Newspaper Page Text
Increase or Reading natter.
rpHE LADY’S BOOK lor the ensuing yenr,
JL will present many novel features suited to
the advancing demands of the public tnste. It
has ever been the object of the publisher TO
TAKE THE LEAD nmong the populnr Mu
guxlnes of this country; and the host of itnitiv
tots, who hare been constantly following—
" tolling after him In votn"—nre sufficient to
attest his brilliant success' The promptness
with which ever) new Ulen that lie suggests is
adopted by others. Is a sufficient renson far his
n> t being very explicit ond exact in his promis
es of what is yet to come' He does not wish
to lay out plans forotheirto follow. It is suf
ficient. however, to say that nil the existing po.
pulor features of the Lady's Book will be re
tained, and many new ones, pnrti rulnrly nt-
tractive in n Lady’s Book and Family Itlnga.
ine, wlilbe Introduced. The useful and me
elegant will always be kept lit view
Toihe Magnilnesalone we must lookforthe
effusions of the master ntinds of Literature. It
is useless to publish alls'. of natites—suffice it
to say, that we havo published articles, and
have others to publish, from ALL THE BEST
Gtdey’s Laly's Booh for January, 1652.
will contain In addition to the most beautiful
and numerous Engravings—Ihrtt of which are
colored—an additional quantity of reading by
American authors, There is no question nhui
the fact,oral the tens of thousands of notices
that we have from the contemporary press will
establish it, that it is
the stosTsuorctricEXTroniooicit.
The publisher will give 13 Nos. for 1862,Ilia
e Lot din A rts Union would be proud of,nnd
sir price Is$lon year.
It must be observed that the Lndys Book
catersto the taste ol the American Lntlles. It
furnishes them with every thing that eon inter
est a Lndy—and nmong others Is the following!
Godovs Bcliablc Fashion Plates Monthly!
with full descriptions—besides ebit-ehnt upon
the Fashions every month giving full explan
ations of every thing new in the Fashionable
Our Model Collages—This Is o deportment
peculiarly our own, and the beauty and utility
of our models has everywhere been acknowl
f\>r the Ladies I /—We have undoubted Re-
ceipts. Model Cottages, Model Cottage Furni
ture. Patterns for Window Curtains, Crochet
Wotk, Knitting, Netting, Patchwork, Crochet
Flower Work, Hair Braiding. Ribbon Work,
Chenille Work, Lace Collar Work, Chtldrun'a
a d Infant's Clothes, Capes, Caps, ChemiBcics
—in fine,every thing that can interest a Lady,
will find Its appropriate place in her awn hook.
TERMS—Cash In Advance.
One Copy one year, $3. 2 copies ono year,
£5, 1 copy two years, £5. S copies one year,
810. 1 copy five years, $10. 10 copies one
year, $20, and on extra copy to the person
sending the dub of ten. Address
113 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia.
Godey’s Lady’s Book and Arthur’s Home.
I N Mny. 1860. n number of Planters living
in Georgia nml Alabama, met In Colum
bus, Gn , nnd formed themselves Into an
Agricultural Boelcly. ' Tho advantages of
such un association wore nt oneo. apparent,
nnd with the view to contribute ns much us
possible to agricultural Improvement, It was
determined, at n meeting ol tho Society in
January, 1661, to establish nn Agricultural
Journni. As tho result of dint notion
<< The Soil of the South’’ rnmio its np*
peartuico in tho month of March Inst. It
was hailed with universal approbation, and
from that day to .this, it has steadily nnd rn*
pi Uy Incrstsed in circulation and public fa 1
vs?. A:t ho recent great Fair in Macon.
Oa., It was by a unanimous vote ottbo mom
hers, recommended to tho patronage or Sou
thorn Agriculturalists, and elected to be tho
Organ of Iks Southern Central AgribuUural
It will hereafter bo published under the
(inspires of that association, nnd will bo tho
medium of communicating oillolnlly, nil in
telligence pertnining to Its interests nnd oh-
jeots. Bv a resolution of the Executive Com
mittee, the publisher is authorised to send
a copy of tho paper gratuitously, to nil Agri
cultural Societies ip tho South that will send
their address to tho olllco of publication*
The columns of The Soil of the South will
as heretofore, bo devoted to tho discussion
ol nil subjects pertaining to tho iutcrosts of
Agticulturo nnd Horticulture, Domestic and
Rural Economy. It is intended to make the
paper essentially praflical t nnd nt tho same
time eminently progressive, in its character,
embodying ns far us possible, all that is val-
liable, as well In tho practice as tho science
of Agriculture. In its instructions, it will bo
tho constant aim of those who write for its
columns, to adapt themsclver. to tho pecu
liar climate, soils ttnd drops of tho South
In short, no effort and no reasonable ox pen so
will bo spared, to make Tho Soil of tho
8outhnwottby nnd instructive Journni‘oi
Southern Agrtoultnre.
“ Terms—Tho Soil of tho South is publDh
ed monthly, each number conta rung sixteen
largo nnd handsomely printed pages, and i i
furnished to subscribers promptly nnd regu
larly ( attlio low pricoof One collar per an-
num\ 6 copies will bo sent 12 months for 04.
Tho money must in all enses accompany
tho names or tho paper will not be sent.
03-All communications must be ndUicss-
ed (post baid) to the Bublisher of tho Soil of
tho South. JAMES M. CH.tMBBHS
^ Agricultural Editor.
Horticultural Editor.
Pec. 19,1851.Publisher.
gla> Floyd County.—TS> Me Sheriff of
said County—Greeting!
The Cent ol B'k of Georg I
vs. > Assumpsit, fee
The Western B'k of Georgia. )
The defendant is hereby required personally
orby attorney to be and appear at the next
Superior Cum, to bo held in and for said
county, on the third Monday in Jnn -aty next,
then and there to answer the plalmift's de
mand In nn notion of ns.umpslt, feo, ns in de
fault of such appearance raid Conuwdl pro
ceed ns tn justice shall appertain ; Witsxss
the Honorable John H. Lumpkin, Judge o
said Court.
Tldo Uih dny of October, 1851.
A. B. IIOSS, m.
/"''EOUGIAf Floyd County.—Whore
U Icy J. Johnson applies to me for
of Administration on the cstnto of Johr
\—Whoroas Rl-
- .0 mo for Letters
cstnto of John Ward,
into of said county, deceased—
These nre thorefbro to cite nnd admonish
nll-nnd singular tho kindred nnd crcditois of
said deceased to ho nnd appear nt my olllco
within the time prescribed by law. to show
cause. If any they ltnvo, why said Lotlers
should not bo granted.
Given under my hand, at office, this 81st
dny of Decembur, 1862.
