Newspaper Page Text
tub ellijay oocriek.
gy Th* follnwtatr rale* sad rule* are
uslrtnsl sad laMwratlve, *al ndnMt of
■n exception ; jjj
Oo aqusre one lnwrti<in • - • $ I d*
Kack (utaooueot laoert.on • - S
Oaf square wt fur ..... 10 00
Two square* ana ;*ar ..... *0 OC
Quarter column one roar .... *.'>oo
Halt cola a a aac year .... 4k 40
Oat coluaa oae year ..... 44 40
Local aoticea 10 ceata a Ua each laaer-
Tea liaaa, aae lack, coaetttuUe a square.
Yearly adeertiaera will bo allowed oae
cheat* without extra charge.
J* 0. ALLEN * • ■ Editor.
ELLUAY.GA., MARCH 1, 1878.
Oar Home Empire.
- *
(Atlanta Conetftatloß.]
We doubt if there i* any man
in the State of Georgia who ia ao
thoroughly and intelligently bent
upon the development of her re
nourcea aa Dr. George Little, the
State Geologist.
lie aeema to have no (bought
aa re the advertiaemont of Ueor
gia’s strength and the auggeation
of her progress. Standing, aa he
and second to no nun ia the
South aa a scholar of general cul
ture, he speaka intelligently upon
anything he diaoouraes of, and his
opimoos cany conviction. He is
careful, prudent and guarded in
all hia expressions. His remark*
able interview upon the subject
of the gold fields of North Geor
gia,published in the Conttitution
some time ago, has been copied
all over the union,and has doubt-
Ira* attracted the attention of
thousands to this favored section.
Meeting the Doctor the other
we asked him what he
thought now of Georgia's natural
“Do vou know,** he replied,
“that you asked me that question
three years ago, when I had just
begun my examination, and had
just returned from the counties
along the Marietta dt North Geor
gia railroad f I was enthusiastic
then, as you rumember.
“And yet I did not then know
a tithe of the truth, 1 did not
conceive a fraction ol the riches
that lie buried in the soil of our
State. I have completed my sur
vey virtually. 1 have examined
all except probably a half doaen
counties, and 1 may say that I am
more than astonished at the rich
ness of our deposits.'
* 1 have already told you, aud
proved to you, that her gold re
gion was richer and better than
that of California, aud that its
• yield must very soon become
enormous. 1 tell you now that
agricultural, pastoral and lumber
resources are equal, if not supe
rior, to any Stale on the Pacific
slope or in the Northwest. Be
sides this, she has water powers
far superior to, and more numer
ous than, those that have enabled
New England
of the Government. It is almost
impossible to conceive oi a State
liaviug greater and more varied
resources. We have gold equal
to California,oopper equal to Ten
nessee, coal equal to Penoajrlva
nia, iron equal to any country,
water powers equal to Massachu
setts, pasturage equal to Ken
tucky, soil equal to lowa, lumber
superior to Mateo, and a climate
better than aay of them. Our
/btgie is in our own bauds "
Wuat oaoaoiA heads.
“Whet does Georgia need to
properly develop her resources
“She needs, first of all,the com
pletion of the Marietta ds North
Georgia railroad. If the convict
labor of the State could be put to
work on this coed, and finish it to
Murphy, N. C., the results would
be almost magical, !u the first
place, it would open up a section
nf anequaled richness ee to min
eral deposits and iu farming
lands. These are aompaniirely
valueless unless they lie near a
railroad. Betides would
inevitably attach to us a do*en or
snore rich mountains and valley
eamtles of North Carolina and
pour their trade into Georgie.
ML We need the extension and
of the Northwestern
seilaoad from Lula City to Rabun
AJap and beyond. This will bring
us into intimate connection with
i lie fertile valleys of Western
NorSMParoliiu, and the granaries
gif East Tennessee, and will give,
betides ready access to the de
} -fitful mountains and scenery,
Acid miuvxai springs of Northeast I
Georgia, and make it in a few
years the greatest summer resort
on this continent.
3d. Georgia needs and mutt
havt the Georgia Western rail
road, piercing the rich copper
belts of Paulding, Haralson and
Carroll, and the unequalled coal
and iron fields of Western Geor
gia and Middle Alabama,and con
necling at Birmingham. The im
portance of this road cannot be
Atlanta, Chattanooga and Bir
mingham, form a triangle o(
about 150 miles for each side. In
the very uatnre of things these
three cities must be the great
manufacturing cities of the South.
