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<WMtriwgn».,-».. ~ - 1 ~ . 11 , . —«.■ —— , , —■ —■■■ -■ ■ . ■■ •—— ——- - ■ ------
m d Ilia HI ■ITH Mil——l_llßJlM—l_llLUX—Lilli—_
Cite vJTontftftutionaWt
Augusta Masonic TTall Lottery.
Si®*®®® I;
Now Drawing in the City of Augusta, un
der Vic superintendance of |'
S. Hale 1 fA. Slaughter,
R. R. Reid, fi- ,> v ; • 10l T . 1
T. I. Wbay, f j. W. ’ *»», !
T\\e Secomi Drawing
Will take place on the 12tli of October next.
All the Capital Prizes are still undrawn, con
sequently tin; Wheel is very rich.
1 Prize of 830,000 is 830,000
1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000
4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000
4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000
5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000
10 Piizes of 500 is 5,000
50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000
100 Prizes of ’ 50 is 5,000
5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000
s sat i i
Leas than two and an half Clanks lo a Prize. j
Tlie Piizes only to he Drawn, j
.id the Prizes to be floating from the cominer cement,
except lh< following which will be deposited in
the wheel at tie finite periods , viz
I prize n( Ju 000 8i lof SUO
2d. 1 prize of 5,000 & I of 1,000 & lof 500
3d. 1 pr ze of 10.000 & 1 of 500 1 prize of 5,00'i & 1 of 1,000 & 1 of 500
sdi. I prize ol 10,000 & lof 500
6’h. 1 prize of 5.000 8c 1 of 1 000 k lof 500'
7ih 1 pr.zeof 10.000 £c lof 5,000 8c 1 <>| AGO I
il i. l prize or 20,000 8c I of I.OJU 8r SoiSOO,
9th. Ipi , zf . of 30,000 8c lof 1,000 £c lot 5001
All Pnzes payable thirty days after .'he corn !
pi tun ol the drawing subject to a dediction of!
n.o-eii percent—if i. ol applied fur wit Hi a twelve
mouths, to !)'.* eputude red a donation to P ’f. ls
of the Ma w in rial!.
i’ICKEiS He! S I Anus mty e 1 had, in
a great variety ol al tite o ml urine at
BE E iiS’ L 0 TTE LI V t 'VICE,
No. 241 HIM AD S ITlElir, GUS I’A.
M hole Tickets, &10 ()0
Halves, 5 00
Quarters, 2 50
Darien r nnney wll be received for Tickets.
Off Older* tor Pickets and Shares from any
p rt nt lb.? United Stales, enclosing (lie Cash,
post paid, wiil meet the same pr impt attention,
as on personal application, if addressed to
J. 8. Beers,
Secretary to the Commissioners,
Aujrnct 23 g
Y \ A)V A and LUHi.
HD'S) HARREI fresh North
mm -•■-p'-v
misM-eBsSsSL 250 Casks J*f*sh Stone I.ime, of!
aso -.'Tuir qual lv. just receivttl and On - mlo nl
No, 300, Broad-Stm-i by
Thomas S. Metcalf,
Ma 2 7 9&
Coni for (Vale.
From 1000 to 3000 Mushels Prime]
For Sale by the Sujsci iher, at JVo 341,
John ion.
July 5. 3
Co mm ins to n B usi ness.
At hi n’d v jikl in Savannah, near the Fort, and
is prepared to n -ke suitable advances upon all
produce placed i hi hands f<-r sale.
John Everingham, jr.
April 12 e*
r/ Mr. i.eiuy li. Field, is an
ti ■ din act as Agent lor us during our an
ali te from Augusta.
Bid well & Casey.
Jnlv 15 6
*** We re requ steti to state
that jime, Murphy, 1,-q, u Caieiiclgle for a
sear in th' h p esentativ - B inch of the State
L ,i-l ur?the ensuing cl .ctioii,
S • ih t 9 22
*** v\ e are autiiorised to saj,
that t -n. IV ,V. Montoomkry, is a candidate lo
lepr cot the County of Richmond, in the Senate.
August 26 18
>*M»————M—l rWHWHiTM—MZ—W¥I I CxnOLU. * .tUMKJUMn
3Cuoiista i&atfomc sall
And all ihe Capital Prizes am n'ill in tin Wheel.
The Second Drawing will lake place on
Wednesday, 13lh of October next.
