Newspaper Page Text
jmm, —■——— ~ i
BUTETOI3BT * I’UIJs (i ft,
Vi It* ti VIA.
THIS new and elegant estab
ffTTril li-hm hi, «i:i Ij open .1 Uit nci jj
uil9l t'mi of compoiy ax usual, nex »,v
JHM nm miii. Tin' quality ul the water is b
Co . i well known, in coiiHt qiu-nce of tin }
numbers ol p rsuux wlio used am) receive
be lull' tin l lie last season, tlm Hie stlhscrib' ,
deems .1 sca-cdy nece-sary to enter into a deiai %
ol Hieir properties and effects. He will,, how
ever, lor Hie informuli m of tlioie who tiny aid
remain unacquainted wi'h them, terns' k, tlm
there ara two h icings—the waters of one m c
winch are strongly impregnated witli snlplin:
and magnesia—the other with irm. the fir
art's on some as a mild, on others, as an active cn ’
(Imrtic, ami are s'rnnglv recommended in con
plaints of the tver ad k dievs, dispepsia, and it
al liseaaes irising fnm a disordered stomach
They «t o ice non >ve indigent on ami the cm e
by wine i it is oroduceil restore lost sppetito, pit
rify the blood, and ■ xlnliarale the spiiits. In ca- 1
ses of debdily ami weakliest, they hive been
found particularly efficacious. I'lie waters ol tin
oilier spring are strongly tunic, mid lb night verj 1
proper to he used after dr liking the sulplior wa- ;1
ter. To promote the elf- cts . f each, hot, cold 1
and shower baths arc provided. “
I'lie buildings of tliis establishment, as men v
Honed in a funner advertisement, are nil of brick
and in an eminent degree unite m atness, conve
nience and comtort. These points have been pai ’
ticularly attended to in th me departments intend
ed for the use ol ladies or (arnil es. The adj.i
cent nionniains a lounding in game, gentlem n
fond ol hunting, w II have an opponnmly of m
dulgmg in that pur nit. Those preferring mor
inactive anni n.Mneols, w ill ti id newspapers, b inks,
chess iien, bickgunmon tallies, he.
A nnsemeolx ii u lor the ladies have not been '
over.ooke I : Music ol the best kind will be pro 11
Ti led fop dancing— and sue as re fond ot plai '
iog in the E irle Piano, will find in the drawing
rmm an rl gain oie provi led tor their ns
Moderate ex else on hop- back or in carriag> 1
being c.iusid -red very pr per w tilst using tin
waters, Hie snbscnb r take, ibis occasion to n
in a tbit the part of the country m which Ii x ■
spri igs are situate), are peculiarly adapted to
this ki id of exorcise —they are surrounded o *
cv ,i Ie by lolly iiiouotaios, with a rich am
beatii !iil v.d ry This val
ley alf nils excellent road-, and m ruling oit ill 1
pn-.- .nr mlialt d fresh from the iiuhi Tins, aeh g ‘
in eonm xi m wilh the waters, al once give, a 1
tni ince of returniiig bealgh, even to Uie greates
iova id,
tie if men from thf South, wishing lo clispens
with the use of carriages ml horses, can con
d.p ctlv to ihe spot without incurring the tx 1
pn Se ot eilh"r—they will proceed by wate
twin Savannah, (Ihar estnn, or any other son h !
ern port, lo .r■ nl Ic, tlienca in dm steam boat to
Uich noml, from whence there nt twice a week, «
■nail stage <ti»■ now passes within two mites ol
tins place, and alter the 15 Ii of .lime, will coni
directly to the spot, passi g through the llourisl
ing town of l.mchbnrg. Alter arriving h r
and re naming a' long as is agreeable, they cm
tlion proceed to any of Hie adjacent sorings they
nnv choose m aback kept hr the subscriber to 1
that purp 'B*'. foe distance to the Sweet Springs
is iiiiriy s-ven md-s —to the Whii ■ Sulphur, fit)-
fiv • io Hie Sweet and Salt Sulphur, sixty —lo
th' 1 If -d Sulphur, sev-n y two —ami lo the Hi
and tVann Spn.tga, between six y and aevenly
mil a.