C VEOR4IIA, Floyd County.—Whereas Rob-
I ert Ware applios tn mo for Letters of ad
ministration on tho estate of Thomas Middle
ton. late of snld county, dcccasod—
These are therefore to clta and admonish
all and singular tho kindred nnd creditors of
said deceased, to bo nnd nppenr at my office
within the Unto prescribed by law, to show
cause, if any they have, why said Letters
should not he granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 81st
day of Decchiher. 1862.
EOUtllA, Floyd County.—Wherein, W.
YJT M. lturke applies tome lor letters of
Gnnrdinuslitp, tn tlio person nnd property
ofttootorFranklin Boswell, orphan or llich-
nrd Boswell, Into of snld county, deoonsed-
These nro therefore la otto nml admon
ish nil nnd singulnr tho kindred nnd
friends of snld orplinn, to bo nnd nppenr nt
my offico within the time prescribed bylnw.
to show on use (Ifnny exist) why snld lettors
should not bo granted. Tills the 4th dny of
December, ISM.
VTOTICE.—Tlte undersigned respeotlidly
JLv• begs lenvo to inform his. friends, nnd
the travelling community, that tho
Hns nndergoue n thorough renovution nnd
extension, nnd Is now In oomplete order, for
the n.commodutlon of steady or transient
bonrdersi-tba rooms are beautifully fitted up,
nnd every possible attention will be paid to
tite comlort nnd convenience of those who
Invor the bouse with tbelv patronage. The
tuble Is regularly furnished with the best
that tho Southern nnd Northern market ean
afford WM. P. CLARK,
0m Proprietor of tho PavJlllon.
Savnnnnh, Nov. 7, 1851.
Wm. HogaTi Typo Founder, 38 Gold at.
Ing Materials, Including Type, Furniture,Ink,
Cases, Galleys j In short, everything that may
luislto for tho complete cstablUhmbnt Of
Ices, or any site or
manufttetured at
Newspapers and Job
amount desired. Tho tvpo manufttetured nt
this establishment is believed not to bo sur
passed by that of any other foundry In tho
country. Tho proprietor bolng o practical
typa *
S O. Wells—Bncon, Lnrd, Corn. Flour,
> Wheat, Sugar, Coffee, Salt, and Molstes,
Domestic Yarns,Cloth, Shoes and Leather,
Dried Fruit, Beef and Filh.
Pure Port IPine, and Pale Otari' Brandy,
Porter and Lemon Syrup. A small lot of
Shooson consignment.
A few young inen can be accommodated
with Boarding.
V a fund House, Depot Square.
March 6, IHAl,
It has . ..
leave the establish ment, not perfectly correct
‘ ,r. In proof of this (hot. ho
hns the honor of referring to hundreds of tho
trade throughout the United States, who can
testify to their accurary and durability.
igr All orders attended to with prompt
ness nnd a liberal discount made for cash.
\ now Specimen Book has recently been is
sued containing all Into additions of new feces,
fency letters, fee., which will be ftirnished up-
i application by printers, gratis.
Jnn 2 1882
I Tabs, Flowers and Fentbers.
f1EOIIGIA, Floyd County.—Whereas, Dsn-
vJ irl S Prinlup applies to me for Letters of
Administration on the cstnto of Thomas C.
llnckett, late of snld county, deceased •
These a,e therefore to cite and ndmonlsh
all nnd singular, tho kindred and crediloraof
said deceased, to be nnd appear nt my office
within the time prescribed by few, to show
cause (If any exist,) why snld letters should
not be granted. Given under my hand nnd
olliclnl Signature, nt office. This the 11th day
of November, 1881.
G GEORGIA, Floyd County.—Whereas Ma
thew V. Ellis nnd John Baker, npply to m<
for Letters of Administration on the Estate of
Joshua A. Wntts late of said county deceased.
TlieBe nre therefore to cite nnd ndmonlsh nil
nnd singulnr the Kindred nnd creditors of snld
deceased to be nnd nppenr nt my office within
the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if
any exist, why said letters should not be gran
ted. Given under my linnd nnd seal nt office
this 18th dny of Nov. 1S5I.
Nov. 21, 1851.
GEORGIA, Floyd County. WhrrensChris
linn Wisentmker nnd George A. Keller, npply
tome for Letters of Administration on the Es
tate of John R. Ihley, late of enid county,
These urs therefore to cite and admonish all
and singulnr the kindred and creditors of said
deceased,to be nml nppenr at my office within
the time prescribed hy law toshewcnuse.lfnny
they hove, why sold letters should not be gran
ted. Given under my hand at office title 24th
Nov. 1“5I.
Nov.98. JESSE LAMBERTH,c.c. o
Boys and Children.—With n complete
assortment of Lndlus nml Misses Hats, shoes
nnd gloves, Trunks,Cnrpet Bngs, Station-
ury and Fancy Stationary, BOOKS In great
variety. CARPETING, very cheap. Piano
Fortes nnd Music, withli great vnriotyof
other articles,all ofwhioh will be sold sit fair
Booksordercd in the shortest possible time.
Rome. Sept. 26,1R5I
A. U. HARTWELL, Superintendent.
Ladies’ Department under the charge of Mrs.
James, formerly of Columbus, nnd favorably
known to the travelling public. An Omnibus
will always bo in readiness for the nunvey-
once of passengers to and from the Hotel.
09- The Alligator Line of Stages to Florida
nhi Its M.icoii Office at this Hotel.
Jnn 9. ' F. M. ALLEN
TEST Received on Consignment, 2,coo lbs.
Bacon and 600 Ibf. Lnrd . for sale for Cash,
' LACK SILKS—SnperlOrBlnok Silks, very
wide lor Mantillas, with black silk luces
4, 0. 7 and 8 inches wide, nt the
ft RASS CLOTH.—101) PIECES Gras cloths
U —just reorlvedby
) «NH Is t.JYT
BY 8. G. WELLS, '
I S now open as a private Boarding House.
I'ltore nre good stocks ol goods koptln the
lower story nnd bnsement
Travellers can And the Vernndn House
near the Uepotwithoatorosslng Broad street.
Home, October 31, 1951.
Hamburg Depot to Charleston, will be.
until further notice, 76 cents per bale. This
Company will also receive Cotton nt the Geor-
Rnil Rood Depot, In Augustn, pny the
nnd drayage, 18j cts., sero-s the Augdstn
Bridge, nnd deliver it In Charleaton at 93)
cents per bale. . .
W. J. MAGRATH, Agent.
Nov. 14. no6—tf.
Tj'urnlture, Chain, Panncl-Doors, Win-
r dotr-Snsh, Blinds, etc,—The undersign
ed beg leave to inform the public, tlmt they
linve on linnd nnd nre constantly manufactur
ing, every variety of Cabinet Furniture of tho
latest style nnd best quality, together with
Pnnnel Doors, Door nnd Window Frames,
Window Sash, Blinds, fee. fee.
