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"""fa/iiitiit jitA^
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mi published (weekly) by dpxxis scan.
**i\i TrwH*rn*w#w<M«^8»w*«»JWBBW.
The following are the gentlemen
whole names have been mentioned
as cntululates lor the 12th Cmigrefs,
at the entiling elc&ion in OtloDer.
Dr. Wiliam W. Bibb,
Of Wilkes
Col. Geo. M. 'Troup,
Of Montgomery.
Capt. Howell (’obb,
Of Baldwin
Mij. *fas.lZ. Houston,
Of M'Intofh.
Dolling Hall, Esq.
Of Hancock
Hoh'd Forsyth, Esq.
Of Richmond.
Maj. Elijah Clark,
Of Baldwin.
Jesse Hatton, Esq.
Of Laurens.
Hohn Elliott, Esq.
K-yter.’xstr'rn »>***»•• r«wf*» t-tT” :*'«*««*
Stanford, £? Co.
Have juft received, and are now (pen
i ii at thnr Store otX Wayne Sh eet,
nearly opp fte the Jail. HillcdgeviU
a U.1XD60 vr.
Afibrtment of Goods,
Among which are the following
Articles :—
Superfine blank, blue & bottle
green Broad Cloths ; do. black
bine, bottle green, light mixed
& drab Gafliineres ; Leno, feed
ed and book Mullins ; whim h
black Cambrirks •, 4-I frifli Liu-
nens ; 7 8 and 4-4 Cotton Shirt
mgs ; Crtllicoes & minted Cam
bric:;; black Luteflrings ; fan y
and white Marfruhes ; L’mk. y
Red Yarn ; blue and y How
Nankeen ; black IT it Lining ;
Galloon Binding ; 7 8 an ' f) 4
Dimities ; Bn-larma. lY falona
& Madras H.mdkerr! i- IT ; Pa-
vilion Gauz*; cotton TI• • fi ri s;
Writing and Wiping Paper;
Cotton Cards, N° K) iup-aor
quality; Pan falls Side h Cot
ton U.nhnllas ; Bonnets ; Loaf
and Brown Sugar ; C lx Ik t,
Pepper, Spice, Brimfimm, Shoe-
Titrea 1 ; a hand four ■ r-florlment
of figured, gilt an I plated Coat
fcBtrto is; Lee’s Pills and Patent
M -d,i cines.
I Augufl 22. 21 -tf
rhe Subfcribcrs,
R E TtTRM tlicir thanks to their
friends arftl cuflomers for the
liberal fupport they have had m the
Factorage if Cvnmijfun Line,
j an.) would beg leave to recommend
| ro their friendfliip, Mr. HENRY H
i MOUNTGER, who has lived with
| them for fev -ral years, and they
I take pleafure in announcing to their
j friends, that they have the fulled
confidence in him, and doubt not
! but he will do juilice to thole who
may entrust their bufinef3 to his
St urges. Burroughs c df Butler.
Savannah, May 24, 10—’f
lFa£torage © Commis
sion lUisineoS.
rTT^ITE Snhfcriber will enter into
1 _g_ the above line of bufinefs, in
1 the Store it prefen t occupied hv
: Mrjfrs. Sturgtn, Burroughs and Bat
h r. on the full of July next, and io-
ilieits a fliare of the bufinefs of Ins
j friends and the public.
Henry 11. Moungrr.
Savannah, May 24. 10—tf
Swords hj Epaulets.
The fubferibers have for fate, a
hindfome afibrtment of Epaulets
and a few Officers Swords.
Devenaux & Thwcait
!VT tv 1 0. t Si ) f ) 7- ! f
U O M L b P U x\ T .
r U^UF. fubferibers will purchafe
|_ I’WO L'HOUSAND yards
IIO UESPUN, Seven-Eighths ot a
yard wide, and itriped in the warp;
for which goods at a fair price will
be given in exchange.
Divtrsux ' Tv
May ! j
Admhiiflratoi : s Sale.
IV 1 L L B E S 0 J. D,
igre.ible to an order of the ton. In
ferior court of I.aniens county, on
the fir ft Tuejday in September next
at the plantation of the late Travis
Fenn, dec.
All the Perfonal Kftatc
Of faid doc. confining of Hoitf-
hold and Kitchen Furniture, Black-
fmith’s Tools, &c. fold for the be
nefit of the heirs and creditors —
l'erma made known on the day of
Mary Fern. Adm’trix.
IVm. Hawthorn. Ailm’r.
Ju’v 25. 17-ttL«f
ESWBCaPU?: i'4W.r»if«rci:t
mV rati.
iT’S F
ALL perlons tnv
bat k,
i! f
ting on
at my
Adininijlrater s Sale.
Agreeable, to an order of the hon.
Inferior court of Oglethorpe, on
the f'Jl Luc ft ay of Sift, next,
at Lexington,
An ti ulivided third of
Goo' Acres of Land;
Lying on Brufitv creek, in Jack-
ion county ; ami one Lot of Land,
N’ 194., in the 20th di(tri£l of Wil-
kinfnn •, being the real ellate of Ifai-
ab John don, d. c fold for the bene
fit of the heirs and creditors of faid
dec Twelve months credit will be
given, the purchafir giving approv
ed fecurity
Patton Wife, Adtu’r.
July 25. 17-ids
Admi/ijlratot 's Said.
On Saturday the jirjl dayoj Sef>fen:aer
tu'sl, there will be f r >lj, at the Life
dwelling huuje vj Win, 11 til, dec. tf: e
Folio wing Property,
Viz. Horfcs, Cattle, a Waggon,
Hogs, £<c Sale to commence at e-
loveti o’clock, a. M. Conditions of
falc, made known on the day.
Lydia Lid, Adm’trix.
Mops Sfcar, A dm’.
July 11. 15-tds
D E 1) A T E
[CONI I'lUtri J
Mr. Troth' faid ho forebore
at prefent going into the qtiellion
of coiiftitutionality. Ileli.ul no
idea that he could, with any ef
ficacy whatever, Panel up on thi:;
floor, with fue.h a weapon as an
argument, to contend v, illt a mo
nied inllitution of ten millions i
If I am not dilpol'eci to go into j
the general qtt- flion of cortfiitu-;
tionality, 1'aiu he, 1 am as certain
ly indifpofed to derive thispow-l
er from the power tn jids all
laws necefl'ary and proper. I ami
the more rtludlant to do fo, be- j
caufe it is a dang; rou.'. powi r, S: l
ought not to be derived by im ;
I plication. I
| is dangerous, for if it be eonce
1 ded that the CougrtL’ of the U.
i S. have a right to ere ft a moni-
J ed imfitutiou with a capital ol
! ten or twenty millions, it is cotn-
1 peter.' to err ft one wiili a capi
; rai of a hundred millions. It
may be competent therefore to
iloo i tit t we will con,, me to
f liter it as our chief nat’onal re-
lourcc Having ionc with inter
nal & direft taxes of all deferipti-
mis, becaufe we confi.iered tit, m
oppreflive, thi; fale privi
will be made the chi.t national
I will add but one thing. The
moment you arc- pt this 1,250,-
000 dollars, you are bribed in
the tame manner an the Bntifh
Parliament have fullered tlr- vi-
felves to be corrupted LAn
them we not only fliv.nclul.y
partake of the cri tic, but on our
Ih'nte book acknotvledgu the
Mr Key fai! that to h’m it.
clearly aopeared .vithin the pow
er and limit of the coufliuition
y that the power j t( > efiablilh a ban;;, if nca llbry,
for the collection of the revenue.
; Wlu ther neecfl'iiy or not, (faiil
j lie) is a qu-.-flion on which geri-
j tie mm mult make tip their
infolds ; it would be onlv an un-
ncccflary wade of time to argue
it at length. My ideas on this
fubjt'ff, which I have nev r be
fore delivered to the Houle, rro
the Lf. Slates to ratle a corpora
tion more powerful than itfelf—
a monied inllitution which may
i abforb all the powers ol the Hate.
: And this principle as a precedent
j will be the more dangerous in
i thi i cafe, becaule the temptation
1 is fo much greater irt propoitioa
1 to the amount cf capital 1 do
j contend that if the coidlitution
1 did intend to grant the power of
chartering monied inflitutions, it
did not intend to grant it for the
purpoles of fpeculation and ef
lpeculalion merely. Sell privi
leges ! Sell .or 1,250,000 dels,
the t'xelulive privilege oi taking
ufurious imetedi: on money ! I
power ol
M tr«
for nail price.
Tbaddeus Holt.
10 1010. 50—tf
BCCS Wax—The fit
ferih. r ; wifh to purchale 2000lb
of BcTS WAX, for which
twenty cents a pou
be given.
1 ne fit i- I
mnd calls will
February 12.
to 5 Thwealt.
, NO T 1 C E
HE Suhrcnber refpefltally in- % tX pcffon - ,| u£ Iiave
forms Ills friends ami the pub-
Adiniu'jlrators Said.
On the jirfl Treflay in October next,
on the public /quarc in the toivn
of Mnd if in,
Lot Number 258,
In die fourth <hUriel: of formerly
Baldwin now Morgan county, it be
ing the real efl ite of David Weak :,
dec. Hold for the benefit of the hen s
and creditors Terms of Sale will
be made known on the day by
Sampfon Gibfon, Adm’r.
plain and fimple. I know no
how far thev ttny appear f > ti
others ; but I will oxpla"
as they occur to me.
We need not look to the con’
dilution always for prev’d,.- ti rms
to jullifv an exercife of power,
becaufe it is but an mumi■nitnui
of fidl principles. All we 1v:vq
to do is to examine wheriv. r, in
what we do, we fall wi’iiln the
plain meaning of the confiituti-
on In the enumeration of fpe-
cific powers given to Cong: is
by this inflrumcnt, the ft: ft is to
lay and cobetl taxes. IF tc is e.
clear unequivocal grant of pow-
thought, fir, that the power ol j er to lay taxes, impofis and ex-
fftliug priviieg-.s and indulge'it- cifes In conitruing the general
CtS was cxcluliv ly the right & power, afterwards given, to iinke:
power of the Tope. I afk gen- , all laws neccfthry h proper, he.
tit-men on what authority they ! the found cdnliruction is to rt fer
to the powers previonfly given *
lie,"that lit! has taken the building
LtelyercfT'd by capt. Thoma* front
ing the Public Square, Mtt.I.cnnii
v,,lit, fir opened a boufe for l’UB-
X5IC EN 1'ERT .IN' .MEN Land will
jnake every exertion to fuitthe wtlh-
ec cf gentlemen who will favor him
with a call.—He iafupplied with the
bell articles the country will pro
duce, lias fume choice Liquors —
Articles to completely furnifh bis
Jteufe in a handfonte (tvle, are Ibort-
expo fled from New 'i ork, and be
will then receive fuch additional
ylies as will enable him to fuit the
tafle of everv perfon who will favor
him witlt their commands.
Thomas C. Collier.
Augud fl. 10-tf
June 20.
N 0 T I C E.
1 for building the Mcthojjl |
Ite.di'ie. Houfe in MiHedgevillc, are !
rcquelled t.> make immeiliate pay- j
meat; as the Commiffi mots are now I
fued forth; balance of the monev,
j they will be tinder the difagreeable
neceffity ofcomniencintr foils a pain (t |
all that does not avail thcmfelves
of this notice.
June 20. 12—tf
Kxecutor’s ^ale.
On the 1 Pth Srptanbir next, at the
Plantation of John F Flournoy dec.
la te of Pit f until county.
One HOR.SK, a number of
the property of faid doceafid.—
Twelve months credit will be
given the purchsfer giving bond
TMmv abfence Mr Frederick San- with approved lei ui itv.
3 ford will attend to any bufinefs Mary Flournoy, ,Lx’trix.
of mine relative to the ettateql bran- gfc/ Flournoy,^ y-
cis Sayre, dec. and Mr. .Samuel S. "John H. Pefcy, \
Steele will attend to the concern of | Auguft 2U. 21—tds
Jbcvuxux ttf dhweatt.
A. M. Dcvcrcux.
X Aurmfl - 1 18"tL
For Sale at this Office.
AhIm'mjhvtier's Said,
win. be sot.d,
Agreeable to an order of the honorable
the Inferior court of Warren county,
on the fi ft Tuefday in Otl.h r next,
at the court-henfe of faid county,
One Tract of Land ;
Containing 260 acres in faid coun
ty, joining John l’arham and others,
it being the read eflate ol Robert
Jinkins. dec. Sold for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors of faid dec.
Terms of fale fifteen months credit
by giving bond and approved fecu-
Robert 7in hi ns, ,
.- •, ., > Aunt rs.
Anfom had, 3
July IS. 16—tds.
For sale or rent,
The HOUSE and LOT, in
the lower cud of Me town ol
Milledgeville formerly occupi
ed by Allen Greene. Terms
may be known by applying to
Judkins Hunt.
I aft ? On none of morality cer
tainly—but on what authority ?
On that ot the corrupt govern
ment of England. Servile imi
tators of England, we muff have
! a national bank ! And why not
an Eaft India company? We
could fell a charter to morrow
; for millions. We could fell
chartered privileges for a!molt
1 as much as w e fiiould chufe to
I a Ik 11 we become the retailers
j ol privileges, we iludl go on to
1 fell them till we overdo the bufi-
; nefs ; and when this great na
tional fourcc of revenue, after
becoming our chief and only re
fource, had failed, to what re-
fources for revenue fhouid we be
u not a very ration-
one of which is, as I have Rated,
to lay and coliecl taxes The
mode by which they are collect
ed is not dblignated in the in lini
ment. We have authority i.iven:
us to make uli laws necxfl .ry and.
proper to carry tht-le p -weit. in
to ft. The power of laying
and colleCling taxes is fpeciii dal
ly given ; but the mode is not
Hated. To collect is not mere
ly the individual receipt but the
lubfinntial colleftfon into the
Treafuty. It does not (imply
give power to the collector of a
port to receive the r- venue, but
a power to collate the revenue
into a general depofit or focus.
Is then a bank infiitiition necef-
Ini y in tile judgment ot gentle
men to draw together wii’u great
er facility & I- !’; cn(t fhefe taxe ?
If there are th il'e who think fi>,
al inference, that it will lie to
the fale of all privileges we can
dtnve front ihe conilimtion a
power to difpole of ? If, fir, on
any occafion you would let up we can be at ro Irfs to find ex-
in the market privileges for fale * prefs authority for it. We have .1
to the hi-htlt bidder, even do fo 1 light to lay the taxes—the man-
with rdpect to priviliges of eve ner of levying or coilefling them,
ry defeription. You would no is not pnfciibed ; and when
more hefitate to fi t lor Idle privi lodged in tl o hand# of the dill\ r-
leges of nol iiity than this j tivi- ; ent collectors, hew they are to
leg'—but (I thank my God !) ! come into the common cxche*
the coTiflitution has prohibited ! quer is no where dci’ciibed. H
you. But for that, we (hould !
fill tliein now as we do bank j
privilege* ; we fliould go on to
make it cur thief refoure-.* lid bv j
the chcapnclg of the title v.e 1
fliould d.'flroy the value of tlie
trade. If we cjn draw money
into tlie Ert afury by bargain and
laic of privileges, ltt it Le under-
the infirumentality oi a bank ne-
ct flaiy lor the more fpeedy ami
lefs expenfive. colli elion of the
revenue ? If it be, all vvho think
fo are in my opinion conlti'uti-
onally juliilied, in voting lor a
1:> all this I fay nothing of the
opinion cf leariivui men < n tin