Newspaper Page Text
Fttblb-liul Daily (Smulay? ekeoptod) at the rate of
$3.50 perMMJUth, or >lO for three mouth-.
No subscription received for a longer term than
hree mwtin.
Advertisements intserted lor $2 (Xi per square for
tho first insertion and o 1 snfor each additional.
U hete advert i.-emeiiL are inserted a month, tho
eitargc will 1»e s2«') per .pure.
Atmouucinn Candida to? slfi, which tuu-t invariably
he paid in advance,
A deduction of 20 percent, will he made on all
advertising aw'-unt- over *>>*•. when prompt pay
ment is made.
CIJOIU-iIA-Marlon County :
!>L,LL N,ISI. Whereas, Amanda L Cattle, Ad
it Mjiid tratfiv upon the estate of David L. Murry,
Jeoaa-.ed, havingappliwt for letters of disMUntasion
ftoJu said Aomin wiraUun.
are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular, the kindred and creditors ol aid deceased,
te .chow cause, if any they have, why said Adwinie
rratnx should not he dismissed from said adminis
oilven under my hand and efth ial signature, Oc
tuber 6th, AIALGOM UAIK,
dee 12 mom Ordinary.
»EOttUU«lrlarion I httitl) §
Wl iIEREAS, B. A. Stary, Administrator upon the
estate ol Joseph N. thary, lute ot said county,
deoeased, having applied for letters of dumssinn
from said administration.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to be and appear at my office within the time pre
scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why
e,rid letters <sf dismission . houtd not be granted to
o*id applicant on the nrrt Monday in Uctober next.
vjiven under my hand and official signature. Jan.
22d, 1864. iMALOO.U HAIR,
jun 2f» mom Ordinary.
O£ORGU»Hiai lou County :
KUJUE NLSI, Whereas Currie James, Adm’x on
the estate ol Darnel James, Jr., haying peti
tioned this Com! for letter, ot ili .mi.'ion trom said
Administration. . .
These are therefore to cite and. admoni m all ana
singular the kindred and creditor ol said deceased
to be and appear at my office within the time pre
■citbed by law, and show cause it any they have,
wu, said Administratrix should not be dismissed
trom said Administration on the first Monday in
July, lsuf. ... .
tfiven under my hand and official signature, this
LUremhm the,tfi, iBP3, MALcuAi HAIR,
dec It uffiui Ordinary.
Medical Card.
UK. »4. A. KOStiV.
t OKMEIiIiV Surgeon to the New Orleans "Fe
male infirmary, . tender., his services to the Cit
izens of Columbus in all the branches of hisproles
Special Attention will lie t he treatment
of the disease* ot woiuem. .
Surgical operations performed for Stone in
the Bladdef, Fistula in Aim, Yisico-Yaginal listula,
Hydrocele, Congenital and Accidental Fhymosis,
Varicocele, lioeuiorrhoids or Riles, Callous Impas
sable strictures, Raise Passages, Tallapeaor Club
Root, and contraction of the lingers, Strabismus or
Squinting, Aneurism, Varia or dilated veins, Ptery
gium, Cataract and Hair i-ip; also tor the remov
al of afl tumors or ahuormal growths from any part
ofthe body. . .
'Oiseinies nffhxUendo' Urinary System, comprslng
the different, stages of Uhoimrrhoea, SlrhAures,
Gravel, Spermatorrhea, Syphilis, in its primary
secondary,tertiary and heviditary forms,will receive
particular attention. . ..
References giyeu whenever desired as well as the
recommendation of many i oars practice in New Or
leans; Consultation hour every day at his office
in the Masonic Hall building, from into 12 o’clock
a, m„ and from 3 lofo’clock p, ai. Patients wilido
well to call precisely at those hoars, nsoelore and
after that lime wilt he devoted to v isiting personam
the city.
Address all coiumiiicat tons to
Columbus. Ga,
X. R. —Patrons from a distance will be visited
uiuf treated a t hoim- if desired. 1 shall be t hankful
to myproHcssionai brethren lor any taxor they may
dome by .-ending; mo persons rcqiiirig Purgical
49*1 wilt also bestow particular attention to
the treat meat ol the ilittcrcut torms ot t leers, Rheu
matism, Gout. Scrofulousattentions, Syphilitic erup
tions, and all other chronic diseases of the skin.—
Alclic it.-d Rmnigotioos and Steam Sulphurous
iiutn-k ->s uiuploN c.t in the hospitals in Europe and
Amo 11. a, will local a part of my treatment. _
urn H oil 1.. A. tv. .
Olil Iron W iinttMl.
WE wish to purchase a large quantity of SCRAP
IRON, t-oth oast and wiouv;lit. ho which cash
will be paid. HARRISON, BEDELL ii CO.
jail 27 11
Viiir sinol.iiu; and llirwins Tobacco.
A* U! AS ") K “^mb™ton.
t*hi:itt Dru.osist under Conk : Hotel.
(Formtil) of \>W OflGllls,)
74 BllOik D £*97.,
( n KWS, Cw A
ARE cob t only leceiviin; fri ti impottatinns, di
rect from Europe, ol staple and fancy Dill
UOODS. uhi. h llicy oil'oi . in- ip to, , li.
ieb ■> dm
KttdtVy Waiilctls
THE high.- t price will bo paid or Plow :;teel given
in-exclninge for Reaver Skits, A laiv.a number
wanted. Enquire at . . T _ .v- s wrv
4w L 11 AIM AN A BRO.
