Newspaper Page Text
HlerifTi Sale.
Will be sold on the fir* in April nr*'
« the C uri house door in Waynesberough,
Burke C- entv, wiihin sa'c l |n " r » :
8J Acres of Land, adjoining land*
of Lew.* Whitfield •nrl others. and 6u acre* ad
joining land* of Will «m Tilly and others, levieu
on, me property «f John Thompson, deceased,
to satisfy tiro executions in fav .ur of Ward &
Bozeman and Wil'am Thompson, v,. Tahilha
Thompsm, admin stratrix of John Thompson,
—also —
One negro man named Hardy, le
vied on a. tin- property of Benjamin Guest, t
sa'isfy iwo executions in favour of S. L Royal
Executor of Wil iam Royal, for the use o' Wi lixii'
Red and Peter L<-qu ux and James Polhill, Ex'rt
of P. Cotton, deceased.
— also —
One large dark cheanut sorrel
Horse, on as the properly of George M'
Kay. to satisfy an Execution in favour of Augus
tus Jones, dec. one negro G r!, named Phillis,
levied on as the property of Uasdil Warn nek, dec
to satisfy an Execution in favour of Uurket D
Thompaon, agunst the Administrators of said
Warnuck, deceased.
-375 Acres of Land, adjoining
Lands of Oufeau and others. levied on as tlu
property of Jac >b Hurst, to satisfy an Execution
in favour of Jacob Dressnr, juur. bearer, pointed
out by defendant,
200 Acres of Land, more or less,
uclj .ning Lands ot Mary Gedbey and others, le
v Inn as property of William Godbee, to
Satisfy ■ ' Execution in favour of Mary Unfit i.
I intro mt by Samuel Godbee, and returned o,
a constable,
-074) Acres of Land, adjoining
Lands of Turner H M mr** and others, It-vitd on
a- the propel y of John R. Moore, to aatisfy sun
d'v Kxecuiimia issued from a Ju.tiers Court, in
favour of John C Poythreb, and now for the use
of Ifoweh H. Hulk'*, pointed out by John R
M -ore, and reiuraed by Jamea Tindale const,i
ble. als—
o-410 Acres of Land, adjoining
Lands of Amo* \A ,*gins and others, levied on ,i>
til- property of Richard Evans, to satisfy an Ex.
ecu.ion in fav mr of John C. Poylhreaa, pointed
out by defendant.
-200 Acres of Land, adjoining
JI" ■ol the Estate of I sum Carter, deceased
and o liera, levied on as the mop rty of Thomas
H« div, to BAiisfy ao Execution in favour of
Til eras Ward, returned b\ a Constable.
—a i. o
One negro man named Jim, levi
ed i .a me pr <peiTy of Lewis Uyne. io salts )
*nii In /i. Jut. issued from a Magistrates Court o
llnrke Courtly, in favour of Harmon Hurst,
• h a'iist L. Uyne and U chard Uyne,
als •
One negro Girl, named Hetty, le
vel nn a* u.e priperiy of I. wis I) n-- ( io .satis
I) mi Execu uni in favour ol E. & H. Uyne.
o-11 Negroes, .viz: Jack and bis
wile N.i c , ami .ier two children, Lewey an
Jo.*, Won, mi Ih r three children. Jack, Cul
lii-.dy uii.i Emily, (;loe and lu-r child Rose, a da
w niiaii v| ilv, levied on »« the property ol L< wii
Hvne, in salisty an Execution in favour of Chants
Richa'daon, v.s. Lewis ' yne.
28J i-3 Acres of Land, adjoin
ing '.suds of Janies M. Iliygnt others levu cl
o -ih property ui Janie* Russell, to aalikfy a
Execnt o. in favour ot Francis Ward.
—a l-
12 Acres of Land, adjoining
I. ' n- nl t* i. oca , cl Carpenter, Vclu o g a. L
S .K ngii’s I) w r levied on as the property «
1 b "lias scarhrougli, to satisfy an Execution in fa
f ir of tlie SC" i tienrgi
John T. Forth, 8. u c.
F h"i""'v oj,. 1 (; JJ .1 t 71
s ■ • ; v
Aummisiraiora Hale.
