Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, March 15, 1858, Image 1
futpsi'H ®SrMii| VOLUME 2. (Verting §isj)itt((j.i I n.'U: HED n.vri.v ami xvhkei.v. ■ BY S. A. ATKINSON. DAILY, per annum $1 00 WEEKLY. •' f 50 ££T Subscriptions will bo received for threo ' n ' )l ths 51 25. Monthly subscriptions, Fiftv cents. #9“ »*aymen t for subscriptions will positively be required i:i advance. Tii.: OH-T-.’K OF THE DISPATCH is on •.'ioa 1 street, a few doors hek*w Setz’a Corner, (upgtir- ) Eutranfce next door above A. . i Bignon k Co.’s Store. liATKS OF ADVBRTISIJVO: Advertisements will bo inserted by the square ol 12 lines (1 0;» words,) for 50 cents for the first insertion, and -7 ‘-3 cent-; for each subsequent in sertion under ono month, to be paid for when the a iverti.seim-m is handed into thooiilco. Advertisements under live lines will be insert - ! at oents a line lor the first, ami 6 cents a Idle for each subsequent Insertion. Advertisements will be inserted in both the 'Oaily and Weekly Dispatch at '-.'5 per cent above bese rates. Thirty- -Fifih Congress. HOUSE pF KEFRESENTATIVES. dumber of members, - - - - 234 Alabama. new YORK— Continu'd 1 Jas A Stalvvarth. 5 Wm f> Maclay 2 E S Shorter. 0 John Cochrane > Jas F Dowdell. 7 Elijah Ward 4 Sydney Moore. 8 Horace F (’lark 5 Geo S Houston. 0 John B TTaskin 0 ~\V it W Cobb, 10 -4 L Murray 7 J LM Curry. 11 Wm F Russell Arkansas. 12 John Thompson 1 All Greenwood. 13 Abram A Win 2 Edw A Warner. 14 Erast us Corning CALIFORNIA. 15 Edward Dodd 1 Charles L Scott. 10 Geo W Palmer. v 2 J C McKibbcn. ' 17 Fronds ESkinner Connecticut. 18 Clark 11 Cochrane 1 Eera Clark, Jr. 11) Oliver A Morse 2 Samuel Arnold, 2d20 0 II Matteson 8 Sidney Dean. 21 Henry Pennell iWm D Bishop. 22 Henry 0 Goodwin Delaware. 23 Charles B Hoard l Wm G Whitley. 24 Amos P Granger Florida. 25 Edwin B Morgan 1 Geo S Hawkins. 20 Emory I[Polite Georgia. 27 John M Parker 1 Jas L Seward. 28 William Kelsey 2 M J Crawford. 29 Sam'l G Andrews 3 H P Tnjpe. Am. 80 J W Sher mm i L J Gar troll. 81 S M Burroughs 5 A R Wright. 82 Israel T Hatch 0 .Jas Jackson. S 3 Reuben E Fenian 7 Joshua Hill, Am. north Carolina. 3 A II Stephens. 1 FT M Shaw Illinois. 2 Thomas Ruffin 1 E B Washburns . 3 Warren Winslow 2 ./ F Farnsworth. 4 L 0 11 Branch 3 Owen Jiovejoy . 5 Joh} A Gilmer, Am i Wm Kellogg . 0 Alfred M Scales 5 Isaac N Morris. 7 Burton Craige 0 Thomas L Harris. 8 T L Clingman 7 A Shaw. 01110. 3 Robert Smith. 1 Geo II Pendleton 9 Sitin'l A Marshall. 2 W S Grosbeck Indiana. 3 Lewis I) Campbell 1 W J Niblack. 4 M llNichols 2Wm II English. 5 Richard Mott 3 .Tames Hughes. 0 J II Cockerell 4 James B Foley. 7 Aaron Harlan 5 Vavid Kilgore. 8 Benjamin Siarrow 5 James M Gregg. 9l* W Hall 7 John G Davis. 10 Joseph Mill; r 3 James Wilson 11 Valentine- BMorton 9 Schuyler Colfax 12 S S Cox 10 Charles Case 18 John Sherman 11 John U Pciit 14 Philemon Bliss iowa. 15 Joseph Burns 1 Samuil R Curtis 10 C B Tomkins 2 Timothy Davis 17 Wm Lawrence Kentucky. 18 Beiij F lieiler 1 Henry C Burnett 19 Fldward Wade 2 Samuel O Peyton2o Joshua R Ghidings 3 W L Underwood A2l J A Bingham 1 AG Talbott Pennsylvania. 5 Joshua II Jewett 1 Thos B Florence 6 John M Elliot 2 E Joy Morris, Am 7 HMarshall, Am 3 James Landy 8 James B Clay 4 Henry M Philips 9 John C Mason 5 Owen Jones '0 J W Stevenson G John Hickman Louisiana. 7 Henry Chapman 1 Geo Euslis.Jr, Am 8 J Glancy Jones 2 Miles Taylor 9 A E Roberts 3TG Davidson 10 John CKi nkel 4 J M Sandige 11 Wm L D ;wart maink. 11 P Leidy 1 John M Wood 13 Wm II Dimmick, 2 Charles J Gilman 14 G A Grow 3 Nehcmiah Abbott 15 Allison White 4 Freeman llMorse 10 John J Abel 5 I Washburne, Jr 17 Wilson Reilly 6 S’fphn G Foster 18 John R Edie Maryland. 19 John Covode 1 J A Stewart 20 Wm Montgomery 2 JII Ricaud , Am 21 I)atid Ritchie 3 J M Harris, Am 22 S A Purviance 4 II W Davis, Am 23 Wm Steivart 5 Jacob M Kunkel24 J L Gillis 3 Thos F Bowie 25 John Vick MASSACHUSETTS. RHODE ISLAND. 1 R B Hill 1 NB Vurfee 2 James Ilujfnlon 2WmI)Hr ay lon 3 Wm S Vamrell south Carolina. 4 Linus II Comins 1 John McQueen 5 Anson Burlingame 2 W Porcher Miles 6 Timothy Davis 3 LawrenceM Keit 7 D W Gooch 4 M L Bonham 8 CL Knapp 5 James L Orr 9 Eli Thayer 0 Wm W Boyce 10 Calvin C Chaffee Tennessee. 11 Henry L Dawes 1A G Watkins MISSOURI. 2 IT Maynard, Am IFP Blair, Jr 3 Samuel A Smith 2 TL Anderson, Am 4 John H Savage 8 John B Clark 5 Chas Ready, Am 4 J Craig 6 George W Jones 5 S II Woodson, Am 7 John V Wright 6 John S Phelps 8 V KZoUicoffer. Am 7 Sam’l Caruthers 9 J DC Atkins Michigan. 10 Wm T Avery 1 Wm A Howard Texas. 2 Henry Waldron 1 Guy M Bryan 3 D S WaJridge 2 J II Reagan 1 De Wilt C Leach Vermont. Mississippi. 1 EP Wat!on 1 L Q C Lamar 2 Justin S MomU 2 Reubin Davis 3 Homer E Boyce 3 Wm Barksdale Virginia. 