Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, January 29, 1858, Image 1
Augusta betting Disptcjj. VOLUME 2. €btning pspatcjj.j; PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, I ( BY S. A. ATKINSON.!! DAILY, per annum $4 <M> j i WEEKLY, I 50 . 89“ will he received for three * in<»i tits at $1 25. Monthly subscriptions, Fifty Cents. 43* Payment for subscriptions will positively be required in advance. KATES OP AUVERTISINUI Advertisement * will he inserted by the square of!2 llues (100 words.) for 50 cents for the lirst insertion, and cents for each subsequent in- 1 sertion under ono month, to be paid for when the , advertisement is handed into the office. Advertisements under live lines will be insert , cd at 10 cents a line for the lirst, and 5 cents a for each subsequent insertion. ! Advertisements will be inserted in both the Ba:!y and Weekly Dispatch at 25 per cent above 'these rates. Thirty-Fifth Congress. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ' Humber of members, - - - - 234 * ALABAMA. new york —Continu'd 1 Jus A Stalwarth. 6Wm B Maclay : - E S Shorter. G John Cochrane 3 Jas F Dowdell. 7 Elijah Ward 4 Sydney Moore. 8 Horace F Clark 1 5 Geo 8 Houston. 9 John B Haskin GWIt W C obb. 10 A L Murray * JL M Curry. 11 Wm F Russell Arkansas. 12 John Thompson 1 A B Greenwood. 13 Abram .1 (>lin 2 Ldw A Warner. 14 Erast us Corning CALIFORNIA. 13 Edward Dodd 1 Charles L Scott. 1G (ho IF Palmer 2J C McKibben. 17 Francis ESkinner Connecticut. 18 Clark B Cochrane 1 Ezra Clark, Jr. 19 Oliver A Morse 2 Samuel Arnold, 2d20 O B Maiteson 3 Sidney Dean. 21 Henry Bennett 4Wm 1) Bishop. 22 Henry 0 Goodwin DELAWARE. 23 Charles B Hoard 1 3\ m G Whitley. 24 Avion P Granger FLORIDA. 25 Edwin Ji Maryan 1 Geo S Hawkins. 2G Emory HPotib- Georgia. 27 John M Parker 1 Jas L Seward. 28 William Kelsey 2M J Crawford. 29 Sum'l (i Andrews 3 R P Tripps Am. 30 J W Sherman 4 L J Gartrell. 31 S M Burroughs 5 A It Wright. 32 Israel T Hatch G Jas Jackson. 33 Reuben E Fenton 7 Joshua Hill. Am. north Carolina. A H Stephens. 1 H M Shaw Illinois. 2 Thomas Ruffin 1 EJI Washburn*. 3 Warren Winslow 2 J F Faruev'orth. 4 L O B Branch 3 (hern lew,-joy. 5 John A 'Ulmer, Am 4 Wm Kellogg. G Alfred M Scales 5 Isaac N Morris. 7 Burton Craige G Thomas L Harris. 8 T L Clingmau 7 A Shaw. oiiio. 8 Robert Smith. 1 Geo H Pendleton 3 Sam’l A Marshall. 2 W S Grosbeck INDIANA. 3 lewis /) Campbell 1 WJ Ni black. 4 M 11 Nichols 2Wm H English. 5 Richard Mv" 3 James Hughes. GJH Cockerell 4 .Tames B Foley. 7 Aaron Harlan 5 Dur a! Kilyor■•. 8 Benjamin Slorro : G James M Gregg. 9L W Hall 7 John (1 Davis. 10 Joseph Miller S James Wth'*' 11 Valentine BM'/rton 9 Schuyler Colfax 12 S S Cox 10 Charles Cas e 13 John Sherman 11 John U Pettt 14 Philemon Bliss iowa. 15 Joseph Burns 1 Samuel P Cart is 10 C B Tomkins 2 Timothy Davis 17 Wm I .awrente KENTUCKY, 18 llefj F Lei ter 1 Henry ( BurnettlO Eduard Wad* 2 Samuel 0 Peyton2o Joshua R G hidings 3 WL Frdirwood .421 J A Bingham i A G Talbott PENNSYLVANIA. 5 Joshua II Jewett 1 Thos B Florence G John K Elliot 2 E Joy Morris, Am 711 Marshall, Am 3 James Landy S Jiimef: BClay 4 Henry M Philips 9 Jolm C Mason 5 Owen Jones 10 J W Stevenson G John Hickman Louisiana. 7 Henry Chapman 1 (Do Fust is,Jr , .1//? 8 J Glancy Jones 2 Miles Taylor 9 A E Roberts 3TG Davidson 10 John C Kunkel 4 J As Sandige 11 Wm I. Dew art maixe. 11 P Leidy 1 John M Wood 13 Win II Dimmiek , 2 Charles J Oilman 14 (1 A Grow > Nchcmuth Abbott 15 Allisoh White 1 I Wmian II Morse 10 John J Abel • 5 / Wa hhvrne, Jr 17 Wilson Reilly ' rph C Foster 18 John R Edic Maryland. 19 John Covode • J A Stewart 20 Wm Montgomery 2J B Rica ud, Am 21 David Ritchie '> Jld Harris. A m 22 S A Puniam e 4 II W Davis, Am 23 Wm Stewart 5 Jacob M Kunkel24 J L Gillis G Thos F Bowie 25 John Dick MASSACHUSETTS. RHODE ISLAND. 1 R Ii //all 1 A 7 B 1 )urfee 2 James Bujfinlon 2Wm J) Drayton o Wm S Damrell south Carolina. 4 Linas B Cumins 1 John McQueen t 5 Anson Burlingame 2 W Porcher Miles G Timothy Davis 3 Lawrence M Keit 7 J) W Gooch 4 M L Bonham 8 CL Knapp 5 James L Orr 9 Eli Thayer G Wm W Boyce *0 Calvin C Chaffee Tennessee. 11 Henry L Dawes 1A G Watkins Missouri. 2 II Maynard, Am 1 FP Blair , Jr 3 Samuel A Smith 2 TL Anderson, Am 4 John H Savage 3 John B Clark 6 Chas Ready, Am 4 J Craig 6 George W Jones 5 S II Woodson , Am 7 John V Wright G John S Phelps 8 FKZollicojfer. Am 7 Sam’l Caruthers 9 JDC Atkins Michigan. 10 WmT Avery 1 Wm A Howard texas. 2 Ilenry Waldron 1 Guy M Bryan •3 I) S Walbridge 2J 11 Reagan 4 De Witt C Leach Vermont. Mississippi. 1 EP Watton 1 L Q C Lamar 2 Justin S Morrill 2Re lib in Davis 3 Homer E Boyce •3 Wm Barksdale Virginia. 40 R Singleton 1M R H Garnet 5 J A Quitman 2 J I Mi Ison NEW HAMPSHIRE. 3 John S Caskic 1 James Pike 4 Wm 0 Goode 2 M B Tapjxm 5 Thos S Bocock 3 Aaron liCragm G Paulus Powell NBW Jbbsey. 