Newspaper Page Text
R. ELLIS & CO., Proprietors.
•JT -y— -■ .. . ■ - x
Volume XIV.
COLI WBl\ TiKMMV. UKCKUHi.K ‘is, l*isfc.
Well Bom t.corgla.
Wo lnevc author ity to wp gYatllySng
fart, that all th Tax-Collector- of this have
Made taVtf at tike fttuntry on tboda.v
pw*.*'ril>el Ivlmm*. Th • ©mull amount of Hljmfi
to 164H1, Nlitl due of (Ja-taXks. will fan pahl in a few
day* a-fit w -ufoed ffwa wrong; ciUeuiutiuiio uflbr
Colic* tor*. fbft i- BitrqhrHt!* evhloueeoffhe pros
perity, of t£c ?mt -and the prom| i m-s© of lur eiti
zen*} t<> pay the burdens of government.’
In c\:Mtiihittg tho t orijpth oiler General’.* report,
wo find that in tho years I fin-4, a-ud IWb'i. before
the election of Peterson Thweutt E*q., that a little
over owe third and not anc-hat)'* oi the tax*,-© of
those yean* wore paid iu on the day ofsettJemeut.
We post that the example set'by the TVv . olloo
tors iu UteyeKr l.''.io will Bbfi>UMeibv Tax < ollee
tor.* hi future afftT that our'y>r<*Bvot. eftfoioto
and eiieriret.jf Comptroller, Paterson Thweutt fixq.,
willconttaue to receive that trihnie of praise from
the people, which be so justly deserved to day
and whieh-lie has won ly hi* faithful servi. es.
James 1 Pringle Esq .
This gentleman has been appointed by the Gov.
to coin pile the lhws jm-sod by the last lipgfalH
turo. That at wifi W mdl-tlonr 1© ‘Jruar|ntoed
from hi* cajmeity to iit**-hargi’ the duty imposed
upon him and hat energy and industry.
Thk t'AJiitu—Major Uaynehas written a very
interesting ntwwmwt M’ that “*hipyl the desert.”
the varuel, to the Washington Intetligencor, and
he thus ©ums up Ac genera! advantages that uifky
he derived from the use of emiiefa. as the result of
ten year-’ experience aud obsen at inn r
Thwr will flourish ai* well m the United State*
a© eiiiicr hawse© or uiuie*. JjjeKg
They may be juuwduu'd at Mobil, ‘.r I’pusacoda
at rates not gnu* tor, ecruuuly not much greater,
than present prices for good niuTf .
They are uot ms expensive to food as horses or 1
They require no stables uor “rooming.
They are as tough and ns hardy as either horse
or mule.
They save a heavy outlay for wagons, carts,
harness, and shoes, and a constant tax for their
Their physical energy id nut hugely drawn up
on for the draught ot ji wagon gr earl, and, there
fore is proportionately given more usofttHy to the
transportation ol’ gomte.
They will da more work at the same coat and
keeping than cither horse or tnule.^
V\U Swaim, of has appro*’ and
the ordinance catablßftiltig a paid A'ire Dcptirt
ment, and the Chief Engineer and Plre < C*muiM
aionera have been appointed.
<|nllman nutnty Hon J \ Tinker
At u fiteenimeeting in the new eounty of tjnit
man, fori*:i and from the county ul Randolph, thefol
lowing''resolutions were adopted, fa-wit :
“That in the death of the Hon. John A. Tucker
of Stewart, the county of Quitman has 10-t one -f
its earliest friends, thu Senate and liar an able
and efficient member and advocate and successful \
mm her.”
‘ That we t. udcr om heartfelt ©ytnpatliic ■ to
the family of (he dtweaked.”
U.n T J. i.iu.m’ out S. \ Smith a ldr- -o<4
the meeting.
\ch lurk Ledger Mount Vrrnon Papers*
Hon Kdward Hvorott, the groat orator and
scholMS lias cunwiiecd his series (if “Mount Ver
non pap?rs” in the Xe.w York Ledger. He will
write weekly, uiui w ill uot yoafine himself exclu
sively t JI tlte uoe ussiou of tli p.Ui'eluno of Mouiil
Vernmt. f* great a renown has Hon. Kdwwrd
J’.vcreti, and so eager nr. the intel; I .cut read, r*
all ovi the country to pc ruse his writings, that
n>!4rly a half uullion copies of the lira! No. of the
Ledger has been publish*i.4m<fe—>un steam presses j
have been at work day and night, for the past two
weeks'’ to supply the demand. It is an era in {
Journalism, when wtatesmen lik Lord” Pulim r
ston md Mr. l)i-racli and Hou. Mdwgud Kveixitt, !
take in> the jm. ICia no letting dwrn forthein- - )
they know well thy power of the pro- —--tip y re
speat its high oulluig—they have se. u that the
• pen m mightier than the sword.” It ia a matter
ot congratulation with the friends* of Kobeht
liowxtn, Lsq.,—the proprietor of the Lodger—
that he is reaping a fortune from this enterprise.
He well deserves it fmr hi* energy and p- , -erer-
We arc jiertnittcd to eldhidatc’ the .object
of Mr. Everett’- eoutribuU<>ii.- by eiiofjng one
Mr. emt *Ys :
• As they will generally be written under the
preßttfC of other engugeinents and duties, the
considerate reader will not expect to find iu them
that elaboration and finish which he lur .• right
to demand in compositions prepared a? leisure,
ospeefallv when they yHWd an ample p.-rsonal re
nn item non to their nntfior-. loan only fjdea
vortode the tiest m toy power under the well *
known ■ftireGnujtaiice- -f the case, and candid
pertmns will tluan aecordtngTy.
He then jwoeeedfed to add:
lint though called the • Mount Vernon Papers.”
it is not intended tliat there srßHcs should be ex
clusively or evrii chiefly taken up in discussing
tin* subject of the porclm-e of Mount Vernon, or
tho topics eoiirioeted or a>soc ill fed with U. They
wiH, indeed, furnish an appropriate elmnn+d tor
whatever inforuiatJiMi of wu lui.-reeling character
I may i*o able to offer th* 4 public <m that subject.
It wi* one of the eljjei itwiiK enuu.i- for urubu ta
kmg their preparation that they would afford me
an op[M*rtunity for the attempt to inten st *. ver*.
large circle of readers iu uu aalcrpriw which I
hava no mueb at hoar*. I shall, accordingly, sub
mit to them from UOM to two an of the
progress anti prospect* of the work, as fur as they
fall under my observation, besides this, the
Country abounds with recollections and tradition*
of Washington connected with his civil uml mili
tary career—with, localities rendered iu|ero*liug
by his t.ivules. hia visits, or his sojourn : and with
individuals ntiU living who suw liira, ami of whoin
a few ware personally known to him. There are
many original portraits of him iu existence, of
which u lew remain to be described ; nuun ruu
auLograpbu’ letters as yet unpublished ; and per
sonal relic* of every description. .Many of these
imdilnois %nd objects of interest arc. constantly
brought to utv nvtieu, iu visiting difleretft purtyot
tho country. tor the purpose of repeating my ad
• lr***sji;u tint eharnuter ot Wui-.hingtou,mul, if 1 do
not mistake, will furnish ipturc.-ting HMtt.riuls for
u few of these papers. It is mtended, however,
that they aboil, upon the whole, lie >.i n mueel
laueoii* ebaructw. and oxbiUt Mi much variety yi
thoHqlm cts trewted as eau be ex|o* u.d from (he
pi>iaction- and 000 }s>u,
Eltj'ik J a free iiogro, formerly a slave,
h#f brought suit lrefbre the rmpbe*H eounty
Kj\, 1 Court for tho value of scrvjcrs rendered to
a firm by his (Iceensed brother, who was his slave
and Wfn? him! by hitii to the firm.
Tlm* Monroe Bortrluc.
The Xatiohal Infclligcncer” on. Hnturdny ha-
long and elaborate historj'of the Monroe Itogtfiuo,
It recapitulate- the point, established beyimd tmey
oom|il controversy, a follpwv:
1, That the Monroe declaration of IS2J, in
both its plumes, had its origin in the changed re
lations ana now responsibilities imposed art the
several .“‘tales of the Axuylpap Continents arising’
especially fro** U, c tumiinapunou of the Spanish
Colonics, and remrering it conducive to tho inter
ct of all that the Anwriwui f>mtit>ents should
not be snbjeot to future ‘-'doaizatiou by any Eur -
pean Power as wa*te*ad unoccupied territory ;
and that no ioroigu State or st/Lpen hhoiibl be al
lowed to Intorrenc m the domestic
American people for the puftoosc of repressing in
publican institution*.
‘J. That the Monroe deelaratum. m so Ur $m it
related to the th rear cued intoi\*;ltion of the Holy
Atiinnoc in the eonccnu of the SpanihL-Amerkan
States, was intended to meet a particular oontin
gency of events, and, therefore, passed uwuy with
the oocusiou which called it forth.
H. That tb© Monroe doctrine, in so far as it re
atM t© th© ©oloaisarioa ©f th© Aaisrisaa Ccati
sic fStn ms Urchin limes.
y iicntb\;in\ Knropenn Ft>#er* win not tuiemUtH
: tb bind the United States * • guard the ril .\ol 1
tlic Nc© t \VorM imitt *ueh oceiipaii-n , i ‘peun
State* nit was inU iided to indiea'. ■aa im
|H>rt:ait prtneiph* 6f Atncne ii public policy, tnnl
•*c;*jli Sin to should guard by it* >*,* metui* .
agaln -t the e.-lftblisiluneut *•! a:,\ Unrop. lii i
tsdouv” within ibe jtiriMlielion <,f io That !
is. the- American Continent's wen* in* longer held 1
oj.h uto eolotmathm f m o.uvdiet t. rntory, capitUb ,
oj oe. by right .. ry and >t'Ul
4. PhaUi. ‘ “Monroe wu- m,; in . :i> j
proper ye. - v,pl. • and a#>ati©h w.-- ,p< i
chilly di-ear. -f I the domuerntic party. ,
irinc” bn.-;, rhervtore, no foundation in do uu;li
wholly Ji'tin* ( and diderent tV.on that whkdi wa
bonou'd u.iiu. u* ,i pi in* ipie t". which he never
•'*U ;,ju*Uw.L
be*. JeKVixm Bails a*dJudge l)ougt*Mm Mavt
r> in (he terrllorlcs.
