The Bainbridge argus. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1856-1871, May 08, 1869, Image 4
#»r $1(0. “A little Momense, now end then, In MUabed by the wisest men." Labor Lost.—An organ-grinder play ing at the door of a deaf and dumb asy lnm._ . Want is a young lady like a part of a word ? When she it a silty belle* (syllable.) Tax question why printers do not succeed as well as brewers is thus answered: Because printers work for the bead, and brewers for the stomach— and where twenty men hare stomachs* but one has brains. A sentimental chap intends to peti tion Congress for a grant to improve the channels of affection, so that hence forth the course of true love may run smooth. “Mr. Simpkin has an abominable gait —doo’t you think so T “No, indeed; I think it quite hand some, especially since it was painted. “Excuse me, but you don’t under stand me—I allude to bis charriage,” ."Why, lay me 1 ho has no carriage.” “Ob ! yea, he has; but it is seen only when he walks.” Good Spelling.—“Caleb, spell Aaron.’ “Great A, little a-r-o-n—ron.'* “Very well, Ichabod, see if you can spell United States.” “Yes, sir. Great country, T a x—us.” “Go up head.” “I Wish, Sally," said Jonathan, “that you were locked in my arms, and the key wad lost.” An experienced old gentleman says that aff that is necessary /or the enjoy ment of love or sausages is confidence. Jn reply to a young writer who wishes to know “which magazine will give me the highest position quickest,” the Petersburg Erprest advises “a powder magazine, if you contribute a fiery article.” Yonng ladies should be carful and not get chaps on their lips. They have been known to lead to an affection of the hearf. A colored lady, boasting the other day of the progress made by her son in Arithmetic, exultingly said, “He is in de mortification table.” Which is cheaper—a bride or a bride groom ? The bride—she is always given away, the bridegroom often regularly ■old, l \ O • - ' • - • • A dancer once 6aid to Socrates, “You can not stand on one leg so long as I can.” “True replied tbo philosopher, "but a goose can." What is better than a promising young man ? A faying one. A bachelor sea-captain, wbo was re marking one day that be wanted a good chief officer, was promptly imformed by a yonng lady that she had no objections to be his first mate. He took the hint—and the lady. Can any civil engineer inform us how it is that the mouths of rivers are larger than their heads t To do the thing properly in New- York, at a wedding, the bride must have eight bridesmaids and a bundred-dollar poodle besides the one she marries. Wooing in Poetrt.—An old gen tleman of the name of Page finding a young lady’s glove at a watering-place, presented it to her with the following words: “If from your glove you take the letter G, Your glove, is love which I de vote to thee." To which the lady returned the fol lowing answer: “If from your Page you take the let- er P T Your page is age, and that won't do for me.** What kind of ease is disliked by all * Ans. Dis-ease. What kind of fare is best to lire upon ? Ana, Wel-fare. A rASHiiuBut party is now called Daugbtercnl (oral show. - Au women are good—good for some thing, or good for nothing. A Minnesota editor weighs 642 pounds. Heavy writer, surely. A witness was examined before judge in a case of slander, who required him to repeat the precise words spoken. The witness, fixing his eyes earnestly upon the judge, began ; “May it please your Honor, yon lie, and steal, and get your living by cheating." The face of the judge reddened, and he exclaimed, “Torn your head to the jury, sir, when you speak." The candidate who “took the stump" left it where he found it The mka who "compassed sea and land" wants to sell bis compasses. The late Colonel , when once im portuned by a diminutive tailor for pay. ment of a bill, contemptuously exclaim ed, “If you were not such a little reptile, I