Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, February 11, 1858, Image 1
clwpsta O'bntitig. 9ispirs. VOLUME 2. Stating Jltsjjiiici]. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, by S. a. ATKINSON. DAILY, jK»r annum s■£ (K) WI'KKi.Y. “ 150 Subscriptions will !.- . . MOi tbs nt SI 25. Monthly suited >>iions, Fiii v ‘■■oon ts. f ’ Payment for subscriptions ivul positively so required in advance. HATES OF ADVERTISISO: Advert!.-omenta will be inserted i>y the. square 1 - hnes (100 words,) for 50 cents for the first insertion, and 37)£ cents for each .subsequent in sertion under one mouth, to bo paid for when th e advertisement is handed into theofiice. Advertisements under live lines will be insert © ■ at 10 cents a line for the first, and 6 cents a one for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements will be inserted in both the Daily and Weekly Dispatch at 26 per cent above oe:se rates. Thirty-Fifth Congress. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Number of members, - - - , 234 ALA BAM A . NEW YORK —Cmlinil d 1 Jns A Stalwarth. 5Wm ii Miiclay ■2 E S Shorter. 0 John Cochrane 3 Jus jr Dowdell. 7 Elijah Ward 1 Sydney Moore. 8 Horace E Clark 5 Geo H Houston. !) .John B Hasldu BWVi W Cobb. 10 A L Murray 7J D M Curry. 11 Wm E lliisrell akkassas. 12 John Thompson 1A B Greenwood. Hi Ahra■■■ l no, 2 l-ldw A Warner. 14 Ernstus ('ornir - galiforkia. 15 Edward Dodd 1 Charles U Scott. Hi Cm W Painter 2 J(. McKibben. 17 Francis ES’,inner CONNECTICUT. 18 Clark B Cochrane 1 Ezra Clark, Jr. 10 Oliver A M„rse 2 Samuel Arnold, 2d20 0 B Mattexon 3 Sidney Dean. 21 Henry Barnett 4 Win J) Bishop. 22 Ilmry O Goodwin OKI. aw ABE. 28 Charles l) hoard 1 Wm G Whitley. 21 Amos P Grangir Florida. 25 Edwin B Maryan 1 Geo S Hawkins. 25 Emory llßattle Georgia. 27 John M Parker 1 .las Tj Seward 28 William Kelsey 3 M J Crawford. 29 Sam'l (1 Andrews 3 «>’ Grippe. Am. 30 J W Sherman 4 LJ G-.rtroll. ill « MBttrrmtgh 5 A K Wright. 32 Israel T Hatch 2 Jas .Jackson. S 3 Reuben E Ferdv.o ‘ ,/f, /•/,«, Am. NORTH CAROLINA. 8 A 11 Stephens. 1 11 M Shaw ilt.inois: 2 Thomas Kttftin 1E B Washburns 3 Warren Winslow 2./ F Faranmrth. 41,0 J! Brunch 3 Oven h-rejoy. 6 John A Gilmer, Am 4 Wm Kdioay. Ii Alfred M Scales ■5 Isaac N Morris. 7 Burton Craige J Thomas (, Harris. 8 T L Clingman i A Shaw. Ohio. 3 Hubert Smith. 1 Geo H Pendleton 9 Sam 1A I irslulll, 2 IV S Gi'osbtick indta* a. 3 Lewi* J) CamrE'U I W J Hi black. 4 M II Nichols - ; = English. 5 Richard MM 3 James Hughes. 0.1 II Cockerell 4 James 41 Holey. 7 Aaron Harlan 5 Dadd KJyorc. 8 Benjamin Starroic 0 James .M Gregg. 9L W Hall 7 John G Davis. 10 Joseph Miller 3 Java.: M (am 11 Valentine BMorion 'J Schuyler Colfax 12 S S Cox 10 Charier Care 13 John Sherman 11 John b Petit 14 Philemon Bliss iowa. 15 Joseph Burns 1 Samuel 11 Curtis ]IJ OB Tomkins 2 Timothy Davis 17 Wm Lawrence KENTUCKY, 18 Bcitj F I.rilcr 1 Henry C JJurncttl D Edvard Wade 2 Samuel O Peyton2o Joshua 1! Giddmm 3 W L Underwood A'll J A Bingham 4 A G Talbott Pennsylvania. o Joshua H Jewett 1 Thos B Florence 0 John M Elliot 2 EJoy Morris, Am 711 Marshall, Am 3 James Dandy 3 James IS Clay 4 Henry M. I’liilips 9 John C Mason 6 Owen Jones tO J W Stevenson G John Hickman Louisiana. 7 Henry Chapman 1 Geo Euxtix Jr, Aim 8 J Glancy Jones 2 Miles Taylor 9 A E Roberts J T G Davidson 10 John C Kunkcl iJ M Handige 11 Wm L Dewart Maine. 11 p 1 John M Wood 13 Wm II Dimmick 2 Charles J Gilman 14 G A Grow 3 Mehemiah Abbott 15 Allison White 4 Freeman II Morse It! John J Abel 5 J Washburne, Jr 17 Wilson Reilly 0 Shph :i G Foster 18 John II jßilie MARYLAND. 19 ,/e/in Corode 1J A Stewart 20 Wm Montgomery 2 ,/ B Ricaud, Am 21 David Ritchie 3 ,/ As Harris, Am 22 S A Purviance i II W Davis, Am 23 Wm Stewart 5 Jacob M Kunkel24 J I. Gillis ■0 Thos E Bowie 25 John Dick MASSACHUSETTS. RHODE ISLAND. 1 It D Hall 1 A’ It Dvrfee 2 James Buffinton 2 Win 1) Brayton 3 Wm S Damrell south Carolina. 4 Linus IS Comias 1 John McQueen 5 Anson Bitrkngaine 2 W Porcher‘Miles 6 TnnoUaj Davie 3 Lawrence M Keit * D W Gooch 4 Ml Bonham 6 CL Knapp tj James L Orr 9 Lh Tluiyer 6 Wm W Boyce 10 Calvin C Chaffee tennhsser. II Henry L Dmcee 1A G Watkins Missouri. 2 llMaynard, Am ITP Blair, Jr 3 Samuel A Smith 3 TL Andersen, Am 4 John H Savage 3 John B Clark 6 Chas Ready, Am 4 J Craig 6 George W Jones 5 SII Woodson, Am 7 John V Wright 0 John S I'helps BFK ZoUicoffer, Am 7 Sam’l Carnthers 9 J D C Atkins MicniGAN. 10 WmT Avery 1 Wm A Ilcncard TEXAS. 3 Henry Waldron 1 Guy M Bryan ZDS Walbridge 2J H Reagan 4 DeWitt C Loach VERMONT. MISSISSIPPI. 1 EP Walton 1 LQC Lamar 2 Justin S Morrill 2 Reubin Davis 3 Homer E Boyce 3 Win Barksdale Virginia. 40 R Singleton 1M R H Garnet o J A Quitman 2 J I Milson NEW iiampsiiikr. 3 John s Caskio l 4 Wm 0 Goode '{ m a w 5 Thos S Bocock 3 Aaron li Oragm 6 Paul us Powell NEW JERSEY. 