The Expositor. (Waynesboro, GA.) 1870-187?, September 07, 1872, Image 2
Till-: EXPOSITOR WAYNESBORO’, GA. -= SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1672. | H FOR GOVERNOR, JAMES M. SMITH, of mumcogri:. BURKE COUNTY-REPRESENTIVES: JOSEPH B. JONEB, HOMER C\ GLISRON. JOS. A. SHEWM'AKE. ... • • --- FIRST DISTRICT-F 01! CONGRESS: -A.. Tvl. :RO:DGS-EH,y, * Of BURKE. FOR PRESIDENT, 110 RACK O-I iKEL KV, OK NEW YORK. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, B. ORATZ BROWN, OK MISSOURI. _________________ -|j Firt Congressional District Nom inating Convention. Atlanta, August 14, 1872. At a meeting of tlie Democratic mem bers of the Legislature of tlie First Congressional District, held this day, the following resolution was adopted : R “solved, That wo recommend that a Convention of the Democratic Pqrty of the First District be held at Blacksbear, on the 13th of September proximo, at twelve o’clock m., for the purpose of nominating a candidate the district in the next Congress. John C. Niciiolls, Chairman. T. M. Beuuie.v, Secretary. HON. ALPHEUS M. RODGERS. The Atlanta Constitution of the 4th instant says : We sec that the name of Hon. Alfiieus M. Rodgers, of Burke county, has been suggested as a candi date for Congress in the First District. A more consistent Democrat, a braver aoldier, a firmer friend, or a truer man has not been named than Alfueus M. Rodgers. If elected be will represent the First District faithfully, truly and with credit to himself and constituents. OUR THIRD VOLUMF. With this issue begins the third year of The Expositor's life. To those who have bad but little cause to mark with watchful eye the lapse of time,-the period may seem short; lut to us who have learned “the sweet offices of adversity,” and struggled and toiled while others slept, each day has filled its appointed place of labor in the great cycle of eternity. Much have we had to stimu late and encourage, and much too to oppress and dishearten us. It is, in deed, a true saying that one half of the world does not know how the other half lives; and wheD we reflect that we have achieved at least a partial success under circumstances that promised far less, wc are almost astonished that we still move, and breathe, and have our being. Only one newspaper out of about every twelve hundred has more than an ephemeral existence; and nothing but patience, hope, and unremitting toil have sus tained us thus far. But we arc thank ful for the measure of prosperity we have enjoyed, and shall not relax our efforts so long as there remains a reason able prospect of establishing our paper upon anything like a permanent basis. In all sincerity we cau say that for Bufke county and her people we cherish ' the strongest attachments. Years ago, in our very youth, wc came to Waynes boro : First in the office of the News then under the editorial management of the gallant and lamented Walter A. Thompson; and afterwards in that, of the Independent South, presided over by our friend and subsequent comrade, 001. John D. Ashton. When the pride and honor of the South called her sons to the field, we went, in our seventeenth year, with the noble, true, and brave men who composed the “Burke Sharp Shooters,” to those scenes now for ever embalmed in history and the hearts of patriots everywhere. After the unhap py but heroic struggle was over, and the tri-colored flag was furled for over, we again returned, and cast onoe more our destiny amoug those with whom and whose sons and brothers we had march cd and fought. Both affection and honest pride brought us hither, and if possible we would live and grow old amid these cherished associations. But we owe it to ourself and those whom God has given us in charge, not to sac rifice everything to an idea; and with out prompt payments we can not live. That we might establish ourself in the confidence of the people of Burke— , or rather that we might satisfy them j 1 that a respectable paper could live and prosper here, if they desired it, we pub fished, almost without means, and with out assistance, The Expositor for twelve months, never risking a single patron to pay the amount of his subscription.— Our subscribers multiplied, nntil to-day we doubt if there boa country paper in Georgia whose list exceeds our own.