Newspaper Page Text
L 11. No. 82.]
■ the f'RACriOSidL ‘
He Coinuusaioners appcini*
Hthe Legislature to sell and
Hse oi’ tit# iraclional sr.r.
Hos the counties of Wil-
Hi, Baldwin and Way lie
Hreh}’ give notice that, the
H w ilt commence oit :\1 m-
Hhd2'ih 01 August, next,
Hcoutiiiiie H orn day to da . ,
He following manner, un-
H e whole -are sold.
Hf e of the first district,
■ ijih August next, and
H ue from day *0 day,
His excepted, until the
■September inclusive.
Hfeofihe fecund district
H 3.1 of September, uu.
■6i.i inclusive.
■ofc of the 3d district on
lh September, until tire
life of the 4th disti ict on
Ith of September, until
lh inclusive,
lose of the sth district on
lih of September, until
I h inclusive.
lose of the Ist district, on
Bth of September, until
Bi inclusive.
lose ofthe sad diftrid, on
Ijd of Septembe; until the
I inclusive.
lose of the 3d district, on
It of October, until the
lose ©f the 4th district, on
lih of October, until the
Ida five.
lose of the 51b district, on
loth of Octooer, until tife
I inclusive.
lose of the fit district on
Ijth of October until the
■ inclusive.
Ihofc of the 2d district, on
Bjih of October, until the
I inclusive.
Ihofe of the 3d district, or
|Bih of October, until the
[Terms of Sale.
B the purchasers boor],
I approved personal (ecu,
■ forthe amount of pur
B money, \vill be requi -
B four equal insul.u • ns,
B? paid in gold or silver ;
B'rst payment to be made,
B Ve months after date, hi
Btion to which a mortgage
B-premises will be requit-
B Commissioners.
WVy 7. 69—2 aevtf.
I Sheriff's Sales.
BE SOLD on the first
WpMsday in Sept. ne. it, at the
B'nt house, between the hours
B luawt/3 o’clock.
B undivided fifth part of
■tract of land containing four-
B"' r d and thirty acres, lie the
■ 1K ’ more or less (olcl survey)
B in S the south part of the or-
B n h'use plantation, well time
B , ( l with pme, and a consider,!
■ Portion adapted to the culture
■ cnlt ii and provisions, having
B “wantage of a good uaviga-
B n to tliis city. Levied on as ihe
■°pertv of Emanuel Rengill, at
B “tut of Edward Lewis, point
■ out by the defendant
I ost P'ined from August sales
■ ll W. WILLIAMS, u s.c.c.
|Aujj; us i j-.
j Sheriff scales.
On the first Tuesday in Odo\
ber next, between ‘the hours
of ten and 3 o’clock, of tha
day, will be Ibid in the towi
of Jefterfon.
A negro Man,
named Briitoi, fazed as th
property of Josiah Baker, tc
fatisiy the amount due on .
mortgage duly foreclofed ii
favour of Levin Guaby,
Si. Mary’s, June 30, 1806
Commission Business
THE lublcriber has take
the whart which has for four
time been occupied by Mel!/
Havens 6? Bilbo , on which h
has convenient and fafe Store
lor the reception of Produce,
and vyiil be happy to verve hi
friends and the public, in lh*
above line.
February IS, 23. tf
Lately from London.
OFFERS his let vices to
the public in his Branch of
Business, as he perfectly un
derllands trimming hair in the
handfomeil taste, ala ltins &
v Legiptieune—he daily ex
petds from London an a (Tort
ment of HAIR, with a varie
tv of article- of Perfumery.
He has opened his Sh >p on
>ne say, contiguous to the
Patriot printing Office.
He will wait on the Ladies
who will honor him with then
Prentices are wanted.
Jul 7 41 69
LAuiiiS A GE \ I LL
WIG MAKER.’ Kef poet fully in
form.-, his friends and the pub_
lie at large ; that he has mov.
cd to the house adjoining Mr.
ftobet's, oppoiite Mr. John
Dillon’s Uorc, near she ma Let
square, where he will attend to
the commands of those who
may honor him with their
cuitoin, with punctuality.
The price of cutting hair
12 f i
Do Shaving b ‘ 4
Do Dressing 121
June 23 3(
Nme months after date, appli
cation will be made to the lion
Interior court of Effingham coun
ty for leave to sell a tract ot
land in s.tid county, containing
100 acres, K ing on the Suubury
K o ad Jfor the benefit of the heirs
nd creditors.
E. GABLE, Adrnr'x.
B£|- ALL persons indebt
cd to the fublctiber, are ear
neflly r< quelled to tncke inn
mediate payment, as he is un
able to give longer indu gence*
i I* U it S id A Y, August si, ifcc6.
