Newspaper Page Text
l*r* and FI
or Three Dollars at tho end of the year.
Leoal AorenTisEMGNTs will be Inserted
With strict attention to the requirements of the
law, at tho upual rates. .
Miscellaneous advertisements will bo Insert
ed at One Dollar per square of 12 lines or less;
for tho first, and Fifty Cents for each subse
quent Insertion. ,
• Liberal deductions will be mode In lhvor of
those who ndvurtlsb by tho year! ' I
’ Rome, Georgia.
Feb, 8.1851,
,2,1851. '
Importers and Dcalore In Hardware,Nalls Re.
Broughton Street....',......;. Savannah, On.
. Nor. 14,1861: . .... ly.
Ilegta Iron }Vorlia, Richmond, Va,
MANurACTvnnns or
Axes aid Edge Toeli^ef the best Ckareeal
of Rail Road' and Itfer-
f at Morchant's Prices add Warranted.
Morel*, 1861.
WMtMM* naaten in
Batter and Cheese, Direct from Ceikea,
Sew Verfc.
Nov. 14,1861. ly*
r. ii/seiin, Savannah. | j. rosTnn, llaneockeo.
Factors and Oommlsaion Merchants,
Savannah, Qa.
BurRiiBNCR—J. Knowles.
Noy. 14:1861. ■ ly*
. Wholesale Dealers in . .
Ready-Made dethlny, Hats, Caps, aDddea-
tlemens’ Famishing Good*.
Nd1.166 Cong, and 76 St Julian SIIs. Savannah.
. Nov. 14,1861. ly
E. F. WOOD h CO.
Md. 81 and 152, Oibhons Building, near tho
M irkct.Signof tho Largo Boot, Savannah, (la.
Nov. 14,1861. ly
161 Broad Street Savannah, (la.
Nov. 14. 1861. ly
n. b. Aiirr,
Market Souare Savannah, da.
Nov'. 14.1861. Om
Factors and General Oommlsaion Merchants.
lira elan and Bay Streets Savannah, Oa.
Nov. 14,,1861.. ; ly
Dealer la Wlndow-Saihei, Bllhdi and Panel
• No. 150 Bay St Savannah. Oa.
, \nr Orders from the country promptly at-
tondodto. ItiT Tr.nMs: Cash.
Nov. 14 1861. ly.
171 Bay Street, Savannah. 1
Denier In Agrlraltnral Implrtnrnls of every
kind, Burr MM Stenes, Cat tin dins, Re.
Nov: 14.1861. 6m«
Factors and Oommlsaion Merchants.
No 94. Bay Street, Savannah.
Will attend promptly to whatever business
umy bo confided to them.
Nov. 7 1861. ly
ye. t. vonok. | w. on*N.
' 1 srANUFAOTn n op
Steam Engines, Boilers, Machinery, he.
MILL STONES of every description. Steam
Saw Mills Circular and Straight, put up In
•'superior style.
• Macon August 21 1751.
Ware-House and Oommlsaion Business.
6,v: X.OVSLEVfcSOir,
Macon, Oa.
Saranitah Oa.
sa». c. oonraev N.ocsi.r.v. n. r. ocsr.v.v.
Rome, Georgia.
•Rice over X. X. Omberg’s Clothing Store
i 3an. 16 1861.
LIST OF ACTS • « ’0 r.
Famed hy the LegisIatnreaUhs Session of
1851 and 1868.
No. 1. An act to amendanact to Incorpor-
ato tho Savannah and Albany Railroad com
pany, with power to extend the said road,
and to construct branches, and the other pur
poses. approved Deo. 25, 1847, w ot to ex
tend tho time fbr tho commencement and
completion of said road, and the oonlinuanco
of said charter. ■
No. 2. To Incorporate the Union Steam
boat company of Georgia and South Caro
No. 8. To exempt ordained or licensed
Preachers of the Gospel from working on pub
lic roods In this State.
1 No. 4. Appropriating money as a contin
gent fund for the political years 1862 and
1863, and for the payment of arrearages
chargcablo to the contingent frmd of 1861.
No 6. Appropriating monoy Ibr tho purpo
ses therein designated.
No. 0. To repeal so much of an act enti
tled an act to consolidate tho offices of tax
collector and receiver of Chattooga county,
passed Oth Dec. 1880.
No. 7. To authorlso the board of Physi
cians of this State to hold tbelr annual meet
ings InMUledgevllle or any other place they
may appoint within thla Stato.
No. 8. Torepealtomuchofan act assent
ed to the 19th day Doc. 1840, consolidating
the offico of tax collector and receiver of tho
countlos of Montgomery. Macon and Cherokee,
an relates to tho county of Macon.
No. 9. To create and lay off two now Jndl
elal circuits, one to be called the Bine Ridge
circuit, to bo composed of tho counties of
Campbell, Cohb. Cherokee, Forsyth. Lump,
kin Union Pnnldlng. Carroll and Gilmer,
and to he added to tho fourth Supreme Court
Jndlelal district, and the other to be called
tho Macon circuit to bo composed of the
conntlcs of Bllib nonston, Twiggs, Macon.
Dooly and Crawford, and to add tho same
to tho third Supreme Court Judicial dis
' No. 10. To extend the charter oftho Bank
ofthe State ofGeorgla. and tho act amenda
tory thereof and ftirlher to amend tho same
In relation ip the number of directors.
No. 11. To appropriate money (hr repairing
and furnishing the Execntlvn Mansion, and
for the erecting an additional bnildtiig within
tho enclosure ofthe samo fbr servants.
No. 12. To pardon Brinkl.v Bishop of the
county of Bibb, now under sentence of death
for tho ertmo of mnrdor.
No. 18. ,For thc'pardon of James Johnson
oflho county of Baldwin! nndcr the nentcuce
of death for the crime of murder.
No. 14 Togmnt andscenro to Charles D.
Stewart and others tho right to erect end
keep and maintain a dam across a portion of
the Chattahoochee river.
No. 15. To authorise and enable James
Stewart an alien bom; resident oftho county
of Pike topnrehaie. hold and convey real
estate wllhln thl- 8tate.
No 10. To Incorporate the Southern Fe-
mnle Collego located In the town of Coving
ton Newton county, and to authorise tho
trustees of the Female Seminary of said
county to convey the lot of land In the town
of Covington, whereop the Fcmnte Academy
now stands to tho trustees of said College,
And also to Incorporate the Clialmcr’a Fe
male College located at 8cottsborongh. Also
to incorporate tho Baptist chnrch of Christ
at Macon and to appoint trustees for the
ferlor Court for'tho county of Floyd to lay an
additional tax for county purposes.
No. 82. To authorise tho justlccsof the In
ferior. Court of Chatham county to, set nsldo
and Invest a sum of money to bo Inviolably
preserved as a permanent ftind for tho sup
port and ranlntatnanco of common or free
schools In said county, and ibr other pprpo-
__ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL (IBAI.En W .. . . . „„ tnnnmoratn
I ■ Maple and Fnney Dry Loads R Groceries. |, " ,no - A, "° ,n “ mcn<1 an * cl ,0 lncorp
“ Receives new goods every week.
Romo On.. .Tail. 2 1861.
Rome, Georgia.
. Will praotlco In all the counties of tho Oher-
okeo Circuit, . .8opt. 6,1850.
Agent for the Southern Mutual Insurance
Company at Rome, Ga.
. Insures against loss by Fire. Also Lives of
D *‘ Pontons and Servants.
• ‘ Chocks on Charleston and New York for sale
by D. S. PR1NTCP.
Oct. 10,1860.
eiltr' Faotoniand Oommlsaion Merehonto,
And Agents or the Brig Line of Sew York
, ,Rackets. Savannah, Ga.
'• ' Will make liberal advances on jproduco con-
-■ signed for sale. Offlcoll4Bay Street, east of
tho Exchange. ■ ;
. Refer to Major John S. Rowland, Cass co.
,. Doc. 12.1861. 6m*
11 AS now on hand a well selected stook'of
a/ XI. Cloths Cusslmercs and Vestings, of ov-
t.y try shnilo and color, together with every
>'■ other artlclo usually kepi In an establisli-
r*. snent of tliia kind. Thoso goods have been
sleeted by himself In New York, with
great oare and particulnr reference to 1 the
prevailing Fashions. He is also prepared
to manufacture clothing in n manner and
style not' to lie suroassed in oar largest and
most fashionable cities,
V . Ootnber 10 lb5f..
rNpoarpn nr and dealer in
U M confident that I enn make it to tho
itorest-nl'Merchants to buy their sup
plies'of Crookry In Motion, if they will give
a chance. Call ami see Cor yourselves.
Assorted crates of all size's always on hand,
Macon, July’24,' 1851.' 6m
, J an extensive assortment of patterns of the
pewest and most approved kinds. Cult Iron
1 Water .iVtnolo, of several patterns, of a ehar-
' lacier that wilt salt all situations,
/ , Tlio OcimilgEo foundry.
\ On Cuttnn A venue, mar the Macon {• tVistern
jyDepdt, Ilns peculiar advantages in fitting up
Steam Saw Mill,, the Proprietor having had
grant experienc in that business. Many or
jls Mills erenow in use lit this Plate.
5 Therc'is it constant supply of Gin Gearing
V-on Press Pulleys fee., kept on hand.—
‘ "Rail kinds of finished Machinery.
Aogaat.91,,lJrl... .
Jitsv"received from .Beebe
,v York) a supply of Fall
r of Btylrnnd superiority
Madison Collegiate Institute, assented to tho
17th Jannnry 1860.
No. 17. For tho pardon of Garland D. Cor
nett oftho county of Morgan (hr the crimo of
murder. •
No. 18. To compensate tho petit jurors of
theconnty of Harris.
No. 10. To authorlso and require the Jnstl
con of the Inferior Court ofthe county of Do.
Knlli to pay Jonathan N. Hadden, and Sophia
A. Clark, nut oftho poor school fund of said
county for the years 1861 and 1862.
No. 20. To ratify thp contract for tho pur-
r.hase of Iron for tho Western and Atlantia
Railroad made by tho Governor and chief
Engineer, and to proyhlo means for tho pay
ment of tho samo.
No. 21. To compensate the grand and pe
tit jnrora of Franklin county.
No. 22. To alter and amondthe sixth sec
tion and third article of the constitution of
tho 8tato of Georgia.
No. 28. To Incorporate Uto Georgia Mili
tary Institute.
No. 24. An act snplemental to an act pass-
cd tho 28th December, 1848, making It the
duty oftho Governor, whenever tho pnhllc
Interest shall require It, to cause tho assets of
the Central Bank to be deposited in tho Trea
sury ofthe State. .
No. 28. To alter and change the tlmo of
holding the Inferior Courts of the oonnty of
Marion, to allow said county two weeks In-
stead of one for the term of said courts to au
thorize the judge of said court to draw two
panels of grand and petit jurors, and to au
thorise the justlccsof tho Inferior Court to
draw an additional panel for the next term of
said Conrt.
No. 28. To secure to tho Rock Island Fac
tory certain privileges, and for other purpo-
sos therein named. , j "
No. 27. To confer certoln privileges upon
John Everett, of tho county of Thomas, and
tomako lawftd his acts, and gtvohlm author
ity to transact business an though ho were of
frill ago, and to authorise Joseph Stockton,
administrator of'Susan B. Langston, tosottlo
with hor heirs. ,
No. 28. For tho relief of Elizabeth Antho
ny, wife of Lavbise L. Anthony, of Richmond
county, nn^ilso of Eleanor Crown of tho city
of Augusta. .
No. 29. ,To distribute to tho Justices of tho
peace in Habersham county books belonging
to tho State, and also to send certain books to
Early county. . '
No. 80. To Incorporate the town of Alexan- j tbeMmo,^
der In the county, of Burko, and to appoint ' " " r
No. 88. Limiting tho bringing hills of re-
view to threo years from the date of decree.
No. 84. To amend nnAct passed tho 18th
day of December. 1884. entitled an act to
make permanent tho nubile buildings In tho
town of Cuthhert In Randolph county, and to
Incorporate tho samo..
No. 85. To nnthnrise Ohedlah T. Dicker-
son,tho present County Bnrveynr ofthe coun
ty of Rnhnn tq survey a part ofthe first arid
second districts of said county, and appropri-
ato money (br ibe same.
No. 8B. To change the lino between tho
counties ofWSre and Telfelr.
No. 87. To lil’or and amend thn first para
graph of Ihe seventh section of the first aril-
clc ofthe Constitution (if this 8tSto.
No. 88. To grant corporate powers and
privileges to the Cartwright tnannftictnring
No. 80. To extend certain privilege* to
Thomas D. Prather oftho connty of Harris,
and to make legal and binding the acta and
doings ofthe said Thomas D. Prather, and
fbr other pnrpnses therein contained.
No. 40. To Incorporate a volunteer corpe of
Inihntry In the city of Augusta.
No. 41. To amend tho charterof tho Jew
ish congregation at Savannah.
No. 42. To amend an act entitled an set -to
Incorporate tho Washington Fire company of
tho city of Savannah. Georgia.
No. 48. To authorise Alfred F. Braham to
plead and practice law In the several courts
of law and equity in this State, on certain con'
dltions therein named.
No. 44. To revise and amend the set poised
on the 20th December 1884 Incorporating and
conferlng powers upon the Brunswick Canal
and Railroad comjmny.
No. 46. To Incorporate tho Hebrew Bene
volent society of Savannah.
No. 44*. To lay off and organise a now
county from the counties ofPIke, Henry and
No. 46*. To grant certain privileges to the
Chathan Artillery and certain cotps therein
No. 46. To lay out and organize a new
county from tho conntlca of Paldlng and
Floyd, attach tho same to a senatorial, judi
cial. and congressional district, and to attach
a portion of Cobb county to tho . county of
Paulding, and to provide (br the location of a
county si to Ip such now aounty, and also in
the connty of Paulding.
No. 47. To Incorporate tho Baptist Female
College of South Western Georgia, and to In
corporate the Albany Male and female Col
lege. and to confer certain prirllegcs upon
the trustees therein named.
No. 48 To repoal an act entitled an act to
appoint county treasurer*, and dcBne their
duties so faros relates to the connty of Troup
approved 20th Dee. 1849.
No. 49. To Incorporate tho Savannah volun
teer guards ofthe city of Savannah and the
Republican Blues of tho city of Savannah.
Nn. 60. To repeal an act entitled an act to
consolidate theoffico of tax Collooter and Re
ceiver oftho county of Rabun.
So. 51. To Incorporate tho Magnolia Steam
Packet company.
No. 62. Tnnraend tlio second sectlonof an
act entitled an act, to empower the, Inferior
Courts of thq several counties In this State, to
order tho laying out of publlo - roads, and to
order tlio building and- keeping In repair of
pnbllo bridges, approved December tho 4th,
No. 68. To add so much of tho second dis
trict of originally Muscogco, as Is now inclu
ded within tho county of Marion to the coun
ty of Macon.
No, 61. To add a part of tho connty of
Jackson to tho county of Madison, so as to in
clude the rosldcnco of William Sanders,
No. 65. To change the. lino between the
counties of Ware and Wayne, so as to deflne
tho same.
No. 66. To authorlso tho Judge of tho Su
perior Cqurt of tlio couuty of Macon to draw-
two panels of grand and petit Jurors; also to
roqujro tho justices ol the .Inferior Court of
said county, or a majority of them. to meijt at
their Cjourt House on tlio first Monday in Fe
bruary next. to. draw an additional panel of
grand and petit jurora to serve at tho next
term of raid Superior Court, and to authorlso
the Judge of the Superior Court of Floyd conn
ty to draw three panels of grand and petit
jurors to servo ono week each.
No. 67. To compel the justices of tho peaco
tn tho 1080th district of Ware connty to hold
Justices courts at tho place horcln after nam
No. 68. To reduce the Sheriffs bond of
Clinch county.
No. 60. To make permanent the pnbllo site
AGEXT8 mm ..
H. P. Woottek, Dirt Town.
J. T. Fini.zy, Chattoogoville.
D4,\iei. niczs, Summerville,
W. M. Peefles. Calhmtn.
E. R. Haasef.n, LaFarctte.
Post Masters generally ore requested to Ml
as Agents, also to give ns Immediate ■otiioeT
any paper not taken from the office.
Money sent by mail at our risk.
Letters, to Insure nttoittlon. must, be di
rected (post-paid) to J. KNOWLES & CO.
N. B. Our Agents and others who feel an
Interest In the circulation of our paper will
confer a fhvor by urging upon their Mends,
tho importance of sustaning a per at hensei
Wo shall endeavor to make the Courier wop.
thv of the patronage nf Cherokee Georgia.
In tho connty of Leo at Starkvlllo, and to In
corporate tho same, to designate the corpor
ate limits thereof to appoint commissioners
for the same, and to define tholr powers.
No. 60. To chnngo tho namo of tho La
Grange Female Institute, Incorporated by an
act of tho Legislature, approved Dcecmbor
17th, 1847, and for other purposes therein
No. 61. To authorlso tho Ordinary of Up
son connty to grant letters of Administration
on the undivided estate' of Allen McWalkcr,
late of said connty, deceased, on certain con
ditions. ,
No. 62. To authorise tho Ordinary of l^pson
connty to grant temporary letters, to collect
thq estate of James Hightower, deceased, late
of Upson county, and take care of the same,
ponding an appeal, on cortain conditions.
No. 68. TpIncorporatethoWashlngtoncoun-
ty. Female Institute In‘the town or Sanders-
villo, and appoint trustees for the same, 1
No. 64.. To’ lay out and form u now county
outof the county ofMurray, and to organize
*'-e same, A
No. 66. To alter and Wnge the namo of
tho Relief Society oftho Georgia Annual Coo-
Bouth. to that of the Preacher’s Aid Society
ofthe Georgia Conference; also, to authorize
Ihe church wardens and vestrymen of St.
PanVs Church In Augusta to sell A portion or
their lot.
No. 66. To prevent the killing of deer at
cortain periods oftho year in the county of
Carroll; also, to amend a similar act In rela
tion to tho county of Richmond.
No. 67. To establish election precincts at
the place* of holding Justice’s Conrts In tho
bounties of Gwtnnct. Cass, Gatdon. Forsyth.
Clinch. Murray, Scriven, Bulloch. Crawferd,
Plko. Spalding. Emannel and Folk, and to es
tablish and remove cortain eiection precincts
|n other counties thereln.twmed.
No. 68. To defin'o the amount and mode of
tho payment of wttnosses in all civil and crim
inal cases so hr as relates to tho connty of
Nn. 60. To appropriate modoy (hr tho Im
provement oftho navigation oftho Coosa river
between tho boundary lino of tho Btato of
Georgia and Alabama, and to appoint com
missioners (hr that purpose.
No. 70. For the relief of mJtrrled women,
whose husband's hayo descried them.
No. 71. To amend the attachment laws of
this Stato.
No. 72. TolneoTporate the town of Antioch
In Troup oonnty. and to provide for the elec
tion of Intendant and oommlsslonera for tho
same; also, to amend the seven] laws in rela
tion to the City of Aagtuta.
No. 78. To odd a part of the counties of
Murray and Floyd to the county of Gordon,
and to add a part oftho county of Randolph
to the oonnty of Stewart, and to change the
line between the counties of Can and Folk;
No. 74. To alter and amend tho 12th sec
tion ofthe 18th division oftho penal code of
this State.
No. 76. To stop the running of tho statute
of limitations In all cases where the defendant
■hall abscond or remove beyond the llmtti of
this State.
No. 7.6. To legalize the November adjourn
ed terms 1861, oftho Superior courts of Hoard
and-Troup. and to authorise tha clerks of tho
conrts of Cobb to transfer certain paper* to
the Clerks ofthe Courts of Paulding, and to
suspend (br a limited tlmo on act to compen
sate tho grand and potlt jurors for the several
counties herein named, assented to December
2td 1887 so feres regard'tho county of Hall
and to anthorizo tho Inferior Conrt of Pauld
ing to draw grand and petit Jnrors In certain
cases and tor certain other purpose*.
No. 77. To Incorporate the Southern Hy-
dropathlo Institute.
No. 78. To amend tlio act of 1838, regulat
ing tho taking of testimony in certain cases.
No. 79. To amend tin net entitled an act to
compel the several banks of this Btato to re
duce tliclr liabilities In specie, and to provide
a ferfeltnro of such a* may refuse, assented
to on tho lOtli Deo. 1840, and an act entitled
an act (br the relief of certain Banks that havo
suspended specie payments, against which
judicial proceedings have been Instituted for
the forfeiture of their charten, assented to
10th December, 1841; and also, an act farther
•amendatory of raid acts, assented to on tho
•18th December, 1848.
No. 80. To amend tho law In relation to
public sales.
No. 81. To reduce the Sheriff's bond ofthe
eonnty of Madison.
No. 82. to extend the corporate limits of
tho town of Oxford tn Newton connty and to
exempt certain lands thorcln embraced from
Any additional rate of taxation on »ccphntof
being embraced In said corjxmito limits.
No. 88. To Incorporate the Americus Fo-
male Institute In the connty of Snmter.
No. 84. For tho relief of tho teacher* of
poor children oftho county of. Upion for the
year 1860.
No. 88. To repeal *11 laws heretofore pas
sed. changing tho restdeneo of citizens -of this
Btato from one county to another without al
tering the boundary lines between tho said
No. 88. To flx the fees of Sherilfe, consta
bles and coroners In certain cose* therein spe
cified, and to provldo (br tho taxing of the
No. 87. To preserve tho purity of pnbllo el
cctions In this State and to provont magis
trates who may hold connty or city or town
office* from presiding nt eonnty, elty or town
eleellohs so (hr as relates to the connty of
No. 88. To alter tho time of Holdlngthe In
ferior Conrts for tho counties of DeKalb and
No. 89. To authorize the relator In any
writofmandamnsto traverse tho answor or
return nf any person, officer, corporation or
conrt of this State to any writ of mandamus
Issuod by the Superior conrt* of thl* State.
No. 00. To amend the several seta of foreo
In relation to the incorporation of tho town of
Lagrange Troup connty, so as to extend and
define tho powers ofthe corporate authorities
of said town, and for other purposes.
01. To allow Margaret Young, late Marga
ret N. Oliver, to marry again, and for her re
02. For tho relief-and benefit of Jemima
Green of the county of Inrin.
93. To anthorizo and require tho Jastlcoa
oftho- Inferior coart of Walton and Henry
eonntieatopayto Thomas O. Wood, of Wal
ton county, and William Hadden of Henry
connty. certain earns of money for teaching
tho pooh children of said counties lit the years
1848and 1849.
94. To provide for tho taking tho census of
the State of Georgia. In pursuanco of the re-
quirement of tho 25th sectlon of tho 1st artt-
cle.of thoconssltutlon of tho Stato. ol Gcor-
gia." - /'■ v;
• 95. To low and collect a tax (hr each ofthe
political yeara 1852 and 1868, and thereafter
until repealed.
96. To appoint thd time of holding tho Su
perior Courts In tho Blue Ridgo and Chero-
kce Circuits ofthts Stato, and to legallzo and
mako valid all writs, executions and other
processes raado rcturasblo to tho Superior
C 97. To fix and regulate tho tlmo of holding
the Superior Courts in the Macon Circuit;
and to fix the time of holding the tafer^
98. To prescrllie tho manner In which the
laws of this Stale shall be printed and publish
99. To repeal an act to alter tho'llho be
tween the counties of Jones and Jasper.
* 100. To provide for the election of all the
Judges of tho Superior courts by tho free
white pcople oftho StatcofGeorgia, and for
other purposes,
101. To extend tlio tlmo for purchasers of
fractions and square lots of land, sold undor
tho provisions of an act assented to 80th Doe.
1847.'' to authorize the Governor to appotnt
fit and proper poisons to sell and dispose nf
tho undrawn lots In tho land and gold lotto
lies heretofore had In ,'thls Stato.rand to limit
tho tlmo for fraction pnrchason to pay for
and take ont grants.
102. To Incoiporatq Nowpan Female Col
103. To authnrizq cortain poisons therein
named to clear ont and Improve tho naviga
tion of tho Ohattahooehe river above tho
Western and Atlantlo Railroad, and for other
104. To repeal an act to compensate petit
jnrors qf tho Superior and Inferior conrt*. so
(hr as regards tlio connty of Camden, assented
to Dee. 21,1888.
106. For tho relief of James Nowton of Jas
per county.
106. To removo an election precinct in tlio
connty of Talbot.
107. To Indemnify Seaborn Jones for loss
sustained by him In consequence of tho Slates
wiling hlmn fractional lot of land to which
It had no title.
108 Compelling the tax recotvon and col
lector* of tho counties of Coweta, Early, and
Fayette, to visit tho hotuci of all tho widows
in **ld countlea before returning them ns de
109. To legalize tho acta of cortain deputy
clerks of tho Superior, Inferior and conrta of
Ordinary of thl* 8tato.
110. To amebd an act to Incorporate Con
cord Church In the county of Tattnall, approv
ed February 6,1850.
111. To Incorporate Zobulon Branch Ball
112. To repeal a portion ofthe act to com
pensate petit juror* In tlio county of Hancock.
111. To change tho lino between tho coun
tlea of Baker and Randolph, so as lo Include
lot of lsnd No. ID; In tho 8d of Baker, In
Randolph connty.
114. To alter and chango the district lino
between the 969th district and tho Ccnlervlllo
district In the connty of Camden.
116. For the relief of Daniel Hicks, Ed
mond H. Garrett, John R. Lucry jmd Joseph
116. To Incorporate tho Clarkesvlllo and
Tugalo Rail or Plank road.
117. To Incorporate tho town ofCalhouh In
the county of Gordon.
118. To prohibit tho sale of deadly weap
ons, and to prescribe the manner of carrying
tho samo; and to repeal an act to gnard and
protect the citizens of this State against tho
unwarrantable and too prevalent use of dead
ly weapons, assented to 26th December, 1817.
119. To incorporate Eaharleyvlllo In tho
county of Cass.
120. To prevent tho driving of any horned
cattlo, orcattio oftho cow kind, from Pickens
and Anderson districts in South Carolina, or
any other places that may he Infected with
distemper, Into tho connty of Rnhnn; and to
prohibit tho driving such cattlo and oxen
from said county to dlstompored places, and
then driving tho same hack to sold connty be
tween tho 15th day of May and 15th day of
October In each year; and to prevent tho drlv.
Ing of cattle from Alabama to Floyd connty
In tho summer season | and that tho provisions
of this act shall extend to tho county of Union.
121. To alter and amend an act to Incorpo
rate tho city of Romo, passed the Oth Dec.,
122. To alter and (lx tho tlmo of holding
tho 8aporior Conrts In tho South-western
circuit, end to change the tlmo of holding tho
Inferior Courts In tho counties of Sampterand
Leo; ond to require the Judge ol said circuit
to hokl Court two weeks In Snnitor and Lee
at each term In said court If tho business Is
not disposed of In a shorter period; and to
draw two panels of grand and potlt jurors In
said counties of Sumpter and Loo, and to lo-
galizo tho adjourned terms of Decatur, Early,
and Baker Superior Conrts, and to change tho
time of holding tho fell term of tho 8nperior
Court In tho connty of Stewart.
128. Toeompol tho 'dorks ofthe Superior
and Inferior Courts, and the conrta of Ordina
ry oftho several counties of this State to bay
a seal of office for each of said courts.
124. To add an additional section to tho
tenth division orthe' penal code of this State.
126. To Incorporate tho Geaorgla Mechan
ical and Manufacturing Institute In the city nf
Macan, and to confer cortain privileges upon
the samo.
126. "To separate the offices of tax collector
and receiver of tax return for tho connty of
127. Toamondan act relative to guardians
of minors receiving and recovering property
belonging to tholr wards, assonted to 26th of
Dec. 1837.
128. To redneo tho official bond of the
Sheriffs hereafter to be elected In tho county
of Bryan, from tho sum of ten thousand dol
lars to tho sum of five thousand dollars.
129. For the relief of tho receiver of tax
returns (br the county of Washington.
180. To amend the 16th section of the 0th
division of the Penal Codons to service of
summons upon persons guilty of forcible entry
and detainer In certain cases.
181. To provldo means for tho equipment,
construction and repair of the Western and
Atlantia Railroad and to pay off tho existing
liabilities of tho same.
182. Brownwood University located in
Troup county and to confer powors on tie
samo ana to Incorporate tho Presbyterian
ChurOb In the town of Marietta.
188. To chango tho lino-betweon tho coun
ties of Telfelr. and. Appling so as to Include
tlio residence, of Washington Nelson oftho
county of Telfair to tho county of Appling
the counties of Macon and Crawford, so as to
add to and include within tho county of Ma
con lots Nos. 122 and 187 of tho 8th district of
originally Houston now Crawford county, also
to alter and chango tlio lino between tlio
counties of Plko and Spalding.
185. To chango tho boundary jino oftho
connty of Thomas so as to add lot of land No.
110 In tha 10th district of Bakor county ad
joining tho present lino oftho county of Tho-
masand lots of land No. 626 and 626 in tho
12th district of Lowndes connty to tho connty
of Thomas, and to add lot No. 10, tn tho 8d
district of Baker connty to tlio county of Ran
dolph nnd to add tho lot known as Shorwood
Mills In Hall county to tho county of Gwin
nett, and to add lot No. 12 In Uth district of
Tolfofr county to Irwin county, and to odd lots
No. 0 and 27 In tho 11th distrlqtpfMeriwether
county to the connty of Coweta,
136. To allow Nathaniel Smith of Hall
connty to ask and receive tolls for tho uso of
his bridgo across thq Ghattnhoockco river near
tho shallow ford In said county; and to au
thorize Cornelius D. Tcrbuno and George W-
Tutnlln to construct * bridgo upon tbelr own
land In Cass county over tho Etowah river,
and to charge and collect toll* from persons
oroastng the samo.
187. To'extend and dtiflno tlio corporate
limits ofthotownofNewnan tn thocountyof
Coweta, to provide for tho elgctlon of Intend-
nnt oiid commissioners for tho samo, and to
deflne their powers, and for othor purposes
therein named.
188. To chango the lino oftho Western and
Atlantlo Railroad, so as to run through tho
town ofCatsvillo.
189. To change tho lino between tho conn-
Hot of Cass and Floyd, so os to add certain lota
offend therein named to tho connty of Floyd,
and to defino tho line between tho conntlca of
Paulding and Cohb, and to defino tho line*
between tho counties of Paulding and Polk
to change tho lino between tho counties of
Walker and Gordon; and chango tho lino be
tween tho 'conntie* of Cass and Paulding-
also the line between tho counties of Murray
and Gordon—also the llnobotwccn Floyd ond
Poik, and tlio line between Ware and Wayno-
140. To extend all tho provisions ofthe act
to amend tlio several acta now In force, regu
lating tlio fees of Magistrates and Constables
In tho Stato ofGeorgla so (hr as relates to tho
connty of Chatham, and to provldo for tho
mode of collecting tho samo, approved Dec.
19,1849, and also tho acts to amend tho sev
eral set relating to Justices Courts, so (hr as
regards the county as Chatham, approved Dee.
19,1849 to the county of Effingham, and tho
Justices Conrta, Magistrates and Constable* of
said connty.
141. To appoint corlafe persons hereinafter
named commlsstoncra, and to authorlzo said
person* to obstruct a portion of tlio channel
of tliu river Cunuochec, In too connty uf Bry
an, at tholr own expense, for tho protection nnd
safo keeping of tho timber or rafts of timber
that may ho carried down said river for mar
ket by any person or peraons who may here
after bo engaged In tho tlmbor business upon
tho waters oftho said river Canoochoo.
142. To rotund to Ira Sanbam of Decatur
county, a certain snm of money therein named.
148. For tho relief of Lovl S. DoLyon and
Asher Ayers, and to anthonfzo tho Govomor
to draw life warrant on tlio Treasury In tholr
behalf for tho amount stated.
144. For tho relief of James Gibson oftho
connty of Wilkinson, nnd to authorlzo and
require the Governor todraw his warrant upon
tho Treasurer In fhvor nf said Gibson, or his
Agent for tho sum of nineteen hundred and
two dollars and two cants.
146 Tn alter and amend an act to provldo
for the in ligont deaf and dumb citizens of this
Stato also to provldo for the appointment of
a commissioner, to regnlate his duties, affix
his salary and appropriate mono/ thcrofor by
Increasing the annual appropriation, and for
other purposes.
140. For tho relief of tho estate of James
Mapp. deceased, of Greene connty, and James
T. Humphries of DeKalb connty.
147. For the relief of Wm. 0. Dunn, tax
collector of Jospor county.
148. To authorlso John W.Dnncan to plead
and practice law in the several courts of few
and equity In this State, on certain conditions
therein named.
149. To incorporate tho Sparta Hotel Com
160. To regulate tho mode of olccting Con
stables in tho City of Savannah.
161. Toohange the line between the conn
tlcs of Fayette and Campbell, so as to include
tho residence of John Griffin and Thomas S.
Roberts, now ofthe county of Fayette, In the
county of Campbell.
162. To repeal an act consolidating tho of
fices of tax collector ond receiver in the coun
ty of Cherokee, passed Dee. 19,1841, and to
b -ttor provldo for paying tbo grand and potlt
jurors nfsald county.
168. To keep open, remove and prevent ob
structions to the freo passage of fish, &c. In
tho Highwasseo riror from the North Caroli
na lino to Osborn’s Mills In tho county of
Union, Slate of Georgia.
164. To amend an act entitled an set to *-
mend the sovoral acts now in force, regulating
the fees of Magistrates and-Cnnstablcs in the
Stato ofGeorgla, so far as relates to the oonn
ty of Chatham approved Dee. 10,1849, so os
to Include the Meglstratos and Constables of
the connty of Baldwin, and to provldo for tho
collection ofthe samo.
165. To authorize tho Treasurer of the poor
school frmd In the connty of Lanrens, ‘to pay
ovor to Wm. P. Daniel and Arohibald Mc
Millan the amount of tholr accounts for
teaching poor .children In tho year 1861, In
said county of Laurens.
160. -To extend und defino tho corporate
limits ofthe town of Greenville Ip the connty
of Meriwether to provldo for tho olcctlon of
Rntendant and commissioners for the samo, to
define their powers, and for-othor purposes
thoreln namqd.
157. To authorlzo tho treasurer of Plko
county, or tbo treasurer of the poor school
of sold county, to pay over to L. E. Stubbs or
his lawftil representative tho snm of money
and to ehangt the lino between tho counties therein nomed; and toautborizo tho
* *odT«'.(klr, 1
Archillius Foster and James McDaniel, Wil
liam Knox, nnd John Holcomb, the amennt
duo them for teaching In the yeara I860 and
IBS. To repeal an net to authorize the dtl-
zens of McIntosh county to elect commission
ers of pilotage for the port of Darien and so
regulate tho feca of the snino, approved Jan.
18,1850; and for the purpose of altering the
tlmo modo and manner of electing sold com
missioners, nnd for othor purposes therein
mentioned. ~ ,
159. To compensate grand and petit Jurors
In certain counties therein named, and to pro
vldo for tlio payment ofthe snmo.
160. To change tho nntno of tho LaGrongo
Fcmalo Collegiate Seminary.
101. For the pirdcin of Klnchcn P. Boon,
now confined In tlio Penitentiary for life for
tlio crime of murder.
162. TofeyoutanowconntyfrnmIheconn-
ties of Talbot and. Macon nnd Marion, and to
attach tho snmo to a Senatorial district.
163. To amend an act entitled nn act to In
corporate tho Southwestern Railroad Compa
ny, with power to extend branches to Albany
In tho connty of Baker, and Fort Gains Ift tho
county of Early, or lo points hclow those pla
ces on tho Chattahoochco and Flint river*,
and to punish thoso who may wllftilly Injure
tho samo, assented to December 27,1845, and
for othor purposes, approved February 23,
1850; and to Incorporate tho Clicrokoo Rail-
rood company; and to amend the act Incor
porating tho Atlanta and LaGrango Railroad
164. For the rellof of Wm. O. Jacobs ofthe
conntyof Gwinnett; and for the relief of Ads-
lino E. Waller, formerly Adallno E. Flowers,
ofTroup county; also, for tlio relief ofLowl*
0. Pearson and Susan Jackson.
165. Tocliangotho tlmo and place of hold
ing tho Supremo Conrt of tlio State of Geor
gia In tho second Supremo Court judicial
160. To regulate tho modo of sucingtho
bonds of executors, administrators and guar
dians. on,
107. To amend an act to permit all the spe
cie paying solvent banks ofthls Stato, to Issue
hills of a denomination less than five dollars,
assented to Dcccmbor 27,1842.
108. To prcscribo tho modo of compensating
tho jurors oftho Superior nnd Inferior Courts
oftho counties of Lumpkin, Habersham and
Murray. „ •
109. To increase tho jurisdiction of magis
trates In tho city of Macon.
170. To Incorporate Iho Talbotton Railroad
171. To inoorporato tho fire company of the
city of Romo, to bo known by tho namo and
stylo of tho Oostanaula (Ire company, No. 1.
and to grant to them certain pilriirgus amt
exemptions, nnd to authorlso tho Mayor and
Aldermen of said city of Romo to levy and
collect a tax for tho establishment and ma)n-
tenaneq of a tiro department In said city.
172. To anthorizo Augustus II. Andorson
and Moses P. Green to erect a bridgo across
tho Ogccheo river on tholr own fend In Burko
connty, nnd on tho fend of Daniel Kent In
Emanuel county, for which they hdvo obtain
ed tho perpetual privilege from Daniel Kent,
tho ownor of said fend, In tho county of Emin-
178. To appropriate monoy for making nsc-
(hland necessary improvements in connection
with tho Lunatic Asylum.
174. To enfergo nnd extend tho corporate
powors oftho town of Covington.
176. Tocliangotho name oftho public site
of tho county of Cllntli.
170. For tho relief of D. T. White of New
ton connty.
177. To repeal so much of an act entitled
an act, so for os rotates to Walker county, as
sented to Feb. 14,1860, to anthorizo and re
quire tho Justices of tho Inferior Conrts of
Gilmer and Wnlkcrconntics to proportion the
poor school frtnd of said counties among the
several districts agreeably to tlio number of
poor children returned by tho magistrates, and
to appoint a treasurer to rcccivo nnd payout
tho samo to tho teachers of said districts.
178. To repeal nn act entitled nn act to a-
mend nn act incorporating tho city of Dalton
In Murray county, approved 29th Dccembor,
179. To nraond an net to provide for the ed-
ucatlon ofthe poor so fhr as tho county of
Twiggs Is conccroed.
180. For tho relief of Thnmns B. Andrews
nnd Thomas M. Murray, teachers of poor
children oftho county of Early, for tho years
1844,1846,1847 and 1818.
181. For tho government and management
of the Western and Atlantlo Railroad.
182. For tho relief ofLowis F. Harris, ad
ministrator on tho estate of Nathaniel F. Har
ris, deceased; and to authorlzo the Governor
to draw his warrant on tho Treasury in li'a
favor for tho sum hereinafter mentioned.
183. For the relief of X G. McFarland of -
thocountyof Walkor. ;
184. To establish lost papers in the justice's
courts of this State, and for other purposes
therein specified.
185. To chango tho time of holding tho
spring torm of tho Suporior Court of Clark
county, and to outhorlzo nnd require the judge
oftho Superior Courts oftho Western Circuit
to hold court two weeks at each spring term
of said court, unless tho business of arid conrt
can he done Ina shorter time; and to provide
for tho snmo, and to (lx tho time of holding
tho Inferior Courta In -Floyd, Forsyth, Chat
tooga nnd Appling counties.
187. To glvo to painters who may paint
house In tho conntlcs of Baldwin and Bibb,
a lion uponsuch houses and premises of equal
dignity with tlio lien ofmnster masons and
master' carpenters, given by the several laws
now of force In said counties.
188. To protect tho citizens of thl* State
from danger by tho running at largo oflunati
and insano slaves or free persons of oo|o
189. To protect rafts end rolfemei
wanton injuries commltcd by ateamb
.(gating any of the rivers or i
190. To repeal an act a
»ry, I860,*