40 R Singleton 1 M 1111 Garnet a J A Quitman 2 .1 I Milson new Hampshire. 3 John S Caskie 1 James Pike 4 Wm 0 Goode .2 M W Tappan 5 Thos S Boeock * Aaron h bragm G Panins Powell new jersey. 7 Wm Smith 1 Isaiah V Clawson 8 C J Faulkner 2 G R Robins 9 John Letcher 3 Garnet BAdrianlO S Clemens 4 John Iluyler 11AG Jenkins 5 J R Wortendykel2 H Edmundson new York. 13 G W Hopkins 1 John A Searing j 2 George Taylor Wisconsin. ; 8 Dan'l K Sick els 1 John F Potter 4 John Kelly 2 C C Washburne 3 Chas BiUinghuntf SENATE. ■Number of membcrß. - -62 i Democrats in Homan, Opposition in 1 : jltalic. ■ AT.ABAM A. MrSAlssiPFI. Clement Clay. Jr. Albert G Brown. Deuj. Fitzpatrick. Jefferson Davis. ARKANSAS. MIS.-OI 111. Wm B Sebastian. James L Green. Itobert W. Johnson.Tvusten Polk. CONNECTICUT. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Istfnyrlte S Foster. Mu F Hale. James Dixon. Daniel dark. CAUirOItNIA. NEW YORK. WmWGwin. Wm USncard. David <! Broderick'. Proton Kinq. DELAWARE. NEW JERSEY. Martin W Bates. William Wright. | James A Bayard. John it Thompson. : FLORIDA. NCRTU CAROLINA. David L Video David B Hold. ■ Stephen I! Mallory. Asa Diggs. GEORGIA. ' °OHIO. . Robert Toombs. George E Pugh. Alfred Iverson. Benjamin F Wade. INDIANA. PENNSYLVANIA. Graham N Fitch. William Bigler. 1 Jesse D Bright. Simon Cameron. I ILLINOIS. RHODE ISLAND. Stephen A Douglas. Philip Allen. hyrmn Trumbull. James l< Simons. lmvA - 90LTII CAROLINA. George V> Jones. Jostah .) Evans. James llarlan. J K Hammond. KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. John II Thompson. John Bril. John J Crittenden. Andrew Johnson. LOUISIANA. TEXAS. ■ J P Benjamin. Sam Houston. John Slidell. Vacancy. MAINE. I» in Pitt Fessenden. Vermont. c Hannibal Hamlin. Jacob Collamv. MASSACHUSETTS. Solomon Foot. Henri/ Wilson. Charles Sumner. Virginia. MARYLAND. R M T Hunter. .James A Pearce. Jas M. Mason. Anthony Kennedy. MICHIGAN. WISCONSIN. Charles E Stuart. Charles Durkee. Zaehariah Chandler. James R Doolittle. Kee a pit Hlutlon. SKNATH. Democrats. Opposition, ........... Vacancies, 1 1 Dcm cratic mafority 10. lIOCSE OK KKPJIBSBXTATJVHS. Democrats. 1 Know Nothings is t Blue.]; Republicans, . Democratic majority 24. riail Road Register. Me <m 1 WfiSTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. ! 1 (Atlanta to ClutUanuoga ) Morning Pass’ger Train loaves AtlanLa 1.45 a m i ami Arrives at Chattanooga 9.45 am ! Morning Passenger Train leaves Chat. 1.30 am j and arrives at Atlanta 9 33 an, Night Passenger Train loaves Atlanta 12.30 p m i an-i arrives at Chattanooga S.lSpml Night Passenger Train leaves Chat. 3.10 pm j and arrives at Atlanta 11.22 p m ! ICirtE to Chattanooga, SO. JAMEB M. iSPULLOCK, Sup’t. j ATLANTA AND LAC RANCH RAILROAD. ' Morning Passenger Train leaves Atlauta2 00 ams and arrives at West Point 7.28 a m I Evening Passenger Train leaves Atlanta"l.Go p m! and arrives at West Point 0.28 p m \ Morning PassPger Train leaves W. Point 4.00 a ni and arrives at Atlanta at 9.27 a m Evening Pass’gr Train leaves W. i’oint 4.30 p m and arrives at Atlanta 10.15 p in La hr to W rsi Point, $3.50. GEO. C. HULL, Superintendent. M ACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD, r Morning Puss’gr Train leaves Atlanta 10.30 ain anti arrivos at Macon 4.15 a m Evening Pass’gr Train leaves .Macon 12.00 prn and arrives at Atlanta 6.05 p in Fake to Macon, $4. E. FOffi’E, Superintendent. CFORCIA RAILROAD. (From Avgusta to Atlanta.) Leave Augusta at 2 30. A M, and 4 P M. Arrive at Atlanta at 11 36 A M and 104 P M. Leave Atlanta at 12 A M and 10 A M. { Ai nvc at Augusta at 556 A M and 7P M. [lhe 2.30, A. !4.. train from Augusta connects 1 through to Memphis.] Fake—ss 50. Connect with South Carolina Railroad Train;. I Arrive at August**, 11 A M and 2301* M. . Leave Augusta at 10 AM and 8 05 P M. H’U/i Western and Atlantic Railroad Trains, j Arrive at Ulanta at 11 22 1‘ M and 933A M. ( Leave. Atlanta at 1 45 A M and 12 30 I* M. With Atlanta and LaGrange Railroad Trains, Arrive at Atlanta at 10 15 J' M and 7 00 A M Leave Atlanta at 2 A M and 1 P M. Connect with Mact/n it Western Radroad. Arrive at Atlanta, 9 15, A. M.. and 6 05, P. M Leave Atlanta, 10 30 A. ii., and 12 Night. Athens Branch—Sundays Exccpied. f Leave Augusta at 2 30, Night. Leave Atlanta 1200, Night. Leave Athens 12 00, Night. Arrive at Athens 10 30, Day. Arrive at Augusta 9 00. Morning. Arrive at Atlanta 11 34, Morning. Washington Branch —Sundays Excepted. Leave Augu u 2 30, Night. Leave Atlanta 12 00, Night.' at Washington 7 35. Morning Leave Washington 3 30. Morning Arrive at, Augusta S 63, Morning \rrivc at Atlanta 11 34, Morning Warreit/m Branch — Surv.lays Excepted. Leave AiifGsta 4 00, Evening Leave A; a. la 10 00, Morning Arriv* V» .rrenton 8 00, Evening Leave W» rreuton 3 30, Evening Arrive at Augusta 7 00,- Evening Arrive at Atlanta 1 14. Night GEO. YONOE, Superinto dent. AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD. Leav* A'lgusta, 2.10, A. M. an*l 4 P. M. ! Arrive at Milieu, 4:05 A. M. and 6:35 P M. Leave iliilen, 5:40 A. M. and 3:45 P. M An iv.