They are the outposts of the great
coal, iron, copper and gold re
gion of the South, and, having the
capital and facilities, they mutt
control the manufacturing.
“Now, in order to do this, it is
absolutely necessary that we
shall have chetp coal. To work
copper mine* successfully, to man
ufacture iron profitably, to build
up wagon, furniture and bucket
factories, we must have conven
ient railroad
and abundant coal aud fine for
ests. In ordor to compete with
her sister cities Atlanta mutt
have an abundance of coaljtauled
at low rates. At present she de
pends on one railroad for her coal
supply. With the Georgia West
ern she would be put beyond dan
“The benefit that we should de
rive from these roads caunot
“A few days ago I was showing
the Messrs. Rah t,son and nephew
of Julius Kalit,of Cleveland, some
specimens of the copper ore of
the Banks river in Paulding and
the Tallapoosa creek in Haralson,
and he said: ‘lf I only had the
coal at five dollars a ton and rail
road transportation 1 could make
a great deal of money with these
“1 showed him some splendid
specimens of iron pyrites,” he
said. ‘lf these were only near a
railroad, you might put up sul
phuric acid factories and make
your own fertilizers.'
“I showed Mr. Jenks, the other
dny,soine specimens of corundum
that 1 had picked up on the road
side near the track of the Geor
giu Western, and he told me that
he had found it very profitable to
haul corundum for fifty miles
through the mountaina of North
Carolina. At one time he sold
to one company in New York |5,
000 worth for making etnory
wheels. It is lying in inexhaust
ible quantities along the line of
the Georgia Western.
“1 hope these three roads will
be built very soon. With them
the Slate wiil reach a prosperity
that none of us even dream of.
Without them, her progress must
be slow. We have the grea'est
State in the Union. The only
thing we have to do is to properly
develop it.”
Two years ago he pointed to a
man in .the street, and said:
“There’s a man who dareu’t say
his soul's his own when his wife’s
about. Some oi these women
ought to get me for a husband;
I’m show ’em a thing or two.” lie
was a bachelor then, lie is mar
ried uow, and when hit wife says
“Thomas'SJ" he jumps two feet,
answers “Ves’nt,’’ and doesn’t let
the grass grow under him in an
swering to the summons.
“Do you know," rental ked a fast
Newark youth the other day to a
stuttering triend to whom he was
slightly indebted, “do you know
that 1 intend to marry and settle
down F’ “1 do-dou’t know any
thing about it," was the reply,
“bu but 1 think you had b-b bet
ter stay single and settle up.”—
Newark Call.
A yoi'no man of eighteen went
to Texas last March and is already
the proprietor of a stock iarm,
with which was conveyed also a
ready made family, consisting of
one wife, seven children and a
A* Alabama man who bit off
nnoUmr fallow’s nose was com
pelled <a swallow' it to escape
choking, and the local chronicler
adds that he was put under bonds
to keep the piece.
“What's the difference,” asked
tlie teacher in arithmetic, “be
tween one yard and two yards f"
“A fenceF’ said Tommy Reales
Then Tommey sat on th* rule
fourteen times.
A MAHjfmm Boston would not
confess astonishment at anylhinc
he saw in Nevada. As he was
passing a hotel in Virginia City
the cap Llew from one of the
chimneys. It was a circular piece
of sheet; iron, painted black,
slightly convex, and the four sup
ports were like lgs. The wind
carried it down lha street, and it
weut straddlingtalong like a liv
ing thing. The Potion man asked
what it was. “A bed bug from
the hotel,” was the reply. “By
George! I never saw anything
like that—” he began, and then
added, “outside of Boston.”
Pickens County Lual Mertaits.
Letters of Dismission.
GEORGIA —Pickens county.
Wbereaa, John 8. Hrudley. administra
tor of the estate of Bit lie I Brad lev, de
ceased, nan applied for le'ters of disnilH-
Hion from said administration. Therefore
all person* concerned are hereby notified
to Ole tlieir objection!, If any they have
in my olßce on or before the first Monday
in Match next, else letters will be grant
ed said applicant. This Not. 6th, IT7.
1 ¥ T. PICKETT, Ordinary.
GEORGlA—Fickens cc tro'y.
Mary Ann Ledford, wife of Dred
Ledford, has applied for exemption of
realty and personalty and setting apart
sod valuation of boro attend of 1877,
and I will paae upon the some nt 10
o'clock a. m., on tne 4th day of March.
