The Bainbridge argus. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1856-1871, November 27, 1869, Image 1
4 A SELXGZ0O6 AND SSCULAfi N1WSPATES. VOLUME X. BAlNBRiDGE, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 27, 1869. NUMBER 9. Jhf &»taW4ge §rjus U'lf LIS M. BUSSELL, tom 4eb, ' lt *L “ t and hones, disorder* of the tiooi ot the thr * ^ nnpara |l e led success, proitrst* g an “’ admiration and astonish- eitiieos, but of the mediwl fseo'tJ- , m . le an d female, married or singli Pititnts—. ncC) i nc o„«id«r«tene*s or isferiog fr0 “ f t assu rcd of the samS leal, as- dpuiare, anJ atter ,tii.n being paid to ddmtjr, heretofore ba» so successfully their MW!IWDII H in bis pec= lUr department diiliognuhea • Tt) osfi suffering from old 0 f ffl r.die»' P ra leases or the sad effects of ,nd coop"** 1 : ulh whose cases have been lofocitU"®*1 * d by the wilful deprav- protraetedo nce of , nc dical pretenders, it j ot hut's" * j Medicated vapor, elec- *" n<1 r'.Ur huh! administered when neccs- <"'• *“ " fidential consultations, in person or „rr. Con8 . Iedic j ne j sent anywhere. No fc - rW ^ r ’ ^Lenu f drugs'used. Cures war- ajerenry or n. *£> jgJ Third s( > fee t. Green Bi.d r *" ,eJ ; n ., r ',hc postoffice, Louisville, Ky. "T/l to 7 e. it.; Sundavs, 10 a. if. OSct hours 9 *• • 10 !8fi9-40-ly to 12«. - CITY DIRECTORY. Dry Goods. R OCKWELL & WEST, dealers in staple and fancy dry-goods, etc., South-Broad stnet. Dry-Goods and Groceries. A A. ALLEN & CO.. Dealers in Drygoods and Groceries, at Vaughn A Gibson’S old stand, Cornfcr Broad and Broughton Streets. B. HUNNEWELL A CO., wholesale and retail dealers in dry-goods and groceries, broad street j. BERRIED OLIVER, tettsa Factor and General Commlsatoa MwHi.nt, S*M #»r street, Savannah, Ga. ubenl raadecc consignments of cotton, wool, hide*. he. Prompt personal attention to all orders, planter* mpplied with bagging, rope and ties, at !ow**fit market rates. ^ ^'ert, Agent at BamUridge, Ga. Srpl4Mf R ) ElD k l'?,oX wholesale and retail dealers in dry- goods ana groceries, at Baggs’ corner, broad — 7^—r. —- ** — ■ * A FjATTEftSON k McNAHt, dealers in drygoods and ■f - ay^rf^b^Twgdl side j|np|^b^ye (Hgnapa, ‘ 1* ' i Htnutk it’TI, J J. TdMLtAStl.^.iieaier fn staple and fancy dry- (J goods, boots, aboest hardware, fine liqno. s, Ac., south aide court boose square, broughton street. jiotesale and retail grocer it; east Water street. DAVT8 k CO., wholesale and retail dealers ib dry-goods, groceries, etc., east water street. B elchebs t TERRELL, derferq liytfftjMgb, groceries, stoves, tinware, etc:, east water etreet. J .B. HELMS, grocer and. commission merchant, corner clay and market streets. . . ._ " S. HOPcON, dealerin dry good* and" groce ries, south-broad street. E^c Boot Makers. HIATT, boot and shoe maker, neatly executed. West street. Repairing w T. SJflTU, boot and shoe maker. Repairing promptly and skilfully executed. East water st. Drags, Medicines, &c. T R. WARDELL, druggist and apothecary, east side court bouse square, broad etreet. D R. .V. 1). HOYL k BRO., dealers in drugs, medi- eines, toilet articles, perfumery, etc., south- broad street. ;A1 PLANTATION BITTERS This wonderful Vege table restorative is thd sheet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among stomach- ifc& As a remedy for the nervous weakness id which women are cspec* tally subject, it is supciMlhg overy other stimulant; In ail climates, tropical, tem perate or frigid; it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which, undermines the bodily strength and breaks floiVil the animal spirits. Wherever it is intro duced it becomes a standard article—a me dicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, hha the most popular medicine in the civilized worn—he sure and get tab genuinei Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. Saddles and Harness. BORA’, dealer in saddles, harness, bridles and leather, west street. N OEL GAINEY k CO , dealers in saddles, bridles, harness, Ac., east water street. Painters. house Andi ton streets. ,Jf, jiUlfi fftiti Otmttfcelltal r; conior Broad an brough- ’. J a CKSON. house, sign, and carriage pointer, over T. B. Htumbfrell A co’s, broad street. Milliners and Dressmakers. i,.,. al. J. rUOfROLlW, fashionable yulljhpr and dressmaker, corner water and crawford streets.