-i -it Augusta, 9:00 A M. and 647 P M | Connecting with trai 3 to and from Savannah and Augusta C. A. DROWN. Sup’t. SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD COMPANY. I)a> Mail 11: I Pas.'onger Train leaves Augusta at 10 oV- rk, A M. ; and arrives in Augusta at 2.30 P M. Night Ma i and Passenger Train leaves Augusta at 8 V o P M; arrives in Augusta at l 1* M. H. T.PEAKE, General tjuperintendent. CENTRAL RAILROAD. Behvren Savannah and Ma -em. Leave Savannah 1 15, am, 2 46, pm m Macon 10 45, am, 12 30, a m • , ,iv. ..i icon 9 15, am, 11 30, p m i Arrive in Savannq 7 20, p tn, S 50, a m BJween Savan- ah and Augusta. L-.ive Savannah I 15,am, 11 15, a m Arrive in Angu-ta 9 a in, 7 p in Leave Augusti 2 am, 345 p m Arrive >n Sava tin th 8 50 a in. 10 65 p m Between Macon ami Augusta. 1 e ive Macon 9 45 a in, 11 30 p in Art ive m Augusta 7 pm, 9am 1,, ave Ai gu-ta 2 a ill, 345 p m , Arrtve in Macon 10 45 am. 12 30 ani 1 K.dkRSON FOOTK, Cen’l Superintendent. EAST TENNESSEE AND GEORGIA RAILROAD. Ijeave Augusta 4 00pm do Atlanta 145a ni do Dalton 750 a m Arrive at Knovvllle I 3u p m 1 it. IACKSON .S’l^crimcutent AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, MARCH 151858. Uliscrliiiiifoiu. I EW LARI): | ) csiuNßW BAUD, jujl arrived j - * THOS. P. STOVALL i CV(. Tj'NGLISH TOOTH BKTTRHBft X fto have.hist rwotved a supply of One Eng. n-.i Tooth Bnishea, of pur own importation. •u ruiMH k LErrare. THE LARGEST AXU CHEAPEST A3SORTMKST OF BEST MAN UFACT IKED UMBRELLAS, ■ PARASOLS, 1 AND WALKING CANES, I Ever offered in this market, wholesale and retail, j B JOHNSON & CO . TTMBREr.LA MANTJFACTUBERS, U ‘470, King-sheet, j charleston, 3. c., Mar Wentworth. We would most reapectftilly call the attention I or our friends and the public of Hie city and country, to our stock of SILK ar.d OTHER CM i BRF.LLaS. Wo are now n.anufa:t :riug and offer for Palo i some of the best Umbrellas ever offered in this : market. We are in constant receipt of silks and j Ginghams, manufactured in England under our own special direction, by which means we are I enabled to produ era better a» tide than cun be found elsewhere, which we* are determined to sell t the very lowest prices. We have, also, a large stock of Kino Gingham. I.inen and Cotton Utnbr-c.las, and Silk Parasol-. Folding Umbrellas ! for travellers, and Buggy Umbrellas, wito aud ; ; without joints. j -Also, a large assortment of WALKING CANES. ! I B. S.—We have also added to the above es ! j tablishn ent the manufacture of WIRE SAFES for keeping provisions, which aro warranted su | perior to any imported, and may bo had of anv j pattern or size. nov2s ’ i Medical Books. j THE DISEASES of wo- Peas ey’s Human Tlistology. , Smith’s Domestic Medicine, new edition. For talc fay d2l THOS. RICHARDS A tON. Bagging and rope. 76 bales BAGGING, 300 coils HOPE, for sjile low by n °vJJ WILCOX. HAND k ANSI EY. SUPERFINE FLOUE. j kj New arriving. suporSne FLOUR, half and ! j quarter sacks, in quantity. <ls lIIUS. P. STOVALL &QO. Sugar and Coffee. . | |"JEN HHiXS. choice Porto Rico Sugar, JL 10 “ common “ 300 bbis yellow Coffee Sugar. ■ 56 bbls Crushed n*d Powdered Sugar, 11 250 bags prime Rio Coffee, 200 bags common “ 10 bags prime Java, 25 bags prime Itaguira, 25 bags prime Bahia, for sale by nov6 DANIEL II Wil COX. / lIGARS. I \J 19,000 RIO HONDO, - 50,000 various brands, for sale low fay JOS! AH SIBLEY L SONS jan!s No. 6. Warren Bl# < ( TODDS AND COUGHS. j Vy 0 doz. Wistar’s Balsam Wild Clierry; 10 do Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral: 18 do Syrup of Wild Cherry: 20 do I>r. Jackson’s Syrup Wild Cherrv: j 12 do Cod Liver Oil; 5 do Pastilles de Paris. The above excel lent remedies for sale low by ! * ieb‘2 THOS. P. FOGARTY. * New Firm. TWF UNDERSIGNED have thin day j formed a Copartnership under tin* name i and style of Jamas M. Dtk k Co., for the transac- ( lion of a WAKE OUSE AND COMMISSI N BUSI- , NESS, at the Warehouse recently occupied by , Dye LaTaste * * ( They will attend to the unfinished business of - k ItaTaste and would be thankful far a con tinuance of the patronage of that firm, and any * other favors their personal friends or the public may be pleased to extend to them. ; They will spare no pains to be prompt and at tentive to all business entrusted to them. JAMES M. DYE. THOS. RICHARDS. Augusta. Jaa. 29. 