\\l.:<r*MUioru:~- In hi.- great spoeeh to the
‘•.VcWmi/Huh.,” ill the Uall ■: f Hepreschtafiv'e;: ill
•JaeU.n. mi the Utli> in htv own dr
fcu.M'.alert. Unvis tr‘fit> as ‘oaisrepiv-oirtatiuii
and > alumny*"’the a. that he has grown
cold iu Id? regards for the ••State ltiubi- r>ouine
racy >r changed hi- I'.rm.u- 4i*Mi*Aouii*cm rights
pootkui in uuv esmmuai pa*t*cuhu .
I d<! Uotq.lopose a crniegl review ol hi.- >U
pjt oration. A ii;irttrtim.-i. luKottlY skillVtd nod
iutentady'ebapn. t npcceii is SoftiYety to Ihi loiind
in the language. Oon. Havi- ,* a groat man and
a.<*biis on©* and Mississippi has no right to wm
"pojixo hi.* tame. I should, under no cireuni-’
stances, at tempt .to east a shadow on that bnYnish
ud shield* which inis so often *u bftMlelleld and iu
* oudicii-hah gathercdMhe rays >l‘ the sun ofSouth
env.jhivalry Oriid honor, and poured them backin’
;t to’ereiit <>f da/-ding light JM*i ©Midcriug gb*ty
upon the shrinking oya© and l’alh u crests >f Hie
©nontics of the South.
My admiration fur rbV arrd - enwtuge of
•Goth l>a* is foroel tin-. -.Sj,n*ii-ltouud i y his pa
Uiulisio ami elMuouncv. ft iholl nut coiU. sl uu
paper tin- honor* wou on tiu “perilous ridge of
butt la” lit Alouterei and linen© \istn. I4un<’
uoumbitiou tnboMnp apolitical hsunev before.
©ltjit “reglnn-nt which wbs fortumH square across
thy plain, and there st iodmotionless a* a rock*,
silent as death, and eager n> a >~W5j hound Tor the
approueh of the enemy, at lea*t fiTrie Hines mim
urrcally tlieif snj*cricr ; . 1 shall aboaf uo party
sliibbudeth in replv to “tbe ••nigry <naek of tho
MissisKippi tide -nor venture a political theory
in tlie angle, hr upon the edge, or anywhere in
the neighwprho’ and of that immortal “Y.” n;r:i
whose“litihg wall” the cfieifiv tiis h-t
and ft*! ttejbat and death.
No! No! .We ©hecitrh iu giatolul ©diuii aln n
the “itiemory ot tin* gallant dead who died at
Monterey and Bu6mt N'isttd*—and We honor the
livii-ii, who emeifienct* to adorn the annals of
tliwir eounlry with trie retard “t aoblu dooda ami
to illuininaM her councils with no mwan atutes
nMtnsbipand noble eloquence. It wcruiaere
♦al buseia - to, forget sued; men '■- Quitman
and Da* is. W'v. may wetWw* ‘•paring of iritieism
if Jetler!“.''ii I>ha i-be ibe siibjwet of i ; and if thM
• ifi-aviuu should.e-ryr require it, we tUigul torgivoj
much ©lid . v- artorn uauy in silence and beur,
whet it might n* fbe -life to /<>,
WUnlever, tber.-t'ore, l i- ih."V ba\
sftiil or dont!—-however be, moX- have dolß'cd li;s
posit to*, w© alii not big, < fit it* tyr hi.- tey*pn;. --
<br oiyeet is dimply to enquiit into Ills trw po.-I
tiru. audio give the e£nir.try tWc Hffnofk <f lib ty.d
1 opioions. If wo shull think that he has changed
hia formur views, and is rut hoi b>s u Sontjieru
Right . man and riitln r iu<*r* ;t Union man fjian (
lot ifl©i ly, wo a.,t jead eouutmiitnee uo in.: o. aat ion
of ifn'ivortby thatjvM.
There arc tiir**c points of atUw-k to wbi> h. Ocu.
t (ftv i*>Mun *-.• kh ‘Uliniqc. astl | ii• itjO-nie >*!
tbo general merits of Sips’ mUitary and p
chiuaedur, covfcr the whole groffud “hf hi -’ South
tdioreof, Judge. Dmi.l.r- up.'.: Hie riglltsof ,':t ,vry
■in t'ln* territories and *• Squatter Soverctgittv” Hi
2. Tin.* matunwuuag-of bin **lth of July spueeli
nt *• ji,”, in. ;vvUn politicians as
3d. What ite mehut by ,-aying in that suin'-
sen speech •*nnd , *ihi* great c©*mii'y will muiniu’
vuitaiV Hiapitaol iioj •■*/,-^,' M r/|* v lii.i<-jinn, wh.-ui
j J* fecim so me dm- that fkir.tbtvis h.t ehang-
I ml the position Iu- occupied, into a load©** “i iu*#,
lUte itqjhu party ui ii>jl for a Ul’n'e.
“luitionni” one, the,©ant
i *u*l take the evidence afforded by thin very Jaek
.-i in aj>ci?ob. In I3al huaaya lie “iawwl a eon -
ventioc of the Southern .*iut>’- -that we might
take* couuscl together, a a to the future wbHi was
to 1m: anticipated from the legislation <jfißso.”
In lSol, then, Gqp, Davis with the .■3<*u
thern Rights party tiiai the CoinUFomlnc ineasuren
Lhen just pas. I. were ju: t copse of alarm to ika
.“outh. .S'. gu*fc P,; ,iu. ti” ogtiage .Jipon
Southern h.-.i- : ami L- that tie “JaVored a
Convention of u.c Statewith a view
to provide a-'a inHi the tiireaicucl ©viU of ‘do- “fu
liijv”—'that dark liitiuo which ruro up before u
umiicu.i of “u„- a last ult> ruative’’ *-thc
future .so eloaded by •‘the Legi.4l.nioM of 15.M1.”
J t is true he “gcqnieo'cd” in that iegl-lation un
[ dor tho decision of Mississippi and the South.—
So diil wi all, if the Mibmbriou /<*, <:• <( upon iisvan
be ©aUoitjfCyUjiYfCCwce.
Let li • ,-ec hor. tJuu-'nigh aitd has bern
fethcacquieneenc© erf (Kn. iiavis. and in this pov,
iiar>J l e‘b-tnieOi'-n maV be found between him
uud the “great..body us tLi; States Rights demoe
, racy.” tlen. Dnvi- <•|mit • one amount- to ;•
► duiiiprAint*’ *—to total rtlnuifioununit of our
. Hjla* St*, v*;bidder* iu t!,> TKUKITOJtILX.
It a i]h#r rciucuijaircd tlfat the very tHnihoj
point of controversy f Isso--'.>l respci ted
ir tefrftotial rights. ... Vjmt and fertile regions
, Ikftd than b©©* W*w,ly acquired by die war with
Mexico, ai>l the atteiuptyh the part of AorHteru
fan©t..t*to cve 1 tberu jiroperty from these
• regions by the \Vilinilt Proviso, or other govern
motif measirß’s, urinificd the South to nn dmerti-’
, gatimi of berrigiiP. and shauieful nilrrender ol
‘ them.
In JH.iJ, (hut. Dm is thought the South entitltd
th share iy the beuefits J'the common territory :
entitled to go into any territory with slavery.—
The Southern Rights party chink si*. What
flays Jaffers<m DftvU it li is quite true that he
quotes and ofteu repeal* the Diea Scott decision,
and insists that “tribunal,” acting under the
United sttttca, whether legi.s!att\ •*, exc.enfive or
judicial, line a right to draw •*ttcb * dittinction,
‘tminciiofl--.between *iuvery and other popcr
’ tv,) or dotiy to it th*’ licntijt ot the j'to*4ions opd
which have been provided for the jr<.
tec (San of privu'c [iropcfty, a<fnliv;t th* f.nctourh
utrnht of thr fjort rnun fit. 1 ’ This -utteicittly an ttihno! /'• *ilicr ftorevinneuf
ul ©xehi-ion ofalavory from the torritori©*. Hut,
it-tbe Soutl! uinv be as etfecttiallv • xcluded from
the tarriUuies tfy rniotln r j to winfli the
Federal tiovernment may not bo u party, what
bonbi it 1o ttie South, tuut. the go verm in ut ©ball
l IV.W its ©i ui laid quietly coo property iu slaves
cut down by trrritori'il usurpation? tVn. La
vis hi in soil cay a. with nfrHW to tlie laH: eoules.t
iiv lUiiwns, l*etwet.n .iu'lge D'MJglas and Lincoln.
‘‘l e*pnot U.* cm u pci led to ehooit© between men,
• >i#of -ivhuui n*Htru the j *w r of to Ue-
I prive us of a corstitutioa*l right, uud the othxr
one denies the power ol CiMigle-.- iu order to
transfer \t t” the territorinJ legffllature. Neiiber
tho ouo ntwHloot ftW Im’s .ifi'y ft u tti “rfty to sit iu
jndgmcirf on our* rights under the (’onstiltl
Vbw enn’ it b© credited that (ien. Davis him
sdlfdS fvortif tk*t inn ig who “only denies t-l
powf of Con grow” to <*Tbidc slavery fr*)tn tJie
territories “to trnni/pp it n. th* trni'o, in! If'i/inln
t >*■* )” that art fully ami ©nq'ioiti -ally a- Ju lg<
ityßglb# hpniMdf, be “_//i rm* Liu* “S .uattotS'ivei
cHto.yf” U'e think IhuMliis is the truth, tii.*l
-hall pf cecd to Srray the’ evnleit'*o tijs-n which
we 1 -uilddbis opinion.
tjf.ftuuvsc v.’ do. hoi forgot that with some acri
mony. Henevttl Dari#, in tbi 1 - very speech, repudi
ates th*! ‘‘httfCir ltf “Wlatter a#vcreignty"—that
he, treats the avcisntim; of u* at* against him-olf,
with urcidll as macli Hublmm booth, as if it were
a uoltunny againct “the dend who jMjgl at .Monte
rey and ilucna Vista. ’* Butt! - fm-ttion reeur:-
iu <pi‘- of us, and of his jj^irf lb''rWul^|q^ion—
wli.tfiis the truth? Wba* hat (Jvu. Datfs sMUnml
w hat doe- hu mar any rfespeefing the peitre-r of the
territorial lcgislatm.; ov* r slavery ami fbc fights
of slavelmldcr* in tho territories ?