1878, at iny office. This Feb. 14th,
1878. T. Pickett, Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
GEORGlA—Pickens county.
Whereas, James Worley, administrator
at Tbomaa Worley, deceased, represents to
this court in bis petition duly lied and en -
tered on record that be lias fully adminis
tered Thoms* Worley’s rotate. This is,
therefore, to die ail person* concerned,
kindred and creditors, to show cause, if
any they can, why said administrator
should not be discharged from his admin
istration and receive letters of disiniasiou
on the first Monday In Jane, 1878.
Witness my band and official signature
this Feb. 6th, 1878. T. Piokstt,
Fanil County Leial AMimits.
GEORGIA—Fannin cotfnty.
On the first Tuesday in April next
will bo sold nt the eonrt home door, in
the town of Morgenton, in enid county,
within Ihe Inwfnl hoars of sole, lot of
land no. 0 ntid the undivided half inter
est of lot of land no. 8, all iu the Bth
dir riot and first a-etiun of said ooumy.
Sold a* the prop rj of John Patterson,
deceased. Sold for the benefit of the
heirs and or dit'T* of said deceased.
Terms: one third cash down, the bal
ance on one *nd two years time, with
note with good security bearing interest
from date. Thl* Feb. 15 h, 1878.
loHN A. Stuakt,
sdm’r. de bonis non of John Patterson,
GEORGIA —Fannin oounty.
Will be sold before the court bouse ,lwi
ll) the tnwu of Morguutou, Fannin county,
Go., on the first Tuesday In Msrcli next,
within the legal hours of sale, the follow
ing property, to-wit: Lots ot land Nos.
58, 65 and 66 aud all machinery and fix
tures tlu-reon, all In the 9th district and
and 20 section of said county. Levied on
as the property of the Spring Place Min
lug company, to sathfy a tux tl fa issued
by 8. M. Douthit, T. C., of said county,
iu favor of State nnd etamly; also,
At the same time and place will be sold the
Marietta A North Georgia railroad bed in
Fauuiu eouuty. Ix-m-d on to satisfy two
justices' cumt fl fas Issued from the 913t1i
district G. M., in favor of N. B, Catcher
vs •lames M. Watson, agent for Marietta
A North Georgia railroad company and M.
McKinney, indorser. Property levied on
by 1,. O. Cutcbt-r, L. and returned to
me; also,
at tbu same time and place will be sold
wild lot of land No, 171 In 7th district of
the Ist section of Fauuiu county. Levied
upon by virtue of a tax fi fa Issued by W.
L. Goldsmith, comptroller general.ln favor
of Ibe State and county vs said lot of land.
Ffeb. Ist, 1818. NATtraw Pakbis,
GEORGIA—Fannin county.
Two months after date application will
be made to the court of ordinary of laid
county for leave to sell lot of land no. 818
in the Bth district and Ist section of said
county, the entire real estate of Mllliam
Craig,deceased, for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors of said deceased. This Feb,
28d, 1878. Aintut N. Faih,
administrator of Win. Craig, deceased.
Gilmer County teyal AiTertiseients.
OEOliOlA—Gilmer County .
I will sell before the courthouse door, in
the town of Ellijay, in sold county, on the
first Tuesday in March next, between
the legal hours of sale, lot of land no. 889
in the 261 h di-trict ami 8d section of said
eouuty. Levied on as the property of the
Sanders* heira, H. K Foote, agent, to sat
isfy a fi fa for State and county tax for
tlie year 1874, issued by J. M. West, T.
0., vs H. U. Foote, agent for tl>e Sanders'
heirs. Property pointed out by J. M.
ret. This Feb. 26tu, 1878.
A Iseua, Deputy Sheriff.
GEORGIA, Gilmer county.
Will be sold bolbre the courthouse daor
in said onanty on the first Tuesday iu
March next, between the legal hours of
sale, the following property, vis: Lot of
land No. M, In the Uth district and M
section of said county. Levied on as the
property ofT. W. Halley to satisfy a i fa
for state and county taxes for the year
1876, issued by P. H. Miltoa, T. C vs. T.
