Newspaper Page Text
I PS If*
la rbiLiiKio in the
Cliy or Savnuuuli,
Im.inu w m law, oil TU i*, ,»»
eitf and courty rRtmu.
WEEKLY PAPER—Ton r.c Doll a hi, per on*
Bum.—Payable in advauro. .
ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at tha Chattel*
Ion met.
Hostage mint be paid on all CoMMuxicV*
TWV», and letters pf business.
IO*Tho Charleston Courier, of Saturday, say*,
that the Savannah mail due ye.*ierduy, nt 3 o’clock,
did not come to Innd until n Into hour, in const-
quence 1 of the Indisposition of tho driver. It was
forwarded by the stdntner Georgia,
j j JCfdudge Duel, of Albany, N. Y., ouen an ac-
A letter from Milledgeville, dated lOtii in* t.,’rays,
'* ha»t«—t hnvo only tiino to any that we him*
heard from 40 counties—McDonald will bo elected
by a considerable majority. The Li>gi*lutuiu will
be Union."
K/“ Tho following Earned gentlemen .lmve been
appointed Delogntos from Moriwethvr county to
attend the Commercial Convention,' buld in
Macon on the 33d instunt:
Wiley B. Ector, Robert A. Jones, John H Jos :
aey, Richard Richardson.
In 37 counties heard from, tho,vote for Governor
stands thus:
McDonald,. '. 13 803 | Dougherty, 14.917
Dougherty's majority, ...1,114
In 1837, m the srint" omniies, tho vote was
Schley, 14,834 | Gllirer, 10,307
Democratic gain, 559
In 23 counties heard frost, tho vuto for und
against Ratification stands thus:
For Rntjficution,. 4,409
Against it, ..7,900
We congrfltulnto our friends-in Muscogee,—
long against tho holy cause of Republicanism, shit
has returned to her duty. Who could liavo expect
ed it 1
For Governor,
847 | Dougherty,
Our Correspondent say* " Hiirmli for Muscogee
We give 75 cheers for honest Muscogee!!!
DRAYTON, Donlv, Gu. \
Bill Oct. 1839. $
Dear Sir—In coinplianco with your reqocsf, I
send you n correct stutemont of the Elocttou, held
in tills county yesterday. 1 trust that all the coun
ties have stood up to their principles like Dooly.—
The list stands thus:
For Governor.
S.'n«c Righti
3*11 | Doughuity,
937 I Stephens,
Ratification, 55
No Ratification, 98$
Your*, 4tu.
Below will tie found.‘coinpIeiH returns from nil
the precincts in this bounty. MoDonald lias a 1 ti
ger majority 'halt lias ever hrfnro been given for a
candidate for Govei nor. If nil the ennui|o« have
done their doty, McDonald is elected by a triumph
ant majority.—Vp*svUte'Pioneer
For Governor,
Union.' State Rights.
McDonald, 70(5 | Dough. rty,
jg- . Senator.
Baker, no opposition.'*
Represent a^ves.
M'lyrs,* 61u I Wooley,"
Adams, 480'|
Ratification,' 485
No Ratification, 408
For Governor.
State Rights.
802 | Dougherty,
Dunn, .
I O’Neal,
Ratification 544
No Rntification, 752
For Governor.
McDonald, 39.1 | Dougherty, 189
Sector, McDaniel—Representatives, Du,dm
and Burry—all Union.
Ratification, 0]
' No Ratification, 399
" Camden County.—Wp hnvo not received n true
statement of tho vote in.Caindon County, hut loam
by a gentleman from Si. Marys, that Mr. Brown
(U.) is elected -Senator over Dilworth (S. R.) by
nine votrs. M-**rs. Cono nnd Clark (U.) wero
fleeted Representatives without opposition.—
Brunswick Advocate, 12th inst.
Do hear ii«o dofented Macon Messenger.
Toor felloiv, it •• is too bad renlly.we mu*t hold
uur sides. The defeat was " awing »o our own po’
litlcal friends"—was it7 Well—well, ** that boy
will bo the death of us!"
The re*ult of tho election in fill*,and the neighbor
ing counties is bef ire ibis time well known, to ino*t
of our render*. Forth* edific ition of our distant
su'iscrilicr-, we give tile li*i, w hich com*
prices all tho return* wo have mcoived. It require*
but little Ibro-knowiedgo for us locomo to the con
clusion, that wearo heat ho>se. foot and dragoons,
and r or this m ist uncomfortable ipfiociion, wv must
ascrilm til** cause, (and no non can d-ubt the truth
ofi»,) to our own political friend*. There are up
wards of a hundred Slate Rights vote*, tint wero
nut given to the party ticket. Every elector has a
right to vote ns he pl,vi*e*, nod wo are hv no moans
disposed to find fault w!*h our political friend* who
conichoitioiMly voted against os. We widi them
no more iujury, than the sufficiency of chagrin and
mortification,' which wo ourselves tool at this ’unto
ward and unoxiHctml result.—Macon Messenger,
10th Inst. *
Tho following pamgragh will jbow whnt precious
dupes tho Abolitionists nro. Tlio horo CtRqpicz,
has dwindled down to u slave dealer—tho champ
ion of Human Rights is discovered to bo a negro
The ArKicjx*.—We understand that a-perron
was introduced to tlio captured African* yesterday,
who was able to converse w.lh thonr (luontly in
their native language,' from Ahum wo may expect
« Mw»Wt of their nUbictio.i and bondage.
Wo an Inform**) that t*iii |ii.*x nnknnwleilged thnt
lm had mid slave*, and Intiin ited that ho wn« «e[«H
hlmiclf in consequence of non fultihnvnt of a con
tract.—.Ycui Haven Herald.
This work con titles to oven incrcasn its nltraf. 1 f-
tlons. • Tho Octolicr number on our tnbjo presents
its renders, with two splnndid engravings on steel,
by Dick, (Yoin painting* by F. C.
“ Woodcock Shoo Ing," and a piato of tlio cclubrat-
ed roadster ,i Artuxerxes."
The American sportsman i* now a* well supplied
with papers and periodicals as lie need be? and in
quality they are not surpassed in the w(iole world
bc#ide. Indeed, whenever we open that fine nnd
largo sheet the N. Y. Spirit of the Times, or tho
pages of tho Turf Regider, we are sure to meet
something rucy nr amusing. Tho gentle art which
enamoured old Izaak Walton, is not forgotten in
tho Ittoi-TER; nnd stcople chnccs, nnd break neck
feats of Jiorsem ntshlp, fox hunting or boar conflicts
are nil recorded with spirit and fidelity, Wo com
mend tlio work to thoso of our sporting friends who
ure so unfortunate a* not to be already subsciibcis.
Address W. T. Pouter, editor, Spirit of the
Times office, N. York—and coelute a good $5
A meeting was hold at tlio Couit House in tills city
on S itiirday evening, 5<h inst., to select Delegate*
to attond the Cotton Convenlion to Ire held in Mu-
con on the Q2d October, James Moure, Esq. nn*
called to the uhnr, nod John, Jr. Esq.
appointed Secretary. On mm inti, u Committee of
five, consisting of J. L. Locke, I. C. Plant, A. L.
Kinir, T. Dmt and Ch »*, l).i\is, were appointed to
sniect three n.* more soiiahlo person* to represeai
Glyan ctiuhiy in sui t Convention, who reported tin*
names of Hon. Thomas Roller King, Col. Homy
Dohi^oon, Duct. A. Delnroehe, and UichardJ. Bm-
tie, L q., which report was tiaaiiimints y nceept' d,
and the meeting adjoumud.—Urunsiric/.' Adp. I2th
ICTThe Westchester, Liverpool packet of Sept.