- I RS. C. A. PARSONS, fashionable milliner and itrefcstnSker. corner of broughton and clay sts. CITY ADVERTISEMENTS- B. f. BIT! d CO, BEAT. ESTATE BfUMUIME, THEY WILL BUY OR SELL ANY LAND IN SOUTHWESTERN OR SOUTH ERN GEORGIA. THEY WILL SELL, BUY OR’ RENT? ANY PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE. THEY WILL INSURE AnY'PROPERTY AGAINT LOSS BY FIRE. THEY WILL INSURE THE LIVES OF EVERYBODY IN GEORGIA. Attorneys at Lavh . A LLEN & HINE3,.Bttorneys at law, office over the store of J. P. OicKiuson k r. Cb„ soutb-broSd .street. pLEMING k RUTHERFORD. atVdrneys at law. Of fice over J. A. ntts J: co’s dr ug store. AMP BELL A- GURLEY, attorney? it law and sol- eJiuK\ Office in court house. S ll6i J: ORAWpOUD, attorneys at law. Office in court house. W " ItlTKI-FY A DON.ALSON. Attorneys at Lair. Office in Shntoru’s Block, Brough ton street. Misceiiahedhi: I ^ MERY JOHNSON, dealer in stoves, tinware, house-furnishing goods, &bi, south-bfoad street. D R. E. J. jVORG.AN, otters his professional Services to the citizens of the city and vicinity: Office in Bower’s block, np stairs, soUth-broad street. HRS. FARR Aft k JONES, offer their professional V services to the citizens of Bsmbridge and vicinity: Office over E. H. Smith’s store. iR. M. L. BATTLE, snrgeon dentist Office over I Rockwell & West’s store, south-broad street. C. SCBF.RS. dealer in watches, clocks, jewelry, musical instruments, etc., west street. J P. DICKINSON & CO., dealers in confectioneries and family groceries, south-broad street. m ly EWIS ROBB, barber and halt dresser, broad st. i under Exchange saloon. oet Hr — Qroov&r, Stubbs « Co. COTTON PACTORo AND Commission Merchants, bay STREET; SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. f . E. Groever, . T1I Ssranssh. Ga T - Mae in tyre, *13 c. F ctakk. q Tbomasville, Ga. iliir^Ssvsnnsh. Ga. 6m J AS WATT, practical gunsmith, and dealerin guns, pistols, ammunition, etc., west street CALX. AND SEE THEM office: BROUGHTON STREET, . OPPOSITE COCHT HOUSE. JjTitf IISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. stock change of Seiiednle. -o»- GOODS I 20 Stripes. . W Pieces Gflura^us GinghanrJSbe^ks."' Pieces Columbus Factory Jeans' and Track for Trowscra. r sale by BABBIT & WARFIELD CF.,) -! Land and Town Lots FOR SALE ! GREATEST BARGAIN EVER OF FERED IN DECATUR!! I OFFER my FLINT RIVER FARM for sale, at a great sacrifice. It cost me fire thousand dollars before the war; contains 150 acres lavd, more or less, and s-ven or eight town lot* on the south west boundary. Sa d land extends from the city limits to Tonge’s Factory, on the Flint river, a distance of one mile. About one hundred neres open land on the place—no improve ments. Al£b, fifre hundred dollars’ woyth of seasoned lumbor. co.isistjng of Weather t5.iading,*Ceiling, Flooring, iStc. Apply to novl.3 3m M. N. SCOTT. "1. t) SMYTHB & CCX, IMt*OUTERS OF • • CROCKERY; i Wm and €hina, Axti Dr.Ai.r.fes is GEN’L SUPEKIXTENbF.St’SOFFICF., Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, SaVasnau, Nov. 6th, 1869. 