Newspaper Page Text
801 l It Down.
Whatever yon have to nay, my friend,
Whether witty, or grave, or gay,
Condense a* much a» ever you can,
And nay it in the readiest way;
And whether yon write of rural affaire,
Or scribble of things in town,
Just take a word of friendly advice—
Boil it down.
For if yon go aputtcrmg over a page
When a couple of lima wonld do,
Yonr butter i« spread so thin, yon see,
That the bread peeps plainly throngh ;
So, when you have a story to tell,
And yon wonld liko a little renown,
To make (jnite sure of your wish, my friend,
Boil it down.
When writing an article for the press,
Whether prose or verse, just try
To ntter yonr thoughts in the fewest words,
And let them be crisp and dry;
And when it is finished, and yon suppose
It is done exactly brown,
Jnat look it over again, and then
Boil it down.
For editors do not like to print
An article lazily long.
And the general reader does not care
For a couple of yards of song;
Ho, gather yonr wits in the amalleat space,
If yon'd win the author’s crown,
And every time you write, my friend,
lioil it down.
Counting Twenty-live,
I found the cherished face of Maria
Ann wreathed in smiles, the other
evening, when I returned from my ar
duous daily toil. (I am engaged as
standing man at a saloon. So muny
candidates are treating, that the saloon
keeper hires six of us to be treated. —
We all drink with every candidate who
comes inland it makes business pretty
Said my chosen one, 'Joshua, lam
afraid you do not always find me an an
gel in disposition.’
Said I, ‘That’s so—hie—my dear, I
don’t seldom find you ’nangel in—in
‘And, she added, ‘yon aro not alwnys
the most pleasant, man in the world.'
I did not feel culled on to reply.
‘Now,’ said she, ‘read that.’
She had cut an item from the col
umns of some paper wherein a demented
writer told about some impossible wo
man who, being troubled with a bad
temper, counted twenty-five every time
she got provoked, and thus became a
sweet, amiable, and dearly loved orna
ment of the house of her delighted hus
band, I read the article as well as the
condition of my head would allow, and
remarked ‘Bosh.’
Muria Ann paid no attention to me,
but unfolded her plan. She Bald that
every time I got mad 1 should count
twenty-five, and every time she got mad
she woul count twenty-five. 1 asked
her who the d—l she thought would pay
our rent while we sat and counted twen
ty-live, over and over all day long.—
Then she said 1 was always raising ob
jections to her plans for out mutual
improvement, and I said I was not, and
she said I was enough to try the pa
tience ot a saint, and I said she was
too, andishe ‘came for me,’ and I told
her to count twenty-five ; hut she for
got all about that, and tallied ono in
my loft eye.
Then I was going to remonstrate
with the poker, and she told mo to
count twenty-five, and I said 1 would
not; but I did before she had pulled
more than half my hair out. Then she
made me cout twenty-live over and over,
until I was out of breath and felt real
pleasant and good-natured. So we
went to supper. Now, the cat was
ouiled up in my chair, but I did not
see it until 1 sat down ; and I did not
see it then, but I was pretty sure it
was there, in fact I knew it was ttiere
as well as I wanted to, and more too.
I felt inclined to rise up suddenly, but
as I gathered to spring she brandished
the tea-pot and murmured ; ‘Joshua,
your temper is rising; count twenty
fi\e or 111 break your head,' and that
cat drawing a map of the Tenth Ward
with her claws around behind me with
the streets and boundaries marked in
my blood. I rose to explain, and said,
‘My dear—l —’ but she caromed on my
head with a well-shot teacup, and
sprinkled my face with a quart of hot
ti a, and I sat down and counted twenty
five ; but it killed the cat. The old
fellow died hard, though. I could feel
him settle as his nine lives went out
one by one.