1858. feb2-tf | | f rUIE RIDES AND REVERIES of the X late Mr. ASsop Smith, by Martin F. Tapper, I>. C. L., author of Proverbial Philosophy, etc. ! For sale by ’ jan‘2o' THOS. RICHARDS Jt SOM. GEER'S MACHINE FOR CUTTING, PLANING AND MOULDING 111 I! lit HI, II! FORMS. 1 AN INSTRUMENT capablo of per forming nearly all the irregular and curv ed work u°ed in carpentry, such as Arches, Gothic Sash, Brackets and Scrolls ; in Cabinet . Work, Carriage Building, Boat and Ship Building | and Mill Work of all kinds. Persons who have work of this kind aro in vited to visit the shop of the subscriber, where they will find a machine in operation. Machines on hand, for sale. WM. H. GOODRICH, oct29 Reynold-street Mackerel. Wholes, Halves,Quarters and Kite, X*. 1, - 2 anc 3 Mackerel. 1 ALSO, fto arrive.) A few packages Mackerel. For sale - by JOSIAH SIBLEY k SONS, jan7-6 No. 6, Warren Block. _____ H KICE. —10 tierces prime RICE, for side : low by JQSIAH SIBIJCY k SONS, jan3o No. 6 Warren Block. T7INEGAR. \ 20 fabla. Extra Cider Vinegar, 10 do White Wine do For sale by JOSIAH SIBLEY k SONS, t jandO No. 6 Warren Block. Rianl iwt; Potatoes. npWO IIENDUED bbls. Yellow Plant i 1. ing POTATOES ; 51 bbte. Mercer Potatoes, for sale by jan2s-4 POULLAIN, JENNINGS kCO < Negro Mechanics rnWO good BRICKLAYERS and PLAS- < X TERERS. and one good TANNER aud FI \- 1 ISHF.R OF LEATHER, can be hired by the year or month, or by the Job, by applyiug to 1 <lls d. c. u••:;■:! i. 'v -..i oi.. SIX SHIRTS jFOR NINE DOLLARS, AT jais HERSEY’S. ■ — * : i SSiirt Fronts. c A LARGE LOT, just received, of all f\_ the different styles anl prices. Call aud see them at janlß HERSEY’S. J SOAPS! —Just imported and landed by j Steamer, a large lot of Low’s celebrated HONEY aud OLD BROWN WINDSOR SOAP. dl9 PLUMB & LhITNER. \T7’HISKEY ! WHISKEY!! M\ 100 bbte Georgia Planters’ WHISKEY, ( now in Depot, for k d? J HOS. P. STOYALL k CO., Agents. J loots, ,§1)0(5, fit, Hun, Hun and Huy. P. HAUL'S has just received Forty ' • cases <»iNew Goods, consisting in part of Womens’, Misses’ an*l Hoys’ SHOES, which will bo sola very low for cash. flo , this MiWliii' li\ THE NATION. : ONE Tno US AM) PAIRS SOLD!} SOT ONE PAIR KNOWN TO 1UP!I Saved Through and Through. T ADIES’ Jvl! > WELT BOOTS, sewed 1 J through and through. Just received, all | sizes, from i to 7, beside a full assortment of LADIES, GENTS, MISSES AND CHILDRENS’ 5* bjb. «» :ms W , of all kinds. Call and see them, j jan2o .IAS W. BURCiI, Broad -street. HOOTS, BOOTS, BOOTS. IF YOU can get value received for your money wliat more do you want. Yeti have concluded to continue to sell SIPJES at the man ufacturers’prices, with a leetlk added, to keep things going. My Shoes are all warranted to give satisfaction. Persons ia want would do well to give me a call before buying elsewhere, i d 4 JAS. W. BURCH, Broad stroet. BOOTS & SHOES. ¥ AWES’ FINK MOROCCO OGGI'S, JIJ ladles’ “ Kid “ “ “ “ BUSKINS, “ Morocco “ _ “ , “ “ SHANGHAIS. For sale by nov24 J. W. BURCH. | BU FF A OO HS, BUFF A LOES G1 ENTS’ Splendid BUFFALO OVEII- I SHOES, just received and for sale low by j nov - 4 JAMES W. BURCH. Hoots, Shoes, Trunks, ttcT ! T HAVE THIS DAY received a SHOE • A made especially for Gentlemans’ Plantation ; " r<vlr They are iust the thing, and no mistake. 1 A,ao » Mens’ thick Kip, Wax, Buffed, Calf, light | and welt I KOGANS. ! Moside some Leather BOOTS and BUSKINS | for House Servants’ wear. Call and see them. ’ I __ ,14 JAS. W. BURCH. [BOOTS AND SHOES THOMAS P. FARES, (Successor to E. L. Symmons,) opposite the Au. Mffusta Hotel. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. j mgr* Ladies’ Fine Kid Mo j V. roccoSlippers, i Holies’ Fine Kid and Morocco Buskins, j Indies’ Fine Black Gaiters, heeled, do do Col’rd do do do do Black and colored Gaiters,* with out heels ; Ladies’ line Black and Col’rd Creole Gaiters* MISSES' DEPARTMENT. Misses’ Fine Kid and Morocco Slippers, do do do do Buskins/ do do Black and colored Ijice Gaiters, do do do do do Congress do, do do do do do Creole do CHILDRENS' DEPARTMENT. ’ Childrens’ Black and Colored Gaiters, d<> do do Button Gaiters, do Kid, Morocco and Patent Leather Boots, Kid, Morocco and Patent Leather Ankle Ties. A large and well selected stock of Gentlemens’ Oxford Tics, Strap Shoes, Tie Gaiters, Congress i Gaiters and Pump sole Boots. Also, House ser- < vants shoes, of every description. t N. B. Ladies ami Missos Gaiters and Slippers 1 (heeled at the shortest notice. n Give ns n call. JelO-Iy v ' —— * | TO THE PLANTERS. T. P. L.ARUB, j Successor to E. L. Symmons, ojrposite ths Augusta Hotel, AugustaGa ,, HAS this day received 3G cases Mens’ Heavy BROGANS for negro wear, and tiie ! Plauters will And it to their advantage to give Ime a call before buying elsewhere, as all of the ! Goods are made to my own order to suit the ft trade, and can bo warranted to be what we rep * resent them, and as cheap as any store in the v clt ?