Newspaper Page Text
NO. 134
YYj George TAobertson, 3r.
At Eight Dalian per annum, payable in advance.
tS published to meet the arrangement of the
mail, three times a week, (Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday) at the Office of the Daily Geor
gian, and contains all the intelligence, Commer-
cud, Political and Miscellaneous, including ad
vertisements, published in the Daily Paper.
The Country Paper is sent to all partsjif the
State aod Union, or delivered in the City, at
gve dollars per annum, payable in advance.
Advertisements are inserted in both papers
at 7S cents per square, of 14 l nes, for the first
Insertion, and 374 for every succeeding publi-
ration. ■
V Notice and Caution.
HERE AS I have been informed that John
Carnochan and Peter Mitchell of this ci
ty have by sundry deeds recently mortgaged
and assigned to divers persons either their indi
vidual creditors, creditors of the late firm of
Carnochan U Mitchell, or others, all or sundry
the property and estate, both real and personal,
of the said firm, as well as their own individual
property and estate, consisting together of
Houses, lots, lands, stores, wharves, negroes, 8cc.
In Savannah and Darien in Georgia, or the
neighborhood thereof, and elsewhere with their
interest or share in the stock of the lower
•team mill nesr Darien, and sundry shares in
the United States Bank and other bunks, as well
is sundry debts due to them in various places,
besides lands, lots, negroes, 8cc. in the territory
of Florida, and particularly one large tract of
land bought of Forbea U Co. lying between
the rivers St. Marks and Apalachicola in the
territory of Florida aforesaid.
These are hereby to caution tne public agftinst
purchasing any part of the said property or es
tate so conveyed, or any other property belong
ing to the said Carnochan & Mitchell, or either
Of them, as I hold prior mortgages on the great-
eit part thereof, which are on record in the re
gistry in Savannah and Darien aforesaid and m
Charleston, S. C. and equitable leins on all the
S ronertv of said John Carnochan and Peter
June 8 f!2
To the Public.
J CARNOCHAN and P. M1TCHEL are sor-
a ry to be again brought before the public
hy a second notice of Mr Christie's, who lias uif
Shuinedly claims agaluat them, which, when
• unity liquidated on the decision of the suit
now pending, they will try to satisfy as anon as
^°ThB *deed» ^nuler which Mr Christie claims
•n exclusive right to all the real and personal
estate of Carnochan 8. Mitcltel, are considered
ss informal, unjust and illegal. Hence they
have been Brought and are still before the court,
and other deeds have been executed and re-
corded, conveying the property tor the use of
*11 their creditors, Mr Christie included, with
out any trust or reservation beneficial to C. V
M. or their families i and if this be not agreea
ble to that gentleman, it must nevertheless an-
pear fair and equitable to the public and all who
have a souse of justice.
. The Trustees under wo late deens are anx
ious to sell the Lands in Florida, alluded to in
the notice of Mr Christie, and to apply the pro
ceeds to the immediate payment of part of his
demand, and deposit a sufficiency thereof to co
ver all his claim, subject to the decision of the
court—but his opposition to any reasonable sale,
•s one interested in his own right, whilst injur
ing all parties concerned, must be borne until a
■sle can lie made under an order of court.
Editors of papers who insert Mr Christie’s
notice, will please insert the above until Ins is
withdrawn, and forward their bills to the “avan-
h Republican Office, where they will be
promptly paid by J. C. ttf 1. M.
Superior Court—Chatham
j Chamber*, 20th November, 1821*
las B. Smith, Complainant, 1
, AND |
usan 11.8mith, Alton Pemberton,
irilliam Callaghan and Amelia his Wn Equity.