7 Wm Smith 1 \wMh D Clawson 8 0 J Faulkner 2 G R Robins 9 John Letcher 3 Garnet B AdrianlO S Clemens 4 John Huyler 11 AG Jenkins 5 J R Wortcndykel2 H Edmundson NEW YORK. 13 G W Hopkins 1 John A Searing 2 George Taylor Wisconsin. 3 PanT ESickels 1 John FPotter 4 John Kelly 2 CC Washburn* 3 Chas Billmghurgt L EX ATE. | Number of members, - - 62 Democrats in Roman, Opposition in S Italic. j ALABAMA. MISSISSIPPI. ! Clement ( 'lay, Jr. Albert G Brown. j ! Benj. Fitzpatrick. Jefferson Davis. j j ARKANSAS. MISSOURI. Wm B Sebastian. James L Green. .! Robert W. Johnson.Trusten Polk. CONN EOT re IT. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Lafayette S Poster. John P Hah. •fames Dixon. Daniel Clark. CALIFORNIA. NEW YORK. Win WGwin. Wm I{ Seward. David C Broderick. Preston King. ( DELAWARE. NEW JERSEY. Martin W Bates. William Wright. ■ James A Bayard. John H Thompson, i FLORIDA. NORTH CAROLINA. I t David L Yulec David S Reid. Stephen It Mallory. Asa Biggs. ; GEORGIA. OHIO. Robert Toombs. George E Pugh. j Alfred Iverson. Benjanwi. E Wade, j INDIANA. PENNSYLVANIA. I Graham N Fitch. William Bigler. [ Jesse D Bright. Simon Cameron f , ILLINOIS. RHODE ISLAND. Stephen A Douglas. Philip Allen. Lyman Trumbull. James F Simona. IOWA. SOUTH CAROLINA. George W Jones. Josiah J Evans. James Harlan. ,1 H Hammond. K RNTUCKY. TENN ESS EE. John H llimupm. John Bell. John J (Jriltcndcn. Andrew Johnson. LOUISIANA. TEN AS. J P Benjamin. Sam Houston. John Slidell. Vacancy. MAINE. B in Pitt Fessenden. Vermont. , Hannibal Hamlin. Jacob Gollamer. MASSACHUSETTS. SotoTTUM Foot. Henry Wilson. Charles Sumner. Virginia. MARYLAND. It M T Hunter. James A Pearce. Jus M Mason. Anthony Kennedy. MICHIG A N. W [SCO NSIN Charles 1C Stuart. Charles Device. Zachariah Chandler. Janos R Doohtlb Recapitulation. BK.VATB. Democrats Oppo-ntiou i Vacancies, . rx 62 Doin' cratic mnfority 10. H iSE OF REPRKSKXTJITrvra Democrats, Kuow Nulbiin's, 161 Kei'-il,.u ;...-■ !). | D uuocrutic majority 21 Road Register.' j WE»T!-.t;« ANI» ATUSTh: ItAIUtOAB. I (Atlanta to Chattanooga.) Morrmig I\;.-s g«.“r Tr tin b aves Auanut 1.45 a in ( di:.l bv. ives :u Chaiiaitou m 9.45 it n> | Pay ... - r Train i :uv t >: Uut. i■>a in , uud arriv es at Atlanta 9 ::.j a in I ;.. r Tr tin lev v. • / tl.nta 12.30 .. m an*! .u riv ‘ . r Cleat: H.if, p m . Ni e 'ht r.TK- ir«.:i Icavi s CLat. 3.10 p m an-! arrive? u Atin.U 11.22 p m Fake T-. Ci. IT.-A VC s*». JAMi*2S M. SP* J LOCK. Sup’t. ATLANTA AND LAGFfANCK KAILKOAD. .Morning Po>i:eng«:r Train leaves Ai.Uuta2.oG a ni and arrives u West Point T VS a m Kvening Passentti«r Tram Uav- ; AtlunU’UM p u, and arrive.; at West Point 6.28 p m Morning Train leaves W . i’oint 4.00 ani i and arrives at Atlanta at 9.27 a m Evening Piess’gr Train icav.*s W. Point 4.3') prn and arrives at Atlanta 10.15 p m Far*, to Wkst Point, $3.50. CKO. c. .-a i per inter dent. MACON AND Wi‘STERN* RAILROAD. .Morning Pass’gr Train leaves Atlanta 10 30 a in f and arrives at Macon 4. i 6 ani Evening Pass’gr Train leaves Macon 12.00 p m ami arrives at Atlanta 6.05 p m Fake to Macon, $4. K. FOOTE, Superintendent. GEORGIA RAIUROAD. (From Augusta to Atlanta.) Leave Augusta at i 30, A M, and 4 v M. Arrive at Atlanta at tl 36 A M and 1 04 V M. Leave Atlanta at 12 A M and JO A M. Arrive at Augusta at b 56 A M and 7 P M. L [The 2.30, A. At., train from Augusta connocts through to Memphis.] i’ ARK—$5 50. Connect uitk South Carolina Railroad Trains. Arrive at Aogusiaat I A M and 2 30 P M. Augusta at 10 A M and S 05 P M. With Western and Atlantic Railroad Tains. Arrive at Atlanta at II 22 P M and 933 AM. Leave Atlanta at 1 45 A M and c. 30 PM. With Atlanta and Im.Grange Railroad Trains, Arrive at Atlanta at 10 15 V M and 7 00 A U Laave Atlanta at 2 A M and 1 P M. Conned with Macon <f- Western Railroad. Arrive at Atlanta, 0 15, A M.. and 6 05, P. M Leave Atlanta, 10 30 A. M., and i 2 Night. Athens Branch—Sundays ExccptedL ■ Leave Augusta at 2 30, Night. Leave Atlanta 1200. Night. Leave Athens 12 00, Night. Arrive at Athens 10 30, Day. Arrive at Augusta 9 00. Morning. Arrive at Atlanta 11 34, Morning. Washington Branch—Sundays Excepted. Leave Augusta 2 30, Night. Leave Atlanta 12 00, Night. Arrive at Washington 7 35, Morning Leave Washington 3 30. Morning Arrive at Augusta 8 53, Morning . Arrive at Atlanta J1 34, Morning i }¥arrcnUm Branch—Sundays Emcepted. . I-eave Augusta 4 00, Evening • Leave Ataxia 10 00, Morning Arrivo at Wurrenton 8 00, Evening I/eave W» rrenton 3 80, Evening Arrive at Augusta 7 00, Evening Arrive at Atlanta 1 14, Night GKO. FONGE, Superinto dent. AUGUSTA AND SAY ANNA H RAILROAD. Leave Augusta, 2.10, A. M. and 4 P. M. Arrive at Millen, 4:05 A. M. and 6:35 P. M. I/iave Millen, 6:40 A. M. and 3:45 P. M Arrive at Augusta, 0:00 A. M. and 6:47 