0 57 and after SUNDAY, the 7th instant. Passenger Trains on this Ro:id frill run as follows, commencing with the 4.20 F. M. Train i NIGIIT EitPRfiSS fliAl^S. Leave Savannah (Saturdays except ed) af.: t.SGf m Arrive at Baihbridge (Sundays ex cepted) at ,.6.15 a tc Arrive at Live Oat (Sundays ex cepted) at- 2.20 a m Arrive at Jacksonville, Sundays ex cepted,at 7.02 a m Arrive at Tallahassee at 7.07 a m Airive at Quincy ati 9.16 a m Leave Quincv, Saturdays excepted, at 6-25 a m Leave 'lallahassee, Saturdays ex- 8 25 p m Leave Jacksonville, Saturdays ex cepted, at 8 30 p m Leave Live Oak, Saturdays except ed, at .....1.28 am Leave Bai nbridge, Saturdays except ed. at 9.30 p m Arrive at Savaunabjjuuday sexcept ed, at. 10.50 a m DAY TRAIN. Leave Savannah,Sundays excepted, ' at 7.15 a TO Arrive at Live Oak, Sundays ex- cfeptbd, at... ........7.00 p m Leave Live Oak, Sundays ekeented, at 6.00 a in Arrive at Savannah, Sundays ex cepted, at >135 p tn PaSsengere for t-tations west of Lawton, on Main'Line, lake Express Train leaving Savannah at 4.30 p. m. Brunswick: train. Leave Savannah."Tuesday, Tliur* day and Satnaday. at 12.50pm Arrive at No. 6 (Junction) at.... 4.8a p m Arrive at Brunswick at. •**••• P m Leave Brunswick. Mohday, Wed- • nesday and Friday, at 12-50 p m Leave No 6 at 3.00p-m ’Arrive at Savannah ut 5.9.9 p m (1. S. HAINES. nnvl'Jlm GeHt'rhl Superintendent. i •*.- S9 :: INCORPORATED 185§. E J. HENDERSO.Vi CO., fumitnre dealers, cabinet niakft-s, lipholsterer.S and undertakers. Fisk B burial cases always fipholstererg .i always on hani A—cor. west and water sts. L OUIS ARMSTRO.VG, carpenter and cooper, soUc- patronage. Shop on clarke street. J L-. A DAMN: ,<aiPfnter, broad street. Solicits pat ronage. Conti acta promptly executed. W S. ROBERSON A CO., dealer* in fresh meats of descriptions, such as beef, veal, mutton, pork, kVd; tefe: Everyday. Cornerhroadand broughton sts. J. COOPER, dealer in cO&htry product, fresh meats, Ac., west street. W J. BRENNER, dealer In fine wines, liquors, segars, Ac., A , corner broad and water street*. W A B. CRA V FORD, blacksmiths. Patronage solicited. nop on eaet water street. NEW CASH STORE! *>r. BROUGHTON A WEST STS. Quick Sales! Small Profits! NOUB °4»tior^^i bl ? hmra * for the public ac- n. Where the buyer wiil be famished at how Rates for cash. I>RY GOODS! — AM D — groceries, FRUITS and confections, In quantities to soil PURCHASERS. flour, bacon, lard. Other*^rt.’s 0rMg **’ ^"di*** Raisons, and Call and n. «1°° B **** TnD * *o mention, sat Tt < , °®' or * purchasing elsewhere. J3 « ? m w h.-Sarttn. N t v . tall dealers in ready-made clothing, eassi- meres. Ac., Is , East Water street. T C. GLOVER A 00., Batchers and Dealers 6 in country produce, next door to Exchange aloon. Water street. R House, Corner Clap. A Planter’s streets. N ELSON A nONE, Eating house, Brough- ten street. - CAPITAL, - - - $350,000! j. F. BOZEMAN. Presidemt. D. F. WILLCOI, Secretary. _ J-:- C ONTINUES to fumish perfect security against loan or damage by fire on AU kinds of insurable prop erty at adequate rates, Agents can be found it. every prominent point m the Southern States, to whom appllcatlobs for tnsttr- ance may be made. -Apply to ifOHN M. POTTER, Agent, oct23-t-2m Bainbrldge. Ga. DESIRABLE Plantations to Bent O N Tneedav, December 7th. 1869. .we »ill of fer for rent, foi the ensuing year, at pub lie outcry, before the Court House door in Bath- bridge, the following lands, vis: Arhe’t fclan’ation containing 830 acres open land Reynolds “ - 800 « « « Si**’ « - soo “ ** Kolb « “ 4«0 “ w Johnson « » 1#0 « « “ Also, two settlements on Monroe plaee, one of 250 acres ; the other of 70 acres—these set tlements rented separately. TERMS—Feneinc to be kept in good repeirj Notes paynb e 1st November 187S, with good security and lien on all crops grown. WM. G. D. TONGE, F. L. BABBIT. Adm’ro Estate 5. Davis Tenge. Bainbridge. Ga.. Oet. 25, 1869. f5-tdr) i'Jtij Congress £ jii St. ^vlian Sts., SAVANNAH, - - - GEURGIA. «pf»t 1S*- trlT 1 j jar . J. lY W SLMLY PHOTOGRAPHER. COPl ES 0 F A LL Iv INDS OF CHEAP! CHEAP!! I\egs Kails—4 to 40«1. g Kegs Finishing Kails 4 to 40tl. 40ft P°uiuls White Lead in Oil. A ?npply of Boiled and Kaw Linseed C)il to arrive. For^ale iiy BABBIT & WAEFIELD. 