Albany, Eufaula, Cuihhert, Bau.’nridge and
Bfakciv ~apci 3 copy 4vv and 'end bill-,
\V si l‘ <" lx bii si* 'll dClt* v.
ON and aliei t.tu tirsf da> of \;.nl next,’ the
ch.Liev for Murage ou Coim.i m .mr Ware
hoffise* Wilt bo oNi: DOLE Alt p.-i i.ffi pm umnth.
A? A ENOCH .v CO ,
it iOtl tv .V tIuDuES,
j, R. TVE: V A CO.,
Oi l E A vVOOb Jt Vir. AY,
CfJutßbns, tin., March 2d, bid —lm
t\ ISi«i’sla:sK &utc,
WILLbe -.U onthetirri Tue .1:«V in A.i>ril next,
bttwi ui the usual bom- *0 -.«>*. . ,h^
Conri U.m-v u. Muscogee eoutny, .. no,- mm «iuci
CRVYIHiiO, levied »»11 tl> v iltlll\ 4v\ 4• Ifv 4 > J' 1 ' 3 y
Beall \ knipl.v. one fi uv:a. a lltnll “
U vs H. A. Morphy, garnishee* in taw of’W
federate States ot America lor mleu-t due on de ..
to allien enemies to The p'^ ! |\ ]p s “ T..
G. S. Mat l*al.
Columbus. March Ist 1.1
pi. t vr * i'io\ w.i.itw.
feb 26 ts
Plantation and ShoiH iron.
T HAVKonoonsiftnißcnf-’O.rtSi lb. <-l Plantation
I Iron, and will le. cuo next ">■ l°h
Iron, which I will wham e Toi
Confederate money., " * 1 • ‘ u
mar ‘ll m _ _
I am prejavad to furnieh a superior
article of ,
made of the BEST ROMPOSITION 7 /if
jfIODI.DS iiiftd Kl OMiS
are sent, me, and ship tinm neatly and
safely packed. Or i can lurnish
in quantities which only t.i t.e
toin>ure goltd ROUUERS
All hills hire cash on de livery l.tare, uu
less shipped by Express, then C. O l>.
tnarlft lm
Mouse* Hauted‘
Immediately. Jtmr nma him** one to Ut, will
at A ' Speaj;’s JewtAry store.
" 11 L
Vol. XI.
J. w. WAKHCX & CO. ProprietorN...
< of
after Sunday, Afarch2oth, the Trainion
'Mhc .»■ uscogee Railroad will i nil as follow* r
Leave Columbus. g if, jvi.
Arrive at Macon ;.2 52 A. M.
Leave Macon y ;46 P. At...
Aruve at Columbus ..5 00 A. M.
Leave Columbus 5 30 A. M.
Arrive at Columbus s p. M.
mar 19 ts ,®upt. Muscogee R, R. i
Ohange of Schedule,
Office Engineer and Eupehinpendent, ) ]
CnaP.i.E3il>N SNI) SavaNNSH Hill.ROiD, -
Eeb. 18, I8o4.) j
0-N and after SUNDAY, Feb. 2lit, Passenger 1
1 rains will
Leave Charleston ...*. 7 If, a. M. j
Arrive at Savannah .......4 2.9 P. M. |
Leave Savannah 7 in) A. M.
Arrive at Charleston 4 20 P. M.
Passengers by this route from Columbu-, Mont
gomery, Albany, Eufaula, Ae., pass through Sav
annah without detention.
feb 24 1 w eoakw Epg’r and Supt.
ALL kintis of DYEING done at my residence,
opptc-ite ttaiinaiifi Pi-vinl Maun factory. Pro
visions ol any kiml taken in payment.
mar 8 liu - Dyer.
CotUMEUffi Ga., April 2d, 1864.)
The attention of all persons between the ages of
seventeen and eighteen years, anil between the ages
of forty-five and fifty years, is called to the follow
ing paragraph of General Orders No. 33, from the
A. and Inspect. Gen‘ls office, Richmond, Va.:
111. Any person liable to enrollment under this
act may .join any company for local defence which
has been formed under General Orders No. 86, issued
22d J une, 1863, for the war, or any other company
for local defence which has been accepted into the
service, and which, by the terms of its enlistment,
is liable to serve anywhere within the State; or
persons of this class may form new companies for
local defence and special service, under General
Orders No. 86, 0803 J for the war, and select their
own officers.
The undersigned will give persons wishing, to lorm
companies for local defence under this order all .as
sistance in his power, and would earnestly request
that such companies be organized, and old compa
nies, organized under General Orders No. .86, IHOT,
be filled up to the maximum number. The benefit
that would accrue to regularly organized companies
or battalions, slpmld the reserve corps ever he called
into active service, is too obvious to be.urged.
apr 4 Iw Got. Comdg. Post,
.Sun and Enquirer copy one week.
To The Patrietie Citizens of CulmubiEs and
The great benefits which have attended the labors
of Relief Committees on the battlefield, in protect
ing and administering to tho care and comfort of
the sick and wonded, have been forcibly illustrated
in some of the great battles of the present war. •To
secure to our gallant soldiers the aid derived from
: nob associations tluycitizens of Columbus and . vi
cinity are earnestly requested to unite in forming
vine or more Relief Committee, who will hold them
selves in readiness to accompany tho Reserve Med
ical Corps of this Post to “the front.” whenever the
occasion may demand.
