Newspaper Page Text
ihe IWcUnffic iranmal.
CjO sz>
The following named gentlemen are duly author
ized to act as agents for the McDuffie Journal:
Dr. I. J. Brinson traveling agent; A. T. Bright
well and J. R. Porter, Maxey’s; M. G. Broome
and O. A. McLaughlin, Union Point: Dr. S. A.
Gresham, Greensboro ; Wallace Lampkin.Athens;
M. Jordan, Augusta.
All advertisements in the local column will
be charged 50 per cent, upon the published rates,
from this date.
Our Job Department.— Having supplied our
selves with a large stock of fine paper, we are now
enabled to furnish the public with Job Work
promptly and cheaply, and executed in the best
The McDuffie Journal is the official organ of
McDuffie county, and is the only paper published
in the county.
We are now prepared to furnish all kinds of le
gal blanks, bill and letter-heads, at the very lowest
Supply Liens. —We have lately printed and
have on hand a good supply of Liens on crops for
supplies furnished, and a great many other useful
blanks. Any blanks not on hand will be printed
do order at short notice, and in good style.
A man who has any local pride about him, will
take his county paper in preference to a foreign
A young lady in Thomson says if you wish to
prevent liaviug chappy cheeks, the best thing to
do is to keep clear of “cheeky” chaps.
We direct especial attention to the communica
tion of onr correspondent, “We, the People,” to
be found elsewhere in this issue.
The leading minds of this locality are now dis
cussing the question, “Which is the harder, to get
money or to keep it?” For our part, we think
it is.
The commitment trial of Joseph L. Ilodo, charg
ed with the offense of assault with intent to mur
der Captain Hamilton, came off on Wednesday
hist, before Justices Johnson and Norris. Mr.
Ilodo was acquitted.
We call the special attention of our local readers,
both ladies and gentlemen, to the advertisement
of Mrs. Shirer, and bespeak a liberal patronage
for her.
Mrs. K. M. Massengale advertises house and lot
for sale. See advertisement.
The weather for several days past has been very
pleasant indeed, but how long old Boreas will nap
is exceedingly uncertain. We fear it will not be
long before he wakes up in a rage, and pays us off
in a double dose of bad weather for these pleasant
The extensive Book and Job Printing establish
ment of Mr. E. 11. Pughe, in Augusta, offers great
facilities to those publishing books, or in need of
nice printing to have their work done. Mr. Pughe
makes a specialty in putting up fine Blank Books,
Mid uievefoinUor others wanting such an article j
cannot do better anywhere. lfis advertisement
will be found in another column.
Nice. —Passing down the street a few days since,
our attention was attracted to an array of seven as
pretty buggies, of Mr. Curtis’s own manufacture,
as were ever rolled from the door of any carriage
shop in the State. Mr. Curtis, we understand, is J
turning out a large amount of carriage work which i
for beauty and utility cannot be excelled anywhere, ;
and he deserves the liberal patronage of our peo- j
A friend who quotes the authority of a cautious
physician, says that people who ryy -y b-nk bills
vhouM touch the . b .
common practice, as the tolls coming from the
North, where small-pox prevails, are liable to be
infected. r JQiose who don’t handle much of the
filthy lucre, like editors, for instance, can now' con
sole themselves with the thought that they don’t
stand in much danger of being inoculated with
the small-pox from that source, at least.
We take great pleasure in again calling the at
tention of our readers to the advertisement now'
running in our columns of Mr. IT. L. A. Balk,
at 172 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. Mr. Balk is of
fering to the public a large, varied and very fine
stock of goods, at prices that cannot fail to give
satisfaction. Mr. Balk deals upon no humbug or
catch-penny plan, but upon principles dictated by
honor, having but one price for all. Country mer
chants will lose nothing by calling on Mr. Balk, as
w'e are satisfied they will find him both liberal and
honorable in his dealings.