1'^ U Bade IS AM Y STYLE AND SIZE ALL KINDS OF FRAMES A PICTURES ALWAYS ON nAND AND MADE TO ORDER. sei 118 3m H. C. McKEE. D. M. BENNETT. BAIlfBRIIMSE, CUTHBERT AND COLUMBUS B. R. W E. RCTHERFORDk CO..Keepers Livery and Sale Stables, Broad street, rear of Sharon House L OSCAR JACKSON. Warehouse and Com mission Merchant, Bruton’s Wharf, foot of \Y aier street. Wm. H. Tison. Wx. W. Goudon. USOV & GORDON, COTTON FACTORS, —AND—«- GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 96, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. Bagging, Hope or IrooTieiidvi&eed w CiopB. liberal cash adrancaa made on oonsignments of Cotton. Grateful for hberel P»*voeoeetnttepaot, a e«tin- nipt* iMwiefa iiapoctfqjiY goiiqtsn. if CALL FOR lO PER CENT OF THE *ND «ft 3RD INSTALLMENT Office B., C. C. Railboad Co., ) Bainbbidgk. Oct 25th, 1869. ) A CALL for the Seooud and Third Install ment* of TEN per eent each open the sob- scription to the Capitol Stock of the Bainbiidge. Cuthbert and Columbus Railroad Company, l- “ ‘53. .5 John King. Banker in Lumpkin. to »r.J. K- Barnnm; in CnthberLto Captain W. M. Tomlin, See re ta it and Treasurer, and in Bainbndge, to to the undersigned. .. BENJAMIN F. BRUTON, Oel. SO. 1869—tt President. WAGON FOB SALE- A n excellent four-horse wag- on fo# sole, at Very Tow Apply to _WILLIS M- RUSSELL. July*31. lS6*tf .j- McKEE * BE.V.VEIT, . Dealers iv Ulrriagcs, Btigsies, Haines*, Jte., it., it. Corner tVest broad and Bay Streets; SAVANNAH, GA: At this Extensive Repository and Manufactory will always be found 2 Itrgb Variety of all the most fashionable Carriage, Bockawaj and Bnggxe jfon in use. All work sold and warranted al this fertiblishment will be protected; REPAIRING EXECUTED IN BEST MAN NER, AT REASONABLE RATES. Jan9. 1869 14 ,T ALFKliiH HAY WOOD, WHOLESALE DEALER IK OYSTERS and FISH —OF ATT, KINDS. \ ~ Orders Promptly Executed I terms positively cash. ■avaihia»oOa. ESTABLISHED 1844* Wh. M- Davidson, 1M Bmy Slrerf, Ratta n Ykftll. GtfiO- Wholbsale and Retail Deales I* Foreign Doaeslie Wines aub UQOUBS O F the FINEST QUALITIES; slrosols Agent, for the Stat >s of Georgia and Fton- da, for the sale of Massey, Huston k Co. s Cele brated Philadelphia Ale. Ordors eeliHtod. Oet. 3, IMS- 1 PROLIFIC COTTON seed. A FEW hundred bushels of PURE PRO LIFIC COTTON SEED for sale. PRICE £2 p£& BUSHEL, Sacked and De’irered at Depot. RkPEnexCKS:—W. B. Smith. Capt. C. E. Conyers, Atlapuigus, Decatur Co., Ga. Orders containing money by Exprrss with directions for shipment promptly attended to. J. R. L tTIMER, Spdrth; «a; Attapulccs, Ga., Sept. 25, 1869. This is to certify that I have planted during the yeatoCottnn Seed pnrcliased of J R Latimer, E-q. I e-nsider the seed superior to any other of this seetion, and will yield at lrast one hun dred per cent, more than the seed (Paget) I have been planting for years. W. B. SMITH. oct'9-2 til istjan. THE Oldest Shoe Store IN SAVANNAH. W. €. RULER, Hario^ just r0tuni*d fiom Philadelphia and a B >8tou, iJ prepared to furnish PLANTERS & THEIR F4MILIES WITS THE BEST STOCK -OF- ■BOOTS AND SHOES IN OUR CITT. Directly opposite the Pulaski House, and a few doors above the Se-even H use, 133 Caagren Street, septlS SAVANNAH, GA. jl Death of a free Government. The following is from a speech de livered by Hon. D. W. Voorhees, of Indiana: It is a meloncholly spectacle io bfe* hold a free Government die. The world, it is true, is filled with evi dences of decay. All nature speaks the voice c f dissolution, and the high- way of history aDd of life is strewn with the wrecks which time, the great despoiler, has made. But the hope of the future, bright visions of reviving glory, are nowhere denied to the heart of man; save as he gazes oh liie downfall of legal liBfetty; He lis tens sorrowfully to the autumn winds as they sigh through dismantled for. rests, blit he knows that their breath will be soft and vernal in the spring, and that the dead flowers and wither ed loliage will blossom and bloom again. He sees the sky overcast with the angry frown of the tempest, but he knows that (he suu will re-appear, and the emblazonry of God cannot perish. Man himself, ibis strange connecting link between dost ftnd Deity, tollers wearily, onward under the weight of years and pain, towards