For “flic boutfij” and “Um Democracy both in
th© A with arid the tjouth” h© diauvnwa the “T.'on
fltitutionai power’’ of Otmgrtaa to “wtabltih” a
wria© to “jiraMttrtt” iavery “iu the territories”
andileline.’ toe “policy” to bo ‘ not to inter/'r* on
one lid© or th© other, but to prototeach indipul*
ami ja hi <?•©**>Htimrtl iight—laaviog it t©
.-X ...... .
et H>ru imt-jn l<nt amonßkiiy ! i ilnturmiue and ml ,
•’ju ■mvfl domestic questjcai’ us in tjiolr wi-doin
may seam best.’’
II Vrldoe* tiyn. Da\ is think it is tb ‘fjrottvt
©n-.-ii indiv iduhyu liirt C'iUrtliiutiwial rigid V” ami
J irA.-.-i and horn um*s ho Think'nu “independent
1 Oonaiimdlv” iha v4 , dett‘nnlie itml mljust theque-.-
j timi of slavery in a territory -and what does he’
* mean-bv “Uaj; puliev ol’ not “mterh rr©g .u om
•iUvortho rtlllei ?”
j jdJ’ho iliivVliold;©-. 1 vs, as an “individual,’ haa
j was a “judicial question,” he .<>>. after the pas*
f'ourt has deeidod it in favor ofßoutbevn prop,
rty. I is therefore hi- *'('im.-iitttliinal rignt M -*-
Inst bow is It 4o be em. re. and- ;r>ling to tho fiixurnt
Southern Rights iVdth of Uu? gallant Seiuituf i'-- ,
Why it in a “right” without “a •< m. iy h't’ An
into tuo put T fb| Irishman s ndil-aool without any
watei v y’l D.var him. “it
tlq> mUttbitanis ol should i. iu. u to
4©k!K . .m-h laas uud Ji*ll -© jotpulallut: . iis Would
i'iv....*u • i... .i or tiphi-. rfln on:
less \alnlcss. in p:-'portion It. the ditliculiy™wt
Uofdiug if without flu b ju'oitgetivtu,/ In the eaae
of property in the labor of man, o; What is usually
iUfd aim e-property, the insectnity Vrwitld be so
great (hat the o.\ub*- rould not, onlimudy. rallyn
if. Therefore, thmign At right iromidautlaiit; tliyjj
r*.:\’<hj Inlay within hi, jt in> llid Iblla}* that th™
owner.would be pruHi/wtijj dA’m/v -/ Oy //*■ <n
eoiftsMue, m of the Oaso. tVou fnkhlg slave plrtper-,
ty into a ferritury where the a©nflO*of the iulmhi
unt- was oppose to it* introduction. .Si> h />•■
tk< .■;> r.JuU-‘’ fnllnc‘l <//■*■ Iny *Uipt
any . h.i.iiHHiti/.” Whether-this was uiUmitd to
,i. il*- vy ;o Hi.- IV> < © >• i
ty democrats of lbutlami or nut, it is muiiilest
they could have lilt la reason Iy quarrel wilfi *
. nuuingiy argueilrtiid aiuiabh* a surremb r of the
“remedy” ol the slaveholder in the territory
’against hostile legislation. Thu “right” w ithout
iin* “remedy” has been s-> often and so iutrmie.-s
Iy yieldvd to th© South that there could be m>
uiiug new or alarming in thenMeriinii ofa “right”
without ‘• remedy.” Saeh facility hi JttfVnnw
Ihtvi*. as .sv> HieotUßlly diapose<l us Stmt hi m
Hi.yhtsyjjthout theyb/ oi cv©t ol u -
must lmvc been ih. : aibh-!
‘i'h.e is a fatal mini. , ion of lien,, Dav is that
“the power to c- I>< hlibh hi a very in Terrlt.iiy
‘must necesaiuiy involve the power /n-ohQ>il it.
This in a mere sK'ight-at-hand jduy upon words.
effiu, in it lie mighi as welfsay the governmen
tal pikwev <• protert h/c involves the power to V
xtroy it, and thereupon deny the power to punish
mrffcder. It i>a ridiculous .party neo-saw, a rant
and catch-.ronJ that a Senator ‘and Presidential
aspirant ought to be ashamed pf. It is pure “Ea
ton logb* 1 ’ li.v which a “aoew-cAcn/ui./* ivus prov
ed to he “a <ln xtnut horac almost as had us the
Steam Doctor s prescription in .\juhuina, that the
pat ion i should have tho soup inn*tg uT “a aycrti
ahc'ji,” instead ol “nhcjp xovr/.” When told
i-Uum ivji.; no such-thing ns a ‘*rfv.d nit cep,” hq
said “well —kill me *..rrl Aomm*. b.v the famk said
home aorn i wiiild do u wyll as aheep-sorrel !”
very everywhere, pcimn fut-ie, and whatever the*
Cousin i.Uou c.uablihcH Co>:gross u, bound to pro- *
tent. The Supreme Court d>vjdes that slaTeiy i
nmv4*rsal property and property by <A■ C'.. nutilu
Mini, besides, and hoc.* into tin Territories like
Toiigress j:r.,(.i-t ft, and give it not thut protection
which land re pul ed, or korut-n require, or lianl,
utovL ix-quirc*, but th< piob ‘ liCm il hii’h S'acoy
. It h is ciitiUed <*> |rr'fit*'*ti*>u hi all, it
i© entitled to Jb*>fi-i*tlbu .-ititut.fe t>> it* nutate*.
tt then ciui <- u. Dum- apj.rov© a pans poll y
‘‘riot to interfere, “ii on i*L orjb -.tier. To, -
if jn > i-r'y lla v .ft in’ poiictj aiiiltrc policy <i X'-r
the-ril Deinoerm-J,. South’rn rojUti policy - 11. 11-I 1 -
Hut Gen. Davis .salad** tie- “oft repeated/o*-
iary Ot EOID'IMG Mu very upon AX) .ontnluni
ty -Ah ! And is it then ■ Jo• <my , .-laVeiy upou
a s-onimuui'.y, hr “interl’er* ‘ anti demand ttou
i/rrHitiiniftl protection for thoT “pnlperi V ‘ Which
mev - - I'-I.f *yt tfefUH
!u- says “though diew ould romaiu, limrem- i
| t h Territory where the sense of the iniinLitahta’
And to given “r.mrtly” to thin * , i'i(/hf > i * “for
cing rtbtverv upon uuv eotupnjnity,” mid n “falla
■ ‘•; 1
sui I *! I'i i: X I! is H r man ol 1 - Ml.
Indeed. Dough..- ■ -aredy gOC, . far. Ilv Its
>b’ “1* ■ I‘ilctmJ L idatui “/myy deny tin:. /<-
does apt quite mv.v, timugh doubllew be tjtinlx,
like iiA.NZ, the Duu.'htuau’u sou. that i: would
in tin J T. re,tori'*.
(fan. Ifavui says lije Territorial inc'jtalalxu'e
Ol Glli t* protect Slavery ; but i. u dveff out
atul \)ill uyit, there is “no remedy.” J.idg® Doug
las - iy V the Territorial Legislature way or may
not pr'-:ecf|ii. and if it dues- not, there is no rein
I*ray what is tho diflervnoc !
“Optic's keen it lakes l Ween.
To see, what in not to hr jeei,
How irongjy do thedo puccititle*>.[ these twoillw
tiiiguis'injij Senators, contrast with the tfiau
ly,/..y .I-,/, Houthorn Right* stand of Gov.
Wi-k of Va.——that Cony,™* , bound to PRO
Jia’T. Sin coni in the for {torn *, just as it pro
-feet* the right to reclaim Jugttiv, in Hie (
St-atA which rel'use to deliver thorn up! l*oth I
right©-ar*i Citrattitutional, hp urgm , an*iu!ilber
without a plain and ample “REMLDIT’ \nd
yes Douglar is to b vjornid upon im, us tho Deni
ocrufie candidate for the Presidency in 180(>, Iy
the pressure of N'orth-wcstcrn numlier* *>r Davis
or some such Tertian Quid* is IhmU-i i- to be wav
!/’ and upon us, by a (’OXG HLSSiO.XA L fAfl
(it ti !
If is liimft for the Strath to to herself t h
adriee of Mr. \V> ‘ -ter to the tiieii of I iystotk, tifi'l
“cdiTpicr \\':rpr*joui,t”, ” iIiiAUV A. WlriKol
A< comae, is the unui who a/ivayx and ever ha
been with the advance guard of the pro-*/<<very
party ; and standa tliHe to-day, bnfimT and Jnu*‘t
iu hand, battling for our Territorial rights—
without evasion—-apology, recantation, or “|iuli
Whom did lien. Davis mean to characterize as
‘•trilling jiotitieium*” ift Ins Ith of July Speech at
Sea?” Who are the “tnunquitocfl” winch buzzed
uti'b agroehble music in the earn ujf-his Northern
iidiaireis op that iutcrcmiug and to him eventful
occasion? Gen. Davis suy-: “Tim publish'r of
that “sk-teh,” ofljis M”
.iounc‘*l that it mix not o rmp'rrt and tor its lan
guage / rottld pot jimt/y .‘onxiderrd rexponxiide.
To ueediofH that I should add any tiling.”