- oct3 ts 0 T. P. LARUs"* HAS THIS DAY r received a large lot of I Adi 8’ DOUBLE-SOLED and Misses’ GAITERS. Also, Ladies’ Kid and Morocco BOOTS, fHi of every description and size. ’ \ A large lot of Gentlemens’ BOOTS and SHOES, of the finest description, has just come to hand, f Also, Heavy BROGANS, for the Planters. novl7 _ £ ABORIGINES, [ABORIGINES.! | A FEW MORE pairs LADIES’ FIN t ! F V BUSKINS, for sale at half price, by ' J. W. BURCH. < ******** "»—■ ■- ■■ —^ Flour and Lard. I C OTX HUNDRED SACKS Tennessee Su k_J pertlne FLOUR. 0 400 sacks Den mead’s do. do. 10 half choice LEAF LARD. Just received and for sale by Janl6-3 BAKER, WRIGHT A 00. C'IOFFEE. Y J 300 bags fair to prime RIO COFFEE, 50 pockets Java do 50 do do do, very fine, 30 bags prime Laguyra de J For sale low by u JOSIA HSI BLEY & 80NS, t: IAKINI AKIN A, Corn Starch, Pearl Sago, 1 Bermuda Arrow Root, Tapioca and Oat ° weal, perfectly fresh. For sale bv *• jau6 WM.H.TUTT. f s PORT WINE AND BRANDY, For Medicinal use, [both very fine.] For gale by jan6 WM, H, TUTT. ; Bacon sides and hams. 5 hhds Prime Bacon SIDES, 2do do do lIAM>, for sale by JOSI AH SIBLEY k SONS, No. e, Warren Block. the new Jerusalem; OK, j Til EG LOG Y OF TIIE XE W CHURCH WJ OIIKS of Emanuel Swedenborg can ▼ T be found deposited at the Young Mens’ t Library Association, for the use of the public dec! ly , CALIFORNIA OATS. Just received, a small lot of very supe- a rior SEED OATS, originally from California, J warranted to yield double the amount of the : common oats, and to weigh from 40 to 50 pounds ! to the bushel. 1 The history of these Oats, and favorable no tices of the growth and yield by persons in this 1 region, with sample In tiie sulk, can be seon at our office. For .sale by THUS. P. STOVALL & CO., j d 5 General Commission Merchants. Dissecting instruments.—The \ attention of Medical Students is solicited to our complete stock of Surgical Instruments. Our assortment of Dissecting Instruments is very . large, and we offer them at prices lower than , ever before. .WM. H. TUTT, Doy IQ Druggist. * TENNESSEE MIOUi tE. TIIE undersigned is prepared to exe- <- cute with promptness orders for r Bacorn, Lard, Vheat , Rye, Oats, Corn, Flour, b or any other products of Middle Tennessee. „ D. D. DICKEY, ® No. 5 College street, Nashville, Ten*. L %ug2l ly ’ » Sags.] _ A tr«h supply received by L fo* 2 WM. 23. TUTT. J. tfakise Curbs. u _ iiRALL £ STOVALL, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT!, | Reynold, between Jackson awl JU'Jntosh Streets , j AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HAVE removed to Metcalf’s! tt||pjpP !t »rge new Fire proof Warehouse on j - -Reynold, between Jackson and Mein j tosh streets, recently occupied by Gilham k As- : kin, in tbe centre of the city, in the vidnitv of I ‘he principal Warehouses, and convenient to’the ‘ Hotels. Being amply provided with good and safe < •storage for Cotton, Grain, .Flour, Bacon and Pro-1 duec generally, wo respectfully solicit consign- j if-nt-. which shall receive our undivided and , faithful attention. Family Supplies, and the usual facilities, will; be afforded to customers. Oar Commissions for selling Cotton will be Fifty Cents a bale. WM. M. BE ALI . septlß-6m J. W. I. STOVALL, i -• I .). .1. Pearce, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION 7 MERCHANT. AUGUSTA GEORGIA. HREBPKCRFULLY RENEWS! the tender ol his services in the Storage ; and Sale of Cotton, and other Produce, at his extensive Brick Warehouse, on Campbell • Street, mar Bonos, Brown k Co’s Hardware! Store. Cash Advances, Bagging, Rope and Family j Supplies forwarded to Patrons as heretofore. ! Commissions for Selling Cotton, after the first i of September next, will be Fifty Cents per bale. 1 aug2B.6m J. J. PEARCE. .t, n. Simpson, (successor to pimpsok <t GAwmhni) warehouse and commission merchant Corner Reynolds and .V'lntosh-sts., Avgusta (in gVTTYS.WILL CONTINUE THE WARE-j klMjmy house and Commission Business in all! KMaff? .-its branches, at the old stand of Simpson j k Gardiner. and hopes by strict personal atten- * tton to the interests of his friends and Patrons, to merit a contuanco of the liberal patronage i heretofore bestowed upon the old firm. Cash advances made on Produce in sto-e ; when (lcsir«ii. Racing, Rape, an-l Family .up’ plies, furnished at tho lowest market rates. Commission for selliug Cotton, 50 cts per bale, aug 24 6 m PLANTERS AND MERCHANTS W areliouso. 