the vessel, and destruction of
the cargo.
By law of the Congress of July, 4, 1823
—Gunpowder, Tobacco, whether in leaf,
segars, snuff or rappee, under the penalty
of confiscation of the articles and the ves-
I s'el, or the whole, or any other part of the
cargo, if belonging to the proprietor of the
contraband articles.
By law' of the Congress of August 2,182 S
—Foreign spirits, extracted from the sugar
cane, nr their compounds, under penalty
of the confiscation of the vessel and spirits.
By law of the Congress of July, 8, 1824
—Foreign salt, under the penalty of confis
cation of the vessel and salt.
* The term “ snsjar” is here considered to imply the raw ma
terial, aa well as every denomination of refined sugars
A friend in the West India Squadron ha?
favored the Editors of the National Intelh
gencer with the following copies of a lettei
addressed by Com. Poster to the Governor
iofCuba, on the eve of his departure from
that station, with the Governor’s Reply.
The tone of this reply does not indicate any
unfavorable impression on the mind of Gene
ral Vives, produced by the affair of Faxar
do, which must have been well known to
at him the time of writing the reply :
U. S. Steam Galliot Sea Gull, }
Havana, January 20th, 1«25, $
Your Excellency : Expecting soon to re
turn to the United States, and intending to
retire from the command of the United
States’ vessels on this station, I embrace
this opportunity to offer to your Excellency,
on the part of my Government, my sincere
thanks for the many facilities and accommo
dation, the good understanding, and co-ope
ration, I have found, through your means
among the authorities on every part of the
coast ot Cuba, in effecting the suppression of
Piracy, and in bringing to punishment those
enemies of the human race, who have so loin*
nfested those seas.
Permit me, also, on my own part, to ex
press to you the satisfaction I have enjoyeu
- in acting in conjunction with the authorities
- >1 Cuba, to effect this common object and to
■ iffer to your Excellency assurances of the
. ugliest respect and consideration.
i I have the honour to be, your Excellency’s
very obedient servant, *1). PORTER,
c so His Excellency Don Diunisio Vives,
Capl. General of the Island of Cuba, fc.
Havana, 22 d January,
j I have been very much gratified by the
reception of your favor of the 20th instant,
thanking me, in the name of your Govern
ment, tor the assistance, good understand
’ ing, and co-operation, that you have met
’ with on the part ot the local authorities of
this Island, in giving aid to the suppression
j. of Piracy, by means of my orders, and bring
ing to condign punishment the enemies of
| every civilized nation.
(• As a principle which governs me, and, at
j the same time, as a duty which I owe to the
reiterated orders of my Government, which
j are in strict accordance with the laws of
5 nature, and the rights of man, I have not
' ceased, nor will I cease, until I fulfil every
, order on so important an object, as far as
' depends on my abilities.
I regret, very sensibly, that you are a
bout to retire from the command of the Uni
ted States’ forces in these seas, not only from
the able maimer in which you have dischar
ged the important duties which have been
.confided to you, but from the just considera
tions with which you have always respected
|the territorial rights of the Island of Cuba.
Permit me Sir, to offer you my acknowledg
ements, and to avail myself of this occasion
I to confirm the assurances of my high conside
ration and esteem. God preserve you many
1 years. D. VIVES. '
To Coin. David Porter.
I Milledgeville, March 1, 1825.
1 Intelligence has been received in regard
• to Mr. White, the Engineer whose servi
p ccs have been engaged by Governor Troup,
• from which we are warranted in saying that
■ he is now on his way to this State and will
' arrive in a very short time.
When he enters on the discharge of the
duties of his office, we understand his labors
will be directed to making surveys of the
country, and estimates of the expense that
f will attend the execution of works that may
> be deemed worthy of the attention of the
. state. These will be laid before the Legis
. lature at its session in November next. —
- The misapprehensions that are prevalent
i among the peonle in relation to this business
, must therefore be corrected. If they calcu
. late that in a few months after the arrival of
{ the Engineer, roads and canals will be laid
B out, and their construction commenced, they
. will be greatly disappointed. The Legisla
e ture has made as yet, no provision for these
f last mentioned results. Indeed such pro
. vision, at present, would be wholly useless.