W. Bailey.
Also, at the same time and place, will
be sold lot oflaud No. 184. in the 7th dis.
trict and Sd section of said county. Lev
ied on to satisfy a fi fa for State and eoun
ty tax for the year 1876 by P. 11. Mihou,
T. C. vs John Kodgers.
Also, at the same time and place will
) sold the same land, via: Lot no. 54 in
the llth district and 2d sectiou. Levied
on as now the property ofT. w. Bailev to
satisfy a tax fi fa for State and countv Ux
ior the year 1876, issued bv I*. H. Milton,
T. C., vs \V. J. Pluiuiey.
Feb. Ist, 1878. J. It. 'Johnson, sheriff.
GEORGIA—GiImer county,
Will be sold et the court house deor
in said county < n the first Tuesday in
April next, between the legal h. nr. of
sale, lets of laud Nos. It*, 308, 225
and 244 ia the 25th and strict and 34
section of said eouaiy. Lcried on as
the property of H. K. Foote to satisfy
a I fa issued for Lis Sir.* and c..uutv
tut lot the year 1874. ia favor ol J. M.
We,*, T.*C.,.vs 11. It Foote. Propei*
ty pointed out by J. M. Writ. I>evy
made and returned by 11. Williams,
L. C. This Feb. 25th, 1878.
J. K. Johxsos, sheriff.
GEORGIA—GiImer county.
Will be sold at the eonrt house door
in said eounty on the first Tuesday iu
April nexi. between the legal boars of
sal-, one hundrel and tea acres, more
or leas, of lots of isnd Nos. 251, 254 in
the Gtii di-tnet sad 2d section of sid
county, being the East aide of aid lots
excepting 27( rods on the East line of
said iota, ihe same being the property
of M. L. Evans by partition or other; also will be sold a one ninth
inter, efin and to lota of land Not. 251,
252, 253, 254, 202 and 203, nil iu the
Oth district soil 2d sec. ion of said coun
ty, as ike proper.y of M. L. Evans,
out of the . state of Juhu Evans, de
oeused,sebject to partition or other le
gal division. Levied on as the prop
erty of M. L. Evans to satisfy nfi fs
issued from the sunetior eonrt ot said
county upon n forfeited recognisance in
faror of the Governor of said State ve
L. B. Evans end M. L. Evens. Prop
erty pointed out by T. F. Greer, Bolio
itor General, B. R. C.; also,
nt the same time and place will be sold
s one-ninth interest ia and to lots of
land Not. 251, 252, 253, 254 202 tnd
203, the Oth district and 2d sec
tion of said county as the property aud
leg tl right of L B. Evans out of the
estate of John Evsi.s, deceased, includ
ing all the legal or equitable right and
title that the said L. B. Evans may
have or may have had, either jooily nr
by partition or other division nnd o
said lands. Levied on as the property
of L. B. Even* to sat'sy afi la issued
iroin the snperior court of Mid county
upon a'fbrft ited recognisance in favor
<>f the Governor of said State vs L. H,
Evans and M. L Evans. Property
pointed out by T. F. Gre-r, Solicitor-
General, B. R. C. This Feb. 26.1878.
J. R.JOUNSON, Sheriff.
GEORGIA—GiImer county.
Will be sold hefoic the courthouse door
in the town of Ellijay, ia said county, oa
the first Tuesday in April next, be
tween the legal hours of sale, all the inter
est ot Josephine V. Sparks and her hus
band, Obkl O. Sparks, which they may
have or may hereafter acquire In and to
lot of land no. 268 in the 26th district and
2d rection lit said county. Levied on to
satisfy a II fa from the superior court of
mM county in .favor of and for the use of
officers of court vs Josephine V. Sparks
and her husband, Oltid G. Sparks. Pro|i
erty pointed out by L. M. Greer, c. a. c.
This FelvJWth, 1878. A. Inolk,
< -* Deputy Sheriff.
QEOIIQIA-Gilmer County.
Will be sold before the court house door
in the town of Ellijay, iu said eouuty, on
the first Tuesday in' March next, be
tween tin- legal hours of sale, ail the In
terest of D. F. Dillingham and John W.
Dillingham, deceased, in and to lots of
land nos. 14 and 13 in the llth district and
2d section, and no. B>B in the 10th dis
trict and 3d section in said county, being
in tlie aggregate 304 acres more or less,
and known oa tbe ‘'Dillingham place.’’
Levied on to satisfy a fi fa issued from the
su|>crinr court of said countv in favor of
John Parks, deceoscd, va D. F. Dilling
ham and John W. Dillingham, principals,
sud P. Roberts, security on stay. Prop
erty pointed out by J. W. Withrow, agent
for the I’orks' heira. This Feb. £6, 1878.
