Newspaper Page Text
To \kt Citizens M Columbus.
♦ Head’es Columbus, Ga., t
April 15,1865 j
All vjo&bt ijs at »U etui Thu &*u»y is utsroh
iagfHjiiil) 1 upon >our-»iiitj itMij
ajr'at that coaid be made to fe* drhtuic Q&i
been and is being made. A st«* a resistance
saves your city and arrests the progress of ibe
enemy through your country.
I appeal to the citizens of Columbus and
the ueighboiiug, counties of both Georgia and 1
• Aliibuma, to re-ppud at once »*■ the dull now
4r-*- Dn-.iV
homes aud their coed try.
Let every man capable of bearing arm.', !
port promptly for duty, and unite v tth some
military organization, that he may strike an
honest blow for all that is dear to freemen.
Prompt and energetic action is' alone neces
sary to secure success. Bring with you what
ever arms you have, and those who have none
will be supplied.
Major General Commanding.
Citizens' Meeting ’.—To the Rescue Ii
A meeting of citizens will be held at Tem
perance Hall at 4 o’clock this aiteruoon tor
the purpose ol organizing a force to aid he
military authorities in defending the city.
With the hearty co-operation of the people,
the enemy can certainly be driven back —with-
out it, we know not what may happen Let
every man now show that he is a man. and
come forward to do his duty
The enemy, ia strong force, is within 50
miles of the city, and atill advancing. There
is* therefore, no time to be lost. Every man
in the city capable of bearing arms mult be
in the trenches before to-morrow night, Or-,
gaaize. then, to-day.
Mayor’s Office, \
Columbus, Ga., April 15, 1865. j
The military authorities haviug ordered all
business suspended, I earnestly request the
order will be obeyed, if not, and it should be
necessary, force will be used to have it done,
F. G. WILKINS, Mayor.
Tar. Selma Arsenal. —Wa are gratified to
learn that the valuable government arsenal, naval
foundries, stores, etc., at Selma, were removed
from that point, some time since, to a more recurs
location, where they will be more secure from any
danger of Yankee raids.
Yankee Accounts of the Fall of Richmond.
The Alla uta Intelligencer of yesterday bob
tains the following from the Chattanooga
(Yankee) Gazette of the 4lb inst., giving a
very Yankea-iike exaggeration of »i<s affair up
to the 3d instant.
It will be seen that Lincoln figures largely
at City Point, as a telegraphic reporter to the
War Department at Washington. Our readers
know how to make proper allowances for
these boastful dispatches:
New York, April 3.—Commercial's special
#u\s it i« believed in Washington that the
war is over. The programme of Grant antici
pates all possible movements of the enemy.
The retreat of the rebels is cut off at all
points. Grant, Sheridan, Thomas and Han
cock, are closing around the fragment of the
rebels. . •
Sheunau is yet to oe heard from.
News of Grant’s success has almost sus
pended business in all markets, and us yet
it is difficult to estimate the effect on prices
till more is known of the fate of Lee’s army,
and the prospects of effecting a junction with
Johnston, to offer battle at some point, or
po.-L.hly tall conjointly upon Sherman.
Guiu has been effected but siightly. ihe
prices opened at $1 48, and fell to $1 45£,
with no special furore to sell. stock mar
ket .has been largely oversold and there
is a scarcity oi gold.
- New York, April 3.—As the day advances
the excitement over Grant’s victory increases ;
salutes are firing at. a dozen or more different
Philadelphia, April Bth.—Old Independ
ence Hall bell rang by ordei of Mayor
The firemen turned out ia ’procession with
their fire engines. Then formed, crossing and
passed through the streets, firing salutes, and
blowing steam whistles. The procession ad
journed with cheers. AH business at a
Baltimore, .April 3.—The Union people here
*re intoxicated with joy and jubvaut. They
oue another in the street A gn.i; ’
Hi il- -' ■
bells in the city to be rung.
Cincinnati, April 13.—The news of the fail
of Richmond caused great excitement A
business suspended, and a general
to-night, and a blaze of fireworks.
Headq’bs Army Potomac, j
April lj 1865. >
\q greater part of the army has not beet
en g a b. i with the enemy. The entire time is
spent . eruc ri n g works on the new line, ana :
roads connecting the different
corps. Thv late
rains had nurde them impas
sable as the <.,, o pg advanced for one train to
move five miles vitbout the assistance of one
hundred men, bu>.tLrough the untiring enei -
gy and perseveranCv 0 f officers in the quarter
master and commissary departments ihe armv
has been a3 well sap Hied as who, iu the
When the news of Sheridan's -epulse reach
ed here last night, part of the 5h corps wm
at once despatched to his aid, <nd it is ex
pected that to night or in the Morr.insr we
shall receive good news from that Quartet.