The unprecedented Richness of the Wheel,
after the drawing of a Urge proportion of lb' 1
numbers, iffers every possible inducement to ad
venturers. This is evidently the richest Lottery
in (he Union, in GRAND CAPITAL PRIZES,
besides a very large proportion of the minor
TICKETS and SHARKS, warranted undrawn,
mav s'ill be had at 'h ' original c cheino price at
No. 241, Broad-Street, Augusta. „
PRIZE 1 ICKETSf received in payment.
(O* Orders for Tickets post paid, enclosing
the Cash or Pi ize Tickets, will be promptly at
tended to as usual.
J. S. Beers,
Secretary lo the Commissioners.
August 19 15
& At
No. 164 Broad Street,
Have tMs day WeceivedL
which will be disposed of low, for cash.
May 20 94
! The Subscriber
j Is opening in Broad street, one door below Mr. Al
len's Hat Store ,
Consisting of
, Dress coats, * 1
1 Frock Coats
Drab box i;sats r I
Double 81 single mh" dl Cassii;;; •» Par.iilsn'nj'
I Broad Cloth, bntinett and Corduroy *do i
Toiiinett, Vaientia, Swansdown Si black silk
1 Vests
Blue md b’.ack Lntih and Csssimere do
Sitpenne Linen and Cotton, frilled and plain
Knitted, Cotton, WorsUd and Larabswool
Shi is itnd Draw ers
Flannel do do
Tartan and Camblet Cloaks
Ladies do
'Aoy’s liresses
Vmitii’s close body Coats
Gentlemen's superfine Hats, some very wide
Immituion benver do
La Payette, boys and mens seal skin Caps
Washngtnn, Jackson and La Fayette Stocks
Silk Umbrellas
Gloves, Sic.
Negro Jackets and 'browsers
House servants Coatees and Pantaloons
Fearnought great Coats
Guernsey Frocks, rod flannel Shirts
Striped and Check do
Common Linen do
Woollen Gloves, ami many other articles
j in his line.
Tlie above GOODS arc New-York made, and
! vil l be 1 irprsed of wholesale and retail, at New
j-'ork prices.
J. F. Setze.
December 3 45
felfeysusu. i). Vjiraiui,
CONTINUES the practice of the Law at Monti
celio, Jasper County, where he will punctual
!*V attend to any business confided lo his care. He
(also practices in nil the other courts of the Oak
jtruilgee circuit, and in several courts of the Flint
and Northern circuits.- During his absence anj
agent will be left to attend to the business of his ;
joffice. |
( MontieeVo, Jnlv 27 mtf 10
BCYHE subscriber, adrnut.d 10 practice in !be
JL several Cou Is or Law and Equity in this
Slate, ofter Mo the public bis prolessional sei
vices in the Courts of
Bibb, j Henry , I Jones, ICr twford,
Monroe, j Jasper, | Twiggs, | Pike.
Washington Foe.
Macon, Bibb County, (Ga.j j
June 28, 1K25 J 1
A olvee.
Hkntit 11. Fiki.xi, is authorized by the
ITJ. Farmer'- Fire lisunnce and Loan Com
uny N v York, to sign Policies of Insurance t> :
us- ami 10 attend to all other matters in which this
L m -,,tny may be interested, during our absence
f rnm tins place.
Bid well & Casey, Agents.
J”ly 15 ts g
N otice.
A LL pel sons to whom the est(lte of JoHX v ,
I.ADBiN, deceased, is indebted, are requestt
10 present their accounts within the lime pr.
.| scribed by law, and those who are indebted 1.
■>aid estate, are requested to make immediate pav
meut to
Peter Benuoch, Atdin’r.
July 23. , 8
SACKS Liverpool ground Salt,
10 Hiids. Sugar,
‘ 10 Hags Coffee,
100 Hhds. Molasses, 1
1 Bale Oznaburgs, 1
100 Barrels N Gin,
15 do N. E. Rum,
40 Boxes U indow Glass,
5 Kegs Pearl B arley,
2 Hiids. Jamaica Rum,
10 Boxes Loaf Sugar,
2 Ton English Castings,
5 Quarter Casks Port Wine,
5 Caiks London Porter,
20 Barrels Philadelphia Whiskey,
4 Hhds. do 6 years old
10 Barrels Cider,
Wm. H. Egan,
W ante A to Hive.
A good Negro Wench as Conk and Washer, to
remain in town. r '' T \t
August 5 12
A THE Store next door but one
below the Bridge Rank Buildings
la” ! y occupied by Mr. W ashburn,
and'ho Store and Dwelling a few
doors above ihe planters* Hotel, lately occupiedj
by Mr. Henry Campbell.