OV 'samr .a, in 9m clay ui April next, in the
I’own ot M ngmaboiough, Columbia coun
ty, between the usual hours of sale.
NN U\ be £oU\.
the whole ol the i-voiai piopeny belonging tc
th saute oi Wliiam Moseley, dt reused, consist
ing o Horses. Car.enters Tools, &c. &c.
Terns mad- known mi the day of s de.
Thomas Bow d re, udin’r.
Feh uarv 17 inij „| s 09
ihluuiiisirttUit’s Ha\e.
GKEE tlll.E to an orct r obtained from the
iii*iK < > ■■( the InierKT Court ol Uurki
Cou .tv, wh • 1 ling 1 r Ordiniry purposes,
at the Court ’mum door, in the town ol Wayne*-
bo cmgii, ue'ween the usual sale hours, on ill
first r o adav in Anril lies'.
All tliat Lot or Tract of Land,
lyiug ■> id ■ on in die County of He my, comm
ing Iwo iiuucSr- J two aod one hah acres n Land
in die li h Disiric, number sixteen. Sold h •
the heutfi 1 of he heirs aid creditors of Can
Godb. e, junr. Ir. » R. ik • Cuuuty. deeeisecl.'
Jnlm Skinner, . idm’r.
Waynesboro* * \ » *.•»> . |fj»
jr " - '
Agreeah eoan "■ cler-u ‘Uc itonoiable Court < 1
Onlimry d Warren CoU'dy, will b- sold 01.
toe fi si r ii adey in April next, at the Court
11 use in W .rr.’ii C uimv.
One Lot of Land in the 4th Dis
trier ol ll iusto cJou ny, belonging to die esia •
ot Richard Bray, decea-cl. and known by ih
numb r Jli, c.intainisg ‘202 1-2 Acre,
terms of »a e 01*.'c t, on the dav.
Amos Wriglu, Mtn’r.
Lucy Brij, Adm'vx.
Jsnu.vv 5 IS'-’.i. r 75
.VO Tii hi.
PpHK Pttbl'C are cautioned ag.ii sf trespass u,
A "ii ih Houses and Lots ot the sub-erd)
V p-r end of town—especially against haulm
t.- nor eanh rmi the river bmk r contigiKUi
11 -to, Each and every person offending gh.i
Jv.the law rigorously entorced against him 1
Hugh Mesbit.
■lnnti cyj
WH L be let at the post office in Macon, to
the lowest bidder, at public outcry, on
Friday the 15th of April next, the buillmgof a
BRIDGE across the Ocn.ulgee river at the loot
if the street leading to the public stjuare in Ma
ton. The river at the intended site lias, it is be
deved, a very firm bottom, the most of which it
known to be of ruck. |ts width at common wa
'er is estimated at 850 feet : the height of the .
teers at 38 feet, the length of the bridge ’
cl 400; and the contemplated width 32 teet, stone
•nd timber may be very conveniently obtained '
and had gratis on the adjoining public Lands 1
r he piers and abutments to be of stone —the up- f
»■-r works ot approved timber, and to be shing
l"d, weather boarded and painted. The undei
'.aker will be required to give bond with three
ip, 1 roved securhiea in the aum of g 20,000 for
he faithful performance of his contract. Tlu *
mines of the persons offered as securities must 1
he submitted to the commissioners by the Bih o v
April : Letters for this purpose may be directed c
o the commissioners to the care of Mortimer H c .
Wallis, Esq. post master, Macon. 20 p. r cent '
on the amount of the contract will be advanced, *■
and further advances will be made at the diacre 1
lion of the commissioners as the work progresses *
A model of the intended bridge ipul the torn
of the contract will be open to inspection at tb< 1
room over Gillespie &, Birdsong’s store in Macon,
nn and after the twenty-first of March, until the
i time of letting.
Architects are invited to prepare and furnish '
models in wood on a scale of an inch to the fool, |
with accompanying explanations in writing—
which wil be received at the room above men 1
tioned until Tuesday the 15th of March, inclu
sive. A premium of &109 will be paid ior that
model which shall be adopted as best uniting tlu
pruper'ies of cheapness, strength, durability anu
convenience in repairing,
LukeJ. Morgan, 'I
Charles Bulloch, j
Mortimer K. Wallis, 'fCom’rs.