It appeal's that Sheridan wasniovii.g on p,,..
read leading to a place called Tbifc* -Forks,
about three miles from the South Sidt Rail
road, when two cavalry brigades of Piikett’a
division, which had moved dun a in unreal
hurry, came down on a road leading from fath
erland Station.
As Sheridan’s cavalry had most of them
passed the Junction road, this movement or
the enemy threatened to cut him off.
He, however, discovered his danger iu time
to get bis eomtnand back with only a slight,
lose, at the yame time taking about l ,000 pris ■
Both Lee* were present, but ol a respectful
being reinforced this morning by the
6th corps, tho enemy fell back so rapidly that
their dead and wounded fell Into our hands,
as well as our own that were left yesterday
afternoon. * ,
The attack made on the enemy s lino in
front of the 24th corps, was by Foster’s di~ j
vision and about 200 prisoners Were brought
in, the 142d New York regiment taking most
ol them.
borne throe or four hundred yard; ot ground
was also taken from there and our picket hues
were much further advanced.
At 4a. m. this morning this position was
assaulted and a few of our met. captured, but
i a a very short time it *was retaken with about
* prisoners and one stand of colors.
Our losses up to the present time will not
i exceed 250, while that of the enemy, on some
parts of the line, arc t .east gteatet than
j ours
I New York, April 8 Cotton unsettled and
1 nominal, and is from 3to 5 cents lower 38
and 40 cents. Gold excited -and decidedly
.48 id atbing to T49f,
Chattanooga, April 3, 1865.
j Aspect"), dispatch from Nashville to the
! Gazette says *
• New YoSk, April 3, 8:30 a. m.—This in or
living President Lincoln reports that Peters-
I burg is evacuated, and Gen Grant thinks the
I city of'Richmoad is also in our possession
Gen. Grant is pushing on to cut olf the reb
-1 retreat.*
Washington, April 3, 10:45 a. r«.
To Gen. Diz :
It appears trom a dispatch of General
: Weitzall’s. which has just been received by
! this Department, tha( our forces under bis
| command arc in Richmond, having taken it at
! 8:15 thi3 morning
E. M. Stanton.
City Point, April 2.
To h\ M. Sion ton ■
After 10 o’clock, a, m. Everything hits
been carried from the left of the 9tb corps.—
The 6th corps alone captured more than
three thousand prisoners Cannot tell the
We are now closing around the works of
the line immediately enveloping Petersburg.
All looks remarkably we 11.
T have not yet heard from Sheridan.
A Lincoln.
City Point, 8 80 a. ra., April 2.
E, M. Sianion:
Grant telegraphs : We are now up and have
a continuous line of troops. In a few hours
we will be entrenched from Appomattox be
low Petersburg to the river above. The whole
capturessiHee the firmy started will not amount
to less than 12,000, probably 50 pieces of ar
tillery—don’t know numbers of men or guns
Part of Foster’s division, 24th corps, made
a gallant charge this a. ra., and captured a
very important fort with its entire garrison.
All seems well with us, Everything quiet
just now. _ A. Lincoln.
Major General Steadman has furnished us
with the Allowing particulars of the fighting
on Saturday, as contained ia a dispatch re
ccl ted at hia Headquarters .
Gits Polnt l April l,
yn A. M. Stanton ,
A dispatch has just been received showing
that Gen. Sheridan and Warren had at 2 p. m.,
pushed the enemy back so as to retake fire
works and bring his own Headquarters up to
The five works barricaded by the enemy
were carried by Deron’s command.
This part of the enemy’s force now seem3 to
be trying to work along the White Oak road
to join the main force in front of Gen. Grant.
Hkeridan and Warren are pushing them as
closely as possible.
(Signed.) T. S_. Bowers, A. A G.
, Washington, April 3.
To Major General Diz :
A dispatch from General Grant’s Adjutant
General at Cdty Point announces the triumph
of our armies in the three days’ hard fighting.
City Point, April 1, 5:45 P. M.—A dispatch
from General Grant states that Sheridan,
commanding infantry anti cavalry, has carried
everything before him.
He has captured three brigades of infantry,
a wagon train, and several batteries of artil
The prisoners captured will amount to sev
eral thousand.