7 Wm Smith 1 Isaiah D Clauron 8C J Faulkner 2 I. h hobim 1) John Letcher 8 Garnet 15 Adrian] 0 S Clemens 4 John Huyler 11 A G Jenkins o J 11 Wnrtcndykel 2 H Ednrundson xew yobk. 13 G W Hopkins 1 John A Searing 2 George Taylor wistoxsin. ■3 Danl E Sickeis 1 John F Potter 4 John Kelly 2 CC WaMmme 3 Chas Billmghvrst SENATE. Number of members, 02 Democrats in Roman, Opposition in Italic. ALABAMA. MISSISSIPPI. v Clement Clay, Jr. Albert G Brown. •• Benj. Fitzpatrick. Jefferson Davis. I ARKANSAS. MISSOCBI. Wm B Sebastian. James L Green. Robert W. Johnson.TrustcnPolk. CONNECTICUT. NEW HAMPSHIRE. j Is/fayette S Foster. John P Hale. James Dixon. Daniel Clark. CALIFORNIA. NEW YOBK. WmWGwin. Wm llSeward. David C Broderick. I’reshm King. DELAWARE. NEW JERSEY. Martin W Bates. William Wright. James A Bayard. John R Thompson. FLORIDA. NORTH CAROLINA. David L i idee David S Reid. Stephen U Mallory. Asa Biggs. GEORGIA. 01110. Robert Toombs. George E Pugh. Alfred Iverson. Benjamin F Wade. INDIANA. PENNSYLVANIA. Graham N Fitch. William Bigler. Jesse D Bright. Simon Cameron ILLINOIS. RHODE ISLAND. Stephen A Douglas. Philip Allen. Lyman Trumbull. James I Simons. IOWA. SOUTH CAROLINA. George W Jones. Josiah J Evans. James Harlan. J H Hammond. KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. John 11 Thompson. John Bell. John J Crittenden. Andrew Johnson. LOUISIANA. TEXAS. J P Benjamin. Sam Houston. John Slidell. Vacancy. MAINE. H m Pitt Fessenden. Vermont. Hannibal Ilamltn. Jacob Collumer. MASSACHUSETTS. Solomotl Foot. Henry Wilson. Charles Sumner. Virginia. MARYLAND. R M T Hunter. James A Pearce. Jas M Mason. Anthony Kennedy. MICHIGAN. WISCONSIN. Charles E Stuart. Charles Durkee. Zachariah Chandler. Jump R Doolittle. Recapitulation. SENATE. I lemocrata Opposition, .25 ! Vacancies, 1 T €2! Doin'- era tic rna so rity 10. HO l SK Os KEPRESENT.VnvSS. Democrats. .I2u\ Know Nothings, 75 Black Republicans, 09 Democratic majority 24. Rail Road Register. VVKsThII.V AND ATLANTIC li.UI.KOAD. (Atlanta to Chattayuwga.) Morning IVs’ger Train leaves Atlanta 1.45 x r.. ami arrives at Chattanooga 9.45 a ui 1 Morning Passenger Train leaves Chat. I .30 am' and arrives at Atlanta 9.33 a m j Night Passenger Train leave- Atlanta 12.39 p m and arrives at Chattanooga B.IS pn* Night Passenger Train leaves Chut. 3.10 p tn ' and Atlanta 11.22 p w Fare to Chattanooga, $5. JAMES M. M'LI.LOCK, Sup’t. ATLANTA AND LAGRANGE RAILROAD. Morning Fa sponger Train leaves Atlauta2.oon m and arrives at West Point 7._S :i m 1 Evening Passenger Train leaves Allanta'l.OO p ni and arrives at West Point 6.28 p in ! Morning Pas.-'ger Train leaves W. Point 4.00 a m and arrives at Atlanta at 9.27 a m Evening I’a* s’gr Train leaves W. Point 4.30 pm j and arrives at Atlanta 10.15 p m Fare to West Point, $3.50. GEO. G. HULL, Superintendent. MACON AND WESTERN RATI,ROAD. Morning Pa.--.Vgr Train leaves Atlanta 10.30 atn iind arrives at Macon 4.15 a m Evening Pass’gr Train leaves Macon 12.00 prn and arrives at Atlanta 0.05 p m Fare to Macon, $4. E. FOOTE, Superintendent, i GEORGIA RAILROAD. (From Augusta to Atlanta.) Leave Augusta at 2 30. A M, and 4 P M. Arrive at Atlanta at 1136 A M and 1 04 P M. Leave Atlanta at 12 A M and 10 A M. Arrive at Augusta at S 56 A M and 7 P M. [The 2.30, A. M.. train from Augusta connects through to Memphis.] Fauk—ss 50. Connect with, South Carolina Railroad Train;. ArrivealAugusiaat 1A M and*2 30 PM. Leave Augusta at 10 A M and 8 05 P M. With Western amt Atlantic Railroad Trains, Arrive at Ulanta at 11 22 P M and 933 AM. I Leave Atlanta at 145 A Mand li 30 pd. With Atlanta a/iet LuGranye RuUrtnul Train Arrive at Atlanta at 10 15 P M and 7 00 A M Laave Atlanta at 2 A M and 1 P M. Connect with Macon <(■ Western Railroad. Arrive at Atlanta, 9 15, A. M.. and 6 05. P. M Leave Atlanta, 10 30 a. M., and 12 Night. Adt-nt Ji ranch—Sundays Excepted. Leave Augusta at 2 30, Night. I eavo Atlanta 1200. Night j Leave Athen- 12 00. Night. Arrive at Athens 10 30, Day. Arrive at Augusta 9 00, Morning. Arrive at Atlanta 11 34. Morning. Washington Branch—Sundays Errepted. Leave Augusta 2 30, Night. Leave Atlanta 12 00, Night, j Arrive at Washington 7 35, Morning’ Leave Washington 330. Morning Arrive at Augusta 8 53. Morning Arrive at Atlanta 11 34, Morning War rent on Branch—Sundays Excelled. B<»vc Augusta 4 00. Evening Leave Ata..U 10 00, Morning Arrive at Wurrenton 8 00, Evening Leave We rrenton 3 30, Evening Arrive at Augusta 7 00, Evening Arrive at Atlanta 1 14, Night GEO. YONGE, Superiute dent. AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD. Leave Augusta. 