— But they, in many instances, have failed to pay; and this, we honestly believe, more through inadvertence and forget fulness than anything else. Two dol lars is a small amount, we know, to most of them, and could be easily paid; hut I to us, in the aggregate, these sums con- J stitute our all. i With abundant crops, and a prosper i ous future before them, they do not re flect how day by day we suffer for the very pittance they have long since for gotten. Will (hey then not pay us ’— Burke county can and ought to sustain a first-class weekly; and if her people would reflect they would do it. We have now about fifteen hundred dollars charged on our books, every cent of which could bo paid without a single man's missing it. Think of it, friends, and send us the money. You will miss your county paper if it fail; and it is due to the character, and intelligence, and enterprise of the people of Burke county that they sustain a good journal in their midst. Will they do it ?or shall The Expositor go down, and dying give the lie to the boasted culture and public spirit of this people. Surely, if coun ties like Warren, Jefferson, and little McDuffie can support excellent weeklies, it would be shameful and disgraceful for Burke—the vaunted “Banner County” of Georgia —to fail to do so. Nous tenons. NOMINATING CONVENTION. A Convention of the Democratic parly met in this place on the 3d iust., pur suant to a call of the Executive Com mittee, for the purpose of nominating candidates for tho Legislature and Coun ty offices. The Hon. J. J. JoncSj Chairman of the Executive Committee, called the Convention to order, and stated the ob ject for which it had been convened. A roll of the delegates from each dis trict Was then called, as follows : Executive Committee —John J. Jones, Johu S. Byne,-James Barrett, T. J. Burton, M. P. Green, 11. 11. Perry, It. Steiner, J. P. Thomas, Jethro Thomas. Sixty-first District —J. P. Brinson, 11. C. Glisson, E. A. Perking, J. 11. Per kins, VV. Warnock. Sixtieth Sf- Sixty-second District — J. D. Ashton, A. 11. A. Bell, Elias Bell, W. H. Baxley, S. A. Corker, R. O. Lovett, J. W. Sander ford, W. U. Sturge, G. A. Ward, A. G. Whitehead. Sixty third District —S. J. Bell, A dam Brinson,!’. J. MeElmurry,Geo. Reeves, J. A. Shewmake. Sixty-fourth District —S. M. Herring ton, S. K. Mills, C. T. Herrington, G. W- Ellison, Alex. Lively. Sixty-fifth District —R. Tarver, Dr. S. C. Rhency, J. E. Franklin, J. W. Rhcney, J. S. Browu. Sixty-sixth District —W. R. Cox, W. F. Walton, J. J. Boyd, W. J. Hatcher, J. R. Thomas. Sixty-seventh District —A. Chance, Z Cox, M. P. Green, N. McCollum, A. J. Sims. Sixty-eighth Dittrivt —B. M. Blocker, W. L. Buxton, J. B. Heath, S. J. Heath, 1 J. M. ltowland. Sixty-ninth District —M. A. Carswell, T. P. Daniel, J. W. Farmer, J. S. Rog ers, 11. D. Torbit. Seventieth District— F. W. Godbec, 11. 11. Cates, J. B. Moll, It. Y. Saxon, J. 11. Duke. Seventy-first District —B. J. Aarchcr, J. B. Dawson, J. W. Grubbs, L. D. Johnsoh, FI. Ponder. Seventy-second District —B. F. Brown, J. S. Gough, 11. D. Greenwood, G. A. Palmer, Henry White. Seventy-third District —A. 11. Scon yers, Dr. T. M. Murdock, J. N. Jones, It. H. Burton, E. A. Gordon. Seventy-fourth District —J. B. Jones, H. W. Jones, Atuory Smith, John Mc- Cullcrs, Jonas Skinner. Seventy-fifth— W. D. Acton, N. Bul lard, A. A. Graham, G. A. Green, T. Jones. On motion, the Hon. Joseph B. Jones was elected President of the Convention, and Dr. A. G. Whitehead chosen Sec retary. A resolution was then introduced to exclude the Flxecutivc Committee from seats as delegates in the Convention; which elicited an animated and exciting debate. The question being put to the house, the resolution wat lost. Hon. S. A. Corker then introduced the following : Hesolred, That when this Convention adjourns, it adjourn to meet again on the first Tuesday in December next; and that the nomination of candidates to till all the county offices for Burke county he postponed until that time. Carried. An election for candidates for the Legislature was then entered into by ballot. Homer C. Gli.