Having been at very considerable expense
in procuring nnd fitting up new nnd Improv
ed machinery far doing the above kinds nf
work, they confidently nppenl to n generous
public to sustain them in the enterprise, pledg
ing themselves to furnish any article In their
line, for less money than it con be mode fot by
hand,or laid down lor from imy market.
Aag 89,1851.
DO-Shop opposite the Presbyterian Chujrcb,
BrondStrect. Rome, On.
Wnre-llooins -ono door nbove “LnubV
nnd opposite Sidllvnn, Crrbot Co
(IflA LRS. of superior Lnrd just re-
UUU celved nt SIIAW'S.
Feb9u •
A PFLE8—A Lot of Hire Large An pics, just
/a. received ntid for ante by
Den 19. JOHNSON fe WOOD.
,1M.—Blenched, Whale, Train and Dili.
•eed Oils j rtpts. Turpentine by .the Gal
lon; beat No, 1, White lend ; Window Glass,
by 10 and 10 by 19. Forsnleby
AND FOR HALE.—A part ol* Lot No. 137
I 23d districted sertion*.lying on the North
side of the Oostnnnulla River, containing 138
acres of which 28 are of'the bs'st bottom.—
There are 25 acres cleared; pnrt bottom Land.
Plat may be seen, nnd terms of sale ascer
tained by application to . L, A. ALLEN*
Dec. 19, 1851.
UST RECEIVED—A few boxes of Georgia
Tobacco, which will be sold low by the box.
Also a lot of fine cot Tobacco in papers for
smokititr, equal to Hnvanna, at
July 17. P. M. ALLEN’*
J UST RECEIVED.—A largo nnd extensive
stock oi Ladies* nnd Gents' dress goods,
newest spring styles ; also a very large stock
of staple dry goods boots, shops, hnls and
clothing «ndcllery,cnrrlagc trimmings,springs
and oxics for buggies nnd two-horse wagons,
shelf nnd heavy hardware, of every style and
price, smiths' tools, sheet, hoop nnd bar Iron
nnd steel, hoes, chains. lYc. Also a very
large and general stock of Groceries, Atlnntn
steam Mills (lour always on hand; together
witli every other article wanted either for
city or country uso, nil of which will be sold
os cheap ns the chon post call nnd see.
April 3,1851.
THE subscriber grateful for the
many and . repented fnvovs b«-
A RE now receivingn largo nnd extensivo
/v stock of heavy goods nt the Now Brick
Store oppo site the IInil Bond Depot, con
sisting in part, of Sngnr, CofTeos, Tens, Li
quor*, all kinds Rope, Bagging, Suit, hon,
Molasses, candies, Nails, Soap, Stnreh, can
dles, Negro Blankets nnd shoes, Klee, To-
bacon, Scgnrs, Anvils, Vices, Bellows,cook
ing nnd Parlor Stoves, nnd a thousand other
articles which they invite Merchants nnd
Planters to pall nnd eeo ns they can pur
chase Goods nt Augusta prices with freight
Romo. Gn., Ortnhet 17,18.11..
G entlemen's Furnishing Store*—WE
would respectfully invite the attention of
our customers and the public generally tu
our stock of Goods for Fall and Winter wear,
which we have just received nr.d are open
ing. Gents bl’k and colored Rook, dress and
suck Coats,
Black nnd colored Tweed and satinett and
I rock coats,
Cloth nnd Blanket clonks nnd Over-conts,
Colored Cass,' Doeskin, Tweed and Suiluelt
Black and colored silk, sntin, plush, cash'
mere nnd merino Vests,
B. Slii i ts, colored shI rts,trier i rio and cotton
undershirts, merino and cotton i hose ; Pock-
hd'ks, cravats, scnrfii, gloves, suspenders,
collars, drawers tec. Men's youth’s nr.d
Boy’s lints nnd caps, in great variety Men’s
fine calf dress Boots Men’s fine water-proof
Boots And a largo and complete assort
ment of Men’s and Boy's Boots and Shoos of
every quality and p ice
We have also for the Ladles, velvet,silk,
satin and straw Bonnets ; Sntin, Lasting and
morocco Gaiters half Gaiters and Buskins
Ties Slippers and walking Boots and Shoes,
a full assortment of Misses and childrens
shoes of nil
N. B. We w.-uld particularly invite the in
tention of Planters to onr stock of Negro
Slices, xvliieli if. \
Ahlh UHLS. Supeifino nnd Kxtrii family
J&V flour, for sale by, F. M. ALLEN
stowed upon him “lorlothcfe ninny years.”
by tho citizens of Rome and vicinity, would
still solicit a continuance of their patronage,
and a visit from alt persons having business
in his line. Mo may he found nt the sumo
OLD E STAB LISHME ST on Broad street,
ft Doors West ol It* J. Johnson’s Corner.—
Within the last twelve mouths lie has great-
(/enlarged his shop, and made many nnd
important improvements in almost*every
branch of his business. His materials nre
good and abundant j his workmen faithful
nnd competent, nnd lie flauers himself that
Ilfs Carriages, Buggies, and other vehicles,
■will favorably compare in beauty, stylo, fin-
“ 'with any similar osta-
Connected with his Carriage Estab ish-
ment, he 1ms an extensive Blacksmith idiop
at tho bond oi which is nn experienced
. workman who is alwf.y.«ra/ home, nnd’liold*
himself in readiness to hammer and have
hammered, lion and steel to order.
Tho citizens of Georgia and Alabama who
Intend purchasing carriages or buggies, nn
cordially invited to call and examine.hi
work. His prices will he regulated to suit
the times, nnd cosh in bond will at all times
command the very best bargains.
' P^Omo, May 29,1851.
N. B.—Repairing done nt the shortest
notice punctually nnd efiectunlly.
Northern Work will be kept constant
ly on hand, which he will sell on accommo*
2 dating terms. W. W.
A First rate article of Tobacco and Cigars
JTX always kept at SIIAW’S
Feb 20
(Late Atlanta Iron Foundry.)
T HIS new COMPANY is now prepared
to tlo work on short notice, oi heavy and
light Cnstfngs front the Inlest improved pat
terns of Iron, Bro«s or Composition, nil of
which will lie warranted. Turning, Boring
nnd Drilling done t»» order. Also, screwcut
ting of I Of eet or under, of uny sized thread
required. Htnvy nnd light forging of wrought
Iron or Steel don? in superior style.
Particular Attention is called to their pnt<
terns for Mill Gearing, for Merchant nnd
Custom Flouring nnd Saw Mills, Gin OEnr-
ing ot nil the usual .lizes, and Bark Mills all
ways kept on linnd. We are also prepared to
build stntionnry Engines upon the latest im
provements all of which will be sold* low for
ensh. Copper nnd Brn^s taxen in exchange
for work at cash prices.
john McDonough.