It strikes-a plain man Hi at it w©nbl have been
quite as easy u.nd a grrttf deal morn inti ©factory
if he had mi id so. for Gnu. Dm is to have just -aid
out, in uu nuuouuceuietit as clear nn the “crack”
of fils “ Mississippi riff)'.” “fur, r n,d the 1n,,.
l/a'p attribufad to tux by “the publisher-o's that
-ketch.” Ho*do** not nay this, evidently because.
he did axu it. Util he MiVn in etloct ;• “idtho’ 1
dot trite it, the J'publi|lifei of that Bketrh” sny
“the xlntel,” ie “pot. a report? ami I ought not lol*
beheld “rcsjtonsiblc for it !” What! JKfc'Jf.j.'U
SON DAN'IH not k‘rp<iiisUle” for (ho language
which ha used! A fid, ichy pot 1 ’ Recan-’ a i
‘‘sketch” ofa speech, in uot u “roport!” anti “the i
pi’htlxherof the -ketch” say* hr „„.jl,t not to Ii
luadb “responsible ! w Purely liD Southern frinndx j
will be satisfied with this endin'sc man, of ids Aor i
i the.fn •tdmin.ra. Perhaps no ! Rut, 1 prefer to i
| cotirtbier him “icrtpomiible ’’ fiidced ho s*. eon
ridriv IdinscT. ayd proceeds <■ * thi* l.nxix to c\- i
plain his mei.ning. Let us h< ir him and do him i
jioffice. Mr. Snator’ Davis magiiMuiiuourtiy
.awe Hj*- exculpatory anno uuceniunt of the “pub-’ I
liithei of til* ilK'tch of the Ith of July speeiii l i
mu” itfilf'aay*: “Rut I have trcuU’d it and win* I
treat it in the icw nwtahriiu tuk* rPby these who ‘
*'.nktrucl it before Mtrti dmimVinut ina*h*.’ What
■ denial?’* (fan. Ravi- hM fßudc uu ■denial ’ i
noriiox tlm “pnbliaher *•( fbe riteb’h. ‘The “pub- t
lisher of the Bkcteh’’ ay: It wa not a
of the flea speech. Very well, but, did on it ltd
Hat is /’ the lanrpi'i[/> Rtribute(j to bin) bvdbe
“skefah ?” The “|)iiblisher “dor* not ‘'wu
lie did. Gen. Dai is do'X not ./. ay that ilfeud.— I
Tie “pulli.sher” sattthe “uk* “ b*'vti’ not ti “n
port*’—and r> ail knew th befoV Ho adds 1
that Gen. Davis- ‘Vonld n'ot- jtistly be <*or©id r
rerponxihl’ for thelahgufigc”,, of the ski-h-h. 1
-iblynot. Rut it ierfiatukubluthal the vpubiUlirt*”
idixjrt not dyny that he uecd it! There lb no ‘‘do
nial n ip tb© ease. • Gen. Darin i* •‘re.j ) om*ihh < “
for”it. He doW not no#deny using it. Jf'e makes
no “dmtinl” but imixon* uut lueca-O} why treat
it arguendo, when u,i a hieic muuvr of fact and (
oue “denial* would Sett]© the whole mot- :
ter. Hut Gcij, Davi> not only fA*e* not d-my nxing
the to him. but h© ©onfM*** 1
it! uud most adroitjy avoid* it© fore©.
ii© ©ay© it w©nl*i bar© bwa • itrang© ind©©c! ,
OOtritßlisPSKOßfllA. MONDAY, JANPARY t 1850.
if h ■diouM have “sought kn ye*©si"ii so licii|*
I'. jiroa.'hful laugn 140 upon tho State Rights jj.-m
•.'lie"\.” lie ii of
“hi tlio,hmir of’kUmnHiu'i dv'A'iit.” “in
t'iv period ol'i-.icaic'-t ndversty hllil > c.
pin hi Ofhis foully.” I his i-all n\cr true an Alt dhl
‘Min ■•'trungi 1 imlei'd” to-cc luui standing up in tic
midst of tb iv aqd,using *t <
ehnULftiiair. c.Kjdauagoih Cut Gen ]>a\ ©nay*©
, ; W believe liinmAhiit he did not men to-tip
|4,V tlm -t ‘l./inff . pi.Ujei “of “ triflin'/ politicians
to the “States Utjfhi* D raev.” We rojoicc
iluit he lid not. Wvy*‘giet that ho gave tiny oc
cc-KHi for such an lie sii\ s he intend ■
ed h) “Irifling polohdatis.” Ist. The eKtreiuist©
among the abolition lenders, who io* on di*o
lut ion ol the l uion, as a remedy against aUivcry:
apU 2d. L’lio 8 luljiern exttvmists who aixi di>
onlwdt* pyr A and “.leery the labors of those
who seek to prvflcn the go\ernniept us our fatli
gP’- found it. .".I. M Inst mean by saving
“ami,this giva . --iff,; ry. remain fnitmt” in
s|)iU’ <if Ibe .ma “*• politiciin He ays that it wiaild remtAll “united to “prairth one
yt, o not ‘ j wheneier n foreign power jiro
suuiing oik doine.'tie dissension -houl.rihrtv f in-
Doiil.tle j s thi.- i..'v'Unt lie meant, i.ul how uu
tVvrtiiiKito that lie dhl not explain nhat “I'nion”
it was lie wn-'so /eahmaiy delemling. Certainly
iiiitUenee and tho pul die may be excuaed tqj
thinking lie u..> talking abbot nrtic other than
mi ‘"glorious I nio", uud more es|Msitdl\, ns iii
thin very connection Tie himself say a ho w.i dc
■uoiim q’ Oi v/o, ¥ i th. / Vderat /-'nwu nud not
the les of the / “m ite.d losisianee to u “foreign
flag.’ Me have never heard that any Southern
ultra y\ er yd look the ground that as brng iiH ,|. e
Fade in I l niou exists, the f'nion ofAruut uguhirtt
a foreign flag slionW not exist, •
We. are mt doubting that the distinguished or*
• forTw*) truly told u.s vviioiu ho meant by “tri
lling politicians,” and what sort of a “Union” ho
was def mling. ‘Rut We'.iv it is unf&rtunatc that
ic al.d not siitficicnMv explain these things to lii-
N'lViherif aiidieuee, to ent. mieconxtruction,
tnd that he did uot, is manifest fromjlho fact that
ic lifl.-ho quarrel with Ibepablisher ol'hiaaiM'eeh.
If h.- ha Id .the ie.-. ptiun vviddiAhr Xoit'o^i
‘.hat his iu ii v'h Ihr ‘if.: h the Northern Stall's
werthlYiot have hern sh frtutnphnut an h w.-o*.
Alter all, it .seenia there.iiie but tiro point.- up
on which the .Southern Rights Democracy can
i n *Uy uiko rtcrioa - Xs.e with Gen. Davis. Tho
I is r.hi Hiilixtiintiaf afft-cMienf with Judge
ltm|§jn)F in bis s,nutter Sovereignty • hcre.-y.” of
(hid: wo have siitheh nllv spoken.
The rtoeoml point of disiigrcmnent between tlie
gallant S’ nn tor and tho South-.,-,, Lights Doi>
cruey (Jind he never .says “JSonthvnt /light* De
moiHM’ V.” but more mildly “Stum, Right* De
mocraoy,’ with wlidfib w*e have no hj> -cial quarrel)
I- uik* of a cudi. al cbiinuMvr. He says, •• 1 hold
amw, an announced **n former oecuijun©, that
tc/ii/xt m -'i'/.y mg i, M.'.it ii, the Senate, I am hound
to maintain thegov rninent „f the IMmatitutian, and j
in no >nnntier to work for Ufl dextruotion ,* tiiat the
oldp] ition of TUL OATH OK Oi l i( L. ms- j
ipl’i's /loan, and MY OWN, require that AS A
SENATOR of the United StuVo*there riiouldby
.i” vviint loyalty tv the Cimstitutloiial Union.- j
Whenever Mississippi -hall resolve to
trotxi the Gunicderacy, I wdJ expect her u> with
draw'hei repi-u.-anUitives from the Genmal il©v
crumept, t* which they are uceicditetl. ff I
s'betlld ever, n-hilxt a San tor, deem it nivdutv lot
a .*nine all attitude of hostility ♦ ■ the Union. I !
.deoild iniincdiittf’/y thereupon feel bound to ixmiuu j
th- **///*'•. and return to my ('"iistituenev to in
form them of thetad. It wa- Ihi.sview .ii’the nb i
ligation .f my position, which eausiwi vu- j
ferns oeca-ca,;,. t . ,-yu I, with * h ,„dig„ot{*n,. j
” ■ .*■ ■ ■ ..i-'iiM “!’ Til i: i\n i;n j
.'M.u.-lif S.Hillirrn lii lii., ... li. .'.: uuii.i.l .■ !
the duff faguiflhed Senmurof Mfaaiflflipid to take
H” evidently eonccirvs hunsell ns he swy .-. “a ‘
Senator of the (MILD .STATES.’’ nni‘uot ol !
I MISSISSIPPI, ‘ accordlv.; so tli© fft/f'ft’ Rights
theory. Ibe •• oath, of. ofh-e’ Idiulf him in ad”
delity to the STATE: a.-ti Senator’ he rumd, light
far “th. / niou'’ i nil hit/ardfl. It is oniy as n
/nii'itfe citizen that lie in help Missisrtippi in “the
It irt tree that Im .-peaks of iiyptfciiufariul ”!">* 1
ally to the VouHtHutiomtl l'ui->n r*'nnd again, of
, Itis boiiii; “l, , M nd to maintain the fjm. , ,um nt of
the f'taixtitut.o.i,” blit thu /m o*'/ is ample (hat lie
-imply menus “the gVorioU” Union,” uud the
“t iov cnum-’i!” “dry xo.” Wiint i© that proof ?
• Why that i.*ub(Miy.cvr thought of asking him l
work in “any iimum-r for tjm ‘lertMtu tion of the :
goutniti* I'a nip.” The Riglil- Dc
tiiorffii y |ui - lifii-d mo Maitoroitshaifd itgiiilirtt *H|tt i
Gov - Ii:!i -lit of the t'on*tit„#*n.’ if )*/.„; (he Coil
•‘titiilUoi -in ihi'c:nM* u the ('onttittOtufted Union,
ami for the nrnjidaiuuu'e of “the Uat<, ament oj
‘ fbti’ States Uigiilr men Work
f'vrtnind every win-re, nod cidrint to
gether’ An “oul'r to support the ComtHution,
We hold to l> an o.tlh tui-uppol't tile It>ght ot the
Stuux, and that h Senator by vulueof liiaoliicial
oLlioutious is all the more boil tv I t<* work for the
*1 oet fiu:< fan of an tin count it ut iroo'l and the niain
tainanceof a CanntUutionnl Union. ‘Whatever in
rightlor th* vihxcn,’ ju i •-lip.. ©•■*, r ti- S'-no tor.-
jiermfar Davmis “loyal* tu gome: ■■ ©mi..
