Newspaper Page Text
l.mOB I of our
“litre TRUTH unlicew'd relngs,
And dart accost e'en kings themselves,
...Of rulers of the free."
~ milledggville'T
Tuesday, January 9, 1810.
Tlie Commi/fioners of Mint,
v'iUe have appointed AlexanderJ
At Ulan Secretary, James Re I
Treafurer. Harris Allen Marfli
7. Whitney Clerk of the Marke
and honor of America.—Their
names ought and fnall he held up to
general deteftation and ftand recor
ded in the annals of Congrefs as
enemies to their country.
Strength of the People.
Religious Intelligence.—
ing friend has furnifhed
of the Argus with the following
of the Rations of thc^Jreachers, for
the prefent year, yfthin the bounds
of the Southerp/Conferrence.
Lovick Fierce, Prefiding Elder.
Appalc.chie...Coleman Harwell, John
S Ford A JohnB Glenn
Ero idRivcr..Q{boT \ Rogers & Dun
can King
Alcofahatthc. John Henning and Mo-
fes Andrew.
Spar ta District.
Jofeph Tavpley, Piefiding F.lder.
Alilledgeville. .Samuel Mills, & Alex
ander M'Ewin
WAR. We do not believe we
all have war with Great-Britain,
twithftanding fome of the federal 1
inGft that our government is
ed on hoftilities. If war i
refolved on, fo much pro- ,
and fo many opportunities J
refufal to have any further ! for it have been given, that we ,
munication-with Mr. Jackfou, * fhould have long fince been involved I
the Yazoo claims—a motion | in it. But peace is our policy and
We have fullered, and we
s *th>
been princ-ips
fubjed of M
efolution relative to the Pre
Britain or France from entering
the harbors of the United States,
fubjed to certain fpecified ex
The 3d fe&ion prohibits all
veffels failing under the flag of
Great Britain or France, or
owned in whole or in part by
any citizen of either, from enter
ing the harbors of the United
\a»ks. The national
to 1T f* ans *‘ avc ^ een c ' 1 ^*
' and their places fup-
troops of the line of
garrifon. Mr. Adair,
inglifh minidcrat Conflan-
has demanded of the
an Porte a free paflage to
lack Sea for F.ngiand an l
lies, which has-been refu
* r r L- ,1
, in confequence of whic V
A. was preparing to lea\ e
was made on the 27th Dec. that the
committee rife and report their a-
greement to the refolution, which
was carried 54 to 35, Mr. Liver
more moved to pofipone the confe
deration of refolution indefinately,
this motion occafioned confiderable
debate and no dccifion had taken
place on the 29th—the Yazoo clai
mants pray for a compromife, &c.
on the quefiion of referring it to the
committee of claims MeflVs. Bibb &
Troup did juftice to their condim
ents by oppofing the reference ;
Dr Bibb in the courfe of the debate
obferved that he was confident the
prayer of the claimants would not
be granted ; we pubiiih the yeas and
Sparta James Hunter and John nays on this queftion that our fel-
S. Capers
IVafhingtan...Charles Fifhcr.
Ocnsu/gec ... .Benjamin Dulany.
St. Marys...John vollenfworth and
Drury Powell.
Ohoopie... ....Jofeph Saltenfiall.
Tombigbee. Michael Burge & John
Kennon, Miflionaries.
OftEcnEE District.
Lewis Myers, Piefiding Elder.
Aug if a Abda Chriflian.
Little River.. James Rufleil and John
Warren...,. Epps Tucker & Henry
D. Green.
Louifville.. ..Hilliard Judge 8c John
Savannah John M‘Vean.
Saluda District.
Reddick Pierce, Piefiding Elder.
low citizens mayjfce all our Tlepre-
i fentatives are at their pofi and de
claring their fentiments on this im
portant quefiion.
i YEAS—Meffrs, Anderfon, Ba-
I con, Blaifdell, Boyd, Breckenridge,
i Campbell, J C Chamberlain, W
j Chainbctlin, Champion,Chittenden,
1 Cutts, Dana, Devenport, Ely,
1 Emott, Findly, Fific, Gannett, Gard
ner, Goldfborough, Gold, Hale,
Haven, Heifter, Helms, Howard,
, Hubbard, H Jackfon, Lewis, Liver
more, LivingRon,Matthews, MtKee
Miller, Milnor, Morrow, Mofcly,
our aim.
had better fuller, many eviis, much
degradation and lofs of national hon
or, than involve ourfelves in a con-
teft of which the courfe would be
ruinous and the end in fome degree
uncertain. This we believe to be
the fenfe of the yeomanry of the
country ; although at times the in
dignant fpirit of freemen revolts at
the infults and outrages we fuRain,
and fcorns the miferiy calculations
of pecuniary intereft and philofophi-
cal eRimates of the lofs ai*d gain of
human life and comfort.