1st, is below. Tlio Brftisli Queen brought Liver
pool papers of tlio 2nd, which mode no mention of
tint Westchester’s departure, from which it is in
ferred that sho may bring a day or two later news,
—*V. Y.Jour. Com.. 0th inst.
From the Angus a Constitutionalist Extra.
Thursday. Oct 10—12 M.
Tho hoard report ihut no den'h has occurred
from fever, during the last twijn**. .o :r hours.
One aged negro man died * ^dropsy.
,* Friday. Ooi*. 11—12 M.
The bo ml rnp..rt w tno deaths of two pontons, one
in town and ono in tho country,'during tlw last
twenty-four hours.
' ^ Saturday, Oct. 12—12 M.
Tho Board report tliedeaili* of oiiH.whiip per*on
and onncoloruil person, in tho country, from fever,
and ono person in town from broticliiii*, timing the
lust twenty-four hours,
Sunday, Oct. 13—ISM.
The Board report ono death in town aial one in
the country, from liivur, during tlio Inst iwenty-four
A. CUMMirfii, Mayor.
S. M. Thompson, St'cieinry.
Health —It will lx* observed by ilm list of in-
torni”n s(up toihe5tliof Octoberfroiiitlie28 h Sep
tember, 42) tliut the number of death* d-avuse, hut
still we are of opinion that there is no abatement
in the malignancy of tho epidemic, nail wo r gnrd
the weather us v. ry unlhvmmihlo to n return of
hoallh—the nights are quite eo.d.aud tin* days dis
agreeably wurui. ConsidemD e sickness prevail*
in the eountrv imme.liutoly adjoining ihe ci'y. The
interments tin ing the month of September were
3831 ami th" p-ist week they liuvo been 41. Wc
continue onr caution to nbsemee.*, not to return un
til wo have been visited wills derided freezing
went hoi y past experience in this city demonstrates
the c-rt iiuty that slight frosts are Insufficient to se
cure now comers from fatal attacks—Mobile Chro
nicle, Oct, fith. •
Ciiaritt Hospital.—Admitted yesterday 20;
fever 8's died. 4.
Stonks’ Hospital.—Ad milted yesterday three;
disuhirgedonet died none ; 39 remaining.
Interment* al the Ruxmi Cemeier-vyerierdny, II;
from the Hospitn'|5; ye| mv fever 7.
At the Cntlndic Cemrtoiy l ; of yellow fever 0.
. At the 1'ioles unt Cuiitetoiy 2 S of fever 1.
[Louisiana Ado.
(O* The heiitso is riuely -eon m onr.street* now.
Stemnlnmts are noming down fast and sliip* are
coming up Ins'* The Luvoe look* lively and hush
ness like—people l-mk less sad, o id* rtukers excep
ted, they I .ok more grav*. We now and ucaio
hear of o poison L-fkendmvn by the fever, hutlho
casesitrc few anil fnrhuiwpen. Some two or three
weeks more nnd ihe wlin*ds *>f lot-j nos* will roll
along no the high pressure principle.—.V O. Fie-
ayune 6th.
Of the condition of the Marine and Fire Insw
ranee Ranh and Jit ouch Iiank, at Macon, on
Monday, Ootobn 7, 1839.
To r.pi*al stock, $100 00)00
Notes in ciiculfttion, 74 995 00
Individual d po-ites, 80,4-13 10
Uncalled f r dividend*, 1.898 00
- D'danecs to Banks, 10,512 10
Reserved load, $79.700 07
Profits since June 4th, 18.379 88
93,139 93
Balanco on open account w ith lire co. 9,032 04
$001,023 23
By specie, gold coins,
Silver a*.d copper,
Nolo* of other Ranks,
Bui.inces due from other Banks,
Disrnoniud notes, 312 241 07
Bill* of Exchange, 132,918 3!
78,450 98
23 195 00
13,330 30
Bills of 'Exchange un
der protest, 5,000 00
Do. in suit und judgment, 6,100 til)
- 445,183 38
Bi|l* leodvob'c, nnd debt in Mobil* 1
seemed by mortgage,
Do in suit nnd judgment,
Builds nfeity of Savannah,
Sundry st a;a*, -
Expenses siicu 4th,
15.606 11
2,412 91
40.0 )0 DO
39.981 73
5,095 82
$601,023 23
The Territural Tr'mips.—D.i'i, Randolph
and others have returned from Governor Culls corn-
man I. We learn th" Governor laid a* yet been
unuhled to get a good light oil! of the Indmn*. Small
parties wore seen nnd dins *d. Th-y uniformly fled.
At old townh immock ln-t Wednesday week, a party
of hIio*ii 80 w -ro discovered qnd muted. A rifle
nnd n human sculp, tint of n female wn* fiiond.
A party tltrl** un attack on tint hotse* undercharge
of Lieut. Hayne, hot was repulse,!. Wo |Pnm
nun® have l*oen killed or wounded on cither side.
Tim scouts wore t*» Iw c-'iitinned in conjunction
with tho regulars.—Fiori iian, 0:t. 5.
INSURANCE.—We believe that few person* hail
nny idea of the extent of in-oranco io the business
puns of ilm city. Wo confess that w» were most
agreeably disappointed in tha r«*ult*. an*! trust th.t
the ease with which m *st of tho safTcrnrs arc en
abled M meet ti)“ir lo*««J in con-eq*icnt« of the
extent of tlt'iriii*unnce, will ho a l'S*on to every
|M>rson in tho city to insure whatever 1* liable to
destruction by fire, and which limy cmnot afford 'to
lose. Tim premium D c i-nparutiv-ly small, and
tlm comfort of a feeling of olbty \* must desirable.
A frinn l t»etwa«.n our e|b*»w», wh'tso health did tn»t
permit him to go to fir-'* in the nig it. got up ilnriux
tho confligrattoo,' which soemad to Im at or near hi*
nffiiTj, opened li : s pulicl-M of inturance, and found
that if tVfire *h'»uld r»arh his e«t*l»|i*h*n-nt, Mi.
Btom mo«t pay the Io**: «•) that It" It id nr»thins t«
I • hot lament tlx general oximmiy and ilm ijffct
ugtof oiliurs.
« TtlESDAy, OCTOIICR J#, 1039.
Tt dties n c " pnir hodie" good to see
and rend the mourni .gs **f iliu " Whig" press in
Georgia. Onr indcfiitiuniih) c«mt*mi|Ntr.«ry of tlm
Columbus Enquirer says Id* ••*1***1 did 111* best,"
and in divers ways manifested Id* lii’erest In tlm
electinn." Ilowovcr, nolwithsInuditiE all tho l’rlttca
of Darkness could do, nr n« ilm Enquirer culls
him •* Ids Majesty," tlio " Whigs" were “ defeated
Tim Enquire^'further ud Is, tho contest was
wutm an*! aidtunted, und we lielieve the Slate
Right* Party made every* exert ion for tho sucre
of their ticket which was consistent with their hon
or und integrity 5 hut tho “ democracy of numbers"
Ilurruh for tlm *• democracy of numbers I" More
powui to it!!
A slip from tho West ('(tester Democrat say* t—
Wo lotvo reoolual from 32 election dis
tricts of lid* county, which give a ouyuihy *>f 5(10
vote* for Stengcre. tlio detma-nt ir. catalhlate for
Sennte. Frem the charm or of the 4 dlstr.rts to lie
•team from there ran lm no .l.aiht of tlm n' rth.n
of our whole county ticket t.y a tmijority excuulitig
850. Stcrigere’t tndo ity in this roiintv will not
ho less tliun 540. The thsirici* hca*d frem gave,
a«t year, a majority of 501 i r Rimer.