would kick you down-stairs." "Little reptile 1“ remonstrated the dun ; “and what if I ain ? Recollet, colonel, that we can’t all he great brutes." Savannah Advertisements- Duncan & Johnston SO COTTON FACTORS, AND IIlSgl@g SAVANNAH, GEO- C ONTINUE business at their old stand and offer their services to the mer chants and planters of Decatnr county for the sale of Cotton and other Produce; will supply Bagging and Rope, and will be pre pared to advance on Cotton in hauds. October 3d, 1868—60—ly Hotels. A. L. E. W. A NEW. HARTRIDGE & NEFF, Commission Merchants AND BROKERS, NO- 169 BA Y til,LT, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. We solicit Planters and Merchants’ bnsinsss giving careful attention to sales of produce in his or other Markets. Consignments of Wool solicited Bagging Rope, Groceries, and funds to --- ” Tax. ” * Farther advances on the pay Revenue receipt of Cotton. SnppHet furnished at market rates. J«nl8, 1868 13-ly. PAVILION HOTEL, D. C. NOB, Proprietor, CORNER BULL AND SOUTH BROAD STREETS, SAVANNAH, H AVING taken the above Hotel, which has recently been refitted and refur nished throughout, the Proprietor can assure the public that he is as well prepared to cater to their wonts as any Hotel in the Slate. His table will always be supplied with the bestthe market affords. And no pains will be spared to give entire satisfaction. Transient Board $3,00 per day Permanent Board $15,00 per week A share of public patronage is solicited, sept 26-tf Professional Cards. n. h. envrom SIMS & CRAWFORD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BAENBRIDGK, GA. Office in the curt Bcuse. dec2-ly Miscellaneous. Bainbridge Advertisements A J. Robert, J. A. Bduxeb, Marietta, Go. THE W. A. Rjchabdsok, Loulsvijle, Ky. R. H. BARNES, JOHN SHARON Pro’tor, BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA. rilHE traveling public arc hereby notified J. that this Hoase has been thoroughly re paired and refitted, as well as refurnished hroughout, and rendered one of the most desira ble and agreeable hotel* in the State, worthy the liberal patronage it has heretofoie received from passengers on the rivers and railroad. Nopains or expenses will be spared to make the SHARON HOUSE all that any one could desire. Call and test its merits. sept26-49-ly V. 0. FLEMING. JOHN C. RCTHERFOKI) FLEMING <fc RUTHERFORD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Baixbrisgr, Georgia. O FFICE over drug store of C.JC. King. Jr., A Co. Are fully prepared to take charge of all cases arising nnder the Bankrupt Law. je 29, 85-tf HUGH M. KING*., ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBUS* GA. je 29-67-ly ESTABLISHED 1844* . H. Davidson, 150 Bay Street, SavannaH, Geo. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In oreign and Domestic Wines and liqours AF the FINEST QUALITIES; also sole V/ Agent, for the States of Georgia and Flori da, for the sale of Massey, Huston A Co.’s Cele brated Philadelphia Ale. Orders selioited. sept26-49 ly. ROBERTS & TILLMAN, GENERAL COMMISSION ANB FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Office North side of Bay Street, Second Door West of the City Exchange, SAVANNAH. S PECIAL attention given to the sale of Cotton In this market, and accounts rendered promptly. We will also ship Cotton to LIVR FOO X and have it sold for account of owner. In til cases where the owner desires, liberal cash advances will be made. ROBERTS k TILLMAN. HnuM Roberts, 1 D. L, Roberts, } Savannah. Joseph Tillman, Madison, Florida aept26-49-ly Z What Hotel do you stop at for Comfort ? THE ALBANY HOUSE! KEPT BY M, BARNES. If you want a clean bed and nice room, GO TO THE ALBANY HOUSE! If yon want to find POLITE, ATTENTIVE SERVANTS, GO TO THE ALBANY HOUSE. In short, if you want to find everything to make you comfortable and happy, be SURE to call at the. ALBANY HOUSE. Hacks always ready to convey passenger* to and