Newspaper Page Text
* '
" Hliny ° f **“ POliliCal eyil ' 1 ’ WhiCh every C °‘ mlry in the WOrld laboUrß - »" " 0l ° win S 10 -y **»■" Country, but to .. „f Us fen I constitution and ■■■Curi'.U.” -P^KSTI' Y
Cite CantftftutionaHtft
Augusta Masonic Hall Lottery.
Now Drawing in the City of Augusta, un
der the euperintendance of ,
5. Half 1 fA Slaughter,'
R. R. REID, lcom„.U.i„neJ ) V^ f W :J l0LT » i
T. L Wray I J J. W. Wilde,
J LB-R. Thompson!
T\\fc Second Beaming
VViU lake place on ihe Uth of October next.
All the Capital Prizes are still undrawn, con
sequenib (Ip* W’eet is very rich,
1 Prize of 830,000 is 830,000
1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000
4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000
4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000
5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000
10 Prizes of 500 is 5,000
50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000
100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000
3000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000
5175 Prizes, } „. „
12825 Blanks, 5 8 ,80 * 000
Less than lira and an half Blanks to a Prize.
The Prizes only to be Drawn, i
Jill the Prizes to be floating from the commencement , *
except the following v/hich ‘wilt, be deposited in *
the whet I at definite periods , viz :
I prize of 10 000 & lof 500
2d. 1 prize of 5.008 St 1 of 1,000 St lof 500:
3d. 1 prize of 10 00ft St 1 of 500
4ili. 1 prize of 5.00 r ’ St I of 1,000 St lof 300 .
Sib. I prize of 10,000 St tof 500 I
6,1 prize of 5 00U Sc lot 1 000 St 10l 500 t
7ih I prize of 10,000 St 1 of 5,000 St 1 ol 5001
Bth. 1 prize 6f 20,000 St I of 1.000 St 2of 500 I
9th. 1 prize of 30,000 St l u 1.000 -St lof 500
All Prizes payable thirty ays after the com i
pleliun ot (be draw;,.g. aunj •to a deduction of
liiieeu per cent—if not applied for within twelve i
months, to be considered a d.nation to the lands
of ihe Masonic Hall.
I'ICKK I S and SHARKS may he yet had, in
a great Variety ol nnmbf rs al the original price at
Whole Tickets, SlO 00
Halves, 5 00
Quarters, 2 50
Darien money will be received for Tickets.
(JTj’ Orders for Tickets and Shares from any
jpArt of Llie United Slates, enclosing the Cash
post paid, will meet the same prompt attention,
as on personal application, if addressed to
J- S. Beers,
Secretary to the Commissioners.
August 23 9
WiLBEEttAEs, & 6 .
41Dil) SACKS Liverpool ground Salt,
10- lihds. Sligur,
10 Bogs Cfdl'. e,
100 Mlids. Molasses,
1 Bale Oznuburgs,
100 Barrels N Gin,
15 do N. K. Rum,
40 Boxes Window Glass,
5 Kegs Pearl Barley,
2 flbds. Jamaica Rum,
10 Boxes Loaf Sugar,
2 Ton English Castings,
5 Quarter Casks Port Wine,
5 Casks London Porter,
20 Barrels Philadelphia Whiskey, 1
4 Hhds. do 6 years old I
t 10 Barrels Cider,
Wm. H. Egau.
Wanted to Hire. »
A good Negro Wench as Cnok and Washer, to ,
remain in town, (
August 5 12 j
VLOLtt. and LLWE.
Jlfcflil BARRELS Fresh Nortb
tjtjffSkM ern Flour,
'■''"•Mkai 250 Casks Fresh Stone Lime, of
s supe or quality, just received and for sale at |
No. 3ri, Broad-Stree'. by
Thomas S. Metcalf. i
May 27 98
- ■ ■ 1 . i. ■ ■ - - - \
Corn for &ale.
From 1000 to 2000 Bushels Prime
For Sale by the Subscriber , at No. 341,
John Dillon.
July 5. 3
Xuoii6fta agonic ii> all
And all the Capital Prizes ape si ill inth - Wheel.
The Second Drawing will take place on
Wednesday, 12th of October next.
