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j>y < KOSK & CO.
, .. .. 4 ‘I i ‘.sENGER is published 1
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bv the deceased, ts fail space of three months.
’• 4 s ?- j .otters <-n h isiness to be ri .st-paid.
The following whi: 9 c .1 j arody on Barry Cornwall’s
jo, uUr so. g, is to, a- 1 lioiu * i-ra_cr s Magazine:
The sea! the .-e.! Ci; me! oh me!
The pail—be tpi ck I quail—i’m Bk!
I'm sick as i can be.
1 cam o stt —1 cannot -and;
I on he, steward, iond a hand ;
To im cabin i’ll > nr birth will I hie,
And like a era-died .ofotit lie.
liu on the sea —i mon .lie sea:
I am where i vv. u:d nevei be,
V-'iil. die smoke ;.b<.t t; and the seam below,
II a storsu Miottid cine, no m . ier I wot;
ft. the bo .mo id g > a.- so -i a.- not.
Hove, oh! how 1 love to rid
Iu a neat post, with ac< tiple oi bays
And : pre.t gni bv ny side:
But, oh. n> swing amidst me and foam,
And lie sie -mca a in. .ded po.a o at home,
And to feel that uo soul cares mo. e for t oar woe
Than the puddles tha. cla ier as onward they go.
The (Xi .in’s wave 1 i.e’er moved o’er.
But 1 loved my donkey M ire and more,
And homeward ti> . 010 r bony back.
Like at i t hoy ■> hi> mother’s sack;
And a inothct she w:*nd ts o me,
For 1 was an as. to go to sea!
Hi Health of American Women.
The corrc-ta indent of the hidejicndcnt, who has been
enter!..iiiir.g the reabi rs t-i tha. | .ij er wi-.h the notes < f
his iKstesirtan tour in Euur*-, has returned home, and
gives in !:- las* min aa. i some of the “nrst im
pressions” whit li ho ne made upon his mind, of er so
a sojourn in foreign countries. Above all, tbe
want of na ional 1. .J It, and particularly the almost
universal ill faoahh of A.uerican lathes struck him
most forcibly. On this subject he says, “we sat down
w i h a l.idv lately, a’.id out of a wide circle of acquain
tances in every part of the country, we attempted to
reckon the h-ai li v , t.'id we could no! think of more
than three heal hv women. VVh.i: is the rule in Europe
seems the exception here; the l i lies cu.ue before one
here as more tine, me: delicate —yes, generally with
more of a certain graceful beauty, than in England or
Germany, but will ‘a ie s r bust health. Tuere arc
so few full, health cranpie vioas or vigorous forms.—
Those who are well are plainly weak, with
which the first rode -ii .etc of pain or exposure will
si tatter. Ail-1 this do* s not em confined to out* class.
Indeed, it is even mot e tine of the village t lun of the
eitv. Thetiale, worn looks of the mechanic’s wives or
the sickly faces which ion s-.-e in so many a farmer’s
liviu.-ehold, show it sadli i ugh. It is very seldom,
indeed, one pas-es ‘hroiigh a Village here, where the
ruddy complexion, the hr _h. glance of bed h, the full
deveiojicd l.nn meets the eye, as they do invariably in
EurojHNin villeg s.
The s'lbj.-c’ is of si.*b i nportauce tha vre extract
two or three |KV"ages f. mi th • same article. With ref- |
erence to the cause oi the general decay ol beahh, the
author t bserves : There i> eo coo ing of Europe, 1 be
lieve, where pen: le take -o i. tie as .hcv do ui ih.s.
In iagbnl,‘'!i 11..-. V:i Ji. vh Tin Lrdr here tvenM
s,ii! her sir e■ out ol .!•. If: •• walk <i wi k -s
nf n dtn.e- !.• o;t_li u . and-now, oi heavy m s:.
In Ifeilin hue - a-lie’ .: a bright winter's alteration
iu which w.h ii . >.iak ■up a skating [ at- yon the
meadows, whe* ■. iiulcen, all iie belles ot the city were
collected. In Hungary, a lior-vback scanijur over the
plaihS or walk in the garden with lailics, was as com
mon as the meals. \nd thri>ughout Sou,hern <-e:-
many, l.alv, France, even, where the, e are* no tnorev g
orous ex • els s n ! a tenn.jn promenade in the pirks
or on the bastio s, has become'to be almost a necessa
ry of life. It see nsa- if the people of those countries
delighted in the sunlight much more than eve. The
Indies read, sew, cat in the open air, iu arbors and gar
dens, far more than is ever tbe custom here. Then in
the lower classes the women are obliged to work much
in the fields—in some re-pects a tiling not to be a;-
proved, tet on th * whole by no means ;is degrading a
cu>to uas we ofen think in Ariel ica. It brings, as
one hippy resul , a‘ let-t, theftiilcheerful health which
God designed tote the natural accompaniment ot lit". delicacy among ali our women
about exposures; if pci p.i would only learn that rain
and trost a i 1 sn nr, are n >t quite so jioisonotis as the
close vitiated air which steams all day within heated
An English lady, with her s’out boots and shortened
skirts, makes no more of a mud or snow waik than of
tbe pleasantest!.-! nble. The walk becomes us much a
necessity as a dinner, and there :s soon a real pleasure
in breathing the roti.rh wea her. The same writer i
thinks we are a great hi not happy jieople We woik
too hard, play too little atni eat u fast. “ The family
meal,” he auvs, “lias a ;uglier object than to fill our
stomachs. That could be done in a much easier way.— ■
It is meant to help on fri-ndliuess and sociality, to :
cherish kindly relations. The min 1 ia connected with j
the bodv. We may wi-h tfansceiidentally to lie above I
it, but the tiuth is, tue mood defends much on the
iic*rves. Digestion of good eln er, and pleasant, (riend
lv talk, seem ,o aid one am her. In Europe, the la her |
makes his meal the time for h:s lireltea; talks wi h ihe
voting people. They ail sit loag ai table. Anti Hie
dinner and -unper hoar are often the h.lpp.esi hours in !
theuay. As i rec-iil my c.-nversa'ion wi:ii my fiiends I
ia Europe, I am su y; i-ed hotv niucb of the highest .
and noblest cnvcr.-e, interchange of thought, which
will iuspu and -tt rue for duty many a day yet,
was over .he table.” Th. .e are aot wanting, we think,
ind eatio*is of a change iei the b*te.'in the habi sos
our lad cs. There .rc 1 1 la -in ->V.v t i 1:, and a giea:
man.v m Bos u> a . .lady walk is as much a j
necessity as their dinner, an 1 who prolong Lo.ii ue uly j
to the European extent.
Hits r* the Times.
The following amusing satire we copy from the New
York J’s .tS ;
It is one of the worst am oyauccs of poverty th it it -
debuts H man from m.tnv privileges which at first ;
glance seem to be his exclusively.
A rich man can am rd to dress more shabbily than a |
poor one.
A wesdthv nevclian* can afford to wear a shabby coat, )
•but his clerk on three hundred dollars a year must
wear one of the latest style and having the exact ear fit.
A tuan owning ab: ck o! etty ii -isos ta:i atildd to lent j
the s:orv nf one chc i- t-r than o:ie of h;s own for his
family residence; bis lY- tictinilcsa neighbor must take
a wliolc house, have bis t.tttne oa the d,or plate, and
uobodv eise’s s-g,i un the iVaut, or give uji his hopes of !
getting in’o hu-metfc. . .
A banker’s wile can atTord to receive calls ttt a sis- j
pen nv calico dr.'-.-; but tbe lady of our fiend whose
only earthly menus are L s salary ot a th. u.-aod pr a;.-
im’it, must never be seen in her parlor dressed in any
tlicg but sdk, or some hu g juaii uistly.
An heiress “•.*> into the country with a three shu
ling bonne*, ami 1- ok> so ** neat and itoely, ’ wi’hoti: a
gra nos jewein ahou: her; while the journeyman niil
-1 icr must wear her four dollar tsaitiel and be lotwled
with golden ornament- all to come out ot her three
doiiars wages per wu-ek. A rich man may amuse hat -
seif piaving .he l r>ton tt[K>n the s d.-.valk the
plants in his vatd; bui if ac in our medioct ity ii no: in
our jiovertv, and > if, we must rt-c with the sun, and l>e
throngh with ihe ref:esing exercise before otir neigh
bor looks out of ihe front wiodon, or we are degraded
to the level Ia “man servant.”