A few day’s practice of this rule, un
der the loving instruction of Maria Ann,
has enabled me to conquer my temper
completely. Nobody can get me mad
now. I am in a state of perpetual calm
aud I want to see the man that wrote
that story. I want to tit him for the
hands of and undertaker, and make a
demand for mourning goo is among his
friends. Then I can die happy— count
ing twenty-five.
A case of shocking cruelty to a child
eight years old, has been developed iu
Jersey city. This child is reported to
have lived with a minister, who almost
starved her to death, and turned her in
to an out-Siouse on Friday night, with
out clothing or protection from cold.—
She appeared to have been terribly
beaten, being covered with bruises.—
The case is to be investigated.
Agent for the Company, AUGUSTA, GA.
PRICE reduced:
848 Per Ton, Cash; 833 Without Interest, on Time. No charge for II ray age.
This Guano is well known in the Cotton States, from experience in its use for six years past. It has acquired, after
thorough trial, under all conditions of season, a character for reliable excellence unsurpassed, and which cannot attach to
Fertilizers of recent introduction. In view of reduced cost of manufacture, and the unusual facilities of the Pacific Gua
no Company, this valuabe fertilizer is now sold at the above price, which is in conformity with the policy of the Company
to furnish the best Fertilizer at the least cost, looking to Large Sales and Small Profits for compensation. \\ e warrant
the stock in market this season precisely the same in composition and quality as that heretofore sold. I* or terms apply to
J. O. Mathewson,
JOHN S. REESE & CO., General Agents, Baltimore, Md. Agent, Ga.
Comfouni Aoib Phosphate of Lihe?
Prepared Under the .Superintendence ot Ur. St. Jiilicn Ravenel, ol Charleston,S, Carolina.
This article, as above stated, is prepared expressly for composting with cotton seed. A Compost made with an equal
weicht of this article and cotton seed, furnishes the cotton seed with the Soluble Phosphate, which is necessary to make
it nroDerlv eflective. The Compost should be made from four to six weeks before planting tune, in order that decomposi
tion may take place, and should be applied at from 400 to 600 pounds per acre or more. General experience for two
years has shown this Compost to be a most economical and eflective Fertilizer for cotton and corn.
y This Acid Phosphate is now put into mar/ret at the low price of S3O per ton, cash ; $35 on time, without interest (no
drayage), at which rate every planter can supply himself with a lirst-class fertilr/.er at a minimum outlay per acre.
tor specific terms apply to q 3i^vx , xiicW! , so!iv,
Agent Pacific Guano Company, Augusta, Ga.
I-"p“A full supply of Peruvian Guano, Ground Bone and Land Plaster on hand at all times.
(Jeoi‘gia Rail Road,
Ou and after Sunday, January 23J, IH7I, the
Passenger Trains will run as follows:
Leave Augusta at . 8 80, a. m.
Leave Atlanta at 7 10, a. to.
Arrive at Atlanta, 0 80, p. m.
Arrive at Augusta, 5 40, p. in.
TNitfhl PaHmengcr Train.
Leave Augusta at 8 30 p. m.
Lenuo Atlanta at 10 15 p, m.
Arrinc at. Atlanta at 0 40 a. rn.
Arrive at Augusta 7 80, a. in.
flgSXJloth Da / and Night passenger trains will
make close connections at \ugunta and Willi
passenger trains of connecting roads.
Passengers from Atlanta and all stations on tlm
Georgia Railroad, by taking the down day passen
ger train will make close connection at Camnk with
tho Macon Passenger Train, mid reach Macon the
Maine dar at 7:40 p. m.
Palace sleeping earn on all night trains.
Ki IHEI >1 I
Macon & Augusta 14.14-
Leave Augusta at 12 00 noon.
Leave Macon at 6 00 a. tn.
Arrive at Macon 7 40 p. m.
Arrive at Augusta 1 45 p. m.
The Day Passenger Train arriving at
Macon at 7:10 p. m. make close connec
tions with Trains of connecting ltoads
at Macon.