the tomb, bat now briefly his life lin gers around the dismal spot. It iff filled with tears and grief, and the willow and the cypress gather aronnd it with their loving but mournful em brace. And is this all ? Not so. If a man die shall he not live again ? Beyond the gfrstvfc; in tlnvdistant Aidenr, hope provides an elysiuin of the soul, where the mortal assumes immortality, and lifeLecontes an end less splendor. Bat where, Sir, in all the dreary regions of the past, filled with convulsions, wars and crimes, can you point Jrotlr lihgbr to the tomb of a free commonwealth on which the angels of resurrection have ever de scended, or from whose sepulchre thg stone of despotism lias been rolled away? Where, in what age and in what clime, have the reins of cons'i. tutional freedom renewed their yonth and gamed their lost estate? By whosestrong grip liafl the dead corpse of the republic once fallen, ever been raised ? The merciful- Maker, who walked upen the waters and bade the winds be still, left no ordained apos tle with power to wrench apart the jaws of national death, and release the victim of despotism. The wail of the heart-broken over the dfead is not so sad to the realization of this fact. But all History, with a loftd un broken voice, proclaims it, and the evidence of what the past has been is conclusive to my mind what the future will be. Wherever in the do- maiil of human conduct a people once possegsted bf libfttty have fluriendeitd those great gifts bf God at Ibe com mand of usurper, they have ne7er .af terwards proven themselves worthy to regain their fdirfeited treasure. Tbe Bullock in ItisGldty. SOUND THE HUGAG*—BEAT THE FOil-TOX ! —BLOW TUE TTZZV-FVZZV. The magnetic telegraph brings us the important intelligence from Atlanta that the Bullock’s special train with its pre- cions freight, incinding Solon Robinson of the New York Tribune, John W. For ney; of his “two papers, both daily,” and author of tbe Forrest-jamisen letter, besides innumerable slanders upon the South and her people, arrived yesterday in grand pomp and spread-eagle display at Atlanta, drawn by the locomotive “'Gov. bidtodk,” all covered over with flags and doggerel mottoes. By tbis time the trinmphal car of the Bullock has arrived in Macon, and has doubtless produced a great sensation. Our people ftbould be prond that they hafe a Bullock in the Executive chair (whether fair or foul) who is so capable of representing the dignity of the State and dispensing their hospitality. There is something so exquisitely modest and dignified in the whole alfair that it can not fail to challenge the admiration of tbe civilized world. There will be many bollocks and oth- er rare animals on exhibition- at the Fair bnt the Bullock has succeeded in mak ing himself the central figure of tbe demonstration, and though no prize nlay be awarded him, he will doubtless carry off the honors from more worthy Cattle. Fire la carpet-bagger! Vive La humbug!— Sav. News 16iA. Bullock’s Twin.—South Carolina has a Governor enongb like Bollock in char acter and deeds tb bfe his brother. The Charleston Nevis says of him : We cannot believe that Governor Scott is wholly ignorant of the laws of the S ate. On the coutrary, he knows the laws and wilfully and wantonly breaks thsm.— Cafnmbtts Sunx Pulpit Pro4ogie* There is much good sense in the fol lowing remarks by Theodore Cnyler: Now let m* say plainly that I for on* grow more distrustful every day of these pulpit prodogies, and of the spirit thei lusts after them. No man can be a power in the pulpit unless he possesses a good brain, a godly heart, e deep knowledge of tbe Bible a?d tho human heart, and a glowing love of souls. And the very qualities sneh ministers of Christ will be most likely to aim at sim plicity of speech, and spiritual unction from the Holy One, hhd a Hglft'con formity in every utterance to the inspir ed word of God. He will endeavor ik speak not the words which man’s wis dom teacheth. When be is called to en- bonnter what brother Bulkley calls a rationalistic philosophic auditor, he wfll be likely to rely on the tremendous en ginery of tbfe truth of God os it is re^ vealed in the inspired-word. Instead of meeting the intellectual skeptic as a skeptic, he will meet him as a guilty, per'shiflg siduer: be Will present to hiht his own heart, his own need Of a Savior- and the perfect adaptation of the Aivior to meet his eoul’s necessities ftdthlhg suits a caviling skeptic better thy^fi to entice an ambassador off into the slip pery regions of metaphisics;.