Our Town.— The most casual observer cannot
have failed to notice the various improvements
that are moving steadily forward on every side in
our pretty town. Not many years ago it was deem
ed arrogance in Thomson to assume even the ap
ellation of village ; and now the eye prophetic
looks through the dim vista, and predicts the time
not long when Thomson will be attractive for her
beauty and the importance of her market. She is
gathering within her boarders a class of profes
sional, mercantile and mechanical men second to
none, and of which any community may well be
proud. Go into our stores, and you find the shelves
loaded with stocks of goods ample to supply every
necessity and to please the fancies of the most fas
tidious. Our merchants are business men in the
full sense of the term—polite, prompt and ener
getic—and there is no fear that the mercantile in
terests of Thomson will either flag or fail in such
hands. We believe that our mechanics are equal
to those anywhere in the practice of their different
trades. Promptness, energy and sobriety are their
watch-words. New* branches of industry are daily
springing up in our midst, and there can now
hardly be said to exist any necessity for sending
to a distant manufactory for any article to make
pur horn est comfortable or convenient. We bid
jthem God speed.
Now, let ns be wise, and foster the growing inr
terests of our town by building houses—of which
there is great lack—to accommodate those who wish
fa come among us and bring with them their cap
ital, their talents, or their skill. By so doing we
serve our own interests, and enhance the value of
our property ; by adopting an exclusive or super
cilious manner, we commit a suicidal act, and will suf,
fer all the bad consequences of so foolish a policy.
Fer a few days last week Dr. R. S. Powel has
been in our town selling his Medicated Soap. We
know nothing, of course, of the virtues claimed
for his soap, only that it seems to be endorsed by
journals that we do not think could be bought up.
Gibson, Ga., Feb. 21st, 1572.
Dear Journal : I reached this
place on Tuesday the 20th inst., at
noon, where I found the Superior Court
iu session, which convened on Monday,
Judge Twiggs presiding. The bar was
thinly represented, there being only
four lawyers present. The Jefferson
b r was represented by Gen. Reuben
Carswell, and the Warrenton bar by
Messrs. Pottle, Do Bose and Morgan.—
| The solicitor being absent, C. S. l)u
--| Bose, Esq., was appointed Solicitor,
I pro ftm. The dockets were called, and
jthe cases of L’rquehart. Usry and Brad
|dy versus Ct.lhoun were tried and deci
ded in favor of plaintiffs. The criminal
docket was then taken up, but the most
prominent cases were continued. Sev
en libels for divorce were presented,
and two cases were tried, and the bands
that bound together those uncongenial
j hearts were severed—and they one
flesh were again made twain. Judge
Twiggs is an efficient officer, and his
acts are characterized both by ability and
Our thanks are due C. S. Dußose,
Esq., for favors shown in the interest of
the Journal. Yours &c.
lluiili Injjion Case.
At ten o’clock yesterday, (Saturday)
morning, Judge Erskine pronounced,
orally, his decision in referrence ’o the
petition of the Georgia National Bank,
asking for an injunction against G. W.
Anderson, Deputy Sheriff, who was
placed in charge of the effects by virtue
of a process from the Judge of the Su
perior Court of this Circuit.
The Judge granted the injunction so
far as it effected the discounted notes,
bank bills or national currency, books,
records, etc., of the bank. In ot.liei
words, he permitted the State authori
ties to retain tne bank furniture and all
legal tender money, comprising gold,
silver, copper and niekle, and United
States b gal tender notes, by which he
meant such as were issued directly
from the Treasury Department at
Washington by the Government and
not the circulation of National Banks.
The injunction gives the bank abso
lute control ol about 82,000 iu curren
cy (not legal tender), the vacant bank
ing office, tin discounted notes of the
bank, and its books, ‘and nothing more,’
The State retains the office furniture
including the iron vault, (valued at $5,-
000), the iron safes an I the various
appointments, valued at about S 1.0,000
in the aggregate.
The makers of the discounted notes,
to the amount of about 890,000, have
all been garnisheed by the counsel for
the State, and are therefore beyond the
control of the bank. Though the bank
bolds the papers, the money is to he
paid to the State. The makers of these
notes will take notice an i be careful
not to pi v them to any one ixcept to
State authorities.
It is scarcely probable that the bank
vli re-m ii husiu.-ss h»r in Us
■. ~ i- I ' ‘
tin bank yesterday after it was
an ounced that the injunction had been
granted, ready to seize the first oppor
tunity to withdraw deposits.