'gr. , -VTHE undersigned would respectfully announce to their friends, and the! JpsKfflKpublic, th it tiiey have associated I themselves together in the WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS Under the name and style of P. k J. L. Fleming and taken the large Fire-Proof Warehouse ot T.’ 3. Metcalf, situated on Reynold, between Jack son and Mclntosh streets. Their charges will coniom to tho old cstab lished rates, to wit: 25 cents for storage and 25 cents commission for selling. All orders for Family Supplies promptly exe cuted at the lowest niarkut prices. PORTER FLEMING, JOHN L. FLEMING. Augusta, October, 1857. ocl2 6m. DYE (Si L YTASTE, warehouse and commission merchants RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE hlm|of to their friends and tho the public go -v rally, that they have formed a counev tion in the above business, an.l have leased the Fire-proof Warehouse of Col Clanton, North side of Reynolds street, and recently occupied by Mr G. L. Anderson. From their long experience they flatter themselves that they will bo ena bled to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor them with consignments of Cotton, or other produce. Their prompt personal atten tion will be given to orders for Bagging, , Rope, etc., and purchasing of Family supplies nt the lowest market rates. Also, to the for warding of Goods consigned to their friends in the interior. Liberal cash aevances made, when desired by our customers. Our charges will be f the same as those of oilier houses in the tity, engaged in the same business. JAMES M. DYE, AUg 1 6m ANDREW G. LA TASTE* REIvS EdUTOfIC WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jackson Street. Augusta , Georgia. SmWILL CONTINUE THE WARE- AraWl house and Commission Business at tire proof Warehouse, and will de- / vote their personal attention to the interests , of their friends and patrons. Orders for family supplies, bagging, rope, etc. carefully filled. * ® liberal cash advances made when required. Commissions for selling Cotton, 50 cts per bale. JQnX C. RKBS, Sep 14 SAM’L D. LINTON. JAMES M. DVR & CO., ‘ WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. E Augusta. Georgia. rriHE UNDERISIGNED have formed a | _l_ copartnership under tho name and(Y\ _ \ \v\ style of JAMES M. DYE & CO. for thck<M&fflj > transaction of a Warehouse and Commis -'cZsZsS' * sion Business, at the Warehouse recently C pled by Dte & LaTahtk. They respectfully ten der their services to their personal friends and o the public, with the assurance that any business entrusted Jo them will be promptly and faith- n fully attended to. Particular attention paid personally to the sale of Cotton and othor Produce, and also to the re ceiving and forwarding of Goods. ti Liberal Cash Advances made on consignments p of Cotton and ether Produce. j JAMES M. DYE, 8 TUGS. RICHARDS. Augusta, Feb. 5, 1858. f e b24 JK» P. STOVALL, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, . Augusta, Georgia. CONTINUES THE BUSINESS • WkmuMgM in all its branches, in his extensive < fi*e proof Warehouse, on Jackson-st near the Globe Hotel. Ilis strict personal atten tion will as heretofore, be be given to th 3 storage ( and sale of Cotton, Gram and produce generally. He will when desired, make liberal cash advances on produce in store. Orders for Family Supplies. Bagging, Rope, etc , will be promptly and care fully filled at the lowest market prices. Commis sion for selling Cotton, fifty cents per bale, sept 20 6m J. (.HARALSON, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT At the oil stand of L. Hopkins, Augusta, Georgia. septlS lv THE APOTHEORIES BALL, AUGUSTA, GA. niHE Proprietor of JL the above establish ment refj»ectfully invites YaT tho attention of Physicians 'b« and Families to his stock in of select I) UGS, MEDT 'Vk CINFS and CHEMICALS of j the purest qualities and at ®KTTCW i moderate prices. /Q Jc Amongst mv assortment ! are the following articles : /KsMr Surgical Instruments of every variety ; French, English and American Per fumery, Trusses, Shoulder Braces and Abdominal Sup- i iHirtcrs ; every variety ot Combs and Toilet Brushes ; Lamp Oils, Wicks and Lamp Fliades ; Paints, Paint Oils, Patent Brushes, Window Glass, Varnishes, Ac.; Meui cinal \\ iuesr and Brandies ; Burning Fluid and Campheno : Spices of all kinds ; Pot and Pearl \ Ashes, Indigoes and Dye-Woods: Starch, Tapioca Pearl Barley and Arrow-Root. Also, a constant supply best Sweedish Leiv.hee. “ Quinine, Morphine, Elaterium, Strychnine, Clilo reform, &c. &c., from the most responsible La boratories. The preparation of Pharmacopeia! articles is conducted personally by Dr. A. S. RAVENS- __ CROFT, a graduate of the’l/jndon College of Phar- macy. All articles warranted. T. P. FOGARTY, 195 Brnad-st., J d24-tf Under the Augusta Hotel. QIX FINE Svtliii'itrFOß NlNfc LK)IS Jri; Coote. Buy the Best and Cheapest. J'_A_M::E3£3 kebjnte!V HAS NOW INSTORE one of the best and most fashionable Stocka of DRY GOODS | ever brought to Augusta, ami he solicits an in I junction of tlieni by Uis and the public ; Being satisfied with very small profits lie is ' ciinfiiient that his stock will be found cheaper I i than that of any other in the Trade. I The following desirable styles oi goods are to ! j bo found in Lis stock : I QUinV^I*’ 1 *’ PelHine an<1 * Cashmere ROBE do ; Rich Silk, IX-hvino ami Cashmere Bayadere ! . striped Dresses, j Rich Plaid; Raw Silks. Plain Silks of all colors, j Black Silk Rbbes and Robefa de Qullle j Rieli Figured Delaine'S, Cashmeres Merinos | French Merinos, all colors, j English “ “ •• A large lot of Delaines, Trotn 12 to 3Jc per vd ! 