If not Rented '’(■fore the first October, they
will on'hat day be R uil-d rt Auction.
with approved security forythe rent, payable
quarterly, will be requir'd. For terms apply to
R. H. Wilde or
Fraser & Howdre.
September 9. 8t 22
' On a Building Cease,
A THREE Lots, fronting Walk
er «nd Wail; n- Stree s, ' "posite to
tlie Catli die Parsonage House. The
Lots adjoin each other and will b~
let separately or all together as mnv he desired.
W. W. Holt.
Septemb«r9. 22
And immediate possession giv
. en, <w> large and cnmuodious Stores, 1
I B|!|B i jo ning Ihe subvnbera. on Ihe up
JW.IvJI er art *('u'b aide of Brord street.
Thee sta d? ar, inferior to none in the c'dy for 1
■the country trade.
William H- K
j August 19 16
l»Mta| F'rom the first day of October
next, for one yen-, 1 Hun ea d '.ton M‘ln
•oah-Streei, w’h ’r •> V . Patrick Kelt '. ‘W lives-!
I Apply to P- ’ c ‘ 'Van orto VV . " Hoi’.l
w san IV Ware '
Augna* 2 ill
n> rfn r. I
iMlll The Dwelling next below the
undersigned, at pruseiu nccapied by Cupt. Cor
mick ALH
I be Dwelling »t prest nt occupied by Mr. John
Button, on Campbell street.
The Store and Dwelling on Broad street, next
above the Rridue Bank.
And four Offices on Campbell street. Tir
terms, applv to
M‘Kenzie & Bennoch.
Ju!v 19 7
■ .jit. A House and Lot on Green
Street, in u plea-a ■ situ,, ion, uea. lb li.ui ioi.j
House affording all the comforuL'h acccmnioda
tio. s tor a small iamily. P.rquire d
R. H. V ilde, or
J. VY Vilde.
Angus'3o 5 )() J
:> 1 icjv
rIIE undersigned has appoiited John FI. !
■j si Mans F.-q, his agent durinf his absence '
'(from Augusta. i
•; —1
1 a And has also to Hint,
fowl A Commodious Dwelling
H iuhu. with a good Garden, (arriagu-House, 1
all oilier needful out hnuses, si tinted near Ihe ,
Engle ! avern, on Reyno'drSiieet. Possession 1
jt" be given on the first nfOctdbui in-xt.
Asaph Vvaterrnan.
Itlne 28 1—
\LF, persons having demands ajyinst Ihe estate
oi Robert Laog, deceased, are hereby notified ■
to make their return agreeable to law ; those in
d- bted lo said estate, are notified lo make mime
■ diate payment,
Wm. Bra*, Ex’r.
Jnlv 1 fit r 2
; _j,
*** Ijauney Berry, Fsq. is a
Candidate to rep. sent the c mil,' ot K climood,
in 1.. II uise of Representatives, it the next Ses
sion of the General Assembly.
An 'its' 12 fd 14
ip We are antboriz* dto pay, that
(amks W. Mkbhiiiktu En() is a Candidate Im-
Receiver of Fax Returns, at the ensuing El c- '
August 5 12
Boole. am\ Job Vrinli"?,
Neatly Executed at this (>(/ice. j
THE second drawing of die above Lottery will
take place on WEDNESDAY the 12th day
jof October next. An earlier day would have
been appointed, but for the iuactiviiv of the pre
sent season, and the absence of a large portion of
oup population.—The subsequent drawings will
be much more frequent.
J. S. Beers,
Secietary to the Com issioncrs.
August 19 ifi
■ 1--
May be had at this Office,
•—To wit :
MARRIAGE Licences, do. Bonds, Adminis
tration do. Letters Testamentary, do, of
Guardianship, do. of Administration, do. of Ap
piaisement, do. Disirussory, Recognizances, Sub
poenas, Bills of Sale, P iwers of Attorney, B'ank
Deeds of Conveyance, Sherilf’s Titles, Retail Li.
cence . Patroon’s R ceipis, Mortgages, Appren
tices’ Indentures, &c. Sec.
September 9
CavTiage M.a\k«bT.
HAS received a nart ol bis Spring Supply of
CARRIAGES and GIGS, which manes his
; assortment of Gigs complete-consisting of first,
, second and third rate Leather and Suntop Gigs,
one Coachee and on.- Chariolee. Being regular
ly supplied with an extensive assortment, direc’
from the various manufactories of Newark and its
vicinity, be is disposed Io sell on as good terms at
. the articles can be obtained in Augusta ,
dj*Orders for any kind of Carriages will be
orwarded and executed in tlie bent manner, at
he manufacturing prices. Gigs and Carriages
built to order. Repairing in all brandies, at shorl
tnotice, on the most reasonable terms.