J. U Johnson, Sheriff.
GEORGIA—GiImer county.
Will be sold before the court house door
in said county, on the first Tuesday in
March next, between tbe legal hours of
Bale, sixty acres of lot of land No. 48, in
the llth district and 8d section of said
county, to satisfy two justice court fi fas
issued fmm the 850th district G. M., one
in favor of A. J. Tipton vs U. R. Foote,
the other fur the use of officers of court vs
1L It. Foote. Said land levied on as tlie
property of defendant. Levy mode and
returned to me by tlirow Williams, Mo.
This February sth. 1878.
J. R. JOHNSON, Sheriff.
GEORGIA, Gilmer county.
Will be sold before tbe court bouse daor
in said county on tbe first Tuesday in
March next, between the legal hours of
sale the following property, vix: Tbe
reversionary and fee simple interest of
David Swoon in and to 148 acres of lot of
land No. 180, in tbe 10th district and 3d
section of said county (excepting only the
homestead or trust estate set apart to the
family of the said Simon in ami out of said
land, and approved by the Ordinary ofsaid
county under dale of February 12,1870, as
appears of record in tlie Clerk's office of
said county).; also, lot of land No. 287 in
tbe 9th district and Sd section. Levied on
sokl lands-ns the property of tbe defendant
to satisfy a fi fa issued from the justice
court lor the 850th district G. M, in favor
of O. Picket vs David Sies u. Levy made
and returned to me by D. A. Smith, L. C.
Feb. 1, 1878. J. R. Johnson,
GEORGIA, Gilmer county.
Will be >ld at the court house door
in the tow* of Elhjvy, in said m-unty,
on the list Tuesday in April n< xt, be
tween the legal hours of oale ih*- f Row
ing property, to-wit: The fee simple
and reversionary inter* *t of W. J. Me
Arthur in and to lot of land No 355
si.d tbe South half uf M No 354, all
in the 13tk district and 3d section of
said county, including the right, title
sad internet of the defen not in and to
said lands and appurtenances, excepting
only the hotneefeod estate *• t apart by
the defendant for the use and b- nefi of
his family out of said lands. Levi, and
on as ,he property of the defend ut to
satisfy a fi fs issued from :he justice
court of the 1091st d<etrict. (J. il. in
said e untv in lavor of Webb Sutton
vs W. J. MeAnhur. I.* vy tund- sod
returned hi tue by W. 1.. Shephard, L.
0. This Feb. 23,18*8.
J, R. Johnson, Sh-rff
UKORUIA —Gilmer County.
Will kt hU at Ik* nocrt keM door
ia ooid ooul) m Um firs'. Tuesday in
April osxt, bMweon b legal hours of
sals, wild lota of land nos. 31 and 242
for the rear 1874; also an. 827 f.r the
•ear 1875: aieo do*. 10, 66, 139, 179
and 201 for lh year 1876, all of said
lota bring in the Uth district; also,
at tht same t ass and place no. 146
for the year 1674; ala. 37 61 138 149
and 153 fur the year 1875; also a< a 22
94 193 271 321 for the year 1876; aUo,
noa. 247, 87, 71, 52, 17 for the years
1874-5 6; also 243 for the yean 1874
aod ‘75; also nos. 155 154 135 134
95 sad 66 for the years 1875 6, the
above lota being ia tan 10th dintriel;
at the same time and place nos. 20
48 55 37 95 98 126 for the year 1874;
also n'*. 113 125 131 for the yean 1874
and 5; also nos. 141 132 87 56 for the
yean 1875-6; also noa. 153 133 129
124 123 119 99 94 92 84 59 50 22 19
17 aad 16 for the yeen 1874 56, the
above being in tbo 26th district; also,
at the sane time and place nos. 312
293 180 for the year 1876; also no 23S
for the years 1874-5; aia*> 191 for the
yean 1875-6; alao nos. 237 IT7 and
179 for the years 1574 5 6, the above
being in the 26th district; also,
at the same time and place no. 252
for the year 1876; also no. ISC for the
yean 1874 6; alao no. 145 for tha year
1875, the above being ia the 12. h dis
trict; also,
at tha sama time aad place noa. 21
16 1411 for the year 1874; alao ao. 28
for the year 1875; alao noa. 97 13 10
for tha year 1876; alao noa. 96 56 53
for the yean 1874-5; alao noa. 55 5212
for the years 1875 6; alao noa. 98 84
49 18 lor the yean 1874 5 6, the above
being in the 24th district; also,
at the same time and place no 67 for
the year 1875; alao no. 19 fur the year
1875 6; also nos. 100 84 83 62 61 60
59 53 52 51 49 48 and 15 f*r the yean
1874-5-6, the above lota being in the
sth district; also,
at the same time and place noa. BJ4
296 for the year 1874; alao aoc. 296
259 246 and 119 for the yean 1874-5;
alao no. 136 for the yean 1875-6; also
noa. 322 315 298 297 283 282 280 243
225 224 223 155 154 152 137 120 98
and 34 for the years 1874 5 6, the
above lota being in the 7th distriot;
• at the same time and place nos. 70
82 161162163 240 for the year 1874;
also noa. 276 175 107 67 67 40 36 33
and 3 for tha year 1875; else noa. 872,
270 and 6 tor the year 1876; also ace.