2.10, A. M. and 4 P M Arrive at Milien, 4:05 A. M. and 6:35 P. M Leave Milien, 5:40 A. M. and 3:45 P. M Arrive at Augusta, 9:00 A. M. and 6:47 P. M. Connecting with trains to and from Savannah and Augusta. C. A. BROWN, Sun ! t. SOUTH CAEOIJNA RAIL ROAD COMPANY. Day Mail anti Passenger Train leaves Augusta at p M*’ A ’ an< * arr ‘ ves in Augusta at Night Mail and Passenger Train leaves Augusta at 5.05 P M; arrives in Augusta at 1 P M. 11. T. PEAKE, General Superintendent. CENTRAL RAILROAD. Between Saeannah and Macon. Leave Savannah 1 15, a in, 2 46. p m Arrive in Macon 10 45, a ni, 12 30, a in’ I cave Macon 9 45, am, 11 30, p m Arrive in Savannah 7 20, pm. 8 50, a in Between Savannah and Augusta. Leave Savannah 1 15, am. 11 15, a m i Arrive in Augusta 9 a m. 7 p m Leave Augusta 2 am, 345 p in 1 Arrive *n Savannah 8 50 a m. 10 55 p n» 1 Be 1 ween Macon and Augusta. I cate Macon 945 am, 11 30 pm i Arrive in Augusta 7 pm, 9am Leave Augusta 2am, 3 45 p m : Arriv ■in Macon 10 45 am, 12 30 am ' EMERSON FOOTE, Gen’l Superintendent. ! EAST TENNESSEE AND GEORGIA RAILROAD. | Leave Augusta 4 00 p in! do Atlanta 145a in do Dalton 7 50am 1 Knovville l 30 p m R. C. JACKSON,Superintendent. /"HOARS. 60,000 various brands, for sale low bv JOSIAH SIHLKY k SONS, MS No. t>, Warren Block. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, JANUARY 29 1858. liUsfdktnmn. I MILL STONES 7 - WILLIAM BRENNER, i Manufacturer of |rt nc ir §urr tils tones,; A ND (ioiilur in Esopus and Cologne ' r\ Stones, Broad-street, above Upper Market, Augusta, Ga. Orders solicited and punctually - attended to. ja:i7-ly j N0RF0LK*OYSTERS! TJMIE UNDERSIGNED having com* menced the OYSTER BUSINESS / . ■ in this city, and designing to duct it extensively, and In the bcst^kJJb jr manner, desires to commend his 'ZAKtS i purpose to the attention of his friends and the public. Ho will prepare and keep constantly on hand | for transportation to any part of the country i. THE BEST FRESH OYSTERS, * ITermetrically Sealed, Spiced and Fried, put up ; in cans, that the Norfolk market can produce, ! spiced upon an improved plan, imparting to the j Oyster the most delicate Savor, and insuring M their preservation in any climate for a reason I able period in their first excellence in every ro- ! | spoet. Having had abundant experience in tlia busi- j, and perfected his plan with the utmost j success, he submits his enterprise to the public, i ; with confidence in his ability to satisfy the most ? I fastidious taste. j Also, Fresh Oysters packed in kegs or tin, ' j spired in keg*. Orders from all parts of the country respect- * fully solicited and promptly attended to. Terms 1 cash. Address. HENRY FITZ .EKaLD. Norfolk, Va. j j or R. 1,. MOSS, Augusta. Ga. jan!4 MiLLWRIGHTING, &c mHE UNDERSIGNED takes this me j JL thod of informing the citizens of Georgia ’ and adjoining States that they are prepared tor j j the erection and construction of SAW AND OKI ST MILLS,' KITH KB STEAM OK WATER KOWER. I Having within the past four years put up Home ) ; of the most successful work ne CIRCULAR HAW ; MILLS in South Carolina, they are wan .u.ted in 1 ; asserting their competency to give general satis- j I faction. Their persona l attention will be given | j "'hen called on to go in the c »untry to repair ; ■ ! machinery. Abo, to PATCHING and TESTING ' i STEAM BOILERS. j < .; Travelling ex enso.-. in certain cases, wiil be < ’ required to be paid by the employer. 1 All orders, by letter or otherwise, wil! meet ;i with prompt atirntiou. All work tearranted. Addrc s, ISAAC BRANCH A CO.. ! janls-daw Au.v'ist i, Ga. ; TJLANTING POTATOES. I Twenty Barrels. Just received by JOSIAH SIBI KY&SDNH, , jan23 No. 6 Warren Blot k. HARPEU’S MAG AZINE, for Fcbriwry, i trimmed. For sale by i -! juil2o THOS. RICHARDS & SON. j w atelier and Cloc ks KEP AIRED with neatness and dis ! patch, and warranted to run well and kev o ! 1 i good time. 1 ! Jewelry repaired neat! • , bv- M E. TWEEDY k CO, ' , d 4 Near the Lower Market, Augusta j >1 ~ I ENGLISH TOOTH BRUSHES. J Ac have just r. eivod a- apply of fine Eng Tooth Bruahe , of our own importation. j 1 d£ __ t LUMP k LEITXER. 1 Young America, Attention! PISTOLS FOR CHRISTMAS. We have juet receive l a lot of the celebra ; ted FIRE-CRACKER PISTOLS, only 30 <t. each. , dl9 PLUMB k LEITNER. j * ; . Medical Book*. VTTXST ON THE DISEASES OF WO- 1 MAX. : l 1 1 Peas ey’s Human Hi it logy. i, i Smiths Domestic Medicii:.. 1 , new edition For ' i sale by .121 THOS. RICHARDS & BON. ■ Bagging and ei r. 75 bales BAGGING. 300 coila ROPL. for lew by j novll W1I£( >X. HAND & A VST FY, _ j To Reut. rjI.TAT large and commodious • J. I> VELI 1N(. on road Btr»et, late the l.uiij : residence of Major Doarmond. bc“?ii Term.* very I -w, md rent, if desired, paid in . repairs. Apply to ! jan6 lm Dr J. M. HILL, j Country Merchants Take i Nut it-r. I OFFER YOU FOR SALE, at a reason- i able price, Drugs, Chemiral.-*, Glassware i * Pai ts, Oils, Window Lias*. Putty, Garden Seeds : all shades of cheap und valuable*Fire-Proof Min- j , ! era! Paint*, and all articles in my Ii ;eofbu*i j : ness, at nearly N-w York prices, allowing you a ; discount for net cash on a bill exceeding $lO. Please give me a triftl. and send your orders withe ut delay, because $l saved is $2 made. WM. HAINES,'truet, i 1 dlB 2 doors below the Post Office, j 66 Improve you: SPEOTAvTjEB to suit all ages. Con I cavo, convex, peroscopic convex and con r ! cave glasses, uu. J to gold and silver spectacle > frames, by K. TWEED . C c CO . j, <l4 Near the Ix>wer Market, Augusta, i ■ r | ' ' j SUPERFINE FLOUR. Now arriving, superfine FLOUR, hal.