-son, E-q., Hon. Jos. B. Jones, and Hon. Joseph A. Shew make were elected on first ballot. On motion of A. 11. A. Bell, E-q., tho nomination was made unanimous. Tho candidates wore then called for, and addressed the Convention, accept ing their nomination. The Convention then adjourned to meet again in this place on Tuesday, the 3d of December next. Joskfii B. Jonhs, President. A. G. Whitehead, Secretary. ♦ • ♦ The Cotton Supply.—A corrcs pondentof the Savannah Republican gives the following good advice: “Since the year 18Gf>, “Cotton Sup ply” has been a matter in which all pro ducing citizens are very deeply interest ed. A want of co-operation on the part of planters, or in othsr words, their inde pendence of each other, has lost money to all, and left many of them in debt. The late war in this country compelled Europe to supply herself with cotton from other countries. She did so at large cost, and still continues to do so. Tiic cotton States of this continent arc located in the finest cotton belt of the world, and no other latitude can pro duce so good an article of either up lands or sea islands. European manu facturers require ouly a sufficient- quan tity of American cotton to make up the deficit from other countries. Our lands in many counties arc worn. Let planters keep all their cotton seed for fertilizing purposes. Sell none at any price to be sent abroad to keep up competition fields in- other countries. Let them plant other cereals to supply their plantations abundantly, reduce the planting of cot ton to an estimate of three million of bales for the erop of the South, and my word for it, planters will be independent in a few seasons.” Suing for Mob Law Damage. —The widows of the three men murdered in Cass county, Mo., some mouths since, by a mob of citizens, for alleged com plicity in the fraudulent issue of railroad bonds, have brought suit against the Sheriff of the county and thirty-five other citizens for damages occasioned by thes los of their husbands. Inquisitive Children. —Never laugh at a child when it asks a foolish ques tion. It is not foolish to the child. If a child is sensitive, one instance of laughing and ridicule, in such a case might chill its aspirations after self education. No matter how trivial a child's question may seem to be, it is entitled to a prompt, and kind answer. Blanton in Funds. —A Washington dispatch to the Baltimore Sun says: The prominent topic of conversation among the politicians here is the Blan ton Duncan business and the close iden tification of the Grant administration therewith The accusation that SSO, 000 has been placed to Duncau’s credit in a bank here, to be used by him in carrying on his straight-out convention scheme, has not been denied and seems not likely to be, and may therefore be set down as true. Suicideof an Eccentric.-- Dr. Jewett, of North Haven, Me., a liberally educat ed but very ccceutric old man, on Fri day last went into bis office, emptied a can of kerosene about the room, severed the femoral artery in both his thighs, and set tire to the place. The neigh bors seeing the flrmes ran to the sccu and found the old man with but a sin gle garment on, in the midst of the fire, and weltering in his blood. They drag ged him out, but he was past speech and died immediately. He had no family and live alone. ■ +--• —• A Chicago editor says ; “Somebody having applied to an editor for a method by which ho might cure his daughter of her partiality for young gentlemen, is kindly informed that there aro several methods of reform. The best are to put her in a well and drop a few loads of gravel on her head, or to bind her ankles to au anvil and upset her out of a boat. Ne vv Ad vertisemell ts. I-;i >1 '< ’A TM >X A I 7. MIC*. m. DAVIS WILL OI’EN liei 1 School, nt her residence, on Mon day. the ltii i of September. Wnyn shorn’, <, 187- —7 2\v* WAYNESBORO’ ACADEMY. WM. If. mi.Llilt, A. lb. OPENED T his School on Monday, 2d instant.