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fnu * „ul .>
hcnilor ‘C***-
An .M. f
i.vtewln, 111. I— “**"* C ,,i<t
Hrttutut |nwwwH *f*
~r.h. **HNtU.”ltoCa
It nun In. I*l.l v.ill. tmll.’ Ill* >kn l*milh.
’ *t ll*illKl> i - •dp.'.'i’
.ml,, *rtMMa*tlMrt,rl ul .jnln*l”
U..WL :,..WM*,.K.nt mrlfl*. W*rl “T'"“ ‘*• •*
M*Tm , uunpiKH* 1 ” i, i
nu wiitm’ **.*• r* Hii-H *|M i*ly w
in 11,. 1,..0r -r.lntupi iw# *■■’* ‘ W*riJ-.l n*# whrn ms Ml** him h-nlliK M
|ir „u.) t>. tr-i Inin til., lint nf K. .1. rT |"W
Ihd .1ri|.,...,< himn-lf nf n il|
ni.ulU.nn nmtl uinil In [ff.'l't.ritJ.m for
FmlMiiM i.fliiJ.. ..f limmi, r niijibi Uu hm
•■liMUnl ..f firr. wh.- I lo ytorlirOw •it U“
uv •■ innlilii l ..f 111. in.livi.l..*l •"•If#****, l't *•
III -.m uHli* j,,W llnmmglul,
1 ll* . ..rr<ii|.'.n.l. til “f Urn Hurmy Im hi* wi
***t'***j.- - . • , . .
make it pi*iu tte
itT tlir Rowdl Imull'l iHl'l Barnwell oj Jll
ly aim] oet<U*t lu#l, in 1\ *• and p*l|<abk ui,
ragontsta tu ih‘> luttauu ot lit# wh* dq Utu on Ite
general ductl'iiM* of Stare Right aud Statu
edu*# that fl** luff’ ut tlius* Kpuoete# wm* paw
fully iin*l abcolukly UfjM* uud auVfoUoite (kg’
tin y I‘iin ihln** lit t, slut**# manlike and mirehi iwu#
a quads In |li’ selfish i< ;ir ii.( Lli B untie* li|*f in
them l,< •:•• Mo all hi tb* l ‘Hn or .ml I
o( ili. I Mim for lb'• suuuUy tutd-honuealßa main
teuaurc of Jiouliu-ru ii*hu* ■ that bin foagrnlwiu
lit.OK .► ilia South IM* ib*< Mi in establish mum mi
fte principle *4 in• ii idlw ■tt ***tmt wimmiuk'’
ol ili< iriM ui 4#<i7 ( >wir nllofratluT iJln*n*Mi>
artii itliiMiry ; u.i v|At‘tttUy liutl Uv Mml laiimi Im
fbo Mp**ciinri iiiHnHoly liulow’ I lie iul mill
limn fMiioliotij. Hiul r*i onilni il*ta'iluf>* on lb (fn-iil
•|iM<liti of tbn ’nrifl’ emit.nil. .1 in hi*t ox.rnlivo
im mmmgn *> th* of S.nilli i‘uio|iiih, in
Aiovniiiimf, I - M. my Jiian, n rvuiHim.
for in** lo f*Mfiti .'inbl. opfnb/in* iifnl j.ojir v oi fio<.
JioMHiioixf *• Un* prfoiHi.lfv uxi itlnfi nml iiiiu
nufinp i,tM**.Muii ofnM-llUmi \ri{lt tin* mhillmoul>*
it).l mmgCTtdn*’ Sriiiit i lliiminoini ot ilm* ‘.iui<-
tjii* tin |ri.f*ii|n4 Hint n\jt"Wti.l* and by titiu in tin
litnflMiijff off*ff Alld lb** ipHiii ** f J him
nloNtiMiviy rli-mitiyr.i l ihf:i c.mlniHfy,”
l>oln *> in W;t-h'itiiioM t
I*tflt(rr rr’l* front
ttp. itk of x i'.*Ml*rnMttt.'4 -h.inyn In ilic f'iii.iin-i.
Wo ;m* not iufofiiM’ii lu iln irnlU.
ilttiii.n A Hnrnr.v lltfimiiii fTl.ifk a x*t;i I
*m tb* Hnnrlt of iht* Fwft* <1 linin’ (’unit
*f PelHlHVlrtwbt.
Thei c wa” i-.h.iee h?*eii s nateu# us tin* Item**
antic ineinteF# us tte
Dowdell aatl mhoi #. to retell to *fi tariff. The
Kunttsylvanlrr letrro. rwi • duclure (hat they will
of'pose all fßnmuinw fir* flic betn-fll of tho South,
Hi'dttding the f liirty million bill, if the South will
eon tin no todtorapafd flndr wants.
The Franeh l*pniiat|oti idll baa honti rafurred to
the (.‘oiniiiittr*’- trftha Wlloff il flit l SvitMil. Titi**
i tndicallva At If- deflenf And we rtjjoli c at the
In the Hwfml'-. on !4)it9r.luy, Mr. Gvvin’.- ut
Moot” ru*Bß-ide^'the !*• Iflc RiiHruad lull wus
laid over. The rclt. iindcr of thu #o#ai*m wa* <h
void Usb*vitVii(f nr- of lire e(ty .ot Washington.
In the 1 1 or na. Mr. I 100 Mon, us Ala , asked leave i
so iiitrodneo a bRI aiiAmri *tiig a loan of M ..ffffff. .
(HHt, and Mr. ValWler, nf New \ ork, dusfred loin j
trodui-e are.*ohiiiwn instructing (ha Coruuiittwe ul (
Ways and M<-.*ns to r-port a hill altering the lr- !
iffi sir a* An make Uni w'Veniic meet thuui|>eiise# •d’j
tto* grrvurnMumt, di-u'rinUuutiug in lavurpl Am*--
rb-an prurlnet-. and Mahstitutiug s|rtciti< fir ml
valorem dulic*. Both uv niiji-rtcd
to. wiioreupriti the 11 oust- adjourned.
Uratb r( Pmi'Bll, the NKtoi-tan.
WHiiatti If.PPresen t, it litinuttfl .Vrnencau writer, j
died uu Ihe JiHh nit., in JJoatoli. He Wn.’ (Ira an
£hor nf the four historic# ;
Thr of Tritiioaml it ltd /mii'il'i, puldi*hcd
in fSflffi
fonr/Nsst oj M- eiffOf published in XbLL
CoHifommt of /Vij|t, piddished in D47, ami the
Iffimry if tir //. Th*- lm<t work U uu
Mi. Pii*#wu was in hi# ffutb year at the time f
his iteaiii. Ilis work* ate a iuomun*ui iu hia
i— a m
Territorial tflaliv
Mr. Htepliens, fn-lta.) nf (la., hu* inlrudnced
hills for kin* enhihli diiu-*nt us Torritui ial govern
luent* tor Arlknnfi, D.vkuUb an t .Icflurson. Refur
*a*l U> the GomiuiMeo us (lie Whole an tha
nf tto’ Union.
Mr. Grow, (ufip.) of Penn., gavo no tioo that
wh*u thr Arisnua hill #htl It© caltod up he will
uflht an #m.n*Um'tit, whioh wa* read, aetii igi >rth
that when a tiu lerriturv aeqnirerl ftoM Me\ ion.
of wbieU Arhoma is part. wa*. at the time It was
purchased, tree by Uw flout African -lnvei>. and
un such slavery ha* since l#-\m #ttli#hcd ihcrrdn.
Ihrrcfore loith'ug enntuiuad in thi* i t h*H be !
held ur token to auUiorlvc AfVieau lavery iiaaid
Territory, which shall remaiu Ire* >l*ve#y os
acquired frim M*xew.
AflrTbr Wi'shingtoii eurre#pundi*iit of lira
Ralthnore Patriot relate# the toliowing nnentuto
of Heiiatoi t'b*Miul> aife. which flmtisltes a hap
py luatonvw of a trracefhl fieogßiflon. F'Nccn
years ago. Major H— —> who wa* a hn*.a
passenger with Mr. lUvsnnl and bis wifu on a
homeward tvonud Kurnpcau packet, there
eitat of a *lorr hr them, in Bhleh fie was into)
ruptod, and no nppurlunity necurring fnr ita eun
elusbm tb* tarmnuiiiuu ul their passagr.
the voyagers Itoeame #eparuled at New York, and
4gi'uiaiiiei so until u day nr two ago when the Ms
jar walked upon hi* tonner aoqnHintaiM t-> to wl
---eoruc Diem to Vt'**hlngun, The first greeting#
over. Mr*, t’lieslinf. with a -tuile nf |deH*ani .\-
paataG'dl, said j “N"W Majm H——<#. pray re
lata ns th* remainder of Hi at story.*’
IMflrrenn In PretgM.
Our att4*nlb>u h* been called Uta differvnoe in
the coat of trah-porlotion iadwwen Kw t*rb*nn#
and Cnlnuibaa by way and Mooigono .y nd tiy
At.*l.o-bioU which (if aha estimate* exhibited to
n* hr correct) speak lataty in faur ol th latter
route. A gentleman mtbocit.v lias r* rlvtal from
New ‘hloou# Moutftonery, 2ff hhds., nf
Awgar and dtVJbhh*. W(n#*cv. <ti Iv lin k thr freight
and ehargi ‘ arc I ‘lluisling 4hu ffa birds,
sugar oqual u IHI bbF-. o*bi•#*. wlrnh w* burn
is (la* prn|**r retatn.w haiwoen fhutie quant'tire,
and tb* e\|ien*e perbhi. U nirhiu an in*un>idai
ahl* It action nf *>-, ‘ff. M’e fi,ive be.*n shown mi
thr other luuul a - igbi and t-bnigvs by
wav of Apalachieolu cu Dot) bid# mnlaaoro,
am .tinting iu the nggiegsie lu nr otiunr
Pl.ffff |M*r blila, making a. ufiervi.ev af i.oatly uu
rtm |nm hbl. oi luv nr “I thu laDo* (Htle an advan
tage which. w* .iiatibi tltqik WuuUtgitmir river
total* a monopoly of thr cany tag note telomm
Columha# anti tin* <'iyaeM|t (’•>'.
La'.rxu c A t ulumbu* R tUmnl.
The |M*nfih* pt i tuu p are awake to thu mnaasity
of tin# r>>sL XYc #*j from the fliywiNw, ih*r -
meeting has te*U held in IdlGrange. and tho* tin
pms|ieot >f avi e#* brightens.
A WHluittCffJktl been aiq-.intcd to *oln it ad
riitdonai subscriptions.
Vdge K X Mill. Mno B 11 Hid. Yluj A it Fan
nln. Judge 0 A Bnll. Mr Bse. n and Mr. G G
Jl'iH, adUre-sr-d the *neeioa(, ,
TM Mylrll l lMr MoMfc.