The unprecedented Richness of the Wheel
I after the drawing of a large proportion of the
'numbers, offers every possible inducement to ad
: venturers. This is evidently the richest Lottery
|«n the Union, in GRVNI) CAPITAL PRIZES,
besides a very large proportion of the minor
1 Prizes.
TICKETS and SHARKS, warranted undrawn,
imiv s'dt be had at 'h- original Scheme orice a*
No. 241, Broad-Street, Jiugmta.
PRIZE l ICKB TS received in payment,
(fT Orders for Tickets post paid, enclosing
the Cash or Prize Tickets, will be promptly at
tended to as usual.
J. S. Beers,
Secretary to the Commissioner a,
August 19 is
No. 1, 2 & 3,
Just Received in whole and Half Barrels by
Bachelder & Cod wise.
September 16 gi 24
MAnd immediate possession giv
en, two large and com uodtous St “res,
adjoining the subscribers, 011 the up
per part south side ol Broad-street.
These riu .ds are inferior to none in the city for
the country trade.
William H. Egan.
August 19 jg
to Riwr, ~~
T rom the first day of October
nex. iur one year, the House and L,t on MTu
losli-Street, where Mr. Patrick Kelly now lives.
Apply io Robert D. Ware or to Win. W Holt.
Susan B. Ware.
August 9 j j '
TT to re;\ t. '
Iwail The Dwelling next below the
undersigned, at present occupied by Capt. Cor —als>—
I he Dwelling at present occupied by Mr. John
Bm ton, on Canipbcll-street.
—also —
The Store and Dwelling on Broad-street, next
above the Bridge Bank.
And four Offices on Campbell street. For
terms, apply to
McKenzie & Bennoch.
July 19 7
r undersigned has appointed John H.
JL Mann, Esq. nis agent during his absence ,
tfuin Augusta.
a And has also to Rent *
ill A Commodious Dwelling
llouse, with a good Garden, Carriage-House,
al! other needful out houses, situated near the
Eagle-Tavern, on Reynold-Street Possession
to be given on the lies l of October next.
Asaph W aterman.
June 28 1
HAVING dcro ed u.i doing, ( offer on reason.
abie terms 5U to 6j Thousand feet ‘ a
,lined LUMBER —various descriptions, amon
which are W, aider Boarding, Flooring ai.u 1 cli
Boards, Scantling, &c.
Ad orders left at my store, or at my yard, low
-T end the city, will be attended to.
John (iuimarin.
September 16 >
LE.WBEtt. LklCiV)i.w.L^ti
Commission Business.
At bis old stand in Stjvannah, near the Fort, and'
is prepared to make suitable advances upon all
produce placed in bis hands nr sale.
John Evuringhara, jr.
April 12 y ,
THF Subscriber qgfc; teav . to inform his cos
tomersand tlie public in general, that he in
tends baking Wheat and Indian meal Bread whic c nsiantly had of him or at Ins residenc.
Reynold s reel, three doors wesi of Bridge Row.
' i.ewis Leon.
r 16 24
B. Evaue,
(ION I INI. Ea die practice of the Law at Monti
J cello, Jasper County, wt>ere he will punctual
ly a'tend to any business confided to his care, lit
also practices in ali the other courts of the Oak
mulget circjit, and in several courts of the Flint
and Noiv ,«-rn circuits.— During his absence ai
agent will left to attend to the business of hi
JMonticelo. J ib 27 mtf 10
> otice.
4 LL persons having eiamis against the Estau
11 of H dliam Kmnbt, late of Burke Colin:)
deceased, ar r-q nested <0 exhibit them pr<>p> r
ly authenticated w-tlun the lime presenb-d b;
W. D. Harrison, Aim’r.
Burke county, Sept. 10, 1825 lOt r 24
The Subscriber
't opening in UroaU street, one dour be'.u-n' Mr, Ai
len's Hat Store,
Consisting of
Dress coats,
Frock Coats
Uva!> box (joats
Double & single mill’d Caasimere Pantaloon
HrOud Cloth, Satinett and Corduroy do
Toilinett, -Valentis, Swausdowu U black silk
Blue and black Cloth and Cassimerc do
Superfine Linen and Cotton, frilleiand plain
Knitted, Cotton, Worsted and Lambs wool
Shirts and Drawers
Flannel do do I
Tartan and Cainblet Cloaks
Ladies do
Boy’s Dresses
Youth's close body Coats
Gentlemen’s superfine Hats, some very wide
Immitation beaver do
La Fayette, boys and mens seal skin Caps
Washington, Jackson and La Fayette Stocks
Silk (Jmbtellas
Gloves, Uc.