— Enclisl; Brunches. Lai in, Greek, French, Pure and .Mixed .Mathematics, ami liotany, will he tn unlit. Mr. Miller refers hv permission to Mnj. Gen. R. F. Hoke, RaleVji, X. C.; Prof. 11. H. Smith, Liucolntoii, N. (J.; A. M.Shipp, D.D., president Wofford College, S. C.; lion. S. A. Corker, Waynesboro’, Ga. Way •leaboro’, Sept. 0, lg“2—7-Ini . / ' EORCIA, lIURKIi COUNTY— VA Rollins applies for exemption of personally, and setting apart and valuation of Homestead ; and 1 will puss upon Iho same nt 10 o’clock am, at tny office, on tlio 1 1th day of Scp fctnbej, 1872. K F. LAWSON, >ep7-2w Ordinary. / I liOIUiJU, lUIliKi: COUNTY ,1.1 117; i rum, John F. Carswell, ndminis | trator of 15. H. Cars,veil, deceased, applies to ! mo for letters dismissory from said estate: — j These are, therefore, to eito and admonish all , persons interested to he and appear nt my ! office on, or before, the FIRST MUNDA Y IN j 1) lit' EM HER XE.XT , to show cause (if any ' they can), why said letters should not be grant ed said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, lit Waynesboro’, this September 2d, 1972. seio-ii E. I*’. LAWSON, Ordinary. / 1 EORGIA, 111 nil i: COUNTY— v T Whereas, .Mary F. Pkiikixs applies to me for letters of administration upon the estate of Newton M. Perkins, a minor, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons interested to lie and appear at my office on. or before, tho FIRST M OX DA Y IN OC TOBER NEX’I, to show cause (if any they can) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band and official signature at Waynesboro’, this September 2d, 1872. sep7-4 K. F. LAWSON, Ordinary. /I EORGIA, HUlikU COUNTY— v l Whereas, Ldwauii A. Pkukins, as guard ian of Jeffeieon D. and Fannie A. Perkins, ap plies to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell the undivided interest in the Homestead pro perty of said minors: These aro, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons interested to he and appear at my office on, or before, tho FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOBER NEXT, to show cause (if any they cun), why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand ami official signature, at Waynesboro’, this September 3d, 1872. sep7-4 K. F. LAWSON. Ordinary. /GEORGIA, ItUltk 15 COUNTY Y.JT Whereas, Jlkus.’hki. L. Pi: it kins as guardian of Emma and Ida A. Perkins, applies to tho Court of Ordinary for leave to sell the un divided interest in the Homestead property of said minors: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons interested to be and appear at my office on, or before, the FIRST MON DAY IN OCTOBER NEXT, to-how cause (if any they can), why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signatuie at Waynesboro’, this .September 3d, 1972. * acp7-4 E. F. LAWSON, Ordinary. L. J. CI'ILMARTIN. | JOrtN FI.ANNEUY. L J. GUiLM ARTIN k (Ur Cotton Factors and General COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BAY STREET, gjx. A GENTS FOP. ERADI.EY’S PHOSPHATE. XT J EWELL’S Mills Yarns and Domestics, Tobacco, etc. Ks'"’ BAGGING and IRON TIES always on hand. Consignment! solicited. I’sual facilities extended to customers. :iug3l-4m TO HEIVT. r ]MIK PLANTATION OF THE LATE R. JL W. Scales will be rented for the year 1873, w ith or w ithout the stock ; or, if pre ferred, will be leased for a term of years.— For particulars, apply to either of the under signed, ut V/ayneslxMo’, Ga. K. F. LAWSON, * 11. 11. PER ltd . Waynesboro’, Aug. 23, 1872 —31-lm FOR SALE! One 45 SAW PRATT GIN. One SCREW. Malone patent. One Bottom’s' RUNNING GEAR, warranted. One FOUR-HORSE WAGON. 25 doz GIN SAW FlLES—sold in any quantity. The above sold fur Cash or approved acceptance by B. DeL. MOSES, N w Store, Sturgcs’ Hotel Building. Burke sheriff saee- Will be sold before the Court-house door in the town of Vaynesboro’, Ga., on the FIRST TUESJJA YIN OCTOBER NEXT, between the legal hours of sale, the follow ing property, to-wit : Seven hundred and ninety-three acres of land, more or less, sit uated in Burke county, and bounded by lands of J. .J. Gresham, T. P. Branch, estate of Thomas Neeley, Gideon- Dowse, and Briar creek; levied on as the property of Elisha Allen, deceased, to satisfy a li. fa. issued from Burke Superior Court in favor of Hill Sandeford.vs. Jeanette A. Alien, executrix, and Robert H. Allen, executor of Elisha A. Allen, deceased. Legal notice given. JOHN L. SMITH, Sheriff. August 30, 1872 —31-ld Graham & Butler, COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Augusta* Gil. WILL FURNISH THE O BEST BAGGING AND TIEO AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. And will sell Cotton at One Dollar per hale, commission. aug'24-lm NOTICE. I HEREBY FOREWARN ALL