Vonr mill;m:aire can refuse to subset ibe to a benevolent
effort; we are accounted mean it we decline 11 lie gives
of his income a fraction whore tmuiera or is a utif, ami
i’s denouiuiotor a sum larger ihan ever entered on our
account Is uks, he is hj i 1-unietl. M hen we give to ;1 e
amount of a huudrcdib part of our saLry, we aie .
A doctor of divinity can aiibrd to wear a “shocking
bad hat,’’ the voting licentiate must sport anew one,
a id not liought iti the Bowery either.
A wealthy ph si’ au can attend to all of his calls on
l<t, as Dr .John Mason Gikml always did when his
his p.ractice ar.Kamtoil to more than I'>,<H.M 1 per annum,
wr avail h ui-: lfol anotattibus when it was in his ron e.
The voting -• and link.;- *.vn ph< sic a, , who (cels tha. be is
richi as Cites:::; ta he rciQOfo ptusjwct us an income
’ • - tin-: make his odls in a gig or tca-e to ft *
n, ‘ ‘'ttt poioa out >f whom he ext eers to get one
T’ ! a rr othitvcv re p c able anmunt of money.
A lawyer so g pracii-.e c >r al.'ori to walk h isurr- ,
ly across the Park. A young and brictless iiu,b of ho|
law mi 8t s catiy a ; i.c ..’g” ti-d wi’h nd a•,
ways look heated, perplexed and overrun with btisi-j
n ss.
.ytul a wealth Oi rejuitiition > sranetimes uo less ser
v ice-able than money. Gen. when addressing the
“ U'l.o. ritied at Tammany Hall, could afford to threw
o i hi.- toa , stock a’.d vest. 1 our unknown orator,
who fever was lew lea: Lidat for a: otfict
-■ •- nm. ec if !ec: iou nut? bn u new coat |i>t
sae.n uec -i. n, n I .ui a eam h .If !mu. at th.
barber before ven’ m .ng to make a speech.
Tiie Transplanted Li y.
They were neat little pallets. One could find no fault
i with them, with (he:r snowy sheets and mosaic quilts oi
I putchwe!in each was a little homeless, houseless
I orpiiau, tak.u a f.r shelier. “Miss Betsey” had Ie n
j .lie n.und-s, and seen each little head duly deposited on
;t - pillow Avery ni.*e, p r.icuiar, j.rojier j e son, was
| Miss ih-ts.- ! Tile “Board of Directors” .-nil so, and
!-s Betsey thought so her.vell! Her hair w. sas
\-lax. h as her tongur, and her kerchief staivhcd as
| -tiff as her nvannet s. Xot one of those little vagratv
e.anils would have Hiought ot immaculate
i calico dress She had heard them all say their pravers,
j listened at ihcdoor ui sit any of them dared to break
j the rule tl at linbade their speaking, and went down to
a c :.ii‘a :nble d-ii of lea, I hot but'ered muffins,
-.•.t1-tiisl Unit she had mi:iis.e:ed to every want of their
childish nature-s .empoial and sjuritual. lll‘ <1 Miss
Bets *v ! There are depths even in a child's soul yours
cannot fathom!
A little head is cautiously raised from its piilow.—
The e\ es tl. it look slmvlv around upon those sleeping
li mis are large n: J dark and soriowiul. Hot tears fall
thick and fast upon die clasped hands. “Mother!
M ihc-r!” is wrung from a lit tie lu-art u young to bear
is v -iglit of urief un.-h .red ; and the little head fills
. : i css, hoj eless uiise -y, .-n the pill >c.
Lily closes her eyes, but she is not aslc<;j>. No—no.
Sfie sees a form, languid and emaciated, stretched upon
:i dying Issl; -he l:*eis the soft touch oi* a dear hand on
her t *ivhe id : large mournful eyes follow, —follow fol
low her, sleeping or waking. A sweet, low voice lin
gers ever in her ear- “ God protect my orphan child!”
Miss Betsey has told I ilv that // has done it -tha!
sir* eught to be very thankful she is in such a nice insti
tu ion ; th ‘.i if lie i* * good,’ she shall live out to ser
vee si:y day, with a good lady ; and Lily pushes back
t ie ‘.hick hair with her delica’e hand, and wonders tvhat
“going out to service’’means; and Miss Betsey takes
the longcurls she has clipped from her head, and throws
them out the window ; and asks her if she is not grate
ful she ha- such a kind friend as herself? and Lily tries
o swallow a great lump iti her throat that seems like
to h k her, and a s, ‘ yes, ma’am,” while she f trees
ba *. o heir sotir e the luge e trs that arc gathering
u.ider h_r iy ei is. Then she looks at the unbending,
he •-•o- Betsy, and wonders was #Vc ever a
!e gill ? an ! did her ...o-hc-r ever die, and leave her
alone? and she I els as if she must throw herself on
el. |-.’s neck, r and ,-k them to love her. And then
s.i oksa it: it Mis- Betsey, but the quick instinct
! cihldli -i -1
••vct.dcis vvha ; nu kes all the children there seem like
i 1 , and why they re’able if they tumble
down, or dr- pa book by accident, and why they eat
le and Is ever day cf their little soup dinners? and
wlia - .iikes her head so dizzy when she tries to knit;
and then she vvond- rs if Heaven is great wav off, and
how !: :;g i will be b fore she gets there; and then her
tv re! a .el heart can restrain itself no longer amid
those voiceless, silent sleepers, but finds vent in a long,
1 :i g, bitter cry of anguish.
“ Miss - ” comes up>, and fells her she is “ very
naughty to break ;!> * rule*,’’ and Lily says, amid her
sobs, .It::’ she “wants to go to heaven with her mam
ma-” and Mis- Betsey asks, “if mamma belonged to
the church a; 1 Lt!v “ thinks notand Miss Betsey
shakes her head doubtfully—tells her she hopes she
will b-* better than her mo her; a-lvi.tce her to “say
her prayers,” and goes down again to her buttered
An American's Equipage assn an American Dan.
; u.— A correspondent of the Boston Traveller, u riling
from Florence under date of Dec. 10, says;
The weather has continued so warm and fine that the
Cosine has shown of late with unwonted brilliancy for
the season. The tine Austrian hand has played three
times a week, and the display of equipages, tine ladies
and flowers lus been indeed beautiful. The most ex
tracr iiaar. turn-out is that of Mr ,an Ameri
can, who drives, himself, four magnificent blood horses.
His carriage, a heavy one made for travelling, is unique
of i’s kind. The b* ly is a small coup, kept closely shut,
and containing nothing. Back of it and far above is a
seat for two servants. On the top are chained three
dogs. The driver's seat, which Mr. occupies him
-elf, with reins in hand, is a clumsy looking affair, ele
vated far above the coup and at a considerable distance
from i ; , much like the seat of a circus wagon. Outside
are hung duplicate whipple trees and whatever parts of
tha carriage there is danger of fracturing. Underneath
is a blacksmith's shoji, lockers for baggage, and I am
: inclined t believe an entire kitchen battery. The ap-
I p nranc * of such a vehicle in Washington street would
I’tr.ict as much curiosity as would the Ark, if telegraph
ed as j:i.-t coming up the harbor.
I ha-, e nor s.*en a liand-oigan in Italy. They must
have all nigrat. *d Vi’-.--t ward. The furore of die Italians
to M -• lavwoi. is dancingh is bee.imos: astonishing.