P. S. All of the nbove company are prac
ticnl Mechnnies, and give their undivided nt
tentton to the business. oct.9,1861.
TTIxccutor’8 Sale.—Agrcenbly'to nn order
JCi of the honorable the Inferior Court of
Floyd county, when silting for Ordinnry
purposes, will be sold on the first tttesdny in
Janunty next, before tho Couft House door
on the City of Romo, within the usual hours
of sale a tract or parcel of Land, containing
one hundred and eighty acres of Land,
knownnsthe'plnce wherein William Cham
pion, deceased, formerly lived, lying on Big
Cedar creek. Sold for the benefit of (he
heirs and creditors of said decensed.
Oct. 31, 1951.
Kid, silk and Lisle-thread, LndiesColor
ed ond Black » oliair Pic-nic, and children'
Lisle-thread and cotton Gloves.
TT77LL give his prompt attention to the sole
• a *T of Lands, and tho estoblhhment of dis-
, luted Land Claims .hr eastern.T
will also do a General collecting
xus._ lie
^ _ business
Ail on the most moderate terms.
Address Marshall Harrison. County Texas.
- ' -Jupa* Lumpkin-
J. W. H. UvDgajvoon.
Daniel S.
C. DENSON, Is now receiving a l\tU
supply of Dry Goods and Groceries,
to which lie would invito tho attention of
his customers and the public generally, ns
is determined to sell as low as any house in
the city.
/TMMISG BISIXES9.—The subscriber would
inform hi. friends nnd thepuklic gen
erully, flint he is now engaged in the mnnu-
fuctnre of 'I'iii-Wiirv nf every kills!.
--|.AIeo every description of sheet iron.. His
shop is on Broad street nearly opposite Wim
pen's Cnrringe factory, where lie hopes by
: prompt attention to orders to receive a lib
ernl shnre of/he public patronage.
Juno 2d, 1‘SI. TOIIN G. MERCK.
YT/III Practice Law in nil the Counties of
YV the Cherokee Circuit, (except Dnde.)
They will, both personally nttrnd nil the
Courts. J. W, H. UNDERWOOD will nt-
tend the Courts of Jackson nnd Hnhmshnm
counties of the Western Circuit. Both will
attend the sessions of tho (tupremo Court nl
Gussville nml Gainesville, All business tv
trusted It. them will lie promptly and faith
fully attended to.
OFFICE next door tn Hoopor fe Mitch
Buena Vista House," Rome, Gu., nt which
plnee one or bothwlll always bo found,exeept
absent on professional business.
r - 23 IP61
' full.
Floyd Mortgage Sale for February-
W ILL be sold on tho first Tuesday in Ftb.
rusry next,before th. Court House do i
ill the City of Rome, within the legal hours of
sale,the following p-operty, to wit:
Three Mattress, four Bed
steads one wnlnnt tnble, and cne mettle etock,
oil levied on as the property of James W. Geer
tocntisiyu Mortgngcfi fn from Floyd Inferior
Court in IhvorofSimmnnsfe Gill vs James W
Geer. Properly specified in sn d fi fn.
Dec. 6,1851.
At the earne time and place vrill he sold,
One Stove nnd Pipe, two Tin Cnns, one
oue slnbnnd muller, one small oil can,one join
ter plane, ono set of new planes, one set of old
planes, three hand saws, one tmnnnl sow,
eight sockett chisels, one steel square, one-box
gouge, three drawing knives, three rules, 10
firmrrchisnls.reven uouges.two Trying Squnret
one jiibbit plane, three hollow augurs and one
bit, lour common augurs, one spoke shave, one
hnnd hammer, one rivit hummer, three work
benches, oite glew kettle, one grind stone,.one
oil -tone, nnd one carriage body; a I levied on
os the property of George Bono to satisfy
Mortgage fi fi from Floyd Inferior Court
favor of Wm. Wimpee vssaid Bone. Propc
specified in said fi. fe.
flU 1/ sale nt G. SHAWS’
March 6,1851.
W holesale & Retail Clothing Store.
PIERSON fe HEIDT, No. Ill Whit
ker street, Savannah, t.uveeontruunlly on
bond n large nnd welt selected stockof llea-
dy-mnde clothing, anti Genis’ Furnishing
Goods, to‘which they invito the attention "
Merchants nnd the publio in general,
nov. 7, ly
H OT air vuntillntiug cooking Stoves, which
doesaway with tlmtobjcction most of peo
ple havo to bread, fee., baked in Stoves, Please
call and examine nnd buy something to make
cooking easy and good, eating; at
Dec. 12,1861. F. M. ALLEN.
wheat Flour, 60 Boxes prime Cheese. For
sale by W. E. ALEXANDER & Co.
Dec. 19,1861.
B UGUIES.—FOUR superior Buggies, well
mode and well trimmed, end a splendid
set of Harness with each,lor sale at n hnrg.
nog. 28,1851.
N OTICE.—'Tho co-partnership existing
tween Marks, Fried fe 0o., will bo dis
solved in a very short time. All persons in
debted toihe above Firm by Note or Book
account, will do well to make immediate pay
ment and save cost.
Rome, January 2,1862.
T HE Firm of Sumter. Tkrbett fe Co. hav
ing been this day dissolved by mutual
consent, all persons indebted to tho fit
5 lease come forward and settle; am
aying claims against tho firm will
to fL KEGS Nails,assorted. Forsale low,
• whole sale and
50 v. M. ALLEN.
Jan 9,1M5I
Q BALES Factory Yarn, formlelowby
For the dire of Coughs, Colds. Hoarccncss, Bron
chitis, Whiopmg-cough, Croup, Aelhma api
In offering to the community this justly cele
brated remedy for diseases ol the throat and
lungs,it is not onr wish to trifie with the lives
nr health of the nfflicte-l, but frankly to lay
before them the opinions of distinguished men
and tome of the evidences of its success, from
which they can judge for themselves. We
incerely 1 dge ourse ea to make no wild as
sertlons or false statements of Its efficacy, nor
will we bold out any hope to suffering human!-
fo which facts will not warrant.
Many proofs ate here given, ond we solicit
on inquiry from the public into all we publish,
feeling assured they will find them perfectly re
liable, and the medicine worthy their best con
fidence attd patronage.
From the distinguished Professor of Chemistry
n and Materia Mediea, Botodoin College.
Deah Fin—I delayed answering the receipt
our preparation, until 1 nad an opportunity
if witnessing its effects in my own family, or
u the families of my friend*.
This I have now done with a high degree of
■atlsfnoUon, In cases both of adults and,child-
I have found It, ns its ingredients show, a
powerful remedy for colds, and o.ughs, and
Hamburg, 0:1. 29. 1861.
pulmonary diseases.