The “Slab - n.ufit/Dcmoei:.. i ‘ Cun-
Democuiey udij ;i'. s to the priaripU* of the gov
erhinrnt uud atmuls by l.lio right© of the South,
not utily in “udvt i>ity ‘ but ip after toe*, a* well
If i* not our ifflitufto ‘loubt .Jefferson Dftvis’ de
vmiou to tin* S-.uth. We do no flueh thing, llis
IMatri.dism, In eloquence, bis gallantry are all
beyond qm . limi. N< r have we ony disposition
to'di.s*-redit his statcsmanriiip. though that is not
s<j well ©tteflte'L
.Wlmijvve .to iuiend \v .•;>>',* i*. that he vvns too
amiable and not qfliu explicit enough iu Ills
Xortbern speeches about the “Union” nnf.l “tri-
Hiug polhieiiiiirt.” yj
2*l. That bo is no better, if xo good, Doug
la*, outlie question pf Southern Rights in the
■ id. That In- has Fedeia! and even monarchic
*"al iden.- us the olJi .-fitioii ol bi Senatorial “oath.”
till ‘J'hat, lu* ha* modi/ied bin former Southern
High in view- and feeling-, uud though not quite
,“*> “Cpnnervalive” a Senator Hammond, in hit*
hit’- Rafnw.-JI sp*-■* h. i ■ yet. r.of quitethe,/)//'./--
xon .bach, of I Sotl ! Tii;.i tin.- Presidential aspi
rant is not the Southern ultra the Northern
traveler i.-not the Mix.-i* ippi “Ri'guPitor"—tho
dignified -Senator of the l MTKD STATES” i
not “J 1 1 IV DA VI S’—tho oath bound partisan of
purple hn*l crown, in not tho free, fearless, in
dependimt “iribuno of the people” ; the ©look,
harnessed, bodizzoned, ni* ked charger of the
K..,nl M*.l, is not tho wild untamed aminer of I
die ilesert. mjth tiro In his eye, ttie ring of
imb trumpet in hi© ililuted nortril, juid “thunder
on his neck
Li t:ii., A I,a m De*., IH.)8,
Rod. John Fuss*)lll.
A W.-i ljin-i-*y Coi!e-pond(neo bf the Mont
gomery A le,-, tiy. r. writes a follo w
Home *.f the rnysiori-v attending the Muifafty
of John l ‘)rytb. in will soon bo riem-ed
|up. fn Turntday Mr. (day, of your Stat©, jtitro
diiced a resolution galling upon the Prcxl'tout “to
lay before tho Senafe th© eorrespwnloß**© between
tin- G “Verum* nt and Mr. J’” ray Hi, Min
ister of tb© United Hutton f” Menic'o ; and the car
r<-spoud'>riec *f tlie Slat© Defairtmem on the üb
joci of Mexicali affair.*, Vrferred to in his Into an
liual ine.'-uge, ittnl -ngji other |OlToii)Kit>(ivn(W na
may be neeertffary t<> ribcidate tlie complication
which reoijicd. in the rtUSpqOHUin bf diploiaatie
relatiqm- with Mffvmn fiy ©he UnUe.l lega
tion m ‘hit ‘ ornitry. - ’
We ar glad thwl Mr. Clay 1m- taken thi*-’ pro
Ihiiftiar. -:.•]*. Mfff ho ve < \pry reason lotmliuve |
that Mr. I’orrtytiTrt olli'-iul ads fa -M©*ijeo will ,
bear inspecti*n, iitf'l it l tuiyi Mi*} < ottnlry were
better pouted noon oiif mixed relation With that
government. It I*true the mm-mge. g.ivo or an I
iusightz.but ever day is adding to the inteiext pur- <
turning to the i| uc * *j |
l. s. sen*tor Kforfiftt.
Ivnt vNAt’di.i-. Deo, 22.—-The State Legislature
by * • nrurrciit reVdufKwi. elocto*! Henry I
L. S/nti** and Win, M. McCarty U. 8. Senators. 1
inpl?*- of Rright ami Eiteh. whose olec
lion was dclur.-'ito be illogai. feriner serves |
‘till 1800 ami the latter till l^fil.
. * -*!=*• ,
Tlm- Flfllnti,stern.
Nr'.v Youk* De©’. ‘2b. V speejaL dispatch frmn |
Washington says nothin-; official Jttan ben recW
e*l tie ‘vhereabout * yJ'the scbooivir Sitaan. It
is known, how vcr t that the fillibustors who left
on tb Fashion word landed 20 mile* below tho
Colorado, whr© ther© is now probably 1,000 J
©m©d ossa. i
nimim s, ih.iinniu. pm.Muni iu. ihss.
Siutii (jtrallua Vgalu.
M e alluded a few Jay.* &inec to the past ami
present'at tit tide *>l South t'lU'oHna toward* the
B<mlltetu Siiitoh, atul ventured tho assertio'u that
>he win*looking muehot lhc Culitoirti-spirit, that
eliaraciri i/.ed her iu year* jia*ffS--qti*)ting atsolYotn
Nyriliet’ii journal* to bustuin u* iu **ur opinion. -
M e said in Ugurative language, that we feared
that the ‘‘‘star us Smith Ourolina that had *” long
guilol the patriot by it* effulgence. Ac.” vviu*
“being celipsed by the elmuH ot Unionism, cou
m.rvatism and sulunissimii-m.”
Our cotnervative cotemporniy of the Savannah
Republican affects a laugh at wlmf wo -ai‘l ftml
appeaiw tube auvimed ! liw} • that that *tur has
been a “lone” star and from its •**,hx*rrn4ionx,“ it
has been ‘•(** high “and just bfifciiiM |u brighten as
it approaches tho “icivstial globe.“
We are not surprised .it the •‘obaervatlon.s” of
eue c.ofiMiiy. They tally pvceiioly with those
taken by \.,rihtrn nsD'otmiiuus for tin’ hist forty
year** *-tlmt star him always appeared “high”
when viewed through a falvt-cupe plnntvd on
S’oOlu in soil and through tlm mists anff ‘ faf*BT
rnfauism Hit<lrcvery other send At’ism. To the
naked eye it Ims hoen visible at tho South and
know nby its effulgence and brightness. It only
g l ows dim as it goes A orthn urd and approach* x
the - standpoint the “terextial globe” -from
wheuife our eoteinponiry takeihis observations. -
Me do not mean to ifuestion the purity ofanrno
lemporary’s motives, the eye-sight is good enough
—but simply to notice the remarkable roinonlvnoe
“l his eid* elution of dittanee with that of obser
vers nn the plains of Boston or sotuo other distant
norihera point.
Hi.avi > *s Riciihdvd Wo leani from tho
j Richmond Examiner, that the sale* of (hit* Bb*ck
m tho Richmond marls during this weih^avertigo
about SBO,(MJIf per day. Xoiwitlmtruidfag tlq*
direct importation opposition in Georgia! the pri
ces still keep up at figures. \\ v aoe
that down South one of tlm Wanderer's fat© car
go of imported live Africans- “a stout, likely
and tractable young fellow, aged It’’—was syld
in Augusta, for 82JO only. Roys of thaastunip in
Riehmoud, uro knocked down to the tunc of 1200
or SliOt).
Hon Allred ivrrson.
We are [duasod to hoc from the proceeding*) of
j Congress published in the Daily Globe, that the
| Lou. Senator, whose name heads this article, in
1 bearing a oouspicuous part iu tin- dobatoß of the
: session. In thu debate of Friday, the 2-ttli Inst., find the following remarks made by him up
on the bill graining relief to tho widow of ilni
lute Col. Trumbull, which are an consistent with
justice nod a high ©enjeof duty, at the expense
of tie- tender sympathies of our nature, that we
; print them for our readers. They nro brief, but*
Ni. ivi:i:siin .i11
I kid* it is a Very ungracious thing I” op
- e a lot: *.f this ‘•••it ; tor tin- bill under -i T. J
| ’-ration i© certuiuly mm .of Iboau on,us which up
p*-.d’ strongly t<* rtymputhy. It is nothing more
, nor lens than a men- gratuity. Then- is no juH-
Uee nor right in it. n**r is it protemlud that lb .<>
I l- any. I *lo itot rise, however, for tlie purpo.-c of
debating this cuse. lon to state a fact to liie * a
me W” liuve a bill upon our tublo, ju*t sent frodf
! the lioiise Represent at iv e*. wbioli grants a pen
*iion of ninety six ibdlar©a year l*i ©very olfa < r
1 • aifd soldier who in alive that wan engaged in the
] war of I*Sl2, and to the widows of those,who are
I dead. Ry a calculation which un- 1 be n made tip
| very reliable tfaia, that bill w ill draw from the
Tn ;i-ury •'I8,tmlkpl(l0 a year; and lion* is a prop
■ | ositUm to extend even that system, to given pen
sion to the widow of an officer who died in tho
j .service, without any evidence that his death re
! I .-ultcl from wound* orfrom (Uhoiuma contracted in
! the line ol liis we do it in this carte, J
j ask wliut is the raison we,should not do it, as the
. 1 Hcnabir Irom Connoctluill has very properly said,
j in ev cry i use, aruf not only grant a pen-ion to
i the wi'low of ©very officer win, die* in the service,
. , lutt to Ilia widow qfcvnry sußliea:-* for I do not
| Kce tho least distinction between a Holdier and an
oflieer? It one is entitled more limn the other, it is
iiim widow of the pwn'uoldior who ferudgea along
and exposes his life on all ooeasions, and win* has
nothing to leave to his widow and children to
support them. Officers have high salaries: they
hiwe high so trial position; they have many advan
tages that soldiers do uot have; uud sq have thuir
widow i and surviving children. If, therefore,
there be any regard to justice or propriety, the
soldier ought to be entitled to tho bounty of the
Govennnon'.r/ither than the officer. It L a mere
gratuityjit is a proposition -to take out of the (.rea
lise money which has been put there by tho swan
ai thy brows of millions, to food (hose who have
been already pumpored by the government. That
is the long ami tho short **!’ it; but l d<> uotjn
tou*lto debut© it, l shall ask for tin* yea© and
nays on the pannage of tho bill.
Purlt|c Convention.
Xkvv Oiii.k.vns, Doc. 21. - There i** muc!i con
fldcnco exhibited J\v the st*>ckbraiders, in the con
vention now assembled her©, -in the success of tho
Lbieilic railroad enterprise. This confidoi*-.’ is
increasing, and the stoekhtl Ur* ore contributing
I orel gii khlp News.
Hr. Johns, X. K., Dee. 24.—Tho ship* John.
Rave not, Qui<-kßtep un<l Norma, from Charl**aton,
bad reached Liverpool; the ship** Hyndeford,
George Davis, (perhaps (Jeorgo livans ix intended
a* ©ho sailcl from Savannah aboqt the 12th No
vember) and Oswego, from Savannah, had arriv
ed out; also the .“hip Albatross, from New Or*
At Havre, the ship© E \V Lucas had arrived
frofn Charlcfton, and the Alfred Stone, Alio©
Provost and Edward Dennison, have arrived from
At tfawnstown. the ship Content, from Charles
ton had arrived.
Among the vessels which have sailed are the
Walter Hoott. from I>*-al far New Orleans; uud
Ml dill© ton, from Liverpool for New Orleans 5 the
ship (’ulloden©ailed far Mobile ; the Rosalie for
Savannah : and the Etowuh for ('hafh *Uiu from
Liverpool. All ©ailed between the Til and (ith of
LaH'rtt front Mexico.