Passengers leaving Macon at 6 a. m.,
will make close connections at Camaft
with up day passenger Train for Atlan
ta Athens, Washington and all points on
Georgia Railroad, and will connect at
Atlanta with trains for the West.
Shields & Coldwell
j just opened a Largo and Well Assorted
stock: of
Dry Goods
Boots and ShoeS )
Belooted with great caic for the Thomson trade.
Full Stock of Men’s Wax Brogun Boots, from $3 25
to S3 75. Don’t ask any more for them.
Ladies Shoes and Roots.from one dollar and sorcuty
five cents to two dollars and twenty-five conts.
Full Stock of Men's Brogan Shoes, from one dotlar
and twenty-five cents to two dollars—don’t ask
any more for them
Boy’s Brogans—Full Stock—from eightvfivc cents
to one dollar and fifty cents -don’t ask any
mote for them.
Sugars in variety, from 12} to 14} cents. Don’t
ask nay more.
Coffee of different grades, from 3} to 4}lbs to the
No. 2,
No. 3,
We Defy Competition.
Our Dry Uootls Line is
and guaranteed to give satisfaction as to price and
Our Pretty Shawls should bo seen by every
Lady who desires a beautiful, durable and cheap
article. And we have no hesitancy in saying the
best ever opened by a merchant in Thomson.
Delaines, all colors and styles,
Out Invoice of
Consists of everything useful and desirable—beaut ifu
and durable, to p/oaso the fancy of the most fastidi
Ca'l and examine before purchasing elsewhere.
Our goods are marked in plain figures, and not in
characters, which al! can understand.
We sell to all at one price ami on the same terms,
43 tv
rrMIE store house and lot of Mrs. E. M. Massen-
I gale, opposite Greeiiway Hotel. Also, abeau
t i ful vacant lot near the Parsonage and residence
of D. 11. Irvkig, For terms apply to
feb2Btf 11. O. KONEY, Esq.
It It It
Cur«» the worst paius in from
One to Twenty Minutes
Not one Hour
after reading this advertisement need any ono
suffer with pain.
Railways Ready Relief i» a cure for every
It was the first, and is the only Fain li-miedy that
instantly stops the most, excruciating pains, allays
Inflammations and cures Congestions whether of the
I.uugs, Stomaoh, Bowels, or othor glands or organs
by one application,
In Tram One to Twenty Minute*,
no matter how violent or excruciating the pain the
Rheumatic, Bod-ridden, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous,
Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suffer,
IlntlnayN Itvaily Relief
Will affordinstant ease. Inflammation of the Kidneys,
Inflammation of the Bladder, Congestion of the
Lungs. Sore Throat, Difficult Breathing,
Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics,
Croup, Diphtheria, Catarrh, Influenza
Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism,
fold Cliill*, Ague Uliills.
The application of the Ready Relief to the parts
where the pain or dilticulty exists will afford ease
and comfort.
Tweuty drops in a half tumbles of wator will in a
few moments cure C‘idunu Spasms, Sour Stomach.
Heart Burn, Nick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery,
Colic, Wiud in the Bowols, and all Internal pains.
Travelers should always carry a bottle of Rad
way’s Ready Relict with them. A few drops in wa
t« will ’prevent sickness or pains from change ol
water. It is bolterthan French Brandy or Bitters
as a stimulant.
Fever and Ague.
Fever and Ague cured for Fifty Cents. "Micro
a not a remedial agent in this world that will euro
iFever ad Ague, and all other Malarious, Billious,
Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevers, (aided
by Radway’s Pills) ao quick as Rad way *8 Ready
ii k.yi yrn, beat tty :
Strong aud pure rich Mood—lucres** of flesh and
weight—clear skin and beautiful complexion
secured to all.
lias made the most astonishing ourea : so quick, bo
rapid are tho changes, under the influence o(
this truly wonderful that Every Day
an Increase in FlesJj and Weight is seen and felt.