* and ; quarter sacks, in quantity. I do IHOS. P. STOVALL & CO. Sugar and Coffee. TEN IIHDS. choice Porto Rico Sugar, 10 “ common “ ei ' 100 bbls yellow Coffee Sugar, 50 bbls Crushed and Powdered Sugar. 250 bags prime Rio Coffee, 200 bags common “ 10 bags prime Java, 25 bags prime laguira, 25 bags prime Bahia. for sale by nov6 DANIEL LI. WH COX. , i Salt. 1 TEN THOUSAND SACKS LIVERPOOL SAIT; 1 2000 bushels Bulk SALT, 300 sacks Alum SALT, for sale low by i ■ nov6 DANIEL H. WILCOX. J j Mil.Lldß d WARREN YTTOULD respectfully call the atten- TT tion o: their friends* and customers to heir stock of NEGRO GOODS. George Schley’s White Plains, warranted all; ‘ Wool tilling; Plaid Lmsey; Marlboro’ Plaids and Stripes: | i i Domestic Ginghams; ! Osanburgs Plaid and Stripes , Georgia Plains: * ,t Flannels, of all descriptions. septld ' !° c WINDOW SHADES- • OIFI’Y different patterns new style X. Window Shades, just received at BENJAMIN k GOODRICH’S i gg P 29 Furniture Warerooms jj uEtua insurance Compaur OF HARTFORD. i ; Incorporated in 1819. —Charter I’erpeluul. Cash Capllal—Bl,ooo,ooo. INSURE against loss and damage by : Firo on torms adajited to the Hazaril, and consistent with the laws of compensation. JOHN G. SIJSDGE, Agent ut Augusta, and for | all other parts of theSiate where an agenev does ! not already exist. sepiS 1 Hoots, Sbots, tit, j HOOTS, BOOTS, BOOTS. IF YOU can get value received for your ' . money whit more do you want. Yeti have • concluded to continue to sell SHOES at the man ufacturers’ prices, xvitli a leetle added, to keop things going. My Slices are all warranted to ; gh •• satisfaction. Persons in want would do j well to give me a call before buying elsewhere. . d 4 JAS. W. BURCH,' Broad street. BOOTS & SHOES. I LADIES’ FINE MOROCCO BOOTS, Ladles’ “ Kid “ “ “ BUSKINS. : 41 “ Morocco “ 4 4 “ SHANGHAIS. For sale by nov24 J. W. BURCH. , BUFF A no LS, BUFFALOES! J fT ENTS' Splendid BUFFALO OVER \JT SHOES, just received and for sale low by nov24 JAMES W. BURCH.' Boots, Slioes, Trunks, &c. I HAVE THIS DAY received a SHOE made especially for Gentlemans’ Plantation : wear. They are just the thing, and no mistake, i Also, Mens’ thick Kip, Wax, Buffed, Calf, light . and welt I ROGANS. j Beside some Leather BOOTS and BUSKINS. ; l for House Servants’ wear* Call and see them. d 4 _ JAS. W. BURCH. BOOTS AND SHOES. THOMAS P. LAIIUS, j (Successor to E. L. Symmong.) opposite the Au. fyo.'fa Hotel. LADIES DEPARTMENT. Ladies’ Fine Kid Mo ' nS rocco Slippers, Ladies’ Fine Kid and Morocco , Buskins, j Ladies’ Fine Black Gaiters, heeled, d») do Col’rd do do do do Black and colored Gaiter3,* with out heels; Ladies’ fine Black and Col’rd Creole Gaiters* MISSES’ DEPARTMENT. Mu'Sos’ Fine Kid and Morocco Slipper-., do do do do Buskins,' do do Black and colored Lice Gaiters, do do do do do Congress do, do do do do do Creole do CHILDRENS' DEPARTMENT. j Childrens’ Bi ick an i Colored Gaiters, do do .* do Button Gaiters, do Kid, Mor- cr * and Patent Leather Boot--. ; Kid, Mor>’c ••> and I a lent Leather Ankle Ties. , ! A targe an 1 well .'elected stock of Gentlemens’ j Oxford Ties, Strap Shoes, Tie Gaiters. Congress i Gaiters and Pump-sole Boots. Also. Huse ser . j var.ts shoes, of every description. j N B. Lada’s and Misses Gaiters and Slippers J j heeled at the shortest notice. ! 1,1 Vt - r leiO-ly ] T< > THE PLANTERS. ' T. P. LAIU S, | Successor (o E. L Summons, opposite the | Augmta Hotel, Augusta, Go,, HAS this day received,3o cases Metis’ . Heavy BROGANS for negro wear, and the i Planter.-. w;l! find it to their advantage to give i me a call before buying elsewhere, a- all of the j Goods are made to my own order to -uit the j | trad", and cr-:. be w a muted to be wlut we rep j | resent thorn, and as cheap as any store in the beta t! : T. P. LAIU S HAS THIS HAY received a large lot . of LlUi s HOUm.E-iiJI.ED au ,j i- ■VGAITEK?. sal j Also, I.adi-'s’ Kul and Morocco BOOTS, flj I j Os > > cry d -eriptwn and size. 11 . A large !< t «-f Gentlemens’ BOOTS and SHOES, | ;of the finest description, has just come to hand. , f Also, Heavy BROGAN;-, for the Planters. ; nov!7 ABORIGINES, ABORIG I X E S . ■ \ FEW MORE pairs LADIES KIN jl'jL BUSKINS, for sale at half price, by / A EORQIA BROGANS.—Just received, XT 3 cases of heavy BROGAN SHOES. Will ! be sold low to close the consignment. THOS. I*. STOVALL & CO.. nov 12 Gen. Com. M • v’n Negro Brogans. I7IVE HUNDRED PAIRS NEGRO . Brogan Shoes, from the manufactory of Col ! Glovor, Marietta, to arrive, will be sold at cus ! to mar v nrice-:. oct'-i TUO3 P. STOVALL ft CO. OYSTERS! CYStTrsYT THRESH NORFOLK OYSTERS always I L on hand at the BRANCH ICE HOUSE, on ( Campbell-street. 1 Orders 'rwa the country promptly attended to < ijsvVJ 1m €ll AS. K. I>ODI>. 1 a\Y ATCHES, ; «■ «.