. The first point to be gained, is to ascertain
. what shall be done, and as this is a very es
sential part of the matter, much time must
of necessity be spent, before any subsequent
arrangements can be made with a due regard
to economy, and a reasonable assurance of
5 New species of Potaloe. —We have been
f favoured with the sight of some potatoes of
a new kind, which, according to all appear
'> ancc, from their extraordinary prolific na
-3 ture and excellent quality, promise to be-
S come of mucli importance to the farmer and
horticulturist. They are of a long shape,
f have a smooth ski* and bear a greater num
ber of eyes than any other potatoe we have
? seen ; but their great peculiarity, is their
• fecundity, and their growing together in
Y clusters, as from the centre of a circle,
' which will be learned from that intelligent
e farmer, Mr. John Philips, of Childwall.”—
e The paper from which this is copied, goes
only (o say, that these potatoes were pre-
sented to Mr. Philips by Mr. Shepard at
r the Liverpool Botanic Garden. They were
y planted in a small space of ground, on the
'• 3d of April, 1824 ; the crop was taken out
and the produce was 514 potatoes, which
' weighed 103 pounds. Many of them grew
in clusters of six and seven, and the largest
. of them measured 7 1-2 or eight inches in
This potatoe is of the kidney kind, thin
skirted, and remarkably good, either roast
■s ed or boiled, and serviceable, either for the
i table or for cattle. The account further
t says, that this new came from Can
t ada ; lam inclined to suspect that there
n may be a mistake here ; for if it came from
’• Canada, it is natural, one would think, that
y the farmers on (his side of the St. Law
■- rence river would have heard of it, and
'- have tried its qualities. He that as it may,
0 in your extensive correspondence, you can
obtain certain information of this new root,
either from Canada or Liverpool, and make
| it known in your very useful publication.
English paper.
e Milledgeville, 28th February, 1825.
> 1C? 5 * The volunteers of Georgia, who wish
c to pay Military honors to Gen. La Fayette,
- will assemble as best suits their convenience,
-at Savannah, Augusta, or Milledgeville;
3 and at an early hour of the morning of the
day on which the Genera! will arrive at ei
-1 ther place, of which due notice will be given.
- The Coinmander-in-Chief, wherever he may
i be present, will be happy to receive them
By order of the Commander in-Chief.
1 Aid-de-Camp,
Milledgeville, 2d March, 1825.
IC?* The Cominander-in-Chief, invites the
surviving soldiers of the Revolution to pay
their respects to Gen. L\ Fayette, at the
places most convenient to them. They will
find quarters provided for them.
Bv order of the Commander-in Chief.
& Wm. W. Holt, Esq. is res
n-cTfully r commended as a suitable prison, to
li l ill-; office of Mayor of the Oily—at the an
nual (Election iu April—and will he supported l>y
March 15 75
(TJ 3 LOSTcp}
OS Saturday evening last, on the Washington
road, 1 between Augusta and Mrs. Paces —a Morrocco POCKET BOOK, contain
■i g a sum of money and many valuable papers,
which will b ; of no use 'to any person but the
owner. Any person finding the same, and giv
ing infornuimn la the subscriber will be liberal
y rewarded.
James Latnkiti.
Columbia County, March 14 2t 7a
STUB TttlETf i. \ \
HE Subscribers back Store was broke open 1
JL on Sunday night and robbed, among the ar
ticles taken, were ' two pieces pf' dark mixed
Cloth, sixteen quarters wide, intended for floor
cloth, me bag Coffee marked WT (n grass bag )
FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD will be given for
i he property and conviction of the Thief.