ROTHERWOUD. G... Oct. 8, 1339.
Dear Sir—Below 1 givojou the result of our Hoc-
Union. State Uights.
For Governor.
McDonald, 52G | Dougherty, 200
Senator, W. G. Springer; Representatives, Isaac
E. Cubh, Thomas B. Espy.
Ratification, 319
No Ratification, 360
425 | Knaaon.l
Wat ley,
* State Rights men; t Union men ; | Anti
riul Slum Rights men.
for Governor.
623 | Daugherty,
Senator, Echo)*; Representatives, Stroud,Brynui,
. 361
No RutificnVnm, 461
For Governor,
942 | Me Dm mid,
For .Senator.
773 | MaraUen,
For Representatives.
Taylor, *
Wobb, •
* Thus marked elected, being the regularly no
minated SlnicH iglits ticket.
From the Fcnnsyhnnhn of the d/A inst.
Wo subjoin returns of yesterday's electinn stifli-
cient to eimlilo us to arrive nt tlio general result in
tlm city and comity of I'ltilmlulpidii. Io tlm county
it will be prrcoi'vd that, thanks to the check given
to roguery by.the wholesome provision* of tlio now
Election Law, we have carried almost every district,
Ihe exceptions lining so slight ns scarcely to require
notice. In tlm Norilmm Liberties, win-re uur oppo
nents by u pro css which it is uimoces.mry to oxp *
at piesent, have he o in the habit of pretend!
majorities of a thousand and upwards, the real vote
i* now siiown by u democratic majority of nvcndghi
hundred. In Spring Gulden, tho democrats lmve
triumphed by n majority of about two hundred attd
fifteen; in this district also tlm federal tricksters
have made it a practice heretofore to givo tl-ot. -
selves a majority o( f*om three to four hundred.—
But it is unnecessary to dwell upon tills point, ns we
shall pro!) bly hnvo occ .siou to recur to it more
fully hereafter, it is -ulficient to state that in Phi
lud. phiu enmity «*• have curried our Awsemldy
Ticket by about 2,800 majority, ami tlm c .‘re de
mocratic ticket for City ami County oliicors is elec
ted l>y a largo majority. Tills gl -I'ious result is to
ho uttr butrd to tlio fair ami honest mode of con-
Imvng .lections hy having laspcc.urs present from
each polil'jul party.
Io tlio c.ty, our opponents have succeeded by a
greatly reduced majority. "Lust year ’ o fedoinl
m jority was ahum lour tlmu-ar.d, mid now it is not
ni.*ro than half tha amount. Tim majority of
Sparkman over M Uur for tlm Spnate is only ubuut
1,900. It will liknwiso ho seen tli-it tlm ina ty
of Col. Swift over Mr. Kuno for the Mayoralty is
no inoro than fiaLy-idnu. Tlmxo two candtiluio*
tlmruforo will he reunited to the Cotitir.ils on Tuus-
day next, when Col. Swift, will be elected Muyor by
tho Councils for tho ensuing year, there having been
no choice l»y e people.
1 lie flection yosterduy, tluaigli great interest was
f- It in it by tlm public, passed off in tlio most order
ly und gr*lif. ing manner. Thu fineness of tho wea
ther drew large numbers to tlm pohs, hot notwith
standing ilm excitement, wc huvo out heard of tlm
occurrence of tho slightest di-turhuncc.
North Mulberry
South .Mullarry
Upper Delaware
L <wur D-dawuro
High Street
V\ ulnut
_ 200
New Market
3343 2676
Andrew Miller, 3052.| Hen. S Spackmaii,553-1
County Commissioner.
Southwark— •
1st Wind
2d do
3d do
4th do
5th do
West Pniladelphia
Block ley
293 .
Lower Dublin
Unincorporated N. Libert-. 183
1st Ward
2d do
3d do
4th do
5lli do
• 405
Northern Liberties—
l»t ward, Democratic majority,
2*1 ward, Federal, ••
3d ward Dorn. • "
4<h ward, Fed. “
5th ward, Dum. "
6th ward, D*tm. "
7th ward. Deni. •*
Total Duniocraiic majority, 810.
Spring Garden, Democratic majority, 215
Alojaltmil'ltlg. " )ti5
Oxford, Federal majority, 13
lktt.k* m tiik ntiTotts.
On tho closing of tlm poll* hut evening in the 1st
di-trict of till* comity, tt.e olficers only con *ted the
Shanff box, urn! tho result was a* lit low-:
Dem. Fed.
Moodcibach. Deni.
R. he .
Luncnsler city—
West Want,
393 no
East Wurd,
324 74
Lancaster to.
16 33
Eust Hcinpficld,
37 2
770 239
Tha initi-mason'iR, Morgan ticket Im* been elect
ed us usual, majority, from 1,1)00 to 1,500. \Vo
have hopes. Imwover, of •-lectiag Findl .v mvr Fonl.
(a ono township, where tho Miiti-ni-'-m'.it* nssuinldy
ticket had 75 majority, Ford on the same ticket, was
boitcn by Findlay 25. I h ive hand id' iinothi'r
heavy dis rict where tlm untie* had ubuut 5 >0 ma
jority, and there, 1 tun odd, Findlay lup* For*l.
Lkioii County reported to ho 345 tnajuiity for
the Democratic.County ticket.
Grttayduho. Penn., Oct. 9, 1839.
GxNTLKMKNS—Wo have returns hum every dis
trict in this county, from w hich it Ims tnrneil nut
th -t tlm Federal majority lies boon redm *-*l |.. two
itomliod. McCmLtia(Ked.) i* elected SherilV, and
it i* yet uncertain wln-.l-cr DnntiPI (Deal.) or Ala-
ginly (Fod ) is elnctad Pioihonolnry, imiag to u
variance ol three votes la the dilV.-ient r.-iuras
from Conawago district.
It will lie (ec.illectud that Ritner** majority last
fall was 1775 In this county Tho i«»ae wn* fuitly
plnci'dhy both parties on tho last <l<h of Di'cemher
transaction ut Harrisburg, und tho people have
spoken oil tho subject.
Tho Charleston*Mercury of the 4tit, n»k»—What
will tho Bank* of Charleston do / Suspend, we pre
stimr—it is tho fusldott, mid ns wo are bound to n| t
tint l’nrisiuu* in dress maler penalty of bolitg pro.
iitiuticud savagn*, so must wo dock to tlm tint ions ol
Not them kiiellvers or stand convicted ns " malig
nant*." They will not, however, we think, call n
public meeting to pray for tlio favor. Wo hope t* 0
they will spare us u preamble, setting forth reusotnt
where there are none. Tlm .whole can bo comp is^
ed in tlmso few words—" Resnlvil, thnt the Banks
of Charleston will no longer redeem their notes io
Carlisle, Oct oh* r 9.1819.
Dear Stitt—Bolow you huvo tlio result as fur n
seermined in this r nun tv.
Silver Spring.
M,'Kinney, Dem. 705
Zimmerman, Dorn. 7il()
2117 .
