Georgia Argus. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1808-1816, September 12, 1810, Image 4

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    Sheriffs Sale.
Cn thi firjl Tuefday in Ofhbcr next,
in the Twn of Eaten, on,
One Negro Boy
Named Ned, about 17 years of |
age,- A’.fo one Bay liorfe about fix j
y ears old •, levied on as the proper
ty of Henry Putnam to fatisfy Rich- j
ard f»I. Stites, Truftee of Thomas j
— a L s n—
202 1-2 Acres of Land, N° .'5,
in the 3d did:riel of Baldwin now
Putnam county, on Murder creek ;
levied on as the property of Hugh
Kail, to fatisfy tlie (late of Georgia.
- a I. s o —
Two Fraflional Surveys of Land,
N" 221 and 223, in the 11th diftridt
of Baldwin now Putnam county, ad-
joining Alien J. Whatley ; levied
on as th.e property of Willis Cooper
to fatisfy John C. Mafon. Condi
tions cafh.
Wm. Varner, Sli’IF.
Auguft 21). 23-tiis
£ " A HOUSE .-nil
h; . *; half acre Lot fitU-
P‘«*iasrfi? al ated on \1 ayne
C '-...eS?:; J* Sireet near the.
Market, at prefent occupied by 1
Dr. Wilfon—Alfo a Houfe and j
half acre lot, joining the above
—For terms apply to McfiVs.
Mill Iff Ponce of Augufta, or to '
A. M. Devereux.
Milledgeville, 15th March, 1810.
Military Schools.
N conformity to the “ A£l for tJie
cftablifhnicnt and fupport of
Military Schools,” the Exercifes
for the inflruftion of Officers, &c.
will commence at Eatonton on Wed-
nefday the 19th of September, and
end nn Friday the 28th :—Likewife
at Elberton commencing on Thurf-
Will be Sold,
Agreeable to an order /ibfclute, made
by the Honorable Inferior Court oj
tianccck county, on Monday the 1 7ta
of September, at the Market-houfe
in Milledgeville. precifely at if o -
cloch, iwithout refcr-jc,
Two Improved Lots;
One lying on the coiner of Jcf-
ferfonand M'Intofh Hreefs, know in
the plan of faid town by N° 3 in
fquare 29...on which is a good two
(lory houfe ; the other on the corner
of Wafhington and Liberty ftrects,
known in the plan of faid town by
Lot N° 2, in fquare 29—on which
is a good framed houfe—belonging
to the eftate of John Comer, dec —
Terms of fale made known on the
Bolling Ha!!, ? Adm , n
Leo. Abercrombie, \
September 5 23-b
Executive Department Georgia. j
Milledgeville, 25th Aug. 1810.
i'hat WeJnefday the 14th day of
November next be, and is hereby af-
ftgned for the trial of the following
Caveats for Land in the county of
Washington, to wit
Mild) edge Pace, appellant
Pace, appellant)
inille, refpond't j
Francis Tinnit __ _
For 500 Acres on Gum Creek,
joining Mackeys, Bnyakins ft vacant
Mildredge Pace, appellant 7|
Francis Tennille, refpond't, ^
500 Acres, on Blulf creek, join
ing the above, Evan’s, and vacant
SherifFs Sale Poftpon’d , dll L the 4th ofoaober, and_ending
On the firjl Tucfdny in ofldnr next,
at the Market-Houfe in the town of
]ijilhdy : evil/e,betweenthe ufualhours,
i ^ Acres of Land,
With a goou Grift Mill there
on ; I, vie^ on as the property of
Jeremi It Burner to fatisfy an
execution in favor of Batholo
mew Longino, vs faid Jeremiah
Bontu r and Abram Borland.
Conditions Cafli.
C i\tu r phy, n. s.
September 5 23—tds
Executor’s bale.
IV l L J. B E S 0 L D,
On the firjl Tuefday in October next,
at the Court-hoy e in the Town of
Lite undivided half of
2 - o Acres of Land,
I i Hancock county, on Swift j ] ett( g nn p commifTions; and all of-
on Saturday the 13th All Officer!
attending thefe inftitutions, will ap
pear drefled in (hott deep blue jackets
(with Handing capes) & pantaloons,
white veils, black (locks and black
boots, or lpatterdaflies. As tents or
huts will be provided, it is expedit'd
that every officer will attend prepar
ed, to encamp upon the ground, in
a regular manner. Cavalry Officers
and Soldiers in their undrefs, and
properly equipped, will receive iu-
itrutlionsin the exercifes fuitable to
their Corps —The Rules and Re
gulations, for the government and
obfervance of the officers while in
Camp, will be made known in due
time :—At prefent however, it is to
be underftood, that no Officer will
be permitted to join in the Exercifes
and Trainings, without a due and
conflant attendance, and likewife
llridlly conforming to every part of
the above requ’fitions.
P S Field < flicers wii! appear,
with their fide-arms, plumes, epau-
creek, together with a Mill (former
Iv known by Jonathan Miller’s old
mu' ;) the feat is one of the fined
in *hat part of the country. Sold
f ir he benefit of tha heirs of J.. nes
V/i kie, dec —Perms will be made
known on the day.
I Vi Hi n:i VT Doze ell, F.x’r.
July ! 8. lti-tcs
cars, with lound black hats.
Danid Newnatif
Adjutant Genera!.
July 4, 1310 14-LW
Cavalry Orders,
T HE Commifiioned Officers of
the Squadron compofed of the
counties of Baldwin, Jones, Putnam,
Morgan and Randolph, are hereby
required to attend at Eatonton, on
the third Saturday in Oclober next,
by 10 o’clock, completely uniformed
and equiped, for the purpofe of E-
ledting a Major of faid Squadron,
in the place of Major Lewellen Wil
liams refigned.
By order of Lt. Col B Frani tin
'THOM \S J MOORE, Adj’t.
3d Regt. of Cavalry of the S G.
September 5. 23-d
T a meeting of the Board of
Commiffioners for the town
of Milledgeville, Sept 1(1,1810 It
appearing to the Board, that the Or
dinance for removing Swine from the
town and certain parts of the com
mons of Milledgeville, has been in-
cfTefl ual :—
Resolved, therefore, That from and
immediately after the J5th day of
0£lober next, it (hall be, and is here
by made, the duty of the Town
Marflial, to take up, proceed, and a Cl
with all Hogs that he dial! find run
ning at large, repugnant to the faid
Ordinance, in fuch manner as is pre
ferred therein, and that this be fup-
plementa! to faid Ordinance.
Ordered, That the foregoing Refo-
lutiori be publifhed twice in the Ar
gus and Georgia Journal.
Extrad? from the. minutes.
A. hTMitian, Sec’ry.
Nathaniel Pare, appellant
Francis Tennille, refpond't J
200 Acres, joining Mildredge Pace,
and vacant land.
Nicholas Hardin, appellant7
vs. e-
-is Tennille, refpond’t. j
Francis Tennille, refpot
G50 Acres, joining Boyakin, and
Canty’s, Pace's, and vacant land,
'John Stephens, appellant
vs. >
Francis Tennille refpond't j
550 Acres, joining Maiden’s, Da
niel’s, Woodworth’s & vacant land.
William Daniel, appellant ^
Executor’s bale.
On the 15th September next, at the
Plantation of John F Flournoy dec.
late of Putnam county.
One HOUSE', a
the properly of Hid deceafed.—
Twelve months credit will be
given the purchafer giving bond
with approved fecutity.
Met' v Flownov, F.x'trix
7'oftah Flournoy, 7
John II Eof'ey, \
An id 20.
Now in Baldwin Jail,
bout 30 year- of age who
fays his name is JIM, and that
he belongs to Richard Taiver
i of Wilkes county. The o\pnc-r
! is requefted to comply with the
number of ^ law and take hitn away.
John Mathews. I dler.
Augult 29 22-tf.
A 'min jlmtors Sale.
Apt crable to an order of the honorable
Inferior court ef JtJfufort county,
cn the fifl Tnefday in November
next, at the Market houfe in the
Town of i.illedgeville,
Lot No. 2,
Tn fquare N° 37, in the town of
Milledgeville aforefaid, containing
one acre of ground fronting IVI In-
tofii and Wavue (Scots; being the
real citato ef James Smith, doc.—
Term made known on the day of
IVm M Gchce, Adm’r.
September r >. 23—eowtds
A rimin'jlraior s Sells.
On the fifl ru/ftlay r. November
next al 'he Mat bet houfe in the
Tow u of MillcdgcviUc, a
A Tract of i and,
Lying on Potatee crock, in Bald
win count*.', known by K° 30, in the
2d difiriO it being the real eftate of
Francis Vnl, d.c.—’Perms made
known on the day.
Nulhan I 'cal. A cl m ’ r.
Sefteralicr 5. 2J-uowtda
Now in Baldwin Jail,
32 years of age ; who fays
his name is CAvSAR, and that he
belongs to Benjamin Esily. The
owner is requedod to comply with
the law and take him away
Jehu Mathews, Jailor.
Soptemhcr 5. 23-tf
Now in Baldwin [ail,
twenty years of age, fays his
name is ABALARD, ft that he be
longs to JofcphSill, ot Bryant coun
ty. l he owner is requefted to take
him away agreeable to law.
Jchn Mathews, Jriler.
Tune 20. 12—tf
Lands for bale,
LOT N° 202, 15th diftlia of
Ba’dwin county, and lot N° 98, 8th
diftriel, of faid county.—The cafli
prices a e Eight Hundred Dollars
lcr N° 202, and Five Finn di ed Dol
lars for N° 98.—Something more if
any indulgence is given Applica
tion to be made to me, near Savan
nah, by mail (poft paid.)
Benjamin Ray nes.
April 10, 4—i’owtf
Bees Wax—The fub.
feribers with to purchafe ‘JOOOtb
of BEES WAX, for which
twenty cents a pound cafh will
be given.
Dcvercux iff Time alt.
Taken up in Milledgevi le,
A bright Bay liorfe,
Five feet three inches high, branded
on the mounting fide on the (houlcler
with T and a figure of 8, and on the
buttock with C. and on the off but
tock with the hock of a trace ; a few
white fpots on his back, appears to
be hurt in his left eye He vas ta
ken from a Negro who fays he be
longs to a Mr, 1* idler of Morgan
county.—The owner can get him by
proving property, and paying for
this adverlifement.
jabez Roberts.
September 5. 23-c
The Subfcribers,
T^} ETURN their thanks to their
| \ friends and cuftomcrs for the
liberal fupport they have had in the
Fa flcr age Iff Cemimiffton Line,
and would beg leave to recommend
to their friendfliip, Mr. HENRY H
MOUNGER, who has lived with
them for feveral years, and they
take plcafure in announcing to their
friends, that they have the fulled
confidence in him, and doubt not
but he will do juftiee to thole who
may entruft their bufinefs to his
| St urges, Burroughs 'iff Butler
Savannah, May 24, 10-tf
Tir Sale at this QJ/ice,
Francis Tennille, refpond
550 Acres bounded by vacant
John Smith, appellant
vs J-
Francis Tennille, refpond’t
a- M O N E Y!;!
r* S MIAT well known (land in ti e
Town of Sparta, occupied f or
many years by John Freeman. 1 ■!
as a House of Entertainment.. Cotto!-
or Negroes would be taken in lieu c :
Cafli lhould it better fuit the pu v .
chafer—Necefiity impels the alter,
native, otherwife, this valuable pro.
perty would not he difpofed cf,
Berms moderate and may be klnov n
by application to
Frederick Freeman.
Milledgeville, Atigifl 22. 2‘?_q
^]pIIE Subfcriber refpeflfully i !t .
forms liis friends and the pub.
■ic, that he has taken the building
latelyerefled by capt. Thomas,front
ing the Public Square, MiLLiDCE.
vii.t.e, & o|iened a houfe for PUB.
LIC EN t’ERT > IN MEN r,aml will
make every exertion to fuit the whil
es cf gentlemen who will favor him
with a call.—He is fupplied with the
be(l articles the country will pro.
duce, & has fume choice Liquors —
Articles to completely furnifh Li,
houfe in a handfome (lyle, are (lion-
ly expelled from New-York andle
will then receive fuch additional^.
plies as will en ibfi- him to fuit the
tafte of everv perfon who will favor
him with their commands.
Then tas G Col Her.
Augufl 8. 1 iJ—:F
M Filteen Dollars per cut.I
will be given lor Black Sxaki
and vacant laud
John Smith, appellant
Francis Tennille, refpond't
450 Acres, bounded by Smith’s,
Daniel’s, and vacant land.
John Kentndy, appellant
100 Acres, bounded by Daniel’s; Roor , anJ Ten D -liars perc.vt,
for Pink Roor.—They mutt he
clean anJ well dried. AL i,
The flight'd price for Bees IVjx,
Apply in Millepgeville to
D Wilfon.
For sale or rent,
The HOUSE and LOT, it;
the lower end of Hie town of
Milledgeville formerly occupi
ed by Allen Greene. Turns
maybe known by applying to
Judkins Hunt.
, append!!!'j
e, refpond't J
I by
Francis Tennille,
650 Acres, bounded by Ikner’s,
Smith’s, and vacant land.
Abner Dennard, appellant
FaiSloragc & Commis
sion Business.
r "B"AHE Subfcriber will enter into
the above line cl bufinefs, in
the Store at prefent occupied by
Mejfrs. Sturges, Burroughs and But
ler, on the full of July next, and fo-
licits a (hare of the bufinefs of his
friends and the public.
Henry II. Moungcr.
Savannah, May 24. 10—tf
Francis Tennille, refpond
450 Acres hounded by Ikner’s,
Kennedy’s and vacant land
Richard Whitaker, appellant")
VS , i*
Francis Tennille, refpond’t J
300 Acres, bounded by Iknci’s,
Dennard’s, and vacant land.
And it is further ordered, That the
fame be publifhed in the Georgia
Argus, for the information and di-
redlion of all perfons concerned,
that they may govern themfelvcs ac
Anthony Porter,
A EE perfons that have fubferib-
vtTL ed for building the Vlcthodifi
Meeting- Houfe in Milledgeville, are
requefted to make immediate pay
ment; as the Commiffioners are now
fued for the balance of the money,
they will be under the difagreeable
needfity of commencing fuits againft
all that does not avail themlelves
of this notice.
June 20. 12—tf
N 0 T I C E.
f 'TIE Subfcriber wilhes to
employ a Young Man to
attend as a Bar Kuetfr, who
can come recommended as a
Ready fober one; fuch will meet
with encouragement
of about fifteen years old will be
prefac'd by
Samutl Bitjjinglon.
Augufl 15. 20-tf
I ! O M E S P U N.
r "S”'HE fubfciibers will purchafe
HOMESPUN, Seven Eighths of a
yard wide, and ftriped in the warp;
for which goods at a fair price will
be given in exchange.
Devercux & Thwealt,
May 15. 7—tf
•tT ALL perfons travelling on
horfe back, may crofs at my
FERRY for hall price
Thaddevs Holt.
March 13, 1810. 50-tf
Swords & Dpaulcfs.
The fubferibers have for fale, 3
handfome afibrtment of Epauleti
and a few Officers Swords.
Diver eaux 'iff Tbweatt
May 1C, 1809 7-tf
N INE months after date, I
application will be* made i
to the honorable the Inferior j
Court of Randolph county, for
leave to fell one Traft of Land. I
lying in the county of Greene,
joining Pinkard, Ligon and Dil-
lard on the waters of Bcver-
dain Creek, containing Ninety-
Seven Acres, the fame being
the real eftate of John Coch
ran, dec.
Sufannah Cochran, Adm’tiix.
Dudley Cochran, Adm’r*
April 17, IS 10,
N 0 T I C E.
A FTER the expiration of Nine
Months application will be
made to the honorable the Co u rf of
A Youth i Drdinary fo r the county of Hanc<
for leave to fell all the real eftate of
Solomon Rountree, dec. for the b
nefit of (he heirs of faid dec.
Hugh Taylor, \ v ,
U T m. Terrell, \ " j *
Tnooiq l 1-9ni.
N 0 1 l C E.
THNJE months after dale
application will be made
to the Honorable the Infedoi
Court of Baldwin county, for
leave to fell two hundred aero
<*f Land in Hancock county on
the twelve mih s Beaver Daw»
djojning Lewis Tvus and otlms
—lor the benefit of the 1T i*
Creditors of Will'am Turner
non-com pus merttis
John M<itthitvs 7 (•. ■ f
Joshua Turner, j)
9 lit Jun. 1S10.