Tbu utihrtiMK 1>..0* ratic nba**
unr e*Malignn -t*<nu*r lu- in U*U*<
ii*. oftbi- pi.
~-f’ • it i*. an n.l©riwunMi us ib J^ouiUan*
liirbu -1.-- lru.” ll um-h#*.
w „ it In in*rchntiU! * l\n <i
. rillin* mmlim.. nu-l U’ H l *'*l* *• ‘ ,l ’ **’’
,i bn,.k >fW’ HiKhM. <■ KJil-.i
.lulm ul--* Pr..|>rili*. fulJUbml in F.uUiuli
Plank Hon* Wmtkrp
We were to niHt our ulMmmi Ifnrati•!
t. *9t* llnichee ud HayMiWfc i**'in* nrrm*m<l
.j>|irittv, tile inter mo- lA*a of ike iidenrulka W
in jiUnk rund, olb at fMrt |MiMMjuK*<rii ’*• k*|
ioar us lUh wild in mitiy mmUhfi. Heretofore.
liAe*HMfnfn ut. rlbe |>liu.k rud Iwtvft Uo u on h
witb*tbe jniv*Hiei*i, tnid ‘! beHif ntHvaMni
i.u kiftu itexaHudinfiy dwajireeHl'k IvriMetetlritMi*.
fk* irtee f rui-in *• war'Mm by lb*;
nidiu.m of * few **u |.lnk. |ru|*riy ariHig*<i.
a Kotoi im
•|U mnlkw .ini in* iU*ImI fn <tiy h.* luwii
,-diiiv an.l nnjUii—wt- Tb* “iir**li.i* whiub lb.
limt hi I. nr* IniliMM* <-uM >l>'U. '"l *• woul.t
■ .On Mtrtir.-m. bi *m imi mn '"• hlun •■ hi
i ***. An ttvirtu*. bi *on*.lni*ly r..wr.n
•aide now.
‘J’h* river U In M'Mml iioaMii* order.
llf Illy lfnetrry.
A lady mmipnitr 1 ~ f Ti*—, wboannmt
ti il.utione are alw*y*WolHßed, add wboiM p<*.V
it yeuuine, bene that we <ll niton lion to the nr.
jlurUid eeoditkMi of tbe fonro*yerd* Wo do It in
Uer own iMi|(HH*ti:
4 tl W miior ’k” h "‘ U
Hiruftionn Ac., in tho |*4hway* retmvwi and
■/tiei wran mptval and attended to, it would be
wn nr Mfwottf to our nity ami a pleading and in
atruclive rMirt to the young ; ahd what |dae.*
uitould be more cored for and KgOWfai to than tbe
l,Mt H‘l luHneo us our **<!itj Fathore” and our own
Indowd .lead—tliev did tbeir part wbiie on earth
lit Pl*eparing that lal wttroal, and ‘•Hall we now
nnjllovt It? In enprenaing tbooa fee Huge, 1 utter
lb Min'intent' 1 of a large circle id iriende, and re
ufw.jUully iaave tbe atttyoot to ><ur better jinig
ihmM. _ _ I* I*
Drum or bra. I lour tiny.
We regret to announce the unexpected death
of an ei'leemwl gentleman, of thii* plaee, Gen.
I hntna* Klutmio.v. which ocmraod on Haturduy
inorntng lust alter a brtaf illiwaM. Wlmt made
the event peculiarly ditr**ing, wa** the tael that
the deream and bad hern on Tueeday, -Jnat four day*
lml.m- hix dentil, milled In marriage to mii amiable
ami aec.HMpUfdie-d lady. A more muldim and m l
amdtoly tranaitiuH from tlie bridal chamber to the
i..inli, bn- aeidmu oeeurn-d. Gen. Klomouy waa
ho-uiurlr rnleiidanf of the town, and at tb# time
of hi* 4ealh. wan rominander of tbia brlgude of
Alabama Militia. Ilia funeral wm attended ett
Mendny evening by tho “Knfaula Hiflee,” ihu It,
ou|Oinih>ui Gr.ler of Fellow-, and a large
mruilwr of rulntiien and frletidy.
Arnalnr Iver-oo'* wperrh Thr Howth.
Every white the im <*n ot prai#e i* rinitig u|* for
>euatur Iveraon,
The Griffin Kxi/rirr. Stott say.#, that :
••|*mud are we thnC his speech, tha spaueh of
ik* scssttm. a*d fivt the linn* is creating a pm*
f.atud sou sat inn of uitmistokable endorsement iu
the gunami jailsatinn of the Bnuthem heart.”
Tl ha# strin g the nail nf Southern sentiment
nfl (tic head. WY mean tha hold, manly deelara
lion'of equal right* at nil hazards etnhraead there
in mol nut tto* part where he #npp*rf* the Pntdfie
We published a few day* ago extracts from Jour
nals fu different s-cGon* of Georgia, showing lire
unanimity ot opinion in wferwiwto Mr. Iverson'*
#|HM.*h and demonstrating enm-lnsivaiy that the
are .vbeari ui tbeir Kepre.-riilatives in the
great cause af t'nnsUturtooal equality and Bouth*
urn Indepcu.b ns#. Btand up, gentlemou ! Take
c,>uio*il of y mtr own lears” no longer! Op
ja"K) all eoatpromioM—yield no right- .toafdse .
time sos-v mg policy nnats-h (he banner of South
cm right* from plaee hunter# turd rust asaitred
thal the strong arm of a mighty people will sup
port yon! They eomplain now of your want nf
uerve and tnelinatioii tu shake the gory locks ol
alndiiiunistu !
The Nr bn from 4 cniral tmrrlra
The new# froin Contral America though gene
ally mitatcdigihjv i* suffieiently explicit iu two
. important particular*.
Ili ‘hu first place we have positive infurumtioii
that the Belly canal projeot, of which our govern
mom i* disposed to make very light, so flu from
beingnl.niidoiiud, hu> luhii. approved by the I'osla
Rican Uungrees, and only await# ratification by
.Ntcarnguu tu become a legal potentiality. Now,
while the Bully cuual may be an impracticable
achieviueiit, it i* not at all uulikcly that tbe on
turpi#** will result in the establishment ol French
iutiiicnce and intereat* itpuii the lethmu#, iu con
fllet with the right# us our citixeui and iu dero
gntlon and Amu ri can asren deucy. Tha Adiuini*
i rut ion baviug signified a detci mined resistance
m M. Belly'# priyeet, we are solleitou# to to* iu
formed us their purpose since circumstance# ap
pear m> to v ornble to bis operation#. XX ill they
remain inactive or adopt immediate UH-nntircrt fur
the arreat of hi# enterprise?
Th* uihet interesting piece of intelligence frwtu
Centra) Ainet'h n, iu.pmi# (hat Grout Uritaiu i#
quietly, hut securely, mumming the protectorate
id the Isilmiiws, on the pretcuoeof u paramount in
Utv st in i( p*>#acstdun and teafiay. In thi# sen**
w* interpret Hir XX m. Gore Ottoeley’s speech t*.
th** I*resblent of Nicaragua*t in this sense we un
vUretiiud the rafid progress *f that mystariuu* di
niuinsl'i negotiation* ; in this scutte event*in Oou
u,vl America are luistouing to the fulfillment of
•ntr prli< ttoii us the rasults of tho policy pur*uei
ly ih United Slat**# government. The I'rciiidriit
Hup been persuaded to allow fro* scope tor the play
of hir XVtu. Gore Offorlcy’t genius; aul mean
alula, under the protection us United States ships,
ha is em-1 tiding a treaty which subordiuato# thi#
country to Great HHtaiu in the control of the
Isthmian transit*, and which attache# the Central
Ainurlenn republic# to Kugtond in the relntinu of
patronised dependents. XV hen wilt Mr. Buch
auau often hi# eye# to tho Ouseloy intrigue .’
I B’flll. Statrt.
tettator hrrsuuN Mprrrh.
Thr Ass*.
It is an admirable sfteeclb and add# much to
the Judge * tame, as a dialectic debater. Hut U is
not on that *cur, that we admire it most ; it i*
teeause ot the great truth# it procintßUL It i# he
caoM* it is just #u*h an exn*'*e of the condition
aud feeling .vs the Black Republican Tarty to
ward* tlm Aouth, a* should tong since have been
made, in Uongru##. XVe admire the Judge’# bold
lie so. ( A’fi') HtfitthliiHto.
W have fmid nttonHnn to, and watched tbe
tHUirse of the aide, bobl, imlepeudenl. >ut spoken
and tuorles# tim.rgia Senator ever nine* he look
Xiia seat in the United State# Seuate. and we feel
no hesitation In saying that the course of no Sena
In on that floor ao nearly meet# our entire appro
bat ton aud ehalleiige# our adtniralion ns that of
Bnator UtHWi. .Stimilrru Sfotrmmmm,
The speevli is tine effort, iw.d we are nM sur
pri***l that t( should be to such as the New York
fitaes. and otters of tte am* *tnja‘, a th*ru in
their side#. .VotoV r lim,ulrr.
tenafar hrtwuu * aperrk.
XX it fnihlish, (hi- moraing, tte *p.*eeh of r 3 mat in
Ivor sun, of Gaorgia. We cauimsnd t tu the si
lubUum a 1 mir reader*. Wa differ aidelv from
indgu Iverion a# to tit* ciutsUiuttanul right of
( ongiv## t* engage iu wutk# of iutoiitai improve
men's. XV* look upon all such sppr qwisttous ns
i iolativo ol that in*trumuiit.
Rut we tael much gratified at the hold, esrnr-i,
Southern stand taken by the Senator. XVe ogive
with hia a* H tte iut|rovemt nl iu th tone of tha
>**nifirn pmtple and iu tha ominous signs of the
t*uts, and commend thr speerh to the special at
ti hUwa r uni NMilsra. ( Ah, trwffam t'miu itr.
/:V'The love us fun ts nut unknown among
*be serious looking t'hhiamafi. who are thieklv
colUvtud in mhos partsot the Anstraluui colonic.
A rtorekeefwr wiahmg to advertise his articles in
the t biuoae language engaged a- elr-tinl to paiut
him a Sign,. xpuettug of Motor a* it would te an an
living one. It did no* answer hi# •xf>e* utiou# 1
however, tor tha only fwrvaptihle h had *.i
the relation# f tte* sun and moon wa* toaxcita s
gt ui f tte i.rumtest dimension*. Bv a eunstder
b|e bribe te obtained a tran#latto in Knglish of
tlu advertisement, and touud it to b* as fab
Ire* “Don't \mf anyth lag bara—*t rakooprr
a rogtiD,”
Minih lo Plant era.