53 and 2 for the yean 1874 5; also aoa.
241 309 804 267 aad 5 for the years
1875 6; alao me. 310 308 807 303 166
44 and 10 for the yean 1874-5 6, the
abovo lota being ia the 6th diatrict. All
the above lots lying and being in the
sroond section in said county; also,
at the same time and place will be
sold lota n<>n. 28 46 4.8 for the year
1874; ala? lots nos. 90 20 19 for the
years 1875 6; also lots nos. 95 55 53
52 IS and 17 for the years 1874-5-6,
the above lots being in the 6th district
and first section in said couoiy.
All of the above wild land lots con
taining one hundred and sixty acres,
more or less, levied on to satisfy the
State and county tax for the years re
spectively named after each lot of uunt-
Io s, the same being and lying i the
districts respectively named after each
lot of numbers and it the Motions as
indicated above, by virtue of wild laiid
fi 'as issued from the office of the Hon
orable Comptroller-General of aad
S ate in lavor of said State vs said wild
find lota for State and oonnty tax* a
as above indicated. This Feb. 26th,
IS7B. J R Johnson, Sheriff.
GEORGIA—GiImsr coumy.
Will l>c sold before the court house
door, in said county, on the first Tues
day in March next, between the legal
hours of sale, the I'o'fowing wild land
lots, vis: Nos. 30, 174, 176 and 188
in the 10th district; nos. 14. 115,142,
148 end 149 in the 26th district; nos.
1,2, 210, 316. 317 and 318 in the 7ih
d'Slrict; no. 176 in the 25'h district;
nos. 46 and 47 in the sth district; no.
164 in the 11th district; nos. 11, 280
317 in the 6 h district to satisfy the
State and county tax tor the years 1874
’5 and ’6.
Also, at the same time sad place lot
no 61 in the 26ih district; nos. 189 and
296 <n the 25th district; nos. 104 and
107 in the sth d-strict; no. 88 in the
11th district; no. 239 in the 6th dis
trict to satisfy their State and county
tax for the tears 1875 6.
Also, at the same time and place lot
no. 6 in the 11th district; no. 211 in
the 7th district; no. 102 in the 26th
district to satisfy the S'ate and county
tax for the years 1874-5. Also, lot
no. 66 ia the 7th diatriet to satisfy the
State and county tax for the years
. Alan,at the same time and place lots
nos. 41 aud 132 in the 10 h district;
no. 102 in the 7ih district; no. 197 in
the 25th district; no 7 in the 6th dis
trict to satisfy the State and county tax
for the year 1876. •
Also, lots nos. 171 and 276 in the
eleventh district; number thirty -nine in
12th distr et to satisfy the State aod
o unty tax for the year 1875. Alan,
lots nos. 202, 247 and 248 in the 11th
district; no. 209 in the 7th district; no.
73 in the 6th district to satisfy the
State and oouni-y tax for the year 1874.
all of said lots of land being ia the 2d
section of said oounty.
Fi fas for tax*s as aforesaid having
issued from the office of the Comptrol-
Ur General of said State, sad trans
ferred to D. Garren, of said county.
Levies on all of said lots made by
me by virtue of said fi fos. This Feb.
Ist, 1878. J. R. Johnson,
GEORGIA— GiImer County.
Will be sold at the court house door in
said county ou the first Tuesday in April
next, within the legal bourn of sale, the
following property, to-wit: Lot of land
no. 269, 270. in the 25th dist. and 2d sxt.
in said county. Levied on as the property
of Rebecca Ammons to satisfv State and
county tux tor the year 1877. Property
pointed out by defendant. Levr made and
returned to me by A. W. Taukeslev, I, 0.