(Signed,) T. S. Bowers, A. A. G.
War Department, >
Washington, April 1, 1865. j
To Maj. Gen. Diz :
The following telegram in reiation to the
military operation now going on at the front
was received this morning. Nothing later has
reached the department.
E. M. St anton, Sec’y of War.
City Point, March 31 — 8:80 A. M
lion. E. 31. Stanton :
At 1:30 p. m. to-day Oca. Grant telegraphed
, to me as follows : “ There has been much hard
: fighting this morning. The enemy drove our
j left from near Dabney’s house back well to
j wards the Boydtown plankroad. We are now
| about to take the offensive at that point, and
I.hope that we will more than recover the lost
ground.'’ He telegraphed again as follows:
“Our troops after being driven back to the
! Boydtown plankroad, rallied and drove the
: etenay in turn, and took the Whiteoak road,
| which we now have.
This gives us the ground occupied by pie
.-,rYf;mu iki* 1 -” u J J' "
i i "flag oapuurod by our troops iu driving the
,etny hack There have been four flags cap
*ared here to day. Judging by the two points
:oui which Grant telegraphs L infer that he
uas moved ttis headquarters about one mile
ipeo he cent the first of the two dispatches.
A. Lincoln.
Headq’hs Army of the Potomac, \
March 30, 8:30 p. m. j
' otwithatauding a heavy lainstorm which
i ■[ in last night, aud co; tinued until this af
; leruoon, the army has to-day advanced about
iwo miles, and the oth corps has reached the
Boydtown plankroad, near its junction with
j!: e Whiteoak. This is the place where the
t corps had an engagement with the enemy
‘ iftrt autumn, in which it suffered severely.—
i Tae ground gained to-day cost us but a few
men. the rebels matting but very slight resist -
■ since. At Hatcher’s run, which,is only a short
distance further on, 'the enemy have strong
earthworks erected, defended with heavy guns,
ami here they will no doubt make a stand to
oppose our further advance. From this point
: th>- new lino extends to Armstrong’s mill, the
! tbs jorps holding the right of Ids position in
’1: engagement of yesterday. The number
prisoners taken is 125, with eight com mis
sioned officers. They belonged to Bushrod
J< • n-on’s cavalry, and were part of the force
! that maik the attack upon our lines last Sat*
! uiiaj. The rebels made a demonstratien at
i sewn points on the old liun la“t night for the
1 purpose evidently of ascertaining whether the
[ works were held in foroe. They did not gain
I anything, however, excepting the information
that the line was strong enough to defend it
elf. This explains dhe firing heard at City
, Foin*. on Wednesday night aud Thursday eve
nitig. Nothing has yet been received here as
to he operations of the cavalry, but they will,
( n i- not doubted-, give a good account of them
selves. A battle is expected to-tnorrM
the posseision of the Sout h side rail
judging front the confidence and \
of officers and mor., there will boa e | ja
The New York Tribune’s sih corps cm fern
dent, writing at 6 o’clock in the affernoo |>Ae j
20th ult, says: At 4 o'clock this more mg %. 2d ;
and sth corps were put on the march uJt /.he*:
right of the onotny’s line, the sth mpvir, m the
Quaker road. On coming to a point caHev fhlk’s
Hollow, and mounting the opposite hill, ft 1 Alt
work was found abandoned be theeuemy j ,*s
ing it about three quarters of ft mile toy -JL the
; head of the column met the front of tye Os- ,’j
■ lino, posted in the edge of a thick pine .v-tp nr.d
|.open clearing. A sudden and heavy fire wksipsu
ed upon our skirmish lino, and it was dm , •)>;*,ok
upon a line formed of the Ist brigade, Gt! % vis
j iou, which it first fell back, but ou being a teqrt
; ed by the 2d brigade, rallied and drove- b gfthe
| enemy With some loss in prisoners. In
1 time Gen. Warren drew up the rest of ihe A » -d
| 3d divisions, of the sth corps, jp lino ia - Tei to
; support the attack. After an action 'About
three quarters of an hour, the enemy ret* A; in
| haste, It tying a oft of his dead and worn f , .a
1 the fid i. .The sth corps now lies oawho » L
[The force of the vnt\af engaged was >
. the t trenglh boii.y about 60(1.
| 300 to 400 nun bilied and wounded—that of the
• enemy about ffie same, but the number of prison
i ers, :■ me 150 to 200 renders their Joss greater
; than ours.