Not that we think our govern
ment will bear every thing, more.
We have no fuch idea. But we ex
pert, on the difplay of a temperate
determination on our part, to fee the
Britilh government recede from the
' ground it has taken, its envoy Jack-
j foil recalled, his patron Canning dif-
' graced, his predeceffor Erfkino jus
tified and applauded by his country,
ami a miniRry eRablifhed in Englartu
(more efpecially fitice tlie fu’ojuga-
tion of AuRria, and failure of the
Britifh expeditions to Holland, Spain
and Portugal) which will amicably
compromife the differences with the
United States. Thefe are our im-
preffions-, though we cannot look
for a permanent fettlement of all
Newbokl, Pitkin, P B Porter, Quin- points in difpute between the two
cy, Root, Rofs, Sheffey, Southard, countries, until a general peace takes
.. .William M. Kennedy,
Thus. Mafon and P.ich.
mond Nolley
,.Thomas Hearthcock t<
Robert L. Kennon
...William Scott and Ur
ban Cooper.
BuJ/sRivcr... John Porter and Chrif-
tian II. Rumph.
Keoviee Robert Edwards
f, Ready River..Charles l. Kennon
Enoree... JejTe Stanfell and Davis
B. WimMrly.
Stedman, Stcphenfon, Sturgcfs, place in Europe.
towoope, Tallmadge Tliompfon,
Tracy, Turner, Upham, Van Renf
In the mean while, as Mathew
Lyon fays, the 4*u er >c an nation is
fellaer, Weakley, Wheaton, Whit- young and requires growth. Every
man, Wilfon.—(50.
NAYS—Meffrs L J AI Ron, W
AlRon, Bard, Bafl'ett, Bibb, J
year of our existence enables us to
affumc a higher tone, and demand
with more boldnefs the reparation of
Brown, R Brown, Butler, Calhoun, injuries and exercife of rights we
Clay, Cobb, Cochran, Cox, Craw
ford, Cnfi, Dawfon, Deflia, Eppes,
Franklin, Gardenier, Gholdfon,
Coodwyn, Gray, HuRv, Kenan,
Kennedy, Lyle, Macon, Marion,
M'Bryde, M‘Kim, Montgomery, N
R Moore, T Moore, Nelfon, New
ton, Nicholfon, Pearfon, Rea,
are not now in a fituation to coer
Thefe are faffs notorious to the
world, and exhibitno pufillanimity
in their avowal. When the fpirit
of a weak nation goes beyond its
Rrength ruin is often the confe
quence—what madnefs, but Britilh
intrigue, incited Sweden to go to
sL.Gleen, Nicho- (^) Richards, Roane, Sage, Sam- war with Rullia ? The Rrength and
mons. SpliVPf. Sniplf. SrnillA. G romr f«» f t-lin ITnitorl fvtol orn
mons, Seaver, Smelt, Smilie, G
Smith, Stanford, Stanley, Taylor,
i'^oup, Van Horn, Whirehill and
YV uiic^ioon—56. Majority
las Fov
tmbia ...Jofeph Travis.
Caividen District-
jiiel Afuui y, Prefiding Elder.
John Hill and James Ca
i. .Samuel Dunwody.
re. .Thomas D. Gleen and
William Capers.
Bladen ^ V .William Talley and Na
Brunfwick than Kimball.
knthouy Senior.
Wihnmgtod JJai^jqbnttoii Jones & John
Catawba^ 1cs Norton
Jonathan Jackfon». tt hew P.Sturdivant.
combe..... Roberta J') strict.
■under ^ Prefiding Elder.
rgdpton...Jeff- Ki»b Porter £c Alex- But if, on the contrary, we have the
When we obfi-rve the names of
Pickering, Loyd, Hillhouse and Good
rich, oppofed to Mr. Giles’refolu
tion, we are naturally led, to en
quire into their motives for giving
fuch a vote If upon the enquire
we are convinced, that their condu£l
capac.ty of the United States arc
well known. Nothing but our na
val weuktiefs has prevented our de
claring war againR Great-Britain.