We uk tb* indulgence of ihtiM who rouy think
that our iliexpofioucc nbouid have coluuK-nded lo
u# tfileiico, to a few reflection# which have be* n
AUggeetkl by iboflMWon of the year and u variety
of other rirouuiatoiicru. A largo fur
rvadern a tm awgaged m tilling Ui<* euil, and it ic but
aalural thal we idiould dc*ire for tbein tb; IBoet
* iii-laciory return# fur tbeir labor, indeed, i( n
uu more amiaid* priaeipW Mian neiftnbiiee* eotjld ■
be atuibuted to u*. that abouid boa nuAciuui
guaraniou of tb* wutdor if our advice. TU
aaaaun l#r Mowing spring uat# in drawing to a
clone, olid *nr Ural ugge#tion in,that every fhrnu r
•houbl x**) lo it that a sufficient .piuiitity of lus
land ie devoted lo tbia cereal. The corn crop of
ia#ty*r has been abuiulant Mini, doubtlmm. many 1
will cuneludc that they can get ibruugb t ha .min
ing suiauuw without the aid us oat", ifui upon
•-vary well .-oodueUMi plu4tta|iou ibi- i au
pansnlda crop. Horae# and mule# rebuke u
ebuuge of did a# well ms men, and ihny uuwi it
at no time #o much a# during tbe healed term.
With this provision, which can bo nab at mu
iu<dguiNailt coat* they nw, much better, emMrre
latigue. aeeouipllsb more work and enjoy a lou;-
wr lile. * Mv tills im aiis, also, an curly and fine pas
lurage will Im provided for tbe bogs. Tho pin li
ter who pawtpones tbe period of fattening hi- pork
are until His corn is gathered, reaps the reward
of hi# improvidence hi lrt.n hog* und bacon As*-
eouuta. Now, too, in tbe season of preparation for
oom planting and cultivation. To those who loud
poor laud a liberal purchase of guano is a pre
liminary duty. If they know not where to iilid it.
let Lhout look in aur advertising cflumna. The
land should Im? thoroughly broken up. Hhwlkiw
win moi ism . .. .I,^
this purpose tho square pointed scooter we tliiiik
ibaiM’st. It takes the ground more readily and
does the work with greater evenness. In different
soils m different sy stemofprepsration may b|>roper
In wet lands il might be prudent to hod up with the
turning plow, planting the corn upon flic ridge
whereas in a very dry soil, tbe aume work with
tbe plough but a change limn the ridge to th<:
water furrow in planting would be required, lint
in either ease, deep and thorough pulverization us
the soil should Im? a precedent operation.
01 equal import a not* in Ibe prod ucliou of a good
com crop is t*- care that astifliuiont space be ul
lotted ft# it. This Injimctlim, we fear, will not be
heeded. Cotton is comumndiiig a good price and
an erroneous, but not very strange opinion prv
vails, the) tbe want*of the world arc equal Jo the
utmost cs |oudi v of the cotton belt to furnish. Tlu
opinion iuvulvcs iio departure from dm truth, do
less ll shoultfalao assert that Ibeprice, in any con
(ingcncy, eun be maintained at a remunerating
point. If the cotton planters were lo raise tbeir
own provisions, with ordinary seasons, die pro
durtion of cotton would, perhaps, amounito about
*,ooM.tM>o bales; but leltbcin go to work with the
idea that one half the land they planted in
corn last yeai will, with the surplus of the crop
now on hand, be sufficient for their want-, wild a
crop overrunning I.flflU.OflO bales, sndprice* ..vri
running—hardly anything, will rebuke (Wr folly.
With regard to the preparation nf r..!iofl land,
there is time enough to talk about that. First,
sow your td-, spread your manure, brook well
your land fur corn a plenty of It. and then wo
will give you some views, equally crude as the
foregoing, in raffironee to the staple.
Thr teuthrrn bprrwatiUtra.
Thi# paper, formerly published at (’hattmionga,
Tciut., ha. teeu removed to Atlanta, and willap
fwvar in a fw day#, undr the cugnonian of “The
Sun (hern Confederacy. It i# U b sfvieriy
Smt the tu, tut*! will advocate the “repeal af the
raatrietiffii# upon the African stove trad**,'’ “F'rt***
Trade ni direct Taggtion,” and i# “oppoatul tu
(he Hcquiaiiiun of aay iu*>re territury until flic
African slave trade is r*open*d, M 4e., A*-. Jay.
I'. Haint.leton, Ldilor und Propri*-tor.
Nonihern Si-niiint nt
XVs are Jgtod t sum that our worthy cofempu
rary of the Knqmfrrr ia pleased with thu tune us
Seftatur Iverson * re**enl Nfieccb iu ('ougre*-.
While objecting to pat'fit of it, the “spirit with
which b*: defende.l the right# ul hi# auction” com
mand# iu admiral ion.
It suy#:
“Notwithstanding our “strictliras.” wo find in
that Npeeelt mitei. to Admir* i we find in it ih*
(one and pirit of a man who .lured gn tortln i
than iiiiuost any other bauiwcrutic Setwloi in
f’lrttgress in stuUng the grievgnet;* and |,i>.i>l
•ng against the wiot,gaol lit# se tiim.”
Thr t 'usstGM* Shtmto,-d say* of Judge Ivor
Like our ht.i.orabltf Senator, y are oppo#-ti n.
ad insol ii l ion ot the In, while our rigl.ta are
raeogtiiael and respected; and teli*\- the best
way to secure and maintain them, if to jdoee out
selves up..,. Che high principle of righi, ami *ub
mit to no soktaisiOH whatever.
(o umt.ui and Krunaulck KMllrond.
XVe find iu the B.tlniki Timm, the following
aal. f*r a meeting, *igne*l hy mimerutis citireus:
Thr uitlxeu# of Houston county and other# in
terested in the above Railroad, (that is, a e.mtin
naneeof the Culttnihu* Railroad, from Fort Valley
U) the city of Brunswick.) are reqm-ted to uic* t
in the village of Furry, on th* lOth nf February
next, in order that such measure* may be adop
ted *“ will Harare thr building of said road.
Ifou. A. H. ( l.appell fipum Cola in bus, 1# uAp
ted to te present and a* Ul res# the meeting.
KAtl.BuAn A* .'ll*knt. The freight train which
leD t'oiumbu# on Tueadav uveuing, ran off at the
junction near (f|MiUkaou XVdne#d*y in
jnring alueuanutiva and box car.
Diplomatic Mil Mipportlug Xlrirans
Vp*n tho Tote tu confirm the contract .ff I'resi
*leut Buchanan with the (’oUuuuiton Soaiety tu
o*lueai in tte -arts *d'civilised life'’ the Kcho's
returned Africai,*. fin the period of one year, ut an
expeuar of more thun S!i9.OUO, wa find two Gem
giana voting for It—vis ; Massn*. XVright and
All praise to Messrs. Crawford, Gartrell, Sieph
mim. Seward and Tripp** aud the lUprcscntutivaa
flsM Alaiiatnn ! The right t*. edaoatr negr.H # f*r
ottfl year implies the right to educate them for a
Wr sue no authority for it. The Auguste Con
stltutionollxt", alluding to those who voted against
tha appropriation, says :
“The argument which they present, ha# not
teeu met or answered, and never will l. Its
simple statement is n complete viujientiou nf tl.e.r
conduct, niid w** thcretoro do uot attempt fi> olnh
orate it.”
Tarrer Laud* k* Id Doughrrt) fa.
Tha “Tarvarlauds,” a* they were called, which
were advertised in the coiumus *.( thu Timm, were
■**M iu Albany on Tuus*iny. February Ist. at
auction, to Turner Clanton, Ksq., of Augusts.
The Home place —2,478 acre#- ats24 Off
par acre ff59,47N.
Tuiter place 1.217 oere* at the *m„c
price per Wri **j:t,27 01
Mill plour l.ffOO acres of pine land
at f Iff 4ff per acre ffl.'i.fffftt Off
Tha #um total *V.\7..7 91
Ts kms. - l*r*|H*rty *lel|vcrel, on thu first nf Jan
uary next, l in cash, aud the halanee in one (I)
and (4) two and (ff) three years, with interest.
Tha lands said were thu property of I’aul K.
Tarvar, deerimnl, und were sold to carry out the
proviaiou# of his will.
flViu* •*# AWVW h fn .Ugmi. tStrm, .tnn .W
Detract lon uflbr Mrnmrr Nartli tareltna hy Kira.
NoKiui k. Jan. 1969.
At abate half-past one o’clock on Saturday
morning, whet, the steamer was off the mouth of
th# Fntvma*', tte watch discovered fire in thr
clot has r**tn n the larboard si*lr nf tha uppat #a
btan near thr anginr.
The Are spread with alarming rapidity ; fYmn
tha time thr si or a. was given until the pammuger#
were compelled to leav* the teat, was only a few
short hours.
CapL Cnnnntt acted nobly ; alter haring stood
I by the wheel Atom the time hr left Baltimore un-
Ull the Ure ..eourred, without any refreshment, he
worked with indomitable onrrgv to subdue the
flop'**’ and finding this u#rlr, ha fnjmrluteudcd
tbs couMrUfetion Ufa raft fur the safety oi the ]<a
i.gftfa and crew supplying it with u cvpa<sar*d
Tut Lout, —Two unflurtuimte per sogD .per i a hod
. (hetlaiuc*. The U**v. Dr. Curtis# of (JhtHter, Episcopaluiinistcr, wiler<*turn
ing beuic but riftUy to attend the funeral of a
ui.‘ uib. i ol hi# family. The passengers #ay that
be wttf< an eldoffy gentleman, of puliiihed man
iu rs, ami suffered from, partial <lcafiieae, which
afflict ion may ttavc caused him to Alecp on id tin
midst of the fcurtul tragedy which wus being cn
anted Around him. A piUMenger inforun u that
when lie lust suw him be was reading bis bible.
Tbo negro eteward who jsu iehed wra named
Isnuu Wattars. 11.-bud retired for tlic night, und
Isßing tire*!, and ge)i rally, a seuud slut per. was
ovcrtakcM by tbe flames ana wu* douitle# sluoth
ered aud burned.
The passengers on board were mostly from \ ir
ginia ad N-.rtb Caioliita, but w noth* among
the li t *,f saved, the names of Dr. J. It. Troup.
wild two Miisiw Troup, of Darien, Ga.
Ihr Caucus of lit mucmtlr Senators on thr Tariff
Jit our edition of Haturday. wc stated that at
a Demoemtic Senatorial caucus, it wifa koid**d in
expedient to change the tariff si tb* present Met
Mr. Hunter, of Va.. offered the resolution de
olaring it it#ex pod lent to change the law at the
lre**iit Hmubott.
Mr. Hurler proposed a substitute, as follows:
Itcsoluul, That the revenue being insufflcient
to meet the cxiM-nscsiH the government, ii is wise
und expedient to im regse the import duties to
meet the d< liciutu y.