P. M. Connecting with trair s to and from Savannah and Augusta. C. A. BROWN, Sup’t. SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, i Day Mail and Passenger Train leaves Augusta at 10 o’clock, A M. ; and arrives in Augusta at 2.30 PM. Night Mail and Passenger Train leaves Augusta at 8.05 P M; arrives in Augusta at 1 P M. H. T. PEAKE, General Superintendent. CENTRAL RAILROAD. Between Savannah and Macon. Leave Savannah 1 15, a ra, 2 46, p m Arrive in Macon 10 45, am, 12 30, a m I eave Macon 9 46, a tn, 11 30, p m Arrive in Savannah 7 20, p m, 8 50, a m Between Savannah and Augusta. Leave Savannah 1 15, am, 11 16, a m i Arrive in Augusta 9 am, 7p m Leave Augusta 2 am, 3 45 pm ' Arrive in Savannah 860 a tn. 10 55 p m I Between Macon and Augusta. l eave Macon 945 am, 11 30 pm j Arrive in Augusta 7 pm, 9am j Leave Augusta 2 am, 3 45 p m Arrive in Macon 10 45 am, 12 30 a m ; EMERSON FOOTE, Gen’l Superiutendent. 1 EAST TENNESSEE AND GEORGIA RAILROAD. ‘ Leave Augusta 4 00pm do Atlanta ... 14> a m do Dalton "50am Knovville .... 130 pm R- C. .JACKSON, Superintendent. CXIGARS. : J 10,000 RIO HONDO, 50,000 various brands, for sale k>w by JOSIAH SIBIJCY k SONS, J BOI6 Mo. fl. Warren Block. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, FEBRUARY 11 1858. JBkelLdiuouL MILL STONES ! WILUak brejvkek. Manufacturer of |r ntti] §tirr pills tows, A ND dealer in Esopus ami Cologne ; ■ / N Stußcy. Bn. id street, above i ; , ; .. M - Market. | attended to. * -L.te.i utidjpmic^ially MILLWRIOHTING. & 0l i rjlilh UNDERSIGNED takes t]ii. xne- i ‘l' l l l ° r informieg tlia ciri/.-n. of , .7, and ailjOTmng Sttitos they are ivepared ter the erection and couGrurlion of ‘ 8A W AN D Gli IST M ILLS KITIiEP. STEAM okJRu: TOtVKIt ’ Having within the lust IHUPIar- -Hit III:’ « j oi the most successful CIRCI'i ai* c \ \v i MIIXS In South Carolina, they asserting their competency logivo general faction, ttclr poraona' a*>ntion will ho «i‘3, when called 01. to go in the « >limry t 0 rena.'r i"SirA'.s?’ l " ■b’.^lxu Iritvelling expense?, in certain cases w-ilHio 1 required to bo paid bv the emptov er I All oroere, by letter or otherwise' will meet | with prompt attention. lccl ■ Ml vork warranto! Address i . ISAAC BRANCIt&CO. | janls-diw Augusta da I ENGLISH TOOTH BHUSHE - A A r, lI S TC - i , ust I'fceived a supply of fine Eng. j 11-S “ tooth Brushes, of our own importation. I FIUMI; * UiIT.VKR 1 oHii«f A merlin, Attention: IHSTOLS TOR CHRISTMAS. W|. have just received a lot of th relelira I tl!d nRE.CP.ACKE!: P1.VT0:,,--, only Mnu I d,# PLUMB ,v LEITNER B«Ok8. j W F m,n° N THE Peas cy’s Human Hiatology. baiith’s Domestic Medicine, now edition. Por (“i" fHOS. RICIUHns A goy Bagging and rope. • S halos BAOGIJJG, J ot'O coils ROPR, for yale low by I novtt WILCOX. HAND A A.Wf KV. To Kent. |'j HA I large and commodious 1 I» »U.t.lSG„n road stnot, late the ri.M ii-nce o. Major Dear mend. Pia'li iSd( ' :rol) ’ l*M te t'r .1. M. HIM.. '■S'" ,JvS to B >»t all HR.-.1. Con I y tato. ■•anyet, peroseopic convex and cor a.. cia..,-s, ntted to gold and silver spectacle J frames, by E.TWKhIf AGO hear tho Lower Market, Augusta. 1 O UPEUFINE FLOUR. k.J Now arriving, superfine FLOUR, half and q !arD>r sacks, in quant*t.y. ilb P. STOVALL k 00 S«isar and C’offvr. I' I'hN HHDS. choice Porto Rico Su''ar, j -«■ 5 i “ common “ .« JOtJ bMnyeub.iw Coffoe .Sugar 60 bbis Cru?*ho<i a* J Powdorol Sugar 2'o bags prim© Itio Coffee, 2‘»o 1)...- common “ 10 bugs prime Java, 25 hags prime Ljguira, 25 bugs prime Bahia, so- Tale by nov6 DANIFX H WiICOX. Halt. LIVERPOOL Moo bushels Bulk Salt, 300 sucks Alum SALT, for 3a!« low by novß PANIgL H. WILCOX, I WINDOW SHADES. DH IA different patterns new style JL Window Shades, just received at BENJAMIN & GOODRICH’S Furniture Warerooma | RAISINS, in whole, half and . quarter boxes. -5 hhii.s Cuba MOLASSES, on tho wharf, for safe low by HAND, WILLIAMS k GRAVES. nov ‘23 No. 5 Warren Block. Blankets and N egroCiotli! BROOM & SOKRKLL HAVE on hand a very large assort . incut of NK3RO BLANKETS. KERSEYS, LINSEYS oTRJI’KS, OSNABUiiGS, &c., comprising a great variety of th«--sc goods, which tbu.i are offering at extremely low prices, and in accordance with the timod, and w which thov would call attention. uovlt) A Card. POULLAIN. JK'.SIYGS A. CO.. GROCERS AND COTTON FACIORB, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. A*toi.\h PonuH, Tuomjs J. Isauh junT Pcrsb, wCm Leatlier, Shoe Findings, and Tanners’ Tools. VTOW receiving Oak and Hemlock Sole LEATHER; Harness, Bridle, Skirting and Band; Picker, lace and Roller Leather; Patent Skirting, Collar, Dash and Itoamolleri LEATHER; Russott and Black Upper Leather; ‘‘ “ “ Kid Skins; French, Gorman and American Calf Skhia; French Talent Calf, Kid Calf and Opera Skias, Goat and K,d Mo ocoo .