from the Depot. Reference Any person that has ever Stopped at the House. M- BARNES, Prop’r. mch!3 23 ly Albany, Ga. C. G. CAMPBELL, O. G. OURLKT. CAMPBELL & GURLEY, gttorittgs anb ©mrastllirrs at fate, Aad Sffidtors is Equity, BAINBRIDGE, JIECATCTB CO., GEORGIA. WILL practice In Decatnr, Baker, Miner, Mitchell^ If Early, Calhoun'jnd conn ties on line of Atlantic A Gulf Railroad. Will give prompt attention to bos* ness entrusted to their care. may 2,1868-ly I. E BOWES, D. MC GILL, B. B. BOWER- BOWER, MCGILL ft BOWES, ATTORNEYS AID COUNSELLORS AT LAW. O FFICE IN BOWER’S BLOCK, ON South-Broad Street. Bainbridge, April 24, 18€9-29-tf New-York Saids. Established In 1810. LOCKWOOD & HA111T0N, WM. E. ALEXANDER. WM. A. RUSSEL ALEXANDER & RUSSELL, WHOLESALE COB. ABERCOEN AND BRYAN STREETS, SAVANNAH, GA. sep26. 1868 49-1 y GEORGE N. NICHOLS, Job Printer, Binder & Blank Book MANUFACTURF.K, Bay Street, Savannah, Georgia June 28 84-tf B. W. DRUMMOND, G. C. DRUMMOND Of the late Firm of L. J. Guilmartin A Co E. W. Drummond &Bro., GENERAL SHIPPING 154 Bay Street, Savannah, Georgia. Jan9,1869 I4|y H. C. McKEB. D. M. BENNETT, IHcKEE & BENNETT, DEALERS IN Carriages, Boggles, Harness, Ac., fit, Ac* Carrier West Broad and Bay Streets, SAVANNAH, GA. At thif Extensive Repoiitoiy and Manufactory will alway* be found a large variety of all the most fashionable Carriages, Bockaways aad Baggie Vow in nse. AU work sold and warranted at this Establishment will be protected. REPAIRING EXECUTED IN BEST MAN NER, AT REASONABLE BATES. Jan9, 1869 - 14-ly SCREVEN HOUSE, Savannah, Ga. HIS HOTEL, OF MODERN CON STRUCTION and ELEGANT FURNITURE, is under the personal attention of T.S. NICKERSON, jan9-3m Proprietor. Gen. A H. Colquitt, | Hugh H. Colquitt. Baker county, Ga. j Savannah, Ga. Jana Blogs, Newton, Ga. COLQUITT A BAGCS, Cotton Factors GENT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. ^-Liberal advance* on Consignments. aprillO, 1869 96Cm to JOHN H. WILLIAMS A SON, WHOLESALE DEALERS IK Looking glasses and Looking glass Plates. The Trade will find a good assortment of Mirrors, both French and German. GILDING in all its branches. Also, PIER, MANTEL and other kinds of FRAMES made to order. No. 316 Pearl Street, Opposite Peck Slip, NEW YORK. Refeb to WILLIS 91. RUSSELL, Esq., Julyll, 1868 Baixdmdce, Ga., 3S-Iy. JOHN K. HOPPEL, Brash Manufacturer AND IMPORTER, No. 329 Pearl Street, (HARPER’S BUILDING,) FRANKLIN SQUARE, NEW YORK. Machine Bnuhea made to order. A Superior Quality of Paint Brushes Constantly on Hand. Also Gin Bristles Furnishei jnlyll-38-ly 4. A. ALLEN. G. IF. HINES. AMAH & nut, ATTORNEYS AT DAW J^licitow i« #quitjr, Bainbridge, Ga., TXTILL give prompt attention to all business en- Y v trusted to their care in the following counties: Counties: Co. Towns: Decatnr, Bainbridge, Miller, Colquitt, Early, Blakely, Baker, Newton, Thomas, Thomasvllle, Mitchell, Camilla. They will also practice In the .Supreme Court of Ga. and in the U. S. District Court, for the Southern Diet, of Georgia. april 10 27 tf a. MARBLE HISS ^ RE new prepared to fill all orders for Mar- BAINBRIDGE, GA. JJAVING . ble, and to furnish Monuments, Toombs, SLABS, Ac., finished In the host style and at Lower Prices than the same work done with Northern Marble. Oar Marble is equal to the best AMERICAN. Dealers can be supplied with Blocks and Slab* of any dimension. ^ For any information or designs address Ga. flfarbie Works, Either at Marietta, Ga., er Jasper Pickens Co Georgia. sept26 49 1y .....v Located in this city. I take pleasure in notifying the Public gen erally that I am now prepared tv repair Clocks, Walclies, J e w- elry, Ac., with neatness and durability. Call and seA me, in the Drug Store of Dr. J. D. Hoy] A b>•<•.. south-Broad Street. decIU. 