Negro Jackets and 'Browsers
House servants Coatees and Pantaloons
Fearnought great Goats
Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shirts
Striped and Check do
Common Linen do
Woollen Gloves, and many other articles
in his line. i
The above GOODS are New-Vork made, andi
vill he disposed of wh. csale and retail, at New-:
fork prices.
J. P. Setae.
llpAornKbp 3 46
M/. 164 Broad «t~
this day « ceived
A LARGE EN * olr
wiicii W'P be disposed of * ow * *' )r ca "h
Ma 20 ■
H* *
Uaxxiage, idak^x.
HAS received a part ol fits Spring Supply of
CARRIAGES and GIGS, which mattes his
assortment of Gigs complete—consisting of first,
second and uird rate Leather and Suntop Gigs,
one Coachee ind one Chariotee. Being regular
tv supplied wih an extensive assoitmcnt, direct
from the various manufactories of Newark and its
vicinity, be is disposed to sell on as good terms at
the articles can bs obtained in A, gusto .
ffjfOrders for any kind of Carriages will be
orwatded and executed in the best manner, at
he manufacturing prices. Gigs and Carriages’
built to order. Repairing in ell branches, at short,
tootles, on the roost reasonable terms.
March 22 ts 77
May be had at this Office,
—to wit :
MARRIAGE Licences, do. Bonds, Adminis
tration do. Letters Testamentary, do. of
Guardianship, do. of Administration, do. of Ap
praisement, do. Dismissoiy, Hecogniamices, Sub
poenas, Rills of Sale, Powers of Attorney, Blank
Deeds of Conveyance, Sheriff’s Titles, Retail Li
cences, Patroon’a Receipts, Mortgages, Appren
tices’ Indentures, &c. Uc.
September 9
MU. HnnitT fl. Fjelii, is authorized by the
Farmer’s Fire Insurance and Loan Com
pany Now York, to s'gn Policies of Insurance for
us, and to attend to ali other matters in which this
Company may be interested, during our absence
from this place.
Bid well & Casey, Agents.
July 15 if 6
N otice.
a\LL persons to whom the estate of Jonx M
«• Laubix, deceased, is indebted, are requeste
o present their accounts within the time pre
scribed by law, and those who are indebted to
said estate, art requested to make immediate pay
ment to
Peter Hennoch, Adm’r.
Jnlv 22. v H
N otice.
4 LL persons having demands against the Bs
»a. 'ate of John lones, late of Columbia Coun
ty deceased, are requested to h ud them in pro
perly attested agreeably to 'aw, and these indebt,
ml to said Estate, are requested to make imme
diate payment to the Ex< cu'ors
Isaac Willingham,
( urnelius Jones, > H,
Thomas Willingham, j «
rft ,825 o p 22
B ank f eeds of Conveyance,
Fw eale at this Office*
5 Hoffrro.
FJ2HE second drawing of the above Lottery wii
t, take place on WEDNESDAY the 12th da
i. .ol October next. An earlier day w ild hav'
b.-en appointed, but for the inactivity of the pre
(sent season, and the absence of a large portion o
;our population.—The subsequent drawings wil
(be much more frequent.
J. S. Beers,
Secretary to the Ccm nissio tiers.
August 19 ifi
k FJpHE undersigned begs leave to tender his ser
i vices to the pubi c generally, in the above
line of businesi —he pledges to use all d 1-
n tgeiice, give personal attention, and to exert him
self to the best of his abilities to give general sat
>1 istaction and to promote the interest of all those
■ ,hat mt, y think proper to favor him with their cus
tom. Liberal advances will be made on ail pro
(luce committed to his charge, either (or sale. cot.
Donation, or otherwise, and facilities in ail ca,es
(-when requir.-dJ will be afforded; that but few
ol hers in Ms hue can equal, and none surpass. All
s orders wtil be thankfully received and promptly
attended to. 1
He has taken Mr B. H. Warren’s Warehouse,
at the tout of the bridge, (better known by the
name of “ Leigh’s Warehouse ,”) its situation be
tng imnudiateiy upon the new wharf it thereby
affords peculiar advantages to shippers, Btc.