Of this file is well convinced, or
Rie would never have proceeded to
the exccfs of violence and injufiice
towards us which Rie has. And lhe
is equally fenfible, too, of our
Rrength and advantages on land, -and
the danger of her American pofTef-
fions, or Rie would not have Ropped
in her career of aggreflions where
Rie has—the feenes of Copenhagen
5th No
a Frenc
fliips of
frigates I
being of
gage the]
ters with
ing to be
them to
We It
[ port of l\
, to Amerit^
! when the,
is dictated by the purefi patriotifm, ,. woula bee f re-aded in the ca
ve are bound as candid and reafona- P ,ca ' New-York. Yet lhe has
ble men, to bellow upon them all 8 one to fai, and mufi retreat her
due praife and ackuowUdgment. d c ps. of Mr. Eitkinc
muR be fulfilled, as a preliminary
Rock)' RivJ
; ^ m a
K Hjr-
d r ev f^ ' rl ilon and
..Wley hbs.
We>^‘Wny and
rntob Ruiambling.
C Hilwick and
| John Ganv
.'homns\pril!k Whit-
^TruRcer cf Colum'i
/f. (South vJarolina) have i
RrongcR evidence to prove their condition to future negociations
I wilful oppofnicm to a neceflary and °. r ^ ie . word may follow. We bc-
patviottc mcafure. if we are led by ^| eve it will be fulfilled. Om mea-
evident fufpicions to believe their CT ^ orcee ^ forbearance being
attachment to foreign policy, we ex ^ ai 'deand Butilh arms foiled m
muR plainly and unequivocally con- every European cindiprize, fhe mutt
demn their vote as highly unworthy j y ie U tn Uich terms of corrmromife,
of the reprefentatives cf a free and
honorable nation. At the prefent,
awful crifis, when a combination of
on tlVUev. I-Ienrt Holc^ 01 '
36 a tribute of T c,jf-
■'■i i J, virtues and eniine*"
03 1,1 ^raufeoftheGofpeU
Columbian Alufuut.
THE NEWS-Freni onr a«e„.
jVu .ids. Lapt. Cobb and DoCk-r
nelt, we received, o-i S,u„l
; u ^ ts Waflnngton C , v ,n
' haW? ‘ aduces. Rie li'onora
; ha ^., I ai l, toc-k,his feat in ,
‘ ire on rhe ;:6*h.
to fo d:(,K
unfortunate circumRances point in
evitably to war, unanimity in the
great councils of the nation is ab r t
lutely indifpenfiblc.—All party fpiri-
ought to ceafe, and individual opin
ion fhould give way to the fafety of
the public. No‘doubt, foreign na
tions will rely much upon our l)o-
metlic broils. The peace and tran
quility of the country therefore de
uced on the unanimity andlirmnef3
*.fCongrefs. When then we dif-
® l .ver men violently oppofed to the
^“ceedings of the adniiniRraticn,
1 v ig a decided negative to every
uion propofed for adoption, le-
' e C6, g die hoRilepneafures of for-
iy, ac
■ims lest in t | )e
Tong refs have
n tu ti,e j
c mind, w
the l’ub-,ti 0 i l8) endciwouring to fow
and confent to fuch terms of re-
drefa, as will combi to fave our
wounded honor and promote the
national intcreR, by avoiding war,
and effecting at leaR a temporary
House of Representatiucs.
December 19.
and divifion in
mufi denounce
to the liberty
Mr Macon, from the com
mittee on fo much of the Mef-
lage of the PrtTident of the U.
States as relates to our Foreign
Relations, reported a bill ref-
pefting rfie commercial inter-
courfe between theUnited States
anti Great-Britain and France ;
and for other purpofts.
[The lit feftionprohibits all
public vdlds belonging to G.
The 4th feftion prohibits the
mportation into the TJ. States
of goods from Great Britain or
! Ireland, and France, and their
I colonies ; or of goods from any
j foreign port which are the
! growth, produce or manufacture
j of G. Britain or Fi ance ; unlefs
in v- ift-ls owned wholly by citi
zens cjf'the United States,
j Tlie above provifions to take
i immediate effect.
J The 5th leftion prohibits af
ter the 15th of Aprii next the
importation, of goods from G.
Britain and France and their
colonies unlefs imported dired-
ly therefrom.
Tlie 6th, 7th and 8th Se&ions
affix penalties to the infraction of
thefe provifions.