She is from Philadelphia, a:i l is really a wonderful dun
cr, u isurpassed pHiq -iu her vein. If we can ciedi
he news; 9* critics n re, she excels cerito, Ellsler,
ari ev.-n Taglioni h -rself So accurate is her lime, that
the music -ms to emanate from her, and if her grace
lias been equalled or exceeded by others, her activity and
endurance are unrivalled. She has engagements for
three years in advance. All ihe while she was here the
excitement continued unaba'ed. Prices doubled —there
was uo end to and callings out, often four
or more times successively, and on the occasion of her
bench: it took three carriage- to carry away the bou
quetTo handle such as were cost at her feet requi
red no slight muscular effort. They were without ex
aggeration as large as Hour barrels. As accustomed to
exertion as is Miss Maywood, she absolutely staggered
under th -ir weight. They were most beautifully done
up with ribbon.-. The shower of flowers from the Duke
of Talk", rand’s box, nephew ofthe late Prince, was par
ticularly heavy; but she has now gone, and advent is
upon us with ail its church fetes places of amusement
are closed, and the ceremonies of religion occupy the
time and attention of the Florentines.
A M agxikicent Pleasure Trip. A prominent stcam
h :at owner ot New York, who has made an immense
for:uue in stcamboa: ing, has devised a uovel, most libe
ral. and inagnificient plan lor disbursing some ot his
g.aus. lie proposes :o rig in the most perfect style, a
>: earner v..cht, now nearly completed, furnishing lier iu
the richest manner, at a cost of -f >o,ikh) over ordinary
-hips of the kind. About the first of May he will take
on board his sons and daughters and forty or fifty other
guests, and sail ibr London, Copenhagen, Stockholm,
s . IVit* -burg, Havre, Bordeaux, Lisbon, Gibraltar,
Morse.lie -, Naples, Malta, and such other ports as may
he desirable, staving a short time at each port, giving
fetes and tile loas. The entire expense, which is
estimated at more thou tftfoiyjGO, will be borne by the
projector. This is about the most c.\ ensive plan of a
piea-ir.e ! rij> ever enter*..iaed, it!*d when cairied out,
which it will undoubtedly i e. will be very apt to give
Europeans some new ideas of the outside barbarians ol
l f Bo:!i was once playing a brief engagement in
the North “t Euglaud, and opened i.i his favorite B:cb
atd. The manager, w ho expect -da full hou-e, resolved o
take the mon.-y him-elf and resign his character o
I King Ik-nr to'ano her actor, simply announcing him
- It forth small par of Tyrrel, who appears *n the
I fotitth ac., which lie t!i uighi h.- m gii. play by the help
I of a black cloak w. bout being ab-eui from the pay
<>tiice mote than a few minutes. But it unfortunately
I lappei ed that the j lay acted shorter than usual, and
the half price ) e ptc who were let in at nine o'clock,
j could not „n.n zd.alliance until the middle <1 the fourth
i* time Tyrrel hud gone on the stage. The clock
j - mck nine, the ni.-h was tremendous, hail’ crowns and
• -id hugs tun.bteU in by hundreds, ihe manager was
| called tor on the - age. “ I can’t come,” he replied. —
” Wh:: is to be done? ’ saiil the prompter ; “send some
lom foi he port ‘ “There is uo one disengaged.”
! “Then do it yourself.” “I play Cate.-by ;” replie*! the
‘■ nrotnptvr, and he is on in the same scene.” “Then
I make John, the new property man to do it, tell him he
i has on Ivto siv ves and no.” Ihe fata! scene came.—
! nv.h spoke Bis olitoqiiv on ilie dealh of the young
I (i-.j.,-* v hit admiit.ble clYect, and w hile do ug so, the
I ptompter seizeti the tr.lor.'u.iate .toliu, an
! ; -uor.ta l <■■■ ksh.u- clown, who had only - -..-n ihe inside
! ot a the ■ re lor three and iy s, im.t telling hi. • it was a part
j of a dut*., and that he liad only to say ye- and uo, every
time Mr. Boo.h stopja l sjieaking, tnruu him on ihe
stage. Boo;;i, son: v, iia* star*led at the strange aj*-
tearance oflho man before h:m, j it! the question—
“Niov.t:. T ire!, how are the bra s disposed?
lias: liio.t dealt tq on ’em?”
John, l;:ghn‘iieu out ol his .-cases, remained silent,
“.''peak, saiil the [uompter
“A es,’s lid Ji hu.
“.ill chii'st tiioti sec tliem dead?”
“No.” “Vc?, lroai the prompter. “It*?, echoed
! the l mk'hireman.
“Ami buried, my g<aid Tyrrel
•* Yes,” siiij J<,h:>, who li:i*i recoviuvd his courage.
“And buried.’ tejjea'ed 800 li.
“Yes, hv Gum, 1 told tiiee so before.
Booth, scared * disconcert el, paused for a second,
:i:i*l then went on—
< I hate it—git thee a spade, and and g tham up again.
Then get a cofliin full of holes. ’ A.e.
The audience, who jietceivcd the joke, laughed mi
ni derate!v, tnd lfoo h thrust Yorkshire John from
the stage, amidst the applause ot the whole theatre.
It was Ti.s first and las: appearance, for the next day
John was ivm <‘st iticcutut,
Shifment >f Cot on to B iltim *:tc v i heei.ixg.
Tiie ..i.ierican has been shown ft bill of lading of
bales of cotton shijq>e<l from Loiii-vdle for VV heeling.
t be tratisjiorted to tilts c:*y bv the Baltimore and
Ohio railroad, the freight on which will >c fifty per
t*u h - thar. here by .he wav of New Orteuw Inc
to iSigtnueut e. aies to Messrs. Love, Mai tin u (-“•*
a ul is the first shame at of c.ition to’ha: cji* I>V B)
n *w route jusl ojieutvl between Baltimore and n.e O.ito
Professional and Business Men
PitOF.tssioxAi. and BusiNESS Cards will be inserted
u i ler iius head, at the following rates, viz:
For three line ;, per annum, $ 5 00
“ .Seven lines, do 10 00
“ Ten lines, and • 12 00
“ Tv. il-. c line-, to 15 00
No . isv.uent ot his class will be admitted, un
less pam ior n. .ut a.. , nor .ol a teas iu
i nt’ns. Advertisements of over twelve lines wiil a
■!; ■ I fro kata. Advertisements not paid for in au
.ec, will be choj-gcd at the regular rates, j
Grand Lodge of Georgia, for Is’.:’, November Ist.
Macon Lodge, No. 5, first and third Monday nights in
each month.
Constantine Chapter, No. I, second Monday night in
each month.
VV ashiugton Council, No. G, 4th Monday night in each
St. Omer’s Encampment Knights Templar, No. 2,
Quarterly Se? -ions; commencing on the second
Mondays of February and Ma’, and third Mon
day in August, and Tuesdiy before the first Mon
day in November.
Grand Lodge, first Wednesday in June.
- fraud Encampment, Tuesday previous.
Franklin la> Igc, No. 2, every Thursday evening.
Lnited Brothers, No. every Wednesday evening.
M icon Union Encampment, No. -J, first and third
Tuesday evenings in each month.
Grand Division, fourth Wednesday in Oct., annually.
Tomochichi Division, first and third .Monday nights in
each month.
Amaranth Division, every Friday night.
t TTORNEY AT LAW, F O R S Y T H, (i A., will
1 V practice in the Flint and adjoining counties of the
Macon Circuit. jan 5 4fi-tl
V tice in the cojtntles of Bibb, Monroe, Upson, Pike
ati-J Spaulding.
O sover l)r. W. G. Little’s Drug Store.
. oct 14 Root. 15. Hall, John J. Cary. 28-ly
> \ COUNTY, GA., having removed his residence to
the town of Americas, tenders his professional services
to his old clients, and as many new ones as may favor
him with their patronage. sep 15 —24 ly
i \ G A., will punctu illy attend to all business entrus
ted to his care, iu Crawford, Macon, Taylor, and the
adjoining counties. mav 12 6-1 v
j V having formed a jiai-tnership, will attend promptly
to all business entrusted to them.
dec 15 37-ly
P. & E. D. TRACY,
1 TTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GA., will jiruc
- V tice in the Superior Courts of the Macon Circuit.
aug-18 2b—ly
i V MACON, GA., will practice in the Superior
Courts of the following counties: Bibb, Monroe, Pike,
Houston, Dooly, Sumter, Crawford, Macon, Jones and
Twiggs, and in the Supreme Court at Macon, Decatur
and Columbus.
All cases placed in our hands for collection, will be
u t'ttu ally attended to.