' Samuel Gillespie, I
William Bivins, J
[ (T j" The editors of the Constitutionalist, the
Columbia Telescope, and the Raleigh Register,
are requested to insert the above until tne 15t •
nf March, and forward their accnu its to M, R
Wallis, Esq. Macon, Oa.
J Macon, February 1. 1825. 115 M 65
Guardian's Sale.
1 Will be sold on the first Tuesday in April next, at
the Court House in Jscktonboro’, Scriven coun
ty, between the hours of' ten and four o’clock,
J pursuant to an orders of the Honorable the Jus
j tires of the Inferior Court of said county, when
j si'i ing for ordinary purposes:
f All that tract or parcel of Land,
oonlai ing lour hundred and ninety aor< s (mor
or less) i'luate lying and being in the (mirteeni
. d.strict of Irwin county, Georgia, a id known am;
, distinguished in the plan of said (listnet, by Ih<
number twenty-three (23,) sold for the bent fi o'
■ arali Lee, orphan, of John M Lee, deceased •
Terms ma le known on the day ot sale.
Peter Keddick, Guardian.
Striven couiuy, January 28 lUi t 6:5
JN mice.
AGREEABLE to an order of the Honorable
the Inferior Court of Richmond County, will
ne* old on the first Tuesday in March next, at
itie m irket house in the city of Augusta, be
ween the usual hours of sale :
“ Four Hundred and sixteen 6-lOth
t. acres of Land, lying on M’Bean, one fifth part 10
three hundred and fifty acres, lying on Spirit
Three negroes ; Nancy, Billy and
1 Frank, (he whole being tne real estate of Lewis
Collnis, deceased, fop the benefit of the heirs of
said, deceased. Term* made known on x the da)
of sale.
: Benjamin Howland, ) ,
llnliwt Alku. ’\MnCrs.
nrcember 7 t 47
ON Tuesday the 15th of March next, at 12
o’clock, wi'l he offered for sale, before the
I’ost Office, several vacant Lois on Broad-street,
in the u+iper part of the city of Augusta —also,
; several Lots on the river, and on Reynold-stree .
TEUMS—Ont half cash, the balance payahl.
■n tha Ist day of January, 1826, for which notes
bearing interest fr m the day ot sale, at 7 pet
cent, per annum, and mortgage on the proper.)
will be required.
A plan of the LOTS and other terms, will be
‘xhibited on the day of sale.
E. F. Campbell.
CO*The Charleston Courier, Sava -mu Hepub
lican, and M lledgeville Journal, it is requesle"
m.iy publish t' e ab.ire, weekly,’till the tine ot
the proposed sale, forward their accounts to
this Office lor payment.
February 8 6t r 6S
Bk)HE unexpu-ed lease and improvements o
aJL the Lot known as .the Littleman’s Garden,
situated on Ellis-Street, near the corner of Cen
ire-Street—having all the conveniences for cur
rying on Confectionary upon a large scale, be- '
-ides an Oven, Dryhouse, &c. There is also a
Ice Hoqse in good order, where 15 nr 18 tons ol 1
Ice can be secured for summer use. The whole 1
ill be shewn by application on the premises.—
Fpr terms apply to
B. Bouyer.
Angii't 10 1;]
4 LOT OF L AND, three milca from Adousta. ‘
• containing 70 or 80 Acres, forty «f which i
deared and under good lence, tlie balance II 00
I. and. There is on the premises, a c imfortabn
'•willing House, which has lately undergone a
borough repair. A new Kitchen, meal Rouse, ai.
•legant Brich Fan.irj , Crib, Stables, Fodder anc
'.arriige tlnuse, ike. all complete—a large yv
veil shaded ; « handsome Orchard of Appl k
'each, Pear and Plum trees, a never failii.j,
nr ng ot excellent water, within 80 yards of th.
welling, and ag healthy a situation as any in Rich I
mnd County,
The above will be sold a bargain, if early aj
dication is made to
Jno. C. Holcombe.
lannarv 18 -,9
NN auXeA io Wive.
sTpILL tlu* first of January next, four your.)