8. Kne,eland.
N. B. As depredations of tins kind have been
frequently made the past week nr two with im
punity, cannot some plan be devised to arrest
the e ylfiians—where are our Police officers, c
Augusta. March 15 St 75 t
To lake place in the city of Baltimore, during
the present month,' March.
f \
OF (
* «j
Contains the following brilliant capitals still un
drawn, viz. ,
4ft,000 Mo\\s. 110.000 UoWa. 1
' I c
£O,OOO ttoUa. I 5,000 OoWs. *
Besides 12 of IOIW, 6 of 5U9, Bic, Hie whole pay
■ ‘de in cash, which as usual at COHEN’S OFFICE v
can be had the moment they are drawn.
Xjf 15,drawings of this' splendid scheme, are
already over. The remaining FIVE will take
dace under the superintendance of the Com
missioners appointed by Ihe Governor and Conn
ed on the following days, viz : j
16 h drawing on Thursday, 3d of March 1
17th drawing on Thursday, 10th of March 1
18th drawing on Thursday, 17ih of March ( i
19:h drawing on Wednesday, 30 h of March
20di (inJ last on Thursday, 31st of March v
Unless the great capital of g>40,000 should In |
undrawn after the 19th is over, in which case the
20ib drawing will be deferred to the 12di April,
when the scheme must be completed
IVhole Tickets s>l2 i Quarters - 3 00 -
Halves - -6 j Eigh'hs • 150
To be had, warranted undrawn, at
Where both the great Capitals of 20.000 and f
10,000 DOLLARS, drawn in the MONUMENT 1
LOTTERY, on the 28lh ult. were sold, and 1
vhere were sold, Hie Capital Prizes of 100,000
Dollars, half and one gua-ter to citizens of Gear
' ifia ; 20,0005, 10,000 s, 5000 s, in the last .Grand *
State Lottery, and where more capital phizes
Orders left with I. R. St. JOHN, Broad street |
dUGUSTA, Georgia, will be promptly attended to, s
March 11 74 |
On Boston, Baltimore, i
Providence, Washington City, '
New-York, Petersburg, Va. e
Philadelphia, Charleston, S. C.
And Savannah,
for Sale by y
Beers, Bunnell & Ht. John.
Broad, comer of M’lntoshstreet . t
Rom and Silver coin and all kinds of Hank
Moras, Bought and Sold. !
iQnvernber 12 40 s
-— v
Portrait o t La Payette. [
JUST received a few copies of the Portrait of
Gen. Lafayette, engraved by M. J. Danfortb, 7
itom the original Palming executed by C. Ingham (
in Sept, lust during the .General's visit in New
York, said to be a most correct likeness —tube
and at ihe Book store of R. D. Treadwell, where \
mbscribers will please call for their copies.
March 8 at 73
Take. Notice. i a
City Road and Well lax tor 1825 is nowI s ,
-due, and the Collector and 'Treasurer mav bt j* :
round at the store occupied by N. L. Sturges, <:
Jun’r. on the corner of Washington and Broad | n
(feel, every day (Sunday excepted) until (
firs! day of May next, to receive payment for f
arne. Public notice is hereby given that exe it
11)0“ will be issued against all defaulters inline,.,
nately alter Hie time
Nathaniel L. Sturges, I
Collector and I'remnire I
March 1, 182$. l(Ji T 71
%,|R. PARKER’S Picture of DANAF-, is now ' JI
ayJI. leadyfor exhibition, in one of the front 1 * *
rooms, in the second story of the City-Hall.
Augusta, February 18 68
sm» vm'wmm*
RESPECTFULLY informs the Sadies and Gen
tlemen of Augusta and its vicinity, that on Wed
nesting Evening .March 16 th, at the Exhibition
Bonn, Corner of Centre and Reynold-Streets,
h • will exhibit a variety of
Mechanical Representations,
The performance will Commence with a display of
AFTER which 1
LA FAYETTE, brought to (he shores of Amer
ica iu the CAR OF NEPTUNE, guided by
Performances by the Figures ;
Chinese Fire Works,
Without Flame or Smoke. In which will be exhibited
The Hun, the Anns of Georgia
Welcome Via Ya^eUe.