As we said, Judge Erskine delivered
his decision orally, and much of it was
founded, as he said, on authorities and
precedents which are too numerous for
us to quote. Atlanta Sun, 21.
Purging tilts Party or TSfis
I the Atlanta Son, referring to the ap
pointment of James Atkins, ol that
city, as Collector of Customs at Savan
nah, says he (Atkins) has ‘declared his
intention to purge the Radical party of
Georgia of its rascally leaders, or seaid
it to the devil.’ Atkins must be a veri
table worker of miracles, or lie
would’nt promise so rashly. If we
know anything of the character of
tlnse ‘leaders,’ the first part of the job
is beyond his or any other mortal man’s
power without achieving the latter.—
We fear Atkins talks without thinking,
or possibly his head has been so affected
by his recent promotion as to cause him
to imagine himself a political Samson.
When he succeeds in purging the fraz
zled out faction called the Radical party
of Georgia of its ‘rascally leaders,' it
will be a mere mob without any lead
ers at all. We fear Atkins will find he
has over cropped himself when he sets
out on his crusade.
Possibly, however, he may succeed.
If we remember rightly At>- ins has ac
complished the very difficult feat of
voluntarily ‘aiding the rebellion’ by
enlisting in a Georgia regiment, arid af
ter its close bolding a Federal office
which requited ar oath that he had
never done that thing. W e have
heard, however, that Atkins left the
Confederate service very suddenly—
though not at all mysteriously—at an
early day, and that fact may explain
his performance of the feat. We hope
he will send us word when he sets out
on his purging tour, and also what sort
of physic he means to use.
Married at the residence of the bride’s father, j
on Wednesday, the 1-Uh inst., by t ReV. Mr. j
Thomas, Mr. Felix F. Darden, of Taliaforo county,
and Miss Gabret/a Dyre, of Warren county.
May tleaveu its choicest blessings send to the |
newly married pair, and may th?ir oathway thio’ ■
life be uadis;urbed by a single ripple.
“Leaves have their lime to fa!/,
And fiower* to wither at the North Wind’s breath,
And B*ar« to set, bur a/1—
S as n* tiiou hawt for thine own, O Death !’*
Departed this life, January 30th, 1872, at her
residence in Glass Cock county, Ga., Mrs. Susannah
Kelly, wife of the late Janie.- Kelly, in ihe iwenly
fourth year «-f her age. She was f..r many years
a consistent niembei of the baptist Church. Her
Ui>u>e was always a house for the preachers Noth
ing seenvd to give her more satisfa* lion than 10
minister to those who broke unto her the Bread of
Life She 1-ved to raise eight sons, and s*> e them
all married She calmly awaited death, and we -
oonied Inin -s t messenger to release her from the
te, euient of olay, and t.» hea-- her sou/ away to the
land of regt. VL.y her children f llow her pious
exampl I. J. Brinson
I) H E $ S-MdK r .YK,
lATELY of Augusta, offers her services to the
j ladies of Thomson and vicinity as a Fashion
Skilled in all the latest styles, she flatters herself
that she can give perfect satisfaction to the most
She is also prepared to cut and make gentleman’s
CiTCan bo found at Mrs. Lallerstedt’s boarding
house. feb2Bml
Spuoinl I\oti<*i‘s.
5 (inn pounds prime Ten ii Dry Salt B icon ;
.Hull »>OO pounds .prime Tonnesses Leaf Lard in
50 pound kmrs, on c mi mission and for sale by
ftb‘2l ts " JOHN E BENTON.
Baugh’s Rawbone Guano.— Mr.
John It. Wilson, of this place, has the agency for
the sale of this well known and popular fertilizer.
It can be had at the low price of S4B per ton,
cash, and $55 on time. Call on Mr. Wilson, and
give his Guano a trial. Feb. 7,2 m
Old prejudices are dying out. New
facts are killing them. The idea that invalids
weakened by disease can be relieved by prostrating
them with destructive drugs, is no longer enter
tained except by monomaniacs. Ever since the
introduction of Du. Walker’s Vinegar Bitters
it has been obvious that their regulating and invig
orating properties are all-sufficient for the cure of
chronic indigestion, rheumatism, constipation, di
arrhoea, nervous affections, and malarious fevers,
and they are now the standard remedy for these .
complaints in every section of the Union. 5w4
You are trouble*! with a bad b* -nth. 1
It annoys your friends as well as yourself. You
would like to get rid of it, but scarcely know
what means to adopt. We will tell you. Use the
fragrant Sozodont; it will cleanse and beautify
your teeth and leave your breath pure.