The Tribune’s correspondent, writing at Grav
: eliy Run on the night of the 20th says: By the
movement of Friday, our original line which ex
! tended on the left of Hatcher’s Run, has linen pro
i longed beyond the Run, westward aerf-ss the
1 VaugLn and Qm-ker plank roads,facing
| within about two and a half miles of Dii viddie
i Court House. The Lieutenant General, af-’ompa
; nied by Gens. Williams and Ingalls, and several
members of their staffs, came up to Hunphrey’s
! station, near Hatcher’s Run, at ll o'clock this
morning, and soou after crossing tho run visited
■ different points along the line, establishing euar
' ters for the night on the Vaughn roaAon the
; Grarelly Run. Geu. Meade aecompaniedour ad-
I vance early in the morning, and had hishtaiquarj
i ters on the Vaughan road, two miles from Hatch
| er’s Run,
The Petersburg Express says large bodies of
cavalry have been moving towards our right.—
The fact is well known that a large body vs caw
alry moved down the road two or three days since.
It is highly probable that Sheridan, indated by
his recent successes, may attempt something sim
ilar on this side of the Hues. We predict for him
an inglorious defeat. Reliable from
City Point represents the presence cf fifteen moni
tors aud forty iron clad vessels in the Jasio? river,
besides an innumerable fleet of smaller and less
formidable boats. Since tho attempt of the Con
federates to pass the Yankee obstructions, the
enemy has doubled his vigilance aud largely in
creased his r aval force. Commodore Port*r ia in
oommand of the fleet, and his flag ship or rpies a
prominent position among the Vessels.
Temperance Mall.—The Confederate Min
strels will give another Concert to-night at
Temperance Hall; at the request of many
P. T. Baknum Sold at Last. —A public joke.
| it P. T. Baruum’ti expense is not an everyday
| luxury, P. T. B. for many years hxvrng Lad
! the laugh on the other side. But at kiigth
i the Prince ut Showmen has been shown a trick
I that be did not know before, and J'.e Loro of
i the occasion has been, as is very n*ml on such
occasions, a eon of tha Emerald Isie I‘ seems
that Barnum, a few days ago, wa* in e great
horrv »o *v shaved, aud entered Wm ordinary
place of tonsonai resort under tm-’Wvk Hotel;
but. all the operatives were engaged, and one
other customer—a great brawny Irishman,
just lauded, and v»ith a beard and ;ead requi
ing very extensive attention—stcri between
the exhibitor of the “ What is it,and his
turn as 11 next.” “lam in a burr, my good
man!” said Phineas TANARUS., addressing Pat; and
aud if you give me your turn I will pay for
what you waul here.” “All right,’ responded
the delighted Irishman; and the? showman
; was soon shaved and ou his way to keep bis
; engagement, merely saving ae he left the door
1 to Use proprietor of the saloon, “dc What this
: man wants,” pointing to the exil* of Erin
i “and charge- it to me.”
j No sooner was he gone than Purick took
off his “trusty," aud a thick cottcl necktie,
at the same time asking the barber, ‘ Now tell
me all you dot” “Why, sir, resided ihe
tonsorial operative, “we shave, cui and curl
hair, shampoo aud bathe.” “All riglt, thca,”
said P<U, “do ali them things to mi. Sorra
wan of me knows what they mane, »at as he
said he’d pay for them, jist do then) all, an’
God ble.-s you!” The barber Bawl he joke
, and did as requested, putting T he big Irishman
: through ali the processes, and bringing him
out so pleasantly altered that he ha: y knew
j himself. We leave our readers to imagine
Barnutn's face next morning, when '.be pro
• prietor of the saloon handed him a ,(11, “For
; suaving Irishman 1U tents, cutting his hair
25 cents, curling it 25 cents, shameboing it
25 oents. bathing Irishman 2f> cents—'tbtal for
Irishman SI 10.” Barnum at once icknow
i lodged the corn, gave a receipt for th- maize;
! but he is after the Irish exile, and .wears if
: he catches him, that he will place hut cheek
j by jo.wl between the “ What ie it?' ind the
I Aztec children.— Yankee paper.