1 Mourning “ 1 * ’ ; : Black Alpaca, Bombazine aud Tamartine i: A large stock of English and American Pr;nt i - cd Calicoes, ■ A large stock of Mourning Calicoes, “ , “ and French Ginghams, i' some as low as 10 cts per yard. | Chenille, Stella, Flush and Woollen Plaid ! Shawls, Chenille, Satin and Cruel Scarfs, Cloth and Velvet Cloaks and Taimas Hoop Skirts, Canton Biquo Cloths, a comlortable articlo for Basques India twilled song Cloths, plnin and striped Irish Blums and Diapers, of various makes. Huckaback. Crash. Ac., for Toweling | IFiiirtings and Sheetings, Lindsey Woolsoyand Pantaloon Stuffs, A line .assortment of Fi-ench and Scotch Emb’d ; Collars and Sleeves, seperate. aim in setts i Embroidered Misses ami Boys Collars. Infant’s Robes and Waists, Handkerchiefs and Skirts Silk Hose, Hosiery Ac Balllls ’ and Inßcrtings, j Cotton, Thread and Crotchet Lace? A large variety of Dress Trimmings, ladies’, Misses’, Gentlemen’s and Bovs’ Me- i rfaio Undervests, J Flannels, all colors and qualities ; Bed Blankets, Quilts, Ac. I In the Millinery Department, Mrs. Hk.vky has I j the finest selections of BONNETS HEAD I DRESSES, Ac., loan examination of which sh ! j rospi ctlully invites her Iriends and the publi K enor,i!, y- m I GRAY & TURLE y, Having thoroughly removed to their NEW STOR.'\ under the U. Sutca | Hotel, aro l ow receiving a Bill and complete as | sortinent of rich and elegant DRY GOODS. Which, having been purchased for Cash, under the depressed state of the monetary affairs ot I the North, enables them to offer facilities toclose ! purchasers rarely to be met with. Merchants | 1 lantern .and the ladies, particularly, would consult their interest by an examination of our stock and prices. Having a resident purchaser : ‘“iJH? VrJiS’ we are in the continual receipt of :• J LOiS” from auction, at unprecedented low prices. i -Ahiong our assortment will be found the rich oat and newest DRESS GOODS of the season such as Rich and Elegant Cold ami Black SILKS. , ranging from 37 cents to $5 per yard, fom t | ting to specify ail the manufactured “jaw break s ,u «’ hames used on such oc asions.) Fine ail Wool MUSLIN DELAINE, Plain and figured ; Cheap MUSIJN DELAINES, in grea wte^: n ’ s beai ,i,ack a, - ,,aca « “* PLANTATION GOODS, The very best quality ; 8 dor. OZ.VABCRGS KFFSEVs all W ° ol FillinK Ucor fi' a FILINS [ Heavy cheap SATINETTS • All Wool plaid BINSEYS • ’ Blue Stripe and Blaid HOMESPUNS • Hro. HOMESPUN aud JANES ■ Fine BEB BLANKETS, very cheap . I RICH CARPBTI.VGS.—Cheap. Fine English Tapestry VELVET ■ “ BRUSSELS ; r.i S pSSrtSLT hr f i! Ply ’ fia< = Ingrain and All-Wool 1 . , r-ttN*. (not having room in our new store ( to keep Carpeting, we will sell them at cost and ■ charges.) EMBROIDERY. 1,000 Swiss and Jackonet BANDS, from 26 cts to sl, worth fully double that amount. 5,000 i wiss and Jackonet COLLARS,from 25t0 ' 50 cents, Wurth sl. 100 fine French worked COLLARS, *2.50 to *3.50. worth $5 to SO. •: wisßil,lh Jackonet EDGIGS and INSERT NGS, in great variety. | and Hemstitched HANDKEB CIIIEFh, exceeingly cheap. jfaeap^ ne SL'ITS, $2 toss, exceedingly 1 In the same department will be ounda ? most complete assortment hosiery that has ever been in one House in Augusta, from the lowest price to the finest qaulity, for . 1 Allies, Gents, Misses and Youths, of every de scriDtion. * J DDIESTIC GOODS Ten cases fine 3 yard wide SHEETING, at 31c., worth in the Jobbing Houses in New York from do to 40 cents. Five bales fina Sea Island HOMESPUNS, o%c. Ten cases fine CALICO, warranted fast colors, or the money returned, for 6L cents, worth 10 to 12.1. cenlg . LINEN GOODS. ihe best and cheapest LINENS that has ever been known to sell in Augusta, under any cir ciimstauces, are now on our shelves, and only require an examination to convince the most | fastidious of the great saving in purchasing LINEN GOODS from us. Splendid fronting LIN EN for cents, that hus never been known to 1 ell,in Augusta for less than 62 to 75 cente. The most superb UNEN DAMASK ever brought to this market at vastly reduced rates Splendid Turkish TOWHJ3 for tho bath room 64 long, only 12cents, worth 37 cents. Russia and Huckaback DIAPERS, iu great va riety, exceedingly cheap. Five hundred 12-4 square QUILTS, For $1.50, worth $3 ; fine French Marseille , Ql ILTS, large size, $3.50 to $5, worth from $ s to $lO. AISO— A very large and varied stock of every descrip tion of •' DRY GOODS. .Selected with the utmost care bv decided j dgo- ' of Goods, at auction and such other places a.