I* <■'“ Office over Belden & Co.’s Hat Store.
feb 25 H. G. LAMAII O. A. LOCIIRANE. 48-I.V
a V having moved his office from Macon to Oglethorpe,
will practice hereafer in the counties of Macon, Ma
rion, Taylor, Dooly, Sumter and Leo. He will also
continue to practice as heretofore, in several counties
of the Southern Circuit, and will attend the Supreme
Courts at Macon, Americus and Columbus,
feb 4 45- ts
jV. DOld’ll CO., GA. His term of office as Solicitor
(renewal of the South-Western Circuit having expired,
he will give his indtvidtt il and undivided attention to all
hu lues- of a prof --si-inal and legal character entrusted
to h's it re, in the coumies of Randolph, Stewart, Lee,
Bak -r and Early. jan 2H 44-ly
The subscriber will devote his whole attention to the
examination anil surveying of lands in the counties of
Baker, Early, Decatur, Irwin and Thomas.
llis fees for examining lands will be *lO per lot.
“ “ “ traveling and showing
persons the situation of their lands *lO “ day.
For a correct map of a district * 2
Being the County Surveyor of Baker county, there
is no one who better understands the situation or qual
ity of lands in the county. Office in Albany, Ga.
T. U. WESTFALL, Cos. Snrv’r,
oct 6 27-ly Baker Cos., Ga.
V / kinds of Merchandise and Produce received on
fP • Austin, Texas, will pay particular attention to
secure to the heirs of those xx ho fell with Fanning, at
Goliad, and with Travis, at the Alamo—the land to
which they are entitled. He tiill also attend to uny
busiuess relative to Land in any part ofthe State.
References in Macon, A. R. Freeman, Dr. Robert
Collins. Also, Messrs. Lamar k Lochrane, who will
attend to putting papers in proper form for adjustment.
Montgomery, July, 1 -5". jnly 28 17 li
\ Dav & Cos., will advance on consignments to the
above address. ap.r 2 1 -ly
/ 10-PARTNERBHIP. Hie undersigned hav<
\ this day formed a par.nership under the name and
style of ST ARKE A BRYSON, for the transaction of
a general Commission Business’ in tiie citv of Sav.m
naii. AV. W. STARKE,
Savannah, Oct. 2, 1552. oct F5 28-ly
July 28 17-ts
IMPORTERS and wholesale dealers in DBA’ GOODS,
inly 21 jon \ j. buoom. I —ly :>
S > Ah. -DR. BENSON has removed to the
i \ corner ot Mitlbeny a id 4th streets, nearly oppo
su.e his (iirater residence.
Dr. B. will continue to practice Medicine and Sur
g ry :.i all their departments both in the city and coun
tn • nov ;; 81-ts
Savann ui, Geo., will continue in the above busi
ties.- at 114 Bay street, East of ihe Exchange.
‘ -’"'Orders for Bagging, Rope, and other supplies
filled promptly, at lowest cash prices.
KEi-'trt TO
Major Win. Sanford, Gen. S. P. Myrick, Baldwin
county. M. Dennis, S. B. Marshall, Messrs. Carter &
Harvey, Putnam county. A. McAllum, Ira Peck,
Twiggs comity. Messrs. Black & Cobb, Messrs. Sloan
k Hawkins, Rome, Floyd county. Major John S. Row
land, Cass county. aug 11—19 6m
r)OOTS. A full as-ortment of Gents, tine French
) Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and wafer proof of
various kind* and qualities, both sewed and pegged.—
Just reenved and for sale low h”
oct 13 28 MIX k KIRTLAND.
/ tOTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA., Dealers in
A Groceries and Staple Dry Goods, are now now re
c-iviug their Fall and Winter Stock. Thankful to
their friends for past favors, would lie pleased to sie
them again. sep 15 *25-6in
/CURTAIN DAAIASK.S. A large assortment
V of Curtain Damasks, Cornices, Cord and Tassels,
Gimp s , etc., tor sale by WINSHIP k SON.
octo 2. -il
rriHE subscriber, thankful for the liberal patronage
I he has heretofore received, informs Ins friends
ami customers, that he will continue the Blacksmith
Business, together wi ll the making and repairing of
W.imus, at his .l I stand on the corner of First and
Uheri where all work entrusted to him will be done
with neatness and despatch, for CASH.
j ;ii 4 n_i2t M. E. RYLANDER.
L> Y ihe British Royal Mail Steamship fy r
> CONWAY, Caitain Sawi kb, 4ft:
Tons Burthen. This steamship is de
- gued to sad from Savannah, Georgia, on the fourth iff
Imiuury third of February, 6ih of Maic’a, 3rd of Apr 1
iiid itti of May, f*r Chagres, touching at Nausau, N.
t J ., iiuigua, (with the Turk’s Isl ind mai's,) and J. -
iiaica. She will be due at Chagres on ihe 14th of each
month, and return on ihe Itth, by same route, to Sa
As this service contemplates arrangements only for
i limited number of passengers, persons who desire to
avoid crowded boats will find the route a desirable one;
and invalils, who wish to spend the Winter among the
West India Islands, may find conveyance in the Com
pany’s Stoamsliips, twice a month, between Jamaica
and the fallowing ports, in addition to those named
Antigua, Grey Town, St. Kitts,
Barbadoqg, Guadaloupe, St Lucia,
Carriacon, Jacniel, St. Thomas,
Cai-thagena, Martinique, St. Vincent,
Montserrat, Santa Martha,
Dominica, Nevis, Tobago,
Grenada, Porto Rico, Trinidad.
From Savannah to Nassau s3o
do do Inagua 55
do do Jamaica 80
do do Chagres 90
(Including Steward’s fees,)
and in proportion to the other islands.
Fore-cabin passengers taken at one-half the above
’ ‘U’ Each ship carries an experienced Surgeon.
Freight and specie conveyed on the usual terms.—
For engagements apply to
nov 10—" Agents, Savannah.
t'TE.VMSHIP LINE, Weekly. The
i ’ new and splendid steamships -s.
FLORIDA (’apt. Lyon, *•§§§£’
V.LABAMA Capt. Ludlow,
Belonging to the New York and Savannah Steam Na
vigation Company, will leave Savannah and New York
every Saturday. These ships are of 1,300 tons register,
util unsurpassed in safety, speed and comfort.
Those Steamers, leaving Savannah at the same time
that the Marion and Southern r leave Charleston, ar
rive in New York as soon us, or before them.
■ Cabin Passage, *25 —payable before going on
Agents : PADELFOUD, FAY k CO.,
jan 1- ‘■ 2 ly • New i ork.
‘TMIE U. S. Mail Steamship STATE fsk 1 t’%>
1 OF GEORGIA, of 1,200 tons re
gisfer. Capt. John E. Walton, will sail
the following Wednesdays, FROM SAVANNAH:
D -eember 1 9th, 1852. April Oth, 1853.
January 12th, 1853. April 20th, 1858.
January 20th, 1853. May 4th, 1853.
February 9th, 1853. May lßih, 18‘-3.
( February 23d, 1853. June Ist, 1853.
March 9th, 1853. June 15th, 1553.
ilaich 23d, 1853. June 2: th, 1853.
Cabin Passage to Philadelphia §2?
Through Tickets to New ork 2-
Steerage t
This siiiji has been built with entire regard to safety,
comfort and despatch, and offers new and admirable
facilities to business and travel. For freight or passage
apply to PADELFORD, FAY k CO ,
Agents in Savannah.
may 20, ’52-ly Agents ir Philadelphia.
1 TON U. S. Mail Steam Packets,
leave Savannah every morning at four 1 a-’
o'clock, A. M., after the arrival of the Night Train ol
the Central Rail Road, and arrive :U Charleston at 1:
‘d. the same day, connecting at Clmileston vvi 1 h th<
Wilming’on Steam Packets, which leave with the U.
S. Mail every day at 2 Jv,’ P. M.; and also with the New
York and Charleston Steamships, which leave Charles
ton every Wednesday and Saturday afternoons.
Passengers leaving Macon on Tuesday evening, will
arrive in tone to connect with the splendid new Sieam
-hip -/<//>• * A bjrr one week, and the Steamship South*
trn-r the next.