Mr. Higlcr's substitute era# voted down.
Mr. Hunter’s namlutfon wa# adopted by u large
A resolution was adopted to this effect, that it
is the duty off ougresa to look ratter to tbe rc
duet ion of expenditure*'<ban to the increase ol
There was much excitement during these pro
needing#, during which Mr. Hunter expressed the
opinion that, with tjje revival of buaiucM, Itert*
would be -uffiei**ut revenue for the purpefes of the
feting iiuiustrial interest*, and urged an iiwreasc
of the duties. He said the public debt was now
sixty-four mill ions, and it would in* a hundred
millions by tbe .U)th of June, I h iH>, without the
thirty million- proposed to be added to the lot
eiguixterCtr*ree fund, looking t the ]Oir*bUae of
Messrs. Too hi Iw, of (in., apd Hcnjuiuiu, us bit.,
were willing to favor #|eci!ic duticn ou the great
.staples, bm agam-’ uttcmpliug any thing at the
prcsmjt Mfaamji.
Mr. I verson. ..f Gil., favored an increase of the
tariff as abaolplidy necessary. While not favor
ing specific tlu tic-, he would willing to give 0
per centum ou ir*ui.
Mr. Douglas, t,f Jib, thought it was important
that tbe DemeCratic party should settle its policy
as to whorlher it would lav or -peeilic oj* al vah>-
rem duties.
Mr. IlnoU-r. of Va., replied that ail aounted to
agree Mi (Jic pdiy that tbe Uiritf’ should le for
revenue, but that tin* mode f naans sing the duties
wa* not it party teat.
Am bdltur I titirr thr liiltu'-uc** f f.lh.
Tbe ctiitor nf the l.ogan (f)bioj hav
ing hewn presented with a bottle us l.orub.n lioek
(fin,, und then attempted to wiite a par
ngrapb ofthanba, with thi- melkncb<dy result;
lu conclusion, here’s to “fire Fountain Compa
ny No. riouie,” the Urns* foitutaiue H.*|b* Hand,
and the rent ol oHftioiuu in-utioiis and urg /ainwis
uu ludm the buDtfs. and other branches of bnsi
uc*s [bia| in and around n.wi and t -f>ecially the
Messidynt - Pr*sa**gt!, Moiiingfon Wa#bimw*rt.
etc., ajl <>Cwlii’ b may )>e had <*bcap ul fbw Muck
Di ‘ok Brook ami Dug .Store at Itiuotyi i * ahl
I.oiid<.a Docl Gilt, for *2 u year, if pay incut is
delayed until the end of the Atlantic Cubic.
F urrntjtOnitrnt. a fl,ir Afmetnt M,ti* Prem.
The 4'ottoji 4 rop.
Ml!. Rot Tog Tilt* subject of the Cotton **r"j>
** tey*ml doubt, ibm of (lu- most varying, us to
qo.Miltiy, irfoil things. Ifnd it in Detotei <*r No
town teiitivefh Die <!rwp <4 !;*. would
exceed throe Miili'.u.- five hundred lh*>o#aud
hale#, Cotron UO doubt Wwttkl have iloebued li ‘Je,
I am tel to make these retuarks, tern use of
stufi-MieutN by “4‘nniTneriw “ of Jin T. \r,,,tipH..
‘lhnt writ**,- #fiuc# hi# fa**t* wilh inattewatjcßi
exactin’-#, a# he say* RnghinJ will require, und
jrtm&imfm work up two million three lii|,dre.|
fhoiMHttul bale#. Kran.-e and the United Elates
will jHuntivrly spin up on* million four b.intlred
tteuMMul bale-. Tie--*** three novurtrftos wiU in
loeL spin up dir*-** juillioi. igivtq, Imndrod thou
*ami bide# of (Vrttmi, and. a* “Cuinmen-e’’ -ay#,
suppMM) U shouhl turn out four million# bah*#,
Cotton ‘-an,i-it and will nut go down, for other
court trie; wiJJ require one but.diW and tifiy to
two hundred thousand bales. Jh it not a preg
nant fuel, thal Kngtowl ,a* only si.\ l.nudred
thousand I,air* sent her np U (hi* lime 7 I agrer
with ••( otnau-ree. 4 >it..,. in Miti-on in April
and May, in my opinion, will bthtg bout twelve
to fourteen cchts per pound.
_ th i rn.
liuiianny Mair* laptorrd.
Ur. January .Mt.
itofoli from Lnv*mworth to the 29th, slate that
several runaway slave# were captured and re tn
kan to H exten, ki souri. Two white men, .-up
|Mw*l tu by a belt', i,-, wen* ttrrcsfisi. Nummary
pmu'shmertt teiug tbroalencl. *omo talk of adorn- j
oiiatratiou i#expected iu tteir favor. Gun. j
wo# expvv(e<l tl.ure th( Might.
\ “ItepcUeni” Soulh.
The New York Tribune Im# thi# choir* para
“Not only e the South entirely dependant upon
New Lug laud fur ice, hay. potato**, brognn-. I
plows, hoot*, rocking chair#, and Yankee notion# i
without millibar; but it is only by mrntus us ••l<t,
-tout iutportnlmiu* frmn New Krtclatid thut ‘the I
South Is able to keep up its supply of 4aneh*-r*, !
prfaehars, lawyer*, itetun, <lit**rs, and aveu j
Ih.tatia** Hrtd politician* - lawyers and hay
ice and editor*- pr*-*char* and rocking-chair* ; it
.*<•**N we are •*dejH-ide?it” tbr these tUmgal ilo
we not lay for them ? Aud would ll.e North re
fli#e n# i**r pretu-herg and ice gt any price, if tbu
Union were dissolved ? Our ease Would be hard.
Perhaps, also #h<- would rcfW to b.iifd ship* for
ns. at ,19 |H*r cent, higher price* than Nova Beotia
woubJ lieununt yr to vaieh cod for us, ualaa*
n|H.n the term* f getting first oue *i..lla) a# tin
pri ** of a cud, and then two dollars iff a bribe for
going to fish t
Let not the Southern mind he alarmed. So
b*ng a# we buve uiuutty to liny ieo we imagine
Ibwton will not *l**ny its the article : not only ul
#, enu w** “Import” teachers, preacher#. Ac., as
many us we want, hut we even apprehend a glut
of those article*. Southern (fititi u.
Jr no* J.ihpkim —Sri'MKUM I'ut ut. —In de-
Uvut ing a judgment of tte Court at Maaou, the
Gourgia Telegraph *uys that
Judgw Luntpkiu euibraeeti the opportunity t<>
amplify H.muwhat **n the aggrtirian tendeoete#
of the time*, the itiju#tiee of taking money out
nt the pocket of one elsm to enrich another, an*l
in a loreibl** art*] üb.qHenl manner urge*l the ne
of great caution in tte exere: e of the tu.\
ing power: the court aa- disposed to restrict, and
not cm large the power of municipal corporation*
in the imposition taxes, and alluded to tin
heavy burden# which the people of Now York and
other cities are compelled tu pay fur reckless ami
extra* a gant expenditure# of corporal# OHUtoritk-.
XX e wish tile decision a* delivered. Could have
been hoard by every oitixm of thg •'"bate. It met
uilh the hearty assent of the bar. XVe are glad
to see the court taking thi* posit,ou. and we are
very sure they will be cordially sustained by’ the
people of Georgia.
R, \. J. H. Gkavkm.—The draw* branch *,t
the First Baptist 4 lioreli. at Nashville, ha* called
u council ofdim I'nuoord A**o**ialiou. to as-em
ide In thal city on the l#t of Mnroli next, t(> rc
try the ehavge* pvefFrre*! aguimt K**v. J. K.
Grave#, some time since, aud wUien charge* wore
snstaiued by the Howell wing of the ehureh.
4, tilictuaii Rohiied
XVe lupterotaml that Mr. David Burke, of Scriv
en county. Dud hi* pocket* picked of soun* 91204)
on yesterday morning at the iVutrnl Hail rend
Depot, previous to the departure of tbe cur*. He
h*d the money in hi* pantaloons pocket, and
while he wax buying his ticket th* money wa# fa
ken trout him. A police wa* on the ground and
made diligent search after the pick pocket, but
without success).—A'u,. A run.
\-qu. \n editor of a down en*t paper getting tired
of paying his eompivsltors, Yeqtlrcdip diminish hi*
help, and put his own shoulder tu the wheel.—
Here is a specimen of hi# first eftirt At type set
ting :
“XV, jhiuk He sh Aft tl© most of OuR , wn
■aqtiNg t Yrp. heac>|tc.i - -,|riiiterß may tA#3
b\hi b brting dID-lkUlt to Srt tip*, imtl
dort.l eo<*|mJiemv> much dlfrlkuliy. “
Fpiuratu XXrttttu alter fiolttg to Law
Thi* law. rhuy say. great uatun ‘a chain eun
That rsß*r erqr must produce rfhta ,*
In me behold reverend great nature's laws.
All uty r/l< lost by a single can nr.
-fIU Mutter—“ Here, Tommy, is some uirecoa
tor Oil, with orange iu it. Doctor -“Now re
meinter. don't give it all to Tommy ; leave *<>mo
for mo. Toiiiiut—(who ha* been there)—fb>o
tor's a uic* mun. tua; giv a it alt to tha ltoe-
I tor,”
Übrauge A i ulumhtis Rtillrmtfl
The keen-sighted vigilance of a#lf-4ntm*t tan
jiot full tu -timulate to exertion the citizen* of Cos
lumbus to H Speffly completion -A UiL Hail rued.
A moment’- reflection will At once *ati*fy every
candid mind us ita neoe#*ity aud Importwwe.
Situated as ColombHc ix nalurally to command
trade, be will only loose it by the let berg y
of her people. Alrcaly a road hi running
above u#. bearing fright at a cheaper price t
Montgomery, than to this city. Soon, a road tfliil
be c<nnplctc.*’tu Fort Gaint-n aiid Eufaula below
iu, parallel with the West Foittt and M-nlßom
ery road, thus cutting off trade iu that direction.
It limb become* u* to awaken to an- intercut in
tha LaGrange road. We have heretofore Alluded
to tho great Advantage to be durivud from the of
oration of this road ; not only giving ue two roads
to the A Han tie, .but o|ening the eowmerce of
North Georgia and pouring her trnde into thi
hity. The ro-ahipment of good* at ‘Neat Point ix
a detention and a great expense.
It will be seen in another column that tbe pen*
pic of lUrris are putting tbe ball In motion. W
are informed that tiie.v will raise #loo,oto. Then
-was a meeting in LaGrange on Tuesday on this
subject. Much itih-rairt wa# Wt and sufdtthen s.