1868 11-ly aOSADALIS, THE GREAT BLOODEPtTRIFIJSR, SCROFULA INJTSVARIOUS FORMS, such as Consumption in its earlier stages, Enlarge ment and Ulceration of the Glands, Joints, Bones, Kidneys, Uterus, Chronic Rheumatism, Erup tions of the Skin, Chron ic Sore Eyes, &c. —also— STriPTiiisis, IN ALL ITS FORMS l D iseases of women, loss of appe- tite, Sick Headache, Liver Complaint, Pain in the Back, Imprudence in Life, Gravel, General Sad Health, and all diseases of tbe BLOOD, LIVER, KIDNEYS and BLADDER It is a Perfect Renovator. a. h. wbitelet. johx f_ dokalsok. WHITELEY & DONALSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Bainbridge, - - - Georgia, ATT ILL practice in the Southwestern and TV PatanlaCirenits. j?3?~0ffiee up stairs, in Sanborn’s new bond ing.april 17 69-28 tf OK. W. J. HARRELL, H AVING established himself in Bainbridge for the purpose of practicing his profes sion, respectfully solicits a share of the public patronage. Office over the store of Anderson, Zeigler A Co.april 17 69 -28-Cm ROSADALTS eradicates every kind of humor and bad taint, and restores the entire system to a healthy condition. It is perfectly harmless, never producing the slightest injury. It is not a Secret Qua-k Remedy. The articles of which it is made ore published on each bottle. Recommended by the Medical Faculty and many thousands of our best citizens. For testimonials of remarkable cures, see “Rosadalis Almanac” lor this year. Prepared Only By DR. JT. J. LAWRANCE ft CO., 244 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. yST-Hor sale by druggists everywhere sept5-46-ly DECATUR BAR k TEI-PIN SALOON, COR BROUGHTON ft WEST STS. H. WILLIAMS, Prop’r. This Saloon is always supplied with choice WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, CIGARS. Ac., Ac., Ac. JGscdlaneonjT Allen’s Pain ar A WONDERFUL REMEDY f or tism, Neuralgia, Pains in the Sij. V Limbs, Tooth Ache, Burns s,,,- Sore Throat, Cramps, he. ’ p For sale by Dr. J. D. HOYL A BBn . 50 cents per Bottle. January 9-14-ly THE HILL&FEVEt| EXPELLEB! T HE TEN-PIN ALLEYS are all now, and as good as can be found in the State. Milk Punches, Julips, Cocktails, Sherry Cobblers, Ac., prepared at short notice. may 1 69 lm. NOTICE. D R. G. W. EARRAR has this day associated with him in the prac tice of medicine, Dr. Hilton S. Jones; and they tender their professional serviced to the citizens of Bainbridge and vicinity. Office up stairs, over E. n. Smith A Co.’s store. Dr. Jones can be found at night at the office when not professionally engaged. Dr. Farrar can bo found at his residence at night- inch 13 23 tf m MEDICAL CARD. D TI. W. B. GILBERT would inform the pub lic that he ha? removed to the Colonel Richard Siiu? place, six miles west of Bainbridge, where he may be found at any time, when not professionally engaged. feb 6 10 6m Southern & Western HOUSE. JOHN C. VAUGHN, Late of East Tennessee, IS connected with the following firm, and will promptly attend to all business en trusted to him by his friends in Georgia and elsewhere. Hooper Harris. D. Rankin, HOOPER HARRIS & CO (Late Harris, Gaines A Co.,) ®om’»wn Hgwfcante, IN Southern and Western Produce, Foreign and Domestic Liquors, NO. 36i BROADWAY, NEW YORK Dee 5, 1868-9-ly DR JUDSON BUTTS, Office East Side Court House Square, BAINBRIDGE, GA, nov9 4-tf ranwnir* DR. H. L. BATTLE, Late Resident Dentist of Quitman, Ga.. [AS removed his office to FORTY KEGS NAILS, ASSORTED SIZE. FIFTY PRS. TRACES, THREE DOZ nAMES, TWENTY DOZ HOES, PLOW LINES—COTTON, PLOW LINES—JUTE. IRON assorted sizes. PLOW STEEL—ASSORTED SIZES. PRINTS! EIGHT OUNCE 03NABCRGS; i SHEET INGS—BLEACHED A BROWN; 4-4 SHEET INGS—BLEACHED and BROWN. osiis: MENS, WOMENS, AND CHILDREN’S. flour, COFFEE AND SUGARS. Lowest Market Prices FOR THE CASH! INSURANCE Jltna Fire Insurance Co. Hartford. Connecticut. Nett Assets *4,083,123 78 Southern Mutual Insurance Co. Athene, Georgia, HettAssets *294,635 12 All holders of Twelve Mouths* Policies share in the Profits. Ga. Masonic Mutual Life Ins. Co. Macon, Georgia N. L. CLOUD, ang24-43-tf Agent for