«»«: KIM JEWELRY. KEAH THE LOWER 31AUKET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. E. TWEEDY cN CO. TTTE have a beautiful assortment of 11 * v Gold and Silver Hunting and Open-Faced Patent ever. Dome hod Lever and Culiuder j WATCHES, which we warrant to run well and j keep good timr./or sale cheap. j Jewelry, new styles and pattern?; i Coral and Goid Setts of Ear Drops and Breast j Pina; Garnet and Gold Setts of Ear Drops and Breast 1 I'ins ; Cameo and Gold Setts of Ear Drops and Breast Pina ; Ladies and Gentlemens’ Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Chains, Locke’s, ladies' Ear Rings, Ear Drops, Breast Pius ; Gold and Silver Thimbles, Bracelets, Porte Monnaioo, Card Cases, &•;. For sale by E. TWEEDY k CO., d 4 Near the Lower Market, Augusta 1 — I Flour and Lard. CJIX HUNDRED SACKS Tennessee Su- 1 O per fine FLOUR. 400 sacks Demnead’s do. do. i 10 half choice LEAF LARD. Just received and for sale bv janl6 3 BAKER,' WEIGHT k CO. COFFEE " 800 bags fair to prime RIO COFFEE, t 50 pockets Java do 50 do do do. very fine, t 30 bags prime Laguyra do ( For sale low by JO5l AH SIBLEY k SONS, jaulo No. 6, Warren Block. r A l CTION «!ii COMMISSION BUSINESS. 1 TXTE, the undersigned, have this day , V ▼ entered into a Copartnership, and will transact the above business under the name of -j W. B. Griftix &Co. They have taken the store occupied by Messrs. Girardey, Whyte A: Co. fur j some time past, and respectfully solicit a share s of public patronage. W. B. GRIFFIN, H. O’NEILL. Augusta, April 6, 1857. ap2l-ly . FARINA, Corn Starch, Pfeari Sago, Bermuda Arrow Root, Tapioca and Oat 1 .weal, perfectly fresh. For sale by jaub WM.H. TUTT. j' PORT WINEAXD BRANDY. For Medicinal use, [both very fine.] For . sab by jantt WM.H. TUTT. I ACON SIDES and HAMS. L 5 hhds Prime Bacon SIDES, z do do do HAH', for sale by JO5l AH SIBLEY & SONS, c No. e, Warren Block. cQlarcljousf C;ttbs. BEALL STOVALL, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTJ, Reynold, between Jackson and M'lntosh Streets . AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. L\\\\\ HAVE removed to Metcalfs! new Fire proof Warehouse on i BJarrTlßeynold, between Jackson and Mein I tosh streets, recently occupied by Gilliam k As- J kin, iu the centre of the city, in the vicinity of j ilie principal Warehouses, aud convenient to the: Hotels. Being amply provided with good and safe storage for Cotton. Grain, Flour. Bacon and Pro-1 ducc generally, we respectfully solicit consign ment*, which shall receive our undivided aud i faithful attention. Family Supplies, and the usual facilities, will bo afforded to customers. Our Commissions for selling Cotton will be Fifty Cents a bale. WM. M. BEALL. septlß-6m J. W. I. STOVALL. J. J. Pearce, WAKEHOt'SE AM! COMMISSION 7 MERCHANT. AFdrSTA GEORGIA. VTTT\ REBFECRFULLY RENEWS MMjjthc tender of his services in the Storage and Sale of Cotton, and other Produce, at his extensive Brick Warehouse, on Campbell Street, n<.ar Bones, Brown & Co’s Hardware Store. Cash Advances, Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies forwarded to Patrons as heretofore. Commissions for Selling Cotton, after the first of September next, will be Fiftv Cents per bale. aug2B.6m J. J. PEARCE. J, R. SIMPSON, (SUCCESSOR TO SIMPSON A GARDINER,) warehouse and commission merchant, Corner Reynolds and M'/ntosh-st*.. Augusta, Ga. NYYYUWILL CONTINUE THE WARE kjfijgujfifJ house and Commission Business in all branches, at the old stand of Simpson Gardiner, and hopes by strict personal atten tion to the interests of his friends and Patrons, to merit a contuance ot' the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon the old firm. Cash advances made on Produce in store, when desired. Bagging, Rope, and Family sup j plies, furnished at tbe lowest market rales. Commission for selling Cotton, 50 cts per bale, i aug 24 6 m PLANTERS A N D ME R 0 II A NTS Warehouse. ! V-—W’THE undersigned would re.-poetfnlly : announce to their friends, and the public, that they have associated' themselves together in the warehouse and commission business, j , Under the name and style of P. & J. L. Fleming, j and taken the large Fire-Proof Warehouse ot T.! S. Metcalf, situated ou Reynold, between Jack-j son und Mclntosh streets. ! Their charges will coniorm to tie old os tab- j hs'-.'.-d rates, to wit: 25 cents for storage and 251 I cents commission for selling, j All orders for Family Supplies promptly exe* | cuted at the lowest market prices. Porter Fleming, JOHN L. FLEMING. | August*. October, 1857. oct2 6m. 13YE L \TASTE. i WaRI’HOr.S’E AND COMMISSION MEROLVNTS i UYYYVk RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE; .'