J*ie E V Hill, Judge () A Bull*, Hon. B II Hill
and others, addressed tbe meeting. A com mil
toe was appointed to solicit aabacriptiou# in ad
dltion to tbe already raiwd* N*®*l wc
eghi>rt the people of Crdumhus to an interest iu
tbia enterprise ? Need we n*e argument to eou
vinee them of its groat iinportnucc ? Need we
again and again e-suro tbem that there are mean -*
adeqtiuf - t<> exe< utc the work ?
Let Columbus, then, seud a delegation to La
Grange and Hamilton of tbeir next nuvti#g,
uiauift st an intcreel in the sueceas of the work
remum-rate*l for lheir expense.
Hull's ACw Uap of heorula.
We have boon presented with , anew map of
Georgia, made by .lame* K. Butts Kiq., forniarly
Hurveyor Genoral of the (Date, which eomyares
favorably with any we have seen, if not superior
to then). Indeed the typographical “kill displayed
is excellent aud the map is un ornament to oue'*
office! It A-wutuUo tbe following now cwUALit*,
m;ok by the Legislature of Ij! and i*H. Banks,
Brooks, ('lay(on, Dawson, Kchd, Glasscock,
Milton, H’ blejb I’ieruej fficbwl*, Miteheli, Towns,
Miller. White, Quit in an and Terrell. Also, C*d
quilt, Berrien, Haralson and Hurt made at m pre
vious Legislature.
Upon the margin of tbe map is a liiiuigraph
drawing >4 the i.'aptud at M iilcdguvilJc, Lxtx u
tive MaiisinD, Lunatic Aeylunt at Midway, Wes
leyan Female College and Academy for the BHfld
at Mai’oii, TuePuu Falla, Franklin ('ullage, and
the M ouiitaut.
Mr. Hubert Cunningham i* the Agent and can
■lie fuund at the Ferry Hoiin**. Supply y-)ur*elve
witb thi* line map.
lion. \ H AlvpAnta
We nude/stand rctiabi# source that the
j I Tow, A. M. .HTKfUK'iS has written letters, to
| frieid* in this district, in whh h ho j#o.- itiveh h
---•• Hues are electum t (Jyngwip. This atuiouui-i*-
ment Mill lv rtowived will, ntgrel. by the people *t
the Eighth,(’owgroeeh/ual district, and tbr>>it*fh
•rtit the State ‘find tbe Union. The .‘•outh eat) ill
! afford ly* lose (bp services “f #o able utd t-loquciit
:i, and tlu- puMu* . ouitcil- of the country
! will fetfl the losa ms such itinfem-iD Ax.junlii
j (Smutihilihunliiii.
Naval Ulalr
beuator Mallory has prepared uu elaborate re
port iu favor of the increase #f tin* vessels of the
navy recoin by tlu; tiugretary. Ile cqn
trusts the inipmvetm-nu und addition* to the Jfri
tikb navy for Ihu Ja#t tcu years wtth tbe pnigres*
of ours, tliowiug that the disparagement is year
ly heemuing gretM*r. whilst aur eomiucvcc, thougii
growing rapidly, is left altaost un protected. The
report disapproves of converting the oljj sailing i
I ship* of Hie navy into modern propeller*, a* be- 1
i tuff more expo waive aud h-s.- ctR icut than building ‘
! iu-w thfepg.
Hal i road Meeting at. II am) I lon.
JlAMll.Toa, Feb. 4h iHAtt.
! (Hi the first Tuvul'iyiti Feltruary theufti/cn#of
! Harris co„ met aecoming Jto a previous notice,
; for the | air pose of putting the “Ball iu motion’’ j
! f*r the i-iMiatrmttioii of a Bail road from (Ndninhu*
!to Hanidfon.'aod on to LnGrauge. The people ’
I here tibd l>cpn mio h, excited t> thi* subject for
several week, prfo/ty the lirM. Tuesday. All wove |
warm in the catteu, and every utie seemivd etili*i (
vd in tho Railroad qm -ttou. A Inrgc *3xl enfhu i
siuslii* ceti\chHou of fbc ptuiple accordingly u,-
sewiMed on the occasion. t> muUuu us Dr. Hum.
Rev. John Westwood was called to the chair,
and T. J. Gunn Secretary. The meeting then
being called to order, and its ulyeols auiuuiiicid !
front the chair, tuttid UteapplauHc of ail—> rich end
The meeting wa# ably and eloquently addie-*cd ;
by 4'ul. Mobley. SUutford. Dr. Gibb*. R*->. Air.
Marks and other*, after which the fidiowiwg rose
lunmia were paoptffied hy Col. Moblav. and hi,an
itnously adupti-d :
Itt*o!ml, Tiiat ik i# the opinion of tlu# unu>t j
iug. that Harris county, will te ready to do her *
duty, iuid stand (>y the large suoscrlption already j
made for sdte-k, iheretoforo takeu) artiountuig to j
om hundred thousand ibdlars. - |
Hmotfed further* That the Board of Cimimi*
doner# be requested to meet, in r.,tnplianeo with
the eliAftor, for the pttrpniM of epeuiag Books of
tiinlpHpfton for the immediate construction of tin*
Huiuitem and Colnntbu# Railroad, and they are
hcrv;hy notified and requested tu lueet un the24th
us Febnmry at Hamilton, for the further con#id
erfttiou oftius bu*iue#. And thal we do hereby
extend a cordial invitatiou t> tteritiaunsof Traap.
Morriwether and Mu*.-..gee to meet h* on the
-Dh February and rtl#a die first Juaxtlay in
March, ut which time# we pttq..,* to open Bank#
of subscription for the immediate const met ion of
this road.
HmoJrmd a/so. That (he decretory i* requested
to extend a apaeiol mvitalksn to John P. King <
President of the Georgia Railroad, to moot with
ns at that tha*.
After the transaction ofolhst business, ou mo
tion oftkvl. Mobley the meeting adjourned. ’ We
are on “tip to*” at Hamllten, and determined
that this rood built- -every ntffve frill lx
strained to sucaged. Lot hut ( ‘ulumhu# and I.a-
Grange assist ns. and there i* not a dtmte, with
the people of Hnrris. as to its completion. Meet
u* and we arc willing to show “oug faith hy onr
Fatouw axiom U'avtdi*.- Mr. V. XV. XVhitohcn,|
of fh'orinnd Neck. N. advertise# in our eol
umn fr information ufona Jsuu> Kite. *upp,is
r*l to te residing iu this t*iai. If Mr. Kill*
NhanM turn up. he will ban* of aumething to hi*
udimntMg* by u blre#*ingj.\|i XVhiteheu.l.
Tlilna>>t HaMilugton.
XV vxntvnToM, Jan. 31.
It i* as-ei-falticd Irimt an altogotter relmldc
tot*rc that during January tte commanders of
the British and French naval force* snit it joint
n.-le to the (Inventor of the State of Vara Pros, in
which they say they have been ardared by the
minister# re#|)a44wnly of their governments’ resi
ding In Mexico to demnnd ; first, the payment of
“11 pending dc**t due to tte subject* of Franco
and Kugjand: second, a monthly statement ut nil
imjMart dutw-s; third, payment of the damage*
sustained by those sn*>jeets in Die pre-om Mexican
hnstiliHea : and fourth, (he reqiual ot the revenue
law# now existing ami the reetoMitkai 4 those in
three u year ago. lu udditieu to the above. Ad
tniral Pcnand *ay that tho payincut provided flu
hy tte French conventiou must he made a* if
those laws h,ul not teeu modiliwl. tnkiug tha ffir
iner <>ne# a# the imai# of hqiihUmon. 4h* rale# of
which were thirty per eentum more than the pre
soat one. Tha reduction wa# made for the iwue
ft( of commerce, The Governor of Vent Urn*
ha* replied that theft proposition* *hali receive
dim consklefutiou, He i* di#|xu)*t4 to yield what
is just, but ao more; and consider# a very impor
tant principle involved in the demands, namely ;
The interfi renee us foreign government# to c<m
trel tte revenue quextion, and dictate what rate*
us duty shall te imputed.
There is Oo truth wbateret iu tte report of the
mobobilily us Judge Black # appuiniuieut t the
lVnnsylvania Judgeship, mad* vacant by tte re
signation of Judge Irwin. Hence all the specs*-
latiunl M le Cnbiuat changes are bMOloia
It appear# from an official flintuuent that the
number of v#Xfis engaged in ffiffide vvtli Africa
during the lust fiscal year wg# thirty pne. Jhe
total amount of impert* paying duty wa* *i,420.-
000. and true of duty *975,0#, while the dune-,
paid were nearly s#2.9#.
The Pr**idci't font to the Semite ’to-day, m ud
ditiouto the former stotonu ut showing the condl
tion of our claiiuagainst foreign government*,-a
DtateiUrtit of our many ruttb-d and imaflpled ic
counts with the late ropuldk* of Columbia. Jrom
which it appears that but little jirogrcss has btreu
made in the way us the liquidation of tire latter.
Tariff aml ffevewne
That <|ffaatin wotf llieipueial order fcr Thurt
day, the 2d ih e,, * lw *
The f6llowingjieaolulion oflered by Mr. liigb-r
wa- tu tetoiyti'leiud, jo-xvit:
A* it in tte opinion of the Senatolbut
the creation of a large public debt in time >'f pcqce
hr incon-iktent with tho true ptdiev of the f tilted
Stales, and as tbe present revenue.-- are ins uni
uicut to luoet the utiHV.iidal/I* expense- and the go\
erruueu', (.ougre-- should proceed without delay
Ur ko re-adjust the reveane law* n- wot *aly t<>
meet (In: delicti iu ite go’ erntntbl evpews**, bill
Ui pay tiff the pfeaufit debt, no far as it utty i*e Ii
aide u itatuedmte eftDcdbitiou.
The (Hhß (Uflou .Stxirty.
An atwociatioii has bwo formed in Cgha for the
iittpiedittle and <-x ten ure j-rotnofion of the r-tiiti
vat ion of cotton iu tiiat inland. Large trAet* ‘>t
laud have already been m-cuied fur the t” *v*-c :
U ton ol c jttoli Mscd has been sent b .<* Jigiti-h
(iovUFmuent which ban bocnaslf ;<• and duly tret ;
the Governor- 11 cnorol ha* ‘* . ign-'t* and it hundre*t
..1 the recently unport* and -law# who haw Imnt
seized Ul la: employed iu the work, and offer* are
i made of six cem -a pouud tor all cotton raised by
| noji-meniWr, and oglit by metnU’r*. GresAcoß
ridcu'-c ia expressed by several Hpanish papers in”
tlu #ueeM>#-ofthe projevt. The society Imvoj*-
| *uiet| a prospectus to* a company, to be called the
1 Amefiebu and Cuban Cotton .Society, (“Algodo
; tier*,”) and subscriptions are opened in thi* city ,
! sliarus two hundred dollar# each, the Drat isal
r meat payable when the .-ojupuny shall I* •jharivr-
I tfj. SjaicimuHs of wild cotton boll* brought here
IV.rifle Railroad Defeat.