March 22 ts 77
The JouvnaY.
TPHE publishing Committee announces the 1
fi. postponement of the publication of the;'
Wesleyan Journal, until the first of October next.'
The Commit tee does this reluctantly, and with
regret, hut it is deemed better, to delay the pub- I
jbeation of the Journal, wailing the return of tlie
Rev. Mr. Olin, wlio is now absent for his health,
than to issue ii under the Editorship of another
person. Was Mr Olin present, the Journal
should appear forthwith, The Committee de
light to acknowledge how fully the'r expecta
tions have been realized bv nlihHcilp(i”o» Cop tbe
♦Vtsiryan journal. luey regard ft no longer
problematical whether a religious faper, such as 1
is con templated, might rece ve adi ( tm t c support 1
m the ' u th ;an > they are anxious i t ,| v to have (
the pii - edited by one whose endow
.ments ,oiild render it worthy 1 ' the extensive
j patronage i> -yJy (> obtain.
.1. Oa S :I( | PCVV> Vk innan.
I R- s NEATLYS' Utf, lari,liita and
, Georgia wi' a favor by .est «h c »bove.
j Charleston. July ’ 'IX2S. (
I Ik**; HOUEL, a Fren 1 Physician, respectful!}
1? . ''ilonns the public), that he has established
SIEAM aid MKDICJf, BA'i’HS in Augusta
1 he very ii.'gli repute these Baths have acquired
in Europe, where (although a late discovery) 1
they are to b; found in every hospital, and the
gre: cures they have performed in Boston, Phi t
ladciphia and Charleston, can leave no doubt ol s
thfir efficacy, Tlie most gentle as well as ilk 1
mo?t powerful medicines are administered by that] h
meais, without any pain, trouble or disgust to tkt|t
! They are a never failing remedy in all cutunc
on ‘lections; from Psora, Ringworms, 81c. to
(Seal lead and Leprosy. They also have nevet
I failed of success in either acute or chronic rheu
In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anasarcou* I
-Welling], incipient dropsy; in all diseases of tin t;
joints, gouty affections, dispersion of lunaora, ili p
cured syphilis, spasmodic or nervous affections; u
.in all bilious disorders, dyspepsia, hypocondriasis d
epilepsy—these baths have been found most scr
1 viceable,and have often succeeded even in here
ditary complaints. In line, this manner of admin
istermg almost every remedy belonging to tin
healing art, may lie tendered applicable lo almos,
vvy case, and fit is repealed) without any pain
trouble, or disgust to the patient.
A j 1 hast, baths arc nnt yet generally known
Dr. It duel w ill be happy to give tlie most rus 1
pcctabF references to persons who have beei jj
cut d by taking them.
V'Vie Steam fy ttat\A
EatabUaVuuent, t
Is in Ellis-Street, opposite Mr. H. Mealing’s '
Brick House, a rl has an entrance 111 Uroud-stree 1
Immediately opposite the city //old. I
J urinary II ’ 57 1
JV olkfc.
4 DUE rubscribers have connected fhemselve.
** in the practice of ’he l.AW—they will uni
toriniy attend all ll.c counties of tlie Norlheri
ircuit, and the county of Franklin, of the We.
' em Uircnit, one ol them will be generally found
it Uieir office in Elbefton, wliere they will tak‘ *
ileasure in transacting tbe business ot those win
nay be unfortunate enough to be involved in tin
John A. Heard, j
Thomas J. Heard.
January t. 1825 5 7
AuvhrtAVa’s and YarastAs,
Joseph Roderick.
I September 16 24
MU. Rear, the present Marshal of the City,
having intimated to the City Council bis
inten ion to resign hit Office on the first Satur
day in October next; the City Council will on
• that day proceed to the election of a successor
; to fill the vacancy ; at the same time a deputy
. Marshal with an annual salary of fur hundred
f Dollars, and two additional C ly Constables, each
I two hundred Dollars per annum, will be appoint
ed. Persons wishing to obtain tv y of these ap
pointments, wl hand their appl cation* (naming
securities) to the Clerk, on or before ten t ’clock
of that day.
Uy nrtfer of Council, passed the 10th Septem
ber, 11525.
George M, Walker, (Tk.