*-L.ins; Lining, Topping and Binding Skina; Buck, Chamois and Sheep Skins; Also—Shoe Pegs, Liuits Sole Cutters, Heel Cutters, Rolling Mills, Peg Jacks, Peg Brooks, Peg Cutters, Boot Trees, Crimps, Clamps, Ham mers, Shoo Knivos, Splitting Knives, Shaves, Rub Stones, Bristles, Awl Blades, EyeloU and 1 Punches, iron and woed patent Peg Awl Hafts, Copper Rivets and Burrs. Lace Tacks, Iron, Zinc and Copper Sparables, Sire Sticks, Measuring Tapes, Shoe Thread, Fitting Thread, Silk Twist, Boot Cord, Silk Galcon, Boot Web, kc., kc Alho, Currying Knives, Kleehers, Finger Steels, Boam Facoe, Slickers, Brushes, Rub Stones, Clearing Stones, kc. For sale low by SHERMAN, JESSUP &CO., No 341 Broad-stroo, second door above Bank of Augusta. jans-12t Lobsters. 5 doz. 2 lb. Cans Fresh LOBSTERS, 5 do 1 lb. do do do Just received at J*n7 D’ANTTGNAC k HUBBARD. Mercer potatoes. Just received and for sale at Depot, 25 bbls of very large pink-eye Potatoes. 11 29 THOS. P, STOVALI, & CO Thos. Richards & son hare for sale, Adventures and Missionary I-abor in several Countrios in the Interior of Africa from 1849 to 1856, by T. J. Bowen. *'id Grace Tium ,or and Principle, by Mr \ Saihe Rochoet r ord, ofe liouisville, Ken tucky. d 29 Chocks; CLuCttSTI LOCKS. AT JM .50 and Upwards. \\T ARRANTED to run well and keep T ▼ good time, by I 4 F. TWEEDY * 00. NEW CROP NEW ORLEANS SUGAR AND MOLASSES. 10 bbdfl prims and cboloe If Orleans SUGAR, bbM prime SYBUP, jnat rooeived by UAJfIBL a WILCOX. Boots, Sljocs, it, BOOTS, COOTS, BOOTS. II \OU can get value received for your money wh it more do you want. <t £ have j ootjchiuru to continue to sell SHOES at the man :.::icturers’ prices, with a Iceile aided, to keep j things going. My Shoos are all warranted to t.-rtvc satisfaction. Persons in want would do ? I Wt o to give me a call before buying elsewhere I ' n JAS. W. BUKCn; Broad sire t. ’ iBOOTS & SHOES. 11 ADIbS’ KIKE M()ROCCO I!0< >TS, -LJ LauvV *• Kid “ BUSKINS, “ Morocco * .. “ SHANGHAIS r ►•TMilcby i.ov-24 J. W. HL'KCU. BUP V A LO ns, BU PP A LOKS G1 KN l'S' Splendid BUFFALO OVER -1 SHOES, just received and for sale low by n | nov24 -TAMES W. BURCH. Boors, Stooes, Trunks, &cTi "i T HAVE THIS DAV received a SHOE i j J- made especially for Gentlemans’ Plantation wear. They are just the thing, and no mistake, i Also, Men-' thick Kip Wax, Bulled, Call, light ; and welt l KOGAN'S. »t 1 . some Leather BOOTS and I:'SKIN’S. J for House Servants* wear- Call and see them, gs JAS. W. iiC'RCH. BOOTS AND SHOES. THOMAS P. LARUS, ! (Successor to E. L. Symmons,) opposite the Av. j J-'fuMa Hotel. LADIES’ DEPARTMENT. Ladies’ Fine Kid Mo ' />3 rocoo Slippers, Tni-mi L-tdtes* Fine Kid and Morocco *** **■■■» Buskins, L " j Ladies* Fine Black Gaiters, heeled, j do do CoFrd do do do do Black and colored Gaiters.’ with out heels ; Lcdies’ tine Black and CoFrd Creole Waiters* MISSES' DEPARTMEX7. Misses’ Fine Kid and Morocco Slipper-, do do do do Buskins,’* r do do Black and colored I ewe Gaiters, do do do do do Congress do do do do do do Crooks do' CHILDRENS’ DEPARTMENT. ’ Childrens* Black and Colored Gaiters, do do do Button Gaiters. | do Kid, Morocco and Patent Loath <• Hoots. • i Kid, Morocco and Patent Leather Ankle Tie-. A large and well selected stock of Gentlemens* ! Oxford Ties, Strap Shoes, Tie Gaiters. Congress | Gaiters and Pump-sole Boots. Also, House ser vant- shoes, ol every description. , | N*. i'. Ladies Misse-Gaiters and Slippers * i heeled at the shortest notice. 'ttvc MB 8 call. io-iy TO THE PLANTERS. T. I\ LARI S. Successor to e E. L. Si/mrmns , opposite ths Augusta Ifotd, Augusta, Ga,, H AS this day received 30 cases Mens’ . Heavy BROGANS for negro wear, and the Planters will dud it to their advantage to give mo a cal! before buying elsewhere, as’all of the \ Coeds are made to ray own order to-nit the trade, and can be warranted to be what we rep re.-i-id them, ant. an cheap as any ntore in the ' c i ty ' oct3 ts T. I\ CASH'S " KAS I HIS DAY received a large lot ; f of I.adi - . ! Also. Ladies* Kid and Morocco BOOTS, jof overy description and size. * B^. ; A large lot of Gentlemens* BOOTS and SHOES 1 of thc lineat description, lias just come to hand. ’ | Also, Heavy BROGAN'S, for the Planters. DOVI7 A BORIGINES, ! A B 0 R f G I N E s . A FEW MORE pairs LADIES’ FIN BESKINS, for sale at half price, bv u°v2l J.W. BURCH. 