“ NEGROES, accustomed to work, from th
;'e of 18 to 35
B. Picquet.
! January 21 up
THKHb * 8 perhaps no medical observation bet
ter established, none more generally confirmei
by the experience of the best physicians of all agrT
Slid countries and none of more Importance to tin
practitioner,than the fact,that many -of the most dith
jolt ami incurable complaints originate in neglect'
d colds, In a climate as variable as ours,where th.
'■hanges of the weather are (rerjuently sudden am;
mexpected, it requires more care and attention
;{uaid against this subtle and dangerous enemy of
ite, than most people imagine, or are able an'
willing to bestow.. Hence tnevasl number „f pat
cents, afflicted with coughs, catarrhs, asthma
consumptions, and other affections,' and hence tin
Urrago of rational and absurd remedies, cried u.
°.v l *'f learned and illiserale, The many cases o'
the kind, fell under my observation ; the prepos.
crous compositions of inflaming drug’s, whicli
ire in vogue ; the disappointment I experienced i»
practice from remedies highly recommended; anr
ny own predisposition to pulmonic complaints
were strong inducements for me to consider
whether a compound consisting of mild vegetabl
substances could not he invented, more free Iron
the well founded objections of practitioners, and
better calrula'td io avert the threatening di
struction of the lungs.
Syrup ot Vegetables,
For coughs, colds, asthmas and consumptions.
Phis remedy is superior to any medicine which
us been offered to the public, as it is prepared
rom the most valuable herbs of our vegetubh
kingdom, and its qualities are such that every de
peudence may be placed in Us virtues for the
cure of the above diseases. From the knowledge
the proprietor has of the pulmonic virtues of the
sytup, he has no hesitation in- recommending is
to those who labour under those digressing coni
taints as a safe and clficaci 'ns remedy, and hav
og administered it to thousands in New-York aoo
Philadelphia, he feels no hesitation in offering it
i the public, and after Inal, ih ise persons win
purchase the genuine syrup, will have their mo
iey refunded by returning the bottle, if they di
mt feel sa'isti -d that they have reaped belief
trom the use of it.
Jiirectiona for Use.
Take a tea spoon full three limes a day, say
norn ng, noon and night, and continue it until re
lieved. •
(0“ Each bottle will have the signature of the
tO* Prepared only and sold by IP Audler, sign
■f tlie Golden Eagle, Augusta.
Or*< her "1 nq
JNew and iuvaiuadlc
Asiatic i.iMuWvc tor Tain.
Thi» Bjfedi- ciueisanev
rpillS remedy is good against (he tooth-ache o'
JL pain in the teeth and jaws when duly appliee
"in employed, it possesses sovereign efficacy in
Relieving swellings of the gums, face and adjacent
parts, arising from or connected with tooth ache.
It relieves head-ache or pains in *he head i
he most easy and agreeable manner; for Ibis fiv
quent and distressing complaint, this, his ne>
medicine, is a chioming prescription,fop itfre
stores both the organs of sense and the nerves tu
heir healthy condition at a quick and a'lmiiahli
This new and useful preparation produces, by
mild and gentle stimulation, a cheering operatic’
ipon the spirits—it quickens the sensations,
sharpens the pere.eptians, and invigorates tin
motions of the mind, by dissipating gloom am
vapours it acts truly like a nervous and cephalic
medicine of the first order.
Nor is its effect less beneficial when considered
n relation to the stomach, than to the mouth, the
tead and the spirits, by its qualities it acts upnr
the sight and immediate organs of digestion as a
carminative and cordial, expelling wind, removing
torpor, correcting acidity, and creating a mosi
comfortable warmth.
The operation of this invention and improve
neiit is quite as favorable to diseases of the ear,
core especially it acts to great advantage in du
■"•ss and hardness of hearing, and even m iiicipt
ent deafness, restoring the failing organ to (In
xeicise of its true and healthy functions ofheai
Certificate from Dr. Samuel L. Mitchell.