Bhukswick, Mx., Feb. 5,1847.
From an Overseer in the Hamilton Mills, in
this City.
owstL, Aug. 10,1861.
Du. J. C. Ayer—1 have been cured of the
woist cough 1 ever hud in my life, by your
•' CnxRRT Pectoral" nnd never foil, when I
have opportunity, of recommending it to others.
Yours, respectfully.
07Read the following and see if this tnedi-
cine is worth n trial. This patient had become
very feeble, and the effect of the medicine was
unmistakably distinct :—
United States Hoixl, Saratooa String*, )
July 5,1840. j
Dr, J. C. Aver—Sir: I have been afflicted
with a painful affcodon of lb: lungs, and all tho
symptuns of settled consumption,for mote than
a yenr. I could find no medicine thnt would
reach my case, until I commenced the use of
your " Cherry Pect- ral” which give me
gradual relief, nnd Ihnvehrenstendllygninipg
my strength Filmy health is well nigh restored.
While using your medicine,T hod the grati
fication of curing with it-my reverend friend,
Mr. Truman, of Sumpter District, who had
been suspended from his parochial duties by a
severe nttick of bronchitis.
I have plensure in certifying these facts to
you, nnd am sir, Years respectfully,
J. "• CALHOUN, nf South Carolina.
EFSol by Bottey. Home Gn.; Sommer*
k Brother Kingston ; John A, Erwi", Cu-s-
vllle;J.W Robbins Cove Spring: J J. Hop-
ykina,.Summerville; J. I, Elliot, Cedar Bluff,
R K BALES Blenched nml Brown llmile-
ItJ apuns from 3-1 to 6-4 wide, for snle
low by Jnn 2. F. M ALLEN.
snle low by
- Boots nnd Shoes fur
f\YS:i;K.KS.Lobster-,Shrampe, FWgJFeet,
V* Egg*; fee., si-rvul up in » suprinr urnn-
rot the , FREE fe EASY -HOUSE
F.-li 20
UST RECEIVED Id Firkin, Goshen
Butter, mid 35 boxes English Dairy Cheese
nml for sole low by ■
•i 31. WM F AtKYAXUR-ft- On
No. 7 Barnard. Street Savannah. Ga.
Bell llnnger nnd Manufacturer of all hinds
or,Flrc-Pro.r Snfes, Iron nalllngi, Loch,
of every description, Ac., Ac.
/"YFFEItS hi* services to the citiicns of Sn-
vnminh, arid Slntcof Grorgln. Helshre-
inred '.o fill orders idr anything In the above
ine, nt the shortest notice, and on the most rea
sonable terms.
N v. 14,1851.
all times be found at the
Feb 20
.re by
A SUPERIOR article of Family Fldur,for
sale hy F.'l. 90 G. SHAW.
ii—Five Unles Augusta nnd Sen
Islund Domestics, with g very large stock
or bleached goods, at twenty live per cent
less limn Inst-sensons* prices. Also trlonohcd
linen ami ootton sheeting ~i yds wide
equally a* cheap. DENNIS fe HUNT
III UAsE^Lotlies’..Walking slices and
JLvF kid alippersfiom 50 cenlsnpnir up,
Forsnleby F. M. ALLEN
Jnn 2
A GOOi article of shelled ,Corn on hnn
nnd forsnlebv G. SHAW.
nnd forsnleby
Fep .20 . , , .
/PHE undersigned having located in Rome,
X is prepared to do Mnttruss work on terms
to suit persons wishing to puicbase. His
Shop is on Broad Street, three doors below-
tho-Courier printing office. Persons wish
ing to purchase will please oali nnd examine
my work before purcansing elsewhere.
A few loads of dry corn shucgswuntlng,
for whiohtbe cash will ho paid.
■Tidy 31, 1851
make immediate payment, ond those having
demands against sold estate will present them
in terms of the law
Nov. 91. J. B. REEVES AdmT.
■VrOTICfc-Mrs. Love, Milliner and Dress-
Xv Maker, From Charleston, brgs leave >o
inibrni the. Ladies of Rome and its vicinity,
tl-nt she Iras opened a store on Broad street,
opposite the Post office, where n general ns
eortment of Millenery and Dry Goads will be
kept; ulso,Bonnets, Caps, Gipes, vise ties, and
Dresses made to order. Mrs- L. trusts that
by strict attention to business, and low charg
es, site will merit w share ol publio patronage
Ladies are pqftiauldrly solicited to give hern
N B. The latest Fashion, will be found n,
he above estnblialimeni.
Jan 2
Jew Duvld’s or llrbitu I’lciUt—The
Great Remedy,
For Rheumatism Gout, Pain tn the Side H'p
Bach L : mbs nn' Jnnts Ssarfula Kina's
Boil White SmVings Hard Tumors S’ iff
Joints and all Fixe 1 Pnibs whoever. Whrrb
this Plaster is applied Pain cannot exist.
T HESE Plasters poss ss the ndvnniugr of
being put up in nir-liuht In xcs—hrnee they
retnin their full viitaesin ull climates
Have you friends going to California 7 By
all mcansadvlse them to take along it supply nt
this plaster, it may save them hundreds of dol
lars, II not tln-lr lives, ns the expo.ures which
the yltave to eu-'ore in the mines is sure to
la ing on disease, which might lie ensiiy cured
hy me use of this celebrated plaster, for the
want of which tunny have been obliged to quit
their Inborn and t'nlt Into the hands of the phy
sicians. n-iio, hy their extravagantly high char
ges, so on rake nwqy die hard aumiugsof Lite
bravest 1-iborlug man. Hy sleeping in trnts or
on the ground,Hheumutisnt, Fpinnl Diseases,
Stiff Joints, Lnine Bnck nr side, nnd u'l like
diseases, are sure to trouble them, nnd many
times entirely lay them up, when lib- simple
application of this plaster would give them im
mediate relief, nml enable them ro pro :eed with
their labors without delay
It hns b.-en very beneficin Imcusts of weak
ness, such ns Pain ami weakness in the Ftnm-
nch, Wenk Limbs, Affection* nf tho Spine, Fe
male Wenkness, fee. No female, subject to
pnin nml weakness in the bark or side, should
hewithout it. Married Indies, In deliente si
tuations, find great relief from constantly wear
ing litis Plaster.
Thenpplicntionofthis Plaster between the
shoulders Iras been found a certain remedy for
Colds. Goughs, Phthisic, end Lung Affection,
in their primary stages. It destroys Inflamma
tion by perspiration.
The following commendation is from nn
agent residing nt Trenton, Tennessee :
Trenton, Cib-on C. Tcnn..Oct. 7, '49.