.YjAIJ to their friends and the the public ger I j rahy, that they have formed a conncv j lion in the above business, and have !oa*ed th* ‘ Fire-proof Warehouse of Col Clanton. North side of Reynolds street, and recently occupied by Mr G. L. Anderson. From their long experience; I they Hatter themselves that they will be ena-1 bled to give- entire satisfaction* to those who; may favor them with consignments of Cotton, or othor produce. Their prompt personal atten tion will be given to orders for Bagging,: Rope, etc., aud purchasing of Family supplies' at the lowest market rates. Also, to the for warding of Goods consigned to tiicir friends iu the interior. Liberal cash aevances made, when ‘ desired by our customers. Our charges will be j the same as those of other houses in the city, engaged in the same business. JAMES M. DYE, j anglffm ANDREW G. LA TASTE- j REES iN. LINTON, I WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION merchants, I Jackson Street. Augusta, Georgia. •rrnvwiLL continue the ware house and Commission Business at lire proof Warehouse, and will de vote their personal attention to the interests of their friends and patrons. Orders for family supplies, bagging, ropo, etc. carefully filled. * j Liberal cash advances made when required, i Commissions for selling Cotton, 50 cts per bale. JQUNC. REES, sep 14 SAM’L D. LINTON. M. P. STOVALL, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT,, Awpisfa, Georgia. CONTINUES THE BUSINESS, vhpriifiW in Us branches, in his extensive Jfcs. .;r 0 proof Warehouse, on Jackson -t., near the Globe Hotel. Hi- strict personal atten-1 tion will a-i heretofore, be be given to th 2 storage j and sale oji&ouon, Grain and produce generally. He will when' desired, make liberal cash advances - on produce iu store. Orders lor Family Supplies. 1 Bagging, Rope, etc , will be promptly and care-1 fully tilled at tlie lowest market prices. Co minis- i sion Ft selling Cotton, fifty cents per bale, sept 26 6m J. C. HARALSON, WAREHOUSE AN I- COMMISSION MERCHANT , At the old stand of L. Hopkins, Augusta, Georgia. sept 13 ly BRILLIANT PROSPECTUS!, FOURTH YEAR OF THE Uosmopiitan |lrt Sssodatioir. THK FAMOUS DUSSELDORF GALLERY OF PAINTINGS! Purchased at a Cost of $180,000!!!; AND POWERS’ world-renowned .statue! of the GREEK SLAVE, re purchased for ss.ut)o. with several hundred other works of Art, in Paintings, Sculpture and Bronzes, com prise the premiums to be awarded to the sub scribers of the Cosmopolitan Art Association, who subscribe before tho 2Sth of January, 1858, at which time the awards will take place! TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : Every subscriber of three dollars is entitled to a copy of the large and splendid Steel Engraviug, entitled “ Manifest Destiny.” Also, to a copy of the Cosmopolitan Art Journal one year ; also, to a Certificate in the Award of Premiums ; also, a free admission to the Dusseldorf and Cosmo politan Galleries. Thus it is seen that for every Three Dollars paid the subscriber not oniv receives a SPLENDH THREE DOLLAR ENGRAVING, but. also, the beautifully illustrated TWO DOLLAR ART JOURNAL, one year. Each subscriber is also presented with a Cer tificate in the Awards of Premiums, by which a valuable work of Art, in Painting or .Sculpture may be received in addition, thus giviug to ev ery subscriber an equivalent to the value of Five j Dollars, and a Certificate gratis. Any one of the leading $3 magaziues is fur • ni.-hed, instead of Engraving aud Art Journal, if desired. No person is restricted to a single share.! Those taking five memberships, remitting sls, ( are eutitled to au extra Engraving and six Tickets. Full particulars of the Association are given in the Art Journal, which contains over sixty splendid Engravings, price 50 cents per number. Specimen copies will be sent to all persons who desire to subscribe, on receipt of five postage | stamps. (15cents.) Address C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A., 548 Broadway, New Ywrk. | J. W. ADAMS, Hon. Sec’y, Augusta. u2B Candy. FIFTY BOXES assorted Steam Ke<J flood Candy, for sale by \ JOSIAH SIBLEY & SONS, i’4 No. 6, Warren Block | XfEWCOUNTHY LARD. _L n A small lot prime new Country LARD, in j cans, which we recommend. d 5 THUS. P. STOVALL &;CO. §rn 6oobs. Buy the Best and Cheapest. J-AJCvUBS HBNEY HAS NOW IN STORE one of the best and most fashionable stocks of DRY GOODS I ever brought to Augusta, and he solicits an in I speotion of them by his friends and the public • Being satisfied with very small profits, he is , j confident that his stock will be found cheaper j than that of any other in the Trade. , | Tho following desirable styles ol goods are to be found in his stock : ! Rich Silk, Delaine and Cashmere ROBE de j QUILLE, I Ricii Silk, Delaine and Cashmere Bayadere ! striped Dresses, Rich Plaid Raw Silks. Plain Silks of all colors. Black Silk Robes and Robes de Quille, Rich Figured Delaines, Cashmeres, Merinos, French Merinos, all colors, English “ “ “ A large lot of Delaines, from 12 to 37c per yd, Mourning “ Black Alpaca, Bombazine and Tamartlue, ; A large stock of English and American Print , cd Calicoes, A large stock of Mourning Calicoes, “ “ Scotch and French Ginghams, , some as low as 10 cts per