Transportation for themselves and all articles"fpr
the comfort of the sick and wounded will be fur
The articles most necessary to be provided are
old linen Uni, cottonhattingf, bandages, li£ht wooden
splints, tea, coffee, (ground) wine, brandy or whis
key, and such delioacic-s a may be usesul.
Any Committee whit h may be organized can re
port itself to thP office, m that the members may
receive information when their services will be re
Individuals desiring to form associations can re
port l.» tlii-’ office, where a register ot their names
will l;c kept until a .uffirb-ntYnnoLev t„ organize a
Committee .shall be received. 1
The obviqu? importance of «uoh asebciations ren
der appeals to the patriotism of the public unuecee
saiy. GEO. It. DOUGLAS, -
Sen. Surg. of Ptst.
Coiumbu,’, Ga., March il. 1864. 4t
j tit .l.qil .GiIBRC, E.SHuI.LING Oi in r, |
?,D CONoKLC-jlilVil. DISTIUCT Gi.'ot'.oU, J
Cohuuhii , Ga., March 51, 1864.)
Purnanffo General Order? No. 33, Adjutant and
Inspector General':- ..dice, Richmond, V«. f A/arch
Ufk.lMb, oil persons between the ages of II and IS,
and -i > and .At, m fin Dbtri. t. ate i> tfuiied it. report
at these Headquaruas lor Enrollment
The failure ty comply with this native i within .30
day-from this date> will subjert the defaulter in a
liability to be called into the general sera ire with
persons between Eighteen and Forty-dye, uple--. he
ehall have a \ jlid e.vt use thercior, to be judeed ot
by the bureau ot t oiuttiptuin.
By order of
Gapt, \V. cb WALLACE,
Enrolling Othcer.
J. A. L.t.Naup, Asa't.
aid 1 laid
Enquirer copy 20 J •
Qi ut* ?i ai» ti Hu tor t .
•’fit * i NDERfIGNFD isprepared to £ll ail orders
l lor
rd a superior quality. Alt orders must be addressed
| to thi on.let ijtttcd wish the motley enclosed, unless
! ..j dered by Gxpre- , yvlien orders will be filled and
nipped with V. O. 1).
alFsißd & uu.
mar Id liu
Assist.tvr Q*aKT&gnA?TFfGs Opfick, |
GohiuiOu.-, Georgia, >
Match 10, iMit.)
Parties UoMinir Certificates of Purchase or Im
prcr-intMit. made by Ua.i. J. F. Waddell, will pre
ent tdeir claims tor payment bv the 26th inst.
mar 10 2w Capt, X A. Q. M.
| Sun copy
Laiftii lor Sale.
* iRAGT of EIGHT 11 FNDREjD acres land, ly
\ in* near Spvine Hill, in Bartwiur c.mnty. Ala
bama. Between 2doand acres chsared. all fresh,
h.t\ ins been in cultivation only two .>r three years.
Thi -wtion of country is among the Leal cotton pro
ducing lands in Alabama or Georgia. Parties'wwh
ittg t-. tin e-t in such property may call on me be
(Ween this and the 20th inst., after that it will he
withdrawn frwtu market. Apply to
Wm.C. till AY,
at Greenwood A Gray'* Otfioe.
mar 10 til 20th mar
TO 1.01
T>\ order .and the War Deportment. 1 leave to day
' li.r Eastern Lnui-iana. to operate in that district,
Mi rc iment (Ist Loui-Ltna cavalry!wdl rende7vous
at Selma, Alabama. In addition, a A'fendtd battery
~i Sawver guns, joe-enteil b> nur cotuMiandcr, Ltenf
lien. Polh. will mv.onpany tlte under
ihe enuiuiand of l iiptain X. T.N. Rolutismt,of New
OrUan- an experienced and SKillttl oih*#i woo
ibrmerly bad charge of my old battery ot ltorse Ar
ereater inducement cannot be ofl’eretl the ex
iled -on- of Louisiana to rally around our country s
colors and a\ enge their maniiold wrongs amioppres-
Ac.ns upon the soil of their own Stale. Horse- and
equipments will be furnished all recruits who re
port to me at Selma. . % .» . ..
Let there he no delay. nthjustic e,
revenge and courage, let us strike till not a toe be
[ left in Louisiana to tell the stotT nnheir tguomiuy. ,
Colonel Ist hegT La., Cavalry.
Columbus, Ga., Thursday Moraing, April 7,1864.
<£Ul] iUUttaru EUitctonj.
Up Stairs.
j Col. J. W. Robertson, Com’g.
Gapt. Cha b 8’,.0h, A. A. G.
Cttpt. J. S. Saaiß, AAA IQ
VV. T. M, KiuNdree, Chief Clerk.
. - •
C&pt. W. 3. Vv allage—reaf .of Jones’ Building.
Cor. Oigethorpe and fit. Clair Sts.
Maj. F. C. Humphreys, Com’g.
Capt M . Lathah, Ex. Officer.
| Lieut. J. M. Mulden, Military Store Keeper
At No. 16 Broad Broad St.
Muj. F. W. Dillard, Com’g.
| Maj. John E, Davis, Poet Q. M.