The Ricbiuond Emquirtr alter congratulating
the oowntry upon the defluat at tbu iiaii
road hill in tbe .Senate, jmy* :
The Democratic party has thus been relieved of
the eofrtequeuucs of both violating a tiiuc-lionor
ed doctrine of tbe Htate Right.# Democracy and
of adding a debt of one hundred and fifty <*r two
hundred mUMoßflnf dollars to the prcsetitwapi'liy
UtereuMttg debt of the cainlry. We rudice, wrtli
pm-ulbir giatitu-atiou. that (lie bill iu ail it# phases
from first to last, through all it.- protean changes,
wa# opposed with coo-unnaate ability by the lea -
dors of the Btate Rights iNnnocraey, Meiars.
Benjamin. Brown, U bean at. (lay . * liugmau. Fiiz
patFick. Green. Hunter, Johnson, of JVnn..
Mbood. I'curcc, J verson, Thomv>,
Toouiba, Mallory, Ac.. Ac.
Thr *tgnal —4 L Wm. F Samfor i.
We have* omitted, up To the time of tliht wri
ting, to notice the acuuMkion f G*l. uti tu,
the Kditorial clijmv of the .show named Journal.
It is iwbli*be4 iu Auburn, Ala., by (. ( Kelly
I and J. M. Jeniving*. FYopriotArs. Tin* polrtit-**
of fbe paper, fare of rife uttra Bmithurn Right*
.damp. • <f Uol. Satnford. a# .u orai<r and wri
ter, we feel incompetent t>> :ftuik, w term# -ueh
j as hi- merits demo vu. As un orator, tbe golden
I stream of t<N(UKii!g, which flows from his lip-.
i ha- ol ton electrified the people ~f Geortrwt. to
i whom he i-wcll kwwwt*. As n vert I er, iheenwuta
| tioitc us lib pee, have Irt-un the .-ut*je t us tiduti
I ratioa, not only by the |a*plc of l.uQ
tho**- .and tin* .■southern Stale-. He 10-i- •_- to U<e
tißrn Buulheru higiitx tin* itoru-Kwuey.
Wufiad the pleasure, a few day# ol -tmng
by hi* (*wtl hospßablc tire side, und listcnii. : !<.
bi* expmdti<ei of the political opinion#, which he
I We feel no heMU.ifiui in saying tb"’
be is the best “posted up” in the nation, m
r*fwt lu the rtalvi <*i polite .d-uf
f*ito of the country, and wit do we -a’ r hour*
I aud listened to hi* graphic description i/f Hn* state
us pnldic affairs, we acknowledge a feeling wnste
nj vmr own in far tori ty, a* u meoibs-r ot the KiH-
Pg-ial fraternity, trod notwiihotaudiug our pre
eoneeivttd Ofdniou#. iu op|*o.slttoii to his peculiar
view-, we won* very near being constrained to
#uy, like ®if of Id. •‘iftnnt thmt persubdest rtg
1o lut iv cbvtet.tan, padUienil v stw-aking. txs-orditig
to ('ol. K.’# understanding of ••hrieiioki
ty. We iuu#t. however, m< * lie wed tlu* privilege,
a# a c'ku'crvrtliv’p Nuti<rial DedioCrattc Kditor. to
expres# our dissent to many of the. v4* w* and
opinion*, entt rtnincd by ottr di#iingo*i**t lru*ud
and aotemporary.- Artonkt Lrh lLf at* ~
EsltAM KB Punt ot M.vvne tv * Btiv/.n,.
Owe can-a- of the stjssfttisfac'ioti now pn-riitlivig
bi-tw...u th Uritioii contractor* and the director#
'f eiTlatn lines ut railway itt Rmril. in the < ..urae
*f con#truction, m tlx* enoruamaly vuh:uMoil price
••f Itih'W MOCt) thus* work* have commenced.
Thi* bus altogether diaurgKuixnl tin- planter's • l
dilation*, in [iisioT of which it i d**Htgh t<# oh
oerve thut when the Ki I Mid Sun •ffranei*co
line wa# commenced, gome three year# age. the
fMice of a vltrvo in th* provitve **t U* rnamhueo.
wa# firovt tH9 to f ffiH und according to the r
port the mail that reached London on tin* ffti. i
nvme mnbl hrlia*i otto#- itiau fr>ui i.iitt) u>l2Aw.
J.arge tHtmbcrs g UuttiHti* were Ix-ing *ul out i
from Autwerp by Mr. Furm -#. the Land* n- j
tTact*r yf tfn Pcrnaißha Haifa Ay. -.nd Dffin j
Sardinhin* acre mwl< r t-ii.apMeur to MV M(- !
#**. the e**iitrai-(oi ol tfe* Halu- R**J*vay. to pro- j
real thirtn r. But the •Icni ind is quai tJjut j
th ewvrcnt rates of wage# ar likely f.. hr r.vtlu i \
sfiuralotod than otlu-raisc bv these triv .al (•*. • I
id'Hi . *sp> cially a# trr#h anterpciiw.# are ;
pmj**r|ed in vaitou# pat I# ot to* great -#ouli.
AntOTH au Empire.
Ten TbuNMind HHan> Mere I’trid tu Xlr. Bavkiug
Tbe January uuwter of the “Mount \ ermat
RsrtrtWJ,” announce# Gnu ot, ]uk of Dcuem
her. rite won,\. r-niy us \Va#bipgton‘# death, the
R'*gen( of the \fHit( Vertidrt AssdFiution eau-cd
tke #ym of ?K.O(H) tote paid t., Mr. tX a*itiugton,
toward# tb>-pure ha*e oi Mount, Vernon. By tin#
payimnf. Mr. Washington im# now ••.eiycd
♦ff ’.ffffff ol ilo purehu-i land. I in.. u th. i
dollars nmre ace Invented in #o nd van tagouts
tuirtiwcr, that it 1# ttemgte te*l tkm )lu \ h>>uld
remain out •tflird at (Hcseoi, Anonsteuol rtuaaa.
actively outplayed ,„ eoUoeling, have, not *-io
menced pi transfer theix, funds to the Regent or
th* Treaitror.— ftirhmoiol Ku-fuirrr. Nt-n Xfi\lco
St. Lrr#. Jnn. Jll. l^off.
Th# New Mexican mad, withrtatci to *•• Irtih
instant, reached Independence on Saturday night.
Col. BounvTtUu und Fu perm ten deirt Guilin* ar- -
rived at Sant# iV tin the Uh liWtanl. having cou
duiUlstreaty nfpoaea with tte*N.vajo tnduirfv,
the term# of whuh wire a-1 vantage- At* to thu l ui
Lieut. Ik'nte’* party were at Haleh’Y ranch*.
Mr. Richard Owen, tivcrchanL died nt Santa
Fe on the ‘.‘7tk aft., and Mr. Pvikm-* aud S**upr
Juan Sandoval have# avh #i milled t- the tiuipu
taliop f one of their legs, which tr;i* rendered
by (teir ( teuig badly feustbilteu.
CffngrewnfiutM I
XX’ vHtrtvnrox, Feb. -I.
in the Senate to-day, bill* wire reported to (
Territorial gov eminent* iu Ari and Dacotnh
Tte commit te* rejected the folona Territorial
hH. Tte ttvud commit*** .reported (jivunldy to
the hwo-*taad. hill; ami p*ed the bUi for the
relief of tte Mohilq and oJtiv* Haiimad. Several i
prfrats hill# were pn#*ed. and ntmmg them on# |
fur tbe relief of the owner twul crew of tlu-brig .
Rut. Armstrong, wn* passed hy a vutouf twenty
three to *l.-v*H.
in the (lon*.-, the wili'ivrt cuiutnittac “reprte*l
in upp..sQion to fte l’re.*idem'# rec*mmi >>< hdatk.u
of a protectorate over Sonurn aud Chibunhun.—-
Screml mip-.rtant hiH# were |vo#rpmed until the
next Oesuinn.
t turie#i.*n filer*.
Ch.vmix* \. Feb. 4, IsuJ.
Muring* wu U'c Hr l rate tu-day ; and S„te
won tits Htiicbinretrs stake*. Planet did not
(a*h Rp4na.
I>r. Andrew*, nf tte Gunrgin (*irisen, adverti
#• thiu he wHI. on th* lt April n,*sf. ,oo \p r il
ted w* ho,a*, cut off every telin. l o#nt *uba. ribt-r
on hia book. *av*a fi*w Merchant# in Macon, who
adv.-rim* uhh bffn. Right Dm-Bg. (hv n*
yuur vajiariance aisout this time a year lienee.—
x\*. peri taps. Mv ao w-xua .ff for thi* avil. than
any other of nur aftli. ted brethren ; yet if wa could
to day. collect two-third# f what is dm* n far
#ulseri|sD>n alone, running through a period of
eighi v cars, we would willingly mcli type in
to bullets fur the little boys, *ink our ptws# iu tte
rivar, ban up our lodger# and shut up shop.
There i# a remedy fur thiseril. it i# *ni I. It liu>
iu tte rush primimir. Several of our daily con
tempt,rarie# penctire It. and have *xpre##ed them
reives highly gratified at the remit. XV .* know o(
m> wwt kly paper in Georgia, yet,that has put thi*
rule strut ly in force. ,W* to get rnt*. it
utler a while. A# a loumtnt.on stone to build un
we recommend p all onr newspaper brethren to
plm-e thu name of uo *nu snhsewiber on vow
hocks, without Ihu cos* 'a fx/rawer nud mark it
off tha .lay tfassubicription expires— you will soon
fiud out who aie the good%nd who arc tbu worth-
Dmd* <M|J>y.*i iher* to your papers. “ itliin three
week - pa#l we have reotyved letters inl'urining us
of ihi*s x(h#ci-iten* at o*dfficc who ba'’ - g f e
to jpurffi Uni ‘-esvib!e/-whos nggtwgatu i. dcbted
nesr niQdttfiied tu tirfy'-th. And this is
a common occurrence. — /cc/*,/ /.uou. _
Mm cmsiis.'s Set.rcti.-~'Ye find rht S**uth-
U'%ffk‘Wptt|*er# of the iutffHor, at le*t *uch a
reach our office, waruiAnd curmM in their eub
gies of thu #i*eeoh oi Senator Jv* r#< n. u.-serting
dial the South i* ready t< g' out </t the t it ton. D
*.u-m* fdttin Hmkno exprevrion f mftrn fitewthettr
-n;iun-nt can he 100 ?fra fur 4te people: hut
.utii gee.**-# * Mr. 1 v*-,r#ou’s are extremely tu
uflflvOTvuf to some politician : and if eontifiuea
vmd cepuatafl in -ueii a deftat:* .-j*ivit, may -poi!
the game of such politician* entirely. iheic
require# that it he admitted a* the hrt.t pos-tulatc
that the Uftiun mt*t and shall he preserved. An
matter wlmt el*- may go—-property, institution*,
too r*.*p*ct oi Mie world, too *-wn s.dt respret r—
give hflr hat the t am*, ajni the •'*outh, wu a*c
told, ii aglu. —Soutiri k i WHihiiKjtn*) Cit.
rroflt tfir .WttoA
Dfri-mn* nv thr ittffftMr 4ourt l (durulti yt
Watxta— January Term. ISiH*
Jjtfuvthun l>avia, Plaintiff, vs. Win A MaxwAll vt
nf. Defendant#—ln error from la;e.