Dr. Ezekiel Audler, of the city of New-Ycrk,
this day submitted to me his letters patent fron
-he United States, tor compounding ,nd vending
a remedy whicli he calls the Asiatic Lenitive, am
,«ked my opinion upon the same, whereupon, at
ter examining the receipt contained in the specif]
cation, I find it contains a mixture of such aroma-.,
ic, anodyne, and anti acid articles, as are well cat
ciliated to produce a composing etlect on the hit
man body.
Samuel L. Mitchell.
.Veni. York, November 'LI, ISIB.
•AuAtee’s <MWk oli Ruses.
AN elegant cosmetic for whitening, sof.ening
and beautifying the skin, and removing pinn
b S freckles and chops trom the face, neck, &c
I he Milk ot Hoses possesses many qualities, for it
mt only serves for the above purposes, but it put
tie bloom of youth on age, which valuable property
'Very lady is fond of enjoying. This beautiful rose
cos metic lias a delightful fragrance, and is an urtich
ili ch can be used with safety, as it contains noth
ng that will injure the skin, and it is an indispensa
de article to every lady, and should be lound oi
heir toilets.
Directions,— Af’er being washed and drie
ben take a smtll quantity on a piece of white flan
nduel *hen wash face, neck, hands, &c. Eachbot
e will be signed by the proprietor, Price gl.
Prepared only and sold by E. Audler, sign oftht
•olden Eagle, Augusta.
July 4 2
Fur Sale,
Washer and Ironer —for further particular
pjire at he Office of the Constitutional-st.
December 2! 5!
RESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and Gen
tlemen of Augusta, that he will be reauy t.
serv»-them at all times, at his or their houses, i< ■
the line of his profession, and hopes he will n.e;
share of the public patronage, as he wid extrac ’
teeth and stumps, and in the easiest manner if eve <
of difficult, and ail its other branches. 1
Vaste of Lark on, ‘
A superior dentifrice to any ever offered fin ,
cleaning beautifying and whitening the teeth and ,
making the breath sweet and grt-eabic. |
Os Hones,
Which removes ail scorbutic humour in flu
urns and teeth, and makes them firm at tin
ame time.
Prepared and sold by
E. Audler.
At his Drag and Medicine, at the Cuttoi *
Range. Sign of the Golden Eagle, Augusta.
July 4 2 ‘
A. 13AJI1J.
At Bachelder (J God-wise’s, Broad Street, Auguste [
nearly opposite ,he Planter's Hotel. .
RESPECTFULLY informs the Public, that h( ,
has returned again to this City, and respeci- g
1 uuy solicits the Patronage of the Ladies aiu ,j
Gentlemen who may require his 8( rvices in the
■ everal branches of Ins Profession.—Persons
wishing his service in pnva'e Families can call add
see bis work M.tiiulactnred on a new principle
- which be w arrants.
Teeth and. Gums.
The diseases of me Teeth and Gunn are chief ]
j ly owing to our own neglect ; tile parts of tin I
l diments which lodge about them alter inastici. I
non, growing acrid and corrosive, the gums an
thereby first affected, as being the most len-te e
parts. after corruptions are produced, com d
; inonjy culled the Tartar of the Teeth, whicl t
destroying botli their texture and whiteness no
nly deprives the mouth of its piincipal orna
'b‘niß, but brings on violent tooth aches, and ren
t mars the Gums livid and putrid, and offensive ti
mrselyes and others.—But though people h
general may prevent those inconveniences, b\
' care and attention at first, yet, if they are onci .
suffered to take place, it is no longer in the pow
1 cr of the sufferer to remove them, this being pro n
perly the province of the experienced Dentist p
who has made the maladies of the Teeth aim 5
Gums, with their attendant eyils, the principal 0
bject and end of Ids studies.
«Mv. Flovance, dentist,
By long practice, a close application to busi
-css, and a no rough knowledge of the structure
if the Teeth and t urns, na» made ali the opera
'inns in those paits quite familiar to him, inso
nuch that what some Dentists have judged im .
practicable, be hath performed with ease and
He places Teeth both rea’ and artificial, (mak j
- nig the latier with pure enamel) trom a singl
t me t an entire set so accurately, that they sha 1 ,
insurer every purpose of the natural. 1 hus Iht j
deficiencies are supplied with ornament t ,
which have the recommendation of utility.