Capt H. D. C o run an, A. Q. M.
At King, Allen A Camak’a Warehouse.
Maj. A. M. Allen, Com’g.
Capt. J. H. Grayrill, A. C. S.
Capt. Tbe idorc Moreno.
Lieut. W. A. Uansell.
G. B. Douglass, Post Surgeon.
(Office at Wayside Home.)
J S White, General llospitaLSnrg. in charge.
J P Moore,. “ •* Surgeon.
L D Carson, “ “ Ass’tSurgeon.
R Fowler, “ “ “ ' “
W W Dickie, “ “ “ “
Otlice near the Old Bridge.
J. H. Warner, Ohs. Engineer.
Capt. Gf.o. N. Knight, (East of the Bank of
Eviaininiug Board.
J S Whi iE, Senior Surgeon.
The Board meets at the General Hospital on
Tuesdays and Fridays.
Valuable Table.
The following table shows the discount on the old
issue of Confederate notes:
O e-i<) O O jp<- t o
£1 g ’ g) I± Z
?’ lJ\ i, 1-1 i®Lri ? *
C : c ; q ; o.i« * a>
9•?I*• f p • i
e c 7,c' t q 5 c Sh © cT
3~ 2- 72- c_ 7Z ®, o_ Y s o 7T
10 6 6ti' J i 85 56 66“ 160...106 66|235..,15t5 60}
15 10 00,| 90 60 00 165...110 00 240...160 00
20 13 33* j o<> .03 33r 1-I-0...143 .ft} 24:>... 16*1 3.,}
35 to out j too'. go 66} 175... 116 tkJI 2:50 ltiti 66}
30 20 00 '100......40 00 1a0,..1-20 00 ano •«.» m.
35 25 331j110,,....73 33} 185... 123 .?«} 35K7^
40 ‘26 6fi|'lls-1....7t> 6t>} 190...126 66} 400,..2ti6 66f
45 30 (Kl 120 .80 00 1 95.. 130 00 450...51X) 00
50 33 S3J
55 06 66} 130 .86 66} 21X5...133 66} 550...366 66}
60 40 (HI 13.5......90 00 210... 140 00 600...4(K1 00
• 65.-. 43 351-140 93 33} 215.. 143 33} 1,50...483 33}
70 46 66 j 14.. 96 66} 220... 146 66} 700...466 66}
i 't. .50 (Hi 150 100 oi) 225...150 00 750...51X1 Oo
Wuighls ami Meaxurex,
BuiheL y. Pctuiuiil.
Wheat 60
Shelled Corn , f>o
Corn in the ead- 70
Pea5.....0. 60
Rye ...iki
Oats 32
Barley 47
Irish Potatoes.... 60
Sweet Potatoes , ..55
White Beans 60
Castor lieu ns 46
Clover Seed. * 60
Timothy Seed 45
Flax Seed.. ~,.. 66
llemp Seed..,. 44
blue Grass Seed 44
Buckwheat 52
Dried Apples',, 24
Onions... .....57
Salt , 5o
Stone C0a1..... ..,80
Malt 38
Bran ...2o
Turnip? a5
Piattering" H iir..;;.. 8
Unslaeked Lime. BO
Corn Meal -.48
Fine Sait 55
Ground Peas .’ 24
A box 24. by 1(7 inchest 22‘“deep, ffi-niains ore bar
A box 16 by ’ inches, 3 deep, contain one
A box 8 by 8) iuche?. S deep contain- 1 peck.
A box 4 bv 4 inches, f‘. deep, contains i gallon
A box 4by 4 imffiu?, deep, contuWir 1 quart.
IKI e'vt* &£ !.*%- \/ -IVi =
1 uti jit /*t i‘s tVuviV.iiU, Fraye/ & C*), f Atlanta, u>* f
Market Street , above Morityomrry Hall ,
HAVE fiticduii, and are now prepared to receive
and accommodate at their mart, ail Negroes
which may be consigned n> them. They will buy
and sell on Commission, and iuiw&rd proceeds with
pi omptness and dispot. h. They keep constantly on
hand a large and w ell -'Herttd :t... k, such as
Families, House Servant'.
Gentleman ? Ji..dy Servaiit-, 'as..
Boys ami Gii Is. of all description ,
0a fpen ters, B 1 acksmith ?,
Shumakers, Field Hand-.
They respectfully refer n> the following well
known gentlemen, viz:
Hon. John A. Elmore, Major f. L.Calhoun. Will
iam Taylor A Go., A. P. Gail, Shvdar A Ardis,
Montgomery, Ala., .1. ('• Coleman A Go., Mobile,
Ala./Henry .Ifeinhaid A Bro , Savannah,Ga.
Montgomery, Ala.
W. t:. SMITH,
Auburn. Ala.
W. 11. Fitts, A. cio.
P. S.— City pjiio.iiu.c .c-peetfully -cdi. iu-d. All
order- cardiilh attended to.
mar2s* dim worn
Ailliiinisli aiors
TI/ILL be sold on Friday, srh of April next, at the
VV residence of Janie? l«. C'ouk, deceased, in Mus
cogee county, the personal property aid deceased
cou-i-tieg of: two mules, a cow md >. ,nhug, hogs,
waggon and buggy, corn and »odder, household and
kitchen furniture, farming impUuients and numer
ous other articles, the land will also be rented it not
otherwise disposed of before the day of sale.- Terms
ca-h E. S. COOk,
mar 29 tds Adtu'r. .