This February 27th, 1878.
J. R- Johnson. Sheriff,
in workmanship ia oqual to • Chronometer Watch, and
aa elegantly finished as a first-class Plano. It received
the hlgheet awards at the Vienna and Centennial Expo
sitions. IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than other
machines. Its capacity Is unlimited. There are more
WILSON MACHINES sold in the United States than
the combined sales of all the others. The WILSON
MENDING ATTACHMENT fordoingalt kinds of repairing,
WITHOUT PATCHING, given FREE with each machine.
827 A 820 Broadway, Now York; New Orleans, La.;
Cnr. State & Madison Sts., Chicago, Ills.; and San Francisco, Cal.
For Sale bit all First-Class Dealers,
nrtHEY will furnish ;you seamless sacks, and sell your wheat on commiaaion fo- the
3- highest market price. If you want to get the highest prices, ship early. Corres
pondence solicited. All communications will be answered promptly.
jjjj* * bd for live years sold it to the leading jewelers of Paris for SOLID GOLD J ls
18.5, wlisn his secret became known, ten or the manufacturing jewelers established a
stock company, with a capital 110,000,000 for the purpose of manufacturing
Romaine Gold, Jewelry and Watches.
With this immense capital, and the aid of improved machinery they are ennbl.d
to produce all tbe latest patterns of jewelry et lees than one-tenth the cost of Solid
(.old, and a quality and color which makes it impossible even for experts to detect it
from the genuine, . ™
STATES AXDCANADA, for the sale of goods manufactured from this metal and
in order to Introduce them in the most speed; manner, have nut un assorted ..m,Vi.
lets ss given below, which we will sell at ON E-TENTH THE lilC T X ILVALI tv T*
TIL JANUARY 1,1877. Read tbe list; • ' ALVtd L
•o -ozzrc lot. 83 lot
One Gear. Watch Chain, retail price 100 CSe" lS
One pair Engraved Sleeve Buttons 75 One beauUftil Üb? ,
One Stone-Set Senrt Pin, retail price 75 one peir Band Bwcellts * '*
One set (8) Spiral Shirt Studs 75 One Gents’ twist lfnk a u
One improved shupe Collar Button “ 50 one pair Onyx Sleeve Button.** * eh * r *
One heavy plain Wedding Ring ISS one £Y (3) J?vx Shift Studs
Totl ,l ~~ e* improved collar button.
For 50cents we will send above six ar- one ?\ri*ona Sulitafroslud 1^ I"*' 1 "*'
tides post paid. One set A met hist pin and ear drops.
nn .One ladies chemise button.
X.WT- One plain ring, stamped 18 K.
One pair Sle'" e Buttons, stone setting. ng i 0
Oue set (3) S.iirnl Shirt Studs. .
One benvv l and Engagement King. v rith * lid *
One set fi) Engraved Bracelets. >*,l, r J t, ™l *'?-°°l ■
One Ladies’ Long Guard or Neck Chain. charnW retail^nricJw * wltt * ctlrb
One Engraved Miniature Locket,tor above <ine ndi’ei> he, T ii.t., V',' 00 1' , ,
One Lake Georg, Diamond Stud. One for
Y dam) above.
_ , .. , V*' , ... * One set cameo MedaTcon Fin & ear drops
One Ladies Neck Cham and (. harm. One pair (2) beavv chased band bracelet.
One Ladies’ Heavy Guard Chain One genti’ iolits.Ve Diamond su.d
One set 1 in and Ear Rings, Amethyst. One gents’ cluster diamond pin.
One extra line Miniature Locket. One pair Amethist or Onyx sleeve buttons
One Cameo Seal Ring. (> U e set (3) studs to mutch the above.
One heavy \\ editing or Engagement Ring One elegant heavy set caraeoseal rice
One Gent’s heavy Watch Chain and charts One massive band or wedding ring
Ot e nail Pearl Inlaid Sleeve Buttons. Otic new ‘-patent” collar button *’
One Lake George Cluster Pin. One ladies’ chemise button.
one J?** r(!f M ,ea . v - v ,mnd Bracelets. One AraethiatorTops*ring, (extrafinish!