Fare from Charleston to New York, by land route,
time 52 hours; bv Steamships, $25.
may 19 7-ly Savannah.
yv sr-.%‘ 5 r-.%‘
vv -r; ■:./ 4/ byWiiV-'. -c: Y-T
Tliumaston Sc Uarnesville R. it. <_•,>. (
DuCKlgQtfK I<>, )
r I' , IIE Stockholders of this Company are required to
I ]>ny an installment of Ten Dollars per share, on 01
before tlie loth day of Februarv next. Bv order of the
Bo;., and of Directors. W. 1). WOODSON,
Tel. copy. (lec 15 37-9 t Treasurer.
SSS. MB £3
XTEW ARRANGEMENT. On uad after Monday,
a.rt May 17th, the Trains will be run as follows:
Leave Macon 8 15, r. m., I Arrive in Atlanta 1 30 a. m.,
“ Atlanta 5 30, i>. m. ! “ in Macon 1 1 ‘ 4.5, r. 11.
Connecting at Atlanta with (lie Trains of the West
ern and Atlantic and LaGrauge Roads, and with th<
Day Train of the Georgia Road, and, at Macon, with
the Day Trains of ill” Central and Southwestern Roads.
Passengers will arrive in Macon at a quarter past la,
and a* Atlanta at halt-past 1, having the remainder ol
the night for rest.
Accommodation Trains, Tri-weekly, will leave Macon
every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at S o’clock, A.
M. Leave Atlanta 7 30, A. M. Arrive in Atlanta 3P.
M. Arrive in Macon 23>,P. M. This Train will con
nect with the Night Train ofthe Georgia Road at At
lanta, and with the Night Train ofthe Central Road at
Passengers by the upward Train can dine in Griffin.
The Accommodation Train between Macon and Grif
fin will be discontinued.
may 12 6 ts EMERSON FOOTE, Sup’t.
\ DAILY TRAIN for Passengers and Freight
leaves Macon at A. M. Arrives at Oglethorpe
at lot*', A. M. Leuies Oglerhorpeat 11 fff, A. M. Ar
rives at Macon at 3k,, P. M. Connecting each way
with the Central and .Nlacon k Western Trains, and the
Tallahassee Mail Stage Line. Passengers dine at For!
Valiev at 1 V, P. M.
GEO. VV. ADAMS, Supt. S. W. Iff Iff
7 The Stage for Tallahassee leaves Oglethorpe
every day except Sunday, and runs on Mondavs, Wed
ii-diys and Fridays by way of IJainbringe anil Quincy,
and on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays by wav
of Thomasvillo and Duneansville.
aug 13 20- ts F. K. WRIGHT.
IDO HEREBY forewi.rn ail per--, ns from tr ding f ra
certain promissory note, made so ilic subscriber 01:
tiie fir - dav of January, 1851, for three hundred dol
lars i*3oo) payable to Alexander S. Turner, and du:
first day of January, 1852, us the consideration ot
said note has entirely /ad and, and I shall resist the pay
ment of it. ROBERT Iff ROLLINS.
Birdsville, Burke county, Dec. 21st, Is.yj.
dec 29 39-94.
(1 ENTLE.MEN can be accommodated, at all hours,
F with Warm, Cold and Shower Baths. 1 li.-
II tir-Dressing and Shaving department is inferior to
none. Wigs and Toupees always on hand, and made
to order. Also, a complete assortment of Perfumery,
Progler’s Invigorator, Collars, Cravats, Combs, Brush
es, etc., etc. nov 331-ts
MRS. PROGLER has taken the first store below
the Post Office, where site is ready to accommo
date ihe Ladies of Macon in the above branch of busi
ness. She will also keep on hand a good assortment,
and make to order, nil articles of Artificial Hair-Work,
such as Wigs, Curls, Bands, Braids, Ae. Also, a large
assortment of Perfumery of all kinds. Long hair
bought. All articles of Hair repaired,
nov 331-ts
In the Tin, Sheet-Iron and Stove Business.
BA. WISE and E. B. CANDEE have formed a
• Co-partnership under the name and style of B.
A. WISE k CO., for the purpose of carrying on the
Tin, Sheet-Iron and Stove Business, at the old stand of
B. A. Wise, on Cherry street, Macon.
Mr. Candee will give his personal attention to
all work entrusted to our care. And it will be the es- j
fort of both partners to give every satisfaction to their!
customers. B. A. WISE,
sep 29 26-ts E. B. CANDEE.
l\ choice lot of Fine Gold and Silver Waiches, Chains ,
Seals, Diamonds, and other JEWELRY, Cuff Pins
etc., for sale low for cash or approved credit, bv
jan 19 42-ts E. J. JOHNSTON.
’ Persons ordering will please send sticks, and alsi
enclose the money. Price, 10 cents per bushel of 2i .
lie. Address “ATLANTA STEAM MILL, Atlanta
Georgia ” 5t jun 12-41
VEG ROES WANTED. Persons bav ,g Ne
i_\ genes for sale, will find a purchaser bv ca!ling_on
the undersigned. BENJAMIN FORT.
Macon, Oct. 13. 28-5 m
Eire-Proof warehouse—illacon, (ia.
rpllE undersigned takes pleasure in return- \\’
A mg their thanks to their former patrons i
and the public generally. They will continue
theAAarehi k Conuibssion Business at their well
known stand, on Poplar street. The undivided atten
tion oi bo;h partners will be devoted to all business
confided to them.
Liberal advances made on cotton in store. They
will attend strictly to the filling of owlets for family
supplies, Bugging, Rope, &c., at the lowest Macon
prices. JOHN M. FIELD,
aug 11 19-tim A. B. ADAMS.
V CARD.—To my friends, who have heretofore
. entrusted me with their business, I return my
most sincere thanks. To mv old customers I now ap
peal for a continuance of their favors, to enable me to
support my adhered family. Being deprived of the
A\ arehouse heretofore oeetiTiied by me, I have made ar
rangements with Messrs. Field k Adams, for tlic stor
age of (in their fire-proof Warehouse,) all Cotton sent
to my care, for which Messrs. Field k Adams will give
their receipts.
To mv fi iends and the public in general, I would
most humbly solicit a portion of their patronage. To
those who may, in their benevolent kindness, entrust
me with their business, I pledge my best exertions tor
a faithfril discharge of the trust confided to me.
aug 11 19-6111 N. OUriLEY.
undersigned take pleasure in announc-"”
I ing to their former patrons and the Plan- .
ters generally, that they have removed to the ;
safe and commodious
Previously occupied bv Messrs. Ousley A Son, which
thev have leased for ;i term of years. Grateful for the
patronage bestowed on them, they renew the tender of
their’ ervices, in the transaction of a legitimate
Taking no interest, direct or indirect, in the purchase
of Cotton, they pledge their undivided attention to the
interest of their pan ons.
Orders for Bagging, Rope, and other Merchandise,
will be promptly and carefully tilled, and Cash Advan
ces made on produce in store.
jtriy7 ltd PATTEN A COLLINS.
r pill-! undersigned having associated Mr. Ovid ‘ v \
1 G. Sparks with him in business, continues
to transact the Warehouse and Commission
Business, under the name and stvle of HARDEMAN
Their undivided attention will be given to till busi
ness committed to their charge. The long experience
of the undersigned as a cotton seller, added to his de
sire to please as well as faithfully to serve those that
may patronise the now firm, give him to hope that the
liberal patronage heretofore given to Hardeman A
Hamilton, will be continued to Hardeman k Sparks.—
Thev will risk nothing, either in purchasing or by ad
vancing on Cotton, as they have determined to confine
themselves to business with Planters, and to them
liberal advances will be made on Cotton in store.—-
Family supplies, with Bagging and Rope, will be fur
nished our friends at the lowest Macon prices,
july 14 15-ly THOS. HARDEMAN.