ife, Samuel Stocks and Elisabeth I
is w ife, Probart and Mary
is wife, Defendants. J
On reading the affidavit of Thomas B. Smith,
omplainant, in a nill in Equity, in the Superior
lourt of the County of Chatham, stating that
Ron Pemberton, one of the defendants in said
[ill, resides in the county of Burke in this state;
let William Callaghan and Amelia his wife, also
efendants in ssidbill, reside at Newport in the
;ate of R. Island; and that Samuel Stocks and E-
zabeth Iris wife, and —- Probart and Mary Ilia
-ife, also defendants in said bill, reaidodn the
ingdom of Great Britain—It is ordered, that
ublication ofRhis rule in one of the public ga-
Ettes of this state, weekly for two months from
■is date, be considered m sufficient service to
[impel the appearance of the said Alton Pern-
erNn ; that publication of this rule in one of
le public gazettes of this state,weekly for three
lonths from this date be considered a sufficient
■rvice to compel the appearance of the aaid
Villiatn Callaghan and Amelia his wife, and that
ublication of this hiie in one of the public ga-
ettes, of this etate weekly, for eight months
■om tins date, be considered as sufficient ser-
ice to comiiel the appearance of Samuel Stocks
»d Elizabeth his wife; and Probart and
lary Ids wife. And it is fiirlher ordered, that
t the expiration of the respective periods a-
iresaid, the said parties, respectively, do sp
ear and answer to the Complainant s Bill.
Extract from the Mmutet,
nny. 26 18 m_ ___
Warranted Articles.
UST received, per ship Corsair, a fre6h sup-
• ply of
Perfumery and Spices.
iprll 36
For sale by
Druggist, No 8, Gibbons* buildings.
Georgia—Camden County.
By John Dailey, Clerk of the Court of Ordinary
for said county.
W HEREAS, John Bailey, executor of the
estate of Jane Taylor alias Jane Camp
bell, late of said county, dec. applies to the hon
orable the Court of Ordinary of said county s ffor
to be discharged from his executorship on laid
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular the heirs and creditors of said es
tate, to fileftheir objections (if any they have)
in the clerk’s office of the court of ordinary on
or before the first Monday in August next,other
wise the Siid executor will be discharged.
Witness, the Hon. William Gibson, one of the
Judges of said Court, this twentieth day of Jan
uary, 18.12,
(L. S.) JOHN BAILEY, c c o c c
jan 26 50f
Georgia—Camden County.
W HEREAS, Mrs. Louisa C. Shaw, Execu
trix, applies for letters oT dismission from
tlie estate of General Nathaniel Green, deceas
ed These are therefore to cite and admonish
all and singular the kindred and creditors of
said deceased to be and nppear at my office, on
or before the first Monday in Janaary next, and
shew cause (if any) why said letters should not
be granted, in terms of the law.
Given under my hand and seal, this 22d day
of June, 1822.
[t. s.l JOHN BAILEY, o.o.o.c.0.
July 1
Georgia—Camden County.
W HEREAS, Elihu Atwater, esquire, admi
nistrator, applies for letters of dismission
from the estates of Colonel William Scott, de
ceased, John Campbell, deceased, and Havens
Waterman, deceased. These are therefore to
cite and admonish all and singular the kindred
and creditors of said deceased persons, to be
and appi irat my office on or before the first
Monday in January next, and shew cause (if any)
why said letters should not he granted in terms
of the law.
Given under my hand and seal, this 22d June,
(l. s.l JOHN BAILEY, c. c. o. c. c.
July 1
Prince’s Digest,
OTpHE undersigned having contracted to print
«Jl for the State a certain number of copies,
now issue
Fa)' publishing to those who may become subscri
bers, a
State of Georgia.
Containing all Statutes, and the substance of all
Resolutions of a general and public nature,
and now in force, which have been passed in
this State previous to the session of the Gen
eral Assembly of December, 1820, with oc-
casiunal explanatory notes and connection
references, and a list of the Statutes repealed
or obshlete.
to WAicn ib ADncn,
Containing the Constitution of the U. States ;
the Constitution of the State of Georgia ns
amended; the Statutes of Frauds and Perju
ries, the Habeas Corpus Act, &fc. £3c.
Compiled by the appointment, and under the au
thority of the General Assembly,
There are few sp ignorant us not to know that
a work like this, if even tolerably executed,
must possess intrinsic value. The compilation
of this book is allowed by competent judges, to
be performed in a very masterly manner; and
the well known character of the gentlenian
whose name it benr9, forhidn the idea of any
deficiency of industry or talent in executing
the important seryice confided to him by the
It is believed t.nat every man who can conve
niently buy this work ought to possess it, be
cause it behoves every citizen to have some
knowledge of the laws of his country. The
opinion expressed by Judge Blackstone is cer
tainly correct that, “As every one is interest
ed in the preservation of the Laws, it is in
cumbent upon every man to be acquainted with
those at leust with which he is immediately
concerned; lest he incur the censure, as well
as inconvenience, of living in Society, without
knowing the obligations which it lays him un
The book will be neatly printed anfl substan
tially bound m one large royal octavo volume,
in size equal to H InyersolVs Digest of the Laws
qf the United States,” and will be furnished to
subscribers at the price that books sell for in
Philadelphia, to Wit, seven dollars per copy,
payable on delivery of the work; which will be
ready by November or December next.