€':u*l*eiiter* Wanted.
TWENTY GAP.PENTERS to work on the new
l Boat below the Navy Yard, tor which the liichr.-t
wanes will be given. Apply to
f.iO RfHiirtl.
I) FNAWAY, on the hiith -March, from my place iu
I \ Wynuton, a negro man hamed George,23years old
dark complexion, ;‘feet S incite herib weighs about
lbs. hiul *u a parruf check pants ami a t alvet
cap. Supposed to be in the neighborhoml.
mar arts JOHN COOK.
SSUO Steward.
STttlfEN Irinn uiy piw keis on Monday night last.
at the lower end of Broad >treet, a Pocket Book,
in small hills, also a roll from my side pocket con
Confederate money. It wm principally Fane? and
Tweuties. The pi»cket book contained a Certificate
for two hundred dollars in tavor of Elisabeth Eason,
which I had tunded tor her. I wtHfpaf the above
reward mr the recovery ot the y audcei uficate. I
morSO d* Russeu county, Ala. j
Wednesday Evening.
Railroad Convention.—At the instance of
the authorities of several Railroad Companies,
Wm. John3ton. Esq.. President cl the Char
lotte ami Sooth Carolina Railroad, respectful
ly mvites the Presidents and Superintendents
of the oad? cf the Confederacy to meet
in convention in the city of’ Columbia. S. C.,
oh the 12th of April.
The Chronicle and Sentinel says scold iu
Augusta, on the 31st |tilt., was in active de- ,
mandat 2B for one. In Richmond, or. the!
27th. it sold at an a vie rage of 2f in,old car- j
ren; y, or. reckoning in the discount which
would hh doe in four days, the real quotation
was fourteen dollars in currency for orte in
gold The opinion Was entertained that it
would be down to ten in a fortnight.
From (Jen, FicketFsFoitimafiid
' Department North Carolina, ) |
March 31, 1684, j’
To the Editor of the Whig:
An unusual quiet reigns in this Department".
The enemy, on Monday last, bombarded Fort
Powhatau, and attempted to land, but were
driven off, and tunny killed by a portion of
Major Milligan’s In. .Signal Corps.
1 learn by a gentleman from hor that the
enemy ! s gunboats were shelling Fort lloykin
on Wednesday. No damage done. Like the |
Chinese, the Yankees are “a great people " tor
After the most dilligent search, the where
abouts of General Always Everywhere Bum
side still remain a mystery. Come, when he
may, his name inspires no terror in the breasts
of one gallant Hoops, General. Pickett is on
the qui vive, and will welcome the invader
whenever he thinks proper to come, -‘with
bloody hands to hospitalile graves. ’" The Gen
eral's hospitality in this respect never
been doubted.
The troops in this Department, have, as far
as I can learn, re-enlisicd fhr the war, espe
cially Pickett’s Division. They seem cheerful,
in line spirits and uwttii peace with patience
though it were many years hence. They are
well clothed, well ted ami are in good iightiug
trim, and as King Richard says, are‘'gager for
the fray.’’ They have.roiliidence in aiid" love
their ehioflain, whose plume, like that of
Harry of Navarre, is ever seen where danger
comes thickest.
The soldiers are funding their old issue with
the North Carolina farmers, for many ncees
caries not found in the commissariat and at
very reasonable prices—-they are not disturbed
by the dreams which haunt the pillows of
speculators. 1 ha' e laillod to see '‘so much
disatlcction among the people .of North Caro- !
1 inn. The great mass arc true to. the Confed
eracy, kind to flic Hoops, and only await the
election in August to slrow to the world that
llolde.n, like the “D.appic Ass,’’ will make but
a poor run.
(,apl. it. 51. airiLlmy. 11l tin; I'd HO II il-r At -
tillery, has been promoted Major, ami ordered
to the Army of Northern Virginia.
Gov. Vance is expected In address I he North
Carolina troops in this Department next week.
Steel Shics'The &dvocatPs*ol the aniisti
tutiou of Heel toi iron in the const ruction of
ships, urge that the change they propose;in-
V'olves the advantages of economy and in
creased strength and carrying capacity. The
their theory is about to be l< i,-d
on a scale which lias not hitlvcrto been at
t bmp ted. . Two large oia-au-gomg -ffiips form
ed of steel—rone of them a; steamer, built lor
Messrs. Fraser, Treuholm & Cos,, the Coxiiede
rate agents,Was launched from the yard of
Messrs. Jones, ' Quggin, k Cos., of Liverpool,
The Chief CnnMrnetbr of the Navy was at
tracted to Liverpool by an event of -u\ much
national interest, and at; a. dejt-umr tvhirh tnl
lowed the launch, expressed his .-ensa ot the
importance ot the question which the future
career of these two vessels’might help to nlve.
He had ,( a very high' 5 opinion of steel, a?'coin
pared with iron, tor shipbuilding; purposes,']
but he.could not pledge himself to any ■!. si
ded course in the matter until he had seen |
how far the newly launched ships "fustifierl the !
'anticipations of tbrir builder^.- -b:~ ' iL'r.y. )
Thi; New Issrr —The new Trensuiy note?
will be ready for genciai ejn'illation ila.iut th,
15th inst., except ihc ? s. who h will not he
ready until the Ist of .Inly next Any person
taking S6O of tin- old cuiiciuy to tlie Treasu
rv will receive S4O in the new.