I he whole establishment having lately under
gone a complete and thorough repair, is now in
complete order fur the reception ol all kinds ol
produce, merchandize, Bic. His close stores are
cleanly, secure, and perfectly safe.
Wm. B. Shelton.
N. B. I lie only Tobacco I'spectiou in the city,
is also kepi at Hie above Warehouse; and lor all
i tobacco of theyirrt quality, inspected here during]
the ensuing season, I will give six dollars per hun
dred, and in the sums ratio for the mure inferior
■ qua! lies. WHS
September 20 2* "
JN otice.
' V tie r ceived at the Ofti ;e of the Clerk
Council, until the first of November
t *.,' conveying Water from the Spring known
p.. a ,' tt’s Spring, to the Market-House, in the
J J tigusta, in Fine Logs, the diameter of
id .Salt be at least fifteen inches, and the
urorvgl. niches. The upper surface of the 1
Cogs wlmn ,| ( ] AoWn to bc.i loot ihroo and u
iialt fee,'b ow tlie general surface of the ground.!
Hie course of conveyance from the spring, to be
’ such as to intersect Broad-street, between Mar I
bury -street and Hawks Gulley.
Proposals m»y embrace the who'* work, or
separate proposals will be r ceived lor furnish-!
ing and boring the Logs, nainu 'S the place wh. re;
they will be delivered, or n y other part of
the work
Sami. Hale, 1
W. B. Thomas, C Committee,
N. Delaigle, )
September 16 24
MR. Read, the present Marshal of the Ci'y,
having intimated t () the City Council Ins
, intendon to resign his Office on the first Satur
day in October next, the City Council will on
Uiat day proceed to the electiun of a successor
■ to fill the vacancy ; at the same time a deputy
Mar.hal with an annual salary ol four hundred
Dollars, and two additional C,ty Constables, each
two hund-ed Dollars per annum, will he appoint
el. Persons wishing to obtain any of these ap
pointments, w 1; hand their appl cations (naming
securities) to the Clerk, on or before ten o’clock
of that day.
By order of Council, passed the 10th Septem
. her, 1825.
George M. Walker, CVk. 1
September 1 1 id 23
STOLEN from the subscriber on the 17ih inst.
a Red Morocco POUKBI’ BOOK, containing
jone 20 and one 5 Dollar Bill, of the Bank ol the
United Slates, and a sma'l amount in North Caro
jlina and Darien money—also a Note draw i by J.
G. Polhill, in favour of the subscriber for §2O 50 ;
, dated June 1324 , a Due Bill of J. M. Han in
favour of the subscriber for §24 50, and a Note
, drawn by Robert Myrick, in favor of David Halo,
( and by him endorsed to the a ibscri ier for §2O,
. dated 23d June, 1825. AH persons are cautioned
against trading for the above Notes, as the pay
ment of them lias been stopped. A liberal re
ward will be given to any person who may re
turn the above with its contents,
Horace lily.
September 20 6t 25
Public are cautioned against trespassing
1. on the Houses and Lots of the subscriber!
Upper end of town —especially against hauling I
sand or earth from the river bank »r contiguoui-l
thereto. Bach and every person offending shall|
nave the law rigorously enforced against him off
Hugh Nesbitt.
January 21 60
FROM the subscriber on Wednesday last, a
large yellow negro man FREDERICK. He
is generally known in the adjoining count es as a ■
fiddler.—He was seen in Sparta on Friday las'. 1
It is believed he will go to Augusta He may 1
have a forged pass with him, as he can read ai d
A suitaole reward will be given for his appre
hension, and confinement in any Jail in the state
so that 1 can get him,
James Gamak.
MiUedgtville, August 28 21
and hieAvi baths.
il H V a French Physician, respectfully
»y IL , !"V >rma 1 ,h f. ' mblic * lh “t he has established
;' EAM f'.'f, MtUICAL BA CHS m Augusta,
e- I he y ery hig-h repute those Baths have acquired
ut Ku rope, where (although a late dlscov ry)
Hi they are to be found in every hospital, and the
p-cat cures they have performed in Boston, Phi
ladelphia and Charleston, can leave no itoubt of
their efficacy. The most gentle as well as the
most powerful medicines are administered by that
means, without any pain, trouble or disgust to tke
- patient.