* on that, ground the rationalist jp'at borne. A minister of Christ is st home only when bis feet are planted firmly on the Bock of Ages, sad he is wielding vigorously the svrord of the Spirit, which is the word of God. The Ku-Klux After the Cotton Thieves.-—A bad state of affairs exists in Sumter District, South Carolina. The cotton crop having been nearly all picked out the negroes are Stealing it' in the seed and selling it to the carpet-baggers aud scalawags who keep cross-road grocery Stores. A correspondent of the . - Charleston News says: . The farifiefa, unable Id pfdtfctil Mteifr wide-extended fields at night, and sur rounded by canning and expert thieves; have remonstrated with merchafite and traders for aiding, howevet txniutentiot 1 ally, these rogues, by pnrfehssiiig teed cotton at all; and in most ififitfinces this appeal Hits beeii rfetfeived ttntl ponded to in the right spirit. Batchers Are y«i some who are unwilling to give np the/ profits of a traffic, which, though a source of great Wrong, is not yet pro-- hibited by law. Sbliie linknown persons, banded together, arid supposed to be the Kn Klnx, have token tbe naatte* into their own hands. Several stores, after previous warning to their qwuers, have . been burnt, Some who were warned have agreed to stop trading in ibis line. The Columbus Snft, Speakift'g of the' Northern guests at the Macon Fair;-, utters the sentiments of nine-tenth* of: the respectable white people ot Georgia, when it says: “Among tbe list we recognife tfrb names of several worthy and distin guished gentlemen, men wfabffi Geor gians would be glad to see and weleomA- at any and all tiroes. It is unfortunate, that they come in such questionable shape and in tiWUlpanjrbf xnch execrable miscreants tat Bullock, Halbert and others. We trust that they will under stand that all true Georgians repudiate that portion of the programme which committed; them to oompany which nmel have been mortifying to their self- respect. r . Anctheb one of Bullock's Thieves absconded.—While at Camilla we werii informed by high antbority, that one Harman Bray, one of Bollock's Notarise Public, residing in Colquit county, near the Bne of Mitchell—a notorious cow and hog thief—recently perpetrated fitt exploit in his line, and finding out that Mr. Gregory, the owner of the stolen property, bad proof to convict biffi, threw np bis commission, absconded and now brags in parte unkhowti ttJ this officers of tbe l&ur.—Albany News. Five Hundred Dollars RewabD^-*- . Is offered by the Agricultural Soeiety of Early county for the appre/hentfofi and delivery to the Sheriff of Early county, with evidence to QdfaViet the incendiary wl)o fired ^hd burned the gin house of J. W. Alexander, Jn., of that county, which burning took place on Wednesday, 3d of this month. A soul, like aa instrument of should be well toned to most the various strajns the band of Providence #if euli from its vibrating chords;, firmly, yet sweetly should Us tones ring out, of whatever character they ara^strong, but sweet music still, should a God-strength ened spirit yield beneath, the touch of sorrow or adversity; as sweet, though it may be sadder, as in it* days of brightest power. , y7 The preacher who divide* hii dfls* course into too iuany beads; still hard ly find ears for them all. • Christ caught orators bv fishapr- tnen, not fishermeb by ondoruj— Wordsworth. • ..UisuzfsH ta