j After an absence of many weary months
j away from the city, we congratulate ciTselves
and greet the citizens upon our safe r4urn.—
Had we been told some months since,mat we
would so early have been back to our'tdopted
ana cherished city, of Atlanta, we vvodd have
charged false prophecy to him whei would
have uttered it. But we are here, and intend
with renewed energy, while those who are up
on the field and elsewhere defending,our sa
' our cause by supportius'tjrdnglv
. Ucerfully the men Who are chargfd with
i guid’ug and leading us on to final victer-y,
Schisms and divisions among ourseles are
' but silent and sure success to our enAies.-
! Every act. and every word derogalonUf our
| cause are nangbt else but obstacles, o say
the least of it, in our way, and wife th*e
I thoughtless and petulant, who, for some rivial
| cause may blame our leaders for some hrprop
; er act committed by minor officials, ma- be in
| a measure excused, the men, who, desfyiedly,
| will persist in opposition, are te ihat xtent,
j ( and should be held up with der re.-
| probation. Aud we intend, with all tjiHpow
:er at command, so to treat them. Tqtjo less
' would be culpable neglect with us abl is to
every lover of the (Southern cause—£jb,thern
j independence. But we will not, in t}is arti
cle, pursue the theme farther. All kjbw our
i policy, so we will leave it to the fulur to de
velop our course.
We h'ipe, while, literally, the flanjj} may
have consumed all the dross of the er,-, and
the dos purging has gone throe*' with
here, no loss literally have we been p|*jfed of
every one who is not with us in s&itjment.
1 Wc hope we. breathe a pure air-, all
who were not with ns are gone to sdK'more
j congenial clime. —Atlanta Register. W
To-Night, Saturday, April 15th.
aprii 15-11
Special NOTICES:
Sop-District, '
ColtHubue, tin.. April 15, 1865.
; GwiM-aLOrder, No, 1.
■# ' ik 4 ’ A *
11. in obedience te orAws tyom ih<. Corns j
: mandiag Geueral, ail busine.": win be jU2- ‘
pended in ihe city of Columbuit. Citizen* ffh’
1 immediately organizo themselves t&y coinpLsie9
'fusi report to theie whek Hiey will
be fully arrnod and equipped astf assigned ro po
sitions* for the defense ol th-fit bciajs, Those who
have arms are earnestly requested to bring theta.
* * 9* *
Rv command of ■
Cel. Comd’g,
8 lsiDoax: Ga.lljst, A. A. A. G.
I* apis at
tTHAO-.'I'ARTEnS GkO -G'. V 1 j
-r>U r-.. [ !
('« -ll- Tjp-v " 1 ■*
Special Order?, No. '
Colonel Leon Von Zinken will take command of
all troops in and around Columbus, second in com
mand to the Major General command.
By command of
Pope Babrow, AD.C,4 A A G
april 15-ts
Headquarters Sub-District, )
Columbus, Ga., April 15, 1865. j
General Orders, j
No. 1. f
& Kr & # X ft ft
I. The following officers are hereby announced
on the staff of the Colonel Commanding Forces •
Captain L May, A A Q.
CaptT S Fry, A I G.
Cavt W B Hurt, Ordnance Oflieer.
Lieut W Q Moses, Aide-de-Camp.
Lieut S Isidore Guillet, A A A G.
Who will be obeyed and respected accordingly.
By command of
Col, Com’dg.
S Isidore Glillet, A. A. A. (1.
april 15 3t
Headquarters, Sub-District, 1
Columbus, Ga., April 14, 1865. J
Special Orders, i
No. 93. \
XXV. In obedience to instructions from the
commanding General no cotton will be shipped from
this point except upon special permit from these
* * * Si . IS *.
Ry command of
CoL Coma’r,
S. Isidore Guillkt, A. A. A. G,
apt 15 3t __ __________
Headquarters. Sub-District, >
Columbus, Ga. t April 11, 1865,]
Special Order, No, 93.
**** * # „
XXVIII. All liquor establishments in this city
are hereby ordered to be closed immediately. No
liquor will be sold, exchanged, given away or in any
manner disposed of to soldiers. Any person or per
sons found violating this order will have his or their
1 Htjuvr destroyed.
XXIX. All persons having liquor on hand will
be permitted to ship it froiu this place uponappli*
cation being made to these Headquarters to do So.
* -* * * * *
By command of
, , Col. Corad’g,
S. Isidore Guillet, A. A. A. G.
apt 15 ts
Headquarters Sub-District, (
Columbus, Ga., April 14, 1865. j
Special Gkdks, No. 93.
* •# * *- * » *
XXVII. In obedience to instructions from ihe
Commanding General,- all officers end men belong
ing to the Confederate States Armies, now in Colum
bus, or vicinity, whose leaves ofabserce orfur
loughs have expirod, or are on their way to rejoin
their commands, will report to these headquarters
without delay, for tho purpose of being organized
into companies for the defence of the city.
