Newspaper Page Text
•* fin- ■ ■l l ————a——; . -tv.. rrm i iinMuaißawg—g—^—mm——
*• Many of the political evils, under which every Country in the world labours, are not owiuef to any want.of love foronr Country, but to an ignorance of its real constitution jvnd interests.” —PRIESTLY
——————, i nn 11 r jiu mw iw—ibii iiiiummbi n—— u iibbii him ii ii !■■■■■ —■nwiwiiW'mrrT- i" i-mr niinn nrTfurlPii i ~ r - ' 1 " "■ 1 -- —■
Cfte Constitutionalist
' Wskdok &
No. 164 Broad Street,
VLw e this day MleceiveiV
which will be disposed of low. f>p cash.
May 20 04
The following articles having been received
by Steam-Boat Company’s Boats, and arc now
in the Ware-House, if not claimed previous
to the 25th June next, they will on that day be
sold at Auction, to pay freight and other ex
peaces:— s
Murks. Articles.
No Mark 15 bundles Paper,
do. do. 1 oarrel Liquor,
“ Jos. Gresham” 1 box.
Diamond Mark 1 .Parrel Liquor,
D. 1 box,
I. D. 1 bundle Fish,
” Rev. A. Hammond 1 hex,
W, 1 barrel Liquor,
G. X crate,
' " J. L. Graves” 2 boxes,
Wni. J. Wood,
Treasurer Steam lioat Company.
Augusta, May 15 1825 95
AlisDH) BARRELS Mackerel.
No. 3, of a superior quality
for sale, to be delivered at file
Wharf, on the arrival of the Steam Boat South-
B. Picquet.
May 10 91
DEMIJOHNS of old Boris Port, Vin
cage of 1320.—Certified by the Royal Company
of Oporto.
25 Dozen bottles ditto, Vintage of 1816,
for sals; nr
A. I. & G. W. llantmojLon.
March 22 77
Comm ission Business.
At his old stand in Savannah, near the Fort, and
is prepared to make suitable advances upon ail
produce placed in his hands for sa’e.
John Everinffham, ip.
April 12 83
Wrecked Goods,
A LL persons arc hereby cautioned against
Itl withholding any Goods, Wares, or Mer
chandize, being part of the cargo of the Steam
Boat Henry Shultz, lately destroyed by fire—or
any part of the rigging of said Boat, which may
..lave come into their possession, or which may be
found on either shore of the River, as the law
will be rigorou ly enforced against them. Per
sons having any of the above described proper
ly, are requested to give notice thereof to the
subscriber at this nlace, as soon as possible.
Jacob, Agent.
April 26 87
J TAVINtf formed a connection with Mr. Henry
. 1.1 Howard, late ot Baltimore, have removed
ieir Establishment to .Vo, 88, Broadway, corner ol
Wall Street, where their Business will in future be
conducted under the firm of
JCrw-York. June, 1823 7
" atsm a
T , . .. '
JL HE inhabitants ot Augusta and vicinity, are
intoim d that a supply of ICE? has been received
at the new Ice House, back of the Eagle- Cavern,
where it may be obtained from sunrise to sunset
every day during the summer.
Persons living at a distance, can have it packed
so as to keep several days.
Hex. Dickinson,
pe House Keeper.
May 3 89
£> B. B. Hopkins having deter
mined to reside permauenily on the Sand-Hills,
wishes to dispose of his house in Augusta- The
terms will be reasonable, and accommodating as
to payments. As that part of the city is likely to
become die scene of extensive business, the house
is very favourably situated tor that purpose. The
budding is well calculated tor both a store and
dwelling ; Hie lower story being entirely separa
ted from those above.
-haul 1 die property not be sold by the 25th of
April it will be Rented. Possession can be hud
on the fi r-t of May.
March 18 76
>» once.