It is recomm'mb'd lo gentlemen inte ding 1
visit any of 'he .Vngmii Watering Places, I t
linv ■ their I tier* uddr tssed to the Boielonti f
Springs. 11 being die first watering place th \
will i i ich si m going, and the last in returning,
they will experience great convoim no. - in billow *
ing diese d rccions —h esn«' on their amva
they may find letters Ir nil home, and during the
slay, will hav,' an opportu dty ol hearing Iron
their friends every other day, as the mad fro
the South arrives three times a week Ifuf n
reoiann. g with tin* subscriber a-- long ns is a
pr- eub: , they should ch uise lo pr ceed to a \
of the nieghh ring springs, In- promises that tli' ir
lei tors shall he cirelully forwarded, wJielher .«
ever they may direct.
('Jiailos Johnson.
, r
llotetrmrl Springs, vpr l 4 », 1M25
(1./* Tn** ‘‘luvwtfn CoisKu'inmiisl will enfn/ th (
above. o'ic* a iurr/c sow week* anti transmit th* (
acconn to he oj/in* of the O o qian
• -• 94
AMd> S (LA Vl Ii y I'HS.
I|h (IOUI'jL, a I'rcnch Physician, respecllhllv'
Ir ofonns the public, dial he has establish'- 1
Si EA VI an! MEDICAL It \ THS m Augusi . '•
The very high repute these Hadis havi acquir i
in Europe, where (allhough a late discoviry
they are to b ■ found in every hospital, anil tin
great cure- they have performed in Hosion, Phi
1 nlelphia and Charleston, can leave no doubt o 1
their efficacy. The mst gentle as well as Hu "
moat powerful medicines are administered by ha ''
means, widimit any pain, trouble or disgust to tU
patient. *'
They are a never failing remedy in all cutane
oux atV cliona j from Psora, Ifii gworms, hr. u
Sealdhead and 'l,eprii«y. They also have neve d
faded of success in either acute or chronic rhen 1
mutism. a
In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anasarcon i
twellings. incipient dropsy; in aH diseases ot ih, H
joints, gout v ati’ecti ois lii.pi raion ot tumors, ill ci
cured xyphd's, spasmodic or nervous affections c
in all bilious disord 's, dyspepsia, liy pocondriasix. i
epilepsy —these hstlis have been Inuiul most sei r
vie a de, n i I have often succeeded even io lure
ditary CompUinla. In line, this manner ot admin
iatenng alrnotl every remedy belonging to Hi
healing an. may he tendered applicable lo almos |
every ease, and (it is repeated) without any pain
trou'de, or diag ist to the patient.
As these baths are not vet generally knowi
Dr. Horui. will he happy to give the mnsi rex ,
pectahle references to persons who have bee (
d by fskii g them.
'V\\t (-V N\vn\u*a\
i.slubU»\wueut, } c
Is in Kil X- xtror,, opposite M . U. Mealing’i >
Brick loose, a d lias go entrance in Broad-stree
immediately opp ixite 'lie c.l'’ /foiel,
Jsinupy II 57
N otice.
Aid, persons liavieg lU-inand* against the e
iate o' K zs A. Levett, b e ol Burke Com.
ft deceased, are n ques'.e Ito present then I
gall> attested, and those indebted, lo make imim
diale payment to
Jonathan Lewis. ) -MmY.
I f Itr.d
aui > 7 .hlmr’x dr
Rosina Morrison, ) 6»m S nun.
May 2. W 25 7l t 91
SITHKKK is perhaps no medical observation bet
I. ter established, none more generally confirme.
by Hie experience ol the best physicians of all gex.