Piper, Fed. 482
Shully, Fed. 475
From the Pennsylvanian, 10th inst.
t An immensn concourse t*f citizens, nssemhleil
without previous notice, ut tha County Court I,
yesterday morning about eleven .o'clock, on learn
ing tlm news tliut the bunk* of Philadelphia bail
suspended specie payment. Tho linll and nvonucs
were thronged, and on unit ion of Jo*. M. Doran,
E*q. n mocting wu# organiml hy calling tlm I fun
LEMUEL PAYNTEIt to the chair, und electing
the following **fli erst—Thomas Vuiighan, Sen,
Clmrli's A Kechlor. Oeorgu Hofl'mnn, Joseph M
Duran, Willinm II Martimt, William \V Woek*,
Charles V llagtmr. John Rntlieiford. SouV., Abel
M Jatims, Thomas Daily, Vico President*; Align*,
to* F, Arm*tr ng, Samuel C Th*mip*on, Kdwurd
G Weld. Secretaries.
On motion of C B F O’Neill, Esq. it wn*
Resolved, That a committee be appointed to in
quire into tlm object of tlm iiiiHiling, and report
feet* nml resolution* iif tun gnaoruLmoctiiig of tin;
ciliz n* of tlio city nml enumy of Phil ulelplda, op.
pored to tlm suspou-don of *pecla payment*, with-
out i(i*tinciion of party, to Im held io tlm State
Ho Ynr.1, on Saturday next, nt three o'clock,
P. .
?.Ie*sr*r O’Neill, C S Thompson, Wm L fllmt,
Lewis M Tretiilman, a nl Abel Al Jamas, wore a|>*
pointed thl* comtr'liee
On motion of Joseph Al Dorati, E*q. it wus
Unsolved, That a commit too of live persons ho
appointed by tid* meeting, to inquire into ihocnosc*
which have p.oducod tlm present «ii*pcn«ion of
specie piiymeius, und whether u combination of no
illegal eltur-icler had not been entered into hy inrii*
.'duals connected with I) inking or Saving Institu
tions to produce tld* suspension, ho disiutrou* to
tlm community; mi-1 if so. whether it wi I he pro
ut r and oxnuilimtt that the laws bu immediately eu-
breed against t’. ..o who have the* violated them,
and put nt dufmnee public opiuhm.
•feCssrs Jo*. M Dor ill, William L Hint, St Geo.
T .. innhel), Charles J lugcrsoil, 11 A Salter were
op minted hy tlm chair.
* h« meeting wux addressed hy Jo* M Doran,
Wni L Hirst, and E A Peimimaii, Esnrs. whose
pcoches wore received with cltccr* and accloma-
KrGeneral Hamilton, rff S. C., and Mr. Vm
cent Ndi.TR, tlm,great Now .Orleans Cotton *|*ecu.
tor, were amongst tlto.|m»**'ttger* in tho Liverpool,
J l rck.ef 1 ?Vf*rr ,,,,< ^ ‘ S «‘ Mlcimcl, Ireui
"j 1 * ••7'iDkdi:—1» I on tho rnws »tr.ret«nf
""' I Pf-.'.ul.lj or iltln.v liiiil.'ll,,,.
U'l.I.I.. lllrt lliiill. .1 . J_!T.
Tlm electhm for u mnnher ofC-ijjjre*» supply
tlm pi am of tho 11 on. - John P. Richardson, ro*lgueil,
busImctt ordered lb tsko |dace, In'S. Cutoltnn,oii
tho flr»t Mmalny In Nov. •
'dat»e ,, 1 ! 1,n . vlr ! ,,1 ' > V ' V ‘'*dntl.oiimiis : deMiri?i
DREI) ItlilI'mvire U "“W 1 ' rlVK ,,UN ’
.... ' Ju , y S ' l,, ; vo *«tM« , »ly boon reduced . i* -r: —. t *-- -
»>• this uwiu| cnlumilv, probably two recovered. Matters sw-motl fining on fsvorW ^
tire to lied Mil l„io- the stiamt*. ^ tho refo.itl of Mossrs. HfilllnqUer & ‘,
spinners to resume full work; the nothin mtikat b
ctrtd mi-reanimatcd nnd p..rt or thn decline jnprli
Wn* recovered. Mnlisn iiM.inn.1 Mnl.tH.. r. -**«
ID* Tho Phlladelpliia National Guxetto*ay*s—
"We are requested to stnto tliut' I Im Commercin'
Bunk of itiLniiy luMiiot united lb suspending spe
cie payments."
[□"The .Mobile Advertiser state* tliut the total
Urn hy tlio great fire at that pluca is estimated nt
$120,000—mid thnt $72,000 are covered by insu
07 A gentium ut of this city has favored e* with
the following extract of u letter received from a
friend in New York:—
" New York, Out. Ill, 1839.
Yesterday nil was commotion here in const'
tpmnco of tlio U. S. Bunk in New York giving mi
lieu thnt they would not redeem tlm note* of the
U. S. Bank. A Inigo nmount of Post Ntiter of this
instil ut ion wa* payable yesterday.
The steamship Liverpool arrived this morning.
Sim bring* account* of the protest of Seven million*
of francs, drawn hy tlm U. S Bank nn Hottinoiikr
& Co.; hut they wero subsequently protected by
Rothschilds utnl another hou*c lit the inslniicc of
Mr. Jaudon.
In thu course of three week*, more limn 90,000
hales of Cotton had been pressed onjh'e market,
and, it range to soy. tho *nlos wero mado only nt a
very small reduction frem previous prices.
'• Thn gtnin crop in England approaches very
near a failure—and a friend of minu, just landed
from Liverpool, suys they Imd miserable woo-her
for securing It;
'• Tho Bank nf England will again he obliged to
resort to tlm issue of ono pound notes, having alrea
dy borrowed u lnrgo amount of gold from Franco,
0*Tho following show* that tho Richmond
Banks liavo “ followed *ull."
News wu* rua.-ivcj in tld* city yesterday tnouiiug
of ftispeMdons hy ill • Bank* In I'ailndelphia and
ILdtimorb, and hv the IJ. 8. Batik in New York,
w lmiuupon meeting* of tlm .Dlieutois of our differ*
eut Batiks were convened, itii-l they resolved to su«-
pend specie payment for tlm pre*cnl.--Jiic/two«d
Compiler, 12th inst.
On motion. Resolved, That we adjourn tin'll Sa
turday next at 3 P. Al. at thn Slate JIoimo Yard,
to rccoivo thu report* of dm committee*.
LEMUEL I’AYNTBit, I'tvsidmit.
Vice Presidents.—Th * Vaughan, Sen., Charles
A Koehler, Gjorgn Hoffman, Joseph M Duran,
Wm I I I Jo.m t, Win W We- k*. Clmrlos V Hag-
ncr, John Rutherford, Sun., Abel M James, Thorn-
a* Daily.
Secretaries,'—A E Armstrong, S C Thompson,
Edw. G Webb.
From the Augusta Constitutionalist.
'iirsnant to public notice, * l.rguaixl respectable
number of the citzens of Win an Comity, convened
nt. dm Court llo'Mt, in Warrcnio'i, on tho l*t inst.,
wh-'D Titos. Latimer, E*q was cat'ed to the Chair
and William llatris and (j L.C'. Franklin were up-
point-d Soerctaries, wlmre, mi m-ition of J. Wt
Thomas, Esq., dm m- eliaga Ij-miiio.l to^liu Bapli*.