ExT We know that for cleaning paint, windows,
china and glassware,; for polishing knives, iron,
tin, brass and copper wares, and for removing
stains from marble and porcelain, and rust from
machinery, Enoch Morgan’s Sons’ Sapolio is the
best thing iu use. iVJwb‘l
Many housekeepers are not aware of
the deception practiced in the manufacture of fla
voring extracts for culinary use. Many of them
are deleterious and impure. Burnett’s Standard
Extracts arc made from the finest specimens of the
fruits and spices they represent and are perfectly
Burnett's standard flavoring extracts,
lemon, vanilla, A'e. Charge your servants and deal
ers and observe that they <i<» not substitute in
their stead any of the pernicious unpalatable ex
tracts with which the market is flooded. Burnett’s
Standard Flavoring Extracts are established as the
strongest, purest and the best made.
■'l,, i»■»r n- ,
are i leutical to nature. Factory 68 Mai len Lane,
New York.
Ris'ey’s Philotoken is an established,
warranted remedy for painful menstruation; and
equally effective as a nervous antidote in all cases
of nervous excitement, stomach and sleeplessness
in main or female. Sold everywhere for $1 a bot
tle. Morgan & Risley, druggists, New York, gen
eral agents.
To owners of horses .and cattle. —To-
bias’ Derby Condition Powders are warranted su
perior to any others, or no pay, for the cure of
Distemper, Worms, Rots, Coughs Hide-hound,
Colds, Ac., in Horses, and colds, Coughs, loss of
milk, black tongue, horn distemper, Ae., in Cattle.
Price twenty-five cents, depot 10 Park Place, New
Carbolic salve, recommended by the
leading Physicians and the President of the New
York Board of Health. Gives instant relief to
burns, cures all kind of sores, cuts and wounds ;
and a most invaluable salve for all purposes. Sold
everywhere at 25 cents. John F. Henry, sole
Proprietor, 8 College Place, New York.
Svapnia—i-i Opium purified of its
siknening and poisonous properties, discovered
by Dr. Biglow, Professor of Botany, Detroit Medi
cal College. A most perfect anodyne and soothing
opiate. John Farr, Chemist New York.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup.—lt
relieves the little sufferer from pain, cures wind,
colie, regulates the stomach and bowels, corrects
acidity, and during the process of teething is in
valuable. Perfectly safe in all cases, as millions
of mothers can testify.
The purest and sweetest Cod Liver
Oil in the world is Hazard A Caswell’s made on the
sea shore, from fresh selected livers, by Caswell,
Hazard A Cos., New York. It is absolutely pure
and sweet. Patients who have once taken it prefer
it to all others. Physicans have decided it superior
to anof ythe other oils in the market.
The terrific duel between Prussia and
France is over, but thousands of battles between
Dr. Walker’s Vinegar Bitters and Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint are now going on in every State
of the Union. The issue of such contests is never
for one moment in doubt. The conflict may last
longer in some cases than in others, but the lead
ing Vegetable tonic and alterative of the nine
teenth century, invariably triumphs.
A youthful appearance, and a beau
tiful, clear complexion is the desire of everybody.
This effect is produced by using G. W. Laird’s
“Bloom of Youth,” a harmless beautifier of the
skin. Will remove all discoloration, tan, freckles,
and sunburns. The use of this delightful toilet
preparation cannot be detected. For sale by all
druggists and fancy goods dealers, depot 5 Gold
street, New York.
Jouvin’s Inodorous Kid Glove Clean
er restores soiled gloves equal to new. For sale by
Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Price 25 cts.
per bottle. F. C. Wells A Cos., N. Y. janlOml
Cotton lloport.