8W ATCHES~ «• E^se» JEWELRY. I -MiAR THE LOWER MARKET, AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. jE. TWEEDY & CO. j \KTE have a beautiful assortment of * * Gold and Silver Hunting and Open-Faced Patent * ever. Detached Lever and Culiuder ‘ WATCHES, which we warrant to run well and 1 keep good timr./er sale cheap. Jewelry, new'stylesand patterns; Coral and Gold Setts of Ear Drops and Breast Pina; c Garnet and Gold Setts of Ear Drops and Breast J Pint.; i Cameo and Gold Setts of Ear Drops and Breast c J Pina ; Indies and Gentlemens’Breast Pins, Finger Rings. Chains, Locke’s. . Ladies’ Ear Rings, Ear Drops, Breast Pins ; Gold and Silver Thimbles, Bracelets, Porte Monnaies, Card Cases, & For sale by E. TWEEDY 6 CO., d 4 Near the Lower Market, Augusta Flour and Lard. CJIX HUNDRED SACKS Tennessee Su- O perliue FLOUR, 400 sacks Deumead’s do. do. 10 half choice LEAF LARD. Just received and for sale bv JftolS-S BAKER, WRIGHT k CO. C' TOFFEE. : 1 J 3400 bags lair to prime RIO COFFEE, 60 pockets Java do 60 do do do, vary fine, 80 bags prime ljujujra do * For sale low by . JO3IAH SIBI.KY k SONS, 1 IjTALiLNA, Corn Starch, Pearl Sago, J Bormuda Arrow Root, Tapioca and Oat 1 iical, perfectly freali. For sale bv janO WM. H. TUTT. i PORT wSEAND BRANDyT 1 For Medicinal use, [both vory flae.l For 1 sale by jan6 WM. H. TITT. a Bacon sides and hams. ‘ 6 hhik Prime Bacon SIDES, f i 4e da do HAMS, for saia by a JOBI AH SIBLEY k SONS, s No. e, Warren Block. THU sew JKIU.SAI.EM, ‘ ' OR, THEOLOG TOF THE HEW CHURCH 8 TT7 ORES of Ehahbbl Swhdvnboko oun TV bo found deposited at the Young Mens’ I library Association, for the use of the public decl-ly r • _ v LonKWorlh’s Native Wines. J LONGWORTH’S Sparkling Catawba WINE, Longworth’a Sparkling Isabella Wine, do Dry Catawba do c do Ladies’ Sweet do do Catawba Brandy. For sale low to the trade. oct*2tt THOS. P. STOVALL k CO.. Agents. STEAM ENGINES. ~ - THE Proprietors of the AUGUSTA J WORKS, Augusta, Ga. are building STEAM i ENGINES of any size requirod, and are now about c rompieting several from twenty to forty horse powor—ali of the b&>t quality, Prices as low as - can be laid down in this city, from any part of the United States. Southern enterprise depends t upon Southern patronage. Address jy*9 6m L. HOPKINS k 00., EW IaARD. \T 7 eem NEW LARD, jiat arrived. IN if WOE, P. STOYALL k CO. ® Carts. BEALL STOVALL, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION M KUCHA NT J, Reynold , between Jackson awl M’ln tosh Streets, AVO USTA, G BORGIA. HAVK removed to Metcalfs 'iJ’ge new Fire proof Warehouse on k - "Reynold, between Jackson and Mcln b’-.h tr- - -is, recently occupied by Giiham kin. in ili ; - centre of the ejty, iu the vicinity ol i he principal Warehouses, and convenient tv the Hotels. Being amply provided with good and safe storage for Cotton, Grain, Flour, Bacon and Pro duce generally, we respectfully solicit consign ment.:, which shall receive our undivided and faithful attention. Family Supplies, and the usual facilities, will bo aflorded to customers. Our Commissions for selling Cotton will be Fifty Cents a bale. WM. M. BEALL. soptlSTm J. W. I. STOVALL. J. J. Pearce, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. UJGU3TA GEORGIA. : bespeurpully renews ujrg»«ii>ho tender of his services in the Storage Sale of Cotton, and other Produce, at his extensive Brick Warehouse, on Campbell Street, near Bones, Brown & Co’s Hardware Store. Cash Advances, Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies forwarded to Patrons as heretofore. Commissions for Selling Cotton, after the first of September next, will bo Fifty Cents per bale. aug*2B-6in j. j. PEARCE. .1, ii. SIMPSON, (SUCCESSOR to SIMPSON A GARDINER.) Warehouse and commission merchant. • Corner Reynolds and M’ljitosh-sts., Avgusta, Ga CONTINUE THE WARE house and Commission Business in all i&aa&sfeits branches, at the old stand of Simpson •It Gahiuner, and hopes by strict personal atien tton to the interests of his friends and Patrons, to merit coutuanco of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon the old firm. Cash advances made on Produce in store, when desired. Bagging, Rope, and Family sup plies, furnished at the lowest market rates. Commission tor selling Cotton, 60 eta per bale, j aug 24 6 m PLANTERS A N D M K R (! II A N T S “W aroliouse. JB’L, *Y T HK undersigned would respectfully ! announce to ilicir friends, and the public, tint they hare associated themselves together in the warehouse a ni> a immission busintns*. Lnd-r the name and style of I*. & J. L. Flkmino, and taken the large Fire-Proof Warehouse ot T | 8. Metcalf, situated on Reynold, between Jack-1 son and Mclntosh streets. Their charges will cumorm to tie old estab lished rates, to wit: *2i cents for storage and 26 ! cents commission for selling. Ali orders for Family Supplies promptly exe*) cuted at the lowest market prices. PORTER FLEMING j JOHN L. FLEMING. Augusta, October, 1857. oct2 6m. j DTE & LATASTE, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS I m UESFECTJ-TJLLY ANNOUNCE j viaafill to their friends and the the public gcr y that they have formed a coima tiun in the above business, and have leased the I Fire-proof Warehouse .of Gut .Clanton, North side of Reynolds street, and recently occupied by Mr ' G. L. Anderson. From their long experience j they Hatter themselves that they will be en i 1 bied to give entire satisfaction to those who! may favor them with consignments of Cotton, or other produce. Their prompt personal atten tion will be given to orders for Bagging, Rope, etc., and purchasing of Family supplies; at the lowest market rates. Also, to the for warding of Goods consigned to their friends in | the interior. Liberal cash aevances made, when j desired by our customers. Our charges will he the same as those of other houses in thc city, engaged in the same business. JAMES M. DYE, augj Cm _ ANDREW G. LA TASTE HJBSESc; LINTON, ’ WAREHOUSE ANI) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jackson Street. Augusta , Georgia. mWJDL CONTINUE THE WARE-! house and Commission Business at fire proof Warehouse, and will de-1 ( vote tlieir personal attention to the interests . of their friends and patrons. Orders for family . supplies, bagging, rope, etc. carefully filled. ' Liberal cash advances made when required. Commissions for selling Cotton, 50 cts per bale. JQHX C. REES, Sep 14 SAM’I. D. UNTON. J*l. P. STOVALL, I WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta , Georgia. * CONTINUES THE BUSINESS , ' n branches, in his extensive ; " Jsj ii r e proof Warehouse, on Jackson st , near the Globe Hotel. His strict personal atten- 1 tion will as heretofore, be be given to ths storage . and sale of Cotton, Gram and produce generally. He will when desired, make liberal cash advances ou produce in store. Orders for Family Supplies, 1 Bagging, Rope, etc , will be promptly and care fully tilled at the lowest market prices. Com mis-! sion for selling Cotton, fifty cents per bale, sept 26 6m "" J. V. U AHM.SOSf, ' I I WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT ! At tlio oUt stand of L. Hopkins, Augusta , Georgia . septlß ly Candy. IFT Y BOXES assorted Steam Re . fined Candy, for sale by JOSIAH SIBLEY k SONS, J 4 No. 6, Warren Block- Ne w country lard. A small lot prime new Country LARD, in 1 cons, which we reeommend. d 6 THOS. P. 8f OYALL A'OO. Rio Codec. O- A bags I-vime GreenßlO COFFEE, 1 f PtJyJ for pale by * HAND, WILIJAMS k GRAVES, 1 No. 5. Warren Block. j IBW GOODS ARRIVING BY EX- 1 PRESS. * SPLENDID WALKING STICKS, Crooks, Gutta Percha, Gold and Silver 1 Mounted, of all sizes and kinds ; Elegant PUFF BOXES, made of the same material. Also—lj>ng < and Short RUIAIRS for Book Keepers, and a new assortment of superior GOLD PENS for the same. 1 Several of those superb GOLD WATCHES, es pecially for Railroad men, on account of their accurate time, and at prices never before offered so low. Being about to go North, now is your time to i buy cheaply the BEST OF GOODS, at the LOWEST i PRICE—to make room for an enlargement of the i store. aug2Q HENRY J. OSBORNE. CALIFORNIA OATS. Just received, a small lot of very supe- ■ rior SEED OATS, originally from California, warranted to yield double the amount of the common oats, and to weigh from 40 to 50 pounds ; to the bushel. < The history of these Oats, and favorable no- 1 tices of the growth anil yield by persons in this ’ region, with sample in the stalk, can be seen at 1 our office. For sale by < THOS. P. STOVALL & CO., < U 5 General Commission Merchants. ISBECTING INSTRUMENTS.—The \ attention of Medical Students is solicited to J our complete stock of Surgical Instruments. Our assortment of Dissecting Instruments is very . large, and we offer them at prices lower than ever before. WM.H. TUTT, novlO Druggist. TENNESSEE PRODUCE. THE undersigned is prepared to exe cuto with promptness orders for Bacom, Lard, Vheal, Rye, Oats, Com, Flour, _ or any other products of Middle Tennossee. D. D. DICKEY, No. 5 Collage street, Nashville, Teen. sug2l If -<mr . —- number 339 Jm 6oobs. : == - Huy the Best and Cheapest. HAS NOW IN STORE one of the I>es( ami most fashionable stocks of DRY GOODS j ever brought to Augusta, and he solicits an in . | spcciion of them by his friends and the public f Being satisfied with very small profits, lie* i 2 confident that his stock will bo found cheapo than that of any other in tho Trade. 