Tlm object of thn meeting lining briefly stated hj
the Chair. Stoddard W. Smi'h K«q. intro luccd tin*
following preamble und resolution* which ho *ti|i-
ported by a few pertinent remar'is. Several gentle-
rm-n addressod the meeting, cornu at coosideialdi-
length, uliur wh cli they were adopted hy the in cl
ing nn-l men*follow-;
Whereas, it I* the piivilcgoa* well tho doty of
freemen to uxaminu ini", mid express freely their
opinion* upon all subjects, relating to their iniure-t
nod ..e'fareS And, whereas, a m .jority of tho Legis
lator* of Georgia, for the la-t thieey. nrs, have com
menced and pro«ertiivd a tyst.-in .ifinternul improve
ment, which Jo the opinion of rn.iny »f the g-uni
people of Warren county, i* a wn«<fu. us* of th"
pllh^o,(D*gblre , , ro.I ha* u direct taudoucy t • involve
the'Shato’i.f jGoorgl. in a debt which »h* prerem
generht'lnn hxvu n » pre'-al.ihty of Intouig thenredve*
from, and which tjtey have mi |.-gi ini ite right to op-
pro** the risiug genoratuin with:
Un it thor \\ norrsolbcd, tliut w.? disapprove of the
r.our*o h'-reiofor-t pursued hy ill - L-'gi*lntu>o of
Georgia In njc.mpmdog largo *um# of money f-»r the
purp i«e »f * .r> oyiog, locadog and hii-ldii.g n State
Rail which mu-t iiwvtt .lily iiivolvo th • Stite
h. a Imnvv tleiit, and prove oselcs* to nine-ten tin of
tho people; generally.
Resolve^, that the policy of selling Stnto scrip nr
certificate*of d-'l.t In a foreign m.rkot fur th ' pure
po-es of internal i nprovement i« an innovation upon
■ho right* nnd privilege* offreeme t and a departure
from ill a good all rapohlirao do.'lrioe advanced nud
inculcated hy Too*. Jvff-sr-on.
Resolved, thnt w* look hack npan file worse than
nselo** expenditu.'coflarge sum) ufmonay apprupri-
ubtd fur thu improvmqent of tlm navigatlo mf oil*
creek* nod rivers with deep rCgrc, and that we be-
Ih-vailm premnt syst.-tn of Ruud building l.y
th' St t to more stifely calcul*»cd in bring bankrupted
nnd ruin on oar lini.ncies m-d a heavy tax no our ci
Resolved, thnt tlmso resuhrion* arc intendud
on.y as instruction* t-> uur nmuth tr« in the appruarh-
iltg Legislature.
Resolved, that the .g«of this meeting he
signed by tlio C'ltairm ta nnj Secretaries, and pub-
lished iii tha Constitution di*t, Hivitlmrn Retiureur.
and Georgia Argus.
Wm.Hawu*, l
Extract of n loiter received in this city, dated
MOBILE,8 It October, 1339.
I h-iitnn to givo you un neco'ltu of a tiro which
took placolasl night nhuiii 8 o’, tlm wind l»
ing vary high, nnd every nppeiirnaca of u storm i
tint early pnrt of tho evening. I had just gotten
homo fiion tint olfice when the cry of fin* wa* heard,
f hastened buck to town, nnd fi.tmd tlm (ire w-a* ono
square hIidvo tlm olllco nod aliovo Royal sit not. It
cqmm.tncoil directly opposite tlm M lyor's ofll.m, the
wind lining from K. S. E. cnn*liig ilm sweep
overy building from the City Si|*i>ire (or Mayor's of-
fie) ns far up as thn Cnth die Church, on Conti
street, to D iiiphin *troe(%outh side, 3 *ipt iro*,frnm
tlm C'hy Square, north side D uphill slieet to St.
Francis street, mm block, or 4 square*, on the north
of St. Franc!*, itcru*«odtnSl. il-M, south
Hhh",lmroilhur>iulm Episcopal Church, i)r. (lute*’*
ifllcii, Dcmoury, Chttinlimi's, Beei*', Hale's und
Tonkorshy'*, Ituiuo*. Twillc's hakny, Vinor's
bakery, 4 Livery stuhles, arid a great iiumhur rtf
other haildingi. Tlm mimhet of hoildlagi burned is
supposed to oxi'ued 300, and among them, some
fery splendid and costly.
Sumo person* half a mile off, moved every- thing,
not knowing hut thnt the lire, (mm tho violence of
ilm wind, might tench tho fork* of tho read (Spring
lull.) It U, by fur, the most di«u*irnn* and largest
firo I oversaw. That of 1820, in Snvuiiuah, was
•mail compnr d to this.
By this nud my former letter* yon may form soDjn
Idea, how trunk wn *uff"’r Itore hy sickness nml fue i
T..e lo*s l.y fire has been immunne in tlio Iuh two
nurnth*. , --
Thn henilli of the city lias greatly improved.-
Tlut numlior of deaths being now frem otm to live
1 will givo you further parttcNlars in my next.
fa haste. Yours, <&n.
dsMlmir I...L|» , t | *H** charity (or n place in
nor TI ,1 *’ ""'l ,,,r krend to appease their Inin-
. •, - -via., ,„„|J J r,
^ " l0 ‘
"j™ 'Mr „H. Wa s z . .Ml.?.'
3 7
Co. of Boris, to honor ilm draft of tho (VQ.'Bahlt; • j
onco tmue thrxnF rvet-y thing into confusing, nnl • "A
caused n wont of eni.(l l*nco, Ai|iich has naturally >*>>!
had its effect on prfew* and induced lioldots to offer
their Htocl.s llli.ri) tlmf. VGA LhJ
ovefy reasiia to
tinned unpleasant
lint si
excileumnt n>,d alarm. w„ fear, will h, mnuv'iu'
staaces Im ptoiUtciivo of f nn\ result*, ^
*T! " f ' l '°, f,r J’ ,H nHrilsnUNl».»lt.con.llai le*.
" tnil' that two imrsmis were s-drotl
»a su*p ,o, ,;„ „„j Uhr.,, i„ jail. 1 Can It he piJii.i..
it, r ?""v l ?i." ,nnn " ,w |w»*'wh »«iJo fiend-
"In. ij A,0, ,» i|u Wftns indeed a doomed
:S’ r M, ,' v0 «•«•»'•( «li»p oniiiigli of the hitter
■ of adversity and nfilietio,, 7 When a.ul where
°' f ,r 0,1 n, .)itics end I Alas! Ileum.
, nnd th,t
imiKcquniit exposure.
think, howevuri ihut thonlmvo men*’
it oh'uirencfljini ly.tbli time’ beau
sutisbirtii, ,|y nrtiinged, tlm nxcltomont ht first ’pro*
diiwod hy the trews 1* beginning to dlc nwtiy. aiul .
wo should Impo tint IntsiiicBs will idoif Ugalq ro*'•
U„r mw <,.|..l„<i. n.nVr .mlinnry an.1 mlj'lll’ne 'fit
cottons iuh eiifidderuli.y; below tlmso of our ln»t . ' •
r>-p"ris, hut tld* is It, put nlfiibiltahlb ttf ’• .
f|tmii(.ty of very low cotton wliicli has. been' bffcr&rf -
this mouth, the quantity of which jl Inferior io any . l ’
ptevlmul.) on the markets. Even fair to good fafr '
qualities may ho Imd at nth citin' of 4*1 per lb. bufi - ^
goml a,..I till.*, tlio.r rcuiiity, uiniiitoin theif
value. Brazil and most long stapled cottons ofd
oven ^1 dearer. ’ . . . .
1 he imports Hhire our In u, nmottntod to 32,24^ ’* ; V<
hnlei, und tho sales to 09.010 |,ales of which 76,500 ’ ’
hale* totbe i.aile, ID7,0'0huI.ts for.ox/iort otid27C0 l .
bnleH in * peculation*.
nkiv jriiskv niiKciio.v.