Thomson 20 i© 20. V
Savannah 2t @ :*2
Augusta 2 l@2iA
Charleston 22
Com—per bushel ft Ot <© 10 00
“ Meal—per bushel l 20
Bulk Meat —Clear sides !) @ 10)
“ Shoulders 7 8
Bacon —Sides 1(1 @ 12
“ Shoulders ii @ 10
Flour - per barrel 0 00 @ 11 M)
Salt—Liverpool •> 2uJ
Now Advertisiomeuts.
ANY quality or quaulit of Piii« Lumber de
livered at Thomson, or .14 Mile Post on the
Uevtgia Raiiioad, low for cash.
Poplar, Oak or Hickory
Lumber sawed to fill orders at special rates.
February 21, J 872. ?m6
PJAHF, store house and lot of Mrs. F.. M. Massen
| gale. ODDoskepironwav Hotel. Also, a beau
tiful vacant lot near the Parsonage and residence
of P>. 14. Irving, For terms apply to
feb2Btf H. C. RONEY, Esq.
PAtapSCO guano.
lbs. Liverpool Middling Cotton, delivered
lu\J at the nearest railroad depot, on or before
the 31st of October, 1872, secured by note, lion or
factor’s acceptance, will be taken in payment for
one ton Patapaco (Inano.
M. A. STOVALL, Agent,
febllm2 Augusta, Ga.
\LL persons indebted io the school ii m of E. A.
& T. M ' teed will please call and settle their
I t)// SALE.—A good Piano, vcy cheap Apply
Thomson, Feb 14, 1872tf.
11l KKUI l 01l TiIOiTfSOV.
MY friends and the pub/ic generally will take
notice that I opened a
General Grocery and Commission
Bus niss, at the old stand of Maoseng-He & Jenkins.
1 will also keep a good Kesturaot in connection
with r y Grocery business. Anything yon want iu
the eating lino served up oil short, uotiee. Give m
a trod. Keep, ctrully,
n4l ts JEItE (•' JONES
Made easy by any Lady, 20,000 sold
in six months. The most rapidly selling
artiele ever in vented for married or sin
gle ladies’ use.
May 10, nu ii ts
Gold Medal and I liree Silver Medals awarded the Singer at the Augusta Fair!
% V Cfc'ftj f' * n OIIe year—44,ooo more than any other Sewing
|VIf!IF • Machine manufactured. Gall and examine our Sewing
Machines. Every machine is fully warranted. Machines delivered in any part
of MoDullie, Columbia or Lincoln counties.
Jas. H. Birch, Agent,
Thomson McDuffie County, Ga.
’ ° ‘ ' ,r rS. DUVELRY. LAMPS, &c., which he
1 1 mens and Jewelry repaired in
the very best manner, and warranted. feblJmO
rp (1 hemita. tcrtilbfr!
This compound, which hss so fully sustained its character as a first-class Fer
tilizer so- the past two seasons, is now ready for delivery. In order to secure its
more perfect adaptation, its composition is varied to suit the condition of two
classes of soils:
No-1 Specially for Light, Gray, Sandy Land.
No. 2 For Red Clay . Land.
Results have fully demonstrated the necessity of modifying the composition of
Fertilizers to the physical and chemical condition of the soil, equally as to the
production of the plant food necessary for particular crops. The undersigned
believes he has succeeded in preparing Fertilizers to meet all these indications,
and offers th in with perfect confidence to all Southern planters.
The cost of Fertilizer No. 1 will be $5.5 qo p er ton.
The cost of Fertilizer No. 2 will be GO 00 per ton-
The usuaTTtime arrangements can be made, and all other information given by
applying to
Practical and Agricultural Chemist, 2!)0 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga.
.T. B Neal, Agent, Thomson, Ga janirmS
THE special attention of the public is respectfully invited to the beautiful
stock of
FALL A-KTID ■wijxttielr, GOODS
now arriving from New York, consisting of a full line of
White Goods, Embroideries and Dress Trimmigs.
Umbrellas, and Parasols, Gents Furnishing Goods
Ladies’, Gents’ and (Jiildren’s Fine Hoots, Shoes, Hats, Caps
Gloves, Hosiery, Etc., Etc.