The SoOO note are in Durnenied on the ? icht
side with a medal to in likeness ot Gen. T. J.
.lm ! .mi wit!) tti'eyoAnh ot the iiinstrious hero
uud. i the likene-s On the left aids is the
t ‘outederate seal and ! nmlto Deo A endn e,
with euildam.itic onr-i oundings ihe denom
ination of the note i? eonapienoii ty printed
in figures.
The slo© notes pi e -nnt, a beovre, a vig
nette likenesa of Mra. Puken? oi .'south Car
idiiia, and a medallion likeness of Ex-Secre-
T-iry Randolph on the right.
The on!v difference between the old-and
new $ cuts except the color, is that theA lu
nette likeness r»f President Davis i’ noyy t>re
: ented in medallion style.
The $lO notes have a Vignette repre .•nting
a section of dying artillery in a battle. .Sen
ator Hunter's likeness .u ain occupies the low
er left hand comer.- —HtckmunJ Ehspotth.
As TyctnENT of thf V'ali.kv.- The Rich
mond eorreij.(indent of the Moiitgotm vv Mail,
relate? the following incident of one of the
Valley campaign*:
Two voting fa dies, living in the upper part
of the Valley of Virginia, walked out after
breakfast, to carry food t° Iwo Gonledfiates,
who vac trviug to make their wav ilnough
the eneo.i s lines. They bad much dillj. uhy
in hndiug the young tne:i —they were ineie
boys, in sact —and when tuuud, they were
greatly agitated. Questioned as to what Un*
mailer was, 4he boys took the girls through a
thicket to ft shallow brook, and there lay a
dead Yankee, luce upwards, witli hardly
gnough of water to cover him. ‘‘He came uu
us unexpectedly,’ fitii'l the boys, “and we
could no* let him go. for he would have ne-
Irayed us. We coitldn i shoot Inin, bn the
woods ar«- full of Yankee jiie.keis. who would
have been attracted to uti)' hiding pim-e by the
noise of our pisiot-. So we induced hirn to
come info this tbickeb sprang up.m him ud-
Jeniy . forced him into the water, and hold his
head under until he was drowned. A\ ehi fed
to do it, but there was no help for it it.”
The young men evenriiaßy got back to lye’s
army. You may rely on ihe lrijlh of f his iii
cidenl. for i got iL from the f .iber of the young
-1 - ♦ ♦ ♦ '
A Sign.—The duanccrs of Loiulon
have taken tlie ( ’oufederate loan, and per
sistently refuse to touch that of the Uni
ted States. This is a tinam iul recognition
ofoiiv imtioual existence.‘and a substan
tia! evidence of their eon tide nee in our
$3.50 Per Month.
J. H. WARHE!\, Kditor
C'onfpderate T»rpedees and
Iron ('lad«
The W ashiugton correspondent of the
St. Louis “Republican” furnishes an in
tcresting communication concerning the
OoFederate torpedoes and iron clads at
Charleston, which we have not wet with
in any of our Southern exchanges. It
has been kindly furnished the ‘‘Express”
by a friend.
rebel torpedoes.
Private letters received here from off
Charleston give some interesting partic
ulars of the sinking of the Housafonie by
a rebel torpedo, which do not appear in
the official account. It is not known on
our side that the machine carried any
crew: on the contrary, it is supposed the
torpedo was of anew kind lately invented
by the rebels, which are rendered self
moving by clock work, and was brought,
down the harbor, directed against the fa
tal vessel,and started by the internal ma
chinery, the eoncastion being relied upon
to explode it. When first seen, about,
one hundred yards from the Housatonie
it looked like a broad plank upon the
water, and there was no signs of its pro
pnldiou by steam or man power. It
struck two minutes after first seenjaud ex
ploded in about one minute, direct ly under
the stern. The power of the explosion
was terrific, tearing out the stern com
pletely, breaking through the gun and
spar decks, and shattering the huge beams
above them. The Housafonie sunk im
mediately, the officers and crew being
pushed to save themselves, by ascending
the rigging a's she went down.
Iftli is torpedo was a self moving one
it is the first instance where such ma
chines have accomplished practical re
sults, though much time labor and ex
pense have been of late years devoted to
attaining success in this branch of war
fare by nearly all civilized nations.
I’inlet* these circumstances the event must
be accepted as evidence of energy perve
rence and inventive genious of the rebels,
though the applications of these attributes
iu such a manner is justly open to the
charge of barbarism.
Speaking of rebel torpedoes brings to J
mind other features of the situation before j
Charleston worthy of notice. Lately we j
have heard considerable about the rebel j
iron clads in that quarter, both from rebel
ands ederal sources. There is no doubt
that the officers of our iron clad fleet ex
pect .to be compelled to accept a challenge
tu.tnngkat some of these fine days from a
fieet-ot Merrimacs wliicti wilt Mraiu |
the Ashley and Cooper rivers out into
therharbor, and there bellow forth the bold
defiance from tfeeii armament of the cele
brated Brooke gun- and further, there are
indications that, they do not anticipate the
result of such a contest as certainly to be
favorable to our side.