They are a never failing remedy in all cutane
ous auctions j from Psora. Ringworms, &c. to
ocaldhead and Leprosy. They also have never
tailed of success in either acute or chronic rheu
In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anasarcous
sellings, incipient dropsy; in all diseases of the
, joints, gouty affections, dispersion of tumors, ill
I CU o jy.P 11 ' 1 ' 8 ? spasmodic or nervous affections ;
m all bilious disorders, dyspepsia, hypocondriusis,
B e p'iopsy—these baths have been found most ser
viceable, and have often succeeded even in here
ditary complaints. In fine, this manner of admin
istering almost every remedy belonging to the
s nouhng art, may be tendered applicable to almost
every case, and (it is repeated) without any pain,
j trouble, or disgust to the patient.
As these baths are not yet generally known,
Ur, Model will be happy to give the most res
pectable refer«-ZJrflfto persons who have been
* cured by taking .tern.
. T\\fc fcteam Sf s%iica\ Baih
' Establishment,
Is in Ellis-Street, opposite Mr, 11, Mealing*#
i Brick House, and has an entrance in Broad-street
I immediately opposite the citv J/otcl.
; January II yy
The Wesleyan Journal.
j! publishing Committee announces the
J *• postponement of tue publication of the
■ | Wesleyan Journal, until (he first oi October next,
j * be Committee does this reluctantly, and with
regret, but it is deemed better, to delay the pub
h'.ation of the Journal, waiting ihe return of the
Rev. Mr. Ohm, who is now absent tor Ins health,
than to issue it under the Editorship of another
person. Was Mr Olio present, the Journal
should appear forthwith. Fhe Committee de
light to acknowledge how limy their expecta-
V«? ns . bave beell 1 by subscriptions tor the
Wesleyan Journal. Filey regard it no longer
problematical wiiether a religious paper, such as
is contemplated, mgnt receive adt ti iat. support
in the South ; and they are aaxiuu-. only to imve
I the paper edited by one w hose ample end w
meins should ronder-it worthy ot the extensive
ipatronage n is likely to obtain.
J. O. Andrew, Chairman.
I **' —Editors in S. utu and North Caruii >a and
lUeorgia will confer a favor by inserting the auove.
Cha-Uston. July 2 1325
J. tic Bubacrilsu 1 ,
HER House and Lot, situated on Hr ad- ireet,
m the lower part of the City The Lot is
large and in a pleasant part o<‘ the City—the im
pr-.v merits are a two story Dwelling House, ard
other convenient outhouses. For terms winch
will be made easy, anr-ly to the subscriber ia
Burke county, or to Win. Minor, of <h city.
I Rachael Vollelton.
September 13 4t f 4
THF, subscriber, admitted to practice in the
several Gou ts of Law and Equity in ibis
Stale, olkrs to Ihe public bis professional ser
vices in the Courts of
nib//, I Henry , I Jones, I Crawford,
Monroe, I Jasper, I Twit's*. ( Tike.
Washington Poe.
Macon, Bibb Count}', (Gu.) )
June 23, 1825 C 1
I ’
Js* olice.
' JflpllK subscribers have connected themselves
ims m the practice of the LAW—they wi l mii
firmly attend all the counties of the Northern
; ''■rcuii, and the county of Franklin, of the We*.
, ern Circuit, one ol them will be generally found
at their office in Elberton, where they will take '
deasure in transacting the business of those whu
; nay be unfortunate enough to be involved in the
John A. Heard,
Thomas J. Heard.
January 1, 1825 57
Js* oUce.
THE subscriber will dispose of (ns MILLS in
Montgomery county, having a Crisi and four
Saws running, which la,t are cumulated to turn
out from 4 to 60t>0 feet of lumber per day, which
can be raf ed immediately into the Ocinulgee riv
er, wiih 6(JO acres ot the best timbered pine land
in that section of the state. As to terms of sale,
j they will be made easy. The above property was
jtormeriy that of E, W. Barker. My residence is
|near MiileUgeville. JAMES BOYKIN.
| -fnne 14 w3m 101
Mr. henry H. Field, is au
thorized to act us Agent for us during our ab
sence from Augusta.
Bidwell & Casey.
July 15 6
We are authorized to say, that
James W. Mebhiuktu, Esq- is a Candidate for
Receiver of Fax Returns, at the ensuing Elec
August 5 12
Embreila’s and Parasols,
Joseph Roderick,
September 16 24