Newspaper Page Text
Official Organ Ben Hill County,
Make Up Your Mind
Decide NOW that you wiil begin a Savings
Account with this strong bank, and that you
will regularly deposit a part of your earnings.
If you intend getting ahead in the business
and financial world, you must do something
DEFINITE; and you couldn’t do anything better
than to deposit your money here, where it will
be safe and draw a liberal rate of interest.
Why not start an account TODAY?
First National Bank-
Fitzgerald, Georgia
The Bank for Your Savings
For Sale
5 and 10 gallon kegs, suitable
for putting up syrup, cheap, See
R. L. King, Phillips Block. 78-3 t
Great Selling th at the Empire St
Every department is brimfull of new ideas--Counters and shelves teem with good suggestions for your fall and
winter comfort--every department offers its quota of generous savings--Come in this week if you can!
These new long Coats G
Wonderful value at $6.98 to $24.98 %@;%
- Pk
In black and colors--either smooth or rough finished mater- ;fx/;i ///,//%ff,
ials, made in those pretty Directoire and Box styles--graceful-- "/i‘, \\ ?/’//:;f;
stylish--correct-- @@;
S 0
z}m\% 7.7 \.
A S A |
ome lovely Coat Suits iy
. ’ | %%é \\
: 3 : : ’é%é’/g’/g"
Ust il d gIR
- ale ® &y
These are Princess Made---There's tailoring and best fitting f}flfiwlm:flfm L
qualitics as well as better style in every one of them--Nobby b/j O \\\\i
mixtures in this new lot too--- : >
[ . © 77
Serges, Cheviots and Diagonals in this lot--colors, black, blue, brown, copen,
tan, sizes 16 to 44--values in this lot $l5 and $16.50
New 36 in Striped $i d
Messalines for Y
Dainty messalines stripes, serge
silk stripes--taffetta stripes in great
number of new designs and patterns
27 inch Bengalines in new colors $1 yd
@ °
Girls Rain Cape $1.98
Special lot blue and red Satine Raincoats for
School Girls just received--These ate in sizes 6 to
14--Waterproof and every Coat guaranteed--
FOR SALE—Nice little home on
West Alapaha St., will sell
cheap if taken at once. Apply
Leader-Enterprise. 78-tf
Strict Wedding Rules
Wanted by Methedists
Chicago, Oct 9.—The interest
of the state is paramount to that
of the individual in the marriage
relation according to recommen
dations covering the subject
adopt-d by the Rock River Meth
odist Episcopal conference.
Physical examination of can
didates for marriage, federal
control of marriage and divorce
and making wife abandonment a
felony were some of the recom
mendations presented by the com
mittee on marriage.
Catholic Church
October 13th.
Services is a follows: Sunday
School 9:30.
Mass 10 o’clock, :
H, A. Schonhardt, Priest.
Lost—Bunch of kevs between
my residence on S, Grant street
and Oil Mill Oct. Bth., return to
G. A. Jolley and receive reward.
It is easier to go broke in a
hurry than it is to get rich qumeck.
36 in all wool 35 C é
Dress Goods E’
500 yards all wool diagonals and
plaids for Coat Suits--One Piece
Dresses---Childrens Dresses----Good
range of colors in this lot---At the
usual selling price they would be 50c
M l E
W.R BOWEN, President J.A. MURPHY, Manager
. c e
This Man Worried
About His Letters
Atlanta, Oct. 10.—James Sle
mans, of Walker street, this city,
is publicly complaining against
his unjust fate. He says he hasl
written over 1,000 letters within
the past year and that he hasn’t
got an answer to a single one of
them. l
. Mr. Slemans, who is a photo
grapher by trade, talks rather
excitedly about his 1,000 letters,
and is inc¢lined to maintain that
the government has deliberately
failed to deliver any of them, this
despite the-fact, he says, that he
has mailed many of them with
special delivery stamps.
This morning he told an Atlan
ta reportef he wrote a letter to a
man living on the same street
with him. He is- going to the
man’s house and is going to wait
and watch with his own eyes, he
declares, to see whether the let
ter arrives or not. If it fails to
come hz is then going to Marietta
and write a letter to himself at
his Atlanta address. If Uncle
Sam doesn’t deliver that—well,
Mr. Slemans has not intimated
what his next step will be.
’At 18.-20,-22.50,-25
these new Hart, Schatf
ner and Marx Mens
Suits save you five to
ten dollars--
You'd just as well save this
.~and have the best clothes too--
This country produces no
better clothes than Hart, Schaff
ner and Marx and this season
you'll find them more attractive
than ever--
A Sut for every size man now
Big men--little men--long men--stout men--
in fact every size is here for you in the new
est, best all wool materials--
Black, blue, and novelties, in H. S. & M.
from $lB to $3O for Suits and Overcoats.
In other good makes from $lO to $16.50
Boys Suits $2.75, $350, $5.00, $6.00
Sunday School
And Church Rally
Next Sunday will be Rally Day
at the United Brethren Church.
Sunday School Rally at 10 o’clock
a. m. Music, recitations and
speeches appropriate to the occa
sion Members and friends are
invited to this special service.
Preaching service appropriate
to the day at 7:30 p. m.
RALLY DAY! Do not forget
the time and place—next Sun
day, at 1:00 and 7:30, at United
States Brethren Chureh, West
Oconee St.
C. M. SMITH, S. S. Supt.
The Dinner for Veterans and
Women of the Confederacy will
be given next Saturday, Oct. 12th
instead of October 19th, as stated
1n our last issue, The dinner will
be given by the Daughters of the
Confederacy at the Blue and Gray
Park, and all 'the Veterans and
Woman of the Confederacy are
cordially invited to attend. In
case of rain, the dinner will be
given elsewhere. :
The greatest gathering of Boy’s sturdy school
Suits we've ever seen at these prices--Trousers are
lined and peg cut--Coats of mannish cut--Suits that
will give the utmost in wear at a very considerable
price saving--blue serge and nobby mixtures, ages
6 to 16 years--
Logan and Douglas Boys Shoes $l.OO to $3.50
’ Fire Tuesday Night.
A small five room cottage on
East Altamaha street,* belonging
to Dr R. M. Ware, was practi
cally destroyed by fire Tuesday
night. It is not known how the
fire started but the blaze had
gained & big headway before dis
covered and when the Fire Dep’t
reached the place the roof was
just about gone. The house was
occupied by Mrs. Ennis and her
loss of furniture was fully cov
ered by insurance. Dr. Ware had
$2OO insurance on the house,
gFirst M, E. Church
Services next Sunday will be as
Sabbath School at 9:30 a, m.
Morning preaching at 10:45.
Sermon’ ¢‘Building Zion.”
Epworth League at 6:45 p, m.
Night preaching at 7:03.
. Sermon, *‘God’s Remedy for
Special attention is called to the
earlier hours of the night services.
There will be special music at
preaching service, orchestra at
night. The general public, especial
ly strangers, will find a cordial
welcome at every service,
E. J. Hammond, Pastor,
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