- bargains could be obtained, within th** last tw< weeks, to which we would invite the attention o those purchasing for cash guaranteeing that wt can save them a very large per ventage on, a; examination ot our stock. sept 26 GBAY ft TURLEY. LiaseedOil, White Lead. &c. f STRIVE HUNDRED gallons tINSEEL X 1 oil. 10.000 tbs WHITE I.EAD? 300 boxes WINDOW GLASS, For Sale unusually low by WM. H. TUTT, nov6 Wholesale and Retail Druggist. PIcKUSS. ~ 15 fioa. Gallon PWKIJiS, awortefi, 15 do Half GaJlor do do 16 do Quarter <to do Just received at jtet HUBBARD DUMBER 366 I Closing. GENT LEM E NS’“ Fall aisil IVitilcf aoods for 1857. M\ stock of goods is now foil aad .•«mprS>v* everything-that in lashiooaMa Hi i U-lfUs. LASSILMKRKS and V;- will l e made to order as good upd as :e; fan be obtained in any part of tiie country. i ALSO. A fine and select a lock of Ready-Hade < TOTH,- I !Nt;. which cannot be ox elled by any frooda In the city. J Arjtty. i A lar & e of KUKNkUtfING GOODS, embra ni:,'everything that is ueecssarv for Gentle [ iQri! s wear. Alt goods sold at this establishment warrant e« as represented. I ocl - 0 J. A. VAN “ NOTHING TO WEAR » NERD NOT Bfi THE MOTTO NOW, BI.VCH >J. K. 110 RA & CO., 3 v -- srccEssoßaTo «• NEWBY K CO., -j V I have opened their m ~~ Large and Elegant,pd STOCK OF CLOTHING. FOR ” MEN, YOUTHS anil BOYS! Ocjixlo Everyloocl-r GET A FIT! UNDER U. S. HOT El, (iEWEUAL STOCK of j OF Mmmmam, KRS. SrsPFNDERS, CRAVATS * STOCKS. COLLARS, TRUNKS’ VAUCES, and every urticl,. i„ our i I'hAVTtiy A i-KWEDI; New Confectionery m\ UIT STORE » : a». i public general!v that Hi BU ..• ’’ 4 uml the furnish WKDIIINOS PAKTir BaTis^' *° city—that our ornamented rr !‘i f ‘ ,hls fancy pyramids 25 m* not easily be surpassed by aar I^*" ported CANDIES ™CM y m«nTu < ’' , ™ an ' 1 ~a" BRANDYDROPS,’ PreserV,™ rS ; , .. W,NEa[ld and I MUTATION FROITO Vrtn 1. n, i !7 sW| aod BOVS, BONBON®’- and“& V J ft Bo *' general assortment or FANCY LOOPS and at the lowest pri'-pH. mig, A share of patrrn,age respeethdly solicited. North Side n ' ». front .... _ deofl-tf HeavyOvcrcoats for NecroM OWNERS of Boat anti RailrtincfhandS tV»Tj nd .nl. Pers " n3i “ waat Ol NK.RO OVliß* tod « eirmaderhcte a of a ,h‘ e S‘ ne °" r •*"* a " V _ n.AYIV.V & KENNKDT. Cheap Satinet Jackets 0I ‘ UUUD SAT e-1,1,1, we will sdfSV6O toiS 1110 " ■°« ro “» no. t\ CLAYiON A KENNEDY. •«*p Jackets, ami SatiniT Ottf. ~.A oats uu ‘ l earns. * II STOCK of tile above artielas being too large for the hard t.m.- „„ o{ .„ t^ h s^ r JOHN N. GO MARBLE-WORKER. of aII description*, a-TA. executed in the best form, at Wy THE LOWEST PRICES, Adfjgpf I time oom’patihle KM 1 | with faultless workmanship. UMWII IT lersong ,n want of Marble-Work mfiMt of any kind are invited to call. bnop on Campbell-street. bo tween Broad and Greene-street Dov 23 JOHN N. COW TT- “ m Cf rr. N e v; Cosmorauiic S TEREOSCOPE. A 1 ?,?. I*® 1 *® the ,atest inventions in Op tic.s, there is nothing more instructive or araus’Dg than the Stereoscope ThcStei ouseon* '‘ e *. B “tw? from “atlirt, : .-pre-uni t 2*BW^ eB -s^ ner ! e3 - aties »»'• H -r-.iui.-na * „ ! r ° 1 ?' Viewed through i„ in-tru inent, show those objects in bold relief. ePintly as they are, and thus are the ho t tc .dels for ■ r *»tß, give the beat idea of Forei...i v'ouulriefl and Art, and make the finest parlor tor sale at uovl« H. J. 03'.0- \ K’S. UNPRECEDENI ED INDUCEMENTS ! I AM SPIIiINU my stock of VI- iIICLES consisting of * Carriages, Eockr-wavs BAKOIIUES, .IRR'EY \V j-, wv BUGGIES, with nntl without tops, iLces AS ‘ DOW manu 'd. lured at fr- Hi,'"* coSSfaV 'Z receipt ofpX In addition to the above, I keen alw tv, on innd a Vehicles o’s n,y own maliuf “ I also warrant all work that leaves , . s tora . npFIG SUDSG&i*>&I:, Thankful for the JL iiberal paironuge of his leilow ciuxens. tor ,t,a ,Uj!t Thirty fiU;kl Yairf, and anxious for a cutinnation of a share of thi .-am . would re pectlui y inform them that he wjti iuruiah and ,ut up SKiNS of any sire, made of »t>« bo> it tu n;r and worknnui.-bip that the ritv ail-.rur . and ,l Oildiug fintkt'maltiiig, uol to be excelled Nartki ■r South, for 75 cents per foot, anti ids I tut.led ; IUNB, any e dor. 35 oenie per li^ol. Fatent Japan Tins, with stogie, glit, wttk border, 75 cents eaah. > All varieties ol MIXRD PAINIB for wale, and iJruehes loaaoJ. K v SH-LMAN, At hw w'd stand o» Greene-bt. Aunuata. a.TIS