1 SA A ANN All, GA.-The undersigned
having formed a co-partnership for the transaction of
the above business, respectfully tender their services to
their friends and the public generally, and solicit a
share of patronage. Orders for goods or anv other
business entrusted to our charge, will be promptly at
tended to, and no pains will be spared to promote the
interests of those who favor us with their patronage. —
Liberal advances made upon cotton or other produce
consigned to us. W. 1). ETERIDGE,
apr 9 2-ts S. I'. GOA’E.
ffIMIANKFUL for the very liberal patronage
! heretofore extended to them, the subscri-<rlfe|
bers would respectfully solicit a continuance ofjr |
th.-some. They have in store and are weekly’
receiving the largest stock of Boots and Shoes ever be
fore offered by them, and would respectfully invite the
attention of buyers before purchasing elsewhere.—
The:r stock is manufactured with particular reference
to then- retail trade, and is warranted to be of good
stock and workmanship.
nov :t 31 ts STRONG & WOOD.
r rMIE subscriber would respectfully inform hisr-in
I friends and the public generally, who wish to) s
purchase; that he is now receiving his stock of^* 6
Fall and Winter HATS and CAPS, comprising a full
and co upletc assortment of all the latest styles and
fashions, from the berf manufactures at the North.
Thankful for past liberal patronage extended to him,
lie is confident tr-<„ n ti, e advantages which he now has,
tied he can give entire satisfaction to all who mav favor
him with a rail, as he is determined to sell goods at a
small profit, for cash, and as cheap ascan be bomdit in
this market. SAMUEL D. PALMAR,
Sign of ihe Big Hat,
oct 13 “s :*ni Second street, Macon, Ga.
(< I.N fS. fashionable Moleskin, a beaut-
I tul article. Also, a general assortment
ot men sand boy’s Sole Iluts. A large
stock of Caps of all kinds. New styles, Ac.,
for sale low by STRONG k AA’OOD.
nov 3 ‘ 31-ts
MRS. < ‘ARY will open on Monday October 4th v .
tlu- new fall ami winter stales of HATS,
LAS, together with an elegant selection of SILKS
ladies are respectfully invited to call. sep 29 26-ts
MRS. F. DESSAU, thankful for past patron- #
age, and soliciting a continuance of the
same, b. gs leave to announce <0 the Indies of Mu
eon, ami adjoining counties, and the public generally,
that -lie has opened her new importations of fashionable
Goods in her line, all selected hv herself, with the great
est care, consisting in part of Silk and Velvet and
Straw Bonnets, Head.-Dres-. s, Ua> s, Cloaks, Mantillas,
Robes Bayadere Dress Silks, and Cachmeres, Em
broideries, Ribbons, Gloves, Dress Trimmings, and
many fancy articles, all of which will be sold on the
most reasonable terms at her Store on Triangular
Block, next to Messrs. Bostick .V Johns’.
J'-?*” DRESSES made to order. oct 6 27 4m
MRS. I) AMOUR is receiving by each Mte.nt.-p,
er, fiom New York, new and fashionable
Goods in her line. She has 011 bund a full
sortment of Silk Dress Goods, Silk Velvet and Straw
Bonnets, of all qualities, Ribbons, Flowers, Laces,
Gloves, Mantillas and < ‘leaks, shall Is, Dress Trimmings,
of ull kinds, Combs, neiv Bracelets, and a general as
sortment of limey articles that tire generally kept in that
line. oct 7 ’ 27-ts
f T'MIE subscriber, grateful for past favors, would ~o
I respectfully inform his numerous patrons, wyN,
that he lias just received a large and well selec-.<t t[ .jsß.
ted stock of the following articles, which cannot he sur
passed i;t the (fold and silver Hunting and
Open Dial Lever, Lupine and Anchor Watches, gold
Fob, Guard, vest and Chatalinc Chains, Bracelets,
Breast Fins, Ear and Finger Rings, with Diamond,
Ruby, Opal, Ttirquois, Garnett ana other setts, which
are offered daily at great bargains on Mulberry street
directlv opposite the Lanier House, bv
oct 22 _ 30 ts M. D. BARNES.
Nearly opposite the Uunier House, .Macon.
• having formed a co-partnership, for the purpose
of carrying on the Book and Stationery business
under the firm name of Barnes & Dunham, are just
opening a large stock at the above stand, on MuUxrry
St red, consisting of Lute, df Ural and if * ‘rUaneuus
Bools. Together with a full and complete stock of
School Books ami Stition;::t, which they will sell
low for “ C tsu,” or approved paper. Orders from the
counln prompt!v attended to, and careful!v forwarded.
N. B. —Bookbinding in ull its branches attended to
as usual, anu well executed. Barnes k Dunham.
Macon, April 7, 1852. ]-jf
VOTK'i!. I*ers 11s indebted toJ. BARNES, arc
a 1 requested to call and settle their accounts,
apr 7 I— ts
JL\r 2:yXM> Imported and Domestic Sugars,
2” half Chests and lo Boxes Tea,
50 Boxes Tobacco, various brands,
100 Boxes Cheese, 20 Boxes Lemon Syrup,
B' 1 Barrels old Moaong.ihela Whiskey,
5 half-pipes, 15 qrs. pure French Brandy,
5 Pipes Holland Gi:i, 15 qr. Pipes Wine.
| Just received by T. C. DEMPSEY.
! dec 1 _ So—t f
1 lie best assortment of Negio Shoes we have ever
; offered in this market. Men’s double soled, peg and
nailed black and russetts, do. heavy single soled black
, and russetts; do. boys and youth’s black and russetts,
all of which we are selling vcv low.
oct 13 2S— if ‘ MIX k KIRTLAND.
Bagging, rope and twine—For sale
by sep 15 24 CATER k GRIFFIN.
/ t IRANDOLEK, Chandeliers and Lard Lamps,
\ J for sale a. low price* by E. J. JOHNSTON.
dee 22 33
IT'IN E Double and Single-barrel Guns, Rifles, Ac.,
1 at lower prices, (quality considered) than ever of
fered in Macon, for sale by E. J. JOHNSTON,
dec 22 S3
r |’ , HIS new, well arranged and commodious 1- .1
1 Hotel is now in charge of S. M LAXIKIff
late of the “Floyd House, Macon, Geo It is situaiei
nearly equi-distant between the River and the Depot, in
the most business part of the city. Tiie Proprietoi
brings to h s aid mu -h experience as a Hotel Keepot
and a will t > make bis House acceptable to all who may
patronize it.
An Omnibus to convey passengers to and from
the Steamboats and Cars will always be iu time sot
those who stop at this House
S. M LANIER, Proprietor,
jan 26 43-.’ t
r l''llE SUBSCRIBER still continues at his old A-A
1 stand, fronting the Court House, corner of Itfii”
Mulberry street, and respectfully solicits a share of pub
lic patronage. THIS HOUSE is convenient to all the
Railroads, and immediately in front of the general pas
senger depot. Omnibusses will ran to and from all the
depots. Board can be obtained by the day, week, ot
month, on reasonable terms, and every exertion will be
made to satisfy those who give him a call.
oct 6 27- y M. SULLIVAN.
r |' , IIK UNDERSIGNED, . late of the Washing-/feA
I ton Hall, Macon, Ga.,) respectful]v annonii- fo 1
ces to the public, that this NEW AND SPLENDID
HOTEL is now open for the reception of Boarders and
This House is new, large and commodious, —tbe
roonis are neat, spacious and airy, ancl furnished through
out with new and elegant furniture. As it will bv tin
der his personal superintendence, he flatters himself,
that by strict attention to business, so make his guests
comfortable, and to merit a continuance of their pat
Good Livery Stables in connection with this
House. JESSE CAIN, Proprietor.
_ aug 18 _ 20-ly
r |’ , HL UNDERSIGNED would respectfully no
-1 tifv the public that he has taken the FI.OVD iffiff
IiOUSE HO TEL, in the city of Macon, and has opened
the same for the accommodation of citizens and travel
lers. The House is well known to he the most capa
cious and comfortable Hotel in Macon, and the proprie
tor will spare 110 pains to give entire satisfaction to ull
who may call upon him. “ T. A. GOODWIN,
july 23 17-ts
r l''ilE UNDERSIGNED oilers tor sale his r —vy
ft. place on the Hill, near the Female College, ifr'c
It is situated in one of the most pleasant neighborhoods
in the city, and has many other advantages. The Lot
contains very nearly an acre of ground, and has upon
it a comfortable Cottage. Also, a fine collection of
Fruit, Flowers, Shrubbery, etc. Possession given Ist
of October next, or earlier, if desired.