New De*,*. 2fa—The otouiußalp Ten*
in- ■,froui \’era (Tig, lias arrived, with dates to
221 inst.^
Tlie VerflCruz Proyrcaxn approve©of President
RuelniiintTs Messiig* iu the highest terms.
/(tloaga un*©till nt the city of Mexico, but has
all hi> arrangement© comnluled to leaf© at short
notice, •
The Arflhhiflhop has refuse*! 1 make
Maraqu*-/. has been Heft*Med nonr Qundulnjaxa.
It hue liccn rumorrd iliut Zuloaga hn<l liecn of*
ft reda plave in Mexici under the protection of
G relit Hritahi,
Mr. Wuvr(dLiu) Engli.-lnnan, had go up to Eng
lan<l to arrange ton iters. Thi* i* the geuth-ninu
who was imprisoned iu Mexico, and loft thgt
country in November hot.
Eebcgary bad been defeated by t ‘umaiiN at hi©
The Han .Nicholas, a ’Spanish brig of jrur, wa*
at Tauipic".
Gen. A!orie*t hud dofaated tiro Zuloaga
forces beforo Puebla.
A bottle has boon found at sea, off the Uoatan
eoaico river, unclosing a paper on which it is ©<at
‘•d that tho Hpnuish frigate Quailaloupe hod hoen
Gen. Solos was preparing to make, au attack on
Vera Crtu.
New Orlbaks, Doc. 24.—-Th© Doston ship
Margaret, ha© fov\nd©r©d at sa. Only on© p©r
•a ©ar©4.
The Peilrtioll bill Im© passed the 1(011*0 of Uep- |
iT.-ontutive© in and if it i not Ueleqtod
In the Senate. wilMw fao law ofthc land. The
large majority itrweived,'too, irtll take the coun
try ty surprise, and illium those who 4'ocl nn in- j
teiTxt in an eoomnnieal adiutnislrnluni of the
GoVernnnmt. We cannot coneeiw* Dill
riving away, a© a mere gv*unii\. Huff i”
>2",l>Uo.quit mil us tile Jll .-.iMiry. -limilAlm'-e pax. l *-
cd thedowov lu’aneh of r*Ugress. It luay lie that
nil the protectmnisto-voted tor ii to raise the tariff
it may be tlmi many voted, whose ©ymmi •
tide- far tin poor Mildlat* nfade them iHtkrnl wif
tlie jM**|ilr'< money and the p‘"jfle - iiiohm.** -it j
may he I hilt lliey were actuated by the pilly&l
anti me-! exulted motives.
Hui uvide from thu honesty “f’tlitrir Hitootionx, ;
it is a great mitiage t” draw from Uie'Treaxury so
enorumu- ntnouni of money, as a reward for tho !
-en in tho WHi’ -oflßl2, wln n they j
were r*": ularl.v paid by tho goypruuient, ahd when !
their deed , arc trea-uiediip iu the hearu of tlnrir •
cofaKrymou. Rut what arc tho ntatn fbaftirt!© of
the bill ? It give-, pensions to all -nrvivers who |
served for -ix’iy days or were engaged in battle in •
tho war uflSl2, oriu guy war or buttle fought by ;
(In* United Mates with tho Italian* previous to or |
’hiring that war. Its provishtoa exto'nd to both j
the army uud navy, and if the soldiers or sailor©
entitled to the pun .-don are not living, the widow |
is entitled to the same benefit,s. The scale of the j
proposed pensions is as follows: To those who |
have served 12 months or more, Jfffi,por annum ; ,
i months or nmre. HT.">; “months or more than fe)
UU days,
Thus it w ill be seen that soldier© who enlisted
for the period of th,*, month© *r more than <*i 'sty i
days who never ©melt tin- .-indite of battle—who I
never wore disabled, but quai'tored, perhaps, iu
sum© Old fmrrack©. are to be pft'.l a good sum
mjU’iy your ni neo tilts ye 11 r 1812. A most prepos
terous hfca ! We humbly submit that it would be j
more in- accordance with jusiivo to pu\ tlu fau*,(
©one us our city, wbotm service* were called into!
requisition to protect their flrc#kle* from the I
depredations of the Indian* in Ls.'tfi—who ©t*H*d f.
guard at il.ebridg** when they cxp**eted a strng- j
gle ax lierco as that ut Loot —who were absent for j
weokrt on soon ting expeditious Kiirrou tided hy a !
cunning and dangerous too, back rations from ;
period that u the present tone. They lost ljule !
blood it is tnn*, but i\,a fright that many MiHtain
od during those fearful nines id worth a pension, j
and they ought to receive it, il the soldiers of
1812 ai to be paid for marching iu the service
uud marehiug out again after fid days. Think df I
iL reador, fifteen millions fff dollars for these ©ol- I
diwry Why mu include those that served in
M.xico’ Tiny on dared a scorching sun- 4 ,
. dreadful di • i-.\ and Ibught gallantly - Üby
dlrtrl linilint) fli the Diie rnxe, the g<>\ erntucill
would pay iieui Hluu a year sine.-I.S lfi :in the j
oih'-t they | my that sum ohtcu I&12. It irtuaeloxx }
to say more about the rougiinuimity and g©ngr- !
Me trusi thu© the Scuulu Will dot cat thin bill.—#;
. 1 It will never do to pas© it. Tho people will never
Ii be sa* tilled with appeals to tbttlrsyiupathy ortfieir i
love"! ( Diiiiiry wlum tbe di-criiuinatum lx s<* up . I
; .iosi,and when h*- gnttnuy is ut *t their own t
1 **.irnit'-<-. and when they know a- well as their j
I I'ougie-smcn. that tie-great *-inl 111..1 ahn of gow
j eminent la to make law* aim not lavish away their
. iiwmey. Wo irusi that we aro not understood m* j
depreciating Uie sbrvfao# df the sohlierx ofixill: j
Ry no means. We a|iplau*l their gallant deed. *
; and will keep green in our lien its their memory.
! but we do oppose thin hill granting them and
I their widows Jifteen million* of dollars, a* most 1
preposterous and wicked,
News from New
Sr. Lin t*. Dec. 21. Id 6.
, The New Mexieuu mail. w HhA ’anta Ee dates of j
* | Iho 28th ult.i reaeiied Jinlejasiidcnei- this morning, j
I j 0.1. MI .can j* rtniong the passenger*. The mail I
was dotaiiMxl by deep snow. The weather was ‘
i very cold, and ull tin party, including Col. Me
j Lnm. are Radiy fn.-t bitten. An armistice for !
thirty days has been concluded with the Xuvojo I
1 Indiana, uuriiig which efforts were to be made to
make peace.
Fire mid Lo*s of Life.
A in UnrrilviJle waj dcstrnyad by fire on j
Wednesday night, and two qld men, named !
Hriggs, perished in tlio lliimes.
Death of (im. Jam s (huixrien
It i* with deep oi.iotiou that wo auununco tho j
I death- of ©lte* uj4ul arid honored <-iti-n of South )
Carolina, Gen; ,Tamo> Gnd*d<*n. Througlntut un
active life, which has boon prolonged to the
pslainist’s limit. Gen.'Gadsden ha© liven promt- ;
nent in the history hf the State and the con ted- !
eracy, and has iHstliqruishcd himsylf a© a clyjliati,
a wanioi and a diploiri.ittst. In poUtlca Gen.
iiadsileu was a true Democratic Republican of
the Calhoun ©e.hM)l, a Xullifier iu ’.'52 and a So
ee.viionixt in ‘O. llu has ever bfteu umu 11 of
large induenee nml character —bold, independent,
active uud of groat public spirit. South Garolinn
mo Urns to-day for “nu of her most lirililunt anil
worthy still* Char, line,try.
(hi Ist mas Tree,
Many of the old Engli©h eustotuH of Chrifltmus
have passed away and like the ©herris ©ak of old
l'alstaff have becomo mere mutter© of ©peculation.
Rut the C lirfatinaa tree, however, is frequently to
be ©eon. Never did u. company of boys and girls
enjoy a festival more, than that at the School of
tho Episcopal Church Tuoxduy night, tho 28th
inst. A Christmas tree—-loaded down with pres
ent©, keep-fakes mid memento© —it© branch©©
brilliantly Tllumjnnted—wax ©rooted inside the ‘
School-room and the heart©of the children beat
u ith joy and excitement a their number© drew :
their gifts, (r was a beautiful sight and will Ih> i
long remeinben and, not only by the children, low
tbpXady ©oiitrUnitiirx wh werOprcHent uud those i
wh* worn im itd Ui wUne©H the imposiHg cere
Kurlenqiie Opm,
The ntti-iulaneo ut Temperance Hall, on Tues- !
Jay evening, to witness the truly mi'ritorioux ,
Roekjjny *’ (tpera Tfoupe, though not a© numerous
US nu tin preceding evening, whs more select nnd 1
Thf* tidjipuwil npern ot “L Soununtbuiu” was
given, r„ burfexipu -, to tho Hatiflfaetion and nntuse- ! 1
meat ol nil. Tin-’ enliro corps were admirably
“well Up” in their respective parts, uud it ix hoped j j
that they will always give 11© ti *all in their visits
South. %
WASiUMiTo.v, Dee. 24.—Seimr Don J.utiricl
Garcia Y Ta©.*am, the .Spanish .Ministor. this j
morning n.'©urod Mr. Cush, the , Secretary of Hjato, ,
“f the truth of the statement that the Spanish and j
Mexican Imbroglio had been settled.
LeUeriq however, of the latest dut** from Tutor
pica, to a citizen of this oily, who is largely in
(crested in thu peace of Mexico, asserts that the 1
statement of ji settlement is false, and that the
Hp&nish fleet is accumulating and controlling the ! 1
Mexican eoujt from Layuua to Tampico; and ‘
tint© tending to verify previous advices'of the Iu- 1
tun lion of Spain to open hostilities.
1 “ ‘
A placard in tho window of a patent . 1
mbdieino vender in tho Ruo Saint Uonore, Puri#, !
.uad© a© fellow©; “Thu public aru requested uot j
to uiUtaito thi© ©hop for that of another quack j ■
Jnt opposite.”
(ongriws, Kills.
W© lirirn from the Journaj of Cvpuncrcc Jr. ;
flint thu'lolfawing iuv kuuh- of tho .bUI* in C*ut
iiuil’ U *it Whole llouxu. vn thexlate of the Unipn.
to-will 9
A Rill to provide lur the genera) introduction. of
unitbriu nuiional emle of marine tiiaiiaU.
A bill for the relief of the ©itlllf© **l unf f'fflteVf
I State© Brmy.