A full assortment of Plantation and Family Groceries on hand.
This is the place to purchase goods and get the best bargains in town.
JuncS l 111 7 ly
How Lost, llow Kestorcd
JUST published, anew edition of Di. Culverwells
Celebrated Eseay on tlie radica/ cure of ceitain
weaknesses, the effect of eirors and abuses in e«rly
The celebrated author iu this inimitable Essay
clearly demonstrat'd fr* m a thirty years’ successful
practice, that the alarming consequences of such er
rors and übu-tes may be radically cured without the
dangerous use of internal med.cine or the applica
tion of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at
once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which
every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be,
may cur* himself privately and radically.
This lecture should be in the hands of every
youth and every man in tli6 land.
Seat under sea), in p/ain envelope, to any address,
post paid, on receipt of six c< nts, or two pout stamps.
Also, Dr. Cutverwe/Z’s Marriage Guide, price 25
cents Address the publishers.
CHAS. J. r. KLINE & CO..
127 Bowery. New York jMost Office Box 4.586.
jan. 24, ly
I A'gal Advertiseinenl s.
GEORGIA— McDuffie County.
fllO all whom it may concern : John Harris have
J ing In proper form applied to mo for perma
nent letters as administrator de bonis non on the
*st;*leol John Harris, deceased, and it appearing
to the Court that C. H. ShocArley. former adminis
trator, has departed this /ife before finishing the ad
ministration of said estate ; This is to cite all inter
ested to he and appear at my office within the time
allow'd by law, and shew cause, if any they can,
why permanent letters of administration shou/d not
be granted to John Harrison said estate
A. B THRASHER, Ordinary.
February 19, 1872-B\v<*
GEORGIA —Me Duffic County .
AU. person* indebted to the estate of Dennis
Paschal, (colored) deceased, are respectfully
requested to come forward and make immediate
payment. Those having demands against said ev
t it are required to pro-ent them iu terms of the
b»w. S. R. W EATUKRS, Administrator.
\\J ILL l.>e sold before the court house door in the
* * village of Appling, Columbia county, on the
first Tuesday in March next, a tract of iand con
taining one hundred and sixty-three acres, more or
less and adjoining lands of Mastiu Walrott and
others, the same being the place whereon William
Moore resided at the time of his death.
Sold for distribution.
Terms on day of sale. January 2.7 th. 1872.
janiSldfiO SAMUEL MOOI4E, For Distributees.
G EG RGIA —Me Du flic County.
To all whom it may concern.
T AMES S. J ONES liaviug in proper form ap
plied to me for permanent letters of adminis
tration on the estate of John N Collins, late of said
county, deceased, this is to cite and admonish all
and singular of the creditors and kin of the said
John N Collins to be and appear at my office with
in the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any
they can, why permanent administration should
not bo granted to James S. Jones on said estate.
Witness my hand and official signature, this Jan
uary 20, 1872. A. B. THRASHEI4, Ordinary.
7 ' DOLLARS A MONTH to sell our Univer
•3 I *) sal Cement, Combination Tunnel, Button-
Hole Cutter, and other articles. Saco Novelty
Cos., Saco, Mo. _
Rare Chance for Agents-
AGENTS, we will pay you £lO per week in cash,
if you will engage with us at once. Everything
furnished and expenses paid. Address
F. A. ELLS & CO., Charlotte, Mich.
$lO from 50s sont (postape paid) for Fifty Cents, that
retail easily for Ten Dollars. It. L. Wolcott, N.Y.
AGENTS WANTED for onr splendid
e )v /W life-size charts of GEN. LEE, “STONE
WALL JACKSON, and 20 other Historical and
Religions Charts! Our MAPS, CHARTS, etc,,
have a universal sale. No risk ! Large profits!- -
IIAASIS A LUBRECHT, Empire Map and Chart.
Establishment, 107 Liberty street. New York.
By sen ing CENTS with
age, height, color of eyes a;.d hair, you will receiv*
by return mail, a correct picture of your future
hu.'huml or wife, with name and date of mar iago.