3 1 The following desirable styles ol goods are t< . | be found in his stock : . j Rich Silk, Delaine and Cashmere ROBE d< i I QUILLE, I Kic?. Silk, Delaine and Cajlmiero Bayadere j l striped Dresses, j Rich Plaid Raw Silks, ? i Plain .Silks of all colors. Black Silk Robes and Robes dc Quiile, | Rich Figured Delaines, Cashmeres. Merinos, l French Merinos, all colors, j Eugli.sU “ “ <• ; A large lot of Delaines, from 12 to 37c per yd • j Mourning i; j Black Alpaca, Bombazine and Tamartine, 5! A large stock of English aud American i‘r : nt 2; ed Calicoes, j A large stock of Mourning Calicoes*, i “ “ Scotch and French Ginghams u some as low as 10 cts per yard. Chenille, Stella, Plush and Woollen P'aii j Shawls. Chenille. Satin and Cruel Scarfs, l; Cloth and \ civet Cloaks and Talmas, j Hoop Skirts, Canton Pique Cloths, a comlortable article foi _! Basques | India Twilled Long Cloths, plain and striped I Irish Linens and Diapers, of various makes,’ 1 Huckaback, Crash, kc., lor Toweling, 1 j Shirtings and Sheetings, Lindsey Woolsev and ; Pantaloon Stuffs, ‘' A fine assortment of French and Scotch Emb’d !: Collars and Sleeves, separate an u in setts, c • Embroidered Misses and Boys Collars. ’ Infant’s Robes and Waists, Handkerchiefs and Skirts, “ Silk Hose, u Bands, Edgings and Inserting*, >! Hosiery, Ic., Cotton, Thread and Crotchet I.aces, A large variety of Dress Trimmings, Ladies*, Misses’, Gentlemen’s ami Boys’ Me rino Under vests, ! Flannels, all colors and qualities, ! Bed Blankets, Quilts, kc. j l!1 the Millinery Department, Mrs. Hk.ney has < no of the finest selections of BONNETS, HEAD DRESSES, kc., to an examination of which s!i respectfully invites her Iriends andthepubli j generally. GRAY & TURLE i, Having thoroughly removed to their NEW STOR. ’, under the U. States j Hotel, are i ow receiving a ftiil and complete as sortment of rich aud elegant DEY GOODS. I Which, having been purchased for Cash, under the depressed state of the monetary affairs ol the North, enables them to offer facilities to dose purchasers rarely to be met with. Merchants I Planters, am the Ladies, particularly, would j consult their interest by an examination of our l stock and prices. Having a resident purchaser | in the North, we are in the continual receipt ol “.JOB LOTS” from auction, at unprecedented low prices. Among our assortment will be found the rich cot and newest DRESS GOODS of the season— such as Rich and Elegant Cold and Black SILKS. : ranging from 37 L cents to $5 per yard, (ora i j ting to specify all the manufactured ‘*jaw-break < iug” names n.-v.l cn such occasions.) i Fine ail Wool MUSLIN DELAINE, Plain and Figured ; C'heaj) MUSLIN DELAINES, in grea variety; Lupin’s best Black AL«PACAS ant I bombazines. ; PLANTATION GOODS, | The very best quality ; 8 doz. 07.. V ABURG3 ; Heavy all Woul Filling Georgial’LAlHa KFFSEYS: Heavy cheap SATTXUTS’S ■ All Wenl Plaid IJNSEYM • Blue Stripe ami Plaid HOJIESPUKS : Bro. HOMESPUN and JANES ; ! Fine HEM BLANKETS, very cheap . RICH CARPBTISreS.—Cheap. ! Line English Tapestry VELVET ; ! “ “ “ BBUSSEFS ; [ Superior Three-Ply, fine Ingrain and All-Wool CARPETING—(not having room in our new store to keep Carpeting, ive will sell them at cost and chargee.) EMBROIDERY. 1,000 Swiss and Jackonet BANDS, from 25 cts. I to sl, worth fully double that amount. 5,000 r wiss and Jackonet COLLARS, from 25 to 50 cents, worth sl. 100 fine French worked COLLARS, $2.50 to $3.50, worth $5 to $C>. wiss anh Jackonet EDGIGS and INSERT NGS, in great variety. Embroidered and Hemstitched IIANDKER CHIEFS, exceeingly cheap. 50 fine Emb’d SETTS, $2 toss. exceedingly cheap. In the same department will be ounda most complete assortment HOSIERY that has ever been in one House in Augusta, from the lowest price to the finest qaulity. for Ladies, Gents, Misses and Youths, of every de scription. DOMESTIC GOODS Ten cases fine 8 yard wide SHEETING, at 31c., worth in the Jobbing Houses in New York from 35 to 40 cents. Five bales fine Sea Island HOMESPUNS, 6]*'c. Ten cases fine CALICO, warranted fast colors, or the money returned, for 6** cents, worth 10 to 12»4 ccnta. LINEN GOODS. The best and cheapest LINENS that has ever been known to sell in Augusta, under any cir cumstances, are now on eur shelves, and only require an examination to convince the most fastidious of the great saving in purchasing LINEN GOODS from us. Splendid fronting lIN £N for 37)6 cents, that has never been known to el! in Augusta for lews than 62 to 75 cents. The most superb IJNEN DAMASK eves brought to this market at vastly reduced rates Splendid Turkish TOWELS for the bath room 64 long, only 12)6 «ente, worth 37 cents. Russia and Huckaback DIAPERS, in great va riety, exceedingly cheap. Five hundred 13-4 square QUILTS, For $1.50, worth $3 ; fine French Marseille QUILTO, large size, $3.50 to $5, worth from $8 to $lO. AISO— A very largo a>nd varied stock of every dascrip tion of DRY GOODS. Selected with the utmost care bv decided j .dgos of Goods, at auction and such other places as bargains could be obtained, within the last two weeks, to which we would invite the attention o those purchasing for cash guaranteeing that we can save them a very large per centage ou an examination ot our stock. sept‘2o GRAY & TURLEY. Linseed Oil, Wliite Lead, &c. LMVE HUNDRED gallons LINSEED J? OIL, 10,000 lbs WHITE LEAD, 300 boxes WINDOW GLASS, For sale unusually low by WM. H. TUTT, novs Wholesale and Retail Druggist. PICKLES. 