A hill to attend MO Act entitled “Au A4fc> Mi
I eorporute tht* Coluinbiu Inxti.iution far the farii ue
tion ol tin* *le;tf, t.lniiiD ami blind,” approved TVh
iifaiy Hi, IBOT.
A jo ?ii resolwlimi oflh opiidou of
Congref- >f the United Stale- in rohUknUqUu>
latt* nriX'si ol General Win. Wall.ei by Hiram
1 Paulding, a eaptainlu the Unite*! Siafo© navy.
Mr. John Sherniffu nf"'edfo amend the renfat-
J tion by ii Httbstitwte.
.1 bill further to ameml un Act to provifai lor
1 thu butler security of the lives of pa*ongerfi vn
board ot vi-.-.-els projiolled in whole or in part by
.'leiim, and tor other purposes. With atnemi
\ bill fixing the number and eompciixiitioii of 1
‘ -lerks, me*.**’ngevs, pugc* and laborer* far the
ICoua* of liepretM-ntative©. With amendment©.
A bill )>• promote Hie proerri***"t the it eftrl art**.
! to regulate. th grunting of patents far invention*. ;
j and fiV jopoal ail act> ami poi'Lcpf uete hereioi'ory
j made for that pnrpy.-o. With an Hiu©ndiuent. *
I A bfll making au appropriaHon far eohalruet- !
1 ing a breakwater on Crow Shoal hi the Dataware
Ray. |
\ bHI to equalize the army, uavy, and marine
[ pensions.
Joint resolution autbfiririhJ the ponAfafox tr 1
, nhiefaccMatn officers and floldiara-*iHhff rev**lu- •
tion wer© entitled to at tho turn: of their death, t.. ,
I be pnittto their widow© or thoir obildiccn, or then ,
j Ingnl foprusentative©.
j A bill to cxtaMirth on aax ill ary’ gnuv<l for the !
protection of public, an*l private prujierty iu the j
i . ity of Washington, and tor repealing all act* ’
horet-ol’oro pinshed in relation to that ©abject. Mr. .
Loiter submitted an amendment iu :lu* mflure **f f
’ a xubfllitole.
A ‘"ill making appropriations tor ‘*• impiove
nit-yii ot certain harbor© and rivurs. Mr. Elibu ,
R. M'a*hburuo submitted au amend* nt m the nu
litre of u substitute.
A bill foe the establishment of n Unh’-d State©
eon.-iilafe at Rosario, 011 the rivur UaVnim. in tl |
plot face of Santa Fo. of thu Argentine 1 unfedt-ra- ‘
prion, and for other purposin’.
, A fall making an appropriation far strengthen j,
ling uud .securing the fonhihitmiiii of the United 1
1 state© barge office in tlmwitrv Now Yqj'k.
A biU to amend an act. euiitlmi act in t
!i’ gultt•*• the carriage of pn-Jetrgers in ©lOttinrthip© T
j and other v*xelx, approved Marcli the .’{<l. !
1>• ‘*• . ‘ ; |
! A hill to execute tin* treaties ot oigbteeo liuh- j
! drod ami rtevunteoii and eighteen kuudrod ui‘t
j nineteen with the C hero hues, by making provis- j
! mu lor the reservation uuder the xam*-. *
A bill extending tho benefit© of the pension, law*
| to certain widow© and orphans.
I A bill to provide tor the public priming, bind
: >og, engraving, lithographing aud Hectroiyp j
j >'• ‘ T
A bill providing for eertalo public btiildtmr© far •
I post office and other govei uuient purpoxc*©.
| A bill to coiiffrm the ©ale of the rciti. ulioo lurid ■
’ by the Christian liidfan©, and tu prqyiue'a per
mar.ant home for said Indians,
i A bill dire.-ting the Mttii Afcttt of h rmiti rlahtix f.
of ■ ‘ stale* ot Maine and MH.©*uu*hiu*uil.
bill for thy, relief ul C, 11. Ma.-op.
A bill Jo nrgaoi/e tfie TerrifnbV of V. \ ada.
j A bill tnnkirtk mi appropriation for the eoiupltr
j tion of the penitentiary I’udding of thi'M’erritory ,
t ofNi-w M* .\i’-”. R©p< >rh 'd with * re*'*mnn©mln I
| tio 1 that lie- bill *h> Uut puM.
1 A hill making an appiopriauim fwi th*; v<*ui
-1 plotlou of the eapitol building in tho Territory u.
New Mexico. Reported with a re- -uirncudation
i that tlie bill do riot pus*.
■ A bill to organize a paid fire department in Ho
j Di. rrict of Cofarulmi.
j A, bill Mi apportion jhu vfarkj-and
j in the r-evuriil department- of Hit) Unilod Ptu< <•-
T gwvermn*-Tff iitlheiTty ort\'a.-hhigf'’n? aturtitg'fffe t
1 xuvural Srateann*! Ti-rriiDirie© and District wf (*- I
A r-purl *m a rodueti-u of jh expemiiturof *<l
the gotcrmuein, the uuvjgation law.*, fhecxixt
! ingduti*-.* on import!©. A*-., bv Mr. Don ace,
A report relative to the toll-gate* on thexever- l
id turnpike road.* within the District ol ( duuibta. .
leading t*> tin- xe*t oi govcruiueiH.
Joint resolution refat ive to the seizure nml emi
’ demolition ofth.- AiHericairbarquo “Adriafie,*’ hx
the F’remrii itiTthoriti©©.
V hill tor the codification of the r* ve .
iiuo luw* of the Lulled States, ami for other pur ‘
to'ses. Se rial order of the day for the .’!*l Wed ‘
m-ilay in December next, and from dtn to H.-ry i
| until dispoHud 01.
j Annual luctiauge of the I'veauleuLoi tin United
1 Stai’.* upon the ©late of thecountry.
A bill making api.rojirlaHoiis lor tho payment
of lii valid and other jwsonH of the United State©,
I far the year ending the 3lHh .if June, lhtiO.
A bill junking appropriation© for the support of
tho Military Academy for the year ending the 30th’
Juno, 1890.
A bill making appropriation© for the current
and contingent expense# of the Imliuu Uepart
-1 ment, ami tor I'uliilliug treaty stipulations with va- ‘
rious Indian tribe©, for tbo year endin'# June 2(1,
ISB ° ‘
itorrlx’rt ropnlnr Sovcrtlguly Bill.
A RtLL for an act grunting to the people of tin
xCrcraf organized tcrnlori. x of the C. State*, the
right to provide, through their reap,, tin legixltn
j te- ee, j,.r the appointment tut election rtf'thrir fine
j, irne,-a, Judge*, and all other teiriiatntl ojkor*.
I in btu h mod, or nummr “* xaul l,yic{.'titr<. may hy
law determine.
Hoc. 1. Re it enacted, Ac., That flip people of
t the several organized territories of the Unite*!
* States lie uud they are hereby authorized nod em
powered to appoint or elect their (jfaveraofca,
Jitdges, and all other territorial wncCrs* in such
mode or manner a© thoir respective Tc.'jlihi'iiTVs 1
may by law doterniim . m* 1 , ,(?*.*■ j the.-r power
uud prescribe tin ii dune*. i'r*vid.d, That noth
ing herein contained -hail construed a© to
interfere wUh th. light iT tfa* existing of .’-i s in
e;ii*l terrrti.rieh, or tboH th’.t may be up
pointed by the President to hold their reap -*vw
•fliee” until Hieir xoMOMors m uppoinled or elec
ted and qualified in pure* ui.-e ul of sadri
Hoe. 2. The people of tho territorial* hereafter
organized by act of Congress, ©ball h \ Me<l with
tho sain>- right and power us appointing ■> elec
ting their Governors, Judges, aud all mb. r terri
torial officer©, and defining their powi. uud pre
scribing their duties, which, by Uu; provision <1
the foregoing section, ere conferred on tho people
of the territories now organized. f
Sec. 3. That all suits and cause* of action in |
tin* ©aid territorie#, arising under the .**.o*M'tudon |
ami laws of thu United Hiatex, shall lav tried-at |
smrii times ami iu such mnnnei ux G*mgr© *x may j
hy saw provide.
Hoc. 4. That tho people of any territory of the ,
United BLute# now organized or which may lu
ll, realtor organized, are hereby authorized ami 1
empowered to call a convention and frame a oou
• ©titution prepnrntery to admission into thu Union ■
art 11 State, in xm-h manner ns their fagixlaturu may j
by law pies.-rilic Provided, Tuat.npplieaUon for j
“*‘l* mlmi#ion into the I niou gliuil not be mndo ,
until tlie population of such territory xltali hu xui
li.-iently nuiHurou* fa entitle it 40 on aepneseutiv- |
five in the House of Kcprexeututivex on tho basi- j
”f upporfioiiiuent of represeututioa established by j
Oiigre#.* for tfa* several Htat©. \ud provided
further that *uch application ahull be ruceived ,
■<r elite-rtnitied l<y Congross until tin con nti tut ion I
frntael tor Haiti territory shall bo submitted to the
people thereof by a Ur<*ct vote for their oramival
or rejection, and ©hall have hoen upproved by n
majority of the legal voter©of said territory. Andi
provhled furtlu-r, that nothing herein (HMituinod j
shall operate against the iimncdinte- aJiuia©} >ll ot ‘
Kantas uttd Oregon into the Union,
See. i>. All acts Mtid pnrtx of Hot# l ouiiag iu j
conflict witli, this act b.t and tbo tntnio i© to reby
rc pen loss.
Gcn.H mu Houston intend.-, in a ©pce.-h 011 the r
floor of the Houate, a t Mt early day. to declare l
tlnit he ha© n** aspiration* for the Presidency, and I
would accept under no <riromiixiam-,cx, #ity# a *’
Wiisllidgton letter. floatgn Poat.
That 1© a wi©o conclusion,—yjliy the tb-noial
n*Hid not trouble hiiuxolf to aunouucw it in tbo
He auto. Wo have under commie rat i thu same
question for ourselves; mid when wo arrive at a
conclusion, may feel called upon to uummeu if to
tho public. There are many ot Iters Who may 1
safely proclaim their determination not to be for
ced into tlm Proshtontfal office. It j© only a
plague and
Tins KiLinrsTßßS.—A telegraphic disnatch re
coivcd boro to-day, say© that the Susan's fllibns- ’’
tor# have efforted a lauding in Nicaragua in ©ale
ty, after having tacceaaftally oludcd the vcsseU of
tbe squadrons guarding that coast.