September 13 ttl 23
& (JABU I CASH ! !
THE subscriber offers for sale Ins PLANTA
TION, within 3 12 miles ol Augusta, con
taining about 300 Acres, (known as the Tin knelt
Tract) it i« io well known, that it hardly needs a is one ol the best timb rtd tracts
in Georgia, as to the fertility of (be soil, the pre
sent cr p (although it has been a very bad crop
i year) would be the beat recommendation— it baa
• a PISHEUY that three St ins can work without
interfering and are as profitable Fisheries as any
on the river, and cf a good fish season would
bring a profit of from three to four thousand
dollars—its Timber consists principally of White
Oak, Hickorv, Poplar, Maple and a great variety
of other kinds. It is so convenient to town, as
to haul two cords of w >od per day, and at the
~ low price of S 4 P'' r cord, would Ire a profitable
business, and (here is no doubt hut with the grow
ing importance of Augusts, that it will bee me
' more valuable. The entire tract may be purchas
-led and contains about 600 acres of which the
above is the undivided half, with m ist excellent
water, wbi It is rare on river land,
' Good Hams and a new Gin H"iise, 40 by 18,
1 with good ahead*, Overseers House, u.d all ne
cessary buildings—There is about 200 acres
: cleared, and if properly cultivated, will bring 40
bushels Corn per acre, and 1000 lbs. seed Cotton
1 —it is presumed no person will purchase without
examining. Plantation tools, stock of all
Corn and Fodder, and also Mules nay be had
with it. 1 would invite Capitalists who wish to
vest their funds to profit- and safety, to examine
far themselves, it is the first time the entire tract
has been'ff red, and I think I can say without
contradiction, that there has never come into
I market such a Trad of Land, combining so many
advantages and conveniences—it is not subject to
freshets. Apply to
John S Toombs or
Daniel Savage.
September 2 3 v 20
N otice.
AIL ne.rsoryt indebted It< the estate of Colton
Merritt, deceased, are requested to render
their accounts in properly attested, within the
time prescribed bv low. am’ tbo-e indebted to
said estate will nvke immediate. payment *o
Comfort Mcrrit, Jldmr’x.
Pwhe Countv. vl »v 1 '535 Lit t t)l
X otvcis.
£\ Cl- persons to Whom u, I*,. Francis Bouyer
ukuk of the city of August,, f ,|„-o s.-d, is indebt,
eu, sre requested to present their de aids >vit|j
m tile time prescribed by law . anil th se ndeht
ed, are requested to make immedia. payment.
B. Uoujer, }., ,
Paul Rossignol,
December 21 t'
'IHIE Public arc cautioned against trespassing
1 on the Houses and Lots of the subscriber
upper end of town —especially against hauling
sand or earth from the river bank or contiguous
thereto. Each ind every person offending -hall
have the law rigorously enforced against him of
Hugh Nesbitt.
January 21 60
N otice
ALL persons having demands against (he Ks
tate of Jonv f.m, late of Columbia Coun
ty deceased, at e requested t .It .in 1 t <■„. i > pro
pi rly adi .ted agree.dilv to hiw, and those uul bt
ed to su'd Estate, are r q r«.'e i to uu ke Imme
diate payment if ’.I" Fx -eii*
I>aac Wi lingbam, 1
Conn'liu-i .loiifrt, > i,
Thomas VV illiiiginii!. ) 1
S-nt mb> r 6 18 15 •■> ( 2 ,
RAN kW \ ’,
OM the s ib-cr b r on t 10-sdav last, a
arge ye'l wtu gr<» mao FIKuEHHK Me
is generally known in the adjoi g c unit >sas a
fiddler. —He was seen in Spa ,iu Friday ast.
It is believed he wII go to Augusta. He may
have a forged pass with him, as he can re.d and
A suitable reward w-ll be given for bis appre
hension, nd cm fmeinent in any Jail in the -tat*
so that 1 can get him,
James Camak.
Mi’l-d'fvilte, August 28 21
1 HIRER months after date, application wd be
mice to the Infer cr Cnur' of Columbia
iC'iunty, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, for
have to divide twenty N groes, the property of
j lames Martin, Me of sad county deceased, of
h'lnch the heirs living out of rhe county and
plate of Ceorga, ar- r -pectfully notified ot lUc h
application. I his 29th dai of August 1825
Robert Martin, Adm’r.
Arrgust 30 2 to
Mr. Luther Camming, will
id as my Attorney during my a.svoc from th*
J. M. Hand.
May 13 93