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MIL LEDGE VII. L E: published (weekly) by DEW'S! IS L.RVAW.
TV 1 I. I. £ E
Phe following are tlio gentlemen i On thcjhjl Vue flay in Oft r.cxt,
Troon of Ciinton,
vliofc names have been mentioned
a ; candidates for the 1 ‘2th Congrcfs,
at the enfuing e.le&ion in Ottooer.
Dr. IVtllamlV.Blbb,
Of Wilkes.
v Col. Geo. M. I’roupi
* Of Montgomery.
Capt. Howell Cobb t
Of Baldwin.
Bolling Hally Dsn.
Of Hancock.
John E 'orsythy Esq.
Of Richmond.
Elaj. Elijah Clark.
Of Baldwin.
Jesse 1ini.ton, Esq,
Of Laurens.
John Elliott, Esq.
Of Liberty.
u»-Joa.*wnsni2n’.Bnr.?.:t*crMr;TJtjT mm
Sheriff’s Sales.
W1 L L B E S 0 L D,
On thefirjl Tuefda y in 0Shier next,
ut T uiggs Court-houfe, between the
sifual hours.
One Lot of Land,
In the 26th dilbidl of Wiikinfon
now Twiggs county, N° 2 1 ; levied
on as the property of James Lyon to
fa'isfy an execution in favor of the
Executors of Charles Martin, dec.
•••a L s O’”
One Lot, N J 250, in the 2.1th dif-
tridl of the Wilkinion now Twiggs
county; levied on as the property of
James Finch to fit Ely fuudry exe
cutions i'i favor of W. and Thomas
lludfon-- Returned by aconftable.
•••A L s o...
One Bay Horfe, taken as the pro
perty cf William Robertfonto fatis
fy the State’s execution againft f.’.id
Robert foil.
•••A L S O’”
One Chefnut Soirol Ilorfe, and
one Waggon, taken as the property
of James Durham, to fatisfy the
Stines execution again It fiid Dur
•••A L S O”*
One I.iOt, N° >21, in the 23d dif-
tricl of Wiikinfonnow Twiggs coun
ty, taken as the property of James
GriflintC'fatisfy GeorgeM'Gciguey’s
execution. Rel umed by a conltabie.
...A L S O ••
Lot K° 29, in the 2.5th diftvicl of
Wilkini on now Twiggs county, tak
en an the property of Jofiali Irvin to
^.M-fy William B AUifon’s 1 Xecuti-
on againft laid Irvin. Returned by
a contb.ble. Conditions calh.
E. AJuan, Sh’lT.
Auruft 29 22-tils
in th
One Lot of Land ;
N J 190, in the 6rhdiftri£t of Bald
win now Jones county, taken as the
property of William Wright to fa
tisfy ati execution in favor of Buck
ner Harris.
•••A L S O'”
Lot No 91', in the 11th diftricT
i of Baldwin now Jones county, in
! the poflefinn of Samuel Wilfon, ta-
| ken as the property of Viexander |
j Perryman to fatisfy William Mar-
! tin’s execution.
•♦•A L S O’”
] On? undivided fourth part of Lot
| N° 107, in the 1 Oth dill riel of Buld-
| win now Jones county, taken as the
I property of William G Sturges to
fa'isfy fundry executions in favor of
Patrick Kelly. Returned by a Con-
•••A L S O’”
I.ot N° 199 and N° 185, in the
12th dill riel of Baldwin now Jones
county, taken as the property of Wil
liam Fitzpatrick to fr.tisly Thomas
Pinkard’s execution vs. faid FiUpu
trick. ...a L 0 o...
A Crop of Corn of 12 Acres, and
21 Acres of likely Cotton, no grow
ing.—Alfo one Sorrel Mare, one
Sorrel Horfe, and three Cows and
Calves ; taken as the property of
David Konnady to fatisfy the Hate of
G -orgia’s execution againlUaid Ken
The fdiozving authentic particulars
of the late adventurous excw fton
from ■ lunar ee Bang, in purfuit
cf 1 coo wild litpbants, is ex
t rafted from an Indian paper :
“ On the 2 tih of October.
1809, at midnight, information
was received that two wild ele
phants, of an uncommon fi/.e,
had made their appearance with
in a few hundred yards of Can
tonments, and clofe to a village,
defperation of both at llv ; peri
od exceeded all delcriptioii.—
Phey made repeated charges, of
near an huidred yards at the
guns-'-and- had if not been for
the uncommon fleadinels ami
bravery ot the artillerymen, wh
j more than once turned them off
by fliers in the head and body
1 when within a few pacesof them
I many dreadful cafinlties mu ft
i have occurred. We were now
obliged to defift for want of am
, . , r ... 1 munition; and before a frefh
the inhabitants of which were < f , couI(1 be ob t.dncd, the
m the greateft alarm. Mo tune elcphanl3 quittcd the vi ;w &
waslolt m difpatchmg all the thj h ft ;.,. arain , with bloo .j
public and private elephants at from aa hundred' wounds, pro
the Itation m purfuit of them ; ceeded with inconceivable rani
but, at day break, on the 25th, dit towai . ds Hazaree Bang;
advice was brought that their the y were at length brought up
very fuperior fuse and apparent ■ b the horfcmen and ou , , le .
fiercerufs, had rendered ah at-1 „ hantSt %vhen within a verY fl V3rt
Oho gone! Hoad Waggon ?c Geer,
one Black Horfe, one Chefnut Sor
rel Marc, one Sorrel Horfe, and one
Bay Horfe ; taken as the property
of Thomas Seal to fathfy the State
of Georgia’s execution, againft. laid
Seal.—Conditions Calh.
tempts for their foizure unavail
ing, and that the molt experi
enced driver we had was dan-
geroufly hurt, the elephant on
which he rode having been
ft ruck to the ground by one of
the wild ones, which with its
companion had afterwards re-
treated to a fugar cane plantati
on, a’j lining to the village of
Judder- Pore. The guns were
then immediately ordered to this
place. Put it being deferable in
the firft inilance, to ry every
means of catching the elephants,
a very
diftance of a crowded bazar ;
and ultimately, after many re
newals of the mod formidable
and ferocious attacks uoon the
guns, they gave up
with their liv. s.
the edited
From the Political Ob form it cry,
printed in Lancajler, Ohio.
At the houfe of Mr. Charles
Cliim.r, on Walnut creek, F in
field county, on Friday, June'
29, while Mr. Climer and his j
were at a meeting - , their 1
Is tiiu> more particularly de-T
•'tiled in the Democratic Prcis of
Monday evening, from the ch
ops coirefpondent at the Laza
retto :
Juil vifited, brig Growler,
ILobinfon, of Philadelphia, 91
lays from Cadiz. Salt and nine
black Marino Iheep.
Ther Are on board, a few late -
Cadi;: papers ; they contain no
thing worth extracting.
fur. , a rel’pefldble Ame
rican, paftonger, who has redded
a condderable time in Spain,
politely fur nifties the following
information :
The French dill very clofely
invelt Cadiz, and are rapidly
progrtliing i:i erecting mortar
batteries for the purpofc of
throwing fliells into the city.—•
They are it is undo flood, call
ing mortars upon a new con-
ftrudion - a daily bombardment
continues between both parties.
The ftrong fortrefs cl Leida in
Catalonia, furrendered to the
French, by treachery on the part
of the Spanifh commander, fho
garrifon contained 6000 men, tc
was provided with providons * e
one year the commander w a
immediately made governor of
V-ilentia by tile French.
1 It was daily expected that Ti r-
S. E
Augufl 29.
fn, Sh’fF.
S 0 L D,
. . . .. . , , 1 t . ; ragona would be befiure l.
the inhabitants of the neighbor- wire were at a meeting, their 1 , n ... .
. . , , , P. , r . n • *1 1 r .1- I I be expedition ol the corn-
hood were atlemhled, with the youngeit fomethme more , • ,’ 0 ’ n . ,, ... ,
r, . , 0 . iu 1. .■ 11 <■ btned Spanifh and Lntifh loros
afliftance of Sing, than one year end fell from the r , 1 ■ r ... .
. . . J - 6 ’ T 1. j u .1 r 11 1 from Cadiz and Gibraltar, uodcr
and deep pits were prepared cr*. lolt, and by the tall was left
the edge of the l'ugar cane, in breathlefs file oldeft cf the
children that was at home, was
a boy of about 11 or 12 years
old ; he fhookthe child, and lial-
h our elephants and pcopic
On the firJl lurfltiy in < elder next, (], e two did not prove fuffiiientl’y
in the Town of padifin, Morgan \ d an J tbe elephant whicl
county,, between the ujual hears, the <>f ^ from j t was n in the
folkwtng prcpert\, viz. pri ,fe nce of many Witneffes, tc
.Negro Boy
of Il’aac
By tli? name of Ifaac ; taken as
the property of Ilamner Fitzpatrick
to faii.dy an execution in favor of
Mitchel and Cox.
?9 Acres of Land in the 4-th dif
trict of Baldwin now Morgan coun
tv, N° 3V2 ; taken as the property
of Henry L>. Stone to fuir-fv an ex-
exerution in favor of John Caig, and
ethers. Conditions caili.
A. M'Afee. T>. s.
A tig u ft 29. 22-tds.
with the uttncll difficulty con.
tiived to retain thofe animals
during the day When the pits lowed over it to bring it to again,
were reported ready, we repair- but in vain. He then made one
cd to the lpot; and they were of the other children take the
with much dexterity driven into child in its arms and carry it out
them ; but unfortunately one of of the houfe and hold it up from
the ground. He then look a gun
and held it over the child and
fired it ; and in about half a mi
nute the child begin to bieathe.
lie then took the child and car
vied it to its mother at the meet
ing, which was about a quarter
of a mile off; when he came
with the child it was quite help
let’s and limber, hut iv fooa b'*-
gail to recover ft length an:l fit
up. It is left with the philofo-
pher to affign the caufe of this
a fill his companion with hi
trunk, to extricate himfelf Both
were, however, with much ex
ertion brought back into the fu
gar cane,, & 110 particular fymp.
toms of vice or fierce:.efs having
appeared in t.^e courfe of the
day. it was thought advifable to
make another trial to catch them.
fin the fief
■ (• at th ’■
S hi
i Tuefthy in Odder next,
'Market Houfe in the Town
of Milledgevilte,
69 Acres of Land,
In Baldwin county, on the wa
ters of Rocky creek, joining
{lands of James Thomas, David
Prefton and others, I wo hea
ther .Beds and Furniture ; one
Dutch Oven, one l’ot, twelve
I Had of Hogs, onelK-iler Year-
ling; j u\d one Negro Boy named
Tunic r; levied on as the pro
perty of Chiflom Epps k Ster
ling B ifs to fatisly Dixou Harp’s
execu ion againft them. Con
dition! cafh.
Philip Cook, Sh’ff.
Apt:ft 29. 22-tds <
11L AN K
C( .’Hectors 'i’itlcs,
fj r Sale at this OfJLc
tyy Q r
f s cafe.
IVIL I. p. E S O L D,
On tit ftp Tnefl.'x in Oftobert next,
at the C; urtihou/r ut Greene county,
between the ufttal lours,
Three Negroes, viz.
Sarah Will ;r cl 'Porev ; levied on to
The builders therefore were fet phenomenon, yet it is in the
to won-:, to dec pen.the old and (power of any perfon to mike
prepare new pits againft day (the experiment of the boy in
break when it was propofed to 'cafes of ludden death.
j make the final attempt. At 4 1
o’clock in the morning, howe-j lIRE AT Constantinople.
v r, th-.yburft through all the ; r . . f . ’V
I , 1 , ! . .. \ axtracf of a IrtUr from/tn ft)
| LL'.k’ng kft Jl M»- at Conjlantinople' to a y/Title man m
lege at about .3 ntlits citi..’tce, I this t^oun,dated /lpril‘i\, 1610.
I entered it with fo much rapidity, !
I that the horfcmen who galloped
the command of the F.iiglifli ge
neral Bowes, and the 8 >ar il:\
general I.aey, for the relief of
Malaga failed in its obj ft. The
Engliih do ps returned to Gib
raltar, and the Spanifh army re*
mained at
June 8th, great appiv her.funs
were enterta’ned in Sicily of
invafion ‘r un th French, who
h id colh tied an army of 50.000
men on the coall of Calabria
where they had many tranfport
The garrifon at IloftahiJi,
it ftrong caflleon the main read
from Barcelona to France, ef-
caped the befiegers, alter hold
ing out five months and made
good their retreat, with the lots-
only of .50 men.
Sir Charles Cotton has been
appointed commander of the
Engliih navy fquadron in the
Admiral Boyle was appointed
to the command at* - Malta.
Between thirty and forty fail
one of the divifions of the . C( , rine o
to the N. k. E. of ; " jr p.
the greateft degree of rapidity,
Sc prefented a tr
to the fp.dators. At 1 l o'clock
in from of them, had not time
nullify an execution ifTued ona lore- j a PP rize every inhabitant of his
clofure of ;i Mortg^^e agairft John dangci ; and it is lamentable to
I-larn, in favor cf Dennis and Wil- . add, that one poor man Was torn
liams. Conditions cafh. j limb from limb, a child trodJen
John Anderson, Sh'fF. ! to death, & two f'earnales wound-
Auguft I. 13 tds led. Theit deftrdftion now be-lit extended nearly a mile, and
1 came abfolutely neci ftary ; and , formed one continual flame; nor
Guardian’s Sale. ! as l ' ie y fhewed no inclination to [was any flop put to it until fun-
_ n r ... quit the large village in which fet, when fome ft one buildings
MILL I ^ ^ - - the mifehief was done,wve gain- (topped in fome rueafure its ra
id time to bring up the 4 poun- pid progrefs, & about midnight
tiers, from w hich they foon re- its ravages were nearly at an end.
ccivcd feveral round fliot, and a- The diltrefs of the inhabitants is
bundance of grape each, the very great. It is Jppoled that
larged of the two war, brought .3000 are now in the fi les, an.'
to the ground by a round fhot in .burial grounds with the little
the head ; but after remaining they were able to fnateli from
therefor a quarter of an hour, the deftruflive element. It is
apparently lifelefs, he got up a- fuj'poled that abc ut 8000 btiici-
gain as vigorous as ever. The ing* were entirely confumed.
of American vefie’s under conlif-
ienn cation at Naples; many of which
they were fitting out for priva-
1 tec-rs.
B fyn Palladium. . j /\ j^eaco had been concluded
.■fte: ur-y a hi e br- he oat in a ; b e[ween the Pori up ut f? and A l-
fuburbs, and
.. reported that general
It raged v\itn , Crawford in P ntugal, advar*r*
iug too far, with about 6000
On the firfl Tifiay in November next,
at Mad fen, Morgan county,
One Lot of Land,
N° 29 ', in the 20th Alii vidT of Bald
win, now Morgan county, drawn by
the Orphans of Thomas Cooper—
Sold for tnehenefit of fai.l Orphans.
Perms made knowu on the day of
Ch irk: M. Siti, Gur.rdtan.
Augufl 29. 22-tds
Sc piefented a trmy terrific fight - , nen> VliiS Intercepted by Mu-
lhal Soult, with 15 0k)0, arul o-
bliged to cut his way throu; h ;
which he df. cled vith the Infs
ot about 4 000 of h : slumps.
A lift of American vtff l.i at
Cadiz on the 16th ultimo uinlt r
cover This lift of ourattentivc;
correl’pondciit we are obliged to
noftpone until tomorrow.
isTborcls kE E-pan Os.
The fubfcribeie have for flie, a
handionn: afihrtment 01 Epatrle >
and a few OlHcevs Swords.
D-venouK id TSrmft