TV se 'Teeth that hive (alien out their sock
, ets, which frequently happens, though ih a per
j feci sound state, he, by a method peculiar to turn
i elf, replaces ss firm as ever, Without the leas
i lain or uneasiness to the patient.
He clears the 'Teeth, if ever so discolored, o
all their foulness and tartar, without pain, and |
renders them white and as fairas ever in half ai ■
Teeth and Stumps extracted in the easiest man
■er, it ever so difficult.
Hr assists young ladies and gentlemen in the
first and second dentition, and removes the Mill -
i eeth at proper seasons, lest they should incom
node the regular growth ot the succeeding once; .
uni it a deformity of this kind has taken place j
hi- ugh the want of a Destist, Mr. Florence un
intakes to correct it; provided the subject is j
not more than twenty years old, and restores tin (
>eth to their natural, regular and beautiful nr
N. U. A Tincture and Dentrifice Paste, prepar
il by him only, which preserves the 'Teeth an (
changes them to a b autfful white, cures the gum
of'he Scurvey and makes breath at all times swee
and agreeable, and cures the Tooth Ache i.nnie
diately, wi-h proper directions how to use it.
October 12 ’1
A feltaatiou Wanted, -j
4 YOUIjJG woman lately fr-un England would *
l\. be glad to obtain a situation in some pinn.-
,md respectable family. She has been accustom |
d tn every sort of work usual in tamilies, am
would make hcrselt very use ini either with tin
Needle, or in any of the departments of house
keeping. Satisfactory references can be ma le.
Enquire at this Office.
Fibril ry 18 68
Ywe Mo Wavs heYfavA,
ABSCONDED from ne subscriber, near Wash *
ingtoii, on the night of the 21st November c
1824, a buy by li name of Marcus, about e'-gh '<
pen years ot ag. , five feet four cr live incite; b
t.igh a bright in-daiiu, smart and intelligent. The c
ib.ive reward w-11 be p.-ud for his delivery to the
subscriber, and all reasonable expenses paid ; ot
on being lodged in any Jail in the state, that lie _
might be got.
James Davant, ,
U iilces County j
February 22 4t t b 9 H
JVogvoes £ov teaVo. r
rHE subscioer ntl'ers tor .-ale T WEN 1 Y like
ly Negroes, consisting of Men, Women, Gir.s
and Boys. Tbev will be sold low. on application
to me at the Eagle Tavern, where the Negroes -
may be seen.
John D. Walker. •
January 18 09 *
- ■ <i
>i otice.
LL persons to whom the estate of John M s
Laurin, deceased, is indebted, are request!
o present their accounts within the time pri
scribed by law, and those who are indebted t"
said estate, are requested to make immediate pai 1
S ment to I
j Peter Benaocn.,
1 July -V . , ' Z *
Monthly Advertisements.
CMiINE months after date, application will be
•INI made to the Court of Ordinary of Franklin
a.unty, for leave to sell one hundred Acres of
Land, in said County, as the property’ ot Adam
Linn, deceased, for the benefit ot the Heirs and
Creditors of said deceased.
John E. Garson, adm’r.
J a nnsry IS. 1825 limfim 63
OOINB months after cate application will be
made to tlie Honorable. Inferior Court of
Columbia County, when.setting as a Court of Or
dinary lor leave to sell 202 1 2 acres of Land ly
ing in the 2d District of Monroe C .unty,. Lot No,
208, it being the real estate of William bmalley;
deceased, and to be sold lor the benefit of the
heirs and creditors of said deceased.
James Smalley, Adm’r.
.Tanuarv 4 1825 lm9m 57
JN otice.
NINE months after date, application will he
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
if Richmond County, when sitting for Ordinary
nnrposes, tor leave to sell one half of four and
three quarters acres of Land, in said County,
idjoining lands of Ware and Coleman, for the
benefit of Seaborn Skinner, minor.