»"d countries and none of more imporiance t m«
practitioner,than ihe fact,that many of tlie most tiifh
■ d' anti incurable compiainta originate in ncgkc
tfd ■ 1,1 a climate as variable as onrs where tin
changes of the weather aie frequently -udden am,
unexpected, it requires more care and attention,
guard against (Ins subtle and dangerous enemy o
I > than most people imagine, or are able am’
wnlnig to besH w. Hence ihe vast number »f pat
tents, afflicted with coughs, catarrhs, asthma
consumptions, and oilier affections, and hence tin
srrag" of rational and absurd remedies, ciied m
:.y the learned and illiserate. Ihe many cases ol
he kind, fell under my observation : the preposf
thus compositions of inflaming drugs, whicl
ire in vogue ; ihe disappointment I experienced ii
praciice from remedies highly recommended , mn
nynwn predisposition lo pulmonic complaints
were strong inducements for me to consider
whether a compound consisting of mild vegetahl
(distances could not be invented, more free Iron
if well founded objections of practitioners, am
letter calculated to avert (he threatening d
•i ruction of the lungs. h
Koi c uighs, colds, asthmas and consuniptioiis
' His remedy is superior to any medicine whici
tas been offered to the public, as it is prepare
'rom the most valuable herbs of our vegetahh
ungdom, and its qualities are such that every dr
lem.ence may be placed in its virtues for tin
ure of the above diseases. From tin knowledg
the proprietor Ims of the pulmonic v.rlues of tin
up, he has no hesitation in recommending ix
'i those who labour under Hume distressing com
I unis as a safe and efficacious remedy, and hav
ng administered il to thousands in New-York aim
Tndadelphia, he feels no hesita ion in offering h
0 the public, and after trial, Hi me persons win
.mrcliase t ie genuine syrup, will have their m
" e y refunded by returning Hie bottle, if they dt
uot (eel satisfied that they have reaped belief
Torn the use of it.
Directum a for Use.
Take a tea spoon full three limes a day, sat
norn ng, noon and nighl, and continue il until re
Hj' Bach bottle will have Hie signature of tlu
(I? I’repared only and sold by E- Audlcr, sig'
'f the Holden Eagle, Augusta.
October 21 33
New and invaluable
Asia tie, Ltnullve £ov Pain.
1 liis Meili- c j ne j s a nev
er full ing remedy to.
tl,c Tootl, ‘ Ache, Head
Ache, and other dis
I 1 ! HS rcm«dy is good against the tooth ache in
(lain m the teeth and jaws when duly appliei
ml employed, it possesses sovereign efficacy 1
elieving swellings of the gums, face and adjacent
arts, arising from or connected wilh tooth aclp
ll relieves head-ache or pains in the lie ad n
lie most easy and agreeable manner; lor (Ins In
I'tent and distressing complaint, tliis, Ins ne.
medicine, is a charming prescription, for it rt
-nires both the organs of -ense and the nerves 1,1
neir healthy condition at a quick and admirable
This new and useful preparation produces, b,
•did and gentle stimulation, a cheering operatic!
i(>on the spirits—it quickens the sensations,
sharpens the perceptions, and invigorates tin
unctions of Hie mind, by dissipating gloom a ,
vapours it acts truly like a nervous and cephah
nedicine of the first order.
Nor is its effect less beneficial when consideret
1 relation to the stomach, than to the mouth. Hi,
ead and the spirits, b> its qualities it acu npm
he sight and immediate organs of digestion as 1
'Tiniiiative and cordial, expelling wind, removing
irpor, correcting acidity, and creating a mux |,
minfortable warmth.