J udffpmnt below reversed.
Mwndamuil h*es not Ho H compel m-bitrators to
it uxd determine the master# submitted to them.
, ven *fl< r they hava teen 4jgorn, as by the -mtut*-
jtrov i'b and, if the #ib:c,;s.-*<n i# uol m * . il* : uH>
lo tbi- •• \i‘bitratton Acf.” and one us the puflio.s
llk* subgtiplflliftr rcpndrii!'-# il.
da* kins'A Met'dV, for **laintiff.
Yu.-uii A Davis,
Wu\ 1’ Ratterson. PlAinTilf in ft fa va ntnr’k Ls
terling. Defendnnt m Ii fa, .Ncwuan Me Bain,
cbiituaiit- -In error frupi Sumter.
Judgmaul toduw fcvvrsetl.
A mortgagor. pre#ent at aahcnfl.'s ?ab- *d land
under a and li fa youuger thuu hi*
nnutgage, and failing t*> give Moth-e of hi# lieu,
duly ro<or*lcd— *t fortiori, he does not lose thr* lien
it fi'u gives notice of it hetoru the land i# knocked
oH at Mjc sale.
Sullivan, for in Frror,
Ifuwkm# A McUgv, roofro.
T!<*nJ. F. teatigrd, Viaiiutfl. v# John ft #.
Truuflfic, ItdcndAnt Fit error trom ItaiidoTph.
Judgmepl below affirmed.
i'laiiuitl having *ued Jones at common luvv. u*
tm-fee. under tin jo t ol th March, ladb. ami
at the trial that J* ‘Ties had never accepted
the. tru#f. anil that thr<.■ was no trustee, cautiol.
<H (be tru*Cof Uieewoec. aluciid hiA dec|ur;ito' by
sttikingout the name of .the trustee. jM*d tosertliig
in lieu oi ls, t4uvt of the rtttui qo* trumt.
lbtrrv. for I’loinlrff in err-r.
Hood A B*.bio*on.
Tht vouioern (Ul/fn.
I Most heartily do we wish John Miteheli’*
“Southern citizen” wa# in the hands of every
mult South of tho Potornue. The frt*h patriot
j not only wield* a cimetar keen as SaladinV, ‘kvi
f his* steady hand and ch*ur eye and strong
| luiea of the Sou I b.
i To ai| *ur reader* who wn4 if newspaper from
the Federal (lapitub upon which rhffv cab rely--n
moot brilliant and profound newspaper, tv cog..
dyHly commend ths “Southern Citmn.' w Ir ;
elegantly printed on axeeNent paper us & per
■ niitrm in advance. Address John Mitchell.—
! AiibuiOi So,not.
XrwH b) the ih > rlunri Mail.
Sr. Lot ia. January L'9.
i Notwithstanding tyvt) aceidei.O whkii rufk-r*4
[tv mile*, tho trip Wu* -H<:uutf>Ti*helT in tdeutv
)•, * .
j tlitoe and A bin days.
j Throe I’jMsenger# left Sun IWneW-o. (tot were
! Fort hadhourno in elmW.joen. eof th* breaking
I . Tin* road-, it. ArknniAml Missouri were much
The jilta- k <>a thw Pmld*. India*-, an account of
which Wfts'reecnfly teVgrufdiod from XV anil I u “ton.’
i hi stated to lmvegr.iivt, out of the thefts and out-
I F;qjys committed by Vfter the fight
| the Texnnk made a treaty with the Indian*, re
’ ctivflng the tfi-orttiri* of good behaviour for the fit
| Mr. Pardee ffrtme with the mail from F**rt
vrwx irup lull
Uiii;vm,ni, Jan. 2S.
‘fte Ftoli iMtiii of jisteecnter Je ka- .-trrive.l at
i %f. Jnaiaph. Them te4V*t“ quuaum ike
I Pto'u Levels Mir*. Movqirnor I’umn.iug'# uiesipee
!is drervibiul as brief and pointml. Thu winter
| had teeu vary revere, and tte m< renry #(•• ..! mi
The Pvcuivlauj’s tnrtfugm wa# -anied to Salt Lake
I in cku < it day#.
X new aud practice hi* ~#* through tho <Unn
NerofU hu# teen dbu-'oyr. *l. wkirh shortoau thu
•fi-#ao< * to tbe Pacific muGimlly.
l-tpe#,, ruuUA h wl per,diod from ,#dd , Sweet
XX'ater. nt,-1 *eu utt < u im*u pro hudly frexun
1 ‘">'• Lp, to) lI'MiPKII - ‘ v .*U>e of she .
XX r’> AnieOJM are ut Mir.-igaippu The
L\ i< tehurg Sun wife
| t\ •• do not tliittlr they are valuol*!#. (’rent ifw I
| tie riiarueUiievui... white mao would itke t.
I ovnateJ nos Mirlt l.hh-.US, reueelus:# lo ,kjr, j
; i-runturuk; he*ui.’.- it w -ildbo, - nr opinion. ‘rt
j great deal us trouble t.. k.fp them ut w ik. They
| • .nv ,i*k for tubaeeu aud wiiisk#rt. and p#,hap#
j cten rhe former tte latter* but they j
ean nothing else, they kuowr nothing about
j thu us* >j cluttiiug, anti %• old us goon place j
pair ot j.*,.i* on their *hnuldcr> a.- -n th*-ii ‘
I unv ■>( them ha* tonued a great tsm y fur urn- i
! brcffina. niuj when a couple of y>n*tk ladies ap
ptonched uina, dic-'Hed in the prem-nt exteti.-.v# j
j l:)ri.iott he flung Inwu hi* hoc uud pursued ne .if -
them with all po#-ohl* speed, and u* Uecntffi- near !
j li*r he vif-nroSslv grtthted at (te shirt of her
| drew, nut before teflbecezled iu gettiug IjuJ i ol ir, [
!•*!>• of the attaches of the .\l,-#i**uppi Central l
j Hailr,awlam eeckd iu kn *ki. him down. Mrs
Xiouiague iteo u..k him teehurjre au*l asked him !
; >'■ ui* own gilda rwh vv iott ha poniued the kwtv- for i
whrt) lie replied thut #lre had au umbrella uud. r !
her ds**# ami Im wni,n *l ir.
Fatalist amoxc Si.avru- The M**n,phi* Ax -
o'such of tbe 2*th till m* -uv#:
j *lr. William H. Kee, a w c.-ritb-rplturter wi“ re !
j sides near Florence. Vitto wd who lij, l,.*s>Cl on a !
I teoiM.**# v iag to this city for# save, :U dsv*. w., !
j < ilitwl houw-’dfty hy tl..- ntiuuinn . i„. ut ~t j
(lie p*-ev oU-n.-e iif a f.ttnl <te-.,*e among his . i *
vauls. Five v rtlitaf'le tori gnt# ho<| dio>i very #u.| ]
d'rtdy, aud others wurn tin) 4o survive j
ihff attack of the tula! muiadt. Thu nature us j
the di*a*e L unknown to u*.
Sr MAToR Ivr.ltAftN. We lire indebted to Hon. J
Alfred Iverson. fr u copy of hi” spo .I, .f (*.,* •
nadbU, reagut speech delivered in tie Sciuta of
tte 1 miml suites. January fi, 1 -d.oUv wi tte
quM)uai*f ihe Fa. itie Railroad^and wire h we
r. gard a# • clear, foreildt, rtidei#-rid ot and umolv
vim Heat ion ul the rigMs of th*- S.-,rth. u•* hrti*- j
j hot iutaruMt and equally in tte Union. Mr. *--]
| eroii HfJAid#, a* h Im* always flood, firm, •lead-
Irtflt Mid Itnyiuldm.’ in hi* just views ~. ]| (
jFefs which no nee i,, the intere-t* or euuaii’ v of j
■ any auction <*f the Union. Hi* imht |Wifin is I
v urt hy srt imitutioii l*y a vary r*pre#enta:rX v who j
ivAteuwtelgv# him*. If tht; firm friend of the South.
XVe regard Mr. Ivers- o a# bout <i , do . . |
ind Wsi. -nrnn: oue who cnnoi I,c ff.L j,i ), v
partv wilt, a pr. ,o,* of p..|,ti.*al,.it. anii J
w.e .-RUioit bm Jeal proud tter he kail* from Gt-ur- !
i gia aetef worthy Heimtor. Afhn.iy !\tri- t.
Gov. Mki> vnr vt 1., < .v,fT,\.- The following I
i* a Wit
| ll KV.wU,.” JV. .-av-lM*. Ul K,.;,,-. ,
went into a harhc-eVahop at teemptou to mtf
#heed. TheterK*r is a (.lack matt, find b. thiii,-’ |
to Jw.lgu 1.1 more.
I Aw sown n# seated, the f*.])owiug diokj*iic <e- j
‘•um*| r
y„%. M — u l’ll shave hy the m*nth.'’
Barber. -“Don't know. marr,. atwvut dnt ‘*
tirs.-*-**XX by nvb Tom!*” k
’ uu.. MW*,. ,1. jul.nfoui. IU.V
mightv short time in Kat.#a.”
••I*, ftut rn.” ..,,.1 Sal,, Ibi tlnmtn ,*#•.
‘'*! ‘<>.>■ V>* ■> u,i*rnll) “.nur n.r,
win mfcrF you pale.”
Iu Greut,shorn, Gs.. on the-Ul ~f February l*,\
lV K.s. Mr. H..,in K , Mr. I.rui-V 11. hit
“> > “bnul'i.. n. *... tmt L. Hr.rrur. .|„ J£ |.-
wv “I KU,b.< S. ..M Auuir K. liui.t.'f
th ‘Vritn’ 11, tintr thi, ril\, tbe l-t iurt,,
•'kmib. iirtaut u.ii ul J. 11. .tlu A. U . Sik,-.
two month*.
At his residence in Harris On.. Jnn. ffl*t. Mr.