The Great Blood Purifier.
Every drop of the SarsaparHlian Resolvcut com
municates through tho Blood, Swtet Urin, and oth
er fluids and jucies of the system, the vigor of life,
for it repairs the waste of the bodr with nev and
sound material. Scrotulft, Syphilis, Consumption,
( Diseases. Ulcers in the Throat. Mouth,
Tumors, Nodes on the (Hands and other parts of the
system. Sore Eves, Strumorous Discharges from the
ears, and the worst forms of skin diseases, Eruptions,
Fever Sores, Scald head. Ring Worm, Salt Rh urn,
Erysipelas, Acne, B/ack Spots, NY or ms in the flesh.
Tumore Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening
and painful discharges. Night sweats,, Loss of sperm
and all waste of the l ifo principle, are within the
curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry
and a few days’ use will prove to any person, using
it tor either of these forms of disease, its potent pow
er to cure them,
kidney A llladdcr Complaint*,
Urinary and Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes,
Dropsey, stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urin,
Bright’s Diseases, Albuminural. a rib in all cases
h ere there are brick-dust deposits, or the wa*»
ter is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances that is
like the white of an egg, or threads like white silk,
or there is a morbid, dark, billions appcarauce and
white bone-dust deposits, and when there is a prick
ing, burning sensation when passing water, and pain
iu the small of the back and along tho loins.
Perfect Purga tiv ePi 11 s.
perfectly tasteloss, elegantly coated with sweet gum,
purge, regulate, purify, cleanse aud strengthen Rad
way’s Pitls.*foi the cure ot all disorders of the stom
ach Liver, Bowels, Kidneys Bladder Nervous Disea
ses. Headache. Constipation, Costiveness, Heart
burn, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Bifliousness, Billious
Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles and all
derangements of the Internal Viscera. Warranted
to effect a positive cure. Purely Vegetable, coniaiu
iug no mercury, minerals or deleterious drugs.
A few doses of Radway’s ’Pills WILL free the
system from a/I the above named disorders. Price
25 cents per Boj*. Sold by Druggists.
Road “False and True,” And send one letter to
RADWAY & CO., 87 Maiden Lane, New York.
Information worth thousand s’wil! be’sent you.
July 12, 1871. Vi2o ly
4’lrt ,hS ' k* vor P°°l Middling Cotton, delivered
at the nearest railroad depot, oil or before
the 31st of October, 1872, secured by note, lien or
factor’s acceptance, will be taken in payment for
one ton Patapseo Guano.
M. A. STOVALL. Agent,
fob 11 in 2 AwShista, Ga.
♦ ■■ V "ft-
J "'aumip - R M MWovalt** 'o . Prorr-*•»« 1
\ -s , amt; »>:fS» C-.inroercejM,:. »
min.IONS Itonr T<»ttriionv to Mult rorativc IlHrt*.
Th«*y nn> not a vil** I-'nncy Drink* imutrot Poor
It ii ni. WhUfcrv. Proof Spirit** mid It.l »i**»* Li.
eallo.l -Ton*.-/ "Ajq* ti/wi*. ’ * Jto-toiviV* &C., that
lew! the tippler on to drnnkenneiw nn-1 min. but nre a true
M» > «\itimMnn<U» front th<> Mitive Boot* awl Herb* of Cali
fornia. free Irom all Alcoholic StiitiiilnulA.
1 C4KEAT BLOOD PI it I Mi;lt i
A l-il'K OIYIMJ I’ill Nt l I’LK, .1 |M>rf«*ct Inno
vator mid Liivisur.iti.r of tho System. carrying off iUI
l«oi*<>noti* muttern»nl restoring tin?l,local to u health;con
dition. No pro ran t ike these Hitter : aeoordir.g to
illi-iwtltna n-i i r**mrrin |n«r Wtrtrell.|»n»vMert their bcrnes
«ue licit dcotroyml by mineral poison or other means*,
nm! the vit il onrm-* waited beyond the point of r«*|*air.