Livingston Skinner,
Sen* 11 1 °94. 1 m9m 21
iN otice.
tNjHNE months after date, application will bt
made to the Honorable \he Justices of the
Interior Court of said con Iy, when sitting f r y
Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the whole if
the real Estate of Irvin Bnyet, deceased, }■ -* o
said county, for the benefit of the heirs aad cre‘
ditors of said deceased.
James Lambert, ) .
Kdward Jioyet, y Jldm’r
Scriven Comity, Jan. 28 1825 T m9n 63
N otice.
NINE months after date, application will be
made to the Honorable the Justices ot the
Inferior Court, sf ttii;,g for ordinary purposes, for
he county of Burke, for leave to sell all the real
estate of Stephen Chance, late of Burke county,
deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and credi
tors of said deceased.
Mary Chance. Jldm’x,
Joseph Chance, Adm’r.
Burke county Sent. 6 1894 1 m9m 22
JS otice. ’
Vj'INE months after .dite, application will he
IN made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary
of Cohjmbia-County, for leave' to sell ail the
real estate belonging to the orphans of Samuel
Sullivan, deceased, and alto, an undivided tract
of Land, lying in Columbia County, belonging
o said orphans, and to Melinda Jones, a Minor.
John Cartridge,
Guardian oj said Orphans.
Polly Jones,
Guardain oj JMtlinda Jones.
May 25 * lo>9m 95
Notice. k
VTINE months after dale, application will be
La! made to the Honorable court ot Ordinary of
lolnmbla County, for leave to sell two hundred
'wo and a hall acres of land, Lot No. 18, 17th
District (originii'ly Baldwin, now Jasper) granted
to Benjamin Smithson, to he sold lor the benefit
if the heirs of Benjamin Smithson, deceased.
Thoma> C. Bolton,
/ 7
Jftlminislra'ov de hovis non.
Jnnp Ist 1 n Qni 98
N otice.
OWINE months after date, application will be
made to the Honorable the Court of Ordin*
ry of Burke county, for leave to sell the real Es
tate of Enoch Farmer, dccea-e l.
John Farmer, adm’r.
Burke County, Feb 1. 1825 lm9m 65
“ is otice!
VTINE months af'er date, application will be
IN made to the Honorable Ci urt of Orduiary of
Columbia county, for leave to sell two tracts of
Land in said county, lying on Greenbrier Creek,
nie containing .318 acres joining Pollard, I'ullin
md others, the other containing 172 acres joining
Luke and others, t being a pai l of the real estate
>1 Thomas Jones, deceased, sold for the benefit
of the heirs of said deceased.
William Booker, Adm’r. I
In right of his "wife,
January 25. 1835. Im9m 61
N otice.
i . > WINE months af'er dale, application will be
iaSI made to the honorable Inferior Court ot
Richmond County, for leave to sell 'he undivided
half of I enement N 0.7,.7, Bridge Row—also, two
unimproved lots Corner of Elbert and Ri-y nuld
itreets, lor the benefit of Margaret P- Bones, a
John Bones, Guardian.
October 25, 1824 lim9m 35
M otice.
months after date, application will be
i&NI made to the Inferior Court of Columbia
County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for
eave to sell 235 acres of Laid, (m said C.unity)
belonging to the estate of William U. Crabb, de- t.
John Ken non, adm’r.
November 6, 18’4 lm9m 40
Is otice.
NINE months after date, application will be
made to tne Honorable the Inferior Court of
Burke County, when sitting for ordinary purposts
inr leave to ,-ell all 'he real estate of Joseph Mad
pay, late of Burke county, deceased, tor the bene
lii of .the heirs and creditors of ami decea-ed.
Benjamin Madray, Adm’r.
June 1. 1824, ' lm9m 97
V > £tNE months aher due, application will be
•L 2 made to the Honorub e the Court of Ordin
ary of Columbia County, for leave to sell 222 a
ires of Land, lying in Columbia County, on the
waters of the big K.okie Creek, adjoining Lands
of Hamilton, Graves and others, to be sold for the
benefit of the heirs of James Marlin, Pecea-ed,
liohert Martin, adm’r.
Novemb r 8, 1824 1 "9rn 40
Bovik and Job VviuUug,
Neatly Executed at tin* Office.