The New Senate Chamber will certainly bo
ready for oocupation by the Senate by the 4th 1 ‘
prexiae.— Wash*Upton .511#©. 1 1
:Mr mwfiwii.i • ■ t "—-- "-••• ‘
Number 1
Peter SluldiH, gq.—Hi* farewell Hgecefe.
At tin- dose of evury ©c©il<m of the Legis
lature, there i# u rc-uniou ot feeling by the parting
oiluiiitiimx of the membor©. The following is
from Ibp Hon. Pvter Stubbs, tlte Senator from
Ribhcounty, as taken trout the Recorder:
Mr. Stubbs being culled oq responded.
Mr. President, 1 never could makes speech
when cull’ and on in thi© wsv; I will, however, eatl
f thi* nlttwrtmn fiftln- Henuta ton few fact©; We
have ,*evn during all thi- suasion, the WEST iu
tin East : Iml \*>- have all felt PAINE t> be very
pleasant. YOUNG fa getting a little old; but
tvhnf of iill'flnft. we are alway* ©tiro of getting a
goodPKD J.. I wit.-just going fa xy that wo
’ ante wry. near ntuking a failure, but I find we
Have don.-np.'\cry thing DROWN. And then,
bow rt no 1..-, fi.-ro we blue a GUAY-HAM !
• Laugh! r.V ft’we are in uuv danger, wo have a
WARD trit.t aMI keep every rhing off ; if out
wiifdr.fac i© aihtfaa. iiul wn have a JOHHEY ;
.md Settn'or-, if tb-'. (tn Giottiri hiiie a little too
warm. xv: h i\r ••* gel ritnler a nUSTI. Wo
have often ©■•on n HARDMAN ©talking in among
ux. but it is one ’©niHolutiuu to know that wc have
good EMI 1 UH nml u (.’UOWDER aumng us,
with rt|rv*n;. uru -to keep hint o(I. And, finally,
mnrtvtncii. V h<qle flic cotmli v will ©rick to her ro-
Utriou- iti-titthion©, not with ©t and mg wv have a
POPE,’ jAt itch laughter, j
Heto. too, i the -pooch of uur late and lauteat
••d frietnl ff’mriter. It roads now like Prophecy.
Mr. Tucker wan next called fa thu floor, in
Jix-olvi'i in Mottm-cuon with this Honorable
I body, ti'o r. i.ii.'f a iouatur here far whom I do
’ imi.-he. Ii v ling-of respect and uttoebmeni. I
barb fnt t.. <v, thnf f nd?nr expect to occupy
in rtut tm ;l i • floor a© Senator again. We are
| now about to ©oparata never to meet iu this ca
pmrity Senator,©, fat us strive to meetm a
bftß r . R
The Lnraperi tirlran
( Sav w - vu, IH'',,2T —There appear© to he con
©idrtnbie • jt.-im iit ere-.tted..nt the escape of the
; little Ai'ri. .01. cq lureti on Jeckyl Island by some
•I the I > l oli'-iitfa. The marshal has heeu request’
*d to re-t r ii. .ut lu* lias refit sod so do so. It is
j thought fasi he will l*c removed, although tew be
• li‘ V Jttiu t” thy escape or ahductfou
tin-litri*- \liicap,
\ to!ran Slave Trade South.
The 111’ famomf Rnfu,‘rer ftt ,t well-written srtl
| elt com- i rifng trade at rhe .Smith, con
.rimW wl'h r-.llmvhig passage. •’ *#
‘•Wf I* qc
i h-y I'fom tb -••finiHugdltg nlliunce” of the slave
trudqp rcaftoip Weinqje this diseussioh will wipe
tr n; tto- ,-:atnu hooka those laws which now cast
; ‘lisliou’.i.ib]* i ri rtion upon the institution of
.©hWy. by the pnnlifftincnt they inflict upon those
j tuny engagHn R. We hope this diseuxflion utaywho
1 prohibit Aineruiio imtionul vessela from pursuing
J atul *itp]ui lug UuMe-iscU of any nation other than
tlie United suites, who may lie engaged in the
inreurn otvc trail'.-. If upy other nation desires
!to eugag! i.'i if. have uo objection ; ami w
; want to no .hi’ Untfad Htatos r.c.-npylng tins poa
■ * ton -ayt 1 a to (he world “tlmiery t> right, and
*iho sooaer vm itiii riuee it th* better for yooi na
•on al ,\\ c prohibit our own citizens
irom li in 11.4 uny niore from Africa, not that we
! alto'e ii folt,’ wrong, but beeitu-e. W f faelteVe,
iVoin ■*• on’ luiyal principle-, that we have enough ‘
• “■ Illuu.A ?
Uroto th*. tyi ,"iti.!.nt of the Newark Advertiser.]
A-ffcto idem PI rr and tin K.xdving of Prussia.
Flokemck, Nov. 27.
The ev-Km- uflil Quccu nf Prussia made their
V‘.’ td on here a <lrt v or two since, and took
M*>© -i >!. -I th*! lino li 1 ’Ull do la Villa, turned
Pa-.* • ‘for tlu* pair and suite. The
” 1 mi,'riit*d itventy carriages ami wagous,
from P f which -um ■ [.an© uml tin kit*fax
r b:*U dc* ■'•'lis'if irroeking with their niscor
ix” r.*M tb*- rtonip ami circunixtancv of that
•‘•yaltj ot u men tlu-y brought up the roar! Rm
, kitty- mu :ak” tlicir rufaiuc, us well as their dia
mond.- about with them.
1.. l'n -©nix i;t Pierce buppgited to be bulged at
•■he hotel *l. mmuted for old Federiek Williaa,
. wlu-ii ”1 1. 1 ramu fa vocati: it. The oxtitlie
Ju: * ’ll •>r I hue 1*- lia.-to to .acquaint his guests nf the
>teii”i intended him, hiutjug alike to one and all
• li* iu i'.\ of seeking other quarter.©, which
j bint Wo© dttlnr intl’. nmeiverl by different temper
atm nt--, lint by no one ©*> amiably a© hy the cx
! Pi - .- ‘ lent. N"i so, u ariii upper-lipped Southern
• ■r. ot fiuptly nml money, who had been lodged
ioiv him. -If like any khtg for some weeks, and
who, .oj r,•,nriviug the notice, sent tlie old
kittg ami innocent landlord together to a very bad
pla*-*’. in tree Republican style, aud ordered bia
carriage amt hill on the instant, shaking the dust
off hi- feet a? he left the unworthy hoH.
From the Tribune.
From Washington.
W vsinxaToX, Dec. 22,1858.—A sharp colloquy,
in which high words were used on both side©, oe
’•urrotl tu day, during tho secret session, between
Henater Tuoinhs of Georgia and Mallory of Flori
da. Tho dispute was on the subject of naval
nominal h/tiß.
The first appropriation hit! nf the ©osslon passed
ro-day. It wait forth# Military Academy. Mr.
Stanton of Ohio, ©bowed that, although xo much
had been said about tbe frugality of tbo Ways
and Means Committee in retrenching tho expen
ditures, thi- hill appropriated siH,turn more tbHii
tin- cxriraatoe of the Administration, vnd Hi j.UOff
more than w done lust year.
Mi. Morris ol lllinofa, a Dqgglas inuu, attack
••d tin* Administration with cqnsiderabie vigor to*
U} ’ m mi
K\tra"rdlitui‘y Sul* of Negroes.
One of thu moat exlraordinary ©ul*; of slaves—
not su much on iwcpunt their number a© the
price- obtained for tnotu, although ovoti themim
h*r very large—-W u© inildc at public auction
it the village of Atitaug-nvillc during four day© of
last week. One b uud red aud seventy slaves, be
lon-ing io the estate of Richnrd Morton, were sold
• •ti twelve months time with interest and, for the
enormous sum of one hundred and a,sty thouaund
dollar a, being an average of j*i4l and a fraction
over. Tn tho largo number composing the lot
wore old and young, halt and lame, and one was
leaf and dumb. A girl aged 14, block and a fluid
mind, brought $1035. A young fallow was bid
oil far >’2Dit). Evidently the “flush Time© of
Alabama” have < nine again.— MonUjom. ry Con~
• deration Dec. “Sth.
I “('t-rtwij ‘un .* li. Awoi.-Kn."—A few days he*
j lot” the O’-cwrrun* of hi© recent street fracas,
i Mr. \\ m. Montgomery, of Pennsylvania, was ia
vjtcd by the Hoc rot ary of the Interior, with tbe
rest of the Committee on Public Land©, to dine,
and returned mower, in writing, that he would
■ hold ir*. .social intercom-** with hint i Heoretary
Thompson j until hu ruinovod u ocrlaiu clerk in
th<- Interior Department. This i© indeed a funny
j. world in which we all live.
Hcnator Dougla* and family are expected to
arrive in thi© city on Monday evening or Tuesday
morning next, iu the Empire Oily, from Havana.
from the Augusta Constitutionalist.
lion. A. 11. Mciriicuk.
‘V# publish the following uxtruet from the let
ter of a Mis©is©iupi correxpondeut, for tho com
pliment it eoutuin© to out di©tlngui©hed citizen,
thu lion. A. H. HT*fiirxs. It servos to ©bow, •
j iu ti Wosshrc, tb*- high 0* 11 unit ion in which thi*
j gentleman is held #b*oud : * ‘.*&*.*. ‘
“Ry the by, I would like to see A. iJ. Stk
ciikns name in your paper, a© tkjahriiee of the
, Houth, for the uexf Pn srib’tif. V<m Editor© can
1 do a great .leal; and u© I ©uo’others promoting
; their favorites. I think it -ix tUliu some of our
• ’Uthurn papers ©iiculd s]>cak out, and I know of
! uo man who tv quid ho more acecptablo to the
; rtouthorn people, “f both parties, thun tho Hon.
, Al<’\ninlor IR Stephens. Hoping you think ns I
1 do. J am, air,
Youjx, with great respect, Ac.. J.
t'acllh; Railway ionveattex.
N v w Oklbans, Doe. 2f.—The Pm ifio Railway
Cojivuntioti adjourn<*<l iu high spirits. Tho only
ohstide in tho suceexsfol proseeution of this eu
i torprisc appears tube that of obtaining from Tex
os (bo rclUiquixhmont us h#r ©nit forfeiting the
Tbo Couvontfon adjourned to moot at Marshall
Texas, on tbe lffth of Jan.
The Captain or the Waver Echo
BoaToag Dec. 27.—OapL Townsend, of the els
vor E .'ho, started for Key West to day to be placed
on trial.