Messrs Scovii fe Mead—Gentlemen: The
Hebrew Plaster is becoming popular in this
section. There is a lady in this county who
says she would not be without this plaster for
five hundred dnilnrx a year. She was afflicted
for some time witli nn enlargement of the
spleen, which gave her a great deni of pnin.—
The swelling nnrl pain had extended up nearly
tu the armpit,and occasionally she con Irl scarco
ly breathe. Sne wns confined for n considera
ble time, during which she was attended by
some ofottr best physicians, but they gave her
no relief. She procured a box of the Hebrew
Plaster, nnd it relieved her almost immediate
ly,nnd now she keeps a supply of it on hand
constantly. These facts you nre nt liberty to
use ns you thiuk proper—they are substantially
true Respectfully, yours, fee.
Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imitations!
Caution—'The subscribers are the only gen-
eral agents in the Southern States for the sale
of this truly valuable Plaster; and, in order to
prevent purchasers being imposed on by a coun
terfeit article, sold In this city and elsewhere,
for the genuine, they invite pnrttcolnr attention
to tho following marks ofthe genuine.
1. The genuine is put up in smooth, engine
turned hot omedbox'-s, shouldered in.
2. The genuine has the engraved bend of
Jew David on the directions around th- box
with accompanying record of cuurt to E. Tny-
or, Rochester. SCOVILLfe MEAD.
1(3 Charters st. N. Orleans.
Only agents for the Southern states, to whom
all orders nnd applications for agencies must
invariably beaddressed. Sold olso by
Battev Rome Georgia.
S. MMEfts fe Bao, Kingston. -‘
John A Erwin, Cisavllle, ”
T.T. Hrrxilts, Summerville, •’
8. W. Perrins, Cove Spring,
Q.L Ettinrr, Cedar Bluff, Ala.
A SAFE arid certain cure lor Coughs,Colds,
Croup, Asthma; Consumption of the
. ungi, Spiiting Blood, Bronchitis, Hooping
Cough, and all Palmonare Affections
Until Young Lady Cared at Comanp-
Tho following is from the pen. of Wm, H.
Levlaon.Esq., the distinguished editor of the
U. S. Military and Navol Argus, under dote of
New York, January 96,1850. What could be
more conclusive 1
11 It is seldom we permit ourselves to occu
py a space In these columns io spenk in praise
of any article in the patent medicine way ; but
when we see thu life ol'a fellow creature saved
by the use ofnny medicine whatever, we con •
elder it as our right, if not our duty, to give a
simple statement of facta that others may in
like manner, be benefitted. The uaae which
has induced us to pen this article was that 61
a young lady of our acquaintance, who by
frequent exposure to the night air, contracted
a Cold wuich settled on the Lungs, efore its
ravages could be stayed. (This 0'.curred two
yeats ago this winter.) Various remedies
were used, but with very little effect or benefit-
The Cough grew worse, with copious sxpeotl
oration, and the sunken eye, and pale, hollow
cheek told plainly that pulmonary disease wns
doing Its woist on her delicate frame The
family physician was consulted, and although
he would not admit to the young lady that she
really had the Consumption,'yit he would give
no encouragement as to o cure. At this crisis
her mother wns persuaded to moke uso of a
bottle of Dr. Rogers’ Compound >y up of Liv
erwort and Tar, and we are happy to slate she
was perfectly cured tn less than three montl)s
by this medicine alone, after even- hope was
destroyed. It is useless to comment on such n
case as this, fur the simple truth will reach
where polished Action never can. Ifony doubt
the authenticity of this statement, let them call
ot this office.—V. S. Military and Naval Ar
gus, No. 19, Chatham Street, N, V.
Testimonies of the New Yerk Press.
From the New York Courier, Aim. 13,1"50.
De. Rogers’ SvRi’ror Liverwort and Tar
—We have heard of several important cures
recently effected by this excellent medical pre
paration, ond in one instance thnt came under
our observation, wo cun speak confidently.—
One nf nut employers, who hud suffered severe
ly from o long standing cold, during the past
week cununencud the use of tills medicine,and
his Cold has entltely disappeared.
From the New York Mirror, Sept. 9,1850.
Livcrwort and Tar —Ofthe vlttueaofDr.
Rogers' Cough Medicines prepared from the
nbove articles, it is needless now to spenk ; Its
effiouoy in speedily curing Coughs, Culds.nnd
other lung complaints, which too frequently, if
negle. ted,result in Consumption, Is too well
established in public confidence to need eulogy
From the N York despatch, Aug 95th 18491
We have heretofore tnk-n occasion to give
r testimony in Invor of the curative-proper,
ties nf Dr. Rng'rs' Compound Syrup of Liver
wort and Tnr, nml would here repent the nil
vlue already given, far nil nersons who are of-
illct"d witli ■ nnsuinptlon, nr any nf the pm
monitory symptoms, to in ike u trial uf Dr. It >-
gers' prep ir iiinit. The genuine isaiuneil •> n-
drew Rooers, on the steel pine engraved
wrapper mound each buttle,nml is snld '-"hull-
siileiiml remil hy
113, Charters si New i Irlemis.
• Snie general ng -nt- for die Finn s, tn 'Wlimii
all orders nnd npplieutions for. igencie* must
he n nlr-ssed,
Sold hy - atthy Rome .G«„
“ - Summer* fe Bro. Kin;era.,, ’•
” •*' .Loin A- Erwin, i nesvilfe, “
- " T. T Hnr.ase. Himsliierv’e “
" -- F. W It-RUINS, Gn ctffflilt."
' " Q I, Ei.i.IOTT, Ced. Bluff. Ala.
T) c. II. 1851
.... IwrfSSfcL
•hBMW fc Wst4, At the Mai..
Building, nro now receiving dire
the Now York market, n large stock of New "
Goods of almost ovory description. Cloths,
nasal mors, satinets, Tweed cloths, jeans, and
nearly every description of doniestio and
stoplo.Goods ; kerseys; blanket,, wool, fur
and moleskin Huts; n lnrgo assortment of
Men’s and Boy's enps; heavy and fine boots '
nnd shoes; Ladies’ fine- kid gaiter and all *
kinds of heuvy shoes; Ludlca' fine dress
goods for winter and Fall; figured and strip- .
ed poplins; Bloomer plaid,printed d'InIran,
wutered brocade, thin nnd figured ulnpncns,
bliick nliipnoas nnd canton cloitu-, and ms
ny other itytes not-hero mentioned. - Black •
nrantilln silk, fine black and figured dress
silks, nil colors: inuntillua, visettes fe shawls. ’
Also, a heavy stock of Groceries—sugnr, •
cofiee. molasses, oliccso, iron, salt, Bagging
und rope window glass, linseed, sperm, lamp
nnd train oil, wliioh we offer at the lowest
prices for oath, We respectfully solicit your
attention to our stock nnd nsk you to give us
n anil. October 17, 1851
j^EW ARRIVAL. —The umlenip
MjtQ.d beg,'
leave to inform the clIlienaol'Rome, Ita
vicinity nnd the public generally,that lie baa
just received nnd opened a new Stock oi
WATCHES ond JEWELRY ol the very la-
teat patterna and finest atyle. Hiafrienda and
acquaintances nre cordially Incited to give
him a coll nnd oxamlne'hls assortment.