The 9th fed ion authorifes the
Prefldent in cafe either France
or Great-Britain {hall fo revoke
or modify her edids, as that they
(hall ceale to violate the neutral
commerce of the United States
to declare the fame by procla
mation, after which the prohi
bitions of this adion the com
merce of th* nation fo doing
fliall ceafe.
The 11 th fedion repeals tlie
ad to amend and continue in
force certain parts of the ad en
titled an ad to interdid the
commercial intercourfe between
the United States and G. Britain
and France and their dependen
cies and for other purpofes. i Confinae*
The 12th fedion limits this " '
ad to the end of the next feflion i gy
of Congrefs.] from Dieppe, v
The Will- waA-Tead a fecond a { \\ e of the p ar \
time, referred tola committee of 2 6th of Od. but
the whole, and made the order ] u ninterefting
of the day for Friday next. j dent at p ar j s infoi 1
j date of the 27th, t
Peace between France and ror Napoleon was
Auffiia was figned on the 14th let out for Spain.
Od. Bohaparte left Schoen-
brunn oa^the 15th. The for-
tifications tvhich fnvround Vien
na are to be entirely railed. The
Ruffian army of Moldavia has
gained fome advantages over the
l urks By the capitulation of State
Middleburg the Englifh promif- j
ed to rtfped property of all 1
kinds. — As ufual, in violation
of this they have feized all the
Tea, and Spires in the ware-
houfes of the Dutch Eafl India
company, and in thole of indi
viduals, and expofed them at
public audion The inhabitants
of Walcheren have refolved not
to purchafe a Angle article, not-
withffanding the high price tea
bears in Holland. But one fale
has been made. The purchafer
is treated with univerfal difdain,
and the Englifh have been oblig- J Brethren
ed to fufpend the fales. 100,000
men are laid to remain in Auf
tria until a general ptace. 1 he
port of Antwerp is to be confi-
derably enlarged ; Additions
are to be made to the fortifica
tions at Oflend. Moravia has
l * i evacuated by the French
anJ occupied by the Auftrians.
The clofing of the ports of
Sweden was publicly announced
in hand bills at Stockholm, dat
ed 12th Od John Q. Adams
and family have arrivetfat Elfi-
neur. It appears, that in addi
tion to his million to Ruflia, he
is charged with a fpecial million
to Copenhagen, but not in the
Jackson style. In confequence
of the peace between Sweden &
Ruflia, the price of tea at Co
penhagen iuddenly fell from 21
the {hip Telegraph, Capt.
arrived at New-York,
,ondon papers of that
p the 14th of November
ived. They furnifh very
[iportant intelligence. It^
determined to evacuated
ren ; there was oi report
efeat of the Toulon fleet;
ch forces under Mar-
y in Spain have been de-
i\vith a lofs of 1,000 men.
Philadelphia, Dec. 22.
apt. Sherman of the fhip
•, we learn, that on the,
ember advices were re- \
Lifbon, from Admiral
(ooJ, announcing that
fleet, confifting of 16
the line and as many
d pafled the ftraits of
dei*ination unknown.
1 Collingwood, not
fufficient force to en-
a, had^ifpatched cut-
Ppy R,
ve receiyl
Argus to tf
y are wholly
L ir correfpon-
ts us, under
at the Empe-
reparing to
li France/
es fror
The brig IJJ
captain Freeman,
has brought dejl
Gen. Armflrongi
in Paris, to the/
veiling the 27th
county,' - Mr.
Mifs MAR
daughter of
the e
feat in
oral Am
i remain^
;r’s Day.
ning of tf
urke count)!
A HAM Jack|
r rth
were ir.tcrreJ
in mafouic oil
reat fillenmity. Til?
ighboi/s and Acquain)
ed tl/eir fynipathetiiT
riofeof/the afflided rela|
/jdeceVfid. He was
l>p in tnariners, benevev
f/Ofitioin, and of good url
• t which made him acc’.f
t f/p 1 fm the tranfadiot, |
if -.f 1 the various ofiicil
tances mif/^ 'jiim, both of a civil
tears withl/y Tire, he rendered grel
tives of ir'Myl The Inhabitants
perfon affl 0 J>ity will doubtlefs lamei|
lente in <(j ,/;f ft ufeful a member
derRan^jfj-,/VT It is believed lie dii
ut.—Louisville Gazette,J
Death...During a I.c
30tb ult. at
son, in the
his age. H
on New-Ye,
der, with
Michaels, in Ta
and, on the 10a