Ihe operation of this invention and improve ,
■lent is quite as favorable to diseases ol the car
mire especially il acts to great advantage in dui
■ess a id hardness of hearing, and even in incipi
■ot deafness, restoinig Hie tailing organ to Ihi
■xerciae of its true and healthy functions of hear
■ K-
Certificate from Ur. Samuel li. Mitchell.
l>r. Ezekiel Andler, ol the city of New-York. ’
I is day submitted to me his letters patent (ron
lie United Sta'es, for compounding and vending '
1 remedy which he calls Hie Asiatic Lenitive, am •
mked my opinion upon the same, whereupon, at r
er examining the receipt contained in the specifi c
Mtion, I find it contains a mixture of such aroma l - i'
c, anodyne, and anti acid articles, as are well cal '
''dated to produce a composing effect on the hit 1’
nan body.
Samuel JL. Mitchell.
AVll i-Yorle. .Van, inner '2d , 1818.
AuAWi-’s .Milk o£ Kusea.
4 N eU gam cosmetic lor whitening, jof.ening ,
iIF and beautifying Hie skin, and removing pi no
ides, freckles and chops from the face, neck, &c
The Milk ol Hoses possesses many qualities, for n
not only serves for the above purposes, but it put
he bloom es youth on age, a hicli lahmble propcrti
every lady is fond ot enjoying. I his beautiful rose
cosmetic has a delightful fragrance, and is an article
wh ch can be used with safety, as it contains noth
ng that will injure the skin, and it is an iadispcn&a
■ile article to every lady, and should be found on
heir toilets.
Dnm-noss. — After being washed and dried
Mien take a snisll quantity on a piece of white flan
nduel then wash face, neck, hands, &c. Each hot
e will be signed by the proprietor, [’rice sl.
Prepared only and sold by E. Audler, sign of tlu '
• video Eagle, Augusta.
Jidj' 4 2
A l.aige Assortment of
3u\ftiu\e, Books,
for fitii at this Office.
Monthly Advertisements.
A otice.
IVK months after date, application will b
made to the Court of Ordinary of Franklin
■ ■ounty, for leave to sell one hundred Acres i r
••and, in said County, as the property of Adan
• mn, deceased, for the benefit of the Heirs am
Creditors of said dec-asr-d
John K. Carson, adm’r.
January 18, 1825 im6 63
A olice.
months after ate application will bt
inaile to the Honorable Inferior Court 01
olumbia County, when setting as a Court of Ur
dinary tor leave to sell 202 1-2 acres of Land ly
i mg in the 2d Disnict oi Monr- e C unty, Lot N',,
JOS, it being the real estate of William mallet,
deceased, and to be sold lor the benefit of tin
neirs and creditors of mid deceased.
James Smalley, Adm’r,
January 4 is 5 , n.ym 57 <
A otice.
jAI I - E months after dali, application will In .
made to the MoiiuraDle the Imerior Court
t Kichmond County, when silling fur Ordinary
/mrp ses, (nr leave to nr 11 one hall of lour and
'dree quarters acres of 1 and, in said Count)
'joining Hilda of Wan a,d Coleman, for tin
benefit of Seaborn Ste.n r, nil m
Livingston Bkimier, ,
Ouardian. I
'< pt II 1824 j i j, t
at oliCe.
VT INK months after date, application will b- a
j* made to the loadable oc Just ces of til I
Inferior Court, st Uiug lor ordinal) purposes, im :
lie county of If use, tor leave I set. all tin- real
es ate of Sfepln n Cliftuce, late oi liurk county
deceased, loi the be n fit of the Heirs urn! creel
• ora of said dec, "><• .
Mary Chimce, Adm’x,
J o.*»cjiJi Cimnce, vidm r.
Hirke ravtsy > , .y,|,
months ai i*i* , , indication will b
•As* mace to the Upi.vr.ble Court of Ordinary
n C lumuia County, ior av- i, seif at tin 1
real -slate del ">ging to the orpin ns of han.ut
s nliva , d cea-,, d, a.,d also, an Undivided tia
of Lund, lying ,n Columbia (joan.t. bi longiii,
o said orphans, and to , if. Jones, a Minor,
John Carthilge,
i ° 7
< aur • ~uil Orphans 1
Polly J one-,
Gu i o/ . I/- mda suns
May 25 v
A uLfCc.