They are n tJeiilJo Purgutlvo no well ns n
Tonic, t?.«• peculiar merit of acting r»
a . » \ < i fill agent In relleviiig(*.>nge-*iion or Inflamiu/tion
of Ibe Liver, nn.! all the Visceral Organa. „
I Oil KK >1 ALK COM PLAINTS, In > • ■ c r
old, mat riel or-mg! \ at the dawn of womanhood or at
the turn of life, t liokc Tonic Bitter*: have no equal.
for Inlliunniitiory mid Chronic Itltrnttm
ll*m and Cont. Dyspepsia or liidigcation, HU
1-jiim, iCcnrUlcut and luicrmiflent F»*v«*r«,
Pin-ases ol ilic Blood, l.ivcr, Kidney© nml
Jllji'i', the-.'. KM | era I. ive hv*. most ,1.
Such DinenscM nre cancel by Vitiated lllood,
which isgcneruily produc and by dciungement of the Di
gest ivo OrgniiM.
Palo In the ShouM.rvC'nighs. Tightness of tlie Chest.
Uiaiincjcs, Sour Knictations of the Stomach. Had Taste
in Hu* Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart,
luQononatioii of the l.unc*. Pain in the regions of the
Kidneys, and a huudred other painful symptoms, arc the
ollsprings of Dyspepsia.
Tlirv invigorate tin-Stomach and stimulate the torpid
l.ivcr and Bowels, which render them of unequalled cfli
racy in cleansing the l»lo*>.l of sll impurities, and impart*
Itnr n»>w life and vigor to the whole system.
FOK SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions. Tetter. Salt
Hlieimi, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Bolls, Car*
••uncics. Hing-Worms, .Scal«l Head, Sore Ews, Erysipelas,
Itch. Scurfs. Discolorations « f tlie Skin. I’..mors and Dis
eases of Hie Skin, of wliatev r uame or nr .‘a re, arc!: totally
dug nd carried out of the ay stem in a short t mo by
the use ot these Bitters. One bottle in such will
com nee the most incredulous of their curative effects.
Cleanse the Vitiated Blood wbeu. vcr you find its im*
purities bursting through the skin in Pimples. Erup
tions or Sores cleanse it when you find it obstructed and
►lugei'll In the wins; cleanse it when it is foul, and
your feelings will ti ll you when. Keep the blood pure,
and the It -alth of the sv-t.-m will follow.
Pin, Tape, aml other Wociiik, lurking in the
system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed
and removed. Days a distinmiUhed physiologist, there
is scarcely an individual upon the face of the earth
whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It
is not upon the healthy elements of the body that
worms exist, but upon the diseased htinu) sand slimy
d_.-j.i>Mts that breed these living monsters •. disease. No
of Medicine. no vermifuges, ro inthehnintics.
"dl tree tile system from like these Bitters.
J WALK Ell, Proprietor. R. 11. McDOX.VLD «V CO..
Druggists and (Jen. Agents, San Francisco. California,
** a t »nl M Commerce Street New York.
flay 24, 1871 nl3 ly
Manufacturers and Dealersjiu
Agents for the
Eiigli-lt Stonewall Fertilizer,
The best Cotton Fertilizer in use. and
Pure English Dissolved Bone.
A Pure Superphosphate of Lime, for .compostiug
with Lime and Cotton Seed.
Delivered at any depot i?i Augusta .
No, 14 Mclntosh St..
g\ugusta, Ga.
jan3lm3] Thomson , Ga.
Made easy by any Lady. 20,000 sold
in six months. The most rapidly selling
article ever in vented for married or sin
gle ladies’ use...