Milledgeville, 22d April, 1822.
may 4
Bug Destroying Tincture.
•• Tir’d Nature’s soft restorer balmy sleep,
He like the world, his resdy visit pays
Where fortune smiles: the wretched he for
Swift on his downy pinions flies from bed
With Bugs infested; and gilds the Couch
Of prudent house wife.
JA FTER the most minute research and ex-
perience made on its efficacy, Dr. BER
THELOT now confidently assures the public
that he has invented a mixture which will most
infallibly destroy those unwelcome disturbers of
our repose, by applying it to the furniture which
they infest. There is no danger in its use, and
it is perfectly tree from ungrateful smell.
As Dr. B. is desirous that what he' now of
fers to suffering humanity may recomnjend it
self hy its use, he abstains from all that panegy-
rick too often accompanying the most contemp
tible nostrums. june 13
Leghorn Hats, ^c.
F OUR cases .Leghorn Hats
Two ciitto*sup. Cambric Prints
One English built Curricle, with Harness com
plete For sale by
In the Circuit Court of the
United States,
In and for the District of Pennsylvania,
in the third Circuit.
Joseph Marx and Joseph Mart*
. and George Marx, citizens of
the state of Virginia, who sue
as well in their own names as
in behalf of such oilier Per
sons, Stockholders of the late
Bank of the United States
heretofore named, as shall
come in and become Parties
hereto, contributing to the
Expenses of this Suit—Com
AND In Equity
David Lenox, Eliaa Boudinot, i October,
Robert Smith, James C. Fish- [ Sessions
er, Joseph Sims, Archibald 1817.
McCall, Paul Sieman, Samuel
Coates, Henry Pratt, George
Fox, Paschall Hollingsworth,
John Siille, Thomas M. Wil
ling, Horace Dinney, George
Harrison, Abijah Hammond,
William Bayard and Oliver
Wolcott, citizens of the State
of Pennsylvania, Trustees of
the late Bank of the United
ND now, to wit, thi9 twenty-third day of
April, one thousand eight hundred and
twfcnty-two, this cause came before the Court,
on a Mandate from the Honorable the Supreme
Court of the United States for further prdceed*
ings. Whereupon it 19 ordered And decreed—
That the holders of Notes of the late Bank of
the United States, bring them in for payment
at the late Banking House of said Banx in the
city of Philadelphia, before the aeventh day of
April, A. D. 1823, and that on'tliat day this
Court will make a final Decree for Distribution
of the funds reserved in the hands of the de
fendants for payment of said Notes; and it is
further ordered and decreed, tliat the Clerk
cause this order to be published in one public
newspaper in each of the following places, to
wit*.—Philadelphia, Boston, NtfwiYork, Balti
more, Norfolk, Charleston, Savnnnih, and New-
Orleans, at least once a week, for nine calender
months, before the said eleventh day of April
next. A true copy.
D. CALDWELL, Clei'k Cir. C.
The Editors of the Boston Evening Gazette,
at Boston, of the New-York Evening Post, at
New-York, of the American, at Baltimore, of
the Norfolk Herald, at Norfolk, of the Charles
ton City Gazette, at Charleston, of the Gporgi-
an, at Savannah, and of the Louisiana Advertis
er, at New-Orleans, are requested to insert the
above in their respective gazettes once wweek,
for nine calender months, before the lrth da)
of April; 1823, und to forward their bills,as soon
thereafter as may be, to the subscriber, accom
panied by an affidavit proving the publication,
conformably to the foregoing order.
D. CALDWELL, Clerk Cir, C.
may 9
From North to South.