T ' 10 U ' S - Oo»o«,0 ()Vl.i R ) ortll* Hill,
’;* '"i.t.S.Ir.l It, „ rriou.l fur tlm rollnwlnt rnffl
t*!" ,r..r llu.,tow.v,WV!,m| l.y \,!ii,-li It
will be seen, tho Whig* have irliuiiplipd.
" Itijf* Vim BurcnJ
Council Assemby. Council. Asmmlily.
Cape May, sup. 1
Discount Is splint fl per ront nnd iliq wrathpf '
Forest* for our A'ory.—It appear*, hy n report
"j |h" Ciminiissinnors of tit.* Land Revenue in Great
Bl'itnia, thnt a 74 gno -hip cuotaia* ah,nit 2.800
Ions, or 3,000 l"nds ,,f t inbor, which would leqiiir.'
2,0.10 tree* of 75*ycurs gruwilt. It Im* also
DfctMlo../ ' . ' *;
Flour is also higher. Vi 8.- snof free titi* 6AuVU
Oil sweet free 38s (Jdn41s swoiit In buiitl,3'l*Gda37s tfh '
UVERrOOL.8cpt.QOV * ,
Sept. 0 -CW/on^-Tliobasinuss of tho week has • - : - !
boon miHliuntn, qc’outnpnnh d with grant dullness
the market and price* for, American do-'"'V'V • ^ .‘ 1 '-
scripthms, (tlm ho dor. of which have beon more -f '■ '
disposed to soil;) ihoy are oailvr In priqe, but not st/:
decidedly so on th$Rtuitpr as on thu ntiildlo and I .
lower qimliiies, which lmve boon shIIIiib at a dcclinn *
of full 4>l per I be Brazils urn, Ifutty tiling,' dearer/
and Egyptian fully inniniains out la-t quotations.—'" V'i
Smnts are about thn wimoiis wo then quoted,sihyu* - ‘e’-Mi/,
lators have taken 6(J0 h -hs of American; and eximr> .
tor* 36110 In, le* or American, nrtd 100 Surat. ThOri*
is a heimr d.-in'iml to-day, and a more stoody mnr« , '- , c^'»V''-
ket; the sale* are ahntit 4000 bales of,nil kinds; V V/^
Tlio Son Islands at uucilou to-ilny wont off very lr* ‘•-•‘V-j
ealcttlated that, a* nut nmm than 40 oaks, containing
a lend nud ti Ini f of timber in each, can stand upon
un fibre, 50 aero* are r q.tired t-i produce the ouk#
uoc'ssdry fur every 74 gun ship!
This I* nn estim-ite of •oniu impnrtnncu to i.thcr
cuut,trie* la-siil,•* Great Drilnin. Wp believe that
this Giivitrnmnnl litis «,*t tip in large tract* of l-.tml in
Fl-iridn, coVDind with valulhl.i live oak timber, to
hit reserved cspoulally fjr the u*u of I lie Navy Till*
is well—can chtdy il'tlte timber is prepeily hu.ked
after, nnd Is not felled hy squaiier*, iirsto!i‘ii Cur
other purposes, which We think is imt unlikely to la:
tl|" CIIJC,
B it tha white ».nU tlmla*r of New E.glptd I*
als-, in demand lot nival pn.-i use*—.,ml it is well
kti'i-vn that this kiud ,if timber so vaalihl", ind-i'd
*u iiidisp»n*«hht in ship-1,uil.j.iig, is hecutiilii^ iuui'"
scarce every dnV,, a few years, an cs* »omu
ptimatitiniiaty in -n»ure* nre taken, will not ho pro-
cared at any priiw, Tlio G-ivcriiim-iit shunld put-
,'hasa without-dolay. n mm go - tracts of land situ
ated nt a ctMivnnieni ilisimiee from the navy yards of
New England, and plant them with mile, locust, nnd
other forest trees which nro suitable its bo ii*piI la
naval nr, hiti-ciure. 'I he cxui tisc nf this. und .i-imI-
ing II'UIII r no iiie.iniiitsrnnio, but thobonuliis which
wuiilil iiiise li.uii it would Im iucahmhihlu, und nro
in, obvl.itt* to need point im; oof.
Lo >k nt tlm whitH u.,k parks of ON England,
whichliivu liirnished her wiili wo.iden wall* lor
c"i,ltiri«;p.—Uoston Mer. Jour,
logulaily.iiiul tho pricesi,htniiad form no cotruct ;! .1'" V
erit*-a ion of I ho market, as llmfOtrrn i;,r std.ors by . .
private, at any change upon l|m prcvl oY 'iv
ipiutsiiuns. Tho import this week 1.11,012 hn'srs.
ami tlio stiles nre 20,590. , ^ ui ' 'ssxa^mt
Sept. 13.—Wc hnvo hud a mbro nxton«lvo' hnitf' V: r \
ness doing this week; tin) buying fur export
to he a prominent fi!Hitm!.iiitbutmn*nciion*,ond lid# V
been tlio limans of giving firinnu** id the murltot/ V~/;
ami vuiibling holders ol tlm loworquiilitleg ol Amo-
• Iran o ehluui'rifhor Imurr prires tlian . wbr#'
rent |a*t «o-»k, ulino-t iccnvirilig tlm dopresiien Wft^^aS
I licit im iecd. Lower ipialitius of Sunil tire j to ^
dearer, heticr sort* without ciiiinge, but "••ry fttW TjBffljnSI
prices fur them, ns well usgnod rpmlltiesof AmerU^Sg
can, ftiu readily nhtiilnod. Brazil* and Egypllkoz’.'^t*^-
aru ngtiiii rather dearer. Son Islnfida wlthoul
ntloi;. Speculators IjnVs* tuken 2000 bnlcs of AmoV’/'V.' ! - V’J'vj
jicatiaml250 I’ernams; cxnurlnrs 450ffbates
American nml 500Sunil. Therehtkrfboon a guest
*t, ad> ditmaiul toilny from tho (radti the sales ora' ■’ , j
from 5 in 500 bales of nil kinds. Tlm Import thlr :: ?
Week Is 8,421 Iwigf, Olid the snloi ure 41,380. • j , „ >;
Sept. 20.—Tho innrkei for American dos^rlptlonrf . l ’ >i
which have been offered tnnn* freely, bus boon fiat,..-
llirotighout tha week; nnd all qualities hftvo.baen ’ ■ ,
Imavy ol sale, particularly tho nraldlftig onJInwrtqr’ > ■> 7 ;\
^clas-ps, which are tuba had nt n declltio ol fully ia‘; .. h&ty.
per Hi. The position of limit,ty u(fairs, in commxiorf V
.with.the IJ. States, beingnn*iitl*r,ctnry, snlllclcntl/
l>HKA0fi;i. I'lltK.
The following, from the Cliarlnstoti Courier, gives
us Intelligence of an awful calamity In Mobile. In
dued. it would scum to he n devoted city.
Awful Conflagration in Mobile.—'This is Indeed
a year of disaster, almost every mail brings tiding*
of sonto now calamity. Tho morning's mail yester
day. In ought I he intelligence of the xiixpnmdoii of
snoe.iu payments, hy tlm I'llil’idolphla nud Baltimore
Banks—and the evening mail brought Ilm disire**.
ing intelligence of thu destruction of 500 houses hy
fire in Mobile.
We hnvo been informed hv ii resident of Middle,
that tlw section hi wliie'i the firo occurred wa* chief
ly filled with wooden buildings of small value.