,>|INK months alter . ie, i.c, m wi b,
m,de to the honorable i iVrun Court i
tichm in-1 County, n.j- leave to - ,1 tm- umlividi
ns iof lein menl No 7, ondg |{>w also, iw -
unimproved lots Corner u El - n and He old j
-reels, tor the be. ti ut .Viarga t r‘ Uones, a
John Homs, Guardian. ,
Ox |,-r 25. 182,
jIN K mo hits .stier ,1 , , a .p'lc-n io,t will b.
■o I made ,o the Horn r-til- (lie Justices oft).
UTior Court oi said coju ,ty, when anting f
htimary purposes, for have to sell the wimle o *
'■e reai Estate-4 Irvin 11 ,et, d -.cease.l, late o
•aid county, tir tli t b- iiefit of the heirs and cr>
• •tors ol Mid ,!• C'.‘ns'-Mi.
Jauics Lambert, ) , ,
fe.lm.-il H„y,. t
Scriven Cnnti : . ,e; , i 61 /
Mi I IC. .
NINR months jm, .J,i . , application will bi
made to the Honors do Court of -Urd .ary o :
do nmbia county, for I. av ,o sell two ,isets i
f-.iod in van! county, Iviog mi G i-enhritr foe- i
o co Paining 318 acres joining I’o ard. Pun.,
lt d others, die o ner c m ai’niug 172 acres iom >i
l.uki and others, u being a part es tne res’ < st,
■t I h'Hnas Jones, dec as. d, sold lor the bentfi o
it tlie heirs U -ai-* d reuse-!. >
VV iliiam Booktr, Adm’r.
hi ■">irht of h•. wif '
January 25 1225 I y..
VT INK months all r e. apiU.ration will to
Ls made to the Hoooi bjie tin Infeiior Cut
■f Idclimuiid county, white si-ting for Ordman
im poses, f.r leave to sell a Lot in the City ~
Ulgusta, bounded by Ell ■ and H uts on streets *
belonging to the estate ot Michael S 'vert de «
ceased, for the be uefiit of tin heirs aad creditor
if said estate.
Andrew J, Dill, adm’r. \
Aathan Deed*, adm’r. mi
in light o/ his wife d
Mary Deeds, adm’rx. 1,1
•Augusta Feb'nar If. 1823 1 y
-8 otice.
AfINE months after date, application will bt on
made to the Honorable the Court of Oidio it
ry of Columbia County, lor leave to sell 222 a
cres of Land, lying in Columbia County, on du
waters -if the big Kmkee Creek, adj im. g Lands
>1 Hamilton, Craves and others, to be sol.l lor lit, (>
benefit of the heirs . f James Martin, I'eceax-d. 1
Hubert Martin, adm’r.
Novembers 1524 L»9m 40 I
A otice. a
VTINE months after date, application will In
i-N made to the Honorable the Justices of tin V
Inferior Court of Franklin County, when sittii.p '
or Ordinary purposes, (or leave to se t the real ”
Estate ol John Gettings, late of said county, di ’
•eased, for the heirs and creditors of said d. ‘
John Gettings, adm’r.
April 12. 1825. I n 9m 87
A otice.
]A|INK months alter dale, application will bt
made to the Hoitoiable the inferior Court, of
Ifitrke County, when sitting for Ordinary purpn (y
«es. for leave to sell the undivided part of tin
re d Estate of Lewis Emanuel, deceased, for tin „
benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceas
Jona. Lewis, i
Surviving .Administrator tie bonis non, ,
Rurkr county, March 7. 1825 fi»o,, 1 (
Book wm\ Job V’viuUug,
Neatly Executed at thir (ffict.
fAiINE months after dale, application will I
il'J made to die Inst rior Court of Columb
County, when s tling for Ordinary purposes, l<
ave to sell 235 acta sos [.and, (in said County
belonging to the estate o) W i-'liam It. Crabb, di
John Kemion, adm’r.