F ROM four to six new, comfortably construct
ed four wheel Vehicles, drawn by four
horses each, and drove by sober and careful
drivers, will set out from Trenton in New-Jer-
scy to Savannah, via Augusta, in Georgia, on or
about the 15th day of September nest The
route through Pennsylvania, Virginia and the
Carolinas. will be confined as muoli to tile
neighborhood of mountainn, aa the good roads
through the country will allow. The journey
will be leisurely taken, so as to consume from
four to five or even six weeks, dependent some
what upon the the inclination of persons who
may become passengers.
Those who are disposed to engage scats for
the above described journey, can do so by ap
plying to the Post master of Savannah. Priori
ty in the choice of seats will be regulated by
numbering the first applicant one, which will
entitle that person to the first selection andso
on to the last. An entire carriage can lie ta
ken up by engaging the numbecr of seats.
P.S. All tlie Gazettes in Georgia and those
at Columbia, Suuth-Carolina, are requested to
insert the above notice twice a month, for the
two succeeding months, and forward their ac-
enunts for paymenttothe Post-Master at Savan
nail. may 28
T HE firm of Rockwell 13 Hepburn is dissolv
ed, in consequence of the death of J, L,
Hepburn, Esq.
The subscribers have formed a connection in
the Practice of Law, under the firm of ROCK
WELL & MORGAN, They will attend to pro-
fessiona! business, in the Federal Court, in the
Ocmulgee circuit, and in those counties where
in the late firm of Rockwell £3 Hepburn prac
Their office is in Milledgevilift, corner of Jef
ferson and McIntosh streets, where one of them
may be found >11 times, when not on the cir
cuit. 8. ROCKWELL.
Milledgeville, June 10, 1822.
june 14
Factorage & Commission
T HE undersigned have this day entered into
copartnership in the abpve line under the
firm of Stosses 13 Hunter—and solicit from
their friends a share of business-^-Their Count
ing Room rain the west end of Bulloch’s Build
ings. They will be enabled to make suitable
advances on produce deposited for sale.
Savannah. Dec. 1, 1821. . 5
A Situation Wanted.
Young Woman wishes* situation in a re
spectable family going to the North, and
would be willing to return in the fall. A line
may 16
HOYT I addressed to IL C. Mil left .t this office, will be
I attended to. juiy 8 p
Effingham Superior Court,
December term, 1881.
The Trustees of the German*!
Lutheran Church at Ebene. |
w >On Foreclosure
John Freycrmuth and several I Mortgage
parcels of Land J
O N tlie petition nf the Trustees of |lte Ger
man Lutheran Church at Cbenezer, stating
that the said John Freycrmuth on tlie fifteenth
day of April, eighteen hundred U fifteen, niort.
gaged by deed under seal tn the petitioners, ail
those tracts of land, containing three hundred
acres In Effingham county, state aforesaid, on a
small creek adjoining Judidlah Weitman Kelly’s
and Garrison’s land; also another fitly nercs, sit
uated and beipg in the district of Kbeneacr,
bounded by land of Tetcr Arnctolf & F. Brook-
tiers, at the time of survey granted to Landfcl-
der; also,another tract of land situate in the aev-
enteeth district of the county of Baldwin, con
taining two hundred and two and a half acres,
known by the number (104) one hundred and
uur, with the appurtenances, tu secure the pay
ment of a bond or obligation of tlie snid John,
bearing date the day and year aforesaid tf pray
ing the foreclosure of the said mortgage. It ap
pearing to the Court that there is now due on
the said bond and mortgage the sum uf two hun
dred dollars, with interest st six per cent, from
the fifteenth day of April, eighteen hundred &
eighteen. On motion of Wayno and Cuyler, at
torneys of the petitioners, it is ordered that the
said John Frcyermuth, his heirs or representa
tives, do pay into Court the amount due as a-
foresaid within twelve months from this date,
otherwise that the equity of redemption of the
said John and his heirs, in the said mortgaged
premises, be foreclosed, and that such further
proceedings tukc place as are by law directed.
It is ftirther ordered that this Buie be pub
lished once a month for twelve months in a pub-
lie gazette of this state, or be served on the de
fendant or his representative or agent aix
months prior to the time appointedfor the pay-
ment of the-money into Court.
Extract from the Minute,.
dee II re?
Sheriff's Sales.
On the frit Turnlay in Auyutt next.
11/lLL be aold at the Court House in the city
V». nf Savannah, between the hours often
and ftiur o'clock,
All that lot of land In the city of Savannah,
known by the number one (1) Relitha tything,
Hcathcnte ward, containing fixty feet in front
and ninety feet in depth, together will, the
buildings therenn, mortgaged by Patrick Stun-
ton to Andrew G. Semmes, and sold under a
rule absolute from the Superior Court of Chat-
hum county. »■
Also, the following negroes, Ben, Morgan,
Harry, Will, Kuig, Nigicy, Asney and Lucy, le-
vied on u* the property of Grorge D. Milieu, to
sausfy an execution in ftvor of James Anderson.
Also, .mulatto women named Phoebe, levied
on as the property of David Polock, deceased,
to satisfy executions from a justice's court, in
Invoruf David A. Northrop, returned tome by
a constable;, '
Also a negro man named Demho, levied on ns
the property of Mark Elleboe, deceased, to sa-
ttsfy executions from a.justice's court, in favor
?! A1| cu Denmark, returned tu me by a consta
Also, buildings on lot number thirty.nine (39)
— ward, bounded south by Broughton street,
north by a lane, east by lot No 38, we«t by lot
No 40, levied on us the property of Mrs. Maria
A. Pierce, to satisfy executions from s justice's
court in fkvor of David Leon, Reuben Newcomb,
and Strobar & Winkler, returned to me by a
Also, a negro girl named Lucy, levied on a.
tlie property of Thomas D. Porter, deceased,
to satisfy an execution in favor of Jamei M. Pon
ter, for use of George Millen.
Also a mulatto woman named Jane, levied on
as the property of Asahel How, at the suit of
John Haupt and others, returned by a cmiBtable,
July 9
Augusta Stage Office,
W On the frit Tuesday in Any,at next,
ILL be sold at the court house ill the city
of Savannah, between the hours of 10 at>4
4 o'clock,
All that lot of Land in the city of Savannah,
known hy the number eight (b) first tylliinr,
Anson ward, silty feet by ninety, with th«
buildings thereon, sold under a decree obtained
in the lion. Superior Court of Chatham county,
*1 tlie property of John Speakman, deceased.
July IS
id lilHE office of (lie Augusta Stnge having been
4JL removed from the City Hotel, on tho Bay,
to Culnnel Shetlman’, MANSION HOUSE, in
Broughton street, Persons wishing scats will ap
ply there in future.
june 17 no
D octor BERTHELOT respectfully in-
forms the public and his friends, that he
is supplied in his store with a large quantity of
that efficacious'Medicine called the Syrup of
Palmetto, which is celebrated for its extraordi
nary virtues in destroying WORMS, which so
generally afflict children in this country. It has
been generally acknowledged all over the West
Indies and the United States. This Syrup be
ing of an agreeable flavor, children will take it
easily without that disgust which ordinarily at
tends the use of other Medicines employed
for the same purpose.
Those persons who will use this Syrup in
the above case may be certain of a radical cure.
Directions to use it will be given by the sub
scriber. J.B. BERTHELOT.
may 31 , ,
J. fi. Herbert (5 uo.
Offer for sale,
hhds prime New-Orleans Sugar
50 hhds Muscovado do.
J0U bis do do.
250 bags prime green Coffee
200 casks assorted Cut Nails
20 hluls pure Jamaica Rum, 4th proof
7 pipes Cognac Brandy
20 Iihds4th proof New-Orleans Rum
80 casks BBS Porter
50 crates assorted Crockery ware
200 kegs Lard
100 boxeB Troy Candles
100 bis kiln dried Corn Meal
20 bags Pimento
50 boxes Muscatel Raisint
50 do Crab Cider
300 bushels Corn
Terms, for approved endorsed paper will be
accommodating. July 11
The Subscriber
O FFERS for sale a FARM LOT, about foD
miles from Savannah, known by the No 10,
Carpenter tything, Decker ward, bounded on
the north by landa of David Taylor, on the aouth
by Lot No 4, Eylca tything, on the caat by Lot
No 9, Love’s, tnd on the west by lands former
ly B. Gibbon’s. An accurate plat of the land
will be shown to any person disposed to pur
chase. In the meantime all persons aro cau
tioned against cutting the wood off said land.
may 10 fr.