[ From the Mobile Mercantile Advertiser Extra,
8/A inst. ]
Eleven Squares Destroyed hy Fire ! ! /
We have o ,fy time this nn ruing, before going to
pro**, to announce tho occurrence of the most awful
and destructive fire which over before occurred in
our unfortunate nnd ill-stnircd city. I.nst night,
about eight o'clock, when the wind was blowing al
most'n gale from tho Smith East, tlio fire broke
out in an old wooden building in tho rear of the
hou*o on tlm South East corner nf Dauphin nnd
Conception street«, owned hy Mr. I’into. The ad
joining building*, being all of wood, the fire was
soon cominunicnt*'d to them, and in a few minutes
crossed Conception street. Horo it hud full sween
•the buildings being very compact, and all of wood.
.id tho wind South East—th>* fire swept over the
two squares west of Conception, on the *„uili, to
St Francis, on the north, with unexampled a d ler-
ific rapidity. Proceeding west, it crossed St. Jo
achim) street—then Jackson—hero it ox tomb'd ono
square forth T north', to St. Michael street—and
then, throo solid squares abreast, all in onr grand
terrific flamfl’. it swept onward to Clulburna street,
and crossed it, sweeping every thing, to Franklin
street. Here, at about twelvo o’clock, the wind for-
tuuntflly abated S in coustniuumas of which and tho
Idowing op of snve^-tl buildings nt) thn «u*t side of
Franklin street, ihe nrogross of the devouring elo
moat wus stayed. Not, however, until six or oigbt
auihiings on ilm west side of Franklin had hobir de
stroyed. Tho dwelling nf Duka Goodman, Esq. ,
on the corifir of Dauphin and Franklin, v/ns blown
By tlio brig Poland, Cnpt.-.Gardner, from 1 ly-*
varus, wuh.ivo recoivod tlm following :
il.VVAY \,Oi*t. 8.
I loops .13 ill, Lumber W P 22-,25,'P |* Loinhcr
2.1.25, Shingles 1,4 I, Beans Ifla'll. IJot-fN,) 1
an I 2, hbi II, Bolter I-In 1(1, C'audlus 19-ril, Spoitn
do 4(!a51, 2,i I, C-rn 4 >, 5, Floor 17 a 18,
Ham* 18, II rriag, •>,poked, 4a5, Lard• lfia!8'4;.
M icks'rcl No U, 5 4 .(l, ()»hms U 1 dl, PovU MlaQO;
ot .to s 3 4 |3 0, Riw» 8 Soap 8 1,9,C„lVe,- 2.1 and
31 quality,flail) 4, trlngn 5 4 ,7, II •reingdli,, Mu-
hisses4.,-ii, Sugars, ns* >rted, 7 lln'I.j I2 j, Whltu
11.jal2,brown7aflJ. Esuhnagatin England 1(1 |«r
cant pram. United SinltM .jal.J per cent premium.
Freight* tu Groat Brit.,hi £3 0 £3 5; Eunice BO fr
per ton; IJ. State* $l.|al$ p,*r ln»x Sugar, §« peril)
C.iffc, $11,1 per iihil Molassi-s.
If AVAN \,Oe(. O'.
Prod,ire Is du'l, sugars, li.'Wovor, enjoy sonto dc*
mand, ami hut for the extrema souirlty ofsiiperlor
qualities, hirge ir.iiixnrtioii* would tukc place. Wo
quote 0n7 Inr lirsivn, II18) fir y dloa, vial llnIQj
for whites. Cofl'ee dull ut 7J.9.J, low In middling.
Small pa reel* „l't he new crop will ho cnuilng in to*
r.lsihe cad of this month, hut supplies of tiny
igiiiiud,, cannot he exinaved hefure the euiir-o of
noxtweok. Molasses 4 o -IJ per keg. Escliaugq
oil Loa.Inn 10} per ctpiein; New Ymk lj i2 prem.
Lust sales of Flour $17. The stuck of American
in first hands ■mount to tflOO liar,els Baltimore,
Shire om last the only sale of Hire has Iicimi 100
cash* slightly dainnged in tlio Mail.In, at 13 \ itnl.
Tin*stork in first hinds amount to251) rq*ks, .
Thn Chili's curgour Rico from Ch i 1 In stun sold at
184 rs,
supply nf ilntzll nndSurm, hit* enabled Holders ttf •'
wIitMii a further ndvaricnpf |d iiflr'ltf off thu latter,'/'
ii,id jj io.Jdmi Marnnhnm ami.rwvrartibooo/ but lit 1
Egyptian we find the market rnrli6c enkldr; Expor*' • "i-r/f:
ters lmve taken 1500 hulriTtif Amnrjilnhi and 060\ \
Pernnms. Tho demand fo-doy, is nlodeffUitf tbfcfV
•ales aronhniit ,'JOOO hau* 1 of.all kinds; S V
. Tlm Import tld* wefik I* 12 241 hogs/ a ncit ha laid#
ore 27.030, viz: U70Si)n Island 201n3fld; 7fff«nfnBi| y ^
do 8,110; 59lir Upland tf|n7fr 7U00 NfwGr!rlWZ,6*
9j:«ijtl() Alolmni’ii, Jvc tijnlij; 11)00
nM)i;5(J0 E^yjithin 1 Djul 4l *armi j , /ti'rlda'Ty£j
•|9o 8i o ihIkiiiI 17^,30; 70 stained ph 6ul6l
Upland ’>1 0: 7810 S U, leans 5ln0; 3860 Alnl _
&c 43 7 j; 1050 Puriiumbacu oj«9l)550 Egypt
9|al3j. -
LONDON, 1 Scjif. 50.
Corn Exchange—Wo hud heavy mlu ogai
- AVo hud heavy toiu ngoln
tetday from nrinn dll ahnut 4 p m, whfcn dto ev(
tariin.l nut a little hettbr; but tliagtouiid wuss
this mnraliig thM tliero mu'*» iiuvCbceii: tnlwu
the right. The hod wrathar appears to have ; bcj®§
general over tlm kingdom, far.(7 tho8cotr,lt nows*;"
papcisHturn nppear to htirebeon Mitousfloodsla*t-v,y --
Sunday, earning away bridges aitcj roads, bnd'srrtywBScMj
iiifsly ditniuging the crops. Tits linproyymenU In; .;'V§\it
ihoclriiii'ig ";'tio.vovcr, litre b n eo iqgroRt of latef
years, that if this storm should bo succeeded hy fltjgSflj
wo.,the, r much c-n 11 liiuy yetlm 'saved In good urdor. ■ gJJ
Tho arrival* this week me qii|re Iflfilptf and,’ id ; -
consequ.oi 0, of considuriiblo country itemohd.-rf V, r
Wheat i* 3 to 4s llearer thnn on-Afundny lrfsf; nfirf
nhuut Usdenrerthan thisduy wuok, -Natino new
Eriglish widtn ttiieai euo be ho'iglil iincf.'r f!(fi, nnj
Is in link) cmidilhm 04*, oqojvnfl'nf^CpnrHerfng tlio* '
weiglp, in about 10s (id n c!wj." Flno' cohdltlonfld
new red whmit'ls saleable at 77» per'qmiVtur, dqul-
valent 10 abmil 17s per eWt; The best olJ D.n.zig
brands uhniitOO* per qiiartnV, lntLwo..h'ayo mine that
wmiul huvo been called vbty iiiialhWTfmc l,r»t yenr/ '
There Is s >mn very linValsn'mi) now RhltiH wheat .of
fering, for ydilcl.i 7 j* jli bonu is neked, tbo/c)lial.t/
much superior to just yfnr». “'VlAdiriff tftHertrtforf . -• .