All kinds of repairing done to order, and
goods nnd work warranted. His establish-;
ment will bo found a few door* above the
Hilburn House, Depot Square.
Dec. HI. I860. J. G. McKINZIEi '
tPHOMAS J. VERDERY, Next Boor belmif
I 'Sloan and Hawkins Invites the attention 1
of the citilrns of Rome nnd the rurroandlng-
country ton Fresh Stock of Goods consisting,
in pnrt, of the following articles, viz: Sugar
—Crushed, Powdered, Refined ; Porlorico,
New Orleans fe Cuba Molasses; Georgia 5c
New Orleans Svrnp, Coffee Salt, Cigars, Li
quors, Iron, Noils, Bagging, Rope, Twinel-
Hardware nnd various other nrtlclea which ,
am prepared to sell nnd will sell, on as godo'
tonus as they can be bought In Rome.
Coll nnd ox nnlne for yourselves.
Home, Oct 23d 1851, *
' pREE & EASY,—Call nl the Flea fe Easy
House, 4 doors below the Choice Hotel,
where you will find a general assortment of
Confectionaries, Fruits, fee,, of the very best
tlistcverhns been,nnd ns good ns ever can be
offered in Rome. Sold low for cosh.
Feh. 20. l-fil. GEO. 8HAW-
Y OU cannot he belter pleased than nt thl,
old established House. The rooms are
comfortable nnd clean, ond the proprie'tor I,
willing tn do anything In his power to pieces
’'s customers. E. S ROGERS. ;
Mncun. Ang. 21, 1851 t;
OT1CE*—Tile subscriber oollect till
pensions pnyulile lit the Agency In Sn-
yummll. nnd reiqjt the rnnio ns mny bo dj-
oteil, Inr ntie dollar e.ioli application not
uxcei-tlliig $300, ond send n blnriU lorm if
qulrod. WM. MOREL.
Biv-iiiiniil;, Nov, 7, IS5I ■ |, 'r in—. .1. Knm- j,-*, Rome, On, *
n EORGIA, Gordon County.—^Whereas F
VJ M. Gibbs applies to me lor Li-tters of Ad
ministration off the Estate of John Powell,
lute of said coupty, deceased. are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular tho kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to bo plod appeftr a tn)y qfRco within
tho time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if
any exist* why saW Lettors should nofc be gran
ted’ Given under my hand and official signa
ture this 20th Leo-1861. s
Dec. 26. • PEEPLDS. c. c. o..
■VTOTICE.—The Tmstees of the Academy
JLN n par Rush’s Chapel Ridge's Valley have
procured the services of a Gentleman and La
dy of superior attainment* for the year 1852,
The neighborhood is healthy, society good,
boarding cheap. Persons having to send their
children from homo, would do well to patron
ize the schosl. One op tub Trusters,
January 9.1862. . . 3t.
W HITE WINE and pure Cider Vin-
egnr. to» sa|e by F. M. ALLEN.
To the Patrons an / Friends of iL Souther)
T becomes my tm'lnnelioly duly to nn
noiuifu i.) yon (bat lln* exli*nsivi* I’rinrijij
‘>t.ibln*bnn , nt of the Chronicle tp Sentinel
i which win nl.-o published the Southern
Cultivator, wiis entirely oommined by fi
with nearly its whole oonlenls, on Tuesday
liiplit, the ImIi ins?.
The lire originated in the large three Mory
ick budding used as a Cabinet Hnetoryby
. A. Platt. 1>y the uoeideiital falliny
nip into some cotton,.which soon con
ented.with my Printing Estnblisdime
nndsomt* four story brick building, 25 by
MU feet, jnst finished, indeed from which ili<
shavings or the builder bad only that
morning been swept out. Sn rapid Wi
progress of the flames, thnt I only saved a
small Job Prods, n small quantity of type
some paper, amt suim sin II articles ofcoin
pnrutivoly little value. My loss lias thu
buon between 13 nnd $16,000 on which then
wns no insurance. My counting room, be
ing in n diflerent building, my books and
counts wars all snved.
This disastrous casualty will prevont tho
issue of the hecombor number of tho Culti
vator with the accompanying Index, at as
early a dny ns was anticipated. It will, how
ever, be issued in the course of the month nud
promptly forwarded to nil subscribers, ns it
nlrendy neaily in type, which We hope
will prove satisfactory.
The W®w Volnme.—Permit me, in conclu
siou, to say a word as to the new volume
ArrungomcntB bad previow>)y been made for
enlarging and improving the p .per; and
type and other necessary materials had been
ordered. The contemplated improvements
will not be effected by my late disaster; but
the issue ofthe Jan unry number may bo de
layed a few days, in consequence of the de
struction of both tny large power printing
piesses. which will compel us to work it on
a hand press-
Tho new volume will bo issued in a largo
Octpvo form of thirty-two pages, the same
size as the Albany Cultivator, on Ijandfoino
white paper, and will contain quite half as
much agnin matter as the present form.
Friends or Southern Agriculture.—As
tills is tho first journal established in the
Cotton-growing States which is exclusively
devoted to the inteiests of the Planter, may I
# iC, that as you have stood by, fostere
and sustained it in prosperity, that you will
not now in its hour ol ndvetsity and severe
trial.forsake it. Its destinies are in your
hands, and you mny by a generous and com
mon effort, render this heavy misfortune not
only a benefit to the paper, but a blessing to
the eountiy. Willyou'do it 1
<< Ho Such Word as Fail.”—'There is “
such word as fail, in my vocabulary.”
bave health, strength and the will to woJk
on, and work ever, nnd I am determined to
repair the injury, if life and strength last,
and my thousands of friends und patrons do
not wholly forsake me. I have already (Fri
day the 2lst) while the ruins are yet . smok
ing, commenced to clear up the rubbish pre-
paratoiy to putting up a new building on
the same spot, and expect within ninety days
to have another four story brick building
completed, with Steum Engine I’owei Pres
ses, lVc , as completo as they were on Ti
day last. To do this will require thousands
of dollars, and I rely witli ureut confidence
on thu prompt and efficient aid of my friends.