IVuideud, «\u. \
A DIVIDEND ot Six Dollars per share, has
been this day declared, on the prcfiis of the
Steam-Boat Company, for the last four months,
pa)able on the first Monday in June next, to the
Stock Holders, or their authorised Agents, at Hie
Steam-Boat olhee, Savannah.
Win. P. Hunter,
Treasurer S H. C.
Savannah, March 2, 1825 90
Hidnk Deeds of Conveyance,
Neatly Printed on Yen urn Paper,
For sale at this Office.
naui'Mßk. I■l 1i — TTfITTaiB ?rw rTTi'iTV 1 ■■ ■
2©^®©® nu s:Jr sLiverpoolGroi,,ld i
6,400 Bustieis prime Virginia Corn, |
500 Pieces prime 42 inch He mp Bagging, |
200 do do Tow Bagging 1
160 Coils Bale Rope, large £4 small siies, 1
500 pounds Bagging Twine, I
60 Tons Swedes Iron, assorted, 4
8000 ibs. Share Moulds, {
2000 (bs. Hoop and Band Iron* j
40''0 lbs. German Steel, |
2000 lbs. Bbs'ered Steel, |
300 lbs. Swedish Tub Steel, j
40.000 lbs. Castings aborted, J
400 Casks 2d, 3d, 4d. 4 l-2d, sd, 6d, 7d, Bd, 1
10d, 121, 20d, 241, & 30d patent cut Mails |
And fid, Bd, lOd, I2d, 8c 20d Brads, ?
20 Bags Pepper, Spore and Ginger, >
2000 pounds Bar I.ead, ;
100 Bags Shot, 1
Kegs " Dupont’s” Sc “ Roger’s” Powder, |
130 Kegs No. 1 & 2 Tobacco Vorious Brands, i
50 Dozen Papers “ Kiel’s” Tobacco, |
200 Halt, Quarter and Tenth Boxes “ Flints, J
“ Dos Amigos” and “ Cabannas” Cigars, 1
150 Quarter and Tenth Boxes common Span- |
i b and American do :
60 Hhds. prime N ‘W Crop Molasses, j
20 Hhds. prime and 2J quality Sugars, J
40 Bbls. Muscovado Sugars, 1
25 Boxes Havannah White Stigars, £
80 Bbls. Loaf Sugar, ;
20 Bbls. and Boxes Lump Sugar, \
100 Bags prime and good fair Coffee, I
35 Boxes Imperial and Hyson Teas, \
120 Two pound Cadies Gunpowder and !Iy- I
son Teas, 1
t *
For Cash or on a liberal credit for City acceptances only.
May S 89
' ' M/O
puoviounce, was.UNO con city,
PHIL, AD fit. PHF A, CH VltLfiSrON, S. C.
For sale by
Beers, Bunnell & St. John,
Jii Oii'l, corner of M’lntasb street.
Ij G 0I “> a 'id Silver Coin and all kinds of Bank
I'Notes. Bought and Sold.
I Nnverob rl2 40
; The Subscriber
i* '» opening in Broad street, one door below Jp\ J!
1 ten's Hat Store ,
Consisting of
-■ OllfiSS COATS,
Frock Coats
Drab box Coats
Double & single mill’d Cassimere Pantaloon
v Broad (.loth, Satioelt and Corduroy do
d Toiliiiett, Valentin, Swansdown &, black silk
hi Vests
" Blue and black Cloth and Cassimere do
Superfine Linen and Cotton, trilled and plan
Knitted, Cotton, Worsted and Lambswtu-I
-1 Shirts tad Drawers
Flannel do do
Tartan and Camblet Cloaks
Ladies do
2 Boy’s Dresses
a | Youth’s close body Coats
. I Gentlemen’s superfine Huts, acme very vdde
1 i brims
| tinmilalion beaver do
! La Fayette, boys and mens seal skin Capa
Washington, Jackson end La Payette Stocks
Silk Umbrellas
I Hosiery
Gloves, &c.