To any one sending ns an order for the above lots bv express to the am. unt
$15.0° we will send FREE one Solid Ronmuine Gold H'nntiilg-oase watt'll, gouts’ or
ladies’ size, warranted to keep perfect time and look equally as well as a SIW i cold
watch. Bv mail postpaid. |15.k0 This is our BES? OFVtR to AGENTS and is
worth k trial, at the watch nlouc will Bell or trade readily for front $20.00 to SSO 00
Gents’ or ladies’wateh alone, 37.00 with a heavy gents’ gold pattern vest chain and
charm, or ladies’ opera chain with slide and tassel. 1 Ula,n and
REMEMBERi-TM. offer only holds good until Januarv 1, 1878. After thnt time
a’satM£, J WKFjsr a * '*>*•
gold patterns. \Y ill guarantee satisfaction in every instance, or refund money
Snd money by P. 0., Money Order or Registered letter , AT OUR
/t/*bA. Ao good* tent O. 0. D. unlett at least 45.00 accompanies
the order. Address plainly,
W - F * E Y?? S 0 h G0 ’ ? OLE AGTS FOR U - S > * CANADA
GEORGIA—GiImer county.
Will be told at the oourt house door
in Ellijay, in said county, within the
legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday
in March next, 1878, the following real
property, to-wit: Lo s of land no. (11)
eleven (12) twelve, except tour acres of
the northeast comer of lot (12) twelve, the
south half of lot no. (13) thirteen, the
west half of lot no. (14) fourteen, and lots
nos. (25) twenty-five and (26) twenty-six
all in the (11th) eleventh -district of the
(2d) section of said county. Levied on as
the property of Pierce Roberts now de
ceased, to satisfy a superior court fi fa or
execution, issued from the superior court
of said county of Qiliuer in favor of John
Parks vs Pierce Kobcrts, as principal, and
John M. Roberts, as security on appeal,
aud also one other execution issued from
the superior court of Mid county in favor
of Wm. Alien vs Pierce Roberts, and also
three justices court fi fas or executions is
sued from the justice court of the 850th
district G, 11., of GUmer county in favor
of Wm. Harper vi Pierce Roberts. Levy
on the last fi fas made and returned to me
by bailiff. All of said fi fas and execu
trots transferred to R. Z. Roberts, and
also sundry othor fi fas vs said Pierce Rob
erta, deceased. This Feb. 7th, 187a
J. 11. Johnson, Sheriff.
GEORGIA—GiImer county.
Will be sold at the court house door
on the first Tuesday in April u*gt, be
tween the legal hours of sale, lot of
land no. 280 and the West half of 281
all in the 25 h district and 2d Becti n
of said county. Levied on as the prop
erty of It üben Higgins to satisfy a jns
; tice court 3 fa from the 1274th district
|G.M ,in favor pi W, C. Ratcliff vs
; Heuben Higgins, J.evy made and re
: *■" tu me Lv T. F. Nelson, L. C.
Property pointed out by plaintiff. This
: February 12 .h, 1878.
J, U. Johnson, Sheriff.
GEORGIA— Gilyitr County.
Court of Ordinary, Feb. Term, 1878.
Whereas, It is shown to this court that
the estate of John Gibson, deceased, late
of said county, is unrepresented, and it
further appearing that an administration
should he had on said estate. This is,
therefore, to cite all persons concerned, the
next of kin and creditors, to show good
cause at the next term of this court why
administration should not bo had on said
estate, and L M. Greer, as clerk of the
superior court of said county, appointed
administrator of the same as provided by
Witness my hand and official signa
ture this Feb. 4th, 1878.
J. C., Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Gilmer county.
Court of Ordinary, February farm, 187*.
Whereas, John B. KoCoMwm, as execu
tor of the estate of Wesley Jamieson, de
ceased, late of said county, represents that
be has fully discharged his said trust, and
asks to he discharged. This is therefore to
cite all persons concerned to show cause at
the May term of this court, if any they
can, why the said John ft McCollum, as
executor as aforesaid, should net be dis
and letters Of dismission granted.
\Y itness my band and official signa
ture this Feb. ftth, 1878.
- C. Allrn, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—GiImer county.
Court of Ordinary, Feb. Term 1878.
To all horn it may concern:
This is to notify all pcivns that anew
militia district off of and from the South
portion of the 1035ih district G. !., in said
county, aud bottndid and described as
heretofore advertised has been duly and
legally created, and will bs known by the
number lifti.
Wjtuess my hand and official signature.
4- C, ALLEN, Ordinary.