January Term, ISO 6. <
Christina Dasher, .
vs. /Petition
lhe heirs and re- > for Toreclo
f'rtxe itutives of V sure.
John SJaupt, dev.. )
X j i’ON the petition of Christi
na Dasher, praying tuc
oeelosure of the equity of rc
fenaption on the following premi
ses ;
ALL that lot ofland in the
■tty of Savannau, known by the
muinnber five,third tvihtng Key
iods VV’ard, containing s; xiv feet
in width and ninety feet in depth,
with the improvements thereon,
mortgaged by Elizabeth Haupt,
now Elizabeth Dowell, Robert
Bolton, and Justus Hartman
Scheuber, guardians of the p r
-ons of the saiu John H.uijh, and
• rutvees of the property of die
said John Haupt, hy virtue*)? an
order >l ihJ ito ioiie sup u;>.rcn ire
of Chatham Comity afjrosat:! m
he s;ti*i Christina Dasher, tor the
.urn ai eighty pound,,
“'j-rt 1 to three hundred and fuity
vo dollars eighty five cents se
ven mills :.rJ Oiic-seventli moneu
f die UaPad Suites, on tie sixty
day of M y, which was in the
year car thousand seven hundred
and jiinetv-n'mo, and on no .-ion of
Jr. CHYLE A, Atumcij for (he
.COURT, that the principle, in
terest and cosc. due upon san;
mor gaged proptrtv, be paid into.
Court within twelve months fVo.n
this date, mil, die .or b3
so paid, do- equity of red m moa thenceforth be fo?ociu.;d
and other proceedings take pkicer
pursuant to the act of as.icmbls
in such case *tn Ic nd provided
And it i’ further ordered, in
pursuance of said acts hut tins rc e
e js'-,!irsi..':i ni one of the Public
CJaa ties, os tins state at lea ,
‘nice in every Month until tho
time annointed for payment, or
served on, tho M o’ gag r,, or liieir
special agent, at least ix months
previous t>) die time the said mo
ney is ordered robe paid into
Ceurt as aforesaid.
Extract ft on the minutes,
Feh. 29. 18 6.
k _i . . _
Chatham County: ) as at a
Superior Court, heid in and for
the couutv aioresaid, on the !odi
day ot January last past, a jury
was sworn to make true inquest
df tire supposed escheated pro
perty of John iVloshaui ute a!
Chatham couutv, planter dvcVi-,
reported to have ,i:ed wr.nAit
will & without hens, and to have
|j() ed it the iwi: oi hi- death,
the following property, •
One Cot at the city of S.v .-g
----nah, with a single store il-a .e,
calculated for 1 • o tenements.
• doe Nemo l-.iio,t., and lionds
O ‘
and Mortuas>e. uoon real estate
wjtmu tile saiu city *oi aiiou
170C 1 dollars.
And whereas the said jury con
firmed tile 1 ep<ii-t ot the i.scbeaaor. ;
and iso’'person appeared to g.c
say the same.
‘These are therefor® to notify
all and Siiigulat the kindred 01
Ik-irs who may clam* 1 under tne
said Joiin l\lu\han^deceastd, who
is supposed to have been a native
ol the kingdom of Great Britain,
that he died o-i or about tils dill
day 01 ijeptembvr, 1804, and was
acimen of die United -States ot
America, and that if no per on
shall appear to nuke right and
title to the said property within
the time limited by the act ol the
general assembly, passed sth
Dec. 1801, the same wi 11 both
real and personal, he declared es
cheated to, o', vested ill said state
Given under my hand and seal
in the city of Savanah, the 2f>i.h
dajr of , m the year o’
our Lord, i 606, and in the 3Uih
year American Independence*
EDWARD WHI TE, Eschentor.
March 1” U 5
By fils Excellency JOHN AiIU
LI. DGE, Governor and Com
mander in Chief of tire Army
and navy tft this State, and of
the Militia thereof.
\Z , L r HEREvS in and by an
* att palled the 11 th
February 1799, entitled 44 All
“ atl to regulate die General.
“ Elections in this Stauj| and
“ 1 o appoint the time flf the
meeting of the General A!-
* 4 lembly,” it is among other
“ things declared : 14 Thatali
44 writ- of elections 10 fill va
-44 earn.ies that may happen for
44 members of the General As
“ seinbiy of tins sute, or
lioufe of Reprcfrintdttvei o
44 the United States, iii-di be
“ direfled to the Ju it ices oi
44 the Inferior Comts of th
,l lelpedive c'Oumies, who arc
44 required to give public no
44 Uce 1 hereof, and cauie tne
44 fame to be held in manner
4 * and form and heum before
4: * piunted out, agreeable to
44 such writ.”