Novembrr 6, 1824 In 9m 40
A otice.
AiilNE months after d..te, application will b
—'J miidn to the Hooorub.e the Inferior Coin
-•I Colomh a county, for leave to sell a tract (
Laud in said cou ty of 105 12 acres, joinin
Murray, Itay and oihers, it being part ot tile rei
-late of W iliiam Ho ion, deceased.
Peggy, Pinion, adm’rx.
March 1« IHii ‘ Li 9*rn 75
' " ‘ ” -t —' » ■'■'■■■—
xS olice.
jAIINE months after date, application will l>
•A J made to the Honorable the inferior Court .
■ie county ot Fran klin, while sitting for ordinar
nil eposes tor leave to sell the real estate of Thun
as D. Jordan, la e of said county, deceased.
Jlohert Pulliam, Adm’r.
December 18 J 823. Mm 41
A otice.
jAfINE months aft; r date, application will h>
in de to the lltinorable die Justices of th
IMt rinr Court of scriven County, when sittiiq
I <r Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a certan
tract or parcel of Land -tontamiog two hundret
wo and an half acres, situated lying and beiny
■i the thirteenth District of Henry County, G
a d known and distinguish ed in the plan of sau
Oi’trict In the number eighty, (80) the while ol
ne real Estate ot Sarah Callaway, deceased, lao
I said County, (or the benefit of the Heirs am
creditors of sa• ! deceased,
Samuel Doughty, adm’r.
Sciven Couny, 25 Ib.j In.9m 72
A otice.
INK months alter cm application will be
a-Ai made to the flonurab e the Interior Cnur
II ,rke (tounty, when sitting tor Ordinary , ur
>o*6", lor leav til sell tile real estate of Wriby
ta iberrv, (M. *p»r.) deceased, t‘»r tiie b ip fit o
• lie lie*iis and crtdif<»r-'v of <hir 1 d-censed.
Jona Lewis, adtn’r.
Rurke county, M v cli 7 1,-2.) I < 57
A otice
tef IME months after date, application will be
ill made to the lustices of the Inferior Cnur
> Franklin C nimy, when sitting tor Ordinal '
u poses, for leave to sell the real ELtaie of Da
v d Clark, deceased, for the heirs and creditor
’ said deceased.
Tims Mays, ex’r.
A rd 12, 1825 l;r;9'i 87
A otice,
INlx months after Mate, application will b
male to I he- J.titices of the Interior Conr
I Frmklm C tin’., when sitting tor Urdma »
urposes, (or -aye to sell the real esiate ol Stal
ing IV,nor, •> Miner,
James 11. Haley, Guardian.
Annl U i 5 i , 9 t „ j-7
A otice.
’I|INE months • fti-r Mate, applies ion will b<
AJ made to the Hon .ruble tlu; Court of O d o
•> of H i, ke county, lor leave to sell the real Ks-
Me ot Enoch Farm r <1 -reas.'d,
John Farmer, adm’r.
Rw ke Coun y, f ) -«JS 1u J n 65
(iE'HU.I HurKt toutl'y.
Ry the Honorable the Conn of Ordinary of liw fsi
To all whom it may concern,
t it/ iIf.UL \s V\ iliiam tiapp aoi.i Sapp
aclmi dsirat r and admmistratiix, on ti.
a-Me of Philip Sapp, late of said county, ih
as-xl, have ap|)lttd to this Court for letters IJ
>iis pry
he e are therefore to cite and admonish ul
ml sirg-dar the kindred anti creditors ol the sau
coa-ed, to fi' their objections (if any flit
i 'Ve) in the t.ffice of the C:. rk ul said Cou t, c
i lo ( ’re the first Monday in January in X', othei
'i«e letters Di.niissory will be granted to them
W t less the H i.urable AM n Pemb r on, on- I
of iln- Justices of said Court, ilia 7'li vt a rc :
' J SSamuel St urges, Cl’lc.