* * * # * * »
By commahd of
Col, Comd’g,
S. IsidobeGuillet, A. A. A. G. '
apr 15-10 t
Headquarters, Sub-Distritt, j
Columbus, Ga., April 13,1865, t
General Order, No, 92.
+: * * • * *
XX. All meu, whether citizens or soldiers, able to
bear arms in the defense of their homes, will not be
allowed to leave this city without a pass from the
Provost Marshal.
XXI. As much as possible to prevent apie3 from
entering the city, all citizens and soldiers will be
required to obtain city passes from the Provost
Marshal. »
* * * *
By command of
Cel. Cotnd’g.
S. Isidore Guillet, A, A, A, G,
ap 14 6t
Headquarters, Sub-District, j
Columbus, Ga, April 12,1855,
General Order, No, 91,
* * * * b
VII. All officers and Lov-es.
navmg same iu na,..,..... -i a , T
McKee, Inspector of Field Tracsportation, /iha *oc
lain exemption from impressment for same.
* * -x- * *
By command of
4 Col. Gomd’g,
S. Isidore Guillet, A, A, A, G,
apl 13 6t _ _
Headquarter?, Sub-Distbict, \
Columbus, Ga., April 4th, 1865,1
General Ohokrs.l
No. 15. /
1. In case of alarm six guns will be fired by the ar
tillery on Broad street, in front of Post Headquar
ters, at which signal all military organizations at
this Post will immediately assemble, at their re
spective rendezvous fully armed and equipped, with
twenty-four hours rations, ready to take the field,
and await orders from these Headquarters.
By command of
Col. Ccmd’g.
S. Isidore Guillet, a. a. a. csen’l.
apl 5 ts
Headquarters Post and Defences, 1
Columbus, Ga-, March 27th, 18(55. j
Special Orders , \
No. 75, i
» m * * * *
11VII. All officers at this Post, whether in transitu
on orders or loavo of absence, or iu any otbor man
ner m the city of Columbus, over six hours, ara re
quired to report to Post Heiidqu&yitTSj exhibit their
?apers and sign their names in the officer’s register.
t is to be hoped that all good officers will cheerful
ly comply with, the übove, so that tha Comirv&stti&nfc
of the Post may be facilitated in preventing imposi
tion and in returning officers to duty who arc im
properly absent. # * * *
By command of LEON VON ZIBKK g
Col. Commanding Post and Defences,
S. Isidors Gun, let, A. A. A. G.
mar 28 ts
• • - -virprocrji.
. ; Columbus, Ga-. (igiVi 4tfi. A565.
■ with inatruativ- -
«HotreK CaM> i .iHs h<®eby dlreuviil'hat tu
detailed and»? -’1 **,? lon j
the 4ct« ojfgSnM »*?«•> ’- ' v • ’’ 19 7"’ 1 ip ’ |
I soever), in this Dfetrict, apufc f ’ ’ * qUtU * !
tnrs for re-examination, u&ys iroru .
t the 15th April, TU l* '~ to comply ,
i will bo Shut Cuzfrir v.r .lgfi
j medical Ward of Distrk't filsM tt.Ati Post
1 on the rmyn
! IS*,
I •
ii ufc, *•. :*■€&?■ -DtsL-Gs.
The ..General that you
will FTbeiHid, without deky, the puf
pose ki col!.(cttMt and hrj&puit V ana
defers fraUA this co?.i§»d.
■ xi •-»' f k.n igg/qajr ■' 7Tt*
assistance of the Enrolling DepartraSon
By command of Maj. Gen. Butler.
Maj. & A. I, Gen.
Wade Hhmptok, Lieut. Gen.
Iff obedience to the above order camps of rendez
vous have been established at Augusta, Atlanta and
Columbus, Ga. All ofiioers and men absent from
this command will be expected to roport at once.—
Gen. Lee’s amnesty proclamation will be extended
for ten days from tho publication of this order. My
Headquarters for the present will be at Columbus,
April 1 ts Col. 10th Ga., Regt.,Cav.
Office Nitre and Mixing Bcp.uais.Dist. Ga. )
Macon, April 7i 1865. j
M. G. Whitlock will take charge of all business
connected with the manufacture of Nitre in this
District, and letters in reference to the same should
hereafter be addressed to him at this place.
W, E. Carter will take charge of all business con
nected with the manufacture of Potash in this Dis
trict, and aU letters in reference to the same should
hereafter be addressed to him at this place.