And wkoeas a vacancy hath
ha pcij-ti in the House of lie
prelcuMtives of tire Unued
f S , reafdu of the rcsig
.* it *>p t of lire lion liable Jo.
f.ipii B . art, who was elected
and commissioned >'o serve as a
nteiuDcr therein, for this Hate,
iiuui tiie fourth day of March
ncxE i have therelorc iho’t
oioper ! o liiue this my procla,
oi non, hereby notifying, ds
i-Cling and ordering the jus
tiecs of the ini'.-rio. Courts {
the refpetlive court.les in this
Rater, to cuufi ler tne liune as a
general writ of ek-dion f*n (id
mg the aforesaid vacancy. And
l do hereby charge Sc 1 quite
the said J udices to give due
notice, that an election for tne
purpose aforesaid, will be held
m the refpedive couruies, on
MON 13 \Y the first day of
SEP IEM BER next/ And 1
do hereby funner require that
hr eh mu ah: of laid election, as
the uforefatd act points out, be
made'to the Exicu ive De
partment. within the fame pie
i,.r: ed.
.G-ven under my hand and
the Gea Sal of the State, ru
the Slate-House in Louisville,
this twenty-eighth day of Jun ,
in the year of our Lord, one
tliousa.Mcl .eight ‘hundred ami
six, and of the United S.ates of
America, tl/e tUinietu.
John Milledgc.
3v the G >vernor,
Hi Mar'nury, Secretary
cf the Stair*
IHE OUB *Ch li>r] and V',
H™ e jusi tee; ived on con
fignnr 11: I’ 011 ]’m” ie .-hi
Cobb’s. Loaf Sugar,
w . .it w t. be loi-j for 1 odi. o
on a fit >rt credit. They wm
nlcr/om to keep a cos<tan
supply of thi- article.
Aujj'i .t tt"*~ -Si.
W\N TEI) to hite Fo
*omp months one or two N.
■ro men Carpenuvs, who c
wages will be paid regu aij*
icvery week ii required.
[Whole Number 178.
Sheriffs Sales.
AY ill he fold, on the fiift
i ULSL> A Y in Sept cm Iter
next, at the court house in
this city, between the hours
of ten and three o'clock,.’
Celia and her two Children,
Bar>h and loin, undivided
property, taken under sundry
executions againfl Thomas
.Miiis a;ui Robert Jourdan.
A L S O,
John and his wife Catherine,
together .wulf th%
Charlotte, Juliet and Harr\,
a ken under execuiion, Edwia
l.ewis vs. Emanuel Hungifl,
pointed out by the defendant,
A N D,
The House and final! Bui!
ing, adjoining the lot No
oppofre William H. Spencer
and ot’fiipied oy William P .r*
iter, taken under execution at
the f it of Ralph Jacobs vs.
William Parker.
Ar.i , Lot No. 1, [one} Tyr
cooci! I’vthing Darby ward,
with the improvcroeiitsthc ten i,
or lb much as will fan-iv the
taxes due for the yeat 1 804. by
’w Mum Mills, pointed oul oy
the de'em ant.
Conditions Cafil.
H. W. Williams, and $. c
Allguft 4. yj.
j On the fi:(i Tuesday in Odo*
j ber next, at the Couruhoufe
in the city of Savannah,
At the us ml hours.
FOUR negroes viz. Si*,
via. Ji niiey, Hedor ;*nd Su
kev, ieized and to be fold
tinder and by virtue of an
execution g founded 00 a
mortgage, John Pei poll, vs,
fames Smith.
IF. VV . xlliams, e> s. c. c
Auguil 4.
take notice.”
ihat on m? fifteenth day®
September next, at the piarr*’
ta:uni ol Jacob Taylor, lat®
of Burke county, deceafed*
All ihe perfuiiai propeny bo
iongi >j to the efLie of i'auj
Atiyiih q
• ’ O s j> i', a 1
UN Sunday night last -ny #!v,p
was iirok open, and the following
a-tides stoku th. reborn viz t
A very lat ge pair of bvu, barrel
Ton fowling pieces,
One suiootu bored ‘ilk Gull,
One Hun h oi Keys, Sic.
1 will give a reward often doU
Lri> to any per-on that w I re
t.ore the above amcle* to no , oc
11 *y uoilar, on proccuui.g .ne
.uni o< 1111 v -s to conviction.
JAtiOii lilAii AN AN.
July 31 ts
1 o be hired by the
A likely Man.——
nqui-e at this Oriice.
.1 IN 3!. /() ts
y.y* iWo o.uL'.itr, - aie
■ .nted at this Office.
V igust ! I.
■ - ‘ —— ‘J
•'< • r ac at *’ • O'.A
Blank Manifests, bf.