W the Court of O fhmrp,
GKORCiIA, liurke County.
ly tlu Ucn. the Court of Ordinary of said County.
Abraham Uaoforili in righto
his wife, and Angu lus H. Audi rs.m, ad
nnistraioiH on the es'at ol Elisha Anderson,
ceased, have applied to said Court for lette r I
tismissmy. t
Now tliemfore, these are to cite and ailmon
:’i all and singular the kin ired and credi'ors ol
he said -leceased to file their objections (it any I
ley hnv ) in the office of the clerk 4 this Court,
n or before the fl si M mday in January next,
therwise letters disnnssory will be granted. i
Witness the H niorable James l orrance, oin
of the Justices of said Court, this 7th day
of Match, 1825.
n Samuel Btnrges, Clerk
ut me Conn oj Ordinary,
(tLOKGIA, liurke County.
'ly the Hun iht l oin t of O d nary of said County.
rOffIIEUF.AS J nrtes And »m, Executor of the
Estate of El sha Ander<on, deceased, and
i esianientary Guardian of Virginia C. Antler
in, has applied lu said Court tor letters Dianna
Now therefore, these are to cite and admonish
ill anti singular the kindred and creditors of the
Mid deceased, to file their objections (if any they
iave) in the office of the clerk of this Court, on
i before the first Monday in I noary next, other
wise letiois dismissory will be granted.
W itness ills Honorable James l orrance, one to
the Justices of said Court, this 2d Mav, 1825
5m Samuel St urges, Cleric
oj ihe Conn of Ord< tunyi
A otice.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Cottor
Merritt, deceased, are requested to rendei
t.. ir accounts in properly attested, within tin
time prescribed bv Inv, and those indebud t
said estate wih in ke immed ate pa\or ent to
Comfort Merritt, Admr’x.
Purke County, May 3, 1825 13t t 91
Georgia, Burke County.
be Court of Ordinary, March Term, 18".'
*** ’I hat a l l applications hereafter to
, be niaile for Letters of Guardianship, jf
Minors under the age of fourteen years, iha'd be
n t lied to the Clerk at least twenty days before
the teim of the Court a 1 which such application
is to be acied on by the Court. And that the ap
■dicant or applicants ahull obtain from the Chrk
i notice in writing, which shall he posted at the
tli ur* House door, at least twenty days before the
bf term at which the application is to be acted on,
u , ignilying his op their intention to make such ap.
,y ’ licaturn.— That in case the right of
Guardianship occur within twenty days before
, a j 'be meeting > t the Court as above expressed,
the Court will exercise its discretion n:i to the
course to be pursued.
A true extract Jrom the Mimtlei.
Samuel Stnrges, if Ik,
be April 12 lm4iii 8"
0 GEOIUd A, Sc riven County.
r -' Ge pg pollock, Administrator
ii »* with the will annexed, of the Estate of
Wilham Boothe, deceased, and also administrator
’’ tlie Esta'e of Mary Boothe, deceased. And
A'liiam U. Wade, administrator tie bonis non of
_ 'be Estate of George M. Henderson, deceased,
ach applies for letters Oismiasopy.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
' and singular the kindred ami creditors of the
said deceased’s, to file their obj. ctious in this of
b bee, on or b“fore the first Monday in August
'I lie *'' t 0 sI,PW cause (if ,„,y they have)
wtiy letters Dtsuussory should nut be grained to
. l - lie- applicants,
Given under my hand at office in Jacksonbo
( hi- 28th day ot January, 1825.
1 6m Seaborn Goodall, cl’k.
GEOUGIA, Jiichmonrl County,
Uy the Conn <f Ordinary fur said County ,
*EItEAS li John Meigs and Hubert DU
»f inou Administrators, de bonis non, on the
-stale o» Jesse Dimon, deceased, lute of said
e County, have applied to this Court lor letters
• Dtsuussory',
Tluse are therefore to cite and admonish all
) si'tffular the kindred and creditors of the said
deceased, to file their objections fit any they have)
n the office of the Clerk of said Court on or be
•ore (he first Monday in June next, otherwise let
ters Dismtssory will he granted to them.