yard. Chenille, Stella, Plush and Woollen Plaid Shawls, Chenille, Satin and Cruel Scarfs. Cloth and Velvet Cloaks aud Talmas, Hoop Skirts, Canton Pique Cloths, a comfortable article for Basques India Twilled Ixmg Cloths, plain and striped, Irish Linens ami Diapers, of various makes, Huckaback, Crash, kc., for Toweling, Shirtings and Sheetings, Lindsey Woolseyaud Pantaloon Stalls, A flue assortment of French and Scotch Ernb’d Collars and Sleeves, seperate aim iu setts, Embroidered Misses aud Boys Collars, “ Infant’s Robes and Waists, “ Handkerchiefs and Skirls, “ Silk Hose, I * Bands, Edgings and Insertings, | 1 Hosiery, \c.. ! Cotton, Thread and Crotchet Laces, A large variety of Dress Trimmings, ; Ladies’, Misses’, Gentlemen’s and Boys’ Me i rfiio Under vests, Flannels, all colors aad qualities, l! Bed Blankets, Quilts, Ac. ! In the Millinery Department, Mrs. Hknev has i one of the ttuost selections of BONNETS, HEAD | DRESSES, &c., to an examination of which sh ! i respectfully invites her friends and the publi 1 # GRAY & TURLEV, Having thoroughly removed to their NEW STORE, under tho U. States ; J Hotel, are row receiving a full aud complete as- 1 ! sortinent of rich and elegant DRY GOODS. Which, having been purchased for Cash, under ; the depressed state of the monetary affairs o! ' the North, enables them to offer facilities tocloso ; ; purchasers rarely to be met with. Merchants Planters, anu the ladies, particularly, would , consult their interest by an examination of our stock nnd prices. Having a resident purchaser ; in tho North, we are iu the continual receipt of i 'j‘‘JOß LUTS” from auction, at unprecedented ! low* prices. Among our assortment will be found the rich ! ; ost and newest DRESS GOODS of tho season— such as Rich and Elegant Cold and Black SIUKs, ranging from 37># cents to $5 per yard, (om't- j : ting to specify ail the manufactured -jaw-break- j ing” names used on such occasions.) Fine all Wool MUSIJN DELAINE, Plain and j Figured ; C'l 1 cap MILLIN' DELAINES, in grea 1 variety : Lupin's best Black ALaPACAS uul j i BOMBAZINES. PLANTATION goods, The very best quality : 8 d<*z. OZNABURGS I Heavy all Wool Filling Georgia PLAINS KERSEYS : Heavy cheap SATINETTS ; All Wool Plaid LINSEYS -. Blue Stripe and Plaid HOMESPUNS : Bro. HOMESPUN and JANES ; Fine BED BEAN RETS, very cheap. RICH CARPBTINGS. —Cheap. Fine English Tapestry VELVET : “ “ “ BRUSSELS : Superior Three Ply. fine Ingrain and AlhWool CARPETING—(not having room in ournew store i to keep Carpeting, we will .sell them at cost aud i charges.) EMBROIDERY. 1,000 Swiss and Jackouot BANDS, from 25 cts. to sl. worth fully double that amount. 5.000 .- wiss and Jackonet COLLARS, from 25 to ! ! 50 cents, worth sl. luO line French worked COLLARS, $2.50 to I $3.50. worth $5 to $6. .'■wissanh Jackonet EDGIGS and INSERT ! NGS, in great variety. Embroidered ami Hemstitched IIANDKER ; CHIEFS, exeeeiugly cheap. 50 tine Emb’d SETTS, $2 toss, exceedingly ; cheap. • In the same department will be ounda most complete assortment HOSI E R Y ! that has ever boon iu one House in Augusta, i ' from the lowest pr»ce to the finest qaulity. for i j Ladies, Gents, Misses aud Youths, of every de- | j scription. DOMESTIC GOODS Teu cases fine 3 yard wide SHEETING, at 31c., 1 | worth in the Jobbing Houses iu New York from ' : 35 to 40 cents. ‘ Five bales fine Sea Island HOMESPUNS, 6>40. I Ten cases fine CALICO, warranted fast colors, jor tbe money returned, for 6, l 4 cents, worth , i 10 to 12>4 cents. LINEN GOODS. The best aud Gbeapest LINENS that has ever | been known to sell iu Augusta, under any cir- ! cumstancos, are now on our shelves, and only j require an examination to convince the most I fastidious of the great saving in purchasing I LINEN GOODS from us. Splendid fronting LIN- ! £N for 37>2 cents, that has never been known to ; el! in Augusta for less than 62 to 75 cents. The most superb LINEN DAMASK over brought to this market at vastly reduced rates | Splendid Turkish TOWELS for the bath room 1 64 long, only cents, worth 37 cents. Russia aud Huckaback DIAPERS, in great va | riety, exceedingly cheap. Five hundred 12-4 square QUILTS, For $1.50, worth $3 ; fins French Marseille QUILTS, large size, $3.50 to $5, worth from $8 to $lO. —ALSO— A very large and varied stock of every descrip tion of DRY r GOODS. Selected with the utmost care bv decided j .dges j j of Goods, at auction and such other places as ! bargains could be obtained, within the last two \ ' weeks, to which we would invite the attention o j those purchasing for cash guarauteeing that we j can save them a very largo per centage on an examination of our stock. sept’Jo GRAY & TURLEY. — : Linseed Oil, White Lead, &c. IrUVE HUNDRED gallons LIS SEEK i 1 on.. K'.UIKI lbs WHITE LEAD. 300 boxes WINDOW GLASS, J For sale unusually low by | , ' WM. H TITT. uovs Wholesale and Retail Druggist. : j piCKLES. ;JL 15 doz. Gallon PICKLES, assorted. 