PERSONS from hiring PETER BOSTICK, who Is under contract to rue, as I will iun the law 1 to the last extremity upon any one so doing : —he having left my employ without cause |or provocation. Said Peter Bostick is about | 20 years of age, weighs about 150 or 1(10 pounds, weais short side whiskers, and lias j thick lips. JAS. M. WHITFIELD. I August 12, 1872—24-2 w NISVV ADYISIM IS I MISNTS. SALE OF THE MOUNT FLORENCE ESTATE J WITH A CASH FUND, TOTAL VALUATION, 1350,000. AILIL. TO BE DISTRIBUTED AMONG SHAREHOLDERS, AS A MAJORITY MAY DETERMINE, at n meeting tojbe held in the city of New Yoik, Oil tlio First Dsiy ol January, 1873. At a meeting of Stockholders, held at the Cooper Institute, N. Y., August Ist, 18721, Mr. John A. Lellerls, the manager, after making his statement of the financial condition of the enterprise asked for a Committee of Investigation, when the following gentlemen : were appointed such rouimilioc : Geo. R. Spencer, John 11. Many, and W. Ji. Whitman. We, the undersigned, have examined tho accounts of .Mr. T.efl'erts, and find his statements oor i met, and we do hereby allow him until the first of January, 1972, to sell tho remaining Share*, |at which time the books shall positive! -bo closed, or sooner if the shares are sold. And wo here by appoint tho tenth day of January, 1973, for tho final distribution of the prope:ty. GKO. R. SPENCER, JOHN 11. MANY, W. 11. WHITMAN. * m SHARES ONE DOLLAR EACH. It has been proposed that the Properly and Cash Fund should be divided into 3.4-/Y7 PRIZKS. But this must be decided by the Shareholders themselves. Special attention is enlleibtrf the fact that this is not a Gilt Enterprise,” “Charity Concert,’’ nor any mere scheme for disposing of Ticke s, hut an absolute bona fule at and Pcreulpfory s;!<* of Valuuhlt! Property. Certificate of Distinguished Gentlemen Relative to Mount I<'.'orcncc f We are fam linr with Mount Florence-or-thc-Ilndson, and take pie sure in saying that it is a large and beautiful Property, conveniently located as to the railroad and the cit of New York, highly and substantially improved and embellished to a degree rardv equalled in this cauiitrv. - . ■ Mount Florence was improved by Mr. D. 11. Craig, between 1858 and lsr>4, ami with ten years of natural grow th, added to the immense sums expended in improvement, its present value can hardly be over-estimated. The situation is extremely favorable for health and comfort, and the views of mountain, river, and inland scenery, from difletnit [.arts of the grounds, are varied and beautiful at all seasons. Hon. Chnuncy M. Depew, late Sec of State of New York; Hon. Jn*. IV. Hosted, of Peekskill N. Y.; I).'J'. Clapp. Esq, Cashier Westchester Cos. Bank, Peekskill; llugl (’, Wilson, Lssq., Cashier Saving Bank. Peekskill; Owen T. Collin, Esq., Fumigate of West chester county : Prof. L’hos. A. Lee. M. 1)., Peekskill; J. B. Brown. Esq. Sec. Peekskill Plow Works, 94 Beckman street, N. Y.; John McKesson, Fisq., 91 Fulton stieet ; P. S. Stewart, M. D., Peekskill. T The following well-known Gentlemen Lave consented to act as an Advisory Board : H. Clay Preston, New York city; Zenas ('. Priest, Utica, N. Y ; Gen. Frank Gouiev St. Louis, Mo.;' Orrin Welch, Syracuse, N. Y.; Thomas J. Corson, Trenton, N. J.; F. L*. Stowell, Orleans, N. Y.; Gen. N. M. Wisowell, New York city; F. If. Palmer, N. X. citv Daniel Sickles, New York city ; Robert S Bruns, Charleston, S. C. Liberal inducements offered to Agents and Canvassers. Special terms made with dubs. Persons living at a distance remitting the money for the number of shares tlicv niav wish, w ill promptly receive them by return mail. For 3liates, Descriptive Circulars, Beautifully Illuminated View* of Mount Florence, and Surroundings, &c., &0., Addiess JOHN A. LKFFKRTS, General Manager, 003 Broadway, N. Y. P. 0. Box 3159. JOHN W. SIMONS, Secv. JOHN C. SMITH, Trcas., New York Merchant Exchange, 50 and 52 Pine street. al7~tj.i|if NOTICE. 