Newspaper Page Text
1. 11. No. 8 3v ]
Ta l e s
Bda {1 ifUtf+iL
■ e CouHuiasi.Oiiers appoint -
H (!,„■ Lef’CjaiJJiV to sell ,od
■ - tub H&etio id‘i r
■ Jftbe counifes of vVil
’ ■ . Wayne
H rc ty give notice that the
■ „ commence on ALm
■iie 27iii of August, n st,
Hcjatiua.'. front dav to da ,
■)> following ;na. liter, f u*
tf'iob are sol I.
■ i/fLAINdA.V.
■ o! the Hr,st district,
■ 27th August next, and
■uc f* > u iiv to da v,
By'j excepted, until the
■September incluiive.
■)!> of th-A second district
■3I of September, tin.
K.a in dull ve.
Kfe of the 3d district on
■1 September, uiiui the
■ . 4 th diNuicton
■ih of Septetrfber, until
■ h inclusive.
Bile of the sth district or?
■ih of September, until
■ h inclusive.
■ofe of the Ist district, on
■th of September, until
■ . inclusive.
■ale of the ad diftricl, on
Bd of September unui the
Hole o’ the 3 i district, on
■I of Octooer, until the
■oleos the 4th di lrift, on
■;h of Octooer, until the
■chi five.
■ofe oft'is 5 h ddirie:, on
■r.h of October* until the
■ofe of the tit district on
Bth of October until the
■oleos the 2d district, on
■s'h of October* until the
■ofe of the 3d diltiict, on
■Bih of Octooer, until the
■iiclu five.
I for-ns of Sale .
■ the purchalers bond,
■approved perfonai fecit..
■ lor the amount of pi
B uiooev, wiil t?e requi.-
■> Ijj; eq 1 il,
■ paid in goid or silver ;
■ts! payment to be made,
Be months after date, in
■ir-n to which a mortgage
P e pretnile* will be requir
I Patrick JACii,
I t Commissioners
P'J'A b 9—2 am tj-
sheriff's Sales*
,<r - 8E S'J/.O on the firs*
tie Say in Sept,, at the
ur* honor, between the hour*
h >andZ o'clock.
undivided fifth part o r
; lct of land containing four
i:r-(l and thi'rtv be the
t*i°re or less (old survey)
n ’ ‘he south part of the or
‘ ‘ us - plantation, well time
1 w , H h pme, and a ennsidera
lo, t'twi adapted to the fcullure
tl,t " , i a nd provisions',” having
J'h ai) age of a good naviga
-1,1 his citv. Levif.d on as ‘he
‘'■ty of lvnaniK‘l Kengtil, at
,:f ()l 1’ <\ var ’ Lewis, -poitu
it bv tbo def rid ant
’* 0 • l froni August sales.
’ VtL.Lt AMS, ands. c. c.
Sheriff's .Stiles.
1 On the test Tuesday in Oeto,
I ber next, between the hours
of ten and 3 o’clock, of th ,
day, will he ibid in the town
of Jeffei (on,
A negro Man,
named Bait >!, seized as th
property of Josiah Baker, to
fatisfy the amount dee on a
mortgage duly force tiled in
favour of Levin Giaw,
A’t. Mary's, June 30, id <6.
A >; D
Comrrtjssio n Business
THE lubteria-r aas iak
the wharf which has for so si
time been occuoied by Mali’
Havens & Bilbo , on which h
has convenient and Idle Store,
for the-reception of Produce,
and wifi be happy to serve hu
friends and the public, m thf
above line.
iii R G- At) yd),
B V v 5E {,
Lately Fao.vt London.
Os t'i’.iO his > i vices 10
.he punhc ut tic. Branch of
niitine: •, is he p vied y u,i
tie it j.t U dim uj.t, hai in ,ic
hd.iclioincit .■> ! 1 4 a 11 .2v ‘c
. Leg-ittieuii —!v da: ,■, x
peds ’ O n L •> ion *a at; >o*
me :t or .1 ,v. t a varse
y ‘■’< ■■ ’-.i.c•* Pci fume’ .
Me has opened It;.- SU ,0 on
lie 15-4 V C.- ’‘ig.lOMs to tile
Patriot printing * rhee.
He v 1 ii wan on the
who will honor him w.m thei<
K3r Prentices are Wanted.
J u f 7 4 ; b)
LA/iES (V Uc. V i'Lc.
HAIR Hi-.; LbbE.t,
AN 0
MO >i'. fßetpe in
form., nis fneods and the puh.
lie at large ; that he hat m’*v,
ed to the non!.: aiijotnmg Air.
Kobers, oppohte Mr. John
Dilhm’s iiore, near the me. ker
square,-where be will Ati-utd to
the coim-iands of thoi'a who
may honor h.m tvidi their
cultom, with puadua.ny
The price of cutting hair j
u ..
Ho Shaving 6 i t
H.R.: ;,E
I uni- and r.i
~~ A oTTrnz 1
N*ije m-.nrhs .f o? and • , :
Ciltio . i'll; bi >l.l i ■ to
Inferior court of Bfjitieh.uu c>: i 1
tv tor ieavs tr a tr.r- .0 |
1a...! in sal I county’, iv■ .1 1
100 acres, iVjr.g ) i . : - ;' > [;■
A wad, im the beneli oi <h> i-ni •
iKi f qr<, #
CILLfIV rrvio NT, A .
K.G Hil.r.
%3r n.L pe foils in I
ed to the fublcribe. . ?w-. n
uelHv rqte t !: > m e he
mediate pav inem, a■ h i or.
able to give longer j:= ‘ T n- *
1u ~ v
1. r, l -.
\V .A\ I’ E!) : 1 h ,
by tli'’ month or ve and a 0 ‘
boy from 1. 016 v■ -
age. Enquire ay this o-.isce.
, ! iqie -'>l. 1
M O N T A A Y, Aucot 25, 1 Sob.
\ January Tcaw, I SOS. ’
j Ckristtilf Dai her, .
VS. /
{ he heirs and res, > far Eurechi
prescn’ itivc.i at Vs u: e.
fokn llaupr dec., /
j Tf'OW. the petition of Christ'.
A ha 1) i fier, praying the
• * closure oi tile 3my of rr
’ . arptida on the iollovv! ug protni
ce s :
VLT. rdar lot of land in rht
i v ot > .'in iiti, kno v 1 b/ the
1 i.inntKi. liv.,t:iird tvihmg lit) -
) l .✓ V'.'.. c-jtiUiniiv; s> <i\ feet
10 win:.l an i nmotv feeli t I•>c i ,
vi-I* he improvement’- thereon,
n “-tgrg ! by E.iv. ibe:.h Haupt,
.1 >’v fctiz..ibcth HoiV ii, R inert
‘ 1, all.l Jis n, Hi-fii;ai
Schouber, g.i;vr li,i is of the per*,
sons of tile 11A jo’ 1 1 .f tap, aid
ti'ii eus of r 1: property of m
-ai ! }Em li iujc, l) vort'.i: .*? 01
or lor y. n hon.tlt sop -rforen 1 t
of ..‘lulian Eli it. alO e?ml in
, the wild “li'isi'i 11 Da,h r I'jr 11C
an of e'..a. ,• pnu 1 1 sled h
cqu.ii l* ; ir ‘ bla ire.l , t o * for tV
two dollars eightv fiyo coin ?s-
Ven mills aid one-.eventa m ‘me 1
of tile UniE-l -s ales, on i tv v.xtv |
Nav of -i. tv, w ilcn in ■ j
voir one ‘h ms.m i sei .1 huiTUruJ i
and nin-ts's- lino, an i on uj-io i cf
I' h. U{L EK, Ationieg for the \
IJetii1 J etii loner ,
CObii , . -at the prmcipl., in
t’jrest and cos,.* on - in., hi sti.j
gag • n <*pt_n > , i>- •> 1 into
Court wiilii 1 twelve A’ mill> front
tins date, son oilvss tin- its
s > mid, I. o y ’tf red in 1. Jon
*• H< t'.”vr-cip.*'t>i be foreclosed j
m l > No” it .* ■ taicc n a ‘ce
Uftiti l 1 ■ of aSseinoiV
:i f i teh I- •, md• aid provided
\ H ‘ ‘ fan her erdered ,in i
• o c-;i! net that this rale
00 p.iuiisc ;•! in one of the Public
G, t ins state at lease
•>. e m t'v sLr.uii Until the .
-1 1 - fov payment, or
ve 101 ii ■ viorpriger*, or their
-.'vcril ve. iv, .it least -lx months
previous to Eie time the'said mo- !
ocy is ordered rr> tie paid into
1 Coor a if nv ,aid.
E aren't from the minutes,
Feb. 29, 180d.
Chaihaik County. f 1 at .
Superior >1 , iCi i:i a-,’ :or
>■! Jijrtt-. .tforcA ud, ..ii ,h- av h
dr- qf J. uiliar lot pas. , jo,-,
w .-.vorn 10 .H ike u u m . ( ..-.
oi the ..Uiii i escii.-aiijp , to
j .rty of Jo in •’ >xhtoi i.ue
Et'e'ah.ilU ’• I'li.i p in'. .0* (E; ’’ti,
report.d to nav tn-u . wun >ui
v. ill N WltiiH it 11-jiis. and .0 h -ve
et. ed u. uic nm'• o hi cica il,
1 ; Kfikiwiiig pi optT.v, • i/,
Ja *;.• city < I sv.h
nah. ••rii'i a sittglv si.hi ;| use,
calculdted lor two len.-iiieiii
■ on: Aey;< f dio t, . .ul ooA.I .
“O’ uortgaj* 11 pi 10 r, at et,u*
” • : Ere s.i.d Hi- lUI aoou
< i’ <j,
e. whei rets tile said jury coil
.'■i ‘lls'er.v, *5-1. oi th- rvjr.iiea. >r
tHO pui eon ;ipp .ared to gair.
siy tile i;ne
t he: ‘ .th thercfrtJ t * n-ititv
tii arid ,mg ilar tile Kindred or
. ,:irs. w:) > nay cittiin under V a
said Jo m M tdi 1:0 i ■ ;.iseJ. who
is supposed to ii iVr bet’ll l ilj’ive
s: UK’ kingdom of Great Britan,
mhe (Led on or about the 8-h
Jty o. jtpte.T.bvr, 1801, Unci’ war,
Ics iZm of T • United .S<af of
Arituico, and chat if no person
mb appear >.b nt Rio riifljt and
to tie S't* l property vsrithi >
no be the act ol th
: h.s -ririhlv, pas’ ctl 5’ h
’ . . , the same wi 11 both
•il . i p . > ina!, be declared es
‘•* Red 10, A rested in said state,
Diven under m iirtrtd a n :l sea!
‘• the v if S tea •* i. th * .sy
i’ty Vzbpi ■ ‘ s v o 1 ‘•-■'...J R'ji’ . 1J . -- I<•■ .1
f< a’-of American Independence.
EUWA RD WiliTE.iisciieator.
d> h’ iv-ecUi. 'try JtfiiN’ .VxlL-
Lr. JiGE, Governor and t.'oin
■ii i.adtfr in Chief of the Ann
and navy tfi this S’.ato, mid o
tile Vulid * thereof.
\ 4. T -i E<E ii in and by •
ad paired the if
February entitled Vn
” atl regulate the General.
C(> Elefction.s in this State, an .
“ to appoint tire .rime of ti,
• c ineeung ofthe General
“ lem'iiy,’ 11 is among oth 1
4i !l ”ng. ledaitd : •< fiiat ah
k * w I!: ‘ll eiesi fits to i'i V.l
‘ s cun ics rut may happen for
* 4 * mhu ors of the General As
s übiy of this state, or
i Joule of o
’* the United States, shall he
u (iireeled to th.e jultiees
“ the l r.fei'ior C-Mitts of th
ref.) ‘tlivc count-. who aie
rr.j jired to give pupiic r _ >.
tice 1 hereof, and cattle the
lame to be held in m H r
1,4 and ‘oral and ( V ten 0 ■ m.;
“ put 1 ted oi'ti, ag.ccabie to
“ fitch Wilt,”
And whei chi a vacancy hath
happened in the Hod it: of Ke
urdentatives of the - Un'ited
States, by reason of the resig
nation of the Honorable {•.
feph Bryan, who was cleCt.d
and commissioned to serve h.s a
member therein, (br this Rate,
utttii the fourth day of March
next, I have therefore iho’t
proper to uTte this try procla
mitton, hereby notifying, tii
retting and ordering the Jus
tices of the lufcrio, Courts of
tlie relpettive counties in this
date, to coißider the feme as a
general writ of election for fill
mg the aforesaid vacancy. And
Ido hereby charge Sc require
the Tuid f ufliccs to giv'e due
notice, that an election for the
pi*i pole afnr. s, id will be held
tn ; he c ; oe-'dive nunues, cn
;vi ■ j hay ii fi.’-.t t v oi
SI, d•E VI EAR ext I
•••' iv-1 ‘-by fur.her req ‘.ire Mat
Gmntu 1; of aU en njou, as
he aiottlavi act m-i., out, be
na le to the Ex ‘i u ive De
..■Ei ii-fi’ .vitiv ■th 1 m..’ pre-
(ii .uh Hid. r ik h?nd end
tin- l'y S ll ’}j ; I- State, at
thn >a • u “ 1 1 Louisville,
ilii rem . -Eg’ • t iiy .H Jam-,
in dtu - var of o r Lmd, one
tn s'l-aful High’ . h.nidfcd arid
ix, and rib Uiim and S.iites of
Anu: •tc fi dill”.
John Mi Hedge.
8v I** ‘■ !■ (j..
: ; * Mrh if , Secretary
a the iS to tii
iHD ‘t unseat XdE its,
Have j-tst received on can
f'gmn, • from V uiadelphin
c 2d bb's. /.oaf Sugar,
winch will be fold for cam. oi
( *n alh rt credit. ‘i'hctv v;i
-ndeavonr to keep a con-dan■
yafpiy of this article.
i!. ‘t )’ BOLTON.
Attcrn ‘ J Itstcts.’
BRough r ’t*>” JaTL;
A n.~ o fellow about li
fert ten inelies high, b- .
complexion, ; and 3’
ve.r.of age ; belon
to caps. St,: \ t , hi . - )Uc .’
V- t. PI HD R. U.
L* ! S Li
f vV H I.C VIIMoSH 1 J )
Slierift S s Sales.
’•Vi!’ be fiid, on tic- fi r ft
TUESDAY in Sm:cm, icr
ii’ x., at the cr> ;rl iion'e in
tins city, between the h >urs
<>‘ f en -tn i d.-vett n'c'oek
. THHf K NEGRO s, V iz’
Cel!a and ner two Citi-dr 1,
m'ah and Torn, undivided
>per!y, ihivc i under iu 1 fry
vCCutt-ms again i I hum as
‘■'bds ti.iu il 1 1 ji n den,
A L S O,
John and !„ s w.lf J rh rin?,
‘geth.w with their ‘ chi dreu,
ciarlutte, EHi-t and Aon,
ken under execution-, EL in
. wis vs. Emanuel Verrgill,
limed oat by the <i ientiaiu.
A N 1),
I’bc H.mle 1 rid V, i". H ,i',i
mg. adjoining ;.ne iAi N->.
oppoli e vV.Hiarn Spcu -cf
m:o. •- 10(’ : y A'ilt • R
k <■) H:n I ::i r cx-i udu lat
‘f of ■* r .. h j acobs vs.
W'iii'um T* i> kcr
A- >, Lot V>. t . (>..) T> r
co: •• thing l i;. pv’
•vi.!: •he t'norovew.c-ustheenu,
>r ‘a ,iucn is wi'l I’n'i-f- ‘hp
GG'S due ‘fvr - ear :tof “.V
vVi sit* n ‘. E, j>tiiitgd out by
the t ! c!en v.iu.
C Olid it toe-. U; f>
H. W. AtiLLtAM n- C
Au>u I j. ->
V- :—1 L
On the lift I'acclitr 1 ‘.!J i*
ber next, at the Cut .jjfd
in the city of Sav , S n ,i,
W!u nk sold,
A’ the ttfU tl hau
FO Uiine > roes vec Sv! -
vis. J-nney, Mecloi atr I S-.u
key, seized and to be J oi .i
i’E’ and oy virtue of an
execitiion founded bn a
mortgage John Pc.poll, vsv
James Smith.
i.L VV. Williams, a. s. c. c.
Augu.'i 4. rh
take mohcil -
I net on the li!tee ith Jt</ >
September next, at the plan*
taiion of jacoi) IV/br, 1 tte
of B l'ke county; deceafei,
•A! 1 .!.£ ocrfonßi property Se
b> tte efL.te ot laid
Wa. T ‘.YLOR,
A dniiniitrator.
Augyifi 4. y 7
S) ,i ..> 1. j
ON -Sunday night in : .r. . i-v,
Wi’s b: ok open, ami tdr 1,. ! >■• M , ?
it ne* > sof. ii ■li. rEro.n via :
A 1 ■ ry pair of boa. Dari a
u ‘.i s n•.
Four fniv p,j : ecx.
One sni.i’ t.i i-r and rill-: G u n,
>'!■: i'-Mi il or IC. Vs, h :.
1 Will git’.: a reward of t-11 do!.
,r% r '’ any per-un ch i. w , r--
•ore the above article , to tn.-,- -<t
’• -/ dollars or, pro cco.tillg ;h a
•let or tin v sto con ic j.i
J ACOB BUG 1 \ , \S.
JU m ts
o be hire 1 by the
yc tr,
A likely to Man,—
’ 1 it:e hi 1 hi. Orfice.
Jv 3 1 • ij.. - X L
Tv.o nn-irr ;ticc-J gre
uted t ‘.hit OiliwC.
\ugu.t ll
(plrt *♦ t b ft
Fhtnk Mai; if sis, .. u