The Automaton Figures.
ffj" DOORS to open at 7. and Performance to
commence at half past 7, precisely. Admit
tance 50 cents. Children 25 cents, to be had at
the place of Performance'.
{£/■ N (l smoking within doors.
Mtrih 15 75
This Hay, at 13 o’clock,
will be offered FOR SALK, before the POST
OFFICE, several vacant Lots on Broad-street,
in the upper part of the city of Augusta —also,
several Lots on the river, and on Beynold-street.
TERMS— One half cash, the balance payable
on the Ist day of January, 1826, for which notes
hearing interest from lhe day of sale, at 7 per
cent, per annum, and mortgage on the properly
will be required.
A plan of (he LOTS and other terms, will be
exhibited on the day of sale.
E. F. Campbell.
March 15 65
N otice.
AGREEABLE to an order of the Honorable
. the Justices of the Inferior Court, when sil
ting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold at the
Court House in the Town of Waynesborough,
on the first Tuesday in May next,
Two negroes, viz: Tom and his
wife Silvey, so.d for the b nefii of Ur. Richard
lingers, Minor, heir of Richard Rogers, dec.
Terms at sale.
Jno. Rogers, Guardian .
March 8, 1825. 9' t 75
N otice.
VTINE months after dan-, application will be
IN made to the Honorable Ihe Inferior Court
i f Burke County, when sitting for Ordinary pur
poses, for leaye to sell the real estate of Wriley
Hanberry, (Minor,) deceased, for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors of said deceased.
Jona. Lewis, adm’r.
Burke county, March 7, 1825 lm9m 75
N otice.
OWINE months after date, sppliaation will be
il\| made to the Honorable the Inferior Court, of
Burke County, when sitting fbr Ordinary purpo
ses, for leave to sell the undivided part of the
real Kstale of Lewis Emanuel, deceased, for the
benefit of the' heirs and creditors of said ileceas
Jona. Lewis,
Surviving Administrator tie bonis non,
/hu he county, March 7, 1825 lm9rr> 75
N otice.
S?«(NE months after date, application will be
iSSI made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
of Columbia county, for leave to sell a tract of
Land in said county of 105 12 acres, joining
Murray, Ray and others, it being pari of the real
estate of William Hinion, deceased.
Peggy, Binion, adm’rx.
March 15. 1825 ' lm9‘m 75
GEORGIA, Franklin County.
\¥I»HEREAS Samuel Power Adm’r. and Dan
\Rf nah Tate Adm’rx. ap plies tor Letters ol
Uisniissory on the esiate of William late, dec.
These arc therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of tiic
said deceased, to file their objections in my office
within the Tune prescribed by law, to shew cause
(If any they have) why said letters of Dismissory
should not be granted to them.
Given under rny hand at office in Franklin, this
71h day ol March, 1825.
Orn Frederick Beall, Cl’k.
GEORGIA, Franklin County.
WHEREAS James 11. Little and Samuel Shan
ing, applies for Letters Dismissory on the
estate of William M Clacking, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish al
and singular the kindred and creditors of the
said deceased, to file their objections in my of
fice, within the tune prescribed by law, to shew
causa (if any they have) why said letters Uis
missory should not be granted to them.
Given under my hand at office in Franklin, this
7tb day of March. 1825.
6m Frederick, Beall, Cl’k.
From the Lot of John VV.
’ Bird in Augusta, on the night of the
SmoPwL 37th ult. a bright sorn-I HORSE.
i.»-tL rather under the common size,
marked wiilt white hind legs, and a blaze in bis
face. Other distinguishing Signs not r< Collected.