1 for ii icrtain promissory note for #141.75, and payable November 1-t, 1872, given to Win. J. Riinilh: in favor of Mrs. Ann A. Everett; John 11. Walsingham, principal, and MeP It. Eve security. Tho considerations for w hich the 'no:o was given, and for which I stood as securi ty. having failed on the part of Win. J. Handle, [ therefore consider the note void, and do not intend paying the said note, if, as security,*it should fail sin uie. Met*. It. EYE. i August Ist. 1872—10-2 w UNDER] YKL\(i. •—— fl'E AKK NOW I 1 KHPA li ED TO IT KM if! WOOD C 'OFFINS. cases, xvisrr) gaskets OUB OWN 31 AKK, And from tlio bust manufacturers!, of all grades and styles. O o' We have, also, Fisk’s Cklkbuatkp MkTAUO CA A IIS AND U.VSK KT3. Wesliali iitalid every effort to give mitisfuetimi to our patrons in this our new line of busi ness. We have experienced attendants, and hope to merit the attention of the public. ROGERS & DeGRAFF, jv‘27-3 141, 143, 145 Broad st., Augusta. ESTABLISED 1850. A. Prontiiut & Son, WATCH-MAKERS AND JEWELERS. rpilE SUBSCRIBERS would respectfully JL inform tlio citizens ol Burke tw*d ad jacent comities that they keep a special estubiisment tor the REPAIR OF WATCHES AND JEWELRY. ALSO, HAIR WORK, IN EVERY DESIGN, MAM TO ORDER. B,<f*AU work entrusted to their care will be executed Pkomctly, Nkatly, and war ranted for one year At their store will be found one of the largest stocks of GOLD AN D SILYELt WATCHES of the best European and American manufacture in the Southern States, with a select as sortment of Rich and New Styles of EtßOscan Gold Jewblht, set with Diamonds, Pearls, Rubies, Oriental Garnets, Coral, etc. Also, Solid Silver Wake, consisting of Tea Sets, Waiters, Ice and Water Pitchers, Castors, Goblets, Cups, Forks, Spoons, and every thing in the Silverware line. Fine Single and Double Barrel (inns: ColfV, Smith A Wesson, Remington, Cooper, Sharp, and Derringer Pistols, and in nny others of the latest invention. Fine Cutlery, Spectacles, Walking Canos, Portomonnaics, and Fancy Goods of overy variety to be found in n first class Jewelry Establishment. Old Gold ami Silver taken in exchange for goods. A.PRONTAUT & SON, 163 Broad Slreol, one door below August* Hotel ovlß-ly AUGUSTA. GA. New Cheap Goods! C'AOME ALONG, J ALL THAT WANT NEW STYLE GOODS! I tako Greenbacks and Produce in ex change for Goods. Mrs. R. PERKINS, At the Lawtonvillo Cheap Variety St,ore, tuy4-l . Lavvtoiiville. Ga. She Saraimali ttepubUran. ESTABLISH ED IN 1802. , PELLISIIEI) liY HARDEE &z SOXJJDZDHU. Cll VS S HARDEE. -HIEXRV W. SCI Bpfcß Republican for the ('nnipaiin?. Extraordinary Inducements! Tn order to give the Savannah I!i.rrn lic an tlie largest possible circulation dur i"g the important Political U; nq aign just, commented, the Proprieties offer its sev eral editions nt the following exceedingly low rates, until the 15th dav of November, 1872: I'aily Pilpcr - - 82.00 Weekly I’rper - - 50 TO CLUBS. DAILY : Ten copies to oi.e address, in one wrapper, -JIT 50 Twenty copies to one address, in one wrapper, jt ',2 00 WEEKLY : Ten copies to one address, in one wrapper, §4 00 Twenty copies to one address, in cue wrapper, g 7 00 the “itKcrnucAx” scstaixs tiik Nominees of the National Ilemorralif Convention, for President ami \’ice President of tlio United Slates. The present eurrnpl Mili tary Despotism shall have neither its friend ship nor the qualified suppoit of its nen traiity. It is earnestly hoped that all patriotic, citizens who take rut interest in the great popular movement to eject from power tins corrupt and incapable Administration nt Washb gton will personally exert themselves to increase the circulation and widely ex tend the influence of this journal. Clubs should he formed immediately and orders for the same sent as quickly as possi ble to ensure all subscribers the full comple ment of numbers. Send on your orders forthwith—the soon er the better. Post Office orders and remittances by Express, at our risk. HARDEE & SCTJDDEE. Jno. D. Munnerlyn, Agent for the FOLLOWING FIRBT-CLASS Insurance Companies: Tho New Y'ork Life, Cash Assets, $18,500,000. Liverpool and London and Globe, Cash assets $21,000,000 gold. “ (America) 3,300 000, Andos Fire, of Ohio $1,000,000. Georgia Mutual Protection. Clerk’s Office, Court-house Equate, je22 Waynesboro’, Ga. ST. MARI’S ~ Female Academy, CONDUCTED BY TIIE SISTERS OF MERCY, Augusta, Geortfia. TERMS PER SESSION OP FIVE MONTHS: For Board and English Tuition *!•*> Music ®32 I Drawing 820 French 10 | Painting 20 TERMS FOR DAY PUPILS: Class sls; Class sl2; (>ss.... ~I PAYABLE IX ADVANCE.