Address W. Fox, P. O Drawer, No. ill Fultonville,
N. Y. n43 w
I)SYCHOLOGIC Fascination or Soul Charming,
400 pages by Herbert Hamilton, B. A. How
to use this power (which all possess) at will. Di
vination. Spiritualism, Sorcerism, Demonology,
j and a thousand other wonders. Price by mail,
£1.25, in cloth: in paper covers, £l. Copy free to
agents only. £I,OOO monthly easily made. Ad
dress T. W. EVANS, rub., li S. Mh st., Philadel
phia, Penn.
Abound canvassing book of the PICTORIAL
HOME BIBLE, containing over 300 Illustra
tions. With a comprehensive Cyclopedia explana
tory of the Scriptures. In English and German.
WM. FLINT & CO.. Phila., Pa.
Profitable Employment.
Wc desire to engage a few more A gouts to sell the
World Renowned improved Isu<*l«i,v«Smv
in <>* AX<i<*liino, at a liberal salary or on c«»m
niLsicn. A Horse and wugon given to ag-mts. Full
Particular? furnished on application. Address W,
j\. IIENDERSON &CO , General Agents Cleve
and Ohio, & St. Louis, Mo. u 13 4w
j | D |’ y 9
For copying letters Without Press on Wator,
continues to grow in favor wherever introduced,
and thousands now using it attest its wonderful
merits. All praise itsjSimplicity and Convenience,
and a public test of six years has fully established
its genuineness and reliability. It lias only to bo
properly shown to bo appreciated by all business
men. Price £2.25. and upward. Address P.
GARRETT A CO,, Philadelphia, Pa.
■SsTAgents wanted.
C. F. viiut, I‘ub.flu.. Tj,!LL lil Murray bu, N, Y.
Agents are wanted for Chicago ami the Great Con
flagration, by Colbert A Chamberlin, Editors Chi
cago Tribune. 528 octavo pages. Fully illustra
ted. 30,<M)() SOLD. Address as above, or J. S.
Goodman, Chicago, or Edward F. Hovey, Boston,
or Fred. M. Smith, Auburn, N. \\, or Walton A
Cos., Indianapolis. Ind.
These Tablets present the Acid in combination
with other efficient remedies, in a popular form,
ror "the cure of all Throat and Lung diseases.—
Hoarseness and Ulceration of the Throat are im
mediately relieved, ami statements are being con
stantly sent to the proprietor of relief in cases of
Throat difficulties of years standing.
rt A TTTTfYNT Le dsceived by worth
'“*■**■ -PWiN less imitafions. Get only Well’s
Carbolic Tablets. Price 25 cents per box. JOHN
Q. KELLOGG, IS Platt st., New York, sole agent
for the United States. Send for circular.
'1 he Onli, Authorized and Official Biogra
'phij of the Great Chieftain.
CAUTION Old an inferior livvß of Oen. T.eo are
being circulated.—See lli t the book you buy is
accompanied by a superb lithographic portrnit «f
Gen. Lee, on a sheet 10 by 24 inches, suitable for
Send for Circulars and see our terms, ami a full
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sighs the weary and exhausted one, as the languor
and lassitude of spring comes upon him. Come and
receive vigor and Hrength from the wonderful South
American Tonic
JvmVM B B A .
L)og and successfully used in iis native country, as
a powerml Tonic and potent Purifier of the Blood, it
is found even to exceed the anticipations f uuded on
its gre*t reputation According to ilie medical and
scientific periodicals of London and Paris, if posses
ses the most powerful Tonic properties known to
Materia Modica.
Dr. Wells’ Extract of Jurubeba
is a perfect remedy for all diseases of the Blood, Or*
ganic Weakness, G/andulous Tumors, Dropsy,
Scrofula, Internal Abscesses, nnd wilZ remove j-11
obstructiotions ot the Liver. Sp ecu, intestines, Ute
rine and Urinary Organs.
It is strengthening and nourishing. Like nutri
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find diffuses Leif throngli the circulation, giving
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It regulates the Bowels, quiets the Nerves, acts
directly on the secretive organs, and by it3 power
ful Tonic and restoring effects, produces healthy
and vigorous action to t* e whole system.
JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt St, N. Y.
Sole Agent for the United Stales.
Price, One Dollar per Bottle, Send for Circular,