May 10, noil ts
WE again offer to the planters of this section the following Manures, all of
which have given entire satisfaction for the past four years :
O’iiesapealte Gluano :
Cash price, S-5-5 Time, SG2
Hardy’s Soluble Pacific Guano ;
Cash price. S4S Time, 8-5-5
IMiosplio Peruvian:
Cash price, $53 Time, SCO
Nova Scotia I .aiid Plaster :
Cash price, Sls Time, sl3
Branch, Scott <&, Cos., Agents.
Shields & Coldwell, Agents, Thomson, Ga. jan24m3
dtem PHOSrn.'ITMo
f IN;HIS article, prepared by the Atlantic Phosphate Company, under direction
-OL of their Chemist, Dr. St. Julien Ravenel, for composting with cotton Beed,
is now offered at the reduced price of S2B per ton, cash, or s3l per ton, payable
the first of November, 1572, free of interest.
Orders filled now will be considered’as cash Ist March, 1572, or on time as
due Ist November, 1872, thereby enabling planters to haul it at the time when
their wagons and mules are idle. PELZER, BOGERS & CO., General Ag’ts.,
R. H. BUSH, Agent, Thomson, Ga. Rowti’s Wharf, Charleston, S. C.
THIS Fertilizer, manufactured by the Atlantic Phosphate Company, under
the direction of their Chemist, Dr. St. Julien Ravenel, is now offered to
the planting community at the very reduced price of $43 per ton, cash, or $52
payable Ist November, 1872, free of interest.
This fertilizer has been very extensively used in this State, and has given en
tire satisfaction ; some of the most practical planters admitting it to be equal to
Peruvian Guano, pound for pound.
AH sales made now will be considered as cash on the Ist of March, 1872, and
to those buying on time the sale will be considered as due Ist November, 1572
By this arrangement planters will be enabled, without extra cost, to haul their
manure at a time when their wagons and mules are idle.
Pamphlets containing the certificates of those who have used the Atlantic
Phosphate will be furnished on application to the agents.
PELZER, ROGERS & CO., General Agents,
R. II BUSII, Agent, Thomson, Ga. Brown’s Wharf, Charleston, S. C.
If CM tfb OS dv—) ciyjuVa ©
Ihc planters’ %m\ ami Jfttvmgsi gauß.
.M BSI ICIISIIIf (M PITA I. $1,000,000.
Corner of Campbell and Reynolds Streets, Augusta, Georgia,
Is now ready to- receive Cotton.
Liberal Cash Advances Will be Made
Upon Cotton in Warehouse or upon Rail Road Receipts.
Parties storing Cotton with the Bank will be furnished with receipts for the
same that will be available in this city or any other for borrowing money.
The Bank is prepared at all times to make loans on produce or provisions, on
the most liberal terms.
Parties would do well to apply at the Warehouse, or communicate with the
JNO. P. KING, Vice President,
Sept. 27 u3I Gm T. P. BRANCH, Cashier.
Next Door to tlie Post Ollier.
'WMT'E HAVE just opened with a large and well selected stock which we guar
v v antee to sell at Augusta prices. All are invited to call and examine our
stock, whether for the purpose of buying or comparing prices. We never charge
anything for showing goods.
Our Line of Dress Goods Comprises :
Silk PoPlins Poplin Cloth Hats
Tartan Lustre Worsted, a I colors Trunks
Scotch Plaids Blue, Black & Valices
Tycoon Reps Brown Merinos Umbrellas
A.L S O ,
fabics’ iltcrino llnber bests, szc.
Shawls, Ladies’ Over-Shoes, Children'- Fancy Knitted Saqucs,
Hisses Hood-, A:c.
A large and fine assorment of
Gennts’Ladies’and Chidren’s Shoes.
Gent’s Furnishing Goods.
All Wool and Alerino Under Shirts »n«l Drawers.
In my line of Ready Made Clothing I offer great inducements. Having dealt
exclusively in the Clothing Business for the last five years, I am induced to be
lieve that I can suit all: