The Bainbridge argus. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1856-1871, May 15, 1869, Image 3
lainbrSg* me. t ’ , °’ ( A 1 ' . ,.,. . ,, this office is rVKl^ r,c N.C OF *« Stosbwfu. F» Co - Fria,J«F.i. 0.ed.y tortta. —? * T'i tTbfSiUUe tbeStouowall^i , Savafffiah Advertisements- x'he great in<*?*• r * ua ‘T* K3£m£*& etc.. Sou^ad^- CASH ' to VovU ** D. W. ,er ° r , . it will be creditable. ' ' ' Dry-Goo Hsr.^^CHILL&PEVEllipl we do not believe a more suitable j ; R goodsandgr-* Dry-Goods and Groceries- ws^iaaasftajss , - -Tw Hon- D- " ' '^TcimK I ini,is .Oil nf.^ i;he«uiatL-=ui jiiiJ i st!ie . fo:m 1 __ ilU> C - ;: icr,rt r ,m whr! EXPELLEE! .. ltnvs and their friends,; -\ e uopu nv . . . . * vorable to the Hoys and tiieir friends, Z\ allow them a day of re. reauon, and pleasure; such a ouo «* lmg | er long among their sweetest recolec-1 tU Lei allof our. citizens lend their ■ influence to the anticipated happy j ^ time. i wwi™“» 1W “ T" rM . T i..mwsviffi’ 1-j 1 ‘ , w-Eiin.-—The best tests of the merits of our Smi'Kv-S'- ’ of j y proprietary article is to ascertain 1 , a the ncx t issue «■* l }8 wf it at home where it „ ! is manufactured, such a test Lippman s 0lU ! Pyrafuge can Weil stand, as to-day it s x •’ ° . . fnv ohi K | »• uwmo >•*< o -- — I i^A’SSfSW^ ASSETTS OVEU 85.000,000 0: 3'd 1 X<i bidhi >» «X ON • * g\rr,z^-~~ i—-- —; 91 Buy St., Savauuali, | anJ 1 A wtt.ettr. - - - - Manager, T J TOMLI.VSO.V, dealer in »tapl« »™>■ *“«* Ary- J yr HB RE TOLICIH. M j T”DAVIS k CO., wholewle and r((lt , - I j-Vdn-gsxu.eroce^^. „ ; HHtiial Distiuctive Feature- | ooliKN, dealer Crdr>-po.Ml* rad arneems, . 1 ; M ! r - - Zi . Them ’ ” IS IN TACT A I i DIVIDENDS A N X IT AL FROM q!MOStWOMFUL|JSSs«^ .T a r^T-\ here it | \ 7T_ . drv good. and grace- ; >-[0 ext*™ charge for captains nt boa . or 1 — ■ ■ ■■/**TTT? Ts -w ^ IIftp* ft\. dealer 111 ary g u ® iXI . * ‘ T,, a «es naid . w»~u. ♦ oa A (St pesvejh curb ON account of this INSTANT REMEDY MAKING A CURE- • ‘ GIVING PROPERTIES. i .1 corner clay and inaAdt etreei^ ... . . | rTiiS^S. denier in dry good, and gmee- , •(J li - --■•G-Srnad strc<a. ; u 0-1 bird oll'rt-miuiils may remain or Cr., if Boot Makers. ■ ^•n^ A-cot "f tbis company lieinj; crlnliliFlied i . V v' nm-T boot and.boe maker. IUpairtab' i in B ai..'l.ridge. pcrc-n-inauringin : h 1 S‘.|rv. , ^™T-i"S55«3 : ’ T. M. ALLEN, Agent. 11 J UPSON A BUTTS, M. b.. of 1 their stores as to be without this popu- icntion o{ thu V ZL route i--f-m.l deservedly so) remedy. It is a ■ l lU mk<«, Stcwatt COlin,J ’ entire system, thereby mv lg ora mg the ' 1 evstem so much so as to enable it to ,1, '' i '-v-^ ^Ve’throw off disease. Pyrafuge does not ,i:sM. K Duv-ihious t o I nauseate or sicken the patient and can —- ‘ ' ‘w pyr a FTJ Crlil CREATES AX APPETITE, BRINGS COLOR llUlO'V WU *1 PR1* M to rtil Al I *-*A 1 A U, nauseate' or sieken the patient and can i TJ1E cHEl-KS' OF THE EMACIATED i l,e taken by the most delicate persons STRENGTH TO TI1E FEEBLE. I ithout fear. It should always be at j ‘ •.- — • " - ’ " 1 f—'or ereen UDOll US : BottlC SOl<l IS A.CCOH1 Drugs, Medicines, &c. tTiIwIuDF-TX. druggist andkpidheeary, east aide i con^r lioase square, broad streeU ^ i tThOTI, & BKO., dealers in drugs, ine<U- Ddnes Sue,art£iS/perfumery, etc., soatfi- broad street. — Saddlesand Harness. T iolUV-dealer saddles, harness, b'ridles and J leather, west street. WltUOUl lL-alS. --- * — v. - . ,,... t lul „d as chills and fever creep upon us , , v should lint fad to *n 1 1 ... i of ns 1 mkt n°t '' . 'l te-ilthily that we are not aware of its ; ,„. ir stock and “-'St the merits o . • j ^ n 3 iitil it is upon us. A word | Ex. Physician. nichl3 23 Sin VTOELGAINEY A CO , dealers in sadiUcs, hridlcs, N ltruess, Ac., east water street. __ Painters. tuhlishvaellt. oils disorders. ; T ,i llm-ixess--" e Wl11 1,11 ahsiTiptin'is to this old and i-il iUlion.and hcHiy sol.cit SOSUMIUIDJ . -j approach until it is upon us. A woul to Hie wise is sufficient^ tf . N\v VNNAH Mr.DICAIi ColAF.OE. IVc lmve received the Annual Announcement £iVttiy Jjumv-... - paniedby a Guarantee of Its Efficacy. ; The proprietor of the PYR AFUGE challenges m> matter of how long standing, to every case, no matter <> » . ton streets. tITjACkSoN. house, sign, and carriage pamb r, J over T. 13. Huunewell & co broad street. Milliners and Dressmakers. o S f* ^.1 AV AND Mai w a™* * 140 CONGRESS: i 51 .ST.JULIAX.S1S,, lU « - •' j V ft. 1 . ?«<’<] )< > mAH «. , GBORGiA. it : n < iu on v line that ltripOi’t olirWare ““r^rp^r^ t superior inducements to dc»lei,s* feV20 20 3m have received the Annual Announcement j cvcr y , LL aIld F "vER CURE. ^ NOU ^, of the .Savannah Medical College, - (‘O ' wo „derfu>curate cproperties, j wrnc rwater anderawfordsWeets. Session of 1809-70, from which we see j and j — d that some Of the most distinguished j A SK TOR ! corner of brqughton and claysts^ . i i n Mud that somoni — - w ., M, Y •; n p It is pul.- j names in the State are connected with ” <1( ,J i,v!u.oF„»iu; U''“., Hc • i 1 New \')H, , K Jiid . son aull Dr. Id- D. Arnola. 1 3 rs. Palme.'- The following will interest those who j §1,2.1 per year. u * | u , (lesire to avail themselves of the , T? A 1Y U GrJ±< ih- Tv Parsons here-I advantages offered by this institution: X JL . REQUISITES OF GRADUATION. , 1st. The candidate must be of good moral character, and twenty-one years : of age. ' , . „ o Ho must have attended two full j courses nf Medical Lectures in a regular chartered institution of good standing, | the last of which must have been in the Sit van nab Medical College. 3. He must present to the Faculty a i “ TT a PiuKiVsS fuehiouable milliner ami j W^^makcu eerner'ofbroughton cud elny^te- _ Attorneys at Law. US her patrons that she will uiinii to Flitting lvufiles Puffs asTrimin-json Thursday .of ,.,k. Those wishing sut ‘ii will oblige her by. send- mi i lie .laysabove mentioned. 3th. 1SI>9. tr - . AXD GET RID OF THAT JSISEKABLE DISEASE, _T7: miX(; ^.RUTHERFORD, attorney* Et la "'- 0f ‘ F L Ser J A /hats ^o'^ug store__ i JTvsipuFLL ,fc GUBI.F.Y, attorney, at law and sol- i f in court 1muse. j T7i7v .V CRAWFORD, attorneys at law. Office ^ j O courthouse. i tVr mTFLVY&BOXAL'SOX. Attorneys at | 1 Y 0ffi.eein Sauboru’d Block, BiougU- s. S. MILLEK, Dealer in Miikosaiiv, Walnut, and Fine 1 ;ix:b >'• MilH/: // French ami Cuttage Fhamher Sets ! toll Jlreet. Miscellaneous. diaise, with notice given | , s : issue- vve infe-riu the sit t) linine <-m he had of Is A ,’.v f r GO per 1 scisiin for this ntesheire is | toil we ~nrge it'l who need I O. ne ■«“»» i , For sale, at Whn’essile.hy ,licSoleMsi.nii..ittn.or | Thesis written by himself on some Med- l for the ETulrt-1 >!«'<-'• h ' j h-s.T subject by Dm first of • February j ' nrevious to the commencement. ; 1„ case the candidate be not re -om tended to the degree of Deetorof Med- tbe l I»U««I , if t „ tiu* fit-out* oi wte _. . -«'w f » \T i umvurVblock, upstairs, >T A COB Lll 1M i;. H. Smith’s stc , iu’ity. Office iu mthUiroail street. nflVr tiieir prol'esaioiial •;«aiubii-.lg<-au,lvie:mty. store. DBS. (’A. PARSONS, FASHION ABLE in AND TOOKING-GIaASSES. MATTRESSES to OHl>E»- 157 BROUGHTON STREET. SAVANNAH. GEORGIA TlsT^VCLISTILiD 1840. .. . : -i, * * T i7 d ^ r 1 if.l , , . , l '" j Seine, lie will be entitled to n ex- . ,jue silttl Iny ill | lllIlilllltion , at the. expiration ol six. cheap- lot is dis- 1 ; months. rit.-.riKKTor. , ex- . laIPPMAN’S DrSwcr^^"^ six WHOLESALE Mil! llOi-^E, ■ w < s-,m:ns. o,^,<*«* SI fit ■&K. ^ K. TU jtl., .v * i COR. BROUGI1T0X k CLAY STS., v.t. ‘ jewelry. ic;i! instnim rH.VKOIW. ct lives.. ! For eourse of L: ' Matrieulalion , ’’ - I Dissecting Ticket (paid mice onh). Suvamisi!', «»• , UM atisaoN a o Ilainbi idg-o by Dr. J A IJt'iTS A A.*;J mid faiuiiy griAerici ■ t!if at'eu’ion of tin- Soutu- pul.he to the new ad , elsewhere, of Messrs. A. A. j Diploma •• ” j | M " This old, reliable | " c Xir ._ 0lir city w.u» the seen-| sine-id is Ubertdly j on p^p.y of last week of one of those j :,m ‘ 1 ’ ' st.-rn I l.api.v gatherings which the institiilion ; ; ,,U, ::‘ rn ■' u,a ^ well I of kill schools has made common of j \1 l-.ovidi, and is ■ , . V eai-s Our good people, having. — westward towards this place, were to | i-mal Vablistiing Company, of onl . town on the 7 th, made snch j ;.... are informed that any pub- {preparation for their reception as the nutating front tlie pen of snch U,Award A. Vollavd cut reeeiv tenauce front ns in any way We are surprised that any do company or individual would For sal K.AV TON'S Cl)., dealers in ronfoeUouerks soutb-bi ‘>ad stmt- | , 'jewisBOHB. barber ami hair ,U esc, r. bread <t..’ nroujiiuiu'u »oA — - i limited time would permit. The ground ninth of the M. E. Church was neatly j cleared up and prepared with a rostrum, j tables, Ax-., dc., while the matter of -■I - - | refreshments was not l>y an J means drunken lucubrations of | oVer i l4U ked. The day was a fine one— neither too hot uov too cool—the streets ~ ^ 7TT, tll ! were uotdustv, and everything favorable taiu.i:.—\t e learn that tuiung ■ to enjoyment that provideutial circum stances could afforl. About eleven of the clock, the train arrived, bearing perhaps the largest amount of human freight ever brought to Bainbridge. It was thought that no less than twenty-five hundred persons were upon the ground at the time • f eating. It was, doubtless, owing to hxi ; unexpected number that such confusion prevailed in the formation of the pro cession in the distribution of the abun dant supplies, and that the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad so signally failed in fnrn- j T '» A.-l . __ ■ i J under Kxcbimgv »!•« 0 IW8J • IAS WATT, lim-tbsil l|iT !^ i | 3p'] l j J pC-t-ds. mumuuitmn. efa.., wt.t CURES ALL i?MBS £33® At2kS»; and is the Great Rheumatic Remedy. KAYTON S PIDDS —CURE— SICKHEADACHE AND ALL and dealer in guns, btrcct. T u »r\I)FUS0.V ,V CO., furniture dealers. 1 E ^^’u^lstvrers f A ImriaU-asvs always <m lmud-vor.jtvst*w 1 I OUKARMSTRONG,carpentersmdeoaper.soli-.- | \j iKttronage. Shop on .-larkostreet. i I I AD.VH.St, capenter, broad Strt-vt. Sdii its p.d I J ronatce. Commi ts, promptly executed. T, uow opening a large and well selected »*- s ,. r n,ie..t or Spring and Summer good. .nmh m Ladies’ lluts, lionnets, n ’ , NuW .r t *iml must approve i Puiisi.m a 11 Y ,' <tvle< Also elegantly trimmed Patterns r, the la.esiami most reliable *»yle. <d rcccivi °s th ° ,atcj ' PARISIAN DESIGNS, iire such as will after d the choicest selections ' Y '; m m C J ,, ;;mt Ul rew"upmMhe accuracy of her .kill in cutting dresses according to the most i rri< «b*’v nf la hit»n and elegance. !Uh Needles imported expressly for her trade. tainmg cO . <<- Medicines, Chemicals, tailing by ;„ a c , e gant skirts are .l L r c ’ *: : ' ■*” I ur S. ROBElisON & CO., dealers in I “"bilDv. and ean be worn 1* KiSSS. ^ I I 3. COOPER, dealer iu country produce, fresh J the r•!Ua'Lra Vl,m 1»F R ?rfsaa‘S&«saJSJSliS ,i/-SWn',l calcbration. in this > Till inst., a company of tneu n got up a dance in the City buriesqueing the isiun, and demonstrating the ttion of the times. We regret iridge should be thus trifled ler reputation tarnished by a 1 people, at a time when she eh at stake. We ean assure ns churches, whose Sunday- hlron were entrusted to the tig of our citizens, that the i these revellers met with no ee from the good people of “0 tempiint ! 0 mons/” BIIXIOUS DISEASES, Fib fi 1 soft - lJ ‘-"'-‘TT; r.”«i '^'mu^kcpncal.drhmrsopcri.uity.oer^n. orcss-umkiug mall of its J «>••<-f i-tg and fluting of all varieties m the^ patronage in the Mtara *h« Riinbrlto. Apnl ID. lhbtf. /a rt r\TY —Six mouths nfter elate , EOUGIA kftT« nrLC< r. ^ (lf0rUnary ofsnd *s AC., A---— I ' u „,. t y for Ifctt.NS of diHiHLssionfrom tbe estate of c7 GLOVER & t'O.. Butchers a<-d Dealer.- ; gjj^jp x I mnrttli ___ T iiduvxer dealer in tine wines, liquors, W-ga7sI7.X,: corner broad, amlwatcr^trect- ITT A B. CRAWFORD, blacksuritbs. Patronage solicited. Shop on cast water street.^ •m-cn'-'l (1\INKY A CO., Wholesale a <> T ~ ^ tail dealers in ready-made, ca.-M- mc es Ac., Ac . East Water street.. pebfumSrT,soaRj,, ART jclfa ■ . 1 ’ A ' Nr "y^g Is i I ES. BRUSHES, A-c, Ac. „„„.l tl ,*,r W p,r,s«c» oro«.i ( i.s.«- a.. Tl „ « »•. ' . W,IO, ..^ , * rI f > ^p^ SAVA5NAU, GEORGIA tidc’ncc ofthcpnhhC; | ’ - poNnuFS.S A>*I» WHITAKER STREETS, . w{ ,, 2 fi IsftS-lKrfam _ i.cral portion «•»» I C'WvXER CO*sta*A Market Sqnnrec ; s enjoyed ill the past.-I j lUt ii^t,..Pe3]»Ahyj gj| ;7~. ~T n j .j/wsti 1 - [SUCCESSORS TO JOHN MCMAHON & CO.l Yl’Holfsalr NO. 101 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA fcbfto 2<> Cm L P.K limiiLU .U. 1UC iiis well known and popu- , Col. C. \Y. Hancock, on the largely increased pat- he paper, has asso-iated i its management, Messrs, rter,Titos. A. Graham and eilv, the first nam d tnk- 5t. of Associate Editor, teemed have onr best J in country prwdnc 14 T WEATHERS. Proprietor of Roarduu. [{ House, Corner Clay A PlanterMUf^J, o^J-ELSON A HONE, Eating house. Ilrough- THOMA-S M. ALLEN, WITH bainbridge, ga.; AND AGENTS FOR COLQUITT & BAGGS, Cotton'Factors & Commission Mer chants, SAVANNAH, GA (i 1,11. tv for lett'.s oi ; | Eli Sapp, lab-of said county, c-ecta* H ' ALT _ Adm - r . march 6-6 in j I «i JOHN M. COOPER & CO J Corner Whitaker A- St. Julian Sts., savass.-.h. ga | Wi.„tfsalt an l lt-tail Daahrs in SAMUEL f DEALER IN jl\ CHARI.BS KtLlS THUS. H- AUSTIN. _ Gulf Railroad so signally failed in turn- j ett vclks i - *'«'*• ishinga comfortable transportation to. AUSTIN & 1 i’. tiieir beautiful and profitable load. ! (jCliei'al CoiBIIliSSion MCl'ChafltS. Matters were not arranged as well as! SAVANNAH, GA. kr IIkitrucan.—Tbe pro- iAlmy sometimes are ou occasions of the J „ u l make advances .... consignments r kind, either by conductors on the rotid \V ooltm. or other produce for «de *i . - or by the committee in town. Neverthe-j for shipment to our Nortnern an , _ Libcra , advanc es on Cons’.g ments. when less, the schools reached here in safety, ^^^"(f^iubridge to Messrs. TUr.i-.tT A , ie S _____ — if not in comfort, and were met by the . yy-., novT^D^ teachers and scholars of our own various I ■ churches, and conducted to the ground. Here they were welcomed iu a very neat j “CHURCH OF THE STRANGERS, and appropriate speech from Colonel j ’ NEW YORK. • Fleming, which was lespouded 'to by ; . ^ t0 the city of Kaw Yoik arc in- Colonel Peeples. * ? j V ^^ ^17 equally appropriate manner- L u 7. s«uare, at lui A. M, am CORNER CONGRESS AND WHITAKER STS.. SAVAMIAIl. , ter Republican probably ;est .circulation of any pa- thrvestem Georgia ; and nrs, we presume, :u’o da- t business of any of ns. [NINE! J PEU BOTTLE,- L. BUTTS & CO’S. equally appropriate manner. °“ e "wadititston Sn uare - at '°i A - M ’ an .'' oh.™** »«*> i-inf. occasion, which was joined iu by about at s ( u( #r 1Vo:ld>vay . ru „. a thousand voices. After this, came the ^. vgU<n Square,.m the east snle of hour for dinner, and if all the httle 1 uf ''ftbecity and tbe main improve elnef business ,., m eentrattng near it. bv ment- g'Oiig “» * . M Hi«hed, twelve Tea s ago. w“- e on”tbe" nbutbs of .he eity ; it is now in lb.- very „/^ j, R0 y YX A SON,^ Jan9.1869-14-lj the east side of hour for dinner, and if aU the f^ le ! ^ 7.ta “hy'-YnH months were not filled, and some o e cjimm ,._, r , ru „ from the d.o.r of Tirtl larger ones, it was not for ™ nt o( Avenue Hotel, to "‘•^JS^r^ abundant provisions for as many more , lh ^,. N^ ^ as were present, but because we l ad p,»ce. and f vv«t one ^ hardly “got the hang” of umnsgtug • e Stranger, things on so large a scale. "^-dia. welcome Ot. the whole, the of the .The of strangers, dav did not pass off as well as we oonM le. tbem aMress Hm a^note^y have desired, still, the beauty of the ; ’ p ih.. , ...linrafw rnauv charming N. Y.. am.l" w. ruacb bun ?tr>n _ sweet [RIREl It CHILBRKN. k. BUTTS tfcCO’S. Btmcan & Johnston COTTON FACTORS, OF ALL, KINDS, Copying and Seal Proves, Ren Knivc, News'and Book Printing Paper . AND INK, ■ Gold Pens. Pen and Pencil Cases, Ledser, Writing and Colored ° . papers of aU kinds aiul siznsfnr Blank andM <Tork ruATWe. visiTmo ATO peih- may h l&zny — 5 IN BANKRUPTCY. * , 1,1 %£trlL C ^Lfu DM ^ of Georgia- r rK r ;,t.,oher T deGraffcnricd. [n the matter of Christopher x rJEUEBY U borcercd bydm Den. Frank- rj_ S. He-'la'one. " ,.f the Creditors luiucy. That ibcsec-.-d meetin. c ' ‘ V( j( ^ - n - f on the 2Stk day ot May 1S69, Bainbridge. Geo., at 6 o’clock a. B tWITT Y, Assignee. .LS<£&i%-£SS£r-%r in the ahove stA.ed ease. May 1. 186S-30^« A SV Ilmrwo dav* 5 the'meeting of so many charming 57’wn-’ faces, a ^ of the good things that were prepared, the bright robes of-gin- help f-j ot the Stranger,” - - • at. .a DlilTP fflo- * _ «.j'paf j V Y nous old spring that seemed more glo- ^ Kev . D ,. DEEMS. NT A ■ „ rions than ever on that day, compensateul • ^v^meutoAnd , that we did not enjoy. ' On- out an-1 r*-•» iv lorn ^oon, s 3 ii a a ssi © 0 US S3SIIT3. S-\VANNnH> GKO- goKTiVra NOTICE. A 30s P e ^":;* d t;o C rTa"ymg ; "n anyTul A 'rnrn'ef-iou iu the ei.y of Bainbridge ro '***\ ^ .if* xi to come forward and take **ut hereby"» - ^ y C ar, commencing May license for Uiu w«o c J K c ocOTT, 1-'- , !k.i Treasurer. iuavl*2t — Cl«v,|.l.i" «.rrt»ld*» 6 ' l*”"”“ Ul superb assortment.) b.lterwflre. ^ ' T . • ’ Wheeler k Mibon’s Kelseless Uwhstiteh . ahv aa a wo-uo >~-w -«»"*-8- ^ ’ m4 „, LT oN t ash i«.id f<^OI i Stiver. . . . .. S>. P- HAMILIO- ian!) 14 *^9 poNTlNTK °lt f '.n"r‘.! ELE iANT SUMMER. SUITS o d-'P-ns *t the CUWns- .tore the t auJ U ill be pre- j aD J for sale Cke»I>- ^JS^”D. | WELG 1 .v. .. n.i isrts—so—*y ; MNF.Y A CO.