Any person who should find, and deliver thejj
iborc described Horse to J. W. Bird In Augusta
ir to the subscriber, shall be reasonably compel) J,
lated. ~ ,i
Fitzgerald Bird. a
Sparta, March 1, 183.5 3t
The Public are respectfully informed that
Mr. HUNTER is re-engaged for a
•find will make his appearance this and to
morroiu evening,
Tuesday and Wednesday,
March \ sth and 1 6th.
(Performance every Evening.)
Hy Master HUNT.
By the Whole Troop,
("The Intrepid Equestrian, J will gn through her
Elegant Acts of Equestrianism, and conclude
with a display of the AMERICAN FLAG—the
Horse in lull speed.
By the whole Troop, viz :
Messrs. Ulyth, Aslen, Hunt, Hughes, Whitta
ker, Sessford, M'Coon Chatter-Box Gabble
Joke, (the Clown) WILLIAMS.
( By Mr. BLYTH, on two horses,
By Master WHiTrJKER.
Over Horses, through Hoops, &,c. &c.
For the second time in Augusta,
If J
Will go throng!, hi, graceful and unrivul’d performance on Ilia
Cffll )t itOJIC,
' Bfuring which he wifi perform a variety of
' * Feats and conclude by dancing with
Master Whittaker secured to his
shoulders, in a graces ul and
easy manner.
Ground and Lofty Tumbling,
By the whole Troop.
Who for Swiftnos.., Klogancc tmd perfect Ituliince, stands clns
sed otie of the first Horsemen in the world.
Ho will ride without Saddle or Ilndle ! ! [the Horse
going at full speed. He will go through a varie
ty ol Feats never before witnessed in this coun
try, and conclude with 'he wonderful effort of
The evening’s performance* to conclude with the
Mr- Button’s Journey to Brentford.
Hilly Button, Mr. HLY I H.
(CJ* Admittance to Die Boxes One Hollar, PIT
Fifty Cents. ,
*»* Children under ten years of age, admitted
to the Boxes and Pit at half price.
tit "Doors open at' half past six, and Perform
ance to commence at a quarter past seven o'clock.
fff Tickets may he procured at the Circus and
at the Globe-Tavern during th<- day.
§§§ No smoking allowed within the Doors of the
reus. J
Tide Savannah lArve, of
HAVING discontinued running on the South
Carolina aide, will leave this place every
Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, at 4 o’clock, A .
M, on the Georgia side, by the way of Cutto’n
Millbaveii and Pearce’s.
For seats, apply at the Cily Hotel.
Joseph I. Thompson ami
James Kirkpatrick,
March 15, 1825. 75
Agency \\
Having constituted james Thompson,
Jr, Esq. iny Agent, I earnestly solicit t/iose
persona indebted to me for the Hamburg Gazette.
i and all others in pecuniary arrears, to make pay -
ment to him immediately,
F. W. Pleasants.
ffTA Subscription Paper is open at bis Office,
in Wasjiington-street, where those wishing to be
come subscribers, have an opportunity afforded
them, F. \V. P.
March 11 74
MRS. OIfU (late Miss Cooper fyom London,)
and Miss tJKR, inform the public that they
are engaged in the Millinery business, including
Drews and Corset making. They occupy a house
on Houston-Street. at the lower end of J udge
Hein’s lot, and not fur from the Hospital.
N, 1!. Straw—Chip ami Leghorn Bonnets pres
sed, altered, dyed and cleaned at the shortest no
tice ami on the most reasonable terms,
February 8 65
MRS. TIIROU. FAYOLLE. has the honor to
inform her friends and tha public of Au
gusta, that her intention is to teach the Piano
Forte and Spanish Guitar—also, the art of Sing
ing in the newest style. Mrs. p. will attend at
private houses, or give lessons at her own resi
dence. For terms and further particulars apply
it lower tennntr.t Bridge-Bank
February 8 > 65