Bainbridge, Georgia IT IS IN FACT A MOSTWONDERM FEVER CURE ON ACCOUNT OF THIS INSTANT REME2JI making a listing m mam! CURE. fcb27 21 tf Babbit ft Warfield. From 4 to 360 Horse Pow er, including tbe celebra ted Corliss Cut-off En gines, Slide Valve Sta tionary Engines, Ac. Alse Circular, Malay and Gang Saw Mills, Sugar Cane Mills, Shafting, Pul leys, Ac., Lath and Shin gle Mills, Wheat and Coro Mills, Circular Saws, Belt ing, Ac. Send for descriptive Circular and Price List. WOOD ft MANN STEAM Eng. CO., TJttca, gtw York. Feb 20-20-8m W WHARRELL Jtoctwn ani Cmnmissimt MERCHANT BAINBRIDGE, GEO., W ILL sell all kind* of propeertyuid male Dromnl returns. 39—lv. JUST RECEIVED! Blank Books, School Books, New Novels, DPOST OFFICE. febla-tf H Bainbridge, Ga., where he has permanently located. — . . . All Branches of his profession executed id the best and most durable style. Beautiful Artificial Teeth mounted. Teeth filled with out pain, in a neat and durable manner, csr All work warranted, fag-The patronage of the citizens oi Bainbridge, and Southwestern Ga., is re spectfully solicited. Office on South Broad Street, up stairs, in Rockwall A West’s new store, julyll, 1868 38-tf DR. E. PEACOCK, late of Knoxville, Ga. 9f B EING permanently located in this city, and having had an experience of twelve years in the practice of the profession in its various branches, hopes to receive a reasonable share of patronage. ^-Office up stairs in the Patterson building, on eourt-honse square. References.—Drs. J. C. Harvey, B. A. Harewood, W. S. Ogletree, Knoxville, Os.; J. Hillsman, Wm. P. Wright, McK. Merchisoa, Hickory Grove, Ga.; Wm. A. Mathews, Wm. J. Green. D. N. Austin, D. G. M., Port Valley, Ga.: Le Sueur A Cook, Culloden, Ga.; B. P. a’ G. W. Newsom, Reynolds, Ga.; A. J. Simmons. Macon, Ga.; A. W. Peurifoy, Perry, Ga. jan9 14 tf medical card. D R. E. J. MORGAN, having permanently located in the the city of Bainbridge, ten ders bis professional services to the public, and respectfully solicits a share of patronage. Will be found at his office in iBower*s Bloek daring the dgy, and at bis residence on Brough- ton street at night. All calD promptly attended. Bainbridge, Ga- March 6, 1869 22-tf Holloway’s Santa Cruz. TONIC BITTERS ! For the cure of liver Com plaints, Jaundice; Dyspepsia, Incipient Con sumption, and General Debility, Weakness of the Spine, aad all Nervous and Debilitating Derangements of the whole system. Por sale by Dr. J. D. Hojl A Bro., Bain- bridge, Ga. meb27 25 3m 1869. 1869. SPRIN G3TR ADE. LATHROP&CO. SAVANNAH, GA. tkf PULP ask the attention of Merchants to their W LARGE STOCK of SPUING ft.SUMMER DRY GOODS Boots, Shoes and Hats, WLvmtwmwm MRS. MARY J. REYNOLDS, R ESPECTFULLY informs the ladies of Baiubridgc and vicinity, that she lias just received a beautiful and carefully selected stock of Goods, equal, if not superior, to any ever brought to this city. Her rnw styles of SPRING AND SUMMER HATS, AND RICH AND TASTY DRESS PATTERNS, 7?.:koc-2, Laces, Ribbons, Collars, kt, k ABE ALL ANY ONE COULD DESIBE . St- Call and see her at once, before her supply is exhausted. Especially her old patrons should not delay to call. Bainbridge, April 25, 1868. 27 tf NO CASE, HOWEVER OBSTINAT^ CAN RESIST ITS HEALTH- GIVING PROPERTIES. PYEAFUGEj CREATES AN API’ETITE, BRINGS COLfCj TO THE CHEEK'S OF THE EMACUTOI AND STRENGTH TO T1IE FEEBLlf Every Bottle Sold is Accom-i panied by a Guarantee of Itsj Efficacy. Asttama Cored! GREAT southern remedy ! J&'Holloway’b Asthmetic Sybep, for tbe permanent cure of Asthma. This is a Southern remedy, end eea be relied aeon as entirely worthy of confidence, being a vegetable ireparation aad tree from all bumbuggery. It is only recommended for the cure of Asthma, although it might be beneficial in removing some other diseases. For sale, wholesale aad retail, by J. D. Hoyl A Bro, Bainbridge, Ga. Now in Store to which daily additions