Cily Sheriff’s Sales.
W On the first 7\iesday in August next,
ILL be aold in front of the Court House,
between the usual houM'of 10and 3 o’clk
by virtue pf sundry execution! to me directed,
all the! undivided fourth part of that, lot known
in the plan of the city of Savnnnali as lot No
twenty-one (21) and buildings, hounded north
hy St Julian street, south by Congress street,
east by East-Broad street, west hy lot No 22,
levied on as the property or Abiel H. Swcigh.
offer, to satisfy an execution in favor of WiUfiur
Also, sundry nrticles r.f household furniture
levied on as the property of Susan Wilson, ti
saiisly an execution for rent, in favor of Petei
Also, one grey mare, levied On as the pro
perty of Edward Mount, to saiisly an executioi
lor rent, in favor of J, Vollaton.
Also, sundry articles of household furniture
!ev.W on as tlie property of Mrs Fairfield, to sa
tisfy an execution for rent, in fuvor of Charlei
H- Hayden.
July 9 ABRAHAM I. D’LYON, oe
Elegant Saddlery and Harness
Manufactory ,
R ICHARD M’KENZIE, begs leave to inform
his friends and the public, that he has re
moved his Saddle, Harness and Patent Leather
Trunk Manufactory from Philadelphia to the
corner of Broadway and Wsll-stfeet, New-York,.
where lie has for sale, every article of superior
quality in the above line. All ordecs carefully
attended to. In addition, H. M'K. will be regu
larly supplied with Saddles aud Bridle, from
his correspondent in London,
june 3 6w
Classical and English SchooL
T HE subscriber has removed his school to
the room under Solomon’s Lodge, nenrthe
old Presbyterian Church, where he can receive
a few additional Scholars. For terms apply at
the School, or at Measra Oemler U Posey's,
Broughton street.
june 29
At Private Sale.
4 Prime Negro Girl, about IS years of sge, a
Afirst rate house lervant. Apply to
juiy 9
Sheriff’s Sale.
W On the dir it Tuesday in Augmt next;
ILL be sold, st the Court-House, in th
Town of Jefferson, Camden County, b(
tween the hours often nnd four o’clock of thi
day; one tract of land lying on Little Satill
nver, oallra tilt Looms* tract, containing 20
Alto, One tract on tho same river, togethc
with the Improvements thereon, where Jam<
C. Dilworth resides, containing 500. Also, or
tract of land on the big branch of the said rive
containing 100 acres. Also, one tract on Whit
Oak, called the Gum Pond, containing 70 acre
Levied on as the property of James C. Di
worth, to satisfy an Execution in favour <
Meigs E3 Reed, and others.
. » LONG, D.a.c.Ck
Jefferion, July 1st, 1822.
july 13 f
Public Sale.
Henry Haupt and others, com-T
plnnanis, and f./n Equity.
Henry Haupt, defendant. )
Tl Y virtu, of a decree of the honorable th
m3 Superior court of Chatham county, in equ
ty, will be sold at the court house in the city t
Savannah, on the first TUESDAY, in Augiu
next, all that Lot of Land in said city, know!
by the No 5, in Reynolds ward, situate on thi
comer of; Congreas and Drayton streets, witl
the improvements on the northern, moiety c
the lot. Conditions cash. By order.
J. B. HERBERT U CO. Auct'rv
fuly 11
T HE persons whose names are hereunto in
nexed, are natives of Liberty couoty, in tha
state of Georgia, have resided in said state from
the time of their birth; and have had their
names registered in my office as persons of eo»
lor claiming to be free.
Tirah attends to farming on Mr. Thomas Mal
lard’* plantation; ahe is 53 years old.
Prince, a son of Titsdi, a carpenter by trade,
i* 24year* old, and residea on Colonel’s bland.
Belter, a washerwoman, resides at Ricebo-
rough, and is 33 years old.
Katy, a daughter of Beller, is 12 yearn old,
and waits ou Mr. William Baker, at Gravel Hill.
Abram, a carpenter, is 35 years old, and re.
•idea at Mr Richard 8 Baker's.
july 4
Poor House and Hospital.
THSITING Committee for July and Anna
ANDERSON. Attending Physician, Dr. W1
John hunter, Secreixry.