C. O. Stilwell will take charse of all business con
nected with the collection of lead, copper, brass,
zinc, etc., in thife District, and all letters in refer
ence to the same should'aereaftcr be addressed to
him at Atlanta, Ga.
Win. Anderson frill taire charge of all business
connected with the duty of supplying! Quartermas
ter and Commissary stores for the purposes of this
District, and all letters in reference to the same
should hereafter be addressed to him at this place.
Persons wishing to correspond with me directly
upon business in any way pertaining to the affairs
of the District, will address mo at this place.
ap9-lm and Supt. N. and M., Dist. Ga.
Hkadq’rb N. and M. Bureau. Dist. Ga., 1
Macon, April 7,1865, >
i Notice is hereby givfci that ali Potash purchased
of contractors in the employ of the N, and M,
Bureau, will be seised and held subject to the or
ders of tho Chief of the Bureau, The Potash being
manufactured under special contract and for a
specific purpose must not be diverted into other
c'nacnvL, and the Goveru meat ela-mi the riant bj/
virtue of the lien upon it, to possess itself without
coinpeiiSuTion, of** i be thus illegally pro
Any contractor thus violating the terms of his
contract, will at once be'sent to the front.
Parties desiring Potash can procure it in exchange
for provisions, by applying at this office.
Capt. and Supt. N. aud M, Bureau, Dist. Ga.
##*Sun copy one month.
ap9-lm .
Confederate Status op America, )
Southern District Georgia, [■
At Chambers, 4th April, 1865. )
Ordered, That the next regular term of the Dis
trict Court of the Confederate States for the South
ern District ofGeorgia, be htild at the Court Houso
in the city of Macon, on the fourth Wednesday,
being the 24th of May next, 1865, and at ten o’clock
in tho forenoon of that day. And that the (Tlerk
enter this order forthwith in the minute book of
said Court.j
And it is further ordered, hat this order be pub
lished three times in one newspaper in each of the
cities of Afacon, Augusta. Coliuabuj- and Albany,
such publication beginning at least one month be
fore the day above appointed
C= S, District Judge for Georgia.
A inie copy from the rairuites.
’ WM, F. LAW.
Clerk C. 6. District Court,. Southern Dist. Ga.
Macon, April 10, 1565.
apl 14 4fc
Attention, Volunteers!
I am authorized by Col, Y u Zinken to receive
volunteers for temporary service f. r the defence of
the city.
Parties will be enrolled, obligating themselves to
j report to my Company whenever the enemy ap
j preach the city, and will be discharged when the
' emergency shall have passed. They can report at
; my office, at Lowell Warehouse • Lieut, Douglass, at
. Rosette, Lawhon & Co.’s, or Serg't J. N. Barnett,
i near the Columbus Bank* a id enroll their names,
April 11, lw Capt. Fire Guard.
To my Friends in Georgia and
My son, Cut>t. Win. J. Samiord, will return from
j Richmond iu a few days, with a: hority to raise a
: Regiment under the late BILL
i of Coimress. -
Such friends as dcsi*.* to wHguo with him
i nammunicalo with me, —in Wraps6nee— a t Au
i burn, Ala.
apl 2 ts
Organize ! Organize !!
Citizens of Columbus who are determined to pro
tect their homes and families against an invading
and ruthless foe, are requested to call at Stanford
& Co.’s Store and register their names for organiza
tion. As soon as fifty names are registered a meet
ing will be called to elect officers,
apl6tf M. G. McKENNIE.
Express Notice.
The Southern Express Company have perfected
arrangements and are now running an Express, via
Chattahoochee, to Quincy, Tallahassee, St. Marks,
Monticello, Lake City and all points upon Railroads
in middle Florida.
Expresses leave every Wednesday at 9 a. m., or.
steamer Shamrock and return on Sunday night, in
charge of experienced Messengers for the trans
portation of freight and valuables.
apl 11 lm S. U. HILL.
Jlotice to Shippers.
The rates of freight on tae Chattahoochee River
until furthor notice, will be $5 00 per hundred, and
$1 50 per cubic foot.
1 Fifty percent, additional ou Flint Rive
i Captain H^SVTNGATFi'Shamrock,
“ D. FRY. Jackson.
“ A FRY, Indian.
apr Hot j
Notice !
r PHK partnership of DILI, ARJ>, POWELL & CO.,
L having been dissolved by the death ot F. IV.