For terms. Ac., appiv to John Rutherford, Esq., or
address the undersigned, at Oglethorpe,
may 26 8-ts GEO. W. FISH.
IT'OR SALK.—The Mbeeaber bring desi
rous to remove, offers for sale, the COT- ff;
TAGE RESIDENCE, where he lives, on College St.—
The House contains 7 rooms, and there is on the lot all
necessary out-buildings, a fine well of water, with a
great variety of Fruit and shade trees; and will be sold
low. Possession will be given immediately. Apply
to L. CO WEES, or
jan 5 40-St J. J. GRESHAM, Esq.
j r r , IIAT well known and valuable family Resl
-1 dence, formerly occupied by the late Wm. i*'-ff
Scott, Esq., in Vincville, with all the improvements, and
fifty acres of land attached, is now oftered for sale.—
For salubrity of position, convenience to Macon, and
every other desirable quality, this place is second to none
in the neighborhood. The house is large and well built,
with eight well-finished upright rooms, and at such a
distance from the public road, as to make the premises
susceptible of great improvement. Plenty of timber
on the land to serve the occupant for years. For terms
and other particulars, apply to
dec 22 38-ts ROBT. FREEMAN.
: r PHE subscribers offer for sale a lot of likely
1 NEGROES from the upper part of Gcoegia, 55”
and shall be receiving Negroes of* all descriptions
during Winter and Spring, having Agents con
stantly buying through the up country, and forwarding
to us. Good reference given as to responsibility.
Our location is near the lower end of Cotton Avenue,
dec 29 S9-12t W. M. & A. B. McAFEE.
VBOUT the last day of ihe Fair, my negro fjj.
girl, FRANCES or FANNY, about 20 years
old, a copper colored mulatto woman, very likely.—*3
She has probably been decoyed off, or harbored by some
white person about the city. A reasonable reward will
be paid for her apprehension and delivery to myself, ot
the Jailor of Bibb county. If harbored, 1 will pay a
liberal reward for proof to convict the person harboring
her. jan 19 42-ts DAVIT) JAMESON.
r I' , IIK SI BSCRIBJER, wishing to dispose S'life
■ -I. of h s Lands, offers for sale, on Kberal terms, I
! the following Lands: |
22000 acres lying in Tain-all county ;
7,* _| 00 acres lying iu EfTi; gham county ;
l,i)00 acres lying in Bryan county;.
2,000 lying on the Canal iu Cliatham.
A tract of 2-50 acres, one mile from the eitv, on the
Central Railroad, and at present the residence of the
Subscriber. To capitalists this tract offers many induce
ments for manufacturing or residences. A j lat of it
laid out in lots for a village can be seen at the counting
room of T. J. Walsh, Bay-street.
Savannah, jau 26 43-3 t EBEN JENCKS.
r I'MIE subscriber offers for sale on moderate terms, r.
L very valuable settlement 08 land in 10 miles ot
Americus, Sumter county, Ga., lying in the 26th Dis
trict, containing 400 acres, with 75 arres open; delight
fully situated in a healthy region. Call and see, a great
bargain can be had. Residing thee miles from Ameri
cus. WM. A. RAMSEY,
oct 13 28-ts
1 AT E offer for sale LANDS in originally Cherokee
\ > county, also, in Carroll, Dealy, Macon. Marion,
Pulaski Muscogee, Stewart, Sumter, Lee, Randolph,
Baker, Early, Decatur Thomas, Lowndes, Irwin, Ap
pling, Clinch, Ware and other counties, of original!;
Wilkinson. MOORE k EDWARDS. ’
Office next to the Maniifceturf.r-.’Pank
Macon: Oct 18th, 1852. 2ft ts
DISSOLUTION. The co-partnerahip .f AD-1
ERHOLI), JOHNSON k UO., was this day dis
solved by mutual consent.. The undersigned has bought
out the interest of E. J. Jeftcrs and E. T. Johnson, his
late ("-partners, and will hereafter conduct the business
in his own name.
11c alone will wind up the business of the late firm,
and ali settlements must be made with bina only.
Macon, Dee 21, 1852. J. W. ADURHOLD.
y* ‘ The subscriber returns bis thanks to his old
friends and customers for their past patronage, and
informs them that he will continue the business at the
prerent stand, where he will be pleased to receive their
All persons indebted to the late old firm, of Johnson
k Aderhold, and also to the late firm of Aderhold, John
son k Cos., are requested to settle their respective ac
counts to said firms, with tnc, immediately, or they
will be placed in the hands of an Attorney for collection,
dec2B 39-4 t J. W. ADERHOLD.
Jll. DAMOUR, still at. his old stand, Mulbem i
• street, two dtsirs below the Lanier House, keeps
tbe finest Liquors and Wines taut will be found anv
where, mostly all of his own direet importation—such as
Brandy, Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum, Scotch and Irish
Whiskey. Champagne, Burgundy, Bordeaux, Malaga,
Sherry,’and Maderia Wines of first choice, Segars and
Tobacco, dried and green Fruits, Butter, Cheese, Crack
ers, dried Beef Beef Tongues, canvassed Hams, pickled
Beef and Pork, Candies and Nuts of till sorts. Cheap
for CASH. oct 6 27-ts
('IOUNTRY MERCHANTS, and others, supplied on
J moderate terms, with plain and ornamental Can
dies, Raisins, Oranges, Apples, Butter, Sugar and Bos
ton Crackers, etc. Also, Scg.irs, Tobacco and Pipes.
Having obtained the services of a finished Candy
Maker, from New York, and ttsing h-st White Sugar,
we warrant these Candies to stand ihe climate. <
The above articles, s;nd all sorts of Drugs and Medi
cines, for sale by J. H. k W. S. ELLIS,
Between Messrs. E. Bond and A. J. White, Cherrv
st., Macon, Ga. nov 24 54-ts ‘
MANUFACTURER of Candies, Cordials, Svraps,
. Ac., under the office of the Giroux ttt ten.
Balls, Parties, and Families furnished with Cake, etc.,
at short notice, and on reasonable terms, for the Cash.
N. B.—All orders from tbe country accompanied with i
fhp cash, will meet with prompt attention.
dec 17 8.” -ts
IEATHER* —Oak and hemlock sole leather,
j French calfskins, shoe threads, &c., just received
by WM. B. FERRY k CO.
oct 6 27~4m* r
BOY’S fine sewed and peg imitation dress and thick
Boots ; calf, enamel and kip sewed and peg Bro
gans, Gaiters, Dancing Pumps, &e., just received bv
<Kit 6 27-4m* WM. B. FERRY & CO.
\ T EW MACKEREL, &c.—123 bbls. hall bbls.
a 1 quarter bbls. and kits, 1,2, and 8 Mackerel; 1800
lbs. superior Codfish; 55 boxes No. 1 Ilet-ring. Just
received by nov 24 34 GEO. T. ROGERS, j
BEDSTEADS ? of Mahogany, Walnut, Cherrv
Curled and plain Maple and Poplar. For sale lit j
oct 27-6a WOOD, BRADLEY 4 CO. I
VOL. XXX.—NO. 44.
r pHE undersigned announce to the public, that hav-
X ing experienced the want of some suitable place
for the accommodation of sick Negroes, brought from
the country for the purpose of being placed under pro
fessional treutment, they are about opening an INI JR
MARY, in a quiet part of the city, furnished with
proper attendants, furniture and appliances, c l r
‘hi wants oj servants requiting sury etl opi-raticms or
medical treatment for chronic diseases, via ho nro
priately supplied. C. U. NOTTINGHAM, Ml. i).
julv 7 14-1 r G. HARRISON, M. 1).
r pHE SUBSCRIBERS are weekly resolving large
1 invoices of FANCY DRY GOODS, by steamers
from New York. Among them can be found some
beautiful figured DeLaines and Cashmeres, which cost
15 tier cent, less lhan the same style did six weeks ago,
and which they intend selling at very reduced rates.’
Their old friends and customers can buy goods from
them during the next month, or from now until the
25th of December, at almost any reasonable price, as
they desire reducing their present stock to make room
for the most extensive Spring and Summer stock that
has ever been brought to Macon. Cctne one—come
all! and get bargains at
nov 24 34-ts BOSTICK & JOHNS.