are made. CASES PRINTS and GINGHAMS, FANCY Lawns mud BAREGES, “ BLEACHED SHEEHNG8 and SHIRTINGS, LINEN DRILLS and BROWN DUCKS, “ COTTONADE3 and STRIPE, “ TWEEDS and KENTUCKY JEANS. BALES BROWN SHEETINGS and SHIRT INGS. “ “ and BLUE DEMINS “ PLAID and .STRIPED HOME SPUNS, “ SHIRTING STRIPES and TICKS, - WHITE and STRIPED OSNA- BURGS. CASES BOOTS and SHOES, - MEN’S WOOL HATS, - STRAW HATS. “ LADIES’ " “ feb20 20 60daya NOTICE. OFFICE FLEMING A RUTHERFORD. ) Bainbridge. Ga., Dec. 18, 1867. J S ubscribers to t he stock of the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Company are hereby notified that the subscription lists have been placed in our hands for collection. Subscri bers will please take notice that the first in stallment of 20 percent fell due on the 20th of November last, and that installments of 20 per cent will continue to fall dne on the 20th of each month until the subscription is exhausted. Subscribers will please come forward without delay and pay the install raents now due and as thev fall dne FLEMING A RUTHERFORD. dec21-tf Attorneys for A. A G. R. Co. A BRADY & CO. deale rs AND Bainbridge, Ga. to sell low for Cash. * guarantee frie^^e^r^sT" O0 “ 8n Maaonio. mee ‘ ta * g °“ G*. PEARCE, .Secretary. Jan23tf TO LAND OWNERS. THE QUALITY, LOCALITY AND VALUATION OF LAND REPORTED. F OR the purpose of facilitating the disposal *°d purchase of Laodtio this section, and thereby promote emigration from abroad loan unsurpassed agricultural region of the Sonth, the subscribers hare consented to aid Land E™?" *° «f~rtain the Qhality and Loealky of Landslymg in the coonties attached totheirsever- al names Tbey act independently of each other, and should be .ddreased individually by persona owning lands in the eonntieseach one represents. lands he remote, and mere than ordinary trou ble is incurred m preparing a reliable report; in P” c "«. however, will more than Fifteen Dollars be charged. The regular fee must invariable accompany tbe order to report 7 Thomas AHen, Newton, Ga., will report lands lying in Baker, Dougherty and Calhoun counties. Joseph J. Bradford, Camilla, Ga- will report lands lying in Mitchell, Worth apd Thomas counties. Tlic-proprietor of the PYUAFIKJEchillfflpiI every case, no matter of bow long slnndinz.t-1 try this GREAT CHILL and F.-.VER L'CKtj and then deny its wonderful curati c proper!:. 1 . ’ ASK FOR LIFPMMSl PYRAFTJGEj AND GET RID ( F THAT miserable disease, CHILLS & FEV1] For sale, at Wholesale,by the Sole Manofac for tbe United States, by JACOB lipped; PROPRIETOR OF UPPMAN’S WHOLESALE DRUG Ml Savannah, Ga. KAYTON’S OIL OF lalFEl CURES ALL Milt MB AiSliaj AHD IS THE Great Rheumatic Rem^‘ KAYTOiri PILLS —CURE— SICK HEADACH* AND ALL BILLIOVB DISEASES, j Legal Notices. . R ” l '® n ' Bainbridge, Ga., will report lands lying la Decatur and Miller counUes. P. S. Neither of the parties is engaged in land speculation, or in speculations of any sort, and bonce, their reports will be disinterested and reliable. ' lcb6-69-18-6m Application for Dismission- I GEORGIA. MITCHELL COUNTT--^ J months after date I will apply Honorable the Conrt of Ordinary of * jj, ell county for Letters of Dismis«ion frp ^ Administration of tlie Estate of o- f Ailvain late of said county, , Dec5-9-6m T. J. JOBSBDV-J£> GEORGIA—Baker Countt. O N the first Monday in July next, ?/Sii»- • ! effrie» will apply to the Court or ^ ry of said eounty for letters of dis B, ’ s the administration of Zaehariah R°®, ,’ E u deceased. TH0S. Jan 4. 1869-Am D 1 0nh£Z- /^EOBGIA. Mimat Coron.-SiiV VF date M. V. Newberry, Admini"”*" estate at Daniel Hester, deceased, mil * Hon to the Court of Ordinary of Letters of Diamiaaion from said estate. «^iy. Oct 31et-dm Wa. B. GEORGIA, BAKER COUNT^? months after the date of this Brunson will apply to the Court of p Baker eounty for letters of m**!’ administration of Keddin Richardson. - March 1,1869. J0RNP. BBQ mcb27 25 6m -