Terms of the Cultivator*
One copy, one year, $ l (0
Six copies, 6 00
Twe’ve copies, JO 00
Twenty-five copies, 20 00
Fit’y copies, 37 60
One hundred copies, 76 00
Always in advance»
QC^Gentlenien who obtain subsoflptioni
will please forward them as rapidly ttnd as
early as passible.
OChAll bill& of speoie paying Banks re
ceived at j)nr—and all money sent by mail
Will bo at my risk W. S. JONES.
Augustn, tfn., Nov, 21,1*61,
July 3
XTOT1CE.—Wherea my wife NARCIS-
1M S A COSTON, has left my bed and
board wiihoiit any provocation, this iB to fore- ROOTS
worn all persons from trading with her on mv | j cu if ^
1 hayo.(jetorminedto pay.ndne o'f - nn{ i kip ar , (
fi. W. COSTON p -
TT7TIO WATTS TO RIDE.—A first rote sec
v v ond bpnd Buggy for sale, apply to
v F. Bf ALLEN.
NoV.7th 185J,
made to the Honoarbie the Inferior Court
of Floyd County when Sitting os a court of
Ordinary, for leave to sell all the real estato
belonging to Samuel. Robert M.. John. Tho
mas. J.. Air anda Sarah Ann George.W. James
M. Martha, Nancy and William H. H. Can-,
non. ohlldren of James Cannon.
JAMES CANNON, Natural Guardian.
Deo. 26 1851.
»S. t .1.- -r* If, I OK”. K. I-A1.MKS, ,
\T7’l»0l<‘B’ i tl* Grocers, SuecMts*ors to A.
> v Wt’il* V .» nt the old stand, Ho. 106.
Hay Sir ft, Savannah Ga They have on
tid nml io/ miI«\ 400bbl UomeHio Gin,
anily *n 1 Rum. 76 bids Monongahelit
Wliisk’ V, d() Hull P p -t. Quarter nnd Eights
FrVli K iiiidy. 5"bids. Port, Mednri and
inl.ign U ine . •> Pipe* Holland Gin, *1 Hhds.
S«. < ro x and Jam ncn. Rum ,2 11 lid.*. Scotch
d TiUli W’h tilcoy, Aft Boxes Spanish and
Alil”rie in St yi1i-,2l» Minis. nnd clioine
LnuMMiin Ang.*?. GO do, Nt. Croix und Porto
ico .-ngiit-. 160 Jibb, t'rt)siicd, powdered
ntl el.iiilit d *iig>ir, 30 Boxes Loaf sugar,
“dlO Kvgs, halve* and quarter gun powder,
8()n Bugs Buek and Drop rhot, 4(100 Lb*.
* end, witli a complete* ussortineni oi articles
-tmlly kept in a wholejalc Grocery They
•II have a heavy slock r.f Gunny Bagging
id Hemp Bid** rope lor tin* lull tit nvtnd, ull
‘ which will bo sold on reasonable terms.!’
8tiv,»ninth, June 2f». |sft|*
N OTIt’E,—In*
lujilil lo .j*a• I on the
In??, a Negro lit y by .the
. me of J.OMN if EN’if Y, wfif* say** Hint ‘Me
jelongs to Hobcrt'Kiinibeilol iMturnyc6ubt-
Ti'iitie^see* . i f ■'
aid boy i< Q2.oc23 years r-hl, dark com
plexion, .weighs about. I(>'» «»r 70 ppunJs* 1
The owner is requested to come lot Ward
and prove property, pny charges, or lie will
be dealt with Ucc tfdirtg to law.
D. D- DUKE, Jnifor.
IVccnibtT 4»b, 1H5i. '■ -.--t
t^or Sale or Rent.—The Subscriber has :•
good brick store-lmuse, four doors, below
R. J. Join son's corner, Broad Street, and also,
good dwelling with seven rooms; a Negro
ouse, Smoke House, stable, Vormcrlb and
Carriage Hoi se, and good garden. Heabo
hns a very nice residence lor a small family.
The dwelling house has but two rooms,plas
tered inside and painted well, with two good
brick fire-places, with a Convenient Kitchen,
4*c.—together with three or four unimproved
lots, oil of which lie will sell low and bn
good time, Those who wlfh to purchase will
coll on the subscriber. W. B. JONES.
Rome, Gn., Nov* J4th. 18.71 *t. . ,
Iter would respectfully announce to. the
citizens of Rome and vicinity, that he has
just received and i* now opening a largo nnd
splendid assortment of Bool* and Slices
consisting ot gentlemen’s water-proof nnd
dtess boots ladies bools nnd shoes, nnd every
vnriety of boots ond shoes for children'.-—‘
Also, a fine assortment of strong course shbei
and boots for common wear. As he selected
his Stock in €;liiirl<‘eioii wills gross I
care he can confidently recommend,j.tto
his- friends ond patrons, and will repair, any
rips without charge. . .
He also has on linnd nn extensive supply of
Hemock Baltimore upper and Bole leather,
fine call skin, and a geuerni assortment of ma
terials; in his line which, together: with rhis
boots and &hoes will be sold as cheap as can
be bought in *his market. He will continue to
manufacture boots ond shoes ns heretofore to
order, on reasonable terms. Thankful for past
favors, ho cordially invites his friends an *
acquaintances and the public generally 1
ve him a call. P, A. OMBERG
giJun* 19,1851 •
A ARO!) W. HAR8HAW imvinS pormnnont-
lv loonteff in lira City of Rome, is ;
pnreil to execute work ill tho ubove lino,
a style that cannot foil to please the most ftq
tidious. He Iras ill Ills possession testin
ninls from many different persons who He
tried his skill, tlmt willsn-.lsfy evory onewh
wisli to refer to them. Those in Romu und th
surrounding country who hove psint
enn have it done on ns good terms, and with
os much neatness and dispatch by me as it esn
be done by nny body else, North or South,—l
Having quit ferriage nnd sign painting;, mj
whole attention.will bo given to the. nbovi
branch of the business. Graining done in.fin
rare style, nnd innile to represent nny kind t
wood nr marble dcaired. -s I have dofte
great deal of work in this part of the coiintr;
specimens ef whiohmay be aeen, I dy
unnecessary to any nny thing more as
ability O do good work, but only nak i
Mny 29, 1851.
f*YHK STOCK ofthe ‘l RomeBrimo' “
S netlq Telegraph," will be given
the firat Monday in December next, a
Court Hou*c, between the hours of 4 tin
o'clock. Subscribers will be reqbired to
tie. either in money or notea,• otherwiaa
amount wl'l be onllected by I.eSfal Erl
, J M’W'
Per W. II. VERNOfi
Nov. 21,18M .
rrThe commodious bricE
JL in
Immediately under the Choice
joining Buttey’s Drugstore An
stand:; Apply to -T. J. VFJi
. Col. D. f
Sept. 18.I851-.