15 do Half Gallon do do I 15 do Quarter do d« Just received at jau7 D’ANTIGNAC & HUL'BARD NUMBER 328 iktiiii-Hhk (Holing. . GENTLEMENS’ Fall auil Wihter Uoodo for t 1857. MY stock of goods is now full and comprises everything that is fashionable in CLOTHS, CABBIMERES ao4 VESTING, which will bo made to order its good and as fashionable s : as can bo obtained in any part of the country. r ALSO. A fine and select stock of Ready-Made CLOTH o ING, which cannot be excelled by any Goods ia j the city. e' ALSO, A large stock of FURNISHING GOOD.-?, embra e I csng everything that is necessary for Gentle* ! men's wear. j All goods sold at this establishment warrant-- ■ ed as represented. j oct-29 j. a. VAN WINKLK. “NOTHING TO WEAR» NEED NOT BE THE MOTTO NOW, ' m V O SINCE if J. K. IIORA & tO., - - ECCCMSORSTO J. !>I. NEWBY & CO., H HAVE OPENED THEIR “T; Large and Elegant STOCK OF CLOTHING, FOR. 3IEX, YOUTHS and BOYS! GET A FIT! UNDER U. S. HOTEL. n cf.'4 Augusta, Ga €*r *a ■- s«I m € la. OF REM HIDE CIOTHISfi, NW is the time to buy the following articles for Mens’ ant: Boys Wear, clieap | er than they should b.) sold in this market : ! RAGLANS, OVERCOATS. SHAWLS. BLANKETS, ROHES. Fine Cloth and Cnssitncre COATS, Fine VESTS, PANTS, SHIRTS, DRAW; ERS. SUSPENDERS. CRAVATS STOCKS, COLLARS, TRUNKS. V ALICES, and every article In ear line. I novd CLAYTON k KENNEDY. New Confectionery AND fruit STORE ! FSTHE UNDERSIGNED respectfully an- Jl nounce to the ladies of Augusta and the f j public generally that they are now prepared te l : furnish WEDDINGS, PARTIE . BALIAS. kc at the I .shortest notice, and at the lowest prices. ! Confident that our Ice Creams, Jellies, Char lotte Russes, and general assortment of large and small Cakes, will not be equalled in thu t city—that our ornamented RKIDAL CAKES. FANCY PYRAMIDS and FRUIT BASKETS—wiII * not easily be surpassed by anv one in this conn- I try, we believe we are prepared to please the , • most fastidious. We also oTer a variety of Pomostie and Im* ported CANDIES. GUM, CORDIAL, WINK and BRANDY DROPS, Preserved. li ed, Chrvstahzed : and IMITATION FRUITS, French CUPIDS, RON RONS, BOXBONIKLES and for Christmas a general assortment of FANCY GOODS and TOYS, J at the lowest prices. A share of patronage respectfully solicited. FUSH SIMERAU, i North Side Broad street, near the Lower Market Orders from the country respectfully attended ! to- deed-ts HeavyOvertottts ro»- Negroes OWNERS of liuatfanil Kailroad hands and all persons in want of NEGRO OVER i COATS, will do will to call and examine our cheap and well made articles of the kind, nov 6 CLAYTON & KENNEDY. Cheap Satinet Jackets. \V'I HAVE A LOT OF GOOD SAT ▼ ▼ INET JACKETS, for plantation aegroes, ! which we will sell for $1 50 to $2. , nov 6 CLAYTON A- KENNEDY. Hip Jackets, ami Satinet Coats and Pants. OUR STOCK of the above articles being too large for the hard timet. we of for them cheaper‘than the cheapest, to run then down. CLAYTON A KENNEDY. JOHN X. GOW, MARBLE-WORKER. MOUI ME NTS, of all descriptions, executed in the best form, at THE LOWEST PRICES, Jj/O Tm (and in the shortest i>iue compatible with faultless workmanship. 1 Person-! in want of Marble Work ' IJmrS&F ; of any kind are invited to call. Shop on Campbeil-street, be tween Broad and Gre>me-ntroet. • J*——JK nov23 JOHN N. GOW * New Cosmo ramie STEREOSCOPE. \ MONO the latest inventions in Op ■ j-jL tics, there is uothing more instruc.ive or I amusng than the Stereoscope. The Stereoscope ; Ytews are impressions from nature, repressi ng the finest Sceneries, Cities and Monuments □ Europe, which, viewed through ibe insirn J meut, show those objects in bold relief, actually :as they are, and thus are the best models for j Artists, give the host idea of Foreign Countries j and Art. anti make the finest parlor ornaments. For sale at novlo H. J. OSBORMI’S. •EfOMNi IS WEALTH.’ rpHE UNDERSIGNED desires to call 1 attention to the fact that he is prepared to CLEAN, SCOUR AND REPAIR OLD GARMENTS of every description, so as to make them look wtll as new. In these hard times, it is better to pay a small sum f<*r having an old epatfixed up. than to expend twenty-five or thirty dollars fei a new one. Satisfaction warranted, or bo charge j made. Prices reasonable, j Shop over Clincn Engine House, No. 2, sear j Warren Block. oct3l P. RO BENSON. GY XA Boxes Adamantine CANDLES, for sale ver low by d 9 WILCOX, HAND k ANSLCY UNPRECEDENTED j INDUCEMENTS ! I AM SELLING my stock of VEHICLES, consisting of Carriages, Roekaways, BAROUCHES* JERSEY WAGONS BUGGIES, with and without tops, lof all the different styles now manufactured at prices AS LOW as can be bought in any Souther r try. Being constantly in tiie receipt of goods j I am enabled to offer to the public someth!tig j both fresh and new. ; In addition to the above, I keep always »i I hand a number o? Vehicles of my own Bianufa*. I ure. I also warrant all work that leaves my store R. H. MAT, At my old stand, comer Jackson and Ellis-ate. in rear of Glebe Hotel. d22-ly