The rebels are known to be building
two or three more iron clads in the above
rivers; therein good reason to believe that
the Chieora, Ladies’ Gunboat, and other
uodesonpt craft, finished long since, art
now being clad with additional iron plates.
W hen this fleet is finished, it is not likely
to remain behind Sumter; and should if
r-.jun- out, the momentous qination is, can
our iron clads hold their uwn against it?
Some of our editors think not They say
the old .Men iimie, in her first contest with
the little Monitor, was provided with noth j
ing but shells; that with these she could j
not injure her antagonist, while the latter j
succeeded in hitting her below her iron
plating when grounded and careened, but
all eftbrte to penetrate her mail were un
successful Subsequently, the Norfolk
monster being repaired, came out provi
ded with solid shot, and -teamed around
in sight of the Monitor tor several days
without getting alight out of her. Had
the Monitor accepted a fight the result is j
to be interred from th< manner in which !
the solid shot and steel boils of the rebel {
a,hi battered up our iron clads or tin- sub
sequent eugagt-ment before Charleston
.'supposing the rebel iron clads of the j
MVrrifnac order in Charleston harbor are j
able to withstand the fire of the heavy old- 1
nance of our Monitors, it follows that the !
latter must succumb to ihe terrific power j
of the Brooke gun, with its steel pointed j
piOj.--. ides, at close quarter But the
old Mem mac was probat'lv tin- best ot her >
class ever constructed, and though her |
mail was strung enough b> resist themip- j
sile.. us the .Monitor, it does not follow that |
those lately constructed by the. rebels arc !
as invulnerable. The ease ot the hiogal ;
is altogether in our favor; but the expe- |
rie.nee gained m that afiair very probably j
Suggested to the rebels the idea of in- J
creasing the strength ot their eralt, and
when next they run a till with u* for su
premacy iu iron clad construction, it aiay
be discovered their vessels are not .so ea
sily disposed oi as the Savannah abortion.
Siege or Ohai k.^ton. —-Two Jw,i
--| t’C(J if;/</.'•• I'.’itlJt !n ./i/I/. .jiilOC OUI lu - *!
. report the cneuiy have uianifestetl eon-
I sideraLle activity. About live o’clock
Sunday afternoon tire was re -opened upou
Fort Sunder ironi the three hundred
pounder Parrot lately uncovered at the
middle butte IV, and between six and
sown Item jlat/cry birge upon the city.
The tiring averaged on-shot every five
minutes The enemy also exchanged a few
-iiois with our batteries on James’ and
Sullivans' Islands during the day. Some
■am usual activity was observed on Saturday
and Sunday among the fleet. A side
w he< i .deuiuer came in from North h riday
afternoon, After communicating with
the HVi/afs/i and several of the other
bloiAaders and vessels inside the bar, s »e
again left, sailing South On her depart
ure the blockade*, outside fired a salute.
The enemy’s gunboats in Mono fired a
fi w - buta Saturday at OnmbalU place
and Legareaville. The number ot tents
cm holly Islaud have again diminished.
The bombardment of the city continued
up to the hour of closing our report.
Kfports of the Press Association
! *-yb> J- S- Thrasher, m thw Clerk’s .tu-e«»
l* - tpstnc-t Court of the Confederate State- fui
Ihe Northern District of
ObwgkC. 11., Artil It is reported that the
Hth and 12th army corps, which weut West last
summer, have returned to the army of the Poto
mac, and disembarked from the cars at Bealtou
A heavy rain lias been falling for forty-eight
hours. The roads are deep in mud The.Rapidan ic
much swollen.
Latest from Europe.
The latest dates from Europe are to the link
of March three days later than previous ad
vices, The United States gunboat Kearaag*
had airived at Deal
The Confederate steamer Florida put into
Madeira on the 4th. Twenty tons of coal,
provisions and water were allowed her, when
she was ordered off.
The Times says there ia good reason to be
lieve that although the matter cannot be an
nounced, it is absolutely certain th»l the Eu
ropeon Conference will after all actually,as
In the House of Lords on ho Hth, Lord
Campbell asked the meaning of llortsohakoff .
words as to the combination between Russia
and Austria, Prussia umi England. Earl
Granville said that Prince Gortschakoff could
only refer lo the Conference proposal. Eng
land has not entered into any combination
displaying the slightest hostile feeling towards
Iu the House of commons, Mr. Roebuck
asked if the Federal and Confederate Gov
ernments had been remonstrated with for the
employment of agents for illegal purposes.—
He said he would be glad to set* the Federal
shipping swept from the »eaa. England's
honor was at stake.
Lord Palmerston said thal the Governments
bad been remonsirated with and prosecutions
Mr. Bright said that Mr. Roebucks speech
was unworthy of a member of Parliament.
The Archduke Maximilian is visiting bjueen
, Fire Australian ships have arrived, bring
ing £228 OOn sterlings in gold £250,000 art*
also en route.
Consols closed steady at 01 'i(o' 91 i.
The Memorial Diplomatique says that a trea
ty between Maximilian ami Napoleon will be
agreed on immediately on becoming Emperor
of Mexico.
The treaty’ will settle the period of French
occupation, and make arrangennfnss for the
liquidation of the French claims. The French
troops will be withdrawn gradually. The
debt due France will be paid in fourteen an
nual instalments of $25,000,000 each.
The Federals 9re said to have encroached
upon Mexican territory by seizing cotton be
longing to the rebels at Malamoras.