” *■ Gla/.i: i the 74th year of hi* age.
‘Hollowav * Pu.i.s—are the tenwan fire# of
health to all untion*. whether civilize,l or suvitge.
In wenluMgM *and tlm debility gonoratetT by cyt
c of any k itwl, *r general prostration of the *v.
tem. tiieir effect is at the same time renovating
and restorative; they drive from the *vstetu tJu*
morbid cause of ailment and bring backrhe fnuiu
to if* pristine huath and vigor.
nt the manufactory, No, F9 Maiden
Lane, New York, and by ail Druggists, at Ute
fifie.. and $1 per Pvt v* Bo*. f#b4—.Jwlw
r Felec> , x‘i'pltic.
J~S ” Cougirsdunul.
WaSHtN’OTOX, Fell.
Tie Senate wa# uugagesl to-day principally iu
biutners upiaTtaining lo JHstriet >f ('oimubia uf
fft.i., Iu the llutt?*.*. tin* private calendar, occu
pied tho must attention—busincMt in neither
branch toMay of e*n*r*J interest.
Nr.w Yoi:k, Feb. uth. 1549.
New York Market.—The Cotton lnftikut wux
dull with Sale-of 1,‘‘09 bitictt. Flour firm, sale*
ll.uuo hid*. Wheat llrin, m)<•* D.“DD bush,--
• >rn ii’ tivc, ,-iuK-: 19,990 hush. .Spirit* of Tur
poutiw. tom ut iOuU. Itoaiu *toady at ffil72S
J,o ‘ , ,
MoifkUb Fubrwarv 5.
COTTON- Sales of Button to-day J. 900 bales.
Middling lie.
N'ku ORt r. vvx, Feb. 5.
COTTON Sale* of to-day b,"00 bates, at ottsier
prl<M|. but Mtielrsngcd Qiutatmv& Dealer* *gbaU
ing Steiimer’s j*-n
New dm fans, Fab. 4.
Sole# of gat ton’ fti dtiv 9.900 hale*. Mi<L
dliug 1.1 fit IT He. .TfistnWdliiMt and !wer quad
tic# sligluiv declining. Sales of the week til,9Uo
‘teb-*ftnd'm-ii..(# 7?nm. unmuA Thr
: ineriiffte iff :i:'.'.ttoO, and at all the* |mrt# the in
..r<.#ei# I,fi::.7.*U htfluK. * The stuck is do 1,999
baW Sup vi-im* udvam ed H ‘cat. Lfird do.
,s<id buoyfljii ut ,‘ u eenUadvarme.
Savavvau, Feb. 5.
COTTON -Sahur, id’ ItoUuiy l day U*o bale*;
There i** bat tittle di’umnd, lot* >|Uoto(in# nreun
elmugcd. All parties are awaiting the steamer'*
new #.
can Anns tiaiks.
( oi t mi,rs, Fkk. !.
CyTTG.V-- Tits Receipt* S .tfirday were ‘Mi'2
toil* ** and Dm* *nle# ”,F7. The is dull
aud unpromising hut njt qti lably lower. We
quote ox Umc# fro in 9to i l ls. .The Utter fig
are* fur very fair col-ton,
Savanxau, Feb. 4.
roTTON—Pi-Jt‘4 Af cat too to. day bales,
* Moxtuomkiiv, Fd. 5. 1?69.
#. CG'PTON’ licmwid light. MukHtog Iff I*# 1 *#
S trier to Gornl Middling Iff"*, Very 111 Go of
Jut AN'v, February 3d. ’ol>.
( (J ITGN -Our market flince late Mccounl*
from Cttro|i| ha* remaned <Aiito dull, and trail*
*rctio..s limited. We quntop.ices.H off since our
U#> report, wbils in ime instances on the tower
. grades a greater ucession lim te*-n submitted
St.a-k on hand 2d Sept Tiff lajlc*.
Ucceipm to Jan. iitli 27,939 **
Receipt# *lec iS •’
Stock in AVarcfeoi) -of “
j .I'.hn-m * Curl.* i..r11.. iv.-Ci .u.lii.ff 2,i Mnt,
| 7#ll Al'.rl., t iim„ K . W.- p.i.'M
t Iv!. DP iv f fits’
iul 37 Rroadway’ >nv i ui k.
r i'HK i.\R(;lst and must magnificent
I (Clinics in the v. . , :rf
IMi.c v;.i-#.n(h, m. W.ter.'.iorM from t,e -
j/. or tile to th. smallest for le*dutU and Hleant Pi,.#
l.lkflM.ssr.s Os I)Ft I ASfii) eiiHSONs, SUK
r> Lin:.
( om riiv made from Diimmre. * or AriH.intyjH:*
, f#i|irt<- I-.. h-jni. mi: • c t>r.; . , q-
KlvT: ;.T f
j FKI llliltl* K > MINI ATT HI-: I’l|OT< m.Ra I'Mtfl,
F-rpre-ent*,,. taoulko. ha.;(b. ~aH> l etui ,m
|i* m Minnfi \ elver l -I. -. t- ... Bn*.r|i* Tm*
jI ** no i- . r>r t.ftl i Fvm> Hmuimr ii<. t-ms a
|i.u.o*rr<-o(>ne*.iu<| A>ol.nrt\|*, nmifc at nil prices
j Itau-W. I > ”
i e.-.rntr-i.v u:” i.n'urki.v \k!
tt 12 IT IN IT(
That Wonder'nl Pmifyinij Agfnt
fiiirlijs ITtiphjludic fluid!
Minima .V 7 /b, v . /* U th* retail*/
Ua.ned Hr north. 1t,% atr ~/ ‘
’ l i t* a ( Jictro. ii In. of mm-mu. previfleg l, v \-
l Hire UurttfU ftrrdotorlli*: uute tee an a* l,#rii,H
j yl’H K\s l UF. rOWKHFI F!
* It punffe* dweitinr*. innlts. ktohen#
It . mot (% all m:i,*tve .lo;
I U • ums9 bums w tth u -aant *.-naintt •
j I.S the |„ #; lV cf ucfl ior fr##h Wounds.
II destroys all r. -. i ami antnml
j ll /eiieves In atb *rMd*. the b.m* ol’ t*,
i Bt* alien* bo.l# u Urn fonuiugt
t J**..wte#b. vvic n i.umcd.nafl hemfctffcetn rapidly
Ii i: aqnd A** ptiioc-le< # nter-ia, fiuna and sure-.
i Tte wr*i #vuipiou,si,iTVto'"id "and flmit Fever
T an loiofAUd I > (!.. |(V us Klulfl} it haa l.c. n
known m t ire. k th,* s .- v adui T)uu..i.l F* v.nn Kam
, ioe* <*fl-bimJ phui.elorm.
j I# ..liwg ptnsH hi. i.-ajp u* u* it In Cl .wlesinn. C.v
Dnnt.l* Knvannab, AMffii*ln A iaitiu Morno ( ..|nn
1 b M< t ... - Mobil, and %.*., Orluun#
The Itcaqniu:# of New Urtoui* aid M hitb orr
j using
j ItosiMixF*,eorponua.ii#, shipmaeirnt, iiianntaetiirer*.
phy#i(ridk'. fucntolied by the at r#ttred
! ?s7*T ***
• !fV 01 I’m- to .‘tu*. f,4bm to-
JD M •'>*; nurd only thr igteratorv of
J. I AHH . AuiawM. Ai*
I’ok sam*: in roM fiitrs by
a( ep: * ivi:rgn.
.1 A WinTtodfOß* CO
J #■ I'F M lIIiHTON ii ( O.
Ja 3 jlwtf 11.0 19 Vul .NU
bo y.o* mfirr atb renting. ~r trotw midtlv of
j ing MemtaiioD. or in<Uga*trri Imuit Idle rete
can Jo. outnined by using thu Oxi gamiu and flit
V r I bervN a vile OtoinUrfcit to thi# Balr uo.
iheret-,v l .Arm ami buy uaiy prupared by
S. “ Fobi. a L-.. lb ton. whltoiha* ttor#r, ,T^ M
Hgiiatmu us X. RC’fiTH on the outside wrup-
in miurtl lo <lo w ntiotw Moatnnff l.outuntM iuTbei
ttoiun- Tb,* many swrtdeu* w# ary itlde , a mv ran
*''” ,K ‘ ‘**'> ‘ M . ! > ” ni. til, ami •cUHtUf t* < B|ttfbk> •
r. “'."ir-;
I* * • I\. V ~.* I anil,tent aptnare.l (o eximrft
f the pMn almost „**, *(.at. n It fi-aird nrcuth mid
~,.,1.1 I'li Vr* KOMtU Ije Mmad
I Si. I'loi.i.l- !piu . • It i# truly a wonderful arm lc It
W.'i mm aov i -i*. rtwcliini-* ffiu.s. fftof Join,
*•• dlapi*i*.-l v nti • On# Gotlnra %<nii of Mustang
f'a# treqin otl.v *.iv. , vaTiTHMr l. -tv* |1 i-wrrGu|iN
*. *.iMcn
lie® un of bi.iitaitois*. b-ut ill Ult-arM O'the ha la.
’ XJlb'r
BARN r->< A PARK, Nfotirretnr*, New Votk
House* f lenrrd of Vermin.
And • >* pr#*. \ l tourt the ravage# of insert# und
l.)on' ‘tiutaels I'omul—is -ho! |*i||s.
Faroa ell Id #le#*ia when ItetHrup nr*>v
llt ii and tun e teonAiwnd ii ~|s , v
Pr”"*- .v ‘*.J mil,cm,cno’r.ff Aa,.
the ,h.w dered le u - - nfVhH, ty , ertdin rlcrt, to wrtirn
m**< t* so;. , ‘,.**.hit/s flea*, t. tn m :lu |r A
UMiirfittiijiiM ot Hus |owd#r will greiM-nr* a vni.len irf.
plant#, uml mu house of an jhwu* aunuyiny pests- .
ft M jretjimm utrH harmless to ‘niiinkind and ilu
•in *tic It , more vMunbte in pwMtVttif
rn ~* ttuaaw u. then fm Many worth
less iinitAti<>iis are advertised The ,nJy gsiHtiiie is
•nfned f bvi.|i It may be ortfsn-d Umwili any mer
’ J" 1 Lynn's Powder MU# in#ect* j ri mrire.
” *"*e b'>n’s Pills are mixed firr rata ami in ft-e
Aninple Flasks, U cwutsj rsonlar sixes. pQ rents a *1
UARNErt k PARK, New Turk.
January l*;,s_ddcwlin
Prof. Wm*il, the renowned discoverer of tha
invaluable Hair Roatorativo, af ill cottdnuea to la
bor iu behalf of tbe afflicted.
Hi* laadifiuva are uutrorially admit tod by tha