DILLARD, all persons holding claims against said
firm will present them immediately for settlement,
and those indebted will at once mako immediate
payment to R. Patten. Age.
i march 26-1 m r Surviving Partne-s.
fc - HOWTO. - *
I«AhS, s3#oO
i, w. WARREN & €»„ Proprietors.
One inonth.... - * “"’""'""tlo ?0
Tr.fiv- months •i""''".'
AdvertUemeiitgingcrted osioe^»
Second Month-s4' per square.
stocks, bonds, certificates, gold
Cht'i’i y Street, Tiacoxi,
i (O:. t.
L- ' .
| esperienoed ouyers, * *
| Cash advanoes to regular traders, aj
j heretofore. v .
Negroes also sold on (JommissioD.
My trusty Porters, Andp.ew and An
tony, attend the Trains,
feb 2? 3ra
W. W. McCali. N, W. Garrard
mar 9 3m __ ___ T _
€iiaiag:e ot Schedule,
ON and after Friday, Jan. 20th, tha Trains on
tho Muscogee Railroad will run as follows -
Leave Columbus ..,..,.,6 30 A. M
Arrive at Macon 2 50 P. M,
! Leave Macon 650 A. Si-
Arrive at Columbus 3 06 P SL
Leave Columbus 5 06 A. M,
I .Arrive st Columbus 455A. M
mar 19 ts Supt. Muscogee R. B.
ThrDUgb to Montgomery
COLUMBU3. August 27.1864.
i \N and after August 27th. the Passenger Train ob
O the Montgomery and Wo a t Point Railroad will
Leave Montgomery at 8;(M) a. m.
Leave West Point fit 7:10 s. m,
Arrive at Columbtti at 5:32 p. i,
Leave Columbus at 5:50 a. m,
Arrive at Montgomery at 3:09 p. m.
Arrive at West Potnt at 4130 p. m.
Freight Train leaves Columbus at 8:40 am,
Arrives at 8:27 p in,
D. H. CRAM. Sup’t & Eng:
ag27lß64—tf _ _ _*
CMAVGK or scnuiixs.
Gixabd. Ala., Oct 7,1364,
OH aid ait sr aC’tii tnst. Trains or, this Road iHSI
Run Daily (Sunday excepted,) as follows:
Fasscue'cr Train.
; Leave Girard i 30 p. m.
t 4 rrl ve in Union Springs 600 “
i Leave Union Springs 5 35 a. m.
j Arrive in Girard at 10 00 “
Freight Train.
- Leave Girard at......... 4 00 a. m.
| Arrive ih Girard at 6 00 p. m.
j agi3 ts Eng. & Sup't.
THE following articles of HARDWARE,
which we will exchange for
or any other articles of provisions—or for Con
federate Currency, vii:
Oar Iron of alt Sizes,
| suitable for Plantation use,
i Sugar Mills and Kettles,
| of different sizes,
Horse Shoeing and plantation work of all kiads ;
; manufactured to order. Orders for Castings and
! Machine work promptly executed.
apl 1 tt L. HAIMAN & BR.O.
For Bale by
apl 1 ts
Bacon or Oom.
apl 1 ts L. HAIMAN & BRO.
Cotton Carets
To Exchange for
I By L. HdIMAR & Blto.
]?*'« t _ .
<;Rl\ r FACTORY.
inarch 12 ts
Exchanged for Country Produce,
march 12 ts
Anxious to Sell Immediately
Ist a small HOUSE and LOT. of ten acres, in An
burn. Lot already planted in corn and well ma
nured. Three finished rooms, in a convenient lo
cality aUd good neighborhood.
2d 2UO acres of Pine Land, eight miles below and«
bm a-on the road to Society Hill. Seventy acre*
open land, common improvements. Cheap l
I must sell quick! Call on me at Auburn, Al*.
mar lSjf _ WM. F. SAMFORD
Columbus. Ga., April 8, 1865, J
PUE following articles will be exchanged for pro
-1 vuior sos «:! kinds, corn, forage and for cash
vi 7.:
Assorted bar iron.
Plantation iron,
Sugar mills-
Sugar andaalt kettles.
Horseshoe iron.
Nail rods.
Sp ke rods.
Mill gearing.
Castings of all kinds either of brass or iron.
Engine—machine and mill work executed with
dispat h upon reasonable terms. . .
Orders for the exchange of provisions will oe re
ceived by Mr. J. Ennis, No. 95, Broad street.
Applications for work required should be made U
Supt, 8. J. Whiteside at the works. .„ ..
J. H. WAtvniiCtt,
*p9-tf Chief Eng. C, S. N.