C\V. ROSS A CO. arc- now receiving, and will
T • open on the first of October next] iii the store
lately occupied by Logan and Atkinson, one of the most
choice and desirable stocks of FOREIGN AND DO
MESTIC FANCY DRY GOODS ever offered in this
market, a portion of them imported direct from lot
rope. The Stock will be entirely new, and consist of
the latest fashionable and expensive styles of Silk,
Linen, Cotton and Worsted Fa nr its.
W. A. RG'S,
sep 15 84-6 m G, W. ROSS.
JB. ROSS A CO. will continue to keep, at their
• OLD STAND on Cotton Avenue, a large and
desirable stock ot STAPLE DRY GOODS, and a gen
eral assortment of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Hats,
Shoes, Blacksmith's Tools, and’ nearly every article
wanted bv a planter. sep 15 244 kn
ri’MIE SUBSCRIBER is now receiving his FALL
L and WINTER STOCK, consisting if s general
assortment of Fanct and Stable L‘m Goon.-, which
Have been purchased in New York and Philadelphia
on the best terms. As our sales are lor CASH, we in
tend lo sell our Goods at a small erotic Our friends
and the public generally are requested to give us a call,
sep 29 20-ts ‘ GEO. W. PRICE
f tARPETIKG AND RUGS.—Just received a
V J good assortment of fine, superfine and three-ply
Carpeting, Ri gs, of all qualities, some rich and hand
some. GEO. W. PRICE.
I TAPER HANGINGS. — 2,000 pieces of Paper
Hangings, of ell oualities, some very rich. Also,
a handsome Hit of fine Broad Prints.
_____ GEO. W. PRICE.
AY” ILL!AM It. FERRY A CO., Dealers in#
Y Y Boots and Shoes, Tnmgular Block, Second |L”-
Suvet, having re-modelled and newly lilted up
their store, arc now receiving ior the Fall and Winter
trade, one of the hugest and most dcsirublc stocks of
BOOTS AND SHOES, to be offered in this maiket.-
Their goods have been laid in for Cash, and with care
ful reference to elegance and durability ; and will be of
ferred to the trade at prices that cannot tail to .-airily
the most careful buyer. Thankful for past favors, they
would respectfully solicit a continuance of the libtnil
patronage heretofore extended to them.
oct 6 27—1 m*
IADIES’ Lace and Congress Prunella, Satin Fran
j cia and Silk Gaiters ; Black, R ton re and V e
Kid and Satin Slippers; Jenny Lind Enamel and Kid
Boots and Gaiters; Enamel and Kid Ties and Buskins.
Rubber Over shoes, Cork soles, Ac., just received and
for sale by WM. 11. FERRY & CO.
oct 6 27 4m*
IMPORTER ANI) DEALER in Eng-dsband Ameri
can Hardware, Cutlery, Iron, Nans, Hollow-Ware
and Tin Plate, at his old stand on Mulberry St., second
door above the Lanier House, offers tor sale on reason
able terms, the following articles :
500 Dot Table Cutlery,
250 “ Pet; and Pocket do.,
25 “ Razors,
25 “ Scissors and Shears, .
50 “ Mineral Knob Looks and Latches; vari
ous patterns,
75 “ Pad Locks,
100 “ Drawer, Cupboard and Chest Locks,
200 “ Butt Hinges,
*ISOO lbs. Ilook au<l Eye Hinge.*,
500 “ Plate,
500 Gross New England Wood Screws,-.
20 Kegs Wrought Nails and Spike \
j.O “ Griffin's Horse Shoe Nails,
25 “ Horse Shoos,
150 Boxes Tin Plate,
0 tons Philadelphia Ilollow-Ware,
Together with a full assortment of Blacksmith’s and
Carpenter’s Tools, Pitman’s Stirrup, Cranks and Mill
Saws, Buggy aud Wagon Axles and Springs, Brass
Andirons, Shovel aud Tongs, Cross-cut and Pit Saws,
Files of every description, Guns aud Rides, Trace, Log,
Fifth and Press Chains, Manilla Rope, .Straw Cutters,
Corn Shelters, Ploughs, and every other article usually
kept in a Hardware Store dec 29 ; tf ’
4 XES AND HOES.—2b doz. Collins’ Hartford
J \ A xest;
80 doz. Hunts’ Hartford Axes ;
20 “ Collins’ New York Axes;
20 “ 11. Collins’ Axes;
20 “ Archer’s Virginia Axes;
30 “ Brady’s No. 1 Patent Hoes;
30 “ “ “2 “
30 “ “ “ 2 “
100 “ Scovil’s No. 1,2, 3 and 4 banter’s Hoes;
I*X> “ Phoenix No. 3, 2, S nr.A4 “ “
For sale by E. B. WEED,
doc 22 3fc
BROCADE SILKS.—The suofeeribershave just
received and opened a handsome lot of very rich
and extra wide Brocade Silks, which they are selling at
low prices. oct 6-27 WiNSIIIP A SON.
V J terns of the richest styles of single and double
width Cashmeres and Satin De, B&Laincs,
Merinoea, Ac., for sale by WINSHIP A SON.
oct 6 ‘ c.T-It
1 (1(1(1 HEAVY 9 1-4 Negro Blanket*. 1C piccc-s
I'mml Georgia Kerscv. Osuaburgs bv the piece or
bale. For sale bv ‘ WINSHIP A SON.
oct C * 27-ts
r P'HE SUBSCRIBER is now opening his bull supply
I of Families Groceries, among which is fifty boSt-s
oft hat celebrated luxury COWLES’ CREAM CIiEESE.
l't) sacks Atlanta Sieam Mill Flour; Pickled Shad;
new Mackerel, in barrels and kits, Hams, Side*. Shoul
ders, Laid, Meal, Savannah Grits, Sugar, Coffee, etc.,
which will lie sold low for cosh,
oct 6 27-sin L. COWLES, Agent.
IRON AND NAILS.-—2OO tons assorted Sweedes
. Iron;
100 tons assorted English and American Ref. Iron;
20 “ “ Hoop, Band, Scroll, Rod and Sheet
500 Kegs Cut Nails and Spikes; fur sale bv
dec 22 E. B. WEED.
n AAIS HAMS ! J—Just receiced a small lot of
. very fine sugar-cured Hams, for sale bv
oct Ci 37-ts No. 7, Arcade Building, Cot. Ave.
O supply just received, at
I >KOGANS. —A large stock cf black and russet
J plantation brogans; also, kip, calf and enamel
leather broguns, jus* received and for sale at reduced
prices, by WM. B. FERRY A CO.
oct *3 27-im* i,
1 TICKLES • —25 boxes gallons, half gallons atid
quarts; lo half hbis. Pickles in Vinegar—for srf!c
by nov 24 54 GEO. T. ROGERS.
( CHECKS, Billiard and Ton Pin Balls, Chess Men.
V,/ Backgammon Boards, Dominoes, etc., for sa! bv
_ oct E. J. JOHNSTON. “
(tOTTAGE CHAIRS.—A Good assortment 1 f
Messrs. J. A L. 8. Morgan’s gamine COTTAGE
CHAIRS, both plain and ornamented, can always be
Agents for the Manufacturer.
Macon, sep 15 24-tirn
17INE ST. CROIX, LOAF and Refined SU
-1 GAR, for sale by CATER A GRIFFIN.
sep 15 24
rITST RECEIVED—A fmc lot of silver Placed
and Britannia Castors. Also, a large lot of Look
ing Glasses—large and small—at smali prices.
nov 24 34-ts Triangular Block, 2nd at.
MEATS. —a barrels of this Fall cured pig hams,
dried beef, family corned beef, tongues, Ac., for
sale by ‘ C. A. ELLS A SON.
YII7INDOW SHADES—A large assortment cor.-
YV stantlv on bund. Gilt Cornices and fixtures.—
or *a le by. oct 0 tint WOOD, BRADLEY A CO.
ANEW and fine supply of Window Coir,ice, Cur
tain Bands and Pins, Ac., for sale bv
, dec 22 jss e. j. Johnston.
R.—From ihe Atlanta Milis, for sale bv
X opr 4 A. J. WHITE.