La France says that England and Russia
are endeavoring to induce Denmark to ac
cept an armistice, remaining during the Con
ference in the Mime*position.
The Routes closed GOf 75c.
The Duke of Saxe Coburg has visited Na
poleon, with the assent of file minor Gemian
Slates, in order to induce Napoleon to recog
nize the rights of Hie Schleswig and Holstein
Duchies to choose their own Government.
The motion before the Federal Diet for Au
gusteuhurg’s recognition was postponed by
Austria’s and Prussia’s request.
to. Five Danish steamers are cruising ofl 3tral
gund, where the Prussian flotilla is gathered.
The Elbe entrance defences arc being has
The enemy had entered A rah urn. The
Danish infantry had embarked at Arabus for
The Swedish troops in Sclionen, Sweden
have been ordered to be ready to march.
An unimportant engagement occurred on
the 12th at Sundewell.
It is stated that GOO Jutland peasants have
teen compelled to aid the allies in the erec
tion of trenches before Fredericia.
The Austrian troops having been molested
by the inhabitants of Vierie, the General com
manding ha t ordered thtN all munitions of
war and arms in the possession 1# civilians
shall be delivered up to the military authori
ties within twenty-four hours.
The roads in Jutland are impassable in con
sequence of recent heavy rains.
Marshal Wrangle has prohibited the export
of horses, cattle, and grain from Jutland.
liivEßpOoT., March 16.—Cotton is advanc
ing; prices |(ihld, higher for inferior quuli
-5 ties.
j Breadstuff's are- quiet but steady ; flour de
| dining ; winter red wheat 8s (aj.Ss. 7d corn
! dull ; provisions quiet and prices steady.
I The discount demanded at the Bartk of
; England is moderate, and the rates unaltered
The Desolation lu Tennessee.
I At* enterprising adventurer, who has been on a
nun in Tennessee ot an extensive and somewhat
| dangerous character, on hi-' teturn in Murfrees
boro, writes to the Boston Tiav ellei . under date of
Jan. bit, as follows :
In years agoiie, and not long ago, Tonne?: see wa*
u puradiae. Peace and plenty smiled: law and
oilier reigned. How is it now ? After a week’s
journey, I sit me down to paint you a picture oi
what I have seen. To the East and to ihe W est,
to the North and to the South, the -uhi sad
dening and sickening. Government mules and
horses are occupying tbo homes—ave, the palaces
—in which Rev chi calm* son ;so otreo have slum
’lhe monuments other taste, the evidences of her
skill, the eharaetei istio3 of her people, arc being
blotted from existence. Her church, are being
turned into homes ol prostitution, her seminaries
shelter the sick and sore, whose griels and groans
reverberate where once the dower of our youth
ivere wont to breathe the poetic pa»?ion and danea
t.. the music of their summer’s sun. Her cities,
her town and her l itluges are draped inmourning,
Even the country, ever and always ■■■> much near
er God and Nature than Ihe-.e, wear the black
pall. Go from Memphis to Chattanooga, and it is
jd:e ihe march from Moscow in the olden time.
The Btafe capital, like the Kremlin, alone re
maiun of her former glory and greatness. Let this
point (Murfreesboro) be the centre, and then make
a circumference of thirty wiles with me, and we
will *tay *'a w, ek in Ihe womb ol desolation.”—
Whether y,,u go on the Selma, the Shelbyville,Jhe
Manchester, or any other pike, f„r a distance of
thirty miles either wav, what do we behold v One
wild, weary, dreary and desolate waste, so to
The fences are all burned down : the apple, the
pear and the plum trees burned in .. -he long ago,
tbe torch applied to thousands of pi.mdid uian
sion,-. the walls of which alone remain, and even
this is seldom so, and where it ia, their smooth
plaster is covered with vulgar epithet- and immoral
diatribes. John Smith and Joe Doe, Federate and
Confederate warrior , have left jack knife -terea
■ t vping on the doors and caslhgs, where these, in
taieir fewness are preserved, she ri.-ket and the
railing—where are rbey v
>V here are the ro e bushe and the violets ' B;.t
a born all, and - beyond all, and dear>-i aid more
lhair all else —where, oh, where, are tb- owe hap
py and contented people tied who loved and
had their beiug here '! Where are the rosy ‘ keeked
cherub.-? and blue eyed maiden gone ? ale
the gallant young men ' Vi berm arc a w
are any of them ? .
But where ar. fhev gone- roE once happy and
.‘ojiteitl.’d pc*.(,b- ' l’h- young men are sleeping
in their ora-, e a 'bdoh, at Cm .nib at Fort Don
eleon and other held ot so-.-ulled glory Ihe
young women have died ol gnet or are hi.d.Cn
h.-arfed; the children are orphans. Poor Ultio
tilings, I p‘fy them ,rom u, . v ;, s 1 look :it
them— black and white—for they cun t-> have
shared a coimnoa fate, ami like ikying iu u common
Their lives —I mean the master and slave, ar.d
their offspring' —seem to have been inseparably
blended. Iu many cases I found two or thiee
white children. vb».-e parents were dead, left to
the mercies of the faithful slaves; and again, i
have seeu a large number ol little itegro children,
ttvwc parents ww. likewise dead, nestled in the
bosom of.some white families, who, by miracle, were
saved from the vandalism ot wax.