Witness the Honorable Samuel Hale, one of (he
Judges of said Court, this 26th day of No
vember, 1824.
6m Isaac Herbert, clerk,
Of the Conn of Ordinary.
GBOitGi \, h'runkltn County
\\l HKKEAS John Kyans, applies for Letter
v T Uiamtssory.ou the estate ol William Isham
These are therefore (o die and admonish all
ami angular the kindred and creditors ot the
stvd deceased, to file their objections in mv of
fice. within the time prescribtd by law, to shew
cause (if any they have) why said Letters Dis
n ssory should not bp granted to him.
Given under my hand at office in Franklin, this
!i 'n day oi D< cemlup, J 834.
6m Frederick Beall, Clerk.
GKOKt 1 \, Columbia County,
VV GEKKAs Bonnet Gralton, has applied for
' ' let' 'f i f Dismissury on tlie estate of
George 1 a deceased, late of said
c maty,
I Itese are therefore to cite and admonish all
•ci vji.gular ilie kindred and creditors of’ the
(I deceased, to be and appear at mv office,
within the time prescrib ed hy law, to fie their
elections (if any they have) to mew cause why
id Liters of Dismissoty should not be granted.
Given under my bund at < ffice, in Columbia,
tins Jst day of April 1825.
6>u G Jones, I). ('Vie.
GKUKtiIA Sc’iven County.
I‘W.IfcHLAS tiles. W. O tver, Administrator
/s# of the estate and i ffecls, and James oil
vr, deceased, late of said County, applies tor
titers 1 lismissory.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
ml singular tlie kindred and creditors ol the
aid deceased, to ILe (heir objections 'if any they
•»v- ) in the . flic.- ot the Cl rk of said Court, on
r before (tie first Monday in November next,
> berwite letter* Disinissory will be granted to
(iivpii under inv hand at office in Jacksonbo
rough, thn 25'lidny -r A;.id. 1825.
(ini heabom (iotulall. CVk.
t* r.i tit* .1 A, t'run'kuH County.
IMUSaS samuei Power Adrt.V and Han- •
'•'/ null l ute Aclm'rx. ap lies lor Letters of
Usmusory or. the estate of Wnliarn l ate, dec.
inese are th- relore h cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of the
■aid dec, used, to file their objections in my office
vvithin the tone piv -cnbt n by law, to shew cause
(if any they have) why said letters of Disniissory
should not be granted to them.
L ven und' r my hard at office in Franklin, this
*’h day of March 1825
(ini Frederick Beall, CVk.
V )Uvil \ be tivai Lou my,
WEKEAS Jacob M’Guwin, applies for Jet
ers ol Administration de bonis non. on the
I-: .. e and effects of John M'Gowm, late of said
Omni v, deceased,
fhese are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of the
sa d deceased, to file their objections in the office
of the Clerk of tin. Court of Ordinary of sant
County, within the time prescribed by law, to
hew cause (if any they have) why said letters
■ hould not be grained.
Liven under my hand at office in Jacksonbo
rough, this 27th day of April, 1825.
Gm Seaborn Goodall, CVk.
GEUKgIa. haukl.n County.
41JHEHEAS James If. Little and Samuel Shan
** ing, applies for Letters Dismissory on the
t-stale of William M Cracking, deceased.
These are tlterefore to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of the
said deceased, to file their objections in my of
fice, within the time prescrib' d by law, to shew
cause (if any they have) why said letters Dis
missoty should not be granted to them.
, , G ' l Ve l under my hand at office in Franklin, this
tth day of March, 1825,
(ifii Frederick. Beall, CVk.
*'oy bale, or Hire,
A Negro Woman, a good Cook, Washer and
*a Ironer. For partieu'a*h apply to
William Alackie.
February 22 ts 59