15 doz. Gallon PICKLES, assorted, 15 do Half Gallon do do 15 do Quarter do d» Juet received at jaa7 D’AXTKJTAO k HUBBABD. luak-glnk (Tlotjjing. • gentlemens 7 ;a i aSi ami Winter Goods tor M 4 , v . 1857. i stock of goods is now full aad » • - - ■»' eF - i(i i ivVj w!.?rl PC,<vt . ? Wck Ready-Made CLOTB tf.' uwlaot cx e^t!d by any Ckwda n also, un:,'/wS " 1 l ” r «»■*«► ««cyS5! th " esuw: “ !imcDt ««™* | _ oct '- J J. A. VAN WINKLE. J“NOTHING TO WEAR” NEED NOT BE THE WO'n'O NOW, J@J. H. llli&tflj w SCCCKSSORSTO _ •»• m. new in & t 0.. H IUVE OMENED THEIR and Elegant; £3 STOCK OF CLOTHING, FOB ' ’*i j MEN, YOUTHS and BOYS! ! Como Everybody GET A FIT! UNDER U. S. UOTF.T, , "«-■* Au-.-Ll. Sw *"«'“aa- «. a « B Sie «><- 'REIDOMBECLOTIIIJI6, NOW is the time to buy the foliawirur artiehs 1..r Mot.*' »n H »y, Wear, ch«a£ i «*r man they :=h« uld be • dd in this market • RA w.£SJ’ " AT: -. «UWIg», m.ANKBIB ROBES, Fine (loth aMi Cashmere (OATS, >1 Fine VESTS, PANTS, SHIRTS DU \W’ a KRS. SUrfPENDr.RS, ('!• \va fs’ - i- ! STOCKS, COLLAR-, TRUNKS,’ VAIJCES, and every article in our line. I novG ''l AY TON A K liN’NEDT. New Confectionery ’ | AND ;jF RUIT STORE ! ir r S UNDERSIGNED respectfully an«» •r -K noulice to the ladies of Augu-u and the • public generally that they are now prepared to 4 furnish WEDDINGS, PARTIK ,BAU^%TaitS shortest notice, and at the lowest i Confident that our Ice Creams Jellies, Char | lotto Russes, and general assortment of large '■ ; and small Cakes, will not bo oqiiGL-! in thig , our ornamented MRfDAL CAKES V- 1 FANCY PYRAMIDS and FRUIT BASKETS—wiI j not easily be surpassed bv any one in thi« cf nn id try we behove we are prepared to jdease tto J* most fastidious. i j We also offer a variety of romeslic and ported CANDIES, GUM, CORDIAL. WINE and : BRANDY DROPS, Preserved, Iced. Chrystalised 1 cn-. IMITATION FRUITS, French CUPIDS, BOM t»ONS. BONRONIERES ; and for Christina* a general assortment of FANCY GOODS and TOYS, : at the lowest prices. A .'■hare of patronage respectfully solicited PUSH SUMER All, J North Side Broad street, near the Lower Market j Orders from the country respectfully attended j deeci-tf IleavyOvercoats for Negroes , /A w NERS of Boat and Railroad hand* ■ ,V " and all persons in want of NEGRO OYER j (OATS, w’ill do will to call and examine our cheap and well made articles of the kind. aov 6 CLAYTON & KENNEDY. Cheap Satinet Jackets. :W h HAVJE A LOT OF GOOD HAW T f INKT JACKETS, for plantation negrue., ’ which we will sell for $1 bo to %i. nOY 9 CLAYTON & KENNgIiT Hijt Jackets, anti Satinet ! Coats and Pants. /jl Il STOCK of tlie above nrticlM being too large for the hard timoe, »# ot or them cheaper than the cheapest, to r. then down. CLAYTON & KENNEDY. r JOHN N. GO W. MARBLE-WORKER i jITUNIJMENTS, of all description#, l-i-VJL executed in the bestform, at £JI\V. THE LOWEST PRICES, and in the shortest time compatible with faultless workmanship. mH/M 1 ‘'ul Persons iu want of Marble-Work ' ; of any kiud are invPed to call. Shop t>n Campbell-street, be tween Broad and Greene-street aBL—M nov‘23 JOHN N. GOW New Cosmorauiic STEREOSCOPE. AMONG the latest inYentions ia o>- tics, there is nothing more instrug gk am us-ng than the Stereoscope. TheSterooweoj# , are impressions from nature, l n K finest Sceneries, Cities and llonuaiaali u Europe, which, viewed through ihg iufcr%- ment, show those objects in bold relief, a«tmv ns they are, and thus are the best models far Artists, give the best idea of Foreign Ogautrk* and Art, and make the fineet parlor ornament For sale at uoyl(> H. J. OSBOBMPR. UNPRECEDENTED INDUCEMENTS ! I AM SELLING my stock of VERICIfI». coniiisting of ' Carriages, Rockawayg, BAROUCHES, JERSEY WACOM. BUGGIES, with and without tope, of all the different styles now manufactured at prices AS LOW as can be bought in any Soutbar* ci*y. Being constantly in the receipt of good*. I am enabled to i ffer to the public somethin both fre*b and new. ” In addition to the above, I keep always aw hand a number of Vehicles of my own maaufcuw ure. I also warrant all work that leaves mv atom , «• H. MAY, A tuny old stand, corner Jackson and ElttFeto, in rear ol CLobe Hotel. d-12-ly FAINTING. THE SUBSCIUBEK, ttmnkful for the liberal pa roaag. of his fellow citi -ena. for Hie last Thirty Eight leura, and amioua for % continuation ol a share ot the same, would r*- sp« tfu! y inform them that ho will furnish and put up SICNii of any size, made of tin, best lum ber ami workmanship that thecitt affords and of Gilding and Boulting, not to be excelled North or South, for 76 cents per foot, and for PainlaA SIGNS, any o .lor, SB cents per foot I’atent Japan Tina, with single name silt wiM border, 76 cents each. ’ ® 1 All varieties ol NIXED PAINTS for Bale and Brushes loaned. R. p. SPELMAII At Itw old stand on Greeno-st. L botW ’