— also —
Negro Jackets and Trowsers
House servants Coatees and Pantaloons
c Fearnought great Coals
s Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shirts
0 Striped and Check do
e Common Linen do
r Woollen Gloves, and many other article*
d in his line.
1 Pbe above GOODS are New-York made, and
viII be disposed of wholesale and retail, at Ncm.
York prices.
J. P. Seize.
December 3 4ft
Tolled WaisibeVts,
Diracelets, &c.
t I’l subscriber lias tins day received per sir i,
jsA Doris Irom Liverpool, an elegant assort men > 1
J | of Polished Steel Waislbells, Bracelets, Buckle
e ! lt >d Clasps, ot the newest fashion.
—also —
Yard Neck Chains,
Best London Hair, Cloth and Habit Brushes,
Perfumed Soaps, &c. &c.
Gcortre Oates.
March 18 76
1 500 Bbls. prime Northern Whiskey,
t 200 <lo (Id do Clin,
| 120 do do do limn,
| 10 Pipes prime Holland Clin,
7 Pipes prime Cognac Brandy,
3 lllids. old Jamaica Bum,
5 do N. Orleans and W. 1. Bum,
1 Pipe superior old Port Wine,
30 1-2 1-4 *k 1-3 Casks Pico & Sicily Madeira ;
35 I 4 & 1-8 Casks Malaga & Sherry Wines,'
1/ 1-4 Casks “ Dyer’s” best currant Wine, ,i
20 Bbls. Cider and Beer,
120 Boxes (real) Muscadel & Bicam Raisins, j
20 1-2 bbls. and kegs Crackers,
100 Gallons prime new Honey,
150 Boxes No. 1 and 2 Soap,
fi6 Boxes Fancy Windsor Soap, i,
250 Bbls. fresh No. 3 Mackerel,
150 do do No. 1 and 2do
150 Half bbls No. 1 and 2do
50 Whole and hall bbls. shad,
20 Boxes Cod Fish 100 lbs. each,
5000 pounds odd Oven Covers,
3000 lbs Bacon Hams,
75 UPis. Northern Flour,
10 Tierces prime Rics,
150 Nests Dry Measures, t
200 Nests Boxes 5 in a Nest,
300 Pails, Iron and Wooden Bound,
200 Straws of Tumblers,
30 Thousand Russia Quills,
130 Pieces Omaburgg,
25 Boxes No. 10 Cotton Cards,
30 Craies Crockery assorted ip Grates,
| 170 Iv gs White Lead ground in Oil,
£ Ji) for $ a®»
Augusta Masonic Hall Lottery,
Samuel Hate,
Robert R. Reid,
Thomas I. Wray,
Augustin Slaughter,
William IV. Holt,
John W. Wilde,
It* I). Thompson,
1 Prize of £50,000 is £30,000
1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000
4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000
4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000
5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000
10 Prizes of 500 is 5,000
50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000
100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000
5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000
51 73 Prizes, )
12825 Blanks, [ 180,000
Less than two and an half Htunlcs to a Prize.
•'lie prizes only to be drawn, unci to be all
floating from the commencement except the Col
o vni},', which will be deposited in the wheel at
infinite periods, viz :
1 prize of 10,000 Sc 1 of 500
2d. 1 prize of 5.000 Si lof 1,000 8c lof 500
>d. 1 prize of 10,000 8c 1 of 500
Idi, 1 prize of 5,000 Sc lof 1,000 Sc lof 500
’h. 1 prize of 10,000 8c lof 500
'Hh. I prize of 5.000 8c lof 1,000 8c lof 500
sh. 1 prize of 30.000 k 1 of 5,000 8c 1 of 500
sh. 1 prize of 20,000 8c 1 of 1,000 8c 2 of 500
J Lh. 1 prize of 30,0( 08i1 of 1,000 8c lof 500
I he Scheme is splendid, and for tidiness and
>c ety of investment, offers equal if not superior
ivJucements to any of the Northern Lotteries.
I’he -whole Hotter yto be completed in
Niue Drawings Only,
Prizes payable in Thirty Days alter the corn
pletion of the Drawing, if applied for within
welve months.
I’iize Tickets will be received in payment for
-ny Tickets that miy remain unsold in the
.nurse <>f tin Drawing.
Present Price of Tickets,
Whole Tickets £lO I Quartern, £2 50
Halves, 5 | Eighths, 125
l’’or sale in a threat variety of numbers at the
c om. ius sm. \ % K n’s of pi ce,
•Vo. C 24A, fitgad Street.
Xj Orders for Tickets and Shares from any
vart of the United States, POST PAID, and
enclosing the Cash, addre sed to tiie Secretary
will meet prompt attention.
J. B. Beers,
Secretary to the Commissioner),
N. B.— Darien Hills ■will he received at par /or
April 25 fly
V'or Sale.
JtegA. Two Stores and Lots, upper
h'lliSL end south side Hr iad street—nearly
M|lH opposite It. Malone 8c Co’s Ware
| house ; which will be sold low for
cash or approved acceptance, on reasonable
lerms. Apply to
James P. Maguire.
April 29 yn
t'uT state.
A liou-e and Lot on the
■‘'.(l Dids.— A Four Wheel Carnage and pair
i Horses.—'l wo Negro Women, House Ser
wants,— Apply at this office.
Ma y 20 4t 94
An Ordinance.
BOATS ofall kinds which shall contain any
damaged corn, putrid mutter or substance of
! "by kind, or which shall come from any place in
i fee ted with malignant or contagious disease, shah
stop on the Savannah river at such place as shall
be directed by Council, and there remain until ex
amined by such physician or physicians as Coun
cil may appoint lor that purpose; and until the
said physician or physicians shall issue his or their
certificate, stating that such boat or boats may
come to the city of Augusta, without endangering
the health of said City ; And any owner or maim
gcr of any boat, arriving within the limits of this
City without first complying with the regulations
' contained in this Ordinance, on conviction (hereof,
shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding five hur.
tired dollars.
In conformity to the above Ordinance,
JVOTICE is hereby given, that all Boats arri
ving from Charleston, from and after this day,
will he required to anchor in the center of the ri
ver, below the Bridge, and there to remain (with
out any intercourse with the City) until examined
by Doct, Thompson the physician appointed by,
the City Council and receiving his certificate of!
permission, and all officers of the city are hereby
commanded to enforce the above notice and ordi
B. H. Warren, I
A. Moore, . Committee.
3. Hollinshead, V
May 13 * 4t go
All Ordinance
Regulating the Mooring of Boats at the Wharves
Sr.c. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council o(
Augusta, that Irom and after the publishing of
this Ordinance, no empty boat having less Ilian
'three able and competent men on board at all
jtimes, shall be permitted to fasten to, or anchor
■at, any place opposite the city above the Bridge,
| for more than four days unless when securely (as
jlened with a strong chain or cable at least fifty
feet in length to a growing tree, not less than
twelve inches in diameter, and that in the event
'of a considerable rise m the River, such empty
boat, not fastened as aforesaid, shall be immedi
ately removed below the Bridge
2. Each bout engaged in lading or unlading
during a high rivcrl shall have at least four able
men constantly on board, and shall be securely
fastened or anchored, in suck a manner as to pre
vent her swinging or drifting on the Wharf.
3; The City Marshal, or any other officer of
Council shall have, and they are hereby vested
with power, and are required, to remove or cause
to be removed, at the risk and expense of the
owner, to some place below the Uridge, any boat
or boats, which may be neglected by the owner
or agent , and for each bout so removed the offi
cer shall be entitled to ten dollars, to be recent
ed from the boat owner, in the same manner as
other expenses incurred in the removal.
4. The owner or owners of any and every boat
shall be liable to a fine, at the discretion of Coun
cil, not exceeding two hundred dollars, for eadi
and every violation of this Ordinance, and shall
moreover repair all damages done to the Wharves
or Bridge in consequence of such violation.
Done in Council, the slh January, 1825.
R. R. Keid,
Mayor of the city of Augusta
By the Mayor ~
Gko. M. Walker, Clerk.
April 22 86
1 Seventy Second Section General
IT shall he the duty ofall and every person or
persons occupying a Lot or part ot a Lot in
this City, to remove from his, her or their Premi
) ses, at the times herein prescribed, alt decayed
and decaying vegetable and animal substances,
f and in general every thing tending to corrupt
the air, and place the same in the street oppo
) site to his, her or their Lot, twenty teet be
i jyond its boundary line The aboveiiientioncd
) duty to be performed before Nine o'clock in the
I Morning ;
1 District No. I, on Mondays and Thursdays.
District No. 2, on Tuesdays Fridays,
District No. 3. on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
It is particularly requested that filth shall not
be thrown out at any other time.
By otder of the Street Committee.
May 20 94
l —■ ———
TINHK following are the Stationary Committees
1. of Council for the year ending the second
■ Monday in April, 1826 :
On City Hall.-- Messrs. Thomas, Warren, Hale.
On Police. Hale, Dillon, Thomas.
On Hospital. —J. Moore, Hoi inshead, Bowdre.
On Hoads. —Bowdre, Dillon, Hale.
. On Accounts. Hale, A Moore, J. Moore.
On River Bank and Wharf —A. Moore, J.
Moore, Danforth, Bowdre.
On Streets,— Bo’Jrdre, Dillon, Warren.
On Jail. —Warren, Danforth, Thomas.
, On Drains. —Danforth, Hale, J. Moore,
j On Pumps —Warren, Danforth, A Moore.
, On Magazine. Dillon, /I•..l'inshead.
Published by order of Council
Geo. M. Walker, Cl’k.
May 20 94
CwUtrCtoi* auA Wfcceiver’s
WE will attend at the following limes and
places, for the purp. se of collecting the
r Taxes n| the year eighteen hundred and twenty
V four (1824) and receiving returns of 'Taxable
Property lor the year eighteen hundred and
r twent) five (1825), v r z. at the Chy Hotel, on
I- Monday the 25th of April, 9tli and 23rd of May
next, at the Globe Tavern, n Tue day the 26lii
of April, 10th and 24th ot May next—at the
(Planters’ Hotel, on Wednesday tlic;27ili of April
ami lltliand 25th of May next, and will re
main from ten to one o’clock, A. M. at each
i E. Buj;g,
i- Tax Collector, Richmond County,
M. F. Boisclair,
Receiver Tax Returns, Richmond Count j,
April 12 33
SCSI-afflAa) @0 IffiaMja '
Vavtittgfc Maker.
HVS ree -ived a part « ins 3ijr.HK Supply of
CARUI.iG E V and GIGS, which mattes his
1 assortment ol Gijjs complet —consisting of first,
second hh<l third rate Leather and Suntop Gig's,
one Cnachee and one Chariotee. Being regular
ly Rupplied with an extensive assortment, direct
. the various manufactories ot Newark and its
1 vicinity, he is disposed to sell on as good terms as
the articles can be obtained in Augusta,
’ . tCyOrders for any kind rtf Carriages will be
torwatded and ex-cnted in the best manner, tit
’ the manufacturing prices. Gigs and Carriages
built to order, liepairing in all branches, at short
> notice, on the most reasonable terms.
March 22 ts 77
IN FOB M'S the persons who have applied to
him, and others, tiiat he has Just received
fresh Vaccine Matter.
! Applications to be made at his Steam-Bath
Kfltuhhshment or at Mrs. Sera’s opposite the City.
Hotel. 3
Mav 20 3t 94
(D~ Take, Malice.
PERSONS wno have not paid their ROAD
AND WELL TAX, for the year 1825. are
j requested to call on the Collector and Treasurer
and settle the same before the first day of June
next. After that time, executions will be issued
against all defaulters.
Natli’l L. Sturges,
f Collector ami i reusuver,
f May 1? 4t 93
! liiAWo
HE subscriber having resumed the practice
of LAW, tenders his services to tlie public, He
, will attend most of the Courts in the Western
Circuits, the adjoining counties in the Flint and
‘ Ocnmlgee, and the cohnlies of Lawrens, Twiggs
and Pulaski, in the Southern Circuits.
Thomas W. Harris.
v O’ Letters addressed to him Monroe, WaL
; ton county, will be a:tended to.
February 8 ."rri 65
i subscribers have connected tihemselyeo
in the practice of die LAW—(hey will uni
' ttinnly attend all Uiu counties of the Northern
' Circuit, and the county of Franklin, of the Wes
tern Circuit, one o( them will be generally found
at their office in Elbcrton, where (hey will tak£
pleasure in transacting the business of those who
may be unfortunate enough to be involved In the
’ Law.
i John A. Heard,
Thomas J. Heard.
j January I, 1825 >■* 57
Jl llllF. public are cautioned against purchasing
“ the lease ol the lot and improvements on
Broad Street in tiie upper part of Vugus'a, where
I now reside. The reason of this Camion is, that
Mr. James P, Sloan having (ailed to dispose of
]the lease add irnt.rovemc. ts this day, at aucuoij,
jin consequence ot the notice given to Die bid lers,
j relative to Mr. Stuart’s Utie may attempt a less
public mode ol si dug that which is in (acl not
diis. lam in possession’ol the property and will
!nut abandon it 10 qtp 1 the humours ot Mr. Stuart,
rj 1 his property is pledg' dlO him to scene the
11 ! pa) me lit ot from lour to iour hundred and fifty
•!dollars, which debt it shall pay as soon as it can
lltairiy ht sold according to the agreement be
,|<ween Mr. Stqart and myself, but I should do in
cjtihice Vo myself and my creditors were I to suffer
- j this property to be sacrificed to the whim or pas-
Ision of Mr Stuart, who has no right to U beyond
I what is above slated.
A. (t. Haiforcl.
May 16 1825. 6t ’ p
, / I , HB Public are cannoned og.nnst trespassing
; J. on the Houses and Lots ol the sob-caber
upper end of town—especially against hauling
(sand or earth from the rivn bank nr contiguous
J thereto. Each and every person offending iiall
, have the law rigorously entorced against him of
I them.
| Hugh Nesbit.
I January 21
a HANK RILL ha. umii found by a servant
ot Die subscriber, which the owner can have
■ by giving a satisfactory description nf the same,
paying for this advertisement and a small reward
to the finder.
Patrick H. Cains.
May 10 1825 ’ 91
■N olice.
LL persons to whom the estate ol Joh.v M
JriA Laojiin, deceased, is indebted, are requests
to present * accounts within the lime pre
scribed by law, and those who are indebted to
said estate, are requested to make immediate pay
ment to
Peter Hennoch, Jldrn’r,
J J ly 23 t k
jN otice.
ALL persnns are caiui'ified against trading for
a certain note othand, given by the snbtcri
\ her to It'berl l.unday and It iber l lievi|l of Seri
jvt 1 County, 11 th.s State, for hree hundred and
ilif y dollars, dated on Die llihday of January,
I 1825, and due the Is, day ot January next, ai {
lam determined nut in pry the said i.ote unless
compelled by in a, as the same was obtained iur
lunsnund property and also for property to which
Die said Lundy and Hevii! had, as 1 have good rea
sons to believe, no just right or title, so Dial no
consideration tor die said note lias ever been
Christopher Snell.
Emnnuet County, April JB, 1825, 6l» 9y