■nice Monday, w'liem town mudo was raised after
‘ ti| Ofis'pii'r sack of 200 lbs. American fiuutf’
1. •*/*.).,;i
mark*--. ...
in bull’d is woi'tbflO* 11 Id I riiodtly;
<4>L. C Frxnklw., )
[iVr Steamer l.ivirpool.I
• LIVKKI'OUL.Sopt. 20.
Colton—With ref'rencc to „m circnl,r„ftlie31sl
ult. per British Queno, wo have now to mlvise that
onrcpltou market was dull during tho suhietpaint
week, ih" sal"* being 20,590.bnles, and pricu* do*
I'liuuJ A"jd p'*r Ih. Wu llifii had a revival of much
morn active demand, and iho business for tlio week
ended 13 Ii hist, was -11,380 hale*, producing an
advance of |-i per Ih, n nut 5000 of it having been
Dikii.i fur exponj and Uljthl on spia'.ulmion. Sioco
then toe d.1111, d mis Ihicii lo n f mr ^*it Anr, nnd the
•ales,for the wo.:k ended this evening reach 27,030
Indus, hut ih" tone „l the market Ims been languid,
nud tilt* iiMp'OVoiiiHlil of lire h'*( ' u> rak Is' lust; mi
thnt price* nre now ) |«f per Ih IhiIowiIiuko of the
endofl'st month, though that itiisactions in iho 3.
weak* have reached about 90,000 halo*. Tlio de
cline is mainly io tlm low and middloqimlitie*, and
mie fiir ij'inlitioa74 <7j I peril*. . Oflldsweeka
sales 5910 nre Upl-ind nt 0|n7)d; 5353 Alabama and fl| 8J I; 7B’utf Oilvims 0 >7 jd; nnd 279 Sett
Island a: 20 jo35 I per lb, about 1-50'J of it taken for
export To.: impor. into Ltverpnej since the 1st
January is9.17,0.10bile#, against 1,210,000 to same
pm nut »04‘on; the supply of A mar4cauls740,0tl0
being a deer, a*o nl 286,000 hales. Tho slink in
• his port it t-ftimated ut 446,0'|)(7 bales, against
493.000 at w *„• period Inst jraiq—the stuck of
American is a'mul 410,000, or nhoa^ 5000 mure
liisu it tuun WN*. ' . 1 . f \
1 no m moy nurknt had hocomu decidedly easier
ten duys ngo.hui this weak jh"ro h is been a rytw'
• ili^aud' less ronfidrflea, yrhlch I* attrihutn*
bio party to e8ce#*ivtjy unfavornldo wember for the
comploiion of tlfo.harva*l,nitd. |>artly to tliq excite
ment produced hy ihrj rtou-oc ppiniice ol'a enside-
rahln amoiim nf qillsdrawn by tits Bank «,f th» U.
Stoics uur U inking Hnusaat Puri ; ohI-iv Imwo*
up, Thus nil the Jniildiiig* nn llto lionh side nf
(Joiiti. fioni Co'ir'iiption to Fru'iklin, n distmmo (,f
four s'luar.'S—nil ,m both sld » of Ihtuplilu, to the
.mi extent—on both ilk's nf dt. Fra,mis to |li"
>omo e%tun(, with the nxceptlou of three .hojMiiih*
oil each side at tlxc conicr of Conccp’.ioit—all Urn
var,-account* liav* been n-caived th it n»n lw* «mi-
nent Ban' Ang I Imise It is protected the |>dl* Ibr th
honor of tho (kink.
.Thuduty ,ln wnjut I* n-,w 0*3 per«y,,‘ and
Hit fluiir.4* per hhl, hoi Hio'ignttmcmi* m' huv-
,idviiiic.«.| cousulernMv, undfimr is worth 41*4 ti
|Mrh' L t'ie av -rases .,m.,l*:>i,|ln.; ,u-dli ( ttart-fttM')
is still prohahilhy thaf tlw d«v> on ribeai will u
iiAViin, Snpt. lY* C
nmikut, after , having cxpericnrcd a
emitini'd prmty brisk,'and from tho
Our cotton nm,k
:'n'oi‘,,Mi.‘ liHs remali..I. TV> ,...
Till up n, yesterday, 8335 boles wercplapeil on tho .
fodu line r./opii—,4209 biil"S inferiorond urd Lou*
slnnu' 6't94ul 13.; 1002 gooil Ord Mobi/o I0(J|ill 14?-T-.
>79 nr-It.,good nrl G mrgia I00ul42f 1(21 do d</
••(oridtt* 10.'nl07; 127 pnckngesSt Domfdgo 19M
isiniin' A
079 ord
Florida* J02rtJ07; 127 r , -
1 ()3. against wli'dh were received 2452fbo?^r Am
cun, Guuduloupo and St Pjitiiffff if with tlib oNc
lion of the better qualities, which mu'lt be q\)5)c,_
lower, pi ices lmve doniinuod-ib thb’.sanij? pniltji.
a* liefur-.; n'nr present stockurrioUfilsto8tf,090bale*
of wli'elt 74,00.0 boles pro from ’liid.U’Stat'os. T
Brazil cotton, vciy .nothing it loff In fir
hands. Cull’-o remained fit m tbrougluiqt th6 whole
of the woek. though towards tho clnSbof tho market
wit* rather ni'.re qol"if..)f StDoujIngo, only298 bag*,
ofn'n ord log',aid'ord quality wnrp taken nt63l>iG5l [ .
In bund, nud n small lot of Havana nl 724f; la-sideN
which 400 do Bin,jo*t arrived, were'placed iir£74;
also in bond. Javtf fully.mnmt.ahied: hir ta’lnc. and
900 bir.’s were paid wuh 125al26.f and 127.JLduty
iqcludrd. -'*' '-*-••-h- *-*M »♦
had 11
puhf. •
■ ’ •bordeaVx.s.V-
. Being htn.'imntftreiuly.nB*6rt«fd lnco(r,ie,aM*‘" J ‘ n *
was rnhrkot slticu our Inst, of a tub
Cuifi-'rtl-rpVamy;found 1 inslitnt.hiiyrrs. All Ih
m jned ih'hrmdVif St Domingo, and bad been
tiiere fur 11 consider,hie time, lias now been c
o'fttt 65f us als,12 |4 hugsIIarena at 6ptt77jf; sorr
fe-v b(lgf« Lngiwyra realized 75f and 34 casks b
Jag" w'-re' pine d at diff rvnt prlc-'s. 1
quality. Our c<>Uon market,.notwithstanding ti.eio
i) bnes were p.tlcl-with l2oal2t>t nmt 1^1,duty
hided. I'ad-mg i* equally held ut higher rates;
i 1100 hags havitig ri'alizod from lOGjillOfduty’ .
i.L .
lo bwn » ,1»I .temnuH .he • H
.1 Havre er.l n-ll-r piece.,;h,.» mnulh cd «cr>' I
'ive (he vvli.,1- ..f Ih,' «fek, ■lerei; vv h . I. on,;
T~~ ' 1 - - j I 1
doirrull und n HUM ->->o..s.
B y l.te« errlveU Sr* »«rl mi BW
ton,hn.|l»y th" hurque (>->. i innn Liverpool,
the MddeMtpiiNlTt'ie n‘< i'i*'' l a .r-uilim nt of
new niil sea»efe)l>Vr Dry G,aids', for mo by ih*
puckaga or ulocoVon ihi